Uses of Class

Packages that use Converter
org.apache.camel.component.bean The Bean Component which will look up the bean name in the Spring ApplicationContext and use that to dispatch messages to a POJO 
org.apache.camel.component.file The File Component for working with file systems. 
org.apache.camel.converter A set of helper classes for converting from different types of Java object to be used by the Type Conversion Support 
org.apache.camel.converter.jaxp A number of JAXP related helper classes for converting to and from various JAXP related classes like Document and Source to be used by a TypeConverter Package with converters for dealing with stream-based messages 
org.apache.camel.impl.converter Default implementation classes the Type Conversion Strategies 

Uses of Converter in org.apache.camel.component.bean

Classes in org.apache.camel.component.bean with annotations of type Converter
 class BeanConverter
          A set of converter methods for working with beans

Uses of Converter in org.apache.camel.component.file

Classes in org.apache.camel.component.file with annotations of type Converter
 class GenericFileConverter
          A set of converter methods for working with generic file types

Methods in org.apache.camel.component.file with annotations of type Converter
static InputStream GenericFileConverter.genericFileToInputStream(GenericFile<?> file, Exchange exchange)
static Serializable GenericFileConverter.genericFileToSerializable(GenericFile<?> file, Exchange exchange)
static String GenericFileConverter.genericFileToString(GenericFile<?> file, Exchange exchange)

Uses of Converter in org.apache.camel.converter

Classes in org.apache.camel.converter with annotations of type Converter
 class CamelConverter
          Some useful converters for Camel APIs such as to convert a Predicate or Expression to a Processor
 class CollectionConverter
          Some core java.util Collection based Type Converters
 class DateTimeConverter
          Date and time related converters.
 class IOConverter
          Some core based Type Converters
 class NIOConverter
          Some core java.nio based Type Converters
 class ObjectConverter
          Some core java.lang based Type Converters
 class TimePatternConverter

