Interface IMountedRequestMapper

public interface IMountedRequestMapper

TODO javadoc, explain "parameters resolved from the mount"


Method Summary
 int getCompatibilityScore(Request request)
          Returns the score representing how compatible this request mapper is to processing the given request.
 Mount mapHandler(IRequestHandler requestHandler)
          Returns the Mount for given IRequestHandler or null if the encoder does not recognize the request handler.
 IRequestHandler mapRequest(Request request, MountParameters mountParams)
          Returns IRequestHandler for the request or null if the encoder does not recognize the URL.

Method Detail


IRequestHandler mapRequest(Request request,
                           MountParameters mountParams)
Returns IRequestHandler for the request or null if the encoder does not recognize the URL.

request - provides access to request data (i.e. Url and Parameters)
mountParams - parameters resolved from the mount
RequestHandler instance or null


int getCompatibilityScore(Request request)
Returns the score representing how compatible this request mapper is to processing the given request. When a request comes in all mappers are scored and are tried in order from highest score to lowest.

A good criteria for calculating the score is the number of matched url segments. For example when there are two encoders for mounted page, one mapped to /foo another to /foo/bar and the incomming reqest URL is /foo/bar/baz, the encoder mapped to /foo/bar will handle the request first as it has matching segments count of 2 while the first one has only matching segments count of 1.

Note that the method can return value greater then zero even if the encoder can not decode the request.

request -
count of matching segments


Mount mapHandler(IRequestHandler requestHandler)
Returns the Mount for given IRequestHandler or null if the encoder does not recognize the request handler.

requestHandler -
Url instance or null.

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