
CPD Results

The following document contains the results of PMD's CPD 4.1.


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    setProperty(UNSELECTED_LABEL_KEY, (unselectedLabel));

   * Gets whether the control displays the buttons
   *               horizontally or vertically.The valid values are "horizontal" and
   *               "vertical", the default being "vertical".
   * @return  the new layout value
  final public String getLayout()
    return ComponentUtils.resolveString(getProperty(LAYOUT_KEY), "vertical");

   * Sets whether the control displays the buttons
   *               horizontally or vertically.The valid values are "horizontal" and
   *               "vertical", the default being "vertical".
   * @param layout  the new layout value
  final public void setLayout(String layout)
    setProperty(LAYOUT_KEY, (layout));

   * Gets whether or not the values are passed through to
   *         the client. When valuePassThru is false
   *         the value and the options' values
   *         are converted to indexes before being sent to the client.
   *         Therefore, when valuePassThru is false,
   *         there is no need to write your own converter when you are using custom Objects
   *         as your values and/or options.
   *         If you need to know the actual values on the client-side, then you can set
   *         valuePassThru to true. This will pass the values through to the client,
   *         using your custom converter if it is available; a custom converter is
   *         needed if you are using custom objects. The default is false.
   * @return  the new valuePassThru value
  final public boolean isValuePassThru()
    return ComponentUtils.resolveBoolean(getProperty(VALUE_PASS_THRU_KEY), false);

   * Sets whether or not the values are passed through to
   *         the client. When valuePassThru is false
   *         the value and the options' values
   *         are converted to indexes before being sent to the client.
   *         Therefore, when valuePassThru is false,
   *         there is no need to write your own converter when you are using custom Objects
   *         as your values and/or options.
   *         If you need to know the actual values on the client-side, then you can set
   *         valuePassThru to true. This will pass the values through to the client,
   *         using your custom converter if it is available; a custom converter is
   *         needed if you are using custom objects. The default is false.
   * @param valuePassThru  the new valuePassThru value
  final public void setValuePassThru(boolean valuePassThru)
    setProperty(VALUE_PASS_THRU_KEY, valuePassThru ? Boolean.TRUE : Boolean.FALSE);

   * Gets whether the element is read-only.
   * @return  the new readOnly value
  final public boolean isReadOnly()
    return ComponentUtils.resolveBoolean(getProperty(READ_ONLY_KEY), false);

   * Sets whether the element is read-only.
   * @param readOnly  the new readOnly value
  final public void setReadOnly(boolean readOnly)
    setProperty(READ_ONLY_KEY, readOnly ? Boolean.TRUE : Boolean.FALSE);

   * Gets whether the element is disabled.
   * @return  the new disabled value
  final public boolean isDisabled()
    return ComponentUtils.resolveBoolean(getProperty(DISABLED_KEY), false);

   * Sets whether the element is disabled.
   * @param disabled  the new disabled value
  final public void setDisabled(boolean disabled)
    setProperty(DISABLED_KEY, disabled ? Boolean.TRUE : Boolean.FALSE);

   * Gets the label of the bean.
   * @return  the new label value
  final public String getLabel()
    return ComponentUtils.resolveString(getProperty(LABEL_KEY));

   * Sets the label of the bean.
   * @param label  the new label value
  final public void setLabel(String label)
    setProperty(LABEL_KEY, (label));

   * Gets a boolean value that controls whether the component
   * provides label and message support;  when set to "true", the component will
   * not display messaging support or the label (these attributes may be ignored: label,
   * labelAndAccessKey, accessKey,  showRequired,
   * tip), and may use simpler layout primitives
   * @return  the new simple value
  final public boolean isSimple()
    return ComponentUtils.resolveBoolean(getProperty(SIMPLE_KEY), false);

   * Sets a boolean value that controls whether the component
   * provides label and message support;  when set to "true", the component will
   * not display messaging support or the label (these attributes may be ignored: label,
   * labelAndAccessKey, accessKey,  showRequired,
   * tip), and may use simpler layout primitives
   * @param simple  the new simple value
  final public void setSimple(boolean simple)
    setProperty(SIMPLE_KEY, simple ? Boolean.TRUE : Boolean.FALSE);

   * Gets event handler for when the value is changed.
   * @return  the new onchange value
  final public String getOnchange()
    return ComponentUtils.resolveString(getProperty(ONCHANGE_KEY));

   * Sets event handler for when the value is changed.
   * @param onchange  the new onchange value
  final public void setOnchange(String onchange)
    setProperty(ONCHANGE_KEY, (onchange));

   * Gets the CSS styles to use for this component.
   * @return  the new inlineStyle value
  final public String getInlineStyle()
    return ComponentUtils.resolveString(getProperty(INLINE_STYLE_KEY));

   * Sets the CSS styles to use for this component.
   * @param inlineStyle  the new inlineStyle value
  final public void setInlineStyle(String inlineStyle)
    setProperty(INLINE_STYLE_KEY, (inlineStyle));

   * Gets a CSS style class to use for this component.
   * @return  the new styleClass value
  final public String getStyleClass()
    return ComponentUtils.resolveString(getProperty(STYLE_CLASS_KEY));

   * Sets a CSS style class to use for this component.
   * @param styleClass  the new styleClass value
  final public void setStyleClass(String styleClass)
    setProperty(STYLE_CLASS_KEY, (styleClass));

   * Gets The short description of the component. This text is commonly used by user agents to display tooltip help text.
   * @return  the new shortDesc value
  final public String getShortDesc()
    return ComponentUtils.resolveString(getProperty(SHORT_DESC_KEY));

   * Sets The short description of the component. This text is commonly used by user agents to display tooltip help text.
   * @param shortDesc  the new shortDesc value
  final public void setShortDesc(String shortDesc)
    setProperty(SHORT_DESC_KEY, (shortDesc));

   * Gets the IDs of the components that should trigger a partial update.
   *         <p>
   *         This component will listen on the trigger components. If one of the
   *         trigger components receives an event that will cause it to update
   *         in some way, this component will request to be updated too.</p>
   *         <p>
   *         Separate multiple triggers with a space. e.g., partialTriggers="cmp1 cmp2"
   *         </p>
   *         <p>
   *         Identifiers must account for NamingContainers.  You can use a single colon to start the search from the root,
   *         or use multiple colons to move up through the NamingContainer. For example,
   *         "::" will pop out of this component's naming container (it pops out of itself if it is a naming container), 
   *         ":::" will pop out of two naming containers, etc. The search for
   *         the partialTrigger begins from there. e.g., partialTriggers=":::commandButton1" the search begins for the 
   *         component with id = commandButton1 after popping out of two naming containers relative to this component.
   *         To go into naming containers, you separate the naming containers with ':', e.g.,partialTriggers= "nc1:nc2:nc3:componentId".</p>
   * @return  the new partialTriggers value
  final public String[] getPartialTriggers()
    return (String[])getProperty(PARTIAL_TRIGGERS_KEY);

   * Sets the IDs of the components that should trigger a partial update.
   *         <p>
   *         This component will listen on the trigger components. If one of the
   *         trigger components receives an event that will cause it to update
   *         in some way, this component will request to be updated too.</p>
   *         <p>
   *         Separate multiple triggers with a space. e.g., partialTriggers="cmp1 cmp2"
   *         </p>
   *         <p>
   *         Identifiers must account for NamingContainers.  You can use a single colon to start the search from the root,
   *         or use multiple colons to move up through the NamingContainer. For example,
   *         "::" will pop out of this component's naming container (it pops out of itself if it is a naming container), 
   *         ":::" will pop out of two naming containers, etc. The search for
   *         the partialTrigger begins from there. e.g., partialTriggers=":::commandButton1" the search begins for the 
   *         component with id = commandButton1 after popping out of two naming containers relative to this component.
   *         To go into naming containers, you separate the naming containers with ':', e.g.,partialTriggers= "nc1:nc2:nc3:componentId".</p>
   * @param partialTriggers  the new partialTriggers value
  final public void setPartialTriggers(String[] partialTriggers)
    setProperty(PARTIAL_TRIGGERS_KEY, (partialTriggers));

   * Gets an onclick Javascript handler.
   * @return  the new onclick value
  final public String getOnclick()
    return ComponentUtils.resolveString(getProperty(ONCLICK_KEY));

   * Sets an onclick Javascript handler.
   * @param onclick  the new onclick value
  final public void setOnclick(String onclick)
    setProperty(ONCLICK_KEY, (onclick));

   * Gets an ondblclick Javascript handler.
   * @return  the new ondblclick value
  final public String getOndblclick()
    return ComponentUtils.resolveString(getProperty(ONDBLCLICK_KEY));

   * Sets an ondblclick Javascript handler.
   * @param ondblclick  the new ondblclick value
  final public void setOndblclick(String ondblclick)
    setProperty(ONDBLCLICK_KEY, (ondblclick));

   * Gets an onmousedown Javascript handler.
   * @return  the new onmousedown value
  final public String getOnmousedown()
    return ComponentUtils.resolveString(getProperty(ONMOUSEDOWN_KEY));

   * Sets an onmousedown Javascript handler.
   * @param onmousedown  the new onmousedown value
  final public void setOnmousedown(String onmousedown)
    setProperty(ONMOUSEDOWN_KEY, (onmousedown));

   * Gets an onmouseup Javascript handler.
   * @return  the new onmouseup value
  final public String getOnmouseup()
    return ComponentUtils.resolveString(getProperty(ONMOUSEUP_KEY));

   * Sets an onmouseup Javascript handler.
   * @param onmouseup  the new onmouseup value
  final public void setOnmouseup(String onmouseup)
    setProperty(ONMOUSEUP_KEY, (onmouseup));

   * Gets an onmouseover Javascript handler.
   * @return  the new onmouseover value
  final public String getOnmouseover()
    return ComponentUtils.resolveString(getProperty(ONMOUSEOVER_KEY));

   * Sets an onmouseover Javascript handler.
   * @param onmouseover  the new onmouseover value
  final public void setOnmouseover(String onmouseover)
    setProperty(ONMOUSEOVER_KEY, (onmouseover));

   * Gets an onmousemove Javascript handler.
   * @return  the new onmousemove value
  final public String getOnmousemove()
    return ComponentUtils.resolveString(getProperty(ONMOUSEMOVE_KEY));

   * Sets an onmousemove Javascript handler.
   * @param onmousemove  the new onmousemove value
  final public void setOnmousemove(String onmousemove)
    setProperty(ONMOUSEMOVE_KEY, (onmousemove));

   * Gets an onmouseout Javascript handler.
   * @return  the new onmouseout value
  final public String getOnmouseout()
    return ComponentUtils.resolveString(getProperty(ONMOUSEOUT_KEY));

   * Sets an onmouseout Javascript handler.
   * @param onmouseout  the new onmouseout value
  final public void setOnmouseout(String onmouseout)
    setProperty(ONMOUSEOUT_KEY, (onmouseout));

   * Gets an onkeypress Javascript handler.
   * @return  the new onkeypress value
  final public String getOnkeypress()
    return ComponentUtils.resolveString(getProperty(ONKEYPRESS_KEY));

   * Sets an onkeypress Javascript handler.
   * @param onkeypress  the new onkeypress value
  final public void setOnkeypress(String onkeypress)
    setProperty(ONKEYPRESS_KEY, (onkeypress));

   * Gets an onkeydown Javascript handler.
   * @return  the new onkeydown value
  final public String getOnkeydown()
    return ComponentUtils.resolveString(getProperty(ONKEYDOWN_KEY));

   * Sets an onkeydown Javascript handler.
   * @param onkeydown  the new onkeydown value
  final public void setOnkeydown(String onkeydown)
    setProperty(ONKEYDOWN_KEY, (onkeydown));

   * Gets an onkeyup Javascript handler.
   * @return  the new onkeyup value
  final public String getOnkeyup()
    return ComponentUtils.resolveString(getProperty(ONKEYUP_KEY));

   * Sets an onkeyup Javascript handler.
   * @param onkeyup  the new onkeyup value
  final public void setOnkeyup(String onkeyup)
    setProperty(ONKEYUP_KEY, (onkeyup));

   * Gets the event handler for the component losing the focus.
   * @return  the new onblur value
  final public String getOnblur()
    return ComponentUtils.resolveString(getProperty(ONBLUR_KEY));

