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OpenMeetings Source Code

OpenMeetings uses Subversion to manage its source code. If you're new to Subversion, you can check out the online book about Subversion. Note that we are currently using Subversion 1.1.x (there are separate versions of the book covering 1.0 and 1.1).

To receive notice of commits to the repository subscribe to commits@openmeetings.apache.org by sending email to commits-subscribe@openmeetings.apache.org .

Web Access to Subversion

If you just want to browse the source code, you can use the ViewCVS web interface to Subversion. This is current at all times.

Checking Out Code Using Subversion

Anyone can check code out of Subversion. You only need to specify a username and password to update the Subversion repository, and only OpenMeetings committers can do that. If you are a committer, are working from behind a firewall, or are connected to the internet through a proxy server, please see the sections below for more information.

Anonymous check out from Subversion

Use a command like:

% svn checkout

Once you have OpenMeetings checked out you can update the source by executing the following command from within the openmeetings directory.

					% svn update

Access from behind a firewall

For those users who are stuck behind a corporate firewall which is blocking http access to the Subversion repository, you can try to access it via HTTPS:

					% svn checkout

Access through a proxy

The Subversion client can go through a proxy, if you configure it to do so. First, edit your "servers" configuration file to indicate which proxy to use. The files location depends on your operating system. On Linux or Unix it is located in the directory "~/.subversion". On Windows it is in "%APPDATA%\Subversion". (Try "echo %APPDATA%", note this is a hidden directory.)

There are comments in the file explaining what to do. If you don't have that file, get the latest Subversion client and run any command; this will cause the configuration directory and template files to be created.

Example : Edit the 'servers' file and add something like :

					http-proxy-host = your.proxy.name
					http-proxy-port = 3128

Committer access

Everyone can access the Apache Podling Subversion repository via HTTPS, but OpenMeetings Committers must checkout the Subversion repository via HTTPS.

					% svn checkout

Submitting Code Changes
Submitting a patch

If you make changes to OpenMeetings, and would like to contribute it to the project, you should open a JIRA issue and discuss the merits of the proposal with the developer community. If there is agreement, create a patch and attach it to the JIRA issue.

To create a patch, execute the svn diff command. This creates a patch that can easily be uploaded to a JIRA issue. A good name for the patch includes the JIRA issue name, e.g. OPENMEETINGS-104.patch. If there are several patches for the same JIRA issue, you might include your initials, e.g. OPENMEETINGS-104.clr.patch

					% svn diff > OPENMEETINGS-104.clr.patch

Committing changes to subversion

To commit changes to the subversion repository, you must be an OpenMeetings committer. See get involved for information on how to become a committer and how to set up your password once you become a committer.

Once your password is set, you can use a command like this to commit:

					$> svn commit --username your-username
					Authentication realm: <https://svn.apache.org:443> ASF Committers
					Password for 'your-username': your-password

You can also pass your password on the command line directly, but this is a security problem on multiuser unix computers (the command line arguments are available via the ps command). Here is the command if you are Windows or a single user unix computer:

					$> svn commit --username your-username --password your-password

Remember to replace 'your-username' and 'your-password' with your actual username and password on svn.apache.org.

Building Podling from Source

Using Subversion on Windows with cygwin

If you use Subversion on Windows under cygwin, you may find that the Subversion client automatically assigns the executable property to non-executable files. In that case, you would see this at the bottom of an svn diff of the file:

				Property changes on: test/sql/derby/datastoreidentity/schema1.sql
				Name: svn:executable
				+ *

This section explains the source of the problem and suggests some actions to avoid it.


Subversion carries executable information in the built-in property called svn:executable. This property, unlike others, may be present or absent, but it has no value. You can add it or delete it, but you cannot change its value.

In theory, Subversion ignores Windows file permissions and by default does not set svn:executable. However, cygwin svn acts like Unix svn and determines the svn:executable property based on file permissions.

If you create a file from the cygwin command line, by default it is executable only if the filename ends with .bat, .com or .exe, or if its content starts with #!. [This is what the doc says, but you may see -x for all files.] If you create a file using a Windows tool, by default its Windows permissions are executable by all. Cygwin interprets the Unix-style permissions this way as well. If the file is executable by all, cygwin svn sets the svn:executable property on the file when you invoke svn add .

Removing existing executable properties from the repository

You can use svn propdel to remove the svn:executable property from your working copy.

					svn propdel -R svn:executable .

will recursively remove the svn:executable property from all of the files below the current directory. You can use this and commit the files to clean the repository if necessary.

Preventing Subversion from adding unwanted executable properties

Windows/cygwin users who don't want to have to think about using svn propdel or chmod on each added file can use a non-cygwin version of svn. The Subversion 1.2.3 Win32 binaries, downloadable from the link at the bottom of http://subversion.tigris.org/project_packages.html , appear to work well. After installation add the svn.exe location to your Windows PATH variable. If you are switching from cygwin svn to Win32 svn

  1. Remove the subversion component from your cygwin installation because when svn is invoked from a cygwin window, the cygwin version is found even if your cygwin/bin directory is later on the path. (In the Select Packages window of the setup wizard, navigate to the subversion package in the Devel. category. Click on the status icon until Uninstall is displayed. Click next and continue through the wizard until installation is complete.)

  2. Copy the servers file and the auth folder from the sygwin ~/.subversion directory to C:\Documents and Settings\<user>\Application Data\Subversion used by Win32 subversion.

Note that windows svn uses backslash as the path separator when displaying file names. You cannot just copy and paste this file name to another svn command when running from within a cygwin shell. You need to enclose the file name into double quotes.

Alternatively, Windows users can set file permissions in Windows Explorer. (Right-click on the top-level folder & select Properties. Select the Security tab. Click Advanced. Remove all instances of Read & Execute from the Permission Entries. Click "Reset permissions on all child objects and enable propogations of inheritable permissions". Click Apply. OK. OK.) You will have to do this again when you do a clean checkout to a new directory.

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