Class BearerHttpAuthenticationFilter

    • Field Detail


        protected static final String AUTHORIZATION_HEADER
        HTTP Authorization header, equal to Authorization
        See Also:
        Constant Field Values

        protected static final String AUTHENTICATE_HEADER
        HTTP Authentication header, equal to WWW-Authenticate
        See Also:
        Constant Field Values
    • Method Detail

      • createToken

        protected AuthenticationToken createToken​(ServletRequest request,
                                                  ServletResponse response)
        Creates an AuthenticationToken for use during login attempt with the provided credentials in the http header.

        This implementation:

        1. acquires the username and password based on the request's authorization header via the getPrincipalsAndCredentials method
        2. The return value of that method is converted to an AuthenticationToken via the createToken method
        3. The created AuthenticationToken is returned.
        request - incoming ServletRequest
        response - outgoing ServletResponse
        the AuthenticationToken used to execute the login attempt
      • getApplicationName

        public String getApplicationName()
        Returns the name to use in the ServletResponse's WWW-Authenticate header.

        Per RFC 2617, this name name is displayed to the end user when they are asked to authenticate. Unless overridden by the setApplicationName(String) method, the default value is 'application'.

        Please see setApplicationName(String) for an example of how this functions.

        the name to use in the ServletResponse's 'WWW-Authenticate' header.
      • setApplicationName

        public void setApplicationName​(String applicationName)
        Sets the name to use in the ServletResponse's WWW-Authenticate header.

        Per RFC 2617, this name name is displayed to the end user when they are asked to authenticate. Unless overridden by this method, the default value is "application"

        For example, setting this property to the value Awesome Webapp will result in the following header:

        WWW-Authenticate: Basic realm="Awesome Webapp"

        Side note: As you can see from the header text, the HTTP Basic specification calls this the authentication 'realm', but we call this the 'applicationName' instead to avoid confusion with Shiro's Realm constructs.

        applicationName - the name to use in the ServletResponse's 'WWW-Authenticate' header.
      • getAuthzScheme

        public String getAuthzScheme()
        Returns the HTTP Authorization header value that this filter will respond to as indicating a login request.

        Unless overridden by the setAuthzScheme(String) method, the default value is BASIC.

        the Http 'Authorization' header value that this filter will respond to as indicating a login request
      • setAuthzScheme

        public void setAuthzScheme​(String authzScheme)
        Sets the HTTP Authorization header value that this filter will respond to as indicating a login request.

        Unless overridden by this method, the default value is BASIC

        authzScheme - the HTTP Authorization header value that this filter will respond to as indicating a login request.
      • getAuthcScheme

        public String getAuthcScheme()
        Returns the HTTP WWW-Authenticate header scheme that this filter will use when sending the HTTP Basic challenge response. The default value is BASIC.
        the HTTP WWW-Authenticate header scheme that this filter will use when sending the HTTP Basic challenge response.
        See Also:
        sendChallenge(javax.servlet.ServletRequest, javax.servlet.ServletResponse)
      • setAuthcScheme

        public void setAuthcScheme​(String authcScheme)
        Sets the HTTP WWW-Authenticate header scheme that this filter will use when sending the HTTP Basic challenge response. The default value is BASIC.
        authcScheme - the HTTP WWW-Authenticate header scheme that this filter will use when sending the Http Basic challenge response.
        See Also:
        sendChallenge(javax.servlet.ServletRequest, javax.servlet.ServletResponse)
      • isAccessAllowed

        protected boolean isAccessAllowed​(ServletRequest request,
                                          ServletResponse response,
                                          Object mappedValue)
        The Basic authentication filter can be configured with a list of HTTP methods to which it should apply. This method ensures that authentication is only required for those HTTP methods specified. For example, if you had the configuration:
            /basic/** = authcBasic[POST,PUT,DELETE]
        then a GET request would not required authentication but a POST would.
        isAccessAllowed in class AuthenticatingFilter
        request - The current HTTP servlet request.
        response - The current HTTP servlet response.
        mappedValue - The array of configured HTTP methods as strings. This is empty if no methods are configured.
        true if request should be allowed access
      • onAccessDenied

        protected boolean onAccessDenied​(ServletRequest request,
                                         ServletResponse response)
                                  throws Exception
        Processes unauthenticated requests. It handles the two-stage request/challenge authentication protocol.
        Specified by:
        onAccessDenied in class AccessControlFilter
        request - incoming ServletRequest
        response - outgoing ServletResponse
        true if the request should be processed; false if the request should not continue to be processed
        Exception - if there is an error processing the request.
      • isLoginAttempt

        protected boolean isLoginAttempt​(ServletRequest request,
                                         ServletResponse response)
        Determines whether the incoming request is an attempt to log in.

        The default implementation obtains the value of the request's AUTHORIZATION_HEADER, and if it is not null, delegates to isLoginAttempt(authzHeaderValue). If the header is null, false is returned.

        request - incoming ServletRequest
        response - outgoing ServletResponse
        true if the incoming request is an attempt to log in based, false otherwise
      • getAuthzHeader

        protected String getAuthzHeader​(ServletRequest request)
        Returns the AUTHORIZATION_HEADER from the specified ServletRequest.

        This implementation merely casts the request to an HttpServletRequest and returns the header:

        HttpServletRequest httpRequest = toHttp(reaquest);
        return httpRequest.getHeader(AUTHORIZATION_HEADER);

        request - the incoming ServletRequest
        the Authorization header's value.
      • isLoginAttempt

        protected boolean isLoginAttempt​(String authzHeader)
        Default implementation that returns true if the specified authzHeader starts with the same (case-insensitive) characters specified by the authzScheme, false otherwise.

        That is:

        String authzScheme = getAuthzScheme().toLowerCase();
        return authzHeader.toLowerCase().startsWith(authzScheme);

        authzHeader - the 'Authorization' header value (guaranteed to be non-null if the isLoginAttempt(ServletRequest, ServletResponse) method is not overriden).
        true if the authzHeader value matches that configured as defined by the authzScheme.
      • sendChallenge

        protected boolean sendChallenge​(ServletRequest request,
                                        ServletResponse response)
        Builds the challenge for authorization by setting a HTTP 401 (Unauthorized) status as well as the response's AUTHENTICATE_HEADER.

        The header value constructed is equal to:

        getAuthcScheme() + " realm=\"" + getApplicationName() + "\"";

        request - incoming ServletRequest, ignored by this implementation
        response - outgoing ServletResponse
        false - this sends the challenge to be sent back
      • getPrincipalsAndCredentials

        protected String[] getPrincipalsAndCredentials​(String authorizationHeader,
                                                       ServletRequest request)
        Returns the username obtained from the authorizationHeader.

        Once the authzHeader is split per the RFC (based on the space character ' '), the resulting split tokens are translated into the username/password pair by the getPrincipalsAndCredentials(scheme,encoded) method.

        authorizationHeader - the authorization header obtained from the request.
        request - the incoming ServletRequest
        the username (index 0)/password pair (index 1) submitted by the user for the given header value and request.
        See Also: