Class XmiCasSerializer

  extended by org.apache.uima.cas.impl.XmiCasSerializer

public class XmiCasSerializer
extends Object

XMI CAS serializer. Used to write out a CAS in an XML Metadata Interchange (XMI) format. Create a serializer from a type system, then encode individual CASes by writing to a SAX content handler. This class is thread safe.

Field Summary
          Namespace URI to use for UIMA types that have no namespace (the "default pacakge" in Java)
static String ID_ATTR_NAME
static String XMI_NS_PREFIX
static String XMI_NS_URI
static org.apache.uima.internal.util.XmlElementName XMI_TAG
static String XMI_TAG_LOCAL_NAME
static String XMI_TAG_QNAME
static String XMLNS_NS_URI
static String XSI_NS_URI
Constructor Summary
XmiCasSerializer(TypeSystem ts)
          Creates a new XmiCasSerializer.
XmiCasSerializer(TypeSystem ts, Map<String,String> nsUriToSchemaLocationMap)
          Creates a new XmiCasSerializer.
XmiCasSerializer(TypeSystem ts, UimaContext uimaContext)
          Deprecated. Use XmiCasSerializer(TypeSystem) instead. The UimaContext reference is never used by this implementation.
XmiCasSerializer(TypeSystem ts, UimaContext uimaContext, Map<String,String> nsUriToSchemaLocationMap)
          Deprecated. Use XmiCasSerializer(TypeSystem, Map) instead. The UimaContext reference is never used by this implementation.
Method Summary
 int getNumChildren()
          Gets the number of children of the current element.
 void serialize(CAS cas, ContentHandler contentHandler)
          Write the CAS data to a SAX content handler.
 void serialize(CAS cas, ContentHandler contentHandler, ErrorHandler errorHandler)
          Write the CAS data to a SAX content handler.
 void serialize(CAS cas, ContentHandler contentHandler, ErrorHandler errorHandler, XmiSerializationSharedData sharedData)
          Write the CAS data to a SAX content handler.
 void serialize(CAS cas, ContentHandler contentHandler, ErrorHandler errorHandler, XmiSerializationSharedData sharedData, Marker marker)
          Write the CAS data to a SAX content handler.
static void serialize(CAS aCAS, OutputStream aStream)
          Serializes a CAS to an XMI stream.
static void serialize(CAS aCAS, TypeSystem aTargetTypeSystem, OutputStream aStream)
          Serializes a CAS to an XMI stream.
static void serialize(CAS aCAS, TypeSystem aTargetTypeSystem, OutputStream aStream, boolean aPrettyPrint, XmiSerializationSharedData aSharedData)
          Serializes a CAS to an XMI stream.
static void serialize(CAS aCAS, TypeSystem aTargetTypeSystem, OutputStream aStream, boolean aPrettyPrint, XmiSerializationSharedData aSharedData, Marker aMarker)
          Serializes a Delta CAS to an XMI stream.
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait

Field Detail


public static final int TYPE_CLASS_INTLIST
See Also:
Constant Field Values


public static final int TYPE_CLASS_FLOATLIST
See Also:
Constant Field Values


public static final int TYPE_CLASS_STRINGLIST
See Also:
Constant Field Values


public static final int TYPE_CLASS_FSLIST
See Also:
Constant Field Values


public static final String XMLNS_NS_URI
See Also:
Constant Field Values


public static final String XMI_NS_URI
See Also:
Constant Field Values


public static final String XSI_NS_URI
See Also:
Constant Field Values


public static final String XMI_NS_PREFIX
See Also:
Constant Field Values


public static final String XMI_TAG_LOCAL_NAME
See Also:
Constant Field Values


public static final String XMI_TAG_QNAME
See Also:
Constant Field Values


public static final org.apache.uima.internal.util.XmlElementName XMI_TAG


public static final String INDEXED_ATTR_NAME
See Also:
Constant Field Values


public static final String ID_ATTR_NAME
See Also:
Constant Field Values


public static final String XMI_VERSION_LOCAL_NAME
See Also:
Constant Field Values


public static final String XMI_VERSION_QNAME
See Also:
Constant Field Values


public static final String XMI_VERSION_VALUE
See Also:
Constant Field Values


public static final String DEFAULT_NAMESPACE_URI
Namespace URI to use for UIMA types that have no namespace (the "default pacakge" in Java)

See Also:
Constant Field Values
Constructor Detail


public XmiCasSerializer(TypeSystem ts,
                        Map<String,String> nsUriToSchemaLocationMap)
Creates a new XmiCasSerializer.

ts - the TypeSystem of CASes that will be serialized. If any CAS that is later passed to the serialize method that contains types and features that are not in this typesystem, the serialization will not contain instances of those types or values for those features. So this can be used to filter the results of serialization.
nsUriToSchemaLocationMap - Map if supplied, this map is used to generate a "schemaLocation" attribute in the XMI output. This argument must be a map from namespace URIs to the schema location for that namespace URI.


public XmiCasSerializer(TypeSystem ts)
Creates a new XmiCasSerializer.

ts - the TypeSystem of CASes that will be serialized. If any CAS that is later passed to the serialize method that contains types and features that are not in this typesystem, the serialization will not contain instances of those types or values for those features. So this can be used to filter the results of serialization. A null value indicates that all types and features will be serialized.


public XmiCasSerializer(TypeSystem ts,
                                   UimaContext uimaContext,
                                   Map<String,String> nsUriToSchemaLocationMap)
Deprecated. Use XmiCasSerializer(TypeSystem, Map) instead. The UimaContext reference is never used by this implementation.