   * Sets the event handler for the component losing the focus.
   * @param onblur  the new onblur value
  final public void setOnblur(String onblur)
    setProperty(ONBLUR_KEY, (onblur));

   * Gets the event handler for the component gaining the focus.
   * @return  the new onfocus value
  final public String getOnfocus()
    return ComponentUtils.resolveString(getProperty(ONFOCUS_KEY));

   * Sets the event handler for the component gaining the focus.
   * @param onfocus  the new onfocus value
  final public void setOnfocus(String onfocus)
    setProperty(ONFOCUS_KEY, (onfocus));

   * Gets whether the associated control displays a visual indication of required user input. If a "required" attribute is also present, both the "required" attribute and the
   *           "showRequired" attribute must be false for the visual indication not to be displayed.
   * @return  the new showRequired value
  final public boolean isShowRequired()
    return ComponentUtils.resolveBoolean(getProperty(SHOW_REQUIRED_KEY), false);

   * Sets whether the associated control displays a visual indication of required user input. If a "required" attribute is also present, both the "required" attribute and the
   *           "showRequired" attribute must be false for the visual indication not to be displayed.
   * @param showRequired  the new showRequired value
  final public void setShowRequired(boolean showRequired)
    setProperty(SHOW_REQUIRED_KEY, showRequired ? Boolean.TRUE : Boolean.FALSE);

   * Gets <html>
   *  Character used to gain quick access to
   *                the form element specified by the
   *          <code>for</code>, if set (or this component itself,
   *               if it is a "non-simple" form element).
   *               For accessibility reasons, this functionality is not supported
   *               in screen reader mode.
   *               If the same access key appears in multiple locations in the
   *               same page of output, the rendering user agent will cycle
   *               among the elements accessed by the similar keys.
   *               <p>
   *                 This attribute is sometimes referred to as the "mnemonic".
   *                 </p></html>
   * @return  the new accessKey value
  final public char getAccessKey()
    return ComponentUtils.resolveCharacter((Character)getProperty(ACCESS_KEY_KEY));

   * Sets <html>
   *  Character used to gain quick access to
   *                the form element specified by the
   *          <code>for</code>, if set (or this component itself,
   *               if it is a "non-simple" form element).
   *               For accessibility reasons, this functionality is not supported
   *               in screen reader mode.
   *               If the same access key appears in multiple locations in the
   *               same page of output, the rendering user agent will cycle
   *               among the elements accessed by the similar keys.
   *               <p>
   *                 This attribute is sometimes referred to as the "mnemonic".
   *                 </p></html>
   * @param accessKey  the new accessKey value
  final public void setAccessKey(char accessKey)
    setProperty(ACCESS_KEY_KEY, Character.valueOf(accessKey));

   * Gets If set to TRUE on a form element, the component will automatically submit
   *      the enclosing form when an appropriate action takes place (a click, text
   *      change, etc.).
   * @return  the new autoSubmit value
  final public boolean isAutoSubmit()
    return ComponentUtils.resolveBoolean(getProperty(AUTO_SUBMIT_KEY), false);

   * Sets If set to TRUE on a form element, the component will automatically submit
   *      the enclosing form when an appropriate action takes place (a click, text
   *      change, etc.).
   * @param autoSubmit  the new autoSubmit value
  final public void setAutoSubmit(boolean autoSubmit)
    setProperty(AUTO_SUBMIT_KEY, autoSubmit ? Boolean.TRUE : Boolean.FALSE);

  public String getDefaultEventName()
    return "change";

  public Collection<String> getEventNames()
    return _EVENT_NAMES;

  public Map<String, List<ClientBehavior>> getClientBehaviors()
    return super.getClientBehaviors();

  public void addClientBehavior(
    String         eventName,
    ClientBehavior behavior)
    super.addClientBehavior(eventName, behavior);

  public String getFamily()

  protected FacesBean.Type getBeanType()
    return TYPE;

   * Construct an instance of the CoreSelectOneRadio.
  protected CoreSelectOneRadio(

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    setProperty(REORDER_ONLY_KEY, reorderOnly ? Boolean.TRUE : Boolean.FALSE);

   * Gets whether or not the values are passed through to
   *         the client. When valuePassThru is false
   *         the value and the options' values
   *         are converted to indexes before being sent to the client.
   *         Therefore, when valuePassThru is false,
   *         there is no need to write your own converter when you are using custom Objects
   *         as your values and/or options.
   *         If you need to know the actual values on the client-side, then you can set
   *         valuePassThru to true. This will pass the values through to the client,
   *         using your custom converter if it is available; a custom converter is
   *         needed if you are using custom objects. The default is false.
   * @return  the new valuePassThru value
  final public boolean isValuePassThru()
    return ComponentUtils.resolveBoolean(getProperty(VALUE_PASS_THRU_KEY), false);

   * Sets whether or not the values are passed through to
   *         the client. When valuePassThru is false
   *         the value and the options' values
   *         are converted to indexes before being sent to the client.
   *         Therefore, when valuePassThru is false,
   *         there is no need to write your own converter when you are using custom Objects
   *         as your values and/or options.
   *         If you need to know the actual values on the client-side, then you can set
   *         valuePassThru to true. This will pass the values through to the client,
   *         using your custom converter if it is available; a custom converter is
   *         needed if you are using custom objects. The default is false.
   * @param valuePassThru  the new valuePassThru value
  final public void setValuePassThru(boolean valuePassThru)
    setProperty(VALUE_PASS_THRU_KEY, valuePassThru ? Boolean.TRUE : Boolean.FALSE);

   * Gets whether the element is read-only.
   * @return  the new readOnly value
  final public boolean isReadOnly()
    return ComponentUtils.resolveBoolean(getProperty(READ_ONLY_KEY), false);

   * Sets whether the element is read-only.
   * @param readOnly  the new readOnly value
  final public void setReadOnly(boolean readOnly)
    setProperty(READ_ONLY_KEY, readOnly ? Boolean.TRUE : Boolean.FALSE);

   * Gets whether the element is disabled.
   * @return  the new disabled value
  final public boolean isDisabled()
    return ComponentUtils.resolveBoolean(getProperty(DISABLED_KEY), false);

   * Sets whether the element is disabled.
   * @param disabled  the new disabled value
  final public void setDisabled(boolean disabled)
    setProperty(DISABLED_KEY, disabled ? Boolean.TRUE : Boolean.FALSE);

   * Gets event handler for when the value is changed.
   * @return  the new onchange value
  final public String getOnchange()
    return ComponentUtils.resolveString(getProperty(ONCHANGE_KEY));

   * Sets event handler for when the value is changed.
   * @param onchange  the new onchange value
  final public void setOnchange(String onchange)
    setProperty(ONCHANGE_KEY, (onchange));

   * Gets the CSS styles to use for this component.
   * @return  the new inlineStyle value
  final public String getInlineStyle()
    return ComponentUtils.resolveString(getProperty(INLINE_STYLE_KEY));

   * Sets the CSS styles to use for this component.
   * @param inlineStyle  the new inlineStyle value
  final public void setInlineStyle(String inlineStyle)
    setProperty(INLINE_STYLE_KEY, (inlineStyle));

   * Gets a CSS style class to use for this component.
   * @return  the new styleClass value
  final public String getStyleClass()
    return ComponentUtils.resolveString(getProperty(STYLE_CLASS_KEY));

   * Sets a CSS style class to use for this component.
   * @param styleClass  the new styleClass value
  final public void setStyleClass(String styleClass)
    setProperty(STYLE_CLASS_KEY, (styleClass));

   * Gets The short description of the component. This text is commonly used by user agents to display tooltip help text.
   * @return  the new shortDesc value
  final public String getShortDesc()
    return ComponentUtils.resolveString(getProperty(SHORT_DESC_KEY));

   * Sets The short description of the component. This text is commonly used by user agents to display tooltip help text.
   * @param shortDesc  the new shortDesc value
  final public void setShortDesc(String shortDesc)
    setProperty(SHORT_DESC_KEY, (shortDesc));

   * Gets the IDs of the components that should trigger a partial update.
   *         <p>
   *         This component will listen on the trigger components. If one of the
   *         trigger components receives an event that will cause it to update
   *         in some way, this component will request to be updated too.</p>
   *         <p>
   *         Separate multiple triggers with a space. e.g., partialTriggers="cmp1 cmp2"
   *         </p>
   *         <p>
   *         Identifiers must account for NamingContainers.  You can use a single colon to start the search from the root,
   *         or use multiple colons to move up through the NamingContainer. For example,
   *         "::" will pop out of this component's naming container (it pops out of itself if it is a naming container), 
   *         ":::" will pop out of two naming containers, etc. The search for
   *         the partialTrigger begins from there. e.g., partialTriggers=":::commandButton1" the search begins for the 
   *         component with id = commandButton1 after popping out of two naming containers relative to this component.
   *         To go into naming containers, you separate the naming containers with ':', e.g.,partialTriggers= "nc1:nc2:nc3:componentId".</p>
   * @return  the new partialTriggers value
  final public String[] getPartialTriggers()
    return (String[])getProperty(PARTIAL_TRIGGERS_KEY);

   * Sets the IDs of the components that should trigger a partial update.
   *         <p>
   *         This component will listen on the trigger components. If one of the
   *         trigger components receives an event that will cause it to update
   *         in some way, this component will request to be updated too.</p>
   *         <p>
   *         Separate multiple triggers with a space. e.g., partialTriggers="cmp1 cmp2"
   *         </p>
   *         <p>
   *         Identifiers must account for NamingContainers.  You can use a single colon to start the search from the root,
   *         or use multiple colons to move up through the NamingContainer. For example,
   *         "::" will pop out of this component's naming container (it pops out of itself if it is a naming container), 
   *         ":::" will pop out of two naming containers, etc. The search for
   *         the partialTrigger begins from there. e.g., partialTriggers=":::commandButton1" the search begins for the 
   *         component with id = commandButton1 after popping out of two naming containers relative to this component.
   *         To go into naming containers, you separate the naming containers with ':', e.g.,partialTriggers= "nc1:nc2:nc3:componentId".</p>
   * @param partialTriggers  the new partialTriggers value
  final public void setPartialTriggers(String[] partialTriggers)
    setProperty(PARTIAL_TRIGGERS_KEY, (partialTriggers));

   * Gets an onclick Javascript handler.
   * @return  the new onclick value
  final public String getOnclick()
    return ComponentUtils.resolveString(getProperty(ONCLICK_KEY));

   * Sets an onclick Javascript handler.
   * @param onclick  the new onclick value
  final public void setOnclick(String onclick)
    setProperty(ONCLICK_KEY, (onclick));

   * Gets an ondblclick Javascript handler.
   * @return  the new ondblclick value
  final public String getOndblclick()
    return ComponentUtils.resolveString(getProperty(ONDBLCLICK_KEY));

   * Sets an ondblclick Javascript handler.
   * @param ondblclick  the new ondblclick value
  final public void setOndblclick(String ondblclick)
    setProperty(ONDBLCLICK_KEY, (ondblclick));

   * Gets an onmousedown Javascript handler.
   * @return  the new onmousedown value
  final public String getOnmousedown()
    return ComponentUtils.resolveString(getProperty(ONMOUSEDOWN_KEY));

   * Sets an onmousedown Javascript handler.
   * @param onmousedown  the new onmousedown value
  final public void setOnmousedown(String onmousedown)
    setProperty(ONMOUSEDOWN_KEY, (onmousedown));

   * Gets an onmouseup Javascript handler.
   * @return  the new onmouseup value
  final public String getOnmouseup()
    return ComponentUtils.resolveString(getProperty(ONMOUSEUP_KEY));

   * Sets an onmouseup Javascript handler.
   * @param onmouseup  the new onmouseup value
  final public void setOnmouseup(String onmouseup)
    setProperty(ONMOUSEUP_KEY, (onmouseup));

   * Gets an onmouseover Javascript handler.
   * @return  the new onmouseover value
  final public String getOnmouseover()
    return ComponentUtils.resolveString(getProperty(ONMOUSEOVER_KEY));

   * Sets an onmouseover Javascript handler.
   * @param onmouseover  the new onmouseover value
  final public void setOnmouseover(String onmouseover)
    setProperty(ONMOUSEOVER_KEY, (onmouseover));

