Interface AnalysisEngineManagement

All Superinterfaces:

public interface AnalysisEngineManagement
extends ManagementObject

Monitoring and management interface to an AnalysisEngine. An application can obtain an instance of this object by calling AnalysisEngine.getManagementInterface().

In this implementation, objects implementing this interface will always be JMX-compatible MBeans that you can register with an MBeanServer. For information on JMX see

Nested Class Summary
static class AnalysisEngineManagement.State
Method Summary
 long getAnalysisTime()
          Gets the total time this AnalysisEngine has spent doing analysis over its entire lifetime.
 long getBatchProcessCompleteTime()
          Gets the total time this AnalysisEngine has spent in its batchProcessComplete method over its entire lifetime.
 String getCASesPerSecond()
          Gets the throughput of this AnalysisEngine, represented as number of CASes processed per second.
 long getCollectionProcessCompleteTime()
          Gets the total time this AnalysisEngine has spent in its collectionProcessComplete method over its entire lifetime.
 Map<String,AnalysisEngineManagement> getComponents()
          For an Aggregate AnalysisEngine, gets a Map whose values are AnalysisEngineManagement objects that contain the statistics for the components of the aggregate.
 long getInitializationTime()
          Total time it took AnalysisEngine to initialize
 String getName()
          Gets a name for this AnalysisEngineManagement object, which will be unique among all of its siblings (i.e.
 long getNumberOfCASesProcessed()
          Gets the total number of CASes this AnalysisEngine has processed over its lifetime.
 long getServiceCallTime()
          If this AnalysisEngine is a proxy to a remote service, gets the total time spent making calls on that service.
 String getState()
          Gets the current state of an AnalysisEngine.
 long getThreadId()
          Gets an id of a thread that was used to initialize AE instance
 void resetStats()
          Resets all of the performance statistics to zero.
Methods inherited from interface org.apache.uima.resource.ManagementObject

Method Detail


String getName()
Gets a name for this AnalysisEngineManagement object, which will be unique among all of its siblings (i.e. the objects returned from its parent's getComponents() method.

a name for this AnalysisEngineManagement object


long getAnalysisTime()
Gets the total time this AnalysisEngine has spent doing analysis over its entire lifetime. This includes calls to the AnalysisEngine.process(CAS) and AnalysisEngine.processAndOutputNewCASes(CAS) methods, as well as calls to the CasIterator returned from the processAndOutputNewCASes method.

the analysis time time in milliseconds


long getBatchProcessCompleteTime()
Gets the total time this AnalysisEngine has spent in its batchProcessComplete method over its entire lifetime.

the batch process complete time in milliseconds


long getCollectionProcessCompleteTime()
Gets the total time this AnalysisEngine has spent in its collectionProcessComplete method over its entire lifetime.

the batch process complete time in milliseconds


long getServiceCallTime()
If this AnalysisEngine is a proxy to a remote service, gets the total time spent making calls on that service.

the service call time in milliseconds, or 0 if this AnalysisEngine is not a proxy to a service


long getNumberOfCASesProcessed()
Gets the total number of CASes this AnalysisEngine has processed over its lifetime. For a CAS Multipliers, this includes both input and output CASes.

the number of CASes processed


String getCASesPerSecond()
Gets the throughput of this AnalysisEngine, represented as number of CASes processed per second.

a string representation of the throughput


Map<String,AnalysisEngineManagement> getComponents()
For an Aggregate AnalysisEngine, gets a Map whose values are AnalysisEngineManagement objects that contain the statistics for the components of the aggregate. The keys in the Map are the unique String keys specified in the aggregate AnalysisEngine descriptor. If this AnalysisEngine is a primitive, returns an empty Map.

a map from String keys to AnalysisEngineManagement objects


void resetStats()
Resets all of the performance statistics to zero. For an Aggregate Analysis Engine, also resets the statistics for all the components of the aggregate.


String getState()
Gets the current state of an AnalysisEngine. The AE should either be in Initializing or Ready state.


long getThreadId()
Gets an id of a thread that was used to initialize AE instance

- thread id


long getInitializationTime()
Total time it took AnalysisEngine to initialize

- initialization time

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