Interface IWizardStep

All Superinterfaces:
All Known Subinterfaces:
All Known Implementing Classes:
DynamicWizardStep, StaticContentStep, WizardStep

public interface IWizardStep
extends IClusterable

Models one step in a wizard, and is the equivalent of one panel in a wizard from an end-user's perspective.

Typically, you would extend panel based wizard steps and provide a custom panel for the step instead of directly implementing this interface.

Swing Wizard Framework served as a valuable source of inspiration.

Eelco Hillenius

Method Summary
 void applyState()
          This method is called whenever the user presses next while this step is active.
 Component getHeader(java.lang.String id, Component parent, IWizard wizard)
          Gets the header component for this step.
 Component getView(java.lang.String id, Component parent, IWizard wizard)
          Returns the current view this step is displaying.
 void init(IWizardModel wizardModel)
          Initializes this step with the model it will belong to.
 boolean isComplete()
          Checks if this step is compete.

Method Detail


void applyState()
This method is called whenever the user presses next while this step is active.

This method will only be called if IWizardModel.isNextAvailable() and isComplete() return true.


Component getHeader(java.lang.String id,
                    Component parent,
                    IWizard wizard)
Gets the header component for this step. This component is displayed in a special section of the wizard.

id - The id that the component should be created with
parent - The parent component (for post 1.2)
wizard - The wizard component the header will be placed on
The header component


Component getView(java.lang.String id,
                  Component parent,
                  IWizard wizard)
Returns the current view this step is displaying. This component will be displayed in the main section of the wizard with this step is active. This may changed at any time by as long as an appropriate property change event is fired.

id - The id that the component should be created with
parent - The parent component (for post 1.2)
wizard - The wizard component the header will be placed on
The current view of the step.


void init(IWizardModel wizardModel)
Initializes this step with the model it will belong to.

wizardModel - the owning wizard model


boolean isComplete()
Checks if this step is compete. This method should return true if the wizard can proceed to the next step.

true if the wizard can proceed from this step, false otherwise.

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