Uses of Class

Packages that use MetaDataKey
org.apache.wicket The core Wicket package. 

Uses of MetaDataKey in org.apache.wicket

Fields in org.apache.wicket declared as MetaDataKey
static MetaDataKey<Session.PageMapAccessMetaData> Session.PAGEMAP_ACCESS_MDK
          meta data key for missing body tags logging.

Methods in org.apache.wicket with parameters of type MetaDataKey
 Serializable PageMap.getMetaData(MetaDataKey<?> key)
          Gets metadata for this PageMap using the given key.
<M extends Serializable>
Session.getMetaData(MetaDataKey<M> key)
          Gets metadata for this session using the given key.
<M extends Serializable>
Component.getMetaData(MetaDataKey<M> key)
          Gets metadata for this component using the given key.
<T> T
RequestCycle.getMetaData(MetaDataKey<T> key)
          Gets metadata for this request cycle using the given key.
<T> T
Application.getMetaData(MetaDataKey<T> key)
          Gets metadata for this application using the given key.
 void Session.setMetaData(MetaDataKey<?> key, Serializable object)
          Sets the metadata for this session using the given key.
 void PageMap.setMetaData(MetaDataKey<?> key, Serializable object)
          Sets the metadata for this PageMap using the given key.
<M> void
Component.setMetaData(MetaDataKey<M> key, M object)
          Sets the metadata for this component using the given key.
<T> void
Application.setMetaData(MetaDataKey<T> key, Object object)
          Sets the metadata for this application using the given key.
<T> void
RequestCycle.setMetaData(MetaDataKey<T> key, T object)
          Sets the metadata for this request cycle using the given key.

Uses of MetaDataKey in org.apache.wicket.authorization.strategies.role.metadata

Fields in org.apache.wicket.authorization.strategies.role.metadata declared as MetaDataKey
static MetaDataKey<org.apache.wicket.authorization.strategies.role.metadata.ActionPermissions> MetaDataRoleAuthorizationStrategy.ACTION_PERMISSIONS
          Component meta data key for actions/roles information.
static MetaDataKey<InstantiationPermissions> MetaDataRoleAuthorizationStrategy.INSTANTIATION_PERMISSIONS
          Application meta data key for actions/roles information.

Uses of MetaDataKey in org.apache.wicket.guice

Fields in org.apache.wicket.guice declared as MetaDataKey
static MetaDataKey<GuiceInjectorHolder> GuiceInjectorHolder.INJECTOR_KEY
          Metadata key used to store Injector holder in application's metadata

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