Core System

The Qi4j Core defines the public interfaces of the Qi4j system.

Qi4j makes a separation of the public interfaces into three modules.

  • Core API
  • Core Bootstrap API
  • Core Extension SPI

Core API

The Core API defines the application's view of the running system.

Core Bootstrap API

There is currently no fixed framework that is started automatically by Qi4j. Instead Qi4j allows the application to set it up in many difference ways, and the Runtime Bootstrap exposes the system to enable this initialization.

Core Extension SPI

More known as the "Core SPI", this module defines an SPI for extensions of the Qi4j Runtime. Extensions are hidden from the applications, and has their own view of the Qi4j Runtime since they have a much closer interaction with the system.

Architectural View

The Qi4j development team has followed a fairly strict architectural model, with rather clean separation of all packages that application and extensions programmers will come in contact with. The diagram below shows the layering of the individual packages, as produced by the excellent Structure101 tool.
Architectural View of Qi4j

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