   * Gets an onmousemove Javascript handler.
   * @return  the new onmousemove value
  final public String getOnmousemove()
    return ComponentUtils.resolveString(getProperty(ONMOUSEMOVE_KEY));

   * Sets an onmousemove Javascript handler.
   * @param onmousemove  the new onmousemove value
  final public void setOnmousemove(String onmousemove)
    setProperty(ONMOUSEMOVE_KEY, (onmousemove));

   * Gets an onmouseout Javascript handler.
   * @return  the new onmouseout value
  final public String getOnmouseout()
    return ComponentUtils.resolveString(getProperty(ONMOUSEOUT_KEY));

   * Sets an onmouseout Javascript handler.
   * @param onmouseout  the new onmouseout value
  final public void setOnmouseout(String onmouseout)
    setProperty(ONMOUSEOUT_KEY, (onmouseout));

   * Gets an onkeypress Javascript handler.
   * @return  the new onkeypress value
  final public String getOnkeypress()
    return ComponentUtils.resolveString(getProperty(ONKEYPRESS_KEY));

   * Sets an onkeypress Javascript handler.
   * @param onkeypress  the new onkeypress value
  final public void setOnkeypress(String onkeypress)
    setProperty(ONKEYPRESS_KEY, (onkeypress));

   * Gets an onkeydown Javascript handler.
   * @return  the new onkeydown value
  final public String getOnkeydown()
    return ComponentUtils.resolveString(getProperty(ONKEYDOWN_KEY));

   * Sets an onkeydown Javascript handler.
   * @param onkeydown  the new onkeydown value
  final public void setOnkeydown(String onkeydown)
    setProperty(ONKEYDOWN_KEY, (onkeydown));

   * Gets an onkeyup Javascript handler.
   * @return  the new onkeyup value
  final public String getOnkeyup()
    return ComponentUtils.resolveString(getProperty(ONKEYUP_KEY));

   * Sets an onkeyup Javascript handler.
   * @param onkeyup  the new onkeyup value
  final public void setOnkeyup(String onkeyup)
    setProperty(ONKEYUP_KEY, (onkeyup));

   * Gets the event handler for the component losing the focus.
   * @return  the new onblur value
  final public String getOnblur()
    return ComponentUtils.resolveString(getProperty(ONBLUR_KEY));

   * Sets the event handler for the component losing the focus.
   * @param onblur  the new onblur value
  final public void setOnblur(String onblur)
    setProperty(ONBLUR_KEY, (onblur));

   * Gets the event handler for the component gaining the focus.
   * @return  the new onfocus value
  final public String getOnfocus()
    return ComponentUtils.resolveString(getProperty(ONFOCUS_KEY));

   * Sets the event handler for the component gaining the focus.
   * @param onfocus  the new onfocus value
  final public void setOnfocus(String onfocus)
    setProperty(ONFOCUS_KEY, (onfocus));

   * Gets the display size(number of items) of the lists. The size
   *               specified must be between 10 and 20 items. If the attribute is not
   *               set or has a value less than 10, the size would have a default or
   *               minimum value of 10. If the attribute value specified is more than
   *               20 items, the size would have the maximum value of 20.
   * @return  the new size value
  final public int getSize()
    return ComponentUtils.resolveInteger(getProperty(SIZE_KEY));

   * Sets the display size(number of items) of the lists. The size
   *               specified must be between 10 and 20 items. If the attribute is not
   *               set or has a value less than 10, the size would have a default or
   *               minimum value of 10. If the attribute value specified is more than
   *               20 items, the size would have the maximum value of 20.
   * @param size  the new size value
  final public void setSize(int size)
    setProperty(SIZE_KEY, Integer.valueOf(size));

   * Gets the header of the leading list of the shuttle.
   * @return  the new leadingHeader value
  final public String getLeadingHeader()
    return ComponentUtils.resolveString(getProperty(LEADING_HEADER_KEY));

   * Sets the header of the leading list of the shuttle.
   * @param leadingHeader  the new leadingHeader value
  final public void setLeadingHeader(String leadingHeader)
    setProperty(LEADING_HEADER_KEY, (leadingHeader));

   * Gets the header of the trailing list of the shuttle.
   * @return  the new trailingHeader value
  final public String getTrailingHeader()
    return ComponentUtils.resolveString(getProperty(TRAILING_HEADER_KEY));

   * Sets the header of the trailing list of the shuttle.
   * @param trailingHeader  the new trailingHeader value
  final public void setTrailingHeader(String trailingHeader)
    setProperty(TRAILING_HEADER_KEY, (trailingHeader));

   * Gets whether or not the leading list has an area to display descriptions.
   * @return  the new leadingDescShown value
  final public boolean isLeadingDescShown()
    return ComponentUtils.resolveBoolean(getProperty(LEADING_DESC_SHOWN_KEY), false);

   * Sets whether or not the leading list has an area to display descriptions.
   * @param leadingDescShown  the new leadingDescShown value
  final public void setLeadingDescShown(boolean leadingDescShown)
    setProperty(LEADING_DESC_SHOWN_KEY, leadingDescShown ? Boolean.TRUE : Boolean.FALSE);

   * Gets whether or not the trailing list has an area to display descriptions.
   * @return  the new trailingDescShown value
  final public boolean isTrailingDescShown()
    return ComponentUtils.resolveBoolean(getProperty(TRAILING_DESC_SHOWN_KEY), false);

   * Sets whether or not the trailing list has an area to display descriptions.
   * @param trailingDescShown  the new trailingDescShown value
  final public void setTrailingDescShown(boolean trailingDescShown)
    setProperty(TRAILING_DESC_SHOWN_KEY, trailingDescShown ? Boolean.TRUE : Boolean.FALSE);

   * Gets the label for the shuttle that is used to identify the component only when displaying error messages. The label specified does not otherwise appear on the page.
   * @return  the new label value
  final public String getLabel()
    return ComponentUtils.resolveString(getProperty(LABEL_KEY));

   * Sets the label for the shuttle that is used to identify the component only when displaying error messages. The label specified does not otherwise appear on the page.
   * @param label  the new label value
  final public void setLabel(String label)
    setProperty(LABEL_KEY, (label));

  public String getDefaultEventName()
    return "change";

  public Collection<String> getEventNames()
    return _EVENT_NAMES;

  public Map<String, List<ClientBehavior>> getClientBehaviors()
    return super.getClientBehaviors();

  public void addClientBehavior(
    String         eventName,
    ClientBehavior behavior)
    super.addClientBehavior(eventName, behavior);

  public String getFamily()

  protected FacesBean.Type getBeanType()
    return TYPE;

   * Construct an instance of the CoreSelectOrderShuttle.
  protected CoreSelectOrderShuttle(

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    setProperty(UNSELECTED_LABEL_KEY, (unselectedLabel));

   * Gets whether or not the values are passed through to
   *         the client. When valuePassThru is false
   *         the value and the options' values
   *         are converted to indexes before being sent to the client.
   *         Therefore, when valuePassThru is false,
   *         there is no need to write your own converter when you are using custom Objects
   *         as your values and/or options.
   *         If you need to know the actual values on the client-side, then you can set
   *         valuePassThru to true. This will pass the values through to the client,
   *         using your custom converter if it is available; a custom converter is
   *         needed if you are using custom objects. The default is false.
   * @return  the new valuePassThru value
  final public boolean isValuePassThru()
    return ComponentUtils.resolveBoolean(getProperty(VALUE_PASS_THRU_KEY), false);

   * Sets whether or not the values are passed through to
   *         the client. When valuePassThru is false
   *         the value and the options' values
   *         are converted to indexes before being sent to the client.
   *         Therefore, when valuePassThru is false,
   *         there is no need to write your own converter when you are using custom Objects
   *         as your values and/or options.
   *         If you need to know the actual values on the client-side, then you can set
   *         valuePassThru to true. This will pass the values through to the client,
   *         using your custom converter if it is available; a custom converter is
   *         needed if you are using custom objects. The default is false.
   * @param valuePassThru  the new valuePassThru value
  final public void setValuePassThru(boolean valuePassThru)
    setProperty(VALUE_PASS_THRU_KEY, valuePassThru ? Boolean.TRUE : Boolean.FALSE);

   * Gets whether the element is read-only.
   * @return  the new readOnly value
  final public boolean isReadOnly()
    return ComponentUtils.resolveBoolean(getProperty(READ_ONLY_KEY), false);

   * Sets whether the element is read-only.
   * @param readOnly  the new readOnly value
  final public void setReadOnly(boolean readOnly)
    setProperty(READ_ONLY_KEY, readOnly ? Boolean.TRUE : Boolean.FALSE);

   * Gets whether the element is disabled.
   * @return  the new disabled value
  final public boolean isDisabled()
    return ComponentUtils.resolveBoolean(getProperty(DISABLED_KEY), false);

   * Sets whether the element is disabled.
   * @param disabled  the new disabled value
  final public void setDisabled(boolean disabled)
    setProperty(DISABLED_KEY, disabled ? Boolean.TRUE : Boolean.FALSE);

   * Gets the label of the bean.
   * @return  the new label value
  final public String getLabel()
    return ComponentUtils.resolveString(getProperty(LABEL_KEY));

   * Sets the label of the bean.
   * @param label  the new label value
  final public void setLabel(String label)
    setProperty(LABEL_KEY, (label));

   * Gets a boolean value that controls whether the component
   * provides label and message support;  when set to "true", the component will
   * not display messaging support or the label (these attributes may be ignored: label,
   * labelAndAccessKey, accessKey, showRequired,
   * tip), and may use simpler layout primitives
   * @return  the new simple value
  final public boolean isSimple()
    return ComponentUtils.resolveBoolean(getProperty(SIMPLE_KEY), false);

   * Sets a boolean value that controls whether the component
   * provides label and message support;  when set to "true", the component will
   * not display messaging support or the label (these attributes may be ignored: label,
   * labelAndAccessKey, accessKey, showRequired,
   * tip), and may use simpler layout primitives
   * @param simple  the new simple value
  final public void setSimple(boolean simple)
    setProperty(SIMPLE_KEY, simple ? Boolean.TRUE : Boolean.FALSE);

   * Gets event handler for when the value is changed.
   * @return  the new onchange value
  final public String getOnchange()
    return ComponentUtils.resolveString(getProperty(ONCHANGE_KEY));

   * Sets event handler for when the value is changed.
   * @param onchange  the new onchange value
  final public void setOnchange(String onchange)
    setProperty(ONCHANGE_KEY, (onchange));

   * Gets the CSS styles to use for this component.
   * @return  the new inlineStyle value
  final public String getInlineStyle()
    return ComponentUtils.resolveString(getProperty(INLINE_STYLE_KEY));

   * Sets the CSS styles to use for this component.
   * @param inlineStyle  the new inlineStyle value
  final public void setInlineStyle(String inlineStyle)
    setProperty(INLINE_STYLE_KEY, (inlineStyle));

   * Gets a CSS style class to use for this component.
   * @return  the new styleClass value
  final public String getStyleClass()
    return ComponentUtils.resolveString(getProperty(STYLE_CLASS_KEY));

   * Sets a CSS style class to use for this component.
   * @param styleClass  the new styleClass value
  final public void setStyleClass(String styleClass)
    setProperty(STYLE_CLASS_KEY, (styleClass));

   * Gets The short description of the component. This text is commonly used by user agents to display tooltip help text.
   * @return  the new shortDesc value
  final public String getShortDesc()
    return ComponentUtils.resolveString(getProperty(SHORT_DESC_KEY));

   * Sets The short description of the component. This text is commonly used by user agents to display tooltip help text.
   * @param shortDesc  the new shortDesc value
  final public void setShortDesc(String shortDesc)
    setProperty(SHORT_DESC_KEY, (shortDesc));

