
Contains JaxMeXS: the JaxMe parser for XML Schema.


Interface Summary
SchemaTransformer A schema transformer is able to modify a schema, which is being read.
XSAnnotation Interface of an annotation.
XSAppinfo Interface of an appinfo element.
XSAtomicType Details of an atomic type.
XSAttributable A common interface for the objects returned by XSComplexType.getAttributes(): XSAttribute and XSWildcard.
XSAttribute Interface of a schema attribute.
XSAttributeGroup Interface of an attribute group.
XSComplexType Details of a complex type.
XSContentHandler A SAX Parser for XML Schema.
XSElement Interface of a schema element
XSEnumeration Interface of an xs:enumeration facet.
XSGroup Interface of a group.
XSIdentityConstraint An identity constraint restricts the contents of an elements children.
XSKeyRef This reference represents a key used to look up other elements.
XSListType Details of a list type.
XSModelGroup Interface of a model group.
XSNotation Interface of a notation.
XSObject A common base interface for all other schema objects.
XSObjectFactory An object factory for the logical XSParser.
XSOpenAttrs Interface of an object, which allows for additional attributes from non-default namespaces.
XSParticle Interface of a model groups particle.
XSSchema This interface is what you are probably most interested in: The logical XML Schema representation.
XSSimpleContentType Detail infos of a complex type with simpleContent.
XSSimpleType Details of a simple type.
XSType Interface of an XML Schema type.
XSUnionType Details of a union type.
XSWildcard Interface of a wildcard.

Class Summary
XPathMatcher An XPath matcher.
XSElementOrAttrRef Specifies an element or attribute relative to the declaring element.
XSParser The XML schema parser.

Package Description

Contains JaxMeXS: the JaxMe parser for XML Schema.