• Overview
  • Getting Started
  • Install
  • Design
  • Script Elements
  • Contributors
  • Coding Standards
  • License

  • Installation

    Everything required to build Velocity comes with the distribution.


    Execute the following script in the velocity/build directory:


    Executing the above script will create a "bin" directory within the Velocity distribution directory. In there will be the compiled class files (inside a "classes" directory) as well as a "velocity.jar" file. You can either use the .jar file directly or copy the org directory into your classpath.

    If you get compiler error about not being able to find some package, then it means that you have not edited the scripts to properly specify the paths to each of the packages.

    Testing Your Installation

    There is testing scripts in the velocity/examples directory.

    Copyright © 2000 The Apache Software Foundation. All Rights Reserved.