Class Axis2SynapseEnvironment

  extended by org.apache.synapse.core.axis2.Axis2SynapseEnvironment
All Implemented Interfaces:

public class Axis2SynapseEnvironment
extends Object
implements SynapseEnvironment

This is the Axis2 implementation of the SynapseEnvironment

Constructor Summary
Axis2SynapseEnvironment(ConfigurationContext cfgCtx, SynapseConfiguration synapseConfig)
Axis2SynapseEnvironment(ConfigurationContext cfgCtx, SynapseConfiguration synapseConfig, ServerContextInformation contextInformation)
Axis2SynapseEnvironment(SynapseConfiguration synCfg)
Method Summary
 MessageContext createMessageContext()
          This method will be used to create a new MessageContext in the Axis2 environment for Synapse.
 OverflowBlob createOverflowBlob()
          Factory method to create the TemporaryData object as per on the parameters specified in the file, so that the TemporaryData parameters like threashold chunk size can be customized by using the properties file.
 ConfigurationContext getAxis2ConfigurationContext()
          Retrieves the ConfigurationContext associated with this axis2SynapseEnv
 ExecutorService getExecutorService()
          This will give the access to the synapse thread pool for the advanced mediation tasks.
 ServerContextInformation getServerContextInformation()
          Retrieve the ServerContextInformation from the environment.
 StatisticsCollector getStatisticsCollector()
          This method returns the StatisticsCollector responsible for collecting stats for this synapse instance.
 SynapseConfiguration getSynapseConfiguration()
          Retrieves the SynapseConfiguration from the environment
 SynapseTaskManager getTaskManager()
          Retrive the SynapseTaskManager from the envioronment.
 Map<QName,SynapseXpathFunctionContextProvider> getXpathFunctionExtensions()
          Returns all declared xpath Function Extensions
 Map<QName,SynapseXpathVariableResolver> getXpathVariableExtensions()
          Returns all declared xpath Variable Extensions
 void injectAsync(MessageContext synCtx, SequenceMediator seq)
          This method injects a new message into the Synapse engine for the mediation by the specified sequence.
 boolean injectMessage(MessageContext synCtx)
          This method injects a new message into the Synapse engine.
 boolean isInitialized()
          Has this environment properly initialized?
 void send(EndpointDefinition endpoint, MessageContext synCtx)
          This will be used for sending the message provided, to the endpoint specified by the EndpointDefinition using the axis2 environment.
 void setInitialized(boolean state)
          Mark this environment as ready for processing
 void setStatisticsCollector(StatisticsCollector collector)
 void setXpathFunctionExtensions(SynapseXpathFunctionContextProvider functionExt)
 void setXpathVariableExtensions(SynapseXpathVariableResolver variableExt)
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait

Constructor Detail


public Axis2SynapseEnvironment(SynapseConfiguration synCfg)


public Axis2SynapseEnvironment(ConfigurationContext cfgCtx,
                               SynapseConfiguration synapseConfig)


public Axis2SynapseEnvironment(ConfigurationContext cfgCtx,
                               SynapseConfiguration synapseConfig,
                               ServerContextInformation contextInformation)
Method Detail


public boolean injectMessage(MessageContext synCtx)
Description copied from interface: SynapseEnvironment
This method injects a new message into the Synapse engine. This is used by the underlying SOAP engine to inject messages into Synapse for mediation. e.g. The SynapseMessageReceiver used by Axis2 invokes this to inject new messages

Specified by:
injectMessage in interface SynapseEnvironment
synCtx - - Synapse MessageContext to be injected
boolean true if the message processing should be continued and false if it should be aborted


public void injectAsync(MessageContext synCtx,
                        SequenceMediator seq)
Description copied from interface: SynapseEnvironment
This method injects a new message into the Synapse engine for the mediation by the specified sequence. This is used by custom mediation tasks like splitting message in EIP mediation. This method will do the mediation asynchronously using a separate thread from the environment thread pool

Specified by:
injectAsync in interface SynapseEnvironment
synCtx - - Synapse message context to be injected
seq - - Sequence to be used for mediation


public void send(EndpointDefinition endpoint,
                 MessageContext synCtx)
This will be used for sending the message provided, to the endpoint specified by the EndpointDefinition using the axis2 environment.

Specified by:
send in interface SynapseEnvironment
endpoint - - EndpointDefinition to be used to find the endpoint information and the properties of the sending process
synCtx - - Synapse MessageContext to be sent


public MessageContext createMessageContext()
This method will be used to create a new MessageContext in the Axis2 environment for Synapse. This will set all the relevant parts to the messagecontext, but for this message context to be useful creator has to fill in the data like envelope and operation context and so on. This will set a default envelope of type soap12 and a new messageID for the created message along with the ConfigurationContext is being set in to the message correctly.

Specified by:
createMessageContext in interface SynapseEnvironment
Synapse MessageContext with the underlying axis2 message context set


public OverflowBlob createOverflowBlob()
Factory method to create the TemporaryData object as per on the parameters specified in the file, so that the TemporaryData parameters like threashold chunk size can be customized by using the properties file. This can be extended to enforce further policies if required in the future.

Specified by:
createOverflowBlob in interface SynapseEnvironment
created TemporaryData object as per in the file


public StatisticsCollector getStatisticsCollector()
This method returns the StatisticsCollector responsible for collecting stats for this synapse instance.

Specified by:
getStatisticsCollector in interface SynapseEnvironment
Returns the StatisticsCollector


public void setStatisticsCollector(StatisticsCollector collector)

To set the StatisticsCollector

Specified by:
setStatisticsCollector in interface SynapseEnvironment
collector - - Statistics collector to be set


public ExecutorService getExecutorService()
This will give the access to the synapse thread pool for the advanced mediation tasks.

Specified by:
getExecutorService in interface SynapseEnvironment
an ExecutorService to execute the tasks in a new thread from the pool


public boolean isInitialized()
Has this environment properly initialized?

Specified by:
isInitialized in interface SynapseEnvironment
true if ready for processing


public void setInitialized(boolean state)
Mark this environment as ready for processing

Specified by:
setInitialized in interface SynapseEnvironment
state - true means ready for processing


public SynapseConfiguration getSynapseConfiguration()
Retrieves the SynapseConfiguration from the environment

Specified by:
getSynapseConfiguration in interface SynapseEnvironment
synapseConfig associated with the enviorenment


public SynapseTaskManager getTaskManager()
Retrive the SynapseTaskManager from the envioronment.

Specified by:
getTaskManager in interface SynapseEnvironment
SynapseTaskManager of this synapse environment


public ServerContextInformation getServerContextInformation()
Retrieve the ServerContextInformation from the environment.

Specified by:
getServerContextInformation in interface SynapseEnvironment
ServerContextInformation of the environment


public ConfigurationContext getAxis2ConfigurationContext()
Retrieves the ConfigurationContext associated with this axis2SynapseEnv

configContext of the axis2 synapse environment


public Map<QName,SynapseXpathFunctionContextProvider> getXpathFunctionExtensions()
Returns all declared xpath Function Extensions

Specified by:
getXpathFunctionExtensions in interface SynapseEnvironment
Hash Map Contatining Function Extensions with supported QName keys


public Map<QName,SynapseXpathVariableResolver> getXpathVariableExtensions()
Returns all declared xpath Variable Extensions

Specified by:
getXpathVariableExtensions in interface SynapseEnvironment
Hash Map Contatining Variable Extensions with supported QName keys


public void setXpathFunctionExtensions(SynapseXpathFunctionContextProvider functionExt)


public void setXpathVariableExtensions(SynapseXpathVariableResolver variableExt)

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