Class XmlCasSerializer

  extended by org.apache.uima.util.XmlCasSerializer

public abstract class XmlCasSerializer
extends Object

Serializes a CAS to inline XML format. The output format conforms to the XML Metadata Interchange (XMI) format, an OMG standard.

For more options, see XmiCasSerializer.

Constructor Summary
Method Summary
static void serialize(CAS aCAS, OutputStream aStream)
          Serializes a CAS to XMI format and writes it to an output stream.
static void serialize(CAS aCAS, TypeSystem aTargetTypeSystem, OutputStream aStream)
          Serializes a CAS to XMI format and writes it to an output stream.
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait

Constructor Detail


public XmlCasSerializer()
Method Detail


public static void serialize(CAS aCAS,
                             OutputStream aStream)
                      throws SAXException,
Serializes a CAS to XMI format and writes it to an output stream.

aCAS - CAS to serialize.
aStream - output stream to which to write the XMI document
SAXException - if a problem occurs during XMI serialization
IOException - if an I/O failure occurs


public static void serialize(CAS aCAS,
                             TypeSystem aTargetTypeSystem,
                             OutputStream aStream)
                      throws SAXException,
Serializes a CAS to XMI format and writes it to an output stream. Allows a TypeSystem to be specified, to which the produced XMI will conform. Any types or features not in the target type system will not be serialized.

aCAS - CAS to serialize.
aTargetTypeSystem - type system to which the produced XMI will conform. Any types or features not in the target type system will not be serialized.
aStream - output stream to which to write the XMI document
SAXException - if a problem occurs during XMI serialization
IOException - if an I/O failure occurs

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