Uses of Class

Packages that use CamelExecutionException
org.apache.camel The core Camel API. 
org.apache.camel.impl Default implementation classes for Camel Core 
org.apache.camel.util Utility classes used by the core of Camel. 

Uses of CamelExecutionException in org.apache.camel

Methods in org.apache.camel that throw CamelExecutionException
<T> T
ProducerTemplate.extractFutureBody(Future<Object> future, Class<T> type)
          Gets the response body from the future handle, will wait until the response is ready.
<T> T
ProducerTemplate.extractFutureBody(Future<Object> future, long timeout, TimeUnit unit, Class<T> type)
          Gets the response body from the future handle, will wait at most the given time for the response to be ready.
 Object ProducerTemplate.requestBody(Endpoint endpoint, Object body)
          Send the body to an endpoint returning any result output body.
<T> T
ProducerTemplate.requestBody(Endpoint endpoint, Object body, Class<T> type)
          Send the body to an endpoint returning any result output body.
 Object ProducerTemplate.requestBody(Object body)
          Sends the body to the default endpoint and returns the result content Uses an ExchangePattern.InOut message exchange pattern.
<T> T
ProducerTemplate.requestBody(Object body, Class<T> type)
          Sends the body to the default endpoint and returns the result content Uses an ExchangePattern.InOut message exchange pattern.
 Object ProducerTemplate.requestBody(String endpointUri, Object body)
          Send the body to an endpoint returning any result output body.
<T> T
ProducerTemplate.requestBody(String endpointUri, Object body, Class<T> type)
          Send the body to an endpoint returning any result output body.
 Object ProducerTemplate.requestBodyAndHeader(Endpoint endpoint, Object body, String header, Object headerValue)
          Send the body to an endpoint returning any result output body.
<T> T
ProducerTemplate.requestBodyAndHeader(Endpoint endpoint, Object body, String header, Object headerValue, Class<T> type)
          Send the body to an endpoint returning any result output body.
 Object ProducerTemplate.requestBodyAndHeader(Object body, String header, Object headerValue)
          Sends the body to the default endpoint and returns the result content Uses an ExchangePattern.InOut message exchange pattern.
 Object ProducerTemplate.requestBodyAndHeader(String endpointUri, Object body, String header, Object headerValue)
          Send the body to an endpoint returning any result output body.
<T> T
ProducerTemplate.requestBodyAndHeader(String endpointUri, Object body, String header, Object headerValue, Class<T> type)
          Send the body to an endpoint returning any result output body.
 Object ProducerTemplate.requestBodyAndHeaders(Endpoint endpoint, Object body, Map<String,Object> headers)
          Sends the body to an endpoint with the specified headers and header values.
<T> T
ProducerTemplate.requestBodyAndHeaders(Endpoint endpoint, Object body, Map<String,Object> headers, Class<T> type)
          Sends the body to an endpoint with the specified headers and header values.
 Object ProducerTemplate.requestBodyAndHeaders(Object body, Map<String,Object> headers)
          Sends the body to the default endpoint and returns the result content Uses an ExchangePattern.InOut message exchange pattern.
 Object ProducerTemplate.requestBodyAndHeaders(String endpointUri, Object body, Map<String,Object> headers)
          Sends the body to an endpoint with the specified headers and header values.
<T> T
ProducerTemplate.requestBodyAndHeaders(String endpointUri, Object body, Map<String,Object> headers, Class<T> type)
          Sends the body to an endpoint with the specified headers and header values.
 Object ProducerTemplate.sendBody(Endpoint endpoint, ExchangePattern pattern, Object body)
          Send the body to an endpoint with the given ExchangePattern returning any result output body

Notice: that if the processing of the exchange failed with an Exception it is thrown from this method as a CamelExecutionException with the caused exception wrapped.

 void ProducerTemplate.sendBody(Endpoint endpoint, Object body)
          Send the body to an endpoint

Notice: that if the processing of the exchange failed with an Exception it is thrown from this method as a CamelExecutionException with the caused exception wrapped.

 void ProducerTemplate.sendBody(Object body)
          Sends the body to the default endpoint

Notice: that if the processing of the exchange failed with an Exception it is thrown from this method as a CamelExecutionException with the caused exception wrapped.