   * Gets the IDs of the components that should trigger a partial update.
   *         <p>
   *         This component will listen on the trigger components. If one of the
   *         trigger components receives an event that will cause it to update
   *         in some way, this component will request to be updated too.</p>
   *         <p>
   *         Separate multiple triggers with a space. e.g., partialTriggers="cmp1 cmp2"
   *         </p>
   *         <p>
   *         Identifiers must account for NamingContainers.  You can use a single colon to start the search from the root,
   *         or use multiple colons to move up through the NamingContainer. For example,
   *         "::" will pop out of this component's naming container (it pops out of itself if it is a naming container), 
   *         ":::" will pop out of two naming containers, etc. The search for
   *         the partialTrigger begins from there. e.g., partialTriggers=":::commandButton1" the search begins for the 
   *         component with id = commandButton1 after popping out of two naming containers relative to this component.
   *         To go into naming containers, you separate the naming containers with ':', e.g.,partialTriggers= "nc1:nc2:nc3:componentId".</p>
   * @return  the new partialTriggers value
  final public String[] getPartialTriggers()
    return (String[])getProperty(PARTIAL_TRIGGERS_KEY);

   * Sets the IDs of the components that should trigger a partial update.
   *         <p>
   *         This component will listen on the trigger components. If one of the
   *         trigger components receives an event that will cause it to update
   *         in some way, this component will request to be updated too.</p>
   *         <p>
   *         Separate multiple triggers with a space. e.g., partialTriggers="cmp1 cmp2"
   *         </p>
   *         <p>
   *         Identifiers must account for NamingContainers.  You can use a single colon to start the search from the root,
   *         or use multiple colons to move up through the NamingContainer. For example,
   *         "::" will pop out of this component's naming container (it pops out of itself if it is a naming container), 
   *         ":::" will pop out of two naming containers, etc. The search for
   *         the partialTrigger begins from there. e.g., partialTriggers=":::commandButton1" the search begins for the 
   *         component with id = commandButton1 after popping out of two naming containers relative to this component.
   *         To go into naming containers, you separate the naming containers with ':', e.g.,partialTriggers= "nc1:nc2:nc3:componentId".</p>
   * @param partialTriggers  the new partialTriggers value
  final public void setPartialTriggers(String[] partialTriggers)
    setProperty(PARTIAL_TRIGGERS_KEY, (partialTriggers));

   * Gets an onclick Javascript handler.
   * @return  the new onclick value
  final public String getOnclick()
    return ComponentUtils.resolveString(getProperty(ONCLICK_KEY));

   * Sets an onclick Javascript handler.
   * @param onclick  the new onclick value
  final public void setOnclick(String onclick)
    setProperty(ONCLICK_KEY, (onclick));

   * Gets an ondblclick Javascript handler.
   * @return  the new ondblclick value
  final public String getOndblclick()
    return ComponentUtils.resolveString(getProperty(ONDBLCLICK_KEY));

   * Sets an ondblclick Javascript handler.
   * @param ondblclick  the new ondblclick value
  final public void setOndblclick(String ondblclick)
    setProperty(ONDBLCLICK_KEY, (ondblclick));

   * Gets an onmousedown Javascript handler.
   * @return  the new onmousedown value
  final public String getOnmousedown()
    return ComponentUtils.resolveString(getProperty(ONMOUSEDOWN_KEY));

   * Sets an onmousedown Javascript handler.
   * @param onmousedown  the new onmousedown value
  final public void setOnmousedown(String onmousedown)
    setProperty(ONMOUSEDOWN_KEY, (onmousedown));

   * Gets an onmouseup Javascript handler.
   * @return  the new onmouseup value
  final public String getOnmouseup()
    return ComponentUtils.resolveString(getProperty(ONMOUSEUP_KEY));

   * Sets an onmouseup Javascript handler.
   * @param onmouseup  the new onmouseup value
  final public void setOnmouseup(String onmouseup)
    setProperty(ONMOUSEUP_KEY, (onmouseup));

   * Gets an onmouseover Javascript handler.
   * @return  the new onmouseover value
  final public String getOnmouseover()
    return ComponentUtils.resolveString(getProperty(ONMOUSEOVER_KEY));

   * Sets an onmouseover Javascript handler.
   * @param onmouseover  the new onmouseover value
  final public void setOnmouseover(String onmouseover)
    setProperty(ONMOUSEOVER_KEY, (onmouseover));

   * Gets an onmousemove Javascript handler.
   * @return  the new onmousemove value
  final public String getOnmousemove()
    return ComponentUtils.resolveString(getProperty(ONMOUSEMOVE_KEY));

   * Sets an onmousemove Javascript handler.
   * @param onmousemove  the new onmousemove value
  final public void setOnmousemove(String onmousemove)
    setProperty(ONMOUSEMOVE_KEY, (onmousemove));

   * Gets an onmouseout Javascript handler.
   * @return  the new onmouseout value
  final public String getOnmouseout()
    return ComponentUtils.resolveString(getProperty(ONMOUSEOUT_KEY));

   * Sets an onmouseout Javascript handler.
   * @param onmouseout  the new onmouseout value
  final public void setOnmouseout(String onmouseout)
    setProperty(ONMOUSEOUT_KEY, (onmouseout));

   * Gets an onkeypress Javascript handler.
   * @return  the new onkeypress value
  final public String getOnkeypress()
    return ComponentUtils.resolveString(getProperty(ONKEYPRESS_KEY));

   * Sets an onkeypress Javascript handler.
   * @param onkeypress  the new onkeypress value
  final public void setOnkeypress(String onkeypress)
    setProperty(ONKEYPRESS_KEY, (onkeypress));

   * Gets an onkeydown Javascript handler.
   * @return  the new onkeydown value
  final public String getOnkeydown()
    return ComponentUtils.resolveString(getProperty(ONKEYDOWN_KEY));

   * Sets an onkeydown Javascript handler.
   * @param onkeydown  the new onkeydown value
  final public void setOnkeydown(String onkeydown)
    setProperty(ONKEYDOWN_KEY, (onkeydown));

   * Gets an onkeyup Javascript handler.
   * @return  the new onkeyup value
  final public String getOnkeyup()
    return ComponentUtils.resolveString(getProperty(ONKEYUP_KEY));

   * Sets an onkeyup Javascript handler.
   * @param onkeyup  the new onkeyup value
  final public void setOnkeyup(String onkeyup)
    setProperty(ONKEYUP_KEY, (onkeyup));

   * Gets the event handler for the component losing the focus.
   * @return  the new onblur value
  final public String getOnblur()
    return ComponentUtils.resolveString(getProperty(ONBLUR_KEY));

   * Sets the event handler for the component losing the focus.
   * @param onblur  the new onblur value
  final public void setOnblur(String onblur)
    setProperty(ONBLUR_KEY, (onblur));

   * Gets the event handler for the component gaining the focus.
   * @return  the new onfocus value
  final public String getOnfocus()
    return ComponentUtils.resolveString(getProperty(ONFOCUS_KEY));

   * Sets the event handler for the component gaining the focus.
   * @param onfocus  the new onfocus value
  final public void setOnfocus(String onfocus)
    setProperty(ONFOCUS_KEY, (onfocus));

   * Gets whether the associated control displays a visual indication of required user input. If a "required" attribute is also present, both the "required" attribute and the
   *           "showRequired" attribute must be false for the visual indication not to be displayed.
   * @return  the new showRequired value
  final public boolean isShowRequired()
    return ComponentUtils.resolveBoolean(getProperty(SHOW_REQUIRED_KEY), false);

   * Sets whether the associated control displays a visual indication of required user input. If a "required" attribute is also present, both the "required" attribute and the
   *           "showRequired" attribute must be false for the visual indication not to be displayed.
   * @param showRequired  the new showRequired value
  final public void setShowRequired(boolean showRequired)
    setProperty(SHOW_REQUIRED_KEY, showRequired ? Boolean.TRUE : Boolean.FALSE);

   * Gets <html>
   *  Character used to gain quick access to
   *                the form element specified by the
   *          <code>for</code>, if set (or this component itself,
   *               if it is a "non-simple" form element).
   *               For accessibility reasons, this functionality is not supported
   *               in screen reader mode.
   *               If the same access key appears in multiple locations in the
   *               same page of output, the rendering user agent will cycle
   *               among the elements accessed by the similar keys.
   *               <p>
   *                 This attribute is sometimes referred to as the "mnemonic".
   *                 </p></html>
   * @return  the new accessKey value
  final public char getAccessKey()
    return ComponentUtils.resolveCharacter((Character)getProperty(ACCESS_KEY_KEY));

   * Sets <html>
   *  Character used to gain quick access to
   *                the form element specified by the
   *          <code>for</code>, if set (or this component itself,
   *               if it is a "non-simple" form element).
   *               For accessibility reasons, this functionality is not supported
   *               in screen reader mode.
   *               If the same access key appears in multiple locations in the
   *               same page of output, the rendering user agent will cycle
   *               among the elements accessed by the similar keys.
   *               <p>
   *                 This attribute is sometimes referred to as the "mnemonic".
   *                 </p></html>
   * @param accessKey  the new accessKey value
  final public void setAccessKey(char accessKey)
    setProperty(ACCESS_KEY_KEY, Character.valueOf(accessKey));

   * Gets If set to TRUE on a form element, the component will automatically submit
   *      the enclosing form when an appropriate action takes place (a click, text
   *      change, etc.).
   * @return  the new autoSubmit value
  final public boolean isAutoSubmit()
    return ComponentUtils.resolveBoolean(getProperty(AUTO_SUBMIT_KEY), false);

   * Sets If set to TRUE on a form element, the component will automatically submit
   *      the enclosing form when an appropriate action takes place (a click, text
   *      change, etc.).
   * @param autoSubmit  the new autoSubmit value
  final public void setAutoSubmit(boolean autoSubmit)
    setProperty(AUTO_SUBMIT_KEY, autoSubmit ? Boolean.TRUE : Boolean.FALSE);

  public String getDefaultEventName()
    return "change";

  public Collection<String> getEventNames()
    return _EVENT_NAMES;

  public Map<String, List<ClientBehavior>> getClientBehaviors()
    return super.getClientBehaviors();

  public void addClientBehavior(
    String         eventName,
    ClientBehavior behavior)
    super.addClientBehavior(eventName, behavior);

  public String getFamily()

  protected FacesBean.Type getBeanType()
    return TYPE;

   * Construct an instance of the CoreSelectOneChoice.
  protected CoreSelectOneChoice(

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    setProperty(UNSELECTED_LABEL_KEY, (unselectedLabel));

   * Gets whether the element is read-only.
   * @return  the new readOnly value
  final public boolean isReadOnly()
    return ComponentUtils.resolveBoolean(getProperty(READ_ONLY_KEY), false);

   * Sets whether the element is read-only.
   * @param readOnly  the new readOnly value
  final public void setReadOnly(boolean readOnly)
    setProperty(READ_ONLY_KEY, readOnly ? Boolean.TRUE : Boolean.FALSE);

   * Gets whether the element is disabled.
   * @return  the new disabled value
  final public boolean isDisabled()
    return ComponentUtils.resolveBoolean(getProperty(DISABLED_KEY), false);

   * Sets whether the element is disabled.
   * @param disabled  the new disabled value
  final public void setDisabled(boolean disabled)
    setProperty(DISABLED_KEY, disabled ? Boolean.TRUE : Boolean.FALSE);

   * Gets the label of the bean.
   * @return  the new label value
  final public String getLabel()
    return ComponentUtils.resolveString(getProperty(LABEL_KEY));

   * Sets the label of the bean.
   * @param label  the new label value
  final public void setLabel(String label)
    setProperty(LABEL_KEY, (label));

   * Gets a boolean value that controls whether the component
   * provides label and message support;  when set to "true", the component will
   * not display messaging support or the label (these attributes may be ignored: label,
   * labelAndAccessKey, accessKey, showRequired,
   * tip), and may use simpler layout primitives
   * @return  the new simple value
  final public boolean isSimple()
    return ComponentUtils.resolveBoolean(getProperty(SIMPLE_KEY), false);

   * Sets a boolean value that controls whether the component
   * provides label and message support;  when set to "true", the component will
   * not display messaging support or the label (these attributes may be ignored: label,
   * labelAndAccessKey, accessKey, showRequired,
   * tip), and may use simpler layout primitives
   * @param simple  the new simple value
  final public void setSimple(boolean simple)
    setProperty(SIMPLE_KEY, simple ? Boolean.TRUE : Boolean.FALSE);

   * Gets event handler for when the value is changed.
   * @return  the new onchange value
  final public String getOnchange()
    return ComponentUtils.resolveString(getProperty(ONCHANGE_KEY));

