Interface FilterPrimitiveBridge

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public interface FilterPrimitiveBridge
extends Bridge

Factory class for vending Filter objects that represents a filter primitive.

Method Summary
 Filter createFilter(BridgeContext ctx, Element filterElement, Element filteredElement, GraphicsNode filteredNode, Filter in, Rectangle2D filterRegion, Map filterMap)
          Creates a Filter primitive according to the specified parameters.
Methods inherited from interface org.apache.batik.bridge.Bridge
getInstance, getLocalName, getNamespaceURI

Method Detail


public Filter createFilter(BridgeContext ctx,
                           Element filterElement,
                           Element filteredElement,
                           GraphicsNode filteredNode,
                           Filter in,
                           Rectangle2D filterRegion,
                           Map filterMap)
Creates a Filter primitive according to the specified parameters.

ctx - the bridge context to use
filterElement - the element that defines a filter
filteredElement - the element that references the filter
filteredNode - the graphics node to filter
in - the Filter that represents the current filter input if the filter chain.
filterRegion - the filter area defined for the filter chain the new node will be part of.
filterMap - a map where the mediator can map a name to the Filter it creates. Other FilterBridges can then access a filter node from the filterMap if they know its name.

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