Interface IRequestHandler

All Known Subinterfaces:
IComponentRequestHandler, IPageClassRequestHandler, IPageRequestHandler, IRequestHandlerDelegate
All Known Implementing Classes:
AjaxRequestTarget, BookmarkableListenerInterfaceRequestHandler, BookmarkablePageRequestHandler, BufferedResponseRequestHandler, ComponentRenderingRequestHandler, EmptyAjaxRequestHandler, EmptyRequestHandler, ErrorCodeRequestHandler, ListenerInterfaceRequestHandler, RedirectRequestHandler, RenderPageRequestHandler, ResourceReferenceRequestHandler, ResourceRequestHandler, ResourceStreamRequestHandler, TextRequestHandler, WebExternalResourceRequestHandler

public interface IRequestHandler

A request handler is the base entity that is the subject of a request. Different types of request have different request handlers. For instance a request for a bookmarkable page differs from a request for a link on a previously rendered page, which in turn differs from a request for a shared resource.

Eelco Hillenius, Matej Knopp

Method Summary
 void detach(IRequestCycle requestCycle)
          This method is called at the end of a request cycle to indicate that processing is done and that cleaning up of the subject(s) of this target may be done.
 void respond(IRequestCycle requestCycle)
          Generates a response.

Method Detail


void respond(IRequestCycle requestCycle)
Generates a response.

requestCycle - the current request cycle


void detach(IRequestCycle requestCycle)
This method is called at the end of a request cycle to indicate that processing is done and that cleaning up of the subject(s) of this target may be done.

requestCycle - the current request cycle

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