   * Sets event handler for when the value is changed.
   * @param onchange  the new onchange value
  final public void setOnchange(String onchange)
    setProperty(ONCHANGE_KEY, (onchange));

   * Gets the CSS styles to use for this component.
   * @return  the new inlineStyle value
  final public String getInlineStyle()
    return ComponentUtils.resolveString(getProperty(INLINE_STYLE_KEY));

   * Sets the CSS styles to use for this component.
   * @param inlineStyle  the new inlineStyle value
  final public void setInlineStyle(String inlineStyle)
    setProperty(INLINE_STYLE_KEY, (inlineStyle));

   * Gets a CSS style class to use for this component.
   * @return  the new styleClass value
  final public String getStyleClass()
    return ComponentUtils.resolveString(getProperty(STYLE_CLASS_KEY));

   * Sets a CSS style class to use for this component.
   * @param styleClass  the new styleClass value
  final public void setStyleClass(String styleClass)
    setProperty(STYLE_CLASS_KEY, (styleClass));

   * Gets The short description of the component. This text is commonly used by user agents to display tooltip help text.
   * @return  the new shortDesc value
  final public String getShortDesc()
    return ComponentUtils.resolveString(getProperty(SHORT_DESC_KEY));

   * Sets The short description of the component. This text is commonly used by user agents to display tooltip help text.
   * @param shortDesc  the new shortDesc value
  final public void setShortDesc(String shortDesc)
    setProperty(SHORT_DESC_KEY, (shortDesc));

   * Gets the IDs of the components that should trigger a partial update.
   *         <p>
   *         This component will listen on the trigger components. If one of the
   *         trigger components receives an event that will cause it to update
   *         in some way, this component will request to be updated too.</p>
   *         <p>
   *         Separate multiple triggers with a space. e.g., partialTriggers="cmp1 cmp2"
   *         </p>
   *         <p>
   *         Identifiers must account for NamingContainers.  You can use a single colon to start the search from the root,
   *         or use multiple colons to move up through the NamingContainer. For example,
   *         "::" will pop out of this component's naming container (it pops out of itself if it is a naming container), 
   *         ":::" will pop out of two naming containers, etc. The search for
   *         the partialTrigger begins from there. e.g., partialTriggers=":::commandButton1" the search begins for the 
   *         component with id = commandButton1 after popping out of two naming containers relative to this component.
   *         To go into naming containers, you separate the naming containers with ':', e.g.,partialTriggers= "nc1:nc2:nc3:componentId".</p>
   * @return  the new partialTriggers value
  final public String[] getPartialTriggers()
    return (String[])getProperty(PARTIAL_TRIGGERS_KEY);

   * Sets the IDs of the components that should trigger a partial update.
   *         <p>
   *         This component will listen on the trigger components. If one of the
   *         trigger components receives an event that will cause it to update
   *         in some way, this component will request to be updated too.</p>
   *         <p>
   *         Separate multiple triggers with a space. e.g., partialTriggers="cmp1 cmp2"
   *         </p>
   *         <p>
   *         Identifiers must account for NamingContainers.  You can use a single colon to start the search from the root,
   *         or use multiple colons to move up through the NamingContainer. For example,
   *         "::" will pop out of this component's naming container (it pops out of itself if it is a naming container), 
   *         ":::" will pop out of two naming containers, etc. The search for
   *         the partialTrigger begins from there. e.g., partialTriggers=":::commandButton1" the search begins for the 
   *         component with id = commandButton1 after popping out of two naming containers relative to this component.
   *         To go into naming containers, you separate the naming containers with ':', e.g.,partialTriggers= "nc1:nc2:nc3:componentId".</p>
   * @param partialTriggers  the new partialTriggers value
  final public void setPartialTriggers(String[] partialTriggers)
    setProperty(PARTIAL_TRIGGERS_KEY, (partialTriggers));

   * Gets an onclick Javascript handler.
   * @return  the new onclick value
  final public String getOnclick()
    return ComponentUtils.resolveString(getProperty(ONCLICK_KEY));

   * Sets an onclick Javascript handler.
   * @param onclick  the new onclick value
  final public void setOnclick(String onclick)
    setProperty(ONCLICK_KEY, (onclick));

   * Gets an ondblclick Javascript handler.
   * @return  the new ondblclick value
  final public String getOndblclick()
    return ComponentUtils.resolveString(getProperty(ONDBLCLICK_KEY));

   * Sets an ondblclick Javascript handler.
   * @param ondblclick  the new ondblclick value
  final public void setOndblclick(String ondblclick)
    setProperty(ONDBLCLICK_KEY, (ondblclick));

   * Gets an onmousedown Javascript handler.
   * @return  the new onmousedown value
  final public String getOnmousedown()
    return ComponentUtils.resolveString(getProperty(ONMOUSEDOWN_KEY));

   * Sets an onmousedown Javascript handler.
   * @param onmousedown  the new onmousedown value
  final public void setOnmousedown(String onmousedown)
    setProperty(ONMOUSEDOWN_KEY, (onmousedown));

   * Gets an onmouseup Javascript handler.
   * @return  the new onmouseup value
  final public String getOnmouseup()
    return ComponentUtils.resolveString(getProperty(ONMOUSEUP_KEY));

   * Sets an onmouseup Javascript handler.
   * @param onmouseup  the new onmouseup value
  final public void setOnmouseup(String onmouseup)
    setProperty(ONMOUSEUP_KEY, (onmouseup));

   * Gets an onmouseover Javascript handler.
   * @return  the new onmouseover value
  final public String getOnmouseover()
    return ComponentUtils.resolveString(getProperty(ONMOUSEOVER_KEY));

   * Sets an onmouseover Javascript handler.
   * @param onmouseover  the new onmouseover value
  final public void setOnmouseover(String onmouseover)
    setProperty(ONMOUSEOVER_KEY, (onmouseover));

   * Gets an onmousemove Javascript handler.
   * @return  the new onmousemove value
  final public String getOnmousemove()
    return ComponentUtils.resolveString(getProperty(ONMOUSEMOVE_KEY));

   * Sets an onmousemove Javascript handler.
   * @param onmousemove  the new onmousemove value
  final public void setOnmousemove(String onmousemove)
    setProperty(ONMOUSEMOVE_KEY, (onmousemove));

   * Gets an onmouseout Javascript handler.
   * @return  the new onmouseout value
  final public String getOnmouseout()
    return ComponentUtils.resolveString(getProperty(ONMOUSEOUT_KEY));

   * Sets an onmouseout Javascript handler.
   * @param onmouseout  the new onmouseout value
  final public void setOnmouseout(String onmouseout)
    setProperty(ONMOUSEOUT_KEY, (onmouseout));

   * Gets an onkeypress Javascript handler.
   * @return  the new onkeypress value
  final public String getOnkeypress()
    return ComponentUtils.resolveString(getProperty(ONKEYPRESS_KEY));

   * Sets an onkeypress Javascript handler.
   * @param onkeypress  the new onkeypress value
  final public void setOnkeypress(String onkeypress)
    setProperty(ONKEYPRESS_KEY, (onkeypress));

   * Gets an onkeydown Javascript handler.
   * @return  the new onkeydown value
  final public String getOnkeydown()
    return ComponentUtils.resolveString(getProperty(ONKEYDOWN_KEY));

   * Sets an onkeydown Javascript handler.
   * @param onkeydown  the new onkeydown value
  final public void setOnkeydown(String onkeydown)
    setProperty(ONKEYDOWN_KEY, (onkeydown));

   * Gets an onkeyup Javascript handler.
   * @return  the new onkeyup value
  final public String getOnkeyup()
    return ComponentUtils.resolveString(getProperty(ONKEYUP_KEY));

   * Sets an onkeyup Javascript handler.
   * @param onkeyup  the new onkeyup value
  final public void setOnkeyup(String onkeyup)
    setProperty(ONKEYUP_KEY, (onkeyup));

   * Gets the event handler for the component losing the focus.
   * @return  the new onblur value
  final public String getOnblur()
    return ComponentUtils.resolveString(getProperty(ONBLUR_KEY));

   * Sets the event handler for the component losing the focus.
   * @param onblur  the new onblur value
  final public void setOnblur(String onblur)
    setProperty(ONBLUR_KEY, (onblur));

   * Gets the event handler for the component gaining the focus.
   * @return  the new onfocus value
  final public String getOnfocus()
    return ComponentUtils.resolveString(getProperty(ONFOCUS_KEY));

   * Sets the event handler for the component gaining the focus.
   * @param onfocus  the new onfocus value
  final public void setOnfocus(String onfocus)
    setProperty(ONFOCUS_KEY, (onfocus));

   * Gets whether the associated control displays a visual indication of required user input. If a "required" attribute is also present, both the "required" attribute and the
   *           "showRequired" attribute must be false for the visual indication not to be displayed.
   * @return  the new showRequired value
  final public boolean isShowRequired()
    return ComponentUtils.resolveBoolean(getProperty(SHOW_REQUIRED_KEY), false);

   * Sets whether the associated control displays a visual indication of required user input. If a "required" attribute is also present, both the "required" attribute and the
   *           "showRequired" attribute must be false for the visual indication not to be displayed.
   * @param showRequired  the new showRequired value
  final public void setShowRequired(boolean showRequired)
    setProperty(SHOW_REQUIRED_KEY, showRequired ? Boolean.TRUE : Boolean.FALSE);

   * Gets <html>
   *  Character used to gain quick access to
   *                the form element specified by the
   *          <code>for</code>, if set (or this component itself,
   *               if it is a "non-simple" form element).
   *               For accessibility reasons, this functionality is not supported
   *               in screen reader mode.
   *               If the same access key appears in multiple locations in the
   *               same page of output, the rendering user agent will cycle
   *               among the elements accessed by the similar keys.
   *               <p>
   *                 This attribute is sometimes referred to as the "mnemonic".
   *                 </p></html>
   * @return  the new accessKey value
  final public char getAccessKey()
    return ComponentUtils.resolveCharacter((Character)getProperty(ACCESS_KEY_KEY));

   * Sets <html>
   *  Character used to gain quick access to
   *                the form element specified by the
   *          <code>for</code>, if set (or this component itself,
   *               if it is a "non-simple" form element).
   *               For accessibility reasons, this functionality is not supported
   *               in screen reader mode.
   *               If the same access key appears in multiple locations in the
   *               same page of output, the rendering user agent will cycle
   *               among the elements accessed by the similar keys.
   *               <p>
   *                 This attribute is sometimes referred to as the "mnemonic".
   *                 </p></html>
   * @param accessKey  the new accessKey value
  final public void setAccessKey(char accessKey)
    setProperty(ACCESS_KEY_KEY, Character.valueOf(accessKey));

   * Gets If set to TRUE on a form element, the component will automatically submit
   *      the enclosing form when an appropriate action takes place (a click, text
   *      change, etc.).
   * @return  the new autoSubmit value
  final public boolean isAutoSubmit()
    return ComponentUtils.resolveBoolean(getProperty(AUTO_SUBMIT_KEY), false);

   * Sets If set to TRUE on a form element, the component will automatically submit
   *      the enclosing form when an appropriate action takes place (a click, text
   *      change, etc.).
   * @param autoSubmit  the new autoSubmit value
  final public void setAutoSubmit(boolean autoSubmit)
    setProperty(AUTO_SUBMIT_KEY, autoSubmit ? Boolean.TRUE : Boolean.FALSE);

  public String getDefaultEventName()
    return "change";

  public Collection<String> getEventNames()
    return _EVENT_NAMES;

  public Map<String, List<ClientBehavior>> getClientBehaviors()
    return super.getClientBehaviors();

  public void addClientBehavior(
    String         eventName,
    ClientBehavior behavior)
    super.addClientBehavior(eventName, behavior);

  public String getFamily()

  protected FacesBean.Type getBeanType()
    return TYPE;

   * Construct an instance of the CoreSelectOneListbox.
  protected CoreSelectOneListbox(

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    getFacets().put(PATH_STAMP_FACET, pathStampFacet);

   * Gets if the horizontal grid lines will be drawn.
   * @return  the new horizontalGridVisible value
  final public boolean isHorizontalGridVisible()
    return ComponentUtils.resolveBoolean(getProperty(HORIZONTAL_GRID_VISIBLE_KEY), true);

