Class AbstractFilter

    • Method Detail

      • getFilterConfig

        public FilterConfig getFilterConfig()
        Returns the servlet container specified FilterConfig instance provided at startup.
        the servlet container specified FilterConfig instance provided at start-up.
      • setFilterConfig

        public void setFilterConfig​(FilterConfig filterConfig)
        Sets the FilterConfig and the ServletContext as attributes of this class for use by subclasses. That is:
         this.filterConfig = filterConfig;
        filterConfig - the FilterConfig instance provided by the Servlet container at start-up.
      • getInitParam

        protected String getInitParam​(String paramName)
        Returns the value for the named init-param, or null if there was no init-param specified by that name.
        paramName - the name of the init-param
        the value for the named init-param, or null if there was no init-param specified by that name.
      • onFilterConfigSet

        protected void onFilterConfigSet()
                                  throws Exception
        Template method to be overridden by subclasses to perform initialization logic at start-up. The ServletContext and FilterConfig will be accessible (and non-null) at the time this method is invoked via the getServletContext() and getFilterConfig() methods respectively.

        init-param values may be conveniently obtained via the getInitParam(String) method.

        Exception - if the subclass has an error upon initialization.
      • destroy

        public void destroy()
        Default no-op implementation that can be overridden by subclasses for custom cleanup behavior.
        Specified by:
        destroy in interface Filter