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Available as of Camel 2.14

The barcode data format is based on the zxing library. The goal of this component is to create a barcode image from a String (marshal) and a String from a barcode image (unmarshal). You're free to use all features that zxing offers.


To use the barcode data format in your camel routes you need to add the a dependency on camel-barcode which implements this data format.

If you use maven you could just add the following to your pom.xml, substituting the version number for the latest & greatest release (see the download page for the latest versions).


Using the Java DSL

First you have to initialize the barcode data fomat class. You can use the default constructor, or one of parameterized (see JavaDoc). The default values are:

ParameterDefault Value
image type (BarcodeImageType)PNG
width100 px
height100 px
barcode format (BarcodeFormat)QR-Code
// QR-Code default
DataFormat code = new BarcodeDataFormat();

If you want to use zxing hints, you can use the 'addToHintMap' method of your BarcodeDataFormat instance:

code.addToHintMap(DecodeHintType.TRY_HARDER, Boolean.true);

For possible hints, please consult the xzing documentation.



You can call the route from a test class with:

template.sendBody("direct://code", "This is a testmessage!");

You should find inside the 'barcode_out' folder this image:


The unmarshaller is generic. For unmarshalling you can use any BarcodeDataFormat instance. If you've two instances, one for (generating) QR-Code and one for PDF417, it doesn't matter which one will be used.

  .unmarshal(code) // for unmarshalling, the instance doesn't matter

If you'll paste the QR-Code image above into the 'barcode_in' folder, you should find 'This is a testmessage!' inside the mock. You can find the barcode data format as header variable:

StringValue of



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