• Overview
  • Getting Started
  • Install
  • Design
  • Script Elements
  • Contributors
  • Coding Standards
  • License

  • Script Elements

    There are several different types of Script Elements within Velocity. The overall purpose of these elements is described in the Design Document. The following elements are currently defined within Velocity and also explained in detail below. All of the elements are prefixed with a #. For example, #if, #foreach, #set.

    • Variables
    • Conditionals:
      • If / Else
    • Loops:
      • Foreach
      • While (Not Yet Implemented)
    • Parse
    • Include
    • Param
    • Set
    • Comment
    • Stop


    Variables are referenced in a similar fashion to the way that they are in Perl (ie: they use a $), but they also take advantage of some Java principles that are easy for template designers to work with. For example:

        $foo.getBar() or $foo.Bar
        $data.getUser("jon") or $data.User("jon")
        $data.getRequest().getServerName() or $data.Request.ServerName

    As you can see in a couple of the examples above there are alternative uses for the same variables. Velocity takes advantage of Java's introspection and bean features to resolve the variable names to both objects in the Context as well as the objects methods. It is possible to embed the variables almost anywhere in your template and have them be evaluated.

    Everything coming to and from the variables is treated as a String object. If you have an object that is representing $foo such as an Integer object, then Velocity will call its .toString() method in order to resolve the object into a String.

    If / Else Conditionals

    The #if statement in Velocity allows you to conditionally include the text within the brackets. For example:

        #if ($foo)
            <strong>Velocity Rocks!</strong>

    The variable $foo is evaluated to see if it is a boolean or not null and the content within the brackets is what is output if the evaluation is true. As you can see, this has the advantage over other systems because you do not need to wrap your HTML code within an out.println(), therefore enabling you to develop a more MVC solution. Of course there are other solutions to out.println() within JSP, but they are just as ugly as out.println().

    Another example is that you can include #else elements with your #if element.

        #if ($foo)
            <strong>Velocity Rocks!</strong>
            <strong>Velocity Still Rocks!</strong>

    Note: In the current version of Velocity, it is not possible to do something like what is shown below. We will be adding this functionality quickly though.

        #if ($foo && $bar)
            <strong>Velocity Rocks!</strong>

    If you would like to emulate the functionality of #elseif, then you can do so by using nested #if statements. As you would expect, nesting elements works for all of the elements to an infinite level of nesting. For example, you can nest a #foreach within a #if. We will be considering in the future of adding a #elseif to simplify things.

    Foreach Loop

    The #foreach element allows you to create loops. For example:

        #foreach $product in $allProducts

    The #foreach loop causes the $allProducts list to be looped over for all of the elements in the list. Each time through the loop, the value from $allProducts is placed into the $product variable.

    The contents of the $allProducts variable is either a Vector, Hashtable or Array. Thus, the value that is assigned to the $product variable is a Java Object and can be referenced from the variable as so. For example, if $product was really a Product class in Java, you could get the name of the Product by referencing the $product.Name method (ie: Product.getName()).


    The #parse script element allows you to import a local file and have it parsed through the Velocity template engine and inserted into the location where the #parse directive is defined. The current Context is applied to the variables that are embedded within the template.

        #parse /path/to/file.vm


    The #include script element allows you to import a local file that is inserted into the location where the #include directive is defined. The contents of the file are not rendered through the template engine.

        #include /path/to/file.vm


    The #param script element allows the template designer to set items in the context that are static and do not change over the life of the template.

        #param $date = "May 24, 1973"

    One difference between Velocity and WebMacro is that the left hand side variable must be prefixed with a $. We felt that this is more appropriate for the script element language because you are effectively setting a variable and the references to variables should be consistent.


    The #set script element allows the template designer to set variables within the Context.

        #set $name = "Fred"

    One difference between Velocity and WebMacro is that the left hand side variable must be prefixed with a $. We felt that this is more appropriate for the script element language because you are effectively setting a variable and the references to variables should be consistent.

    Currently, the above example is the only thing that is supported. We will eventually be suporting the full range of WebMacro functionality here.


    The ## script element allows the template designer to write comments in templates that are not placed into the output of the template engine.

        ## this is a comment

    A current problem with Velocity is that the space that comments occupy is not removed from the template. The newlines should be removed. This will be fixed shortly.


    The #stop script element allows the template designer to stop the execution of the template engine and return. This is useful for debugging purposes.


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