Class AuthenticationFilter

    • Method Detail

      • getSuccessUrl

        public String getSuccessUrl()
        Returns the success url to use as the default location a user is sent after logging in. Typically a redirect after login will redirect to the originally request URL; this property is provided mainly as a fallback in case the original request URL is not available or not specified.

        The default value is DEFAULT_SUCCESS_URL.

        the success url to use as the default location a user is sent after logging in.
      • setSuccessUrl

        public void setSuccessUrl​(String successUrl)
        Sets the default/fallback success url to use as the default location a user is sent after logging in. Typically a redirect after login will redirect to the originally request URL; this property is provided mainly as a fallback in case the original request URL is not available or not specified.

        The default value is DEFAULT_SUCCESS_URL.

        successUrl - the success URL to redirect the user to after a successful login.
      • isAccessAllowed

        protected boolean isAccessAllowed​(ServletRequest request,
                                          ServletResponse response,
                                          Object mappedValue)
        Determines whether the current subject is authenticated.

        The default implementation acquires the currently executing Subject and then returns subject.isAuthenticated();

        Specified by:
        isAccessAllowed in class AccessControlFilter
        request - the incoming ServletRequest
        response - the outgoing ServletResponse
        mappedValue - the filter-specific config value mapped to this filter in the URL rules mappings.
        true if the subject is authenticated; false if the subject is unauthenticated