Interface XSObject

All Known Subinterfaces:
JAXBAny, JAXBAttribute, JAXBElement, JAXBEnumeration, JAXBGroup, JAXBSchema, JAXBType, JAXBWildcard, XSAnnotation, XSAny, XSAppinfo, XSAttribute, XSAttributeGroup, XSDocumentation, XSElement, XSEnumeration, XSGroup, XSIdentityConstraint, XSKeyRef, XSNotation, XSOpenAttrs, XSSchema, XSType, XSWildcard
All Known Implementing Classes:
AbstractAtomicType, AbstractBuiltinType, AbstractListType, AbstractSimpleType, JAXBAttributeImpl, JAXBElementImpl, JAXBEnumerationImpl, JAXBGroupImpl, JAXBSchemaImpl, JAXBTypeImpl, JAXBWildcardImpl, JMChar, XSAnnotationImpl, XSAnyImpl, XSAnySimpleType, XSAnyType, XSAnyURI, XSAppinfoImpl, XSAttributeGroupImpl, XSAttributeImpl, XSBase64Binary, XSBoolean, XSByte, XSDate, XSDateTime, XSDecimal, XSDocumentationImpl, XSDouble, XSDuration, XSElementImpl, XSEntities, XSEntity, XSEnumerationImpl, XSFloat, XSGDay, XSGMonth, XSGMonthDay, XSGroupImpl, XSGYear, XSGYearMonth, XSHexBinary, XSID, XSIdentityConstraintImpl, XSIDREF, XSIDREFs, XSInt, XSInteger, XSKeyRefImpl, XSLanguage, XSLong, XSName, XSNCName, XSNegativeInteger, XSNMToken, XSNMTokens, XSNonNegativeInteger, XSNonPositiveInteger, XSNormalizedString, XSNotation, XSNotationImpl, XSObjectImpl, XSOpenAttrsImpl, XSPositiveInteger, XSQName, XSSchemaImpl, XSShort, XSString, XSTime, XSToken, XSTypeImpl, XSUnsignedByte, XSUnsignedInt, XSUnsignedLong, XSUnsignedShort, XSWildcardImpl

public interface XSObject

A common base interface for all other schema objects.

Jochen Wiedmann

Method Summary
 org.xml.sax.Locator getLocator()
          Returns the objects location.
 XSObject getParentObject()
          Returns either of the following: If the object is the schema itself, returns null.
 XSSchema getXSSchema()
          Returns the objects schema.
 boolean isTopLevelObject()
          Returns whether the object is a top-level object.
 void validate()
          Validates the objects internal state.

Method Detail


XSSchema getXSSchema()

Returns the objects schema.


boolean isTopLevelObject()

Returns whether the object is a top-level object. This is the case for the XsESchema itself and for all its childs only.


XSObject getParentObject()

Returns either of the following:


org.xml.sax.Locator getLocator()

Returns the objects location.


void validate()
              throws org.xml.sax.SAXException

Validates the objects internal state.
