Uses of Class

Packages that use Panel
org.apache.wicket.examples.debug Classes that make debugging Wicket HTML applications easier. 
org.apache.wicket.extensions.breadcrumb Package for working with bread crumb components. 
org.apache.wicket.extensions.breadcrumb.panel This package contains a panel based implementation of bread crumb participants. 
org.apache.wicket.extensions.markup.html.tabs Package for working with tab panels. 
org.apache.wicket.extensions.wizard Package for working with Wizard components. 
org.apache.wicket.markup.html.form.validation Support for form validation. 
org.apache.wicket.markup.html.pages Default special purpose pages for error and feedback support. 
org.apache.wicket.markup.html.panel Panel components. 
org.apache.wicket.markup.html.tree Package for Tree components. 
org.apache.wicket.util.tester A package with utility classes to ease unit testing of Wicket applications without the need for a servlet container. 

Uses of Panel in org.apache.wicket.ajax.markup.html.navigation.paging

Subclasses of Panel in org.apache.wicket.ajax.markup.html.navigation.paging
 class AjaxPagingNavigator
          A Wicket panel component to draw and maintain a complete page navigator, meant to be easily added to any PageableListView.

Uses of Panel in org.apache.wicket.authentication.panel

Subclasses of Panel in org.apache.wicket.authentication.panel
 class SignInPanel
          Reusable user sign in panel with username and password as well as support for cookie persistence of the both.

Uses of Panel in org.apache.wicket.examples

Subclasses of Panel in org.apache.wicket.examples
 class WicketExampleHeader
          Navigation panel for the examples project.

Uses of Panel in org.apache.wicket.examples.ajax.builtin.modal

Subclasses of Panel in org.apache.wicket.examples.ajax.builtin.modal
 class ModalPanel1

Uses of Panel in org.apache.wicket.examples.ajax.builtin.tree

Subclasses of Panel in org.apache.wicket.examples.ajax.builtin.tree
 class EditablePanel
          Panel that contains an text field that submits automatically after it loses focus.

Uses of Panel in org.apache.wicket.examples.breadcrumb

Subclasses of Panel in org.apache.wicket.examples.breadcrumb
 class FirstPanel
          Test bread crumb enabled panel.
 class FourthPanel
          Test bread crumb enabled panel.
 class ResultPanel
          Test bread crumb enabled panel.
 class SecondPanel
          Test bread crumb enabled panel.
 class ThirdPanel
          Test bread crumb enabled panel.

Uses of Panel in org.apache.wicket.examples.debug

Subclasses of Panel in org.apache.wicket.examples.debug
 class ApplicationView
          A Wicket panel that shows interesting information about a given Wicket session.
 class InspectorBug
          A page that shows interesting attributes of the Wicket environment, including the current session and the component tree for the current page.
 class PageMapView
          A Wicket panel that shows interesting information about a given Wicket pagemap.
 class SessionView
          A Wicket panel that shows interesting information about a given Wicket session.

Uses of Panel in org.apache.wicket.examples.nested

Subclasses of Panel in org.apache.wicket.examples.nested
 class RecursivePanel
          This example list knows how to display sublists.

Uses of Panel in org.apache.wicket.examples.template

Subclasses of Panel in org.apache.wicket.examples.template
 class Banner
          Base class for banners.
 class Banner1
          A banner.
 class Banner2
          A banner.

Uses of Panel in org.apache.wicket.examples.template.pageinheritance

Subclasses of Panel in org.apache.wicket.examples.template.pageinheritance
 class Panel1
          Concrete, extending panel.
 class TemplatePanel
          Base panel to be extended.

Uses of Panel in org.apache.wicket.examples.wizard

Subclasses of Panel in org.apache.wicket.examples.wizard
 class NewUserWizard
          This wizard shows some basic form use.
 class StaticWizard
          This is kind of the hello world example for wizards.
 class StaticWizardWithPanels
          This is kind of the hello world example for wizards.