Methods in org.apache.camel.converter with annotations of type Converter
static String ObjectConverter.fromCharArray(char[] value)
static Iterator<?> ObjectConverter.iterator(Object value)
          Creates an iterator over the value
static Object[] CollectionConverter.toArray(Collection<?> value)
          Converts a collection to an array
<T> ArrayList<T>
CollectionConverter.toArrayList(Iterator<T> it)
          Converts an Iterator to a ArrayList
static boolean ObjectConverter.toBool(Object value)
          Converts the given value to a boolean, handling strings or Boolean objects; otherwise returning false if the value could not be converted to a boolean
static Boolean ObjectConverter.toBoolean(Object value)
          Converts the given value to a Boolean, handling strings or Boolean objects; otherwise returning null if the value cannot be converted to a boolean
static Boolean ObjectConverter.toBoolean(String value)
static Byte ObjectConverter.toByte(Object value)
          Returns the converted value, or null if the value is null
static byte[] IOConverter.toByteArray(BufferedReader reader, Exchange exchange)
static byte[] IOConverter.toByteArray(ByteArrayOutputStream os)
static byte[] NIOConverter.toByteArray(ByteBuffer buffer)
static byte[] IOConverter.toByteArray(File file)
static byte[] IOConverter.toByteArray(Reader reader, Exchange exchange)
static byte[] IOConverter.toByteArray(String value, Exchange exchange)
static ByteBuffer NIOConverter.toByteBuffer(byte[] data)
static ByteBuffer NIOConverter.toByteBuffer(Double value)
static ByteBuffer NIOConverter.toByteBuffer(File file)
static ByteBuffer NIOConverter.toByteBuffer(Float value)
static ByteBuffer NIOConverter.toByteBuffer(Integer value)
static ByteBuffer NIOConverter.toByteBuffer(Long value)
static ByteBuffer NIOConverter.toByteBuffer(Short value)
static ByteBuffer NIOConverter.toByteBuffer(String value, Exchange exchange)
static byte[] IOConverter.toBytes(InputStream stream)
static char ObjectConverter.toChar(String value)
static char[] ObjectConverter.toCharArray(String value)
static Class<?> ObjectConverter.toClass(Object value, Exchange exchange)
          Returns the converted value, or null if the value is null
static Date DateTimeConverter.toDate(Long l)
static Double ObjectConverter.toDouble(Object value)
          Returns the converted value, or null if the value is null
static Double ObjectConverter.toDouble(String value)
static File IOConverter.toFile(String name)
static Float ObjectConverter.toFloat(Object value)
          Returns the converted value, or null if the value is null
static Float ObjectConverter.toFloat(String value)
<K,V> HashMap<K,V>
CollectionConverter.toHashMap(Map<? extends K,? extends V> map)
<K,V> Hashtable<K,V>
CollectionConverter.toHashtable(Map<? extends K,? extends V> map)
static InputStream IOConverter.toInputStream(BufferedReader buffer, Exchange exchange)
static InputStream IOConverter.toInputStream(byte[] data)
static InputStream IOConverter.toInputStream(ByteArrayOutputStream os)
static InputStream NIOConverter.toInputStream(ByteBuffer bufferbuffer)
static InputStream IOConverter.toInputStream(File file)
static InputStream IOConverter.toInputStream(StringBuffer buffer, Exchange exchange)
static InputStream IOConverter.toInputStream(StringBuilder builder, Exchange exchange)
static InputStream IOConverter.toInputStream(String text, Exchange exchange)
static InputStream IOConverter.toInputStream(URL url)
static Integer ObjectConverter.toInteger(Object value)
          Returns the converted value, or null if the value is null
static Integer ObjectConverter.toInteger(String value)
<T> List<T>
CollectionConverter.toList(Collection<T> collection)
          Converts a collection to a List if it is not already
<T> List<T>
CollectionConverter.toList(Iterable<T> iterable)
          Converts an Iterable into a List
static List<Object> CollectionConverter.toList(Object[] array)
          Converts an array to a collection
static Long DateTimeConverter.toLong(Date date)
static Long ObjectConverter.toLong(Object value)
          Returns the converted value, or null if the value is null
static Long ObjectConverter.toLong(String value)
static long TimePatternConverter.toMilliSeconds(String source)
static ObjectInput IOConverter.toObjectInput(InputStream stream, Exchange exchange)
static ObjectOutput IOConverter.toObjectOutput(OutputStream stream)
static OutputStream IOConverter.toOutputStream(File file)
static Processor CamelConverter.toProcessor(Expression expresion)
static Processor CamelConverter.toProcessor(Predicate predicate)
static Properties CollectionConverter.toProperties(Map<Object,Object> map)
static BufferedReader IOConverter.toReader(File file, Exchange exchange)
static Reader IOConverter.toReader(InputStream in, Exchange exchange)
static StringReader IOConverter.toReader(String text)
<T> Set<T>
CollectionConverter.toSet(Collection<T> collection)
<K,V> Set<Map.Entry<K,V>>
CollectionConverter.toSet(Map<K,V> map)
static Set<Object> CollectionConverter.toSet(Object[] array)
static Short ObjectConverter.toShort(Object value)
          Returns the converted value, or null if the value is null
static String ObjectConverter.toString(Boolean value)
static String IOConverter.toString(BufferedReader reader)
static String IOConverter.toString(byte[] data, Exchange exchange)
static String IOConverter.toString(ByteArrayOutputStream os, Exchange exchange)
static String NIOConverter.toString(ByteBuffer buffer, Exchange exchange)
static String IOConverter.toString(File file, Exchange exchange)
static String IOConverter.toString(InputStream in, Exchange exchange)
static String ObjectConverter.toString(Integer value)
static String ObjectConverter.toString(Long value)
static String IOConverter.toString(Reader reader)
static String ObjectConverter.toString(StringBuffer value)
static String ObjectConverter.toString(StringBuilder value)
static String IOConverter.toString(URL url, Exchange exchange)
static TimeZone DateTimeConverter.toTimeZone(String s)
static BufferedWriter IOConverter.toWriter(File file, Exchange exchange)
static Writer IOConverter.toWriter(OutputStream out, Exchange exchange)

Uses of Converter in org.apache.camel.converter.jaxp

Classes in org.apache.camel.converter.jaxp with annotations of type Converter
 class DomConverter
          Converts from some DOM types to Java types
 class StaxConverter
          A converter of StAX objects
 class StreamSourceConverter
          A converter from StreamSource objects
 class XmlConverter
          A helper class to transform to and from various JAXB types such as Source and Document

