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Loading routes from XML files

Available as of Camel 2.6

This cookbook shows how to load and add routes from XML files into an existing CamelContext.

When adding routes as shown on this page, the routes is isolated and cannot re-use any existing onException, intercept etc.

You can define Camel routes in XML files using the <routes> tag with the namespace "".
Suppose we have the bar route as shown below in the barRoute.xml XML file.

Error formatting macro: snippet: java.lang.IndexOutOfBoundsException: Index: 20, Size: 20

We can then load this route and add to the existing CamelContext using the following lines of code:

Error formatting macro: snippet: java.lang.IndexOutOfBoundsException: Index: 20, Size: 20

If you are using older versions of Camel, you can do this as well but it requires a bit more work. See this commit log.

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