Uses of Panel in org.apache.wicket.extensions.ajax.markup.html

Subclasses of Panel in org.apache.wicket.extensions.ajax.markup.html
 class AjaxEditableChoiceLabel
          An inplace editor much like AjaxEditableLabel, but instead of a TextField a DropDownChoice is displayed.
 class AjaxEditableLabel
          An implementation of ajaxified edit-in-place component using a TextField as it's editor.
 class AjaxEditableMultiLineLabel
          An inplace editor much like AjaxEditableLabel, but now with support for multi line content and a text area as its editor.
 class AjaxLazyLoadPanel
          A panel where you can lazy load another panel.

Uses of Panel in org.apache.wicket.extensions.ajax.markup.html.form.upload

Subclasses of Panel in org.apache.wicket.extensions.ajax.markup.html.form.upload
 class UploadProgressBar
          A panel to show the progress of an HTTP upload.

Uses of Panel in org.apache.wicket.extensions.ajax.markup.html.modal

Subclasses of Panel in org.apache.wicket.extensions.ajax.markup.html.modal
 class ModalWindow
          Modal window component.

Uses of Panel in

Subclasses of Panel in
 class AjaxFallbackDefaultDataTable
          An implementation of the DataTable that aims to solve the 90% usecase by adding navigation, headers, an no-records-found toolbars to a standard DataTable.
 class AjaxFallbackHeadersToolbar
          Ajaxified HeadersToolbar
 class AjaxNavigationToolbar
          Toolbar that displays (Ajax) links used to navigate the pages of the datatable as well as a message about which rows are being displayed and their total number in the data table.

Uses of Panel in org.apache.wicket.extensions.ajax.markup.html.tabs

Subclasses of Panel in org.apache.wicket.extensions.ajax.markup.html.tabs
 class AjaxTabbedPanel
          Ajaxified version of the tabbed panel.

Uses of Panel in org.apache.wicket.extensions.breadcrumb

Subclasses of Panel in org.apache.wicket.extensions.breadcrumb
 class BreadCrumbBar
          A component that renders bread crumbs.

Uses of Panel in org.apache.wicket.extensions.breadcrumb.panel

Subclasses of Panel in org.apache.wicket.extensions.breadcrumb.panel
 class BreadCrumbPanel
          A panel that participates with a bread crumb model.

Uses of Panel in org.apache.wicket.extensions.markup.html.form.palette

Subclasses of Panel in org.apache.wicket.extensions.markup.html.form.palette
 class Palette
          Palette is a component that allows the user to easily select and order multiple items by moving them from one select box into another.

Uses of Panel in

Subclasses of Panel in
 class AbstractToolbar
          A base class for data table toolbars
 class DataTable
          A data table builds on data grid view to introduce toolbars.
 class DefaultDataTable
          An implementation of the DataTable that aims to solve the 90% usecase by adding navigation, headers, an no-records-found toolbars to a standard DataTable.
 class HeadersToolbar
          Toolbars that displays column headers.
 class NavigationToolbar
          Toolbar that displays links used to navigate the pages of the datatable as well as a message about which rows are being displayed and their total number in the data table.
 class NoRecordsToolbar
          A toolbar that displays a "no records found" message when the data table contains no rows.

Uses of Panel in

Subclasses of Panel in
 class AbstractFilter
          Base class for filters that provides some useful functionality
 class ChoiceFilter
          Filter that can be represented by a drop down list of choices
 class FilterToolbar
          Toolbar that creates a form to hold form components used to filter data in the data table.
 class GoAndClearFilter
          Filter component that generates a 'go' and 'clear' buttons.
 class GoFilter
          Filter component that generates a 'go' button that when pressed submits the filter form
 class NoFilter
          Component used to represent a filter component when no filter is provided.
 class TextFilter
          Filter that can be represented by a text field

Uses of Panel in org.apache.wicket.extensions.markup.html.tabs

Subclasses of Panel in org.apache.wicket.extensions.markup.html.tabs
 class TabbedPanel
          TabbedPanel component represets a panel with tabs that are used to switch between different content panels inside the TabbedPanel panel.

