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List of general configuration options

In Administration > Configuration there are a number of configuration values.

key default meaning availabe since OpenMeetings version
user.login.minimum.length 4 minimum chars required for the login to create a user 1.9.x
user.pass.minimum.length 4 minimum chars required for the password to create a user 1.9.x
number.minutes.reminder.send 15 minutes the one-time reminder in the calender is send, set to 0 to disable reminder 1.9.x
max_upload_size 1073741824 Maximum size of upload file (bytes) 1073741824 bytes = 1GB 1.8.x
show.whiteboard.draw.status 0 Display name of the user who draw the current object (User Name auto-disapper after 3 seconds. 1.8.x
use.old.style.ffmpeg.map.option 0 If the system should "." (old ffmpeg) instead of ":" (new ffmpeg) for the -map option in FFMPEG 1.9.x
inviter.email.as.replyto 1 Set inviter's email address as ReplyTo in email invitations (1 == set, 0 == NOT set) 2.0.x
office.path The path to OpenOffice/LibreOffice (optional) please set this to the real path in case jodconverter is unable to find OpenOffice/LibreOffice installation automatically 2.0.x
default.landing.zone user/dashboard Area to be shown to the user after login. Possible values are: user/dashboard, user/calendar, user/record, rooms/my, rooms/group, rooms/public, admin/user, admin/connection , admin/group, admin/room, admin/config, admin/lang, admin/ldap, admin/backup, admin/server, admin/oauth2 2.1.x, values are changed in 3.0.0
sms.provider SMS service provider (bulksms.http.1) 2.1.x
sms.Username Login for SMS service provider 2.1.x
sms.Userpass Password for SMS service provider 2.1.x
sms.subject Subject of SMS reminder message 2.1.x
swftools_zoom 100 DPI for conversion of PDF to SWF (should be an integer between 50 and 600 with a default value of 100 DPI) 2.0.x
swftools_jpegquality 85 Compression quality for conversion of PDF to SWF (should be an integer between 1 and 100, with a default value of 85) 2.0.x
sendEmailAtRegister 0 User get a EMail with their Account data. Values: 0(No) or 1(Yes) 2.0.x
sendEmailWithVerficationCode 0 User must activate their account by clicking on the activation-link in the registering Email. Values: 0(No) or 1(Yes) It makes no sense to make this(sendEmailWithVerficationCode) 1(Yes) while sendEmailAtRegister is 0(No) cause you need to send a EMail. 2.0.x
redirect.url.for.external.users Users entered the room via invitationHash or secureHash will be redirected to this URL on connection lost 2.2.x
allow_frontend_register (configurable during install) Is user register available on login screen 1.8.x
allow.soap.register 1 Is user register available via SOAP/REST 3.0.x

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