Methods in org.apache.camel.converter.jaxp with annotations of type Converter
 XMLEventReader StaxConverter.createXMLEventReader(File file, Exchange exchange)
 XMLEventReader StaxConverter.createXMLEventReader(InputStream in, Exchange exchange)
 XMLEventReader StaxConverter.createXMLEventReader(Reader reader)
 XMLEventReader StaxConverter.createXMLEventReader(Source in)
 XMLEventReader StaxConverter.createXMLEventReader(XMLStreamReader reader)
 XMLEventWriter StaxConverter.createXMLEventWriter(OutputStream out, Exchange exchange)
 XMLEventWriter StaxConverter.createXMLEventWriter(Result result)
 XMLEventWriter StaxConverter.createXMLEventWriter(Writer writer)
 XMLStreamReader StaxConverter.createXMLStreamReader(File file, Exchange exchange)
 XMLStreamReader StaxConverter.createXMLStreamReader(InputStream in, Exchange exchange)
 XMLStreamReader StaxConverter.createXMLStreamReader(Reader reader)
 XMLStreamReader StaxConverter.createXMLStreamReader(Source in)
 XMLStreamReader StaxConverter.createXMLStreamReader(String string)
 XMLStreamWriter StaxConverter.createXMLStreamWriter(OutputStream outputStream, Exchange exchange)
 XMLStreamWriter StaxConverter.createXMLStreamWriter(Result result)
 XMLStreamWriter StaxConverter.createXMLStreamWriter(Writer writer)
 Boolean XmlConverter.toBoolean(NodeList list)
          Converts the given NodeList to a boolean
 byte[] DomConverter.toByteArray(NodeList nodeList, Exchange exchange)
 byte[] XmlConverter.toByteArray(Source source, Exchange exchange)
          Converts the given input Source into bytes
 BytesSource XmlConverter.toBytesSource(byte[] data)
          Converts the given byte[] to a Source
 Document XmlConverter.toDOMDocument(byte[] data)
          Converts the given data to a DOM document
 Document XmlConverter.toDOMDocument(File file)
          Converts the given File to a DOM document
 Document XmlConverter.toDOMDocument(InputSource in)
          Converts the given InputSource to a DOM document
 Document XmlConverter.toDOMDocument(InputStream in)
          Converts the given InputStream to a DOM document
 Document XmlConverter.toDOMDocument(Node node)
          Create a DOM document from the given Node.
 Document XmlConverter.toDOMDocument(Reader in)
          Converts the given InputStream to a DOM document
 Document XmlConverter.toDOMDocument(Source source)
          Create a DOM document from the given source.
 Document XmlConverter.toDOMDocument(String text)
          Converts the given String to a DOM document
 Document XmlConverter.toDOMDocumentFromSingleNodeList(NodeList nl)
          Convert a NodeList consisting of just 1 node to a DOM Document.
 Element XmlConverter.toDOMElement(Node node)
          Create a DOM element from the DOM node.
 Element XmlConverter.toDOMElement(Source source)
          Create a DOM element from the given source.
 Node XmlConverter.toDOMNode(Source source)
          Converts the given TRaX Source into a W3C DOM node
 Node XmlConverter.toDOMNodeFromSAX(SAXSource source)
 Node XmlConverter.toDOMNodeFromSingleNodeList(NodeList nl)
          Convert a NodeList consisting of just 1 node to a DOM Node.
 Node XmlConverter.toDOMNodeFromStAX(StAXSource source)
 DOMSource XmlConverter.toDOMSource(byte[] bytes)
          Converts the source instance to a DOMSource or returns null if the conversion is not supported (making it easy to derive from this class to add new kinds of conversion).
 DOMSource XmlConverter.toDOMSource(Document document)
          Converts the given Document to a DOMSource
 DOMSource XmlConverter.toDOMSource(File file)
 DOMSource XmlConverter.toDOMSource(InputStream is)
 DOMSource XmlConverter.toDOMSource(Node node)
          Converts the given Node to a Source
 DOMSource XmlConverter.toDOMSource(Source source)
          Converts the source instance to a DOMSource or returns null if the conversion is not supported (making it easy to derive from this class to add new kinds of conversion).
 DOMSource XmlConverter.toDOMSource(String text)
          Converts the source instance to a DOMSource or returns null if the conversion is not supported (making it easy to derive from this class to add new kinds of conversion).
 DOMSource XmlConverter.toDOMSourceFromSAX(SAXSource source)
 DOMSource XmlConverter.toDOMSourceFromStAX(StAXSource source)
 DOMSource XmlConverter.toDOMSourceFromStream(StreamSource source)
 InputSource XmlConverter.toInputSource(File file, Exchange exchange)
 InputSource XmlConverter.toInputSource(InputStream is, Exchange exchange)
 InputStream XmlConverter.toInputStream(Document dom, Exchange exchange)
 InputStream XmlConverter.toInputStream(DOMSource source, Exchange exchange)
 InputStream DomConverter.toInputStream(NodeList nodeList, Exchange exchange)
static InputStream StreamSourceConverter.toInputStream(StreamSource source)
static Integer DomConverter.toInteger(NodeList nodeList)
static List<?> DomConverter.toList(NodeList nodeList)
static Long DomConverter.toLong(NodeList nodeList)
static Reader StreamSourceConverter.toReader(StreamSource source)
 Reader XmlConverter.toReaderFromSource(Source src, Exchange exchange)
 SAXSource XmlConverter.toSAXSource(byte[] in, Exchange exchange)
          Converts the source instance to a SAXSource or returns null if the conversion is not supported (making it easy to derive from this class to add new kinds of conversion).
 SAXSource XmlConverter.toSAXSource(File file, Exchange exchange)
          Converts the source instance to a SAXSource or returns null if the conversion is not supported (making it easy to derive from this class to add new kinds of conversion).
 SAXSource XmlConverter.toSAXSource(InputStream source, Exchange exchange)
          Converts the source instance to a SAXSource or returns null if the conversion is not supported (making it easy to derive from this class to add new kinds of conversion).
 SAXSource XmlConverter.toSAXSource(Source source, Exchange exchange)
          Converts the source instance to a SAXSource or returns null if the conversion is not supported (making it easy to derive from this class to add new kinds of conversion).
 SAXSource XmlConverter.toSAXSource(String source, Exchange exchange)
          Converts the source instance to a SAXSource or returns null if the conversion is not supported (making it easy to derive from this class to add new kinds of conversion).
 SAXSource XmlConverter.toSAXSourceFromDOM(DOMSource source, Exchange exchange)
 SAXSource XmlConverter.toSAXSourceFromStAX(StAXSource source, Exchange exchange)
 SAXSource XmlConverter.toSAXSourceFromStream(StreamSource source)
 Source XmlConverter.toSource(String data)
          Converts the given String to a Source
 StAXSource XmlConverter.toStAXSource(byte[] in, Exchange exchange)
          Converts the source instance to a StAXSource or returns null if the conversion is not supported (making it easy to derive from this class to add new kinds of conversion).
 StAXSource XmlConverter.toStAXSource(File file, Exchange exchange)
          Converts the source instance to a StAXSource or returns null if the conversion is not supported (making it easy to derive from this class to add new kinds of conversion).
 StAXSource XmlConverter.toStAXSource(InputStream source, Exchange exchange)
          Converts the source instance to a StAXSource or returns null if the conversion is not supported (making it easy to derive from this class to add new kinds of conversion).
 StAXSource XmlConverter.toStAXSource(String source, Exchange exchange)
          Converts the source instance to a StAXSource or returns null if the conversion is not supported (making it easy to derive from this class to add new kinds of conversion).
 StreamSource XmlConverter.toStreamSource(byte[] in, Exchange exchange)
 StreamSource XmlConverter.toStreamSource(ByteBuffer in, Exchange exchange)
 StreamSource XmlConverter.toStreamSource(File in)
 StreamSource XmlConverter.toStreamSource(InputStream in)
 StreamSource XmlConverter.toStreamSource(Reader in)
 StreamSource XmlConverter.toStreamSource(Source source, Exchange exchange)
 StreamSource XmlConverter.toStreamSourceFromDOM(DOMSource source, Exchange exchange)
 StreamSource XmlConverter.toStreamSourceFromSAX(SAXSource source, Exchange exchange)
 StreamSource XmlConverter.toStreamSourceFromStAX(StAXSource source, Exchange exchange)
 String XmlConverter.toString(Node node, Exchange exchange)
          Converts the given input Node into text
 String DomConverter.toString(NodeList nodeList, Exchange exchange)
 String XmlConverter.toString(Source source, Exchange exchange)
          Converts the given input Source into text
 StringSource XmlConverter.toStringSource(String data)
          Converts the given String to a Source