   * Sets if the horizontal grid lines will be drawn.
   * @param horizontalGridVisible  the new horizontalGridVisible value
  final public void setHorizontalGridVisible(boolean horizontalGridVisible)
    setProperty(HORIZONTAL_GRID_VISIBLE_KEY, horizontalGridVisible ? Boolean.TRUE : Boolean.FALSE);

   * Gets if the vertical grid lines will be drawn.
   * @return  the new verticalGridVisible value
  final public boolean isVerticalGridVisible()
    return ComponentUtils.resolveBoolean(getProperty(VERTICAL_GRID_VISIBLE_KEY), true);

   * Sets if the vertical grid lines will be drawn.
   * @param verticalGridVisible  the new verticalGridVisible value
  final public void setVerticalGridVisible(boolean verticalGridVisible)
    setProperty(VERTICAL_GRID_VISIBLE_KEY, verticalGridVisible ? Boolean.TRUE : Boolean.FALSE);

   * Gets text displayed when a table is empty.
   * @return  the new emptyText value
  final public String getEmptyText()
    return ComponentUtils.resolveString(getProperty(EMPTY_TEXT_KEY));

   * Sets text displayed when a table is empty.
   * @param emptyText  the new emptyText value
  final public void setEmptyText(String emptyText)
    setProperty(EMPTY_TEXT_KEY, (emptyText));

   * Gets the interval between which the column banding alternates.  For example, a columnBandingInterval of 1 would display alternately banded columns.
   * @return  the new columnBandingInterval value
  final public int getColumnBandingInterval()
    return ComponentUtils.resolveInteger(getProperty(COLUMN_BANDING_INTERVAL_KEY), 0);

   * Sets the interval between which the column banding alternates.  For example, a columnBandingInterval of 1 would display alternately banded columns.
   * @param columnBandingInterval  the new columnBandingInterval value
  final public void setColumnBandingInterval(int columnBandingInterval)
    setProperty(COLUMN_BANDING_INTERVAL_KEY, Integer.valueOf(columnBandingInterval));

   * Gets the interval between which the row banding alternates.  For example, rowBandingInterval=1 would displayalternately banded rows in the Grid.
   * @return  the new rowBandingInterval value
  final public int getRowBandingInterval()
    return ComponentUtils.resolveInteger(getProperty(ROW_BANDING_INTERVAL_KEY), 0);

   * Sets the interval between which the row banding alternates.  For example, rowBandingInterval=1 would displayalternately banded rows in the Grid.
   * @param rowBandingInterval  the new rowBandingInterval value
  final public void setRowBandingInterval(int rowBandingInterval)
    setProperty(ROW_BANDING_INTERVAL_KEY, Integer.valueOf(rowBandingInterval));

   * Gets whether rows in this table selectable. Valid values are "none", "single", "multiple"
   * @return  the new rowSelection value
  final public String getRowSelection()
    return ComponentUtils.resolveString(getProperty(ROW_SELECTION_KEY), "none");

   * Sets whether rows in this table selectable. Valid values are "none", "single", "multiple"
   * @param rowSelection  the new rowSelection value
  final public void setRowSelection(String rowSelection)
    setProperty(ROW_SELECTION_KEY, (rowSelection));

   * Gets If set to TRUE on a form element, the component will automatically submit
   *      the enclosing form when an appropriate action takes place (a click, text
   *      change, etc.).  This only takes effect if rowSelection attribute enabled.
   * @return  the new autoSubmit value
  final public boolean isAutoSubmit()
    return ComponentUtils.resolveBoolean(getProperty(AUTO_SUBMIT_KEY), false);

   * Sets If set to TRUE on a form element, the component will automatically submit
   *      the enclosing form when an appropriate action takes place (a click, text
   *      change, etc.).  This only takes effect if rowSelection attribute enabled.
   * @param autoSubmit  the new autoSubmit value
  final public void setAutoSubmit(boolean autoSubmit)
    setProperty(AUTO_SUBMIT_KEY, autoSubmit ? Boolean.TRUE : Boolean.FALSE);

   * Gets the width of the table.  The value must either be a number of pixels or a percentage - it is not a CSS width.
   * @return  the new width value
  final public String getWidth()
    return ComponentUtils.resolveString(getProperty(WIDTH_KEY));

   * Sets the width of the table.  The value must either be a number of pixels or a percentage - it is not a CSS width.
   * @param width  the new width value
  final public void setWidth(String width)
    setProperty(WIDTH_KEY, (width));

   * Gets the summary of this table's purpose and structure
   *          for user agents rendering to non-visual media.
   * @return  the new summary value
  final public String getSummary()
    return ComponentUtils.resolveString(getProperty(SUMMARY_KEY));

   * Sets the summary of this table's purpose and structure
   *          for user agents rendering to non-visual media.
   * @param summary  the new summary value
  final public void setSummary(String summary)
    setProperty(SUMMARY_KEY, (summary));

   * Gets the CSS styles to use for this component.
   * @return  the new inlineStyle value
  final public String getInlineStyle()
    return ComponentUtils.resolveString(getProperty(INLINE_STYLE_KEY));

   * Sets the CSS styles to use for this component.
   * @param inlineStyle  the new inlineStyle value
  final public void setInlineStyle(String inlineStyle)
    setProperty(INLINE_STYLE_KEY, (inlineStyle));

   * Gets a CSS style class to use for this component.
   * @return  the new styleClass value
  final public String getStyleClass()
    return ComponentUtils.resolveString(getProperty(STYLE_CLASS_KEY));

   * Sets a CSS style class to use for this component.
   * @param styleClass  the new styleClass value
  final public void setStyleClass(String styleClass)
    setProperty(STYLE_CLASS_KEY, (styleClass));

   * Gets The short description of the component. This text is commonly used by user agents to display tooltip help text.
   * @return  the new shortDesc value
  final public String getShortDesc()
    return ComponentUtils.resolveString(getProperty(SHORT_DESC_KEY));

   * Sets The short description of the component. This text is commonly used by user agents to display tooltip help text.
   * @param shortDesc  the new shortDesc value
  final public void setShortDesc(String shortDesc)
    setProperty(SHORT_DESC_KEY, (shortDesc));

   * Gets the IDs of the components that should trigger a partial update.
   *         <p>
   *         This component will listen on the trigger components. If one of the
   *         trigger components receives an event that will cause it to update
   *         in some way, this component will request to be updated too.</p>
   *         <p>
   *         Separate multiple triggers with a space. e.g., partialTriggers="cmp1 cmp2"
   *         </p>
   *         <p>
   *         Identifiers must account for NamingContainers.  You can use a single colon to start the search from the root,
   *         or use multiple colons to move up through the NamingContainer. For example,
   *         "::" will pop out of this component's naming container (it pops out of itself if it is a naming container), 
   *         ":::" will pop out of two naming containers, etc. The search for
   *         the partialTrigger begins from there. e.g., partialTriggers=":::commandButton1" the search begins for the 
   *         component with id = commandButton1 after popping out of two naming containers relative to this component.
   *         To go into naming containers, you separate the naming containers with ':', e.g.,partialTriggers= "nc1:nc2:nc3:componentId".</p>
   * @return  the new partialTriggers value
  final public String[] getPartialTriggers()
    return (String[])getProperty(PARTIAL_TRIGGERS_KEY);

   * Sets the IDs of the components that should trigger a partial update.
   *         <p>
   *         This component will listen on the trigger components. If one of the
   *         trigger components receives an event that will cause it to update
   *         in some way, this component will request to be updated too.</p>
   *         <p>
   *         Separate multiple triggers with a space. e.g., partialTriggers="cmp1 cmp2"
   *         </p>
   *         <p>
   *         Identifiers must account for NamingContainers.  You can use a single colon to start the search from the root,
   *         or use multiple colons to move up through the NamingContainer. For example,
   *         "::" will pop out of this component's naming container (it pops out of itself if it is a naming container), 
   *         ":::" will pop out of two naming containers, etc. The search for
   *         the partialTrigger begins from there. e.g., partialTriggers=":::commandButton1" the search begins for the 
   *         component with id = commandButton1 after popping out of two naming containers relative to this component.
   *         To go into naming containers, you separate the naming containers with ':', e.g.,partialTriggers= "nc1:nc2:nc3:componentId".</p>
   * @param partialTriggers  the new partialTriggers value
  final public void setPartialTriggers(String[] partialTriggers)
    setProperty(PARTIAL_TRIGGERS_KEY, (partialTriggers));

   * Gets an onclick Javascript handler.
   * @return  the new onclick value
  final public String getOnclick()
    return ComponentUtils.resolveString(getProperty(ONCLICK_KEY));

   * Sets an onclick Javascript handler.
   * @param onclick  the new onclick value
  final public void setOnclick(String onclick)
    setProperty(ONCLICK_KEY, (onclick));

   * Gets an ondblclick Javascript handler.
   * @return  the new ondblclick value
  final public String getOndblclick()
    return ComponentUtils.resolveString(getProperty(ONDBLCLICK_KEY));

   * Sets an ondblclick Javascript handler.
   * @param ondblclick  the new ondblclick value
  final public void setOndblclick(String ondblclick)
    setProperty(ONDBLCLICK_KEY, (ondblclick));

   * Gets an onmousedown Javascript handler.
   * @return  the new onmousedown value
  final public String getOnmousedown()
    return ComponentUtils.resolveString(getProperty(ONMOUSEDOWN_KEY));

   * Sets an onmousedown Javascript handler.
   * @param onmousedown  the new onmousedown value
  final public void setOnmousedown(String onmousedown)
    setProperty(ONMOUSEDOWN_KEY, (onmousedown));

   * Gets an onmouseup Javascript handler.
   * @return  the new onmouseup value
  final public String getOnmouseup()
    return ComponentUtils.resolveString(getProperty(ONMOUSEUP_KEY));

   * Sets an onmouseup Javascript handler.
   * @param onmouseup  the new onmouseup value
  final public void setOnmouseup(String onmouseup)
    setProperty(ONMOUSEUP_KEY, (onmouseup));

   * Gets an onmouseover Javascript handler.
   * @return  the new onmouseover value
  final public String getOnmouseover()
    return ComponentUtils.resolveString(getProperty(ONMOUSEOVER_KEY));

   * Sets an onmouseover Javascript handler.
   * @param onmouseover  the new onmouseover value
  final public void setOnmouseover(String onmouseover)
    setProperty(ONMOUSEOVER_KEY, (onmouseover));

   * Gets an onmousemove Javascript handler.
   * @return  the new onmousemove value
  final public String getOnmousemove()
    return ComponentUtils.resolveString(getProperty(ONMOUSEMOVE_KEY));

   * Sets an onmousemove Javascript handler.
   * @param onmousemove  the new onmousemove value
  final public void setOnmousemove(String onmousemove)
    setProperty(ONMOUSEMOVE_KEY, (onmousemove));

   * Gets an onmouseout Javascript handler.
   * @return  the new onmouseout value
  final public String getOnmouseout()
    return ComponentUtils.resolveString(getProperty(ONMOUSEOUT_KEY));

   * Sets an onmouseout Javascript handler.
   * @param onmouseout  the new onmouseout value
  final public void setOnmouseout(String onmouseout)
    setProperty(ONMOUSEOUT_KEY, (onmouseout));

   * Gets an onkeypress Javascript handler.
   * @return  the new onkeypress value
  final public String getOnkeypress()
    return ComponentUtils.resolveString(getProperty(ONKEYPRESS_KEY));

   * Sets an onkeypress Javascript handler.
   * @param onkeypress  the new onkeypress value
  final public void setOnkeypress(String onkeypress)
    setProperty(ONKEYPRESS_KEY, (onkeypress));

   * Gets an onkeydown Javascript handler.
   * @return  the new onkeydown value
  final public String getOnkeydown()
    return ComponentUtils.resolveString(getProperty(ONKEYDOWN_KEY));

   * Sets an onkeydown Javascript handler.
   * @param onkeydown  the new onkeydown value
  final public void setOnkeydown(String onkeydown)
    setProperty(ONKEYDOWN_KEY, (onkeydown));

   * Gets an onkeyup Javascript handler.
   * @return  the new onkeyup value
  final public String getOnkeyup()
    return ComponentUtils.resolveString(getProperty(ONKEYUP_KEY));

