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Console Example

Available as of Camel 2.10

This example is located in the Camel distribution at examples/camel-example-console.

This is a beginner's example that demonstrates how to get started with Apache Camel.

In this example we integrate with the console using the Stream component. The example is interactive - it reads input from the console, and then transforms the input to upper case and prints it back to the console.

This is implemented with a Camel route defined in the Spring XML markup shown below:


This example can be launched from the command line using Maven:

mvn compile exec:java

In the console you can enter a message and press <ENTER>. Camel responds by echoing the input message in upper case, as shown below:

[onsole.CamelConsoleMain.main()] SpringCamelContext INFO Apache Camel 2.10 (CamelContext: camel-1) started in 0.455 seconds Enter something: camel rocks CAMEL ROCKS Enter something: and we have fun AND WE HAVE FUN Enter something:

To stop the example, strike Control+C

You can also run this example from your editor. For example, from Eclipse you can import this project using: File → Import … → Existing Maven Project, and select pom.xml from the examples\camel-example-console directory.

Next, navigate to the org.apache.camel.example.console.CamelConsoleMain class, right-click, and select Run As → Java Application.

Click on the screenshot below, to make it bigger.

See also

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