Uses of Converter in

Classes in with annotations of type Converter
 class StreamCacheConverter
          A set of Converter methods for wrapping stream-based messages in a StreamCache implementation to ensure message re-readability (eg multicasting, retrying)

Methods in with annotations of type Converter
static byte[] StreamCacheConverter.convertToByteArray(StreamCache cache, Exchange exchange)
static Serializable StreamCacheConverter.convertToSerializable(StreamCache cache, Exchange exchange)
static StreamCache StreamCacheConverter.convertToStreamCache(ByteArrayInputStream stream, Exchange exchange)
static StreamCache StreamCacheConverter.convertToStreamCache(BytesSource source)
static StreamCache StreamCacheConverter.convertToStreamCache(InputStream stream, Exchange exchange)
static StreamCache StreamCacheConverter.convertToStreamCache(Reader reader, Exchange exchange)
static StreamCache StreamCacheConverter.convertToStreamCache(SAXSource source, Exchange exchange)
static StreamCache StreamCacheConverter.convertToStreamCache(StreamSource source, Exchange exchange)
static StreamCache StreamCacheConverter.convertToStreamCache(StringSource source)

Uses of Converter in org.apache.camel.impl.converter

Classes in org.apache.camel.impl.converter with annotations of type Converter
 class FutureTypeConverter
          Future type converter.

Apache Camel