   * Sets an onkeyup Javascript handler.
   * @param onkeyup  the new onkeyup value
  final public void setOnkeyup(String onkeyup)
    setProperty(ONKEYUP_KEY, (onkeyup));

   * Gets Whether the Expand All, Collapse All links should be rendered.
   * @return  the new expandAllEnabled value
  final public boolean isExpandAllEnabled()

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    setProperty(MAXIMUM_LENGTH_KEY, Integer.valueOf(maximumLength));

   * Gets event handler for when the value is changed.
   * @return  the new onchange value
  final public String getOnchange()
    return ComponentUtils.resolveString(getProperty(ONCHANGE_KEY));

   * Sets event handler for when the value is changed.
   * @param onchange  the new onchange value
  final public void setOnchange(String onchange)
    setProperty(ONCHANGE_KEY, (onchange));

   * Gets the CSS styles to use for this component.
   * @return  the new inlineStyle value
  final public String getInlineStyle()
    return ComponentUtils.resolveString(getProperty(INLINE_STYLE_KEY));

   * Sets the CSS styles to use for this component.
   * @param inlineStyle  the new inlineStyle value
  final public void setInlineStyle(String inlineStyle)
    setProperty(INLINE_STYLE_KEY, (inlineStyle));

   * Gets a CSS style class to use for this component.
   * @return  the new styleClass value
  final public String getStyleClass()
    return ComponentUtils.resolveString(getProperty(STYLE_CLASS_KEY));

   * Sets a CSS style class to use for this component.
   * @param styleClass  the new styleClass value
  final public void setStyleClass(String styleClass)
    setProperty(STYLE_CLASS_KEY, (styleClass));

   * Gets The short description of the component. This text is commonly used by user agents to display tooltip help text.
   * @return  the new shortDesc value
  final public String getShortDesc()
    return ComponentUtils.resolveString(getProperty(SHORT_DESC_KEY));

   * Sets The short description of the component. This text is commonly used by user agents to display tooltip help text.
   * @param shortDesc  the new shortDesc value
  final public void setShortDesc(String shortDesc)
    setProperty(SHORT_DESC_KEY, (shortDesc));

   * Gets the IDs of the components that should trigger a partial update.
   *         <p>
   *         This component will listen on the trigger components. If one of the
   *         trigger components receives an event that will cause it to update
   *         in some way, this component will request to be updated too.</p>
   *         <p>
   *         Separate multiple triggers with a space. e.g., partialTriggers="cmp1 cmp2"
   *         </p>
   *         <p>
   *         Identifiers must account for NamingContainers.  You can use a single colon to start the search from the root,
   *         or use multiple colons to move up through the NamingContainer. For example,
   *         "::" will pop out of this component's naming container (it pops out of itself if it is a naming container), 
   *         ":::" will pop out of two naming containers, etc. The search for
   *         the partialTrigger begins from there. e.g., partialTriggers=":::commandButton1" the search begins for the 
   *         component with id = commandButton1 after popping out of two naming containers relative to this component.
   *         To go into naming containers, you separate the naming containers with ':', e.g.,partialTriggers= "nc1:nc2:nc3:componentId".</p>
   * @return  the new partialTriggers value
  final public String[] getPartialTriggers()
    return (String[])getProperty(PARTIAL_TRIGGERS_KEY);

   * Sets the IDs of the components that should trigger a partial update.
   *         <p>
   *         This component will listen on the trigger components. If one of the
   *         trigger components receives an event that will cause it to update
   *         in some way, this component will request to be updated too.</p>
   *         <p>
   *         Separate multiple triggers with a space. e.g., partialTriggers="cmp1 cmp2"
   *         </p>
   *         <p>
   *         Identifiers must account for NamingContainers.  You can use a single colon to start the search from the root,
   *         or use multiple colons to move up through the NamingContainer. For example,
   *         "::" will pop out of this component's naming container (it pops out of itself if it is a naming container), 
   *         ":::" will pop out of two naming containers, etc. The search for
   *         the partialTrigger begins from there. e.g., partialTriggers=":::commandButton1" the search begins for the 
   *         component with id = commandButton1 after popping out of two naming containers relative to this component.
   *         To go into naming containers, you separate the naming containers with ':', e.g.,partialTriggers= "nc1:nc2:nc3:componentId".</p>
   * @param partialTriggers  the new partialTriggers value
  final public void setPartialTriggers(String[] partialTriggers)
    setProperty(PARTIAL_TRIGGERS_KEY, (partialTriggers));

   * Gets an onclick Javascript handler.
   * @return  the new onclick value
  final public String getOnclick()
    return ComponentUtils.resolveString(getProperty(ONCLICK_KEY));

   * Sets an onclick Javascript handler.
   * @param onclick  the new onclick value
  final public void setOnclick(String onclick)
    setProperty(ONCLICK_KEY, (onclick));

   * Gets an ondblclick Javascript handler.
   * @return  the new ondblclick value
  final public String getOndblclick()
    return ComponentUtils.resolveString(getProperty(ONDBLCLICK_KEY));

   * Sets an ondblclick Javascript handler.
   * @param ondblclick  the new ondblclick value
  final public void setOndblclick(String ondblclick)
    setProperty(ONDBLCLICK_KEY, (ondblclick));

   * Gets an onmousedown Javascript handler.
   * @return  the new onmousedown value
  final public String getOnmousedown()
    return ComponentUtils.resolveString(getProperty(ONMOUSEDOWN_KEY));

   * Sets an onmousedown Javascript handler.
   * @param onmousedown  the new onmousedown value
  final public void setOnmousedown(String onmousedown)
    setProperty(ONMOUSEDOWN_KEY, (onmousedown));

   * Gets an onmouseup Javascript handler.
   * @return  the new onmouseup value
  final public String getOnmouseup()
    return ComponentUtils.resolveString(getProperty(ONMOUSEUP_KEY));

   * Sets an onmouseup Javascript handler.
   * @param onmouseup  the new onmouseup value
  final public void setOnmouseup(String onmouseup)
    setProperty(ONMOUSEUP_KEY, (onmouseup));

   * Gets an onmouseover Javascript handler.
   * @return  the new onmouseover value
  final public String getOnmouseover()
    return ComponentUtils.resolveString(getProperty(ONMOUSEOVER_KEY));

   * Sets an onmouseover Javascript handler.
   * @param onmouseover  the new onmouseover value
  final public void setOnmouseover(String onmouseover)
    setProperty(ONMOUSEOVER_KEY, (onmouseover));

   * Gets an onmousemove Javascript handler.
   * @return  the new onmousemove value
  final public String getOnmousemove()
    return ComponentUtils.resolveString(getProperty(ONMOUSEMOVE_KEY));

   * Sets an onmousemove Javascript handler.
   * @param onmousemove  the new onmousemove value
  final public void setOnmousemove(String onmousemove)
    setProperty(ONMOUSEMOVE_KEY, (onmousemove));

   * Gets an onmouseout Javascript handler.
   * @return  the new onmouseout value
  final public String getOnmouseout()
    return ComponentUtils.resolveString(getProperty(ONMOUSEOUT_KEY));

   * Sets an onmouseout Javascript handler.
   * @param onmouseout  the new onmouseout value
  final public void setOnmouseout(String onmouseout)
    setProperty(ONMOUSEOUT_KEY, (onmouseout));

   * Gets an onkeypress Javascript handler.
   * @return  the new onkeypress value
  final public String getOnkeypress()
    return ComponentUtils.resolveString(getProperty(ONKEYPRESS_KEY));

   * Sets an onkeypress Javascript handler.
   * @param onkeypress  the new onkeypress value
  final public void setOnkeypress(String onkeypress)
    setProperty(ONKEYPRESS_KEY, (onkeypress));

   * Gets an onkeydown Javascript handler.
   * @return  the new onkeydown value
  final public String getOnkeydown()
    return ComponentUtils.resolveString(getProperty(ONKEYDOWN_KEY));

   * Sets an onkeydown Javascript handler.
   * @param onkeydown  the new onkeydown value
  final public void setOnkeydown(String onkeydown)
    setProperty(ONKEYDOWN_KEY, (onkeydown));

   * Gets an onkeyup Javascript handler.
   * @return  the new onkeyup value
  final public String getOnkeyup()
    return ComponentUtils.resolveString(getProperty(ONKEYUP_KEY));

   * Sets an onkeyup Javascript handler.
   * @param onkeyup  the new onkeyup value
  final public void setOnkeyup(String onkeyup)
    setProperty(ONKEYUP_KEY, (onkeyup));

   * Gets the event handler for the component losing the focus.
   * @return  the new onblur value
  final public String getOnblur()
    return ComponentUtils.resolveString(getProperty(ONBLUR_KEY));

   * Sets the event handler for the component losing the focus.
   * @param onblur  the new onblur value
  final public void setOnblur(String onblur)
    setProperty(ONBLUR_KEY, (onblur));

   * Gets the event handler for the component gaining the focus.
   * @return  the new onfocus value
  final public String getOnfocus()
    return ComponentUtils.resolveString(getProperty(ONFOCUS_KEY));

   * Sets the event handler for the component gaining the focus.
   * @param onfocus  the new onfocus value
  final public void setOnfocus(String onfocus)
    setProperty(ONFOCUS_KEY, (onfocus));

   * Gets whether the associated control displays a visual indication of required user input. If a "required" attribute is also present, both the "required" attribute and the
   *           "showRequired" attribute must be false for the visual indication not to be displayed.
   * @return  the new showRequired value
  final public boolean isShowRequired()
    return ComponentUtils.resolveBoolean(getProperty(SHOW_REQUIRED_KEY), false);

   * Sets whether the associated control displays a visual indication of required user input. If a "required" attribute is also present, both the "required" attribute and the
   *           "showRequired" attribute must be false for the visual indication not to be displayed.
   * @param showRequired  the new showRequired value
  final public void setShowRequired(boolean showRequired)
    setProperty(SHOW_REQUIRED_KEY, showRequired ? Boolean.TRUE : Boolean.FALSE);

   * Gets <html>
   *  Character used to gain quick access to
   *                the form element specified by the
   *          <code>for</code>, if set (or this component itself,
   *               if it is a "non-simple" form element).
   *               For accessibility reasons, this functionality is not supported
   *               in screen reader mode.
   *               If the same access key appears in multiple locations in the
   *               same page of output, the rendering user agent will cycle
   *               among the elements accessed by the similar keys.
   *               <p>
   *                 This attribute is sometimes referred to as the "mnemonic".
   *                 </p></html>
   * @return  the new accessKey value
  final public char getAccessKey()
    return ComponentUtils.resolveCharacter((Character)getProperty(ACCESS_KEY_KEY));

   * Sets <html>
   *  Character used to gain quick access to
   *                the form element specified by the
   *          <code>for</code>, if set (or this component itself,
   *               if it is a "non-simple" form element).
   *               For accessibility reasons, this functionality is not supported
   *               in screen reader mode.
   *               If the same access key appears in multiple locations in the
   *               same page of output, the rendering user agent will cycle
   *               among the elements accessed by the similar keys.
   *               <p>
   *                 This attribute is sometimes referred to as the "mnemonic".
   *                 </p></html>
   * @param accessKey  the new accessKey value
  final public void setAccessKey(char accessKey)
    setProperty(ACCESS_KEY_KEY, Character.valueOf(accessKey));

   * Gets If set to TRUE on a form element, the component will automatically submit
   *      the enclosing form when an appropriate action takes place (a click, text
   *      change, etc.).
   * @return  the new autoSubmit value
  final public boolean isAutoSubmit()
    return ComponentUtils.resolveBoolean(getProperty(AUTO_SUBMIT_KEY), false);

   * Sets If set to TRUE on a form element, the component will automatically submit
   *      the enclosing form when an appropriate action takes place (a click, text
   *      change, etc.).
   * @param autoSubmit  the new autoSubmit value
  final public void setAutoSubmit(boolean autoSubmit)
    setProperty(AUTO_SUBMIT_KEY, autoSubmit ? Boolean.TRUE : Boolean.FALSE);

  public String getDefaultEventName()
    return "change";

  public Collection<String> getEventNames()
    return _EVENT_NAMES;

  public Map<String, List<ClientBehavior>> getClientBehaviors()
    return super.getClientBehaviors();

  public void addClientBehavior(
    String         eventName,
    ClientBehavior behavior)
    super.addClientBehavior(eventName, behavior);

  public String getFamily()

  protected FacesBean.Type getBeanType()
    return TYPE;