Creates a new XmiCasSerializer.

ts - the TypeSystem of CASes that will be serialized. If any CAS that is later passed to the serialize method that contains types and features that are not in this typesystem, the serialization will not contain instances of those types or values for those features. So this can be used to filter the results of serialization.
uimaContext - not used
nsUriToSchemaLocationMap - Map if supplied, this map is used to generate a "schemaLocation" attribute in the XMI output. This argument must be a map from namespace URIs to the schema location for that namespace URI.


public XmiCasSerializer(TypeSystem ts,
                                   UimaContext uimaContext)
Deprecated. Use XmiCasSerializer(TypeSystem) instead. The UimaContext reference is never used by this implementation.

Creates a new XmiCasSerializer.

ts - the TypeSystem of CASes that will be serialized. If any CAS that is later passed to the serialize method that contains types and features that are not in this typesystem, the serialization will not contain instances of those types or values for those features. So this can be used to filter the results of serialization.
uimaContext - not used
Method Detail


public int getNumChildren()
Gets the number of children of the current element. This is guranteed to be set correctly at the time when startElement is called. Needed for streaming Vinci serialization.

NOTE: this method will not work if there are simultaneously executing calls to XmiCasSerializer.serialize. Use it only with a dedicated XmiCasSerializer instance that is not shared betwen threads.

the number of children of the current element


public void serialize(CAS cas,
                      ContentHandler contentHandler)
               throws SAXException
Write the CAS data to a SAX content handler.

cas - The CAS to be serialized.
contentHandler - The SAX content handler the data is written to. should be inserted into the XCAS output


public void serialize(CAS cas,
                      ContentHandler contentHandler,
                      ErrorHandler errorHandler)
               throws SAXException
Write the CAS data to a SAX content handler.

cas - The CAS to be serialized.
contentHandler - The SAX content handler the data is written to. should be inserted into the XCAS output


public void serialize(CAS cas,
                      ContentHandler contentHandler,
                      ErrorHandler errorHandler,
                      XmiSerializationSharedData sharedData)
               throws SAXException
Write the CAS data to a SAX content handler.

cas - The CAS to be serialized.
contentHandler - The SAX content handler the data is written to. should be inserted into the XCAS output
sharedData - data structure used to allow the XmiCasSerializer and XmiCasDeserializer to share information.


public void serialize(CAS cas,
                      ContentHandler contentHandler,
                      ErrorHandler errorHandler,
                      XmiSerializationSharedData sharedData,
                      Marker marker)
               throws SAXException
Write the CAS data to a SAX content handler.

cas - The CAS to be serialized.
contentHandler - The SAX content handler the data is written to. should be inserted into the XCAS output
sharedData - data structure used to allow the XmiCasSerializer and XmiCasDeserializer to share information.
marker - an object used to filter the FSs and Views to determine if these were created after the mark was set. Used to serialize a Delta CAS consisting of only new FSs and views and preexisting FSs and Views that have been modified.


public static void serialize(CAS aCAS,
                             OutputStream aStream)
                      throws SAXException
Serializes a CAS to an XMI stream.

aCAS - CAS to serialize.
aStream - output stream to which to write the XMI document
SAXException - if a problem occurs during XMI serialization
IOException - if an I/O failure occurs


public static void serialize(CAS aCAS,
                             TypeSystem aTargetTypeSystem,
                             OutputStream aStream)
                      throws SAXException
Serializes a CAS to an XMI stream. Allows a TypeSystem to be specified, to which the produced XMI will conform. Any types or features not in the target type system will not be serialized.

aCAS - CAS to serialize.
aTargetTypeSystem - type system to which the produced XMI will conform. Any types or features not in the target type system will not be serialized. A null value indicates that all types and features will be serialized.
aStream - output stream to which to write the XMI document
SAXException - if a problem occurs during XMI serialization
IOException - if an I/O failure occurs


public static void serialize(CAS aCAS,
                             TypeSystem aTargetTypeSystem,
                             OutputStream aStream,
                             boolean aPrettyPrint,
                             XmiSerializationSharedData aSharedData)
                      throws SAXException
Serializes a CAS to an XMI stream. This version of this method allows many options to be configured.

aCAS - CAS to serialize.
aTargetTypeSystem - type system to which the produced XMI will conform. Any types or features not in the target type system will not be serialized. A null value indicates that all types and features will be serialized.
aStream - output stream to which to write the XMI document
aPrettyPrint - if true the XML output will be formatted with newlines and indenting. If false it will be unformatted.
aSharedData - an optional container for data that is shared between the XmiCasSerializer and the XmiCasDeserializer. See the JavaDocs for XmiSerializationSharedData for details.
SAXException - if a problem occurs during XMI serialization
IOException - if an I/O failure occurs


public static void serialize(CAS aCAS,
                             TypeSystem aTargetTypeSystem,
                             OutputStream aStream,
                             boolean aPrettyPrint,
                             XmiSerializationSharedData aSharedData,
                             Marker aMarker)
                      throws SAXException
Serializes a Delta CAS to an XMI stream. This version of this method allows many options to be configured.

aCAS - CAS to serialize.
aTargetTypeSystem - type system to which the produced XMI will conform. Any types or features not in the target type system will not be serialized. A null value indicates that all types and features will be serialized.
aStream - output stream to which to write the XMI document
aPrettyPrint - if true the XML output will be formatted with newlines and indenting. If false it will be unformatted.
aSharedData - an optional container for data that is shared between the XmiCasSerializer and the XmiCasDeserializer. See the JavaDocs for XmiSerializationSharedData for details.
aMarker - an optional object that is used to filter and serialize a Delta CAS containing only those FSs and Views created after Marker was set and preexisting FSs and views that were modified. See the JavaDocs for Marker for details.
SAXException - if a problem occurs during XMI serialization
IOException - if an I/O failure occurs

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