
Qi4j is an Java implementation of Composite Oriented Programming. It brings the three principles of Composite Oriented Programming to Java, without the need for a new programming language or new language elements with a pre-compiler.

Context-based behavior

Qi4j allows composites to have different behavior depending on its current context. The context is capable to define the interfaces that a composite will need to expose, and Qi4j will allow the programmer to adapt the composite instance for that context.


Qi4j allows extremely fine-grained parts, so called Fragments, to be created and re-used without being coupled together. The Composite is the binding mechanism and where the domain model makes use of these Fragments.

Business Rules Matters More

Business Rules and Domain Model is what brings value to the software user. Infrastructure is just a necessary evil to get the job done, and Qi4j will enable developers to totally focus on these money generating tasks without having to be concerned about the infrastructure concerns getting in the way.

Classes are dead, long live the interfaces.

Qi4j and the Qi4j logo are trademarks of Richard Öberg, Niclas Hedhman and the members of the Qi4j Core Team. See Qi4j licensing for more information.
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