   * Construct an instance of the CoreInputDate.
  protected CoreInputDate(

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    setProperty(SIMPLE_KEY, simple ? Boolean.TRUE : Boolean.FALSE);

   * Gets event handler for when the value is changed.
   * @return  the new onchange value
  final public String getOnchange()
    return ComponentUtils.resolveString(getProperty(ONCHANGE_KEY));

   * Sets event handler for when the value is changed.
   * @param onchange  the new onchange value
  final public void setOnchange(String onchange)
    setProperty(ONCHANGE_KEY, (onchange));

   * Gets the CSS styles to use for this component.
   * @return  the new inlineStyle value
  final public String getInlineStyle()
    return ComponentUtils.resolveString(getProperty(INLINE_STYLE_KEY));

   * Sets the CSS styles to use for this component.
   * @param inlineStyle  the new inlineStyle value
  final public void setInlineStyle(String inlineStyle)
    setProperty(INLINE_STYLE_KEY, (inlineStyle));

   * Gets a CSS style class to use for this component.
   * @return  the new styleClass value
  final public String getStyleClass()
    return ComponentUtils.resolveString(getProperty(STYLE_CLASS_KEY));

   * Sets a CSS style class to use for this component.
   * @param styleClass  the new styleClass value
  final public void setStyleClass(String styleClass)
    setProperty(STYLE_CLASS_KEY, (styleClass));

   * Gets The short description of the component. This text is commonly used by user agents to display tooltip help text.
   * @return  the new shortDesc value
  final public String getShortDesc()
    return ComponentUtils.resolveString(getProperty(SHORT_DESC_KEY));

   * Sets The short description of the component. This text is commonly used by user agents to display tooltip help text.
   * @param shortDesc  the new shortDesc value
  final public void setShortDesc(String shortDesc)
    setProperty(SHORT_DESC_KEY, (shortDesc));

   * Gets the IDs of the components that should trigger a partial update.
   *         <p>
   *         This component will listen on the trigger components. If one of the
   *         trigger components receives an event that will cause it to update
   *         in some way, this component will request to be updated too.</p>
   *         <p>
   *         Separate multiple triggers with a space. e.g., partialTriggers="cmp1 cmp2"
   *         </p>
   *         <p>
   *         Identifiers must account for NamingContainers.  You can use a single colon to start the search from the root,
   *         or use multiple colons to move up through the NamingContainer. For example,
   *         "::" will pop out of this component's naming container (it pops out of itself if it is a naming container), 
   *         ":::" will pop out of two naming containers, etc. The search for
   *         the partialTrigger begins from there. e.g., partialTriggers=":::commandButton1" the search begins for the 
   *         component with id = commandButton1 after popping out of two naming containers relative to this component.
   *         To go into naming containers, you separate the naming containers with ':', e.g.,partialTriggers= "nc1:nc2:nc3:componentId".</p>
   * @return  the new partialTriggers value
  final public String[] getPartialTriggers()
    return (String[])getProperty(PARTIAL_TRIGGERS_KEY);

   * Sets the IDs of the components that should trigger a partial update.
   *         <p>
   *         This component will listen on the trigger components. If one of the
   *         trigger components receives an event that will cause it to update
   *         in some way, this component will request to be updated too.</p>
   *         <p>
   *         Separate multiple triggers with a space. e.g., partialTriggers="cmp1 cmp2"
   *         </p>
   *         <p>
   *         Identifiers must account for NamingContainers.  You can use a single colon to start the search from the root,
   *         or use multiple colons to move up through the NamingContainer. For example,
   *         "::" will pop out of this component's naming container (it pops out of itself if it is a naming container), 
   *         ":::" will pop out of two naming containers, etc. The search for
   *         the partialTrigger begins from there. e.g., partialTriggers=":::commandButton1" the search begins for the 
   *         component with id = commandButton1 after popping out of two naming containers relative to this component.
   *         To go into naming containers, you separate the naming containers with ':', e.g.,partialTriggers= "nc1:nc2:nc3:componentId".</p>
   * @param partialTriggers  the new partialTriggers value
  final public void setPartialTriggers(String[] partialTriggers)
    setProperty(PARTIAL_TRIGGERS_KEY, (partialTriggers));

   * Gets an onclick Javascript handler.
   * @return  the new onclick value
  final public String getOnclick()
    return ComponentUtils.resolveString(getProperty(ONCLICK_KEY));

   * Sets an onclick Javascript handler.
   * @param onclick  the new onclick value
  final public void setOnclick(String onclick)
    setProperty(ONCLICK_KEY, (onclick));

   * Gets an ondblclick Javascript handler.
   * @return  the new ondblclick value
  final public String getOndblclick()
    return ComponentUtils.resolveString(getProperty(ONDBLCLICK_KEY));

   * Sets an ondblclick Javascript handler.
   * @param ondblclick  the new ondblclick value
  final public void setOndblclick(String ondblclick)
    setProperty(ONDBLCLICK_KEY, (ondblclick));

   * Gets an onmousedown Javascript handler.
   * @return  the new onmousedown value
  final public String getOnmousedown()
    return ComponentUtils.resolveString(getProperty(ONMOUSEDOWN_KEY));

   * Sets an onmousedown Javascript handler.
   * @param onmousedown  the new onmousedown value
  final public void setOnmousedown(String onmousedown)
    setProperty(ONMOUSEDOWN_KEY, (onmousedown));

   * Gets an onmouseup Javascript handler.
   * @return  the new onmouseup value
  final public String getOnmouseup()
    return ComponentUtils.resolveString(getProperty(ONMOUSEUP_KEY));

   * Sets an onmouseup Javascript handler.
   * @param onmouseup  the new onmouseup value
  final public void setOnmouseup(String onmouseup)
    setProperty(ONMOUSEUP_KEY, (onmouseup));

   * Gets an onmouseover Javascript handler.
   * @return  the new onmouseover value
  final public String getOnmouseover()
    return ComponentUtils.resolveString(getProperty(ONMOUSEOVER_KEY));

   * Sets an onmouseover Javascript handler.
   * @param onmouseover  the new onmouseover value
  final public void setOnmouseover(String onmouseover)
    setProperty(ONMOUSEOVER_KEY, (onmouseover));

   * Gets an onmousemove Javascript handler.
   * @return  the new onmousemove value
  final public String getOnmousemove()
    return ComponentUtils.resolveString(getProperty(ONMOUSEMOVE_KEY));

   * Sets an onmousemove Javascript handler.
   * @param onmousemove  the new onmousemove value
  final public void setOnmousemove(String onmousemove)
    setProperty(ONMOUSEMOVE_KEY, (onmousemove));

   * Gets an onmouseout Javascript handler.
   * @return  the new onmouseout value
  final public String getOnmouseout()
    return ComponentUtils.resolveString(getProperty(ONMOUSEOUT_KEY));

   * Sets an onmouseout Javascript handler.
   * @param onmouseout  the new onmouseout value
  final public void setOnmouseout(String onmouseout)
    setProperty(ONMOUSEOUT_KEY, (onmouseout));

   * Gets an onkeypress Javascript handler.
   * @return  the new onkeypress value
  final public String getOnkeypress()
    return ComponentUtils.resolveString(getProperty(ONKEYPRESS_KEY));

   * Sets an onkeypress Javascript handler.
   * @param onkeypress  the new onkeypress value
  final public void setOnkeypress(String onkeypress)
    setProperty(ONKEYPRESS_KEY, (onkeypress));

   * Gets an onkeydown Javascript handler.
   * @return  the new onkeydown value
  final public String getOnkeydown()
    return ComponentUtils.resolveString(getProperty(ONKEYDOWN_KEY));

   * Sets an onkeydown Javascript handler.
   * @param onkeydown  the new onkeydown value
  final public void setOnkeydown(String onkeydown)
    setProperty(ONKEYDOWN_KEY, (onkeydown));

   * Gets an onkeyup Javascript handler.
   * @return  the new onkeyup value
  final public String getOnkeyup()
    return ComponentUtils.resolveString(getProperty(ONKEYUP_KEY));

   * Sets an onkeyup Javascript handler.
   * @param onkeyup  the new onkeyup value
  final public void setOnkeyup(String onkeyup)
    setProperty(ONKEYUP_KEY, (onkeyup));

   * Gets the event handler for the component losing the focus.
   * @return  the new onblur value
  final public String getOnblur()
    return ComponentUtils.resolveString(getProperty(ONBLUR_KEY));

   * Sets the event handler for the component losing the focus.
   * @param onblur  the new onblur value
  final public void setOnblur(String onblur)
    setProperty(ONBLUR_KEY, (onblur));

   * Gets the event handler for the component gaining the focus.
   * @return  the new onfocus value
  final public String getOnfocus()
    return ComponentUtils.resolveString(getProperty(ONFOCUS_KEY));

   * Sets the event handler for the component gaining the focus.
   * @param onfocus  the new onfocus value
  final public void setOnfocus(String onfocus)
    setProperty(ONFOCUS_KEY, (onfocus));

   * Gets whether the associated control displays a visual indication of required user input. If a "required" attribute is also present, both the "required" attribute and the
   *           "showRequired" attribute must be false for the visual indication not to be displayed.
   * @return  the new showRequired value
  final public boolean isShowRequired()
    return ComponentUtils.resolveBoolean(getProperty(SHOW_REQUIRED_KEY), false);

   * Sets whether the associated control displays a visual indication of required user input. If a "required" attribute is also present, both the "required" attribute and the
   *           "showRequired" attribute must be false for the visual indication not to be displayed.
   * @param showRequired  the new showRequired value
  final public void setShowRequired(boolean showRequired)
    setProperty(SHOW_REQUIRED_KEY, showRequired ? Boolean.TRUE : Boolean.FALSE);

   * Gets <html>
   *  Character used to gain quick access to
   *                the form element specified by the
   *          <code>for</code>, if set (or this component itself,
   *               if it is a "non-simple" form element).
   *               For accessibility reasons, this functionality is not supported
   *               in screen reader mode.
   *               If the same access key appears in multiple locations in the
   *               same page of output, the rendering user agent will cycle
   *               among the elements accessed by the similar keys.
   *               <p>
   *                 This attribute is sometimes referred to as the "mnemonic".
   *                 </p></html>
   * @return  the new accessKey value
  final public char getAccessKey()
    return ComponentUtils.resolveCharacter((Character)getProperty(ACCESS_KEY_KEY));

   * Sets <html>
   *  Character used to gain quick access to
   *                the form element specified by the
   *          <code>for</code>, if set (or this component itself,
   *               if it is a "non-simple" form element).
   *               For accessibility reasons, this functionality is not supported
   *               in screen reader mode.
   *               If the same access key appears in multiple locations in the
   *               same page of output, the rendering user agent will cycle
   *               among the elements accessed by the similar keys.
   *               <p>
   *                 This attribute is sometimes referred to as the "mnemonic".
   *                 </p></html>
   * @param accessKey  the new accessKey value
  final public void setAccessKey(char accessKey)
    setProperty(ACCESS_KEY_KEY, Character.valueOf(accessKey));

   * Gets If set to TRUE on a form element, the component will automatically submit
   *      the enclosing form when an appropriate action takes place (a click, text
   *      change, etc.).
   * @return  the new autoSubmit value
  final public boolean isAutoSubmit()
    return ComponentUtils.resolveBoolean(getProperty(AUTO_SUBMIT_KEY), false);

   * Sets If set to TRUE on a form element, the component will automatically submit
   *      the enclosing form when an appropriate action takes place (a click, text
   *      change, etc.).
   * @param autoSubmit  the new autoSubmit value
  final public void setAutoSubmit(boolean autoSubmit)
    setProperty(AUTO_SUBMIT_KEY, autoSubmit ? Boolean.TRUE : Boolean.FALSE);

  public String getDefaultEventName()
    return "change";

  public Collection<String> getEventNames()
    return _EVENT_NAMES;

  public Map<String, List<ClientBehavior>> getClientBehaviors()
    return super.getClientBehaviors();

  public void addClientBehavior(
    String         eventName,
