Camel GridFS component

Available as of Camel 2.17

Maven users will need to add the following dependency to their pom.xml for this component:

URI format

Endpoint options

GridFS endpoints support the following options, depending on whether they are acting like a Producer or as a Consumer (options vary based on the consumer type too).



Default Value






Required. The name of the database to which this endpoint will be bound. All operations will be executed against this database.





The name of the GridFS bucket within the Database. The default is the GridFS.DEFAULT_BUCKET value ("fs").





The id of the operation this endpoint will execute. Pick from the following:

  • Query operations: findOne, listAll, count
  • Write operations: create
  • Delete operations: remove



querynoneCombined with the query strategy parameters to create the query used to search for new files. (tick)

The strategy that is used to find new files. Can be one of:

  • TimeStamp - files that are uploaded after the Consumer starts are processed
  • PersistentTimestamp - Like TimeStamp, but the last timestamp used is persisted to a collection so when the Consumer restarts, it can resume where it left off
  • FileAttribute - finds files that do NOT have the give attribute. After processing, it adds the attribute.
  • TimestampAndFileAttribute - finds files that are newer than the TimeStamp and are missing the attribute
  • PersistentTimestampAndFileAttribute
persistentTSCollectioncamel-timestampsWhen using persistent timestamps, this is the Collection that the timestamp is stored into. (tick)
persistenTSObjectcamel-timestampWhen using persistent timestamps, this is the object ID for the timestamp object. Each consumer can have it's own timestamp ID stored in a common Collection (tick)
fileAttributeNamecamel-processedWhen using FileAttribute, this is the name of the attribute that is used. When a file is about to be processed, the attribute is set to "processing" and then set to "done" when the file processing is done. (tick)
delay500 (ms)The delay between polling GridFS for new files (tick)
initialDelay1000 (ms)The initial delay before the first poll (tick)

Configuration of database in Spring XML

The following Spring XML creates a bean defining the connection to a MongoDB instance.

Sample route

The following route defined in Spring XML executes the operation findOne on a collection.

Get a file from GridFS


GridFS operations - producer endpoint


Returns the total number of file in the collection, returning an Integer as the OUT message body.

You can provide a filename header to provide a count of files matching that filename.


Returns an Reader that lists all the filenames and their IDs in a tab separated stream.



Finds a file in the GridFS system and sets the body to an InputStream of the content.   Also provides the metadata has headers.  It uses Exchange.FILE_NAME from the incoming headers to determine the file to find.



Creates a new file in the GridFs database. It uses the Exchange.FILE_NAME from the incoming headers for the name and the body contents (as an InputStream) as the content.


Removes a file from the GridFS database.

GridFS Consumer





See also

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