Since we're on a major migration process of this website, some component documents here are out of sync right now. In the meantime you may want to look at the early version of the new website
We would very much like to receive any feedback on the new site, please join the discussion on the Camel user mailing list.

New and Noteworthy

Welcome to the first 1.0.0 release packed with features, Enterprise Integration Patterns, great support for Spring and a whole host of Components. Saddle up and take Camel for a ride!

Getting the Binary Distributions


Download Link

PGP Signature file of download

Windows Distribution

Unix/Linux/Cygwin Distribution



The above URLs use redirection

The above URLs use the Apache Mirror system to redirect you to a suitable mirror for your download. Some users have experienced issues with some versions of browsers (e.g. some Safari browsers). If the download doesn't seem to work for you from the above URL then try using FireFox

Getting the Binaries using Maven 2

To use this release in your maven project, the proper dependency configuration that you should use in your Maven POM is:


Getting the Source Code

Source Distributions


Download Link

PGP Signature file of download

Source for Windows

Source for Unix/Linux/Cygwin



SVN Tag Checkout

svn co


For a more detailed view of new features and bug fixes, see:

This is the first official Camel release.

© 2004-2015 The Apache Software Foundation.
Apache Camel, Camel, Apache, the Apache feather logo, and the Apache Camel project logo are trademarks of The Apache Software Foundation. All other marks mentioned may be trademarks or registered trademarks of their respective owners.
Graphic Design By Hiram