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Loan Broker Example

This example shows how to use Camel to implement the EIP's loan broker example.

The example has two versions,one for JMS, one for webservice one.
The JMS version which leverages the message queue to connect the credit agency and bank loan quote processors together, it just uses the InOnly exchange pattern to handle the message asynchronously;
the webservice version which shows how to integrate the credit agency and bank web services together by using the InOut exchange pattern synchronously.

Example with message queue (JMS)

The queue version of loan broker is based on the camel-jms component, and it shows how to using the message queue to connect the different service models (such as the credit agency , and banks).

The example should run if you type

mvn exec:java -PQueue.LoanBroker

mvn exec:java -PQueue.Client

To stop the example hit ctrl + c

Example with web service

The web service version of loan broker is based on the camel-cxf component which can produce and consume the SOAP message on the wire. It uses the InOut Message exchange pattern, when the client send out the message to the router , it can get the response message back from the same endpoint.
When we send out the quote message to the three different banks, we could choice to call the bank service one by one or send out the message parallelly(one request thread per request).
You can compare the response time after you run the sample.

The example should run if you type

mvn exec:java -PWS.LoanBroker

mvn exec:java -PWS.Client

To stop the example hit ctrl + c

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