Class DynamicWebResource

  extended by org.apache.wicket.Resource
      extended by org.apache.wicket.markup.html.WebResource
          extended by org.apache.wicket.markup.html.DynamicWebResource
All Implemented Interfaces:
Serializable, IClusterable, IRequestListener, IResourceListener
Direct Known Subclasses:

public abstract class DynamicWebResource
extends WebResource

An WebResource subclass for dynamic resources (resources created programmatically).

This class caches the generated resource in memory, and is thus very useful for things you generate dynamically, but reuse for a while after that. If you need resources that stream directly and are not cached, extend WebResource directly and implement Resource.getResourceStream() yourself.

Jonathan Locke, Johan Compagner, Gili Tzabari
See Also:
Serialized Form

Nested Class Summary
static class DynamicWebResource.ResourceState
          The resource state returned by the getResourceState() method.
Field Summary
Fields inherited from interface org.apache.wicket.IResourceListener
Constructor Summary
          Creates a dynamic resource.
DynamicWebResource(Locale locale)
          Creates a dynamic resource from for the given locale
DynamicWebResource(Locale locale, String filename)
          Creates a dynamic resource from for the given locale
DynamicWebResource(String filename)
          Creates a dynamic resource.
Method Summary
 Locale getLocale()
          Returns the resource locale.
protected abstract  DynamicWebResource.ResourceState getResourceState()
          Gets the byte array for our dynamic resource.
 IResourceStream getResourceStream()
          Returns a new IResourceStream that provides all data for the request.
protected  void setHeaders(WebResponse response)
          Subclasses can override this to set there headers when the resource is being served.
Methods inherited from class org.apache.wicket.markup.html.WebResource
configureResponse, getCacheDuration
Methods inherited from class org.apache.wicket.Resource
getParameters, invalidate, isCacheable, onResourceRequested, setCacheable, setParameters
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait

Constructor Detail


public DynamicWebResource()
Creates a dynamic resource.


public DynamicWebResource(String filename)
Creates a dynamic resource.

filename - The filename that will be set as the Content-Disposition header.


public DynamicWebResource(Locale locale)
Creates a dynamic resource from for the given locale

locale - The locale of this resource


public DynamicWebResource(Locale locale,
                          String filename)
Creates a dynamic resource from for the given locale

locale - The locale of this resource
filename - The filename that will be set as the Content-Disposition header.
Method Detail


protected void setHeaders(WebResponse response)
Description copied from class: WebResource
Subclasses can override this to set there headers when the resource is being served. By default 2 headers will be set if the Resource is cacheable
 response.setDateHeader("Expires", System.currentTimeMillis() + (3600 * 1000));
 response.setHeader("Cache-Control", "max-age=" + 3600);
So if a resource wants to control this or doesn't want to set this info it should override this method and don't call super.

setHeaders in class WebResource
response - The WebResponse where set(Date)Header can be called on.
See Also:


public Locale getLocale()
Returns the resource locale.

The locale of this resource


public IResourceStream getResourceStream()
Description copied from class: Resource
Returns a new IResourceStream that provides all data for the request. Despite its name, this method should return a new IResourceStream instance each time it is invoked (otherwise the InputStream returned from the IResourceStream would be at EOF when a second request is handled for the same Resource). The caller must invoke IResourceStream.close() when finished.

Specified by:
getResourceStream in class Resource
Gets the resource to attach to the component.


protected abstract DynamicWebResource.ResourceState getResourceState()
Gets the byte array for our dynamic resource. If the subclass regenerates the data, it should set the lastModifiedTime too. This ensures that resource caching works correctly.

The byte array for this dynamic resource.

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