Interface ManagementObject

All Known Subinterfaces:
AnalysisEngineManagement, CasPoolManagement

public interface ManagementObject

Base interface for objects that expose a monitoring and management interface to a UIMA component or some part of the UIMA framework.

In this implementation, objects implementing this interface will always be JMX-compatible MBeans that you can register with an MBeanServer. For information on JMX see

Method Summary
 String getUniqueMBeanName()
          Gets a valid JMX MBean name that is unique among all ManagementObjects in this JVM.

Method Detail


String getUniqueMBeanName()
Gets a valid JMX MBean name that is unique among all ManagementObjects in this JVM. (Technically, it is unique only among ManagementObjects objects loaded by the same ClassLoader, which is whatever ClassLoader was used to load the UIMA Framework classes.)

If you are running with JRE 1.5, this is the name used to register this object with the platform MBeanServer.

a unique MBean name

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