Interface SharedResourceObject

public interface SharedResourceObject

The SharedResourceObject interface must be implemented by all classes that provide access to resource data. Object that implement this interface may be made accessible to Annotators via the ResourceManager.

This interface's load(DataResource) method is called by the ResourceManager after the SharedResourceObject has been instantiated. A DataResource is passes as a parameter to this method. The implementation of the load method should read the data from the DataResource and use that data to initialize this object.

Method Summary
 void load(DataResource aData)
          Called by the ResourceManager after this object has been instantiated.

Method Detail


void load(DataResource aData)
          throws ResourceInitializationException
Called by the ResourceManager after this object has been instantiated. The implementation of this method should read the data from the specified DataResource and use that data to initialize this object.

aData - a DataResource that provides access to the data for this resource object.
ResourceInitializationException - if a failure occurs during loading.

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