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How to update Apache OpenMeetings website
Required tools
  • Sun JDK6
  • Apache ANT (1.8 or later)


The Apache OpenMeetings HTML websites are generated from XML files. You edit the XML files, run the ANT command "ant anakia" that generates the HTML files and then you checkin to SVN both: XML and HTML files.

The website itself uses JQuery to generate the menu, the pop images and the image slider at the landing page.

Editing the website

OpenMeetings website ( http://openmeetings.apache.org/ ) is a copy from the SVN repository.
The file in the SVN to be synced are at:

To update the website you checkout trunk:
edit the files in the folder xdocs
then you run the command:
ant anakia
control the output locally in the folder docs
And then checkin into the SVN both the edited xml and generated html files.

The public website is automatically synced with the SVN repository.
Changes to the SVN should be immediately synced to the production website.
If not you might login to people.apache.org,
cd to /www/openmeetings.apache.org/content/
and run the linux command "touch" on the files that need to be synced

Adding a new menu entry
To add a new menu entry in the left side panel you need to modify the file:

Writing a new macro

You can write macros in a template language to parse from the XML files certain aspects.

To add a new macro see the file:

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