Interface SynapseXpathFunctionContextProvider

public interface SynapseXpathFunctionContextProvider

This XPath Function Context provider Interface must be implemented when resolving custom XPath Function contexts .Any xpath function that can't be resolved by SynapseXPathFunctionContext will be delegated to this interface. Users should implement this API as well as jaxen based Function API . Extensions can be registered in under synapse.xpath.func.extensions

See Also:
Function, SynapseXPathFunctionContext

Method Summary
 Function getInitializedExtFunction(MessageContext msgCtxt)
          This method should implement instatntiation code for custom xpath function for the registered QNames given by #getResolvingQName().Note that this extension provider is responsible for initalizing custom xpath function and returning a fresh function instance to Synapse.
 QName getResolvingQName()
          Should Implement this API to return supported custom expression

Method Detail


Function getInitializedExtFunction(MessageContext msgCtxt)
This method should implement instatntiation code for custom xpath function for the registered QNames given by #getResolvingQName().Note that this extension provider is responsible for initalizing custom xpath function and returning a fresh function instance to Synapse. Callers should be responsible for invoking the function explicitly.

msgCtxt - Synapse Message Context
extension Function constructed with message
See Also:, java.util.List)


QName getResolvingQName()
Should Implement this API to return supported custom expression

This should return the supported QName (localname + prefix + namespace URI combination ) for this extension

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