Interface Session

All Superinterfaces:

public interface Session
extends Serializable

An object that encapsulates all conversational state between a UIMA Resource and a particular client. In a local deployment, there will probably be only one session. Distributed deployments often have multiple sessions. If multiple sessions are in use, it is the application's or service wrapper's responsibility to make sure that a Resource's Session object is properly set up prior to invoking any of that Resource's methods.

Note that a particular component, such as an annotator, may get a handle to a Session object that actually represents a particular namespace within a larger Session. This allows each component to use arbitrary keys for storing information in the session without risking name collisions.

Method Summary
 Object get(String aKey)
          Gets an object from the Session
 void put(String aKey, Object aValue)
          Stores an object in the Session

Method Detail


void put(String aKey,
         Object aValue)
Stores an object in the Session


Object get(String aKey)
Gets an object from the Session

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