 Object ProducerTemplate.sendBody(String endpointUri, ExchangePattern pattern, Object body)
          Send the body to an endpoint returning any result output body

Notice: that if the processing of the exchange failed with an Exception it is thrown from this method as a CamelExecutionException with the caused exception wrapped.

 void ProducerTemplate.sendBody(String endpointUri, Object body)
          Send the body to an endpoint

Notice: that if the processing of the exchange failed with an Exception it is thrown from this method as a CamelExecutionException with the caused exception wrapped.

 Object ProducerTemplate.sendBodyAndHeader(Endpoint endpoint, ExchangePattern pattern, Object body, String header, Object headerValue)
          Sends the body to an endpoint with a specified header and header value

Notice: that if the processing of the exchange failed with an Exception it is thrown from this method as a CamelExecutionException with the caused exception wrapped.

 void ProducerTemplate.sendBodyAndHeader(Endpoint endpoint, Object body, String header, Object headerValue)
          Sends the body to an endpoint with a specified header and header value

Notice: that if the processing of the exchange failed with an Exception it is thrown from this method as a CamelExecutionException with the caused exception wrapped.

 void ProducerTemplate.sendBodyAndHeader(Object body, String header, Object headerValue)
          Sends the body to the default endpoint with a specified header and header value

Notice: that if the processing of the exchange failed with an Exception it is thrown from this method as a CamelExecutionException with the caused exception wrapped.

 Object ProducerTemplate.sendBodyAndHeader(String endpoint, ExchangePattern pattern, Object body, String header, Object headerValue)
          Sends the body to an endpoint with a specified header and header value

Notice: that if the processing of the exchange failed with an Exception it is thrown from this method as a CamelExecutionException with the caused exception wrapped.

 void ProducerTemplate.sendBodyAndHeader(String endpointUri, Object body, String header, Object headerValue)
          Sends the body to an endpoint with a specified header and header value

Notice: that if the processing of the exchange failed with an Exception it is thrown from this method as a CamelExecutionException with the caused exception wrapped.

 Object ProducerTemplate.sendBodyAndHeaders(Endpoint endpoint, ExchangePattern pattern, Object body, Map<String,Object> headers)
          Sends the body to an endpoint with the specified headers and header values

Notice: that if the processing of the exchange failed with an Exception it is thrown from this method as a CamelExecutionException with the caused exception wrapped.

 void ProducerTemplate.sendBodyAndHeaders(Endpoint endpoint, Object body, Map<String,Object> headers)
          Sends the body to an endpoint with the specified headers and header values

Notice: that if the processing of the exchange failed with an Exception it is thrown from this method as a CamelExecutionException with the caused exception wrapped.

 void ProducerTemplate.sendBodyAndHeaders(Object body, Map<String,Object> headers)
          Sends the body to the default endpoint with the specified headers and header values

Notice: that if the processing of the exchange failed with an Exception it is thrown from this method as a CamelExecutionException with the caused exception wrapped.

 Object ProducerTemplate.sendBodyAndHeaders(String endpointUri, ExchangePattern pattern, Object body, Map<String,Object> headers)
          Sends the body to an endpoint with the specified headers and header values

Notice: that if the processing of the exchange failed with an Exception it is thrown from this method as a CamelExecutionException with the caused exception wrapped.

 void ProducerTemplate.sendBodyAndHeaders(String endpointUri, Object body, Map<String,Object> headers)
          Sends the body to an endpoint with the specified headers and header values

Notice: that if the processing of the exchange failed with an Exception it is thrown from this method as a CamelExecutionException with the caused exception wrapped.

 Object ProducerTemplate.sendBodyAndProperty(Endpoint endpoint, ExchangePattern pattern, Object body, String property, Object propertyValue)
          Sends the body to an endpoint with a specified property and property value

Notice: that if the processing of the exchange failed with an Exception it is thrown from this method as a CamelExecutionException with the caused exception wrapped.

 void ProducerTemplate.sendBodyAndProperty(Endpoint endpoint, Object body, String property, Object propertyValue)
          Sends the body to an endpoint with a specified property and property value

Notice: that if the processing of the exchange failed with an Exception it is thrown from this method as a CamelExecutionException with the caused exception wrapped.

 void ProducerTemplate.sendBodyAndProperty(Object body, String property, Object propertyValue)
          Sends the body to the default endpoint with a specified property and property value

Notice: that if the processing of the exchange failed with an Exception it is thrown from this method as a CamelExecutionException with the caused exception wrapped.

 Object ProducerTemplate.sendBodyAndProperty(String endpoint, ExchangePattern pattern, Object body, String property, Object propertyValue)
          Sends the body to an endpoint with a specified property and property value

Notice: that if the processing of the exchange failed with an Exception it is thrown from this method as a CamelExecutionException with the caused exception wrapped.

 void ProducerTemplate.sendBodyAndProperty(String endpointUri, Object body, String property, Object propertyValue)
          Sends the body to an endpoint with a specified property and property value

Notice: that if the processing of the exchange failed with an Exception it is thrown from this method as a CamelExecutionException with the caused exception wrapped.


Uses of CamelExecutionException in org.apache.camel.impl

Methods in org.apache.camel.impl that throw CamelExecutionException
 Exchange DefaultProducerTemplate.request(String endpoint, Processor processor)
 Object DefaultProducerTemplate.requestBody(Endpoint endpoint, Object body)
 Object DefaultProducerTemplate.requestBody(Object body)
 Object DefaultProducerTemplate.requestBody(String endpoint, Object body)
 Object DefaultProducerTemplate.requestBodyAndHeader(Endpoint endpoint, Object body, String header, Object headerValue)
 Object DefaultProducerTemplate.requestBodyAndHeader(Object body, String header, Object headerValue)
 Object DefaultProducerTemplate.requestBodyAndHeader(String endpoint, Object body, String header, Object headerValue)
 void DefaultProducerTemplate.sendBody(Endpoint endpoint, Object body)
 Object DefaultProducerTemplate.sendBody(String endpointUri, ExchangePattern pattern, Object body)
 void DefaultProducerTemplate.sendBody(String endpointUri, Object body)
 Object DefaultProducerTemplate.sendBodyAndHeader(Endpoint endpoint, ExchangePattern pattern, Object body, String header, Object headerValue)
 void DefaultProducerTemplate.sendBodyAndHeader(Endpoint endpoint, Object body, String header, Object headerValue)
 Object DefaultProducerTemplate.sendBodyAndHeader(String endpoint, ExchangePattern pattern, Object body, String header, Object headerValue)
 void DefaultProducerTemplate.sendBodyAndHeader(String endpointUri, Object body, String header, Object headerValue)
 Object DefaultProducerTemplate.sendBodyAndHeaders(Endpoint endpoint, ExchangePattern pattern, Object body, Map<String,Object> headers)
 void DefaultProducerTemplate.sendBodyAndHeaders(Endpoint endpoint, Object body, Map<String,Object> headers)
 Object DefaultProducerTemplate.sendBodyAndHeaders(String endpointUri, ExchangePattern pattern, Object body, Map<String,Object> headers)
 void DefaultProducerTemplate.sendBodyAndHeaders(String endpointUri, Object body, Map<String,Object> headers)
 Object DefaultProducerTemplate.sendBodyAndProperty(Endpoint endpoint, ExchangePattern pattern, Object body, String property, Object propertyValue)
 void DefaultProducerTemplate.sendBodyAndProperty(Endpoint endpoint, Object body, String property, Object propertyValue)
 Object DefaultProducerTemplate.sendBodyAndProperty(String endpoint, ExchangePattern pattern, Object body, String property, Object propertyValue)
 void DefaultProducerTemplate.sendBodyAndProperty(String endpointUri, Object body, String property, Object propertyValue)

Uses of CamelExecutionException in org.apache.camel.util

Methods in org.apache.camel.util that return CamelExecutionException
static CamelExecutionException ObjectHelper.wrapCamelExecutionException(Exchange exchange, Throwable e)
          Wraps the caused exception in a CamelExecutionException if its not already such an exception.

Apache Camel