Methods in org.apache.wicket.extensions.markup.html.tabs that return Panel
 Panel PanelCachingTab.getPanel(java.lang.String panelId)
 Panel ITab.getPanel(java.lang.String panelId)
abstract  Panel AbstractTab.getPanel(java.lang.String panelId)

Uses of Panel in org.apache.wicket.extensions.markup.html.tree

Subclasses of Panel in org.apache.wicket.extensions.markup.html.tree
 class DefaultAbstractTree
          Tree class that contains convenient functions related to presentation of the tree, which includes junction link, tree item selection link, spacers (with lines) and default tree item and folder icons.
 class Tree
          A complete tree implementation where three item consists of junction link, icon and label.

Uses of Panel in org.apache.wicket.extensions.markup.html.tree.table

Subclasses of Panel in org.apache.wicket.extensions.markup.html.tree.table
 class TreeTable
          TreeTable is a component that represents a grid with a tree.

Uses of Panel in org.apache.wicket.extensions.rating

Subclasses of Panel in org.apache.wicket.extensions.rating
 class RatingPanel
          Rating component that generates a number of stars where a user can click on to rate something.

Uses of Panel in org.apache.wicket.extensions.wizard

Subclasses of Panel in org.apache.wicket.extensions.wizard
 class StaticContentStep
          A wizard step that displays the provided static content without expecting any input.
 class Wizard
          A wizard is a dialog component that takes users through a number of steps to complete a task.
 class WizardButtonBar
          The default bar of button components for wizards.
 class WizardStep
          default implementation of IWizardStep.

Uses of Panel in org.apache.wicket.extensions.wizard.dynamic

Subclasses of Panel in org.apache.wicket.extensions.wizard.dynamic
 class DynamicWizardStep
          Default implementation of a dynamic wizard step.

Uses of Panel in org.apache.wicket.markup.html.debug

Subclasses of Panel in org.apache.wicket.markup.html.debug
 class PageView
          This is a simple Wicket component that displays all components of a Page in a table representation.

Uses of Panel in org.apache.wicket.markup.html.form.validation

Subclasses of Panel in org.apache.wicket.markup.html.form.validation
 class FormComponentFeedbackIndicator
          A panel that hides or shows itself depending on whether there are feedback messages for a given message filter.

Uses of Panel in org.apache.wicket.markup.html.navigation.paging

Subclasses of Panel in org.apache.wicket.markup.html.navigation.paging
 class PagingNavigator
          A Wicket panel component to draw and maintain a complete page navigator, meant to be easily added to any PageableListView.

Uses of Panel in org.apache.wicket.markup.html.pages

Subclasses of Panel in org.apache.wicket.markup.html.pages
 class BrowserInfoForm
          Form for posting JavaScript properties.

Uses of Panel in org.apache.wicket.markup.html.panel

Subclasses of Panel in org.apache.wicket.markup.html.panel
 class ComponentFeedbackPanel
          Convenience feedback panel that filters the feedback messages based on the component given in the constructor.
 class EmptyPanel
          Panel that does absolutely nothing and that can be used to display an empty block.
 class FeedbackPanel
          A panel that displays FeedbackMessages in a list view.

Uses of Panel in org.apache.wicket.markup.html.tree

Subclasses of Panel in org.apache.wicket.markup.html.tree
 class AbstractTree
          This class encapsulates the logic for displaying and (partial) updating the tree.
 class BaseTree
          An abstract Tree component that should serve as a base for custom Tree Components.
 class LabelIconPanel
          Simple panel that contains an icon next to a label.
 class LabelTree
          Simple tree component that uses label to render tree node.
 class LinkIconPanel
          Simple panel that contains a link with icon and a link with a label.
 class LinkTree
          Simple tree component that provides node panel with link allowing user to select individual nodes.

Uses of Panel in org.apache.wicket.util.tester

Methods in org.apache.wicket.util.tester that return Panel
 Panel TestPanelSource.getTestPanel(java.lang.String panelId)
          Defines a Panel instance source for WicketTester.
 Panel BaseWicketTester.startPanel(java.lang.Class panelClass)
          Renders a Panel from a Panel(String id) constructor.
 Panel BaseWicketTester.startPanel(TestPanelSource testPanelSource)
          Renders a Panel defined in TestPanelSource.

Uses of Panel in org.apache.wicket.velocity.markup.html

Subclasses of Panel in org.apache.wicket.velocity.markup.html
 class VelocityPanel
          Panel that displays the result of rendering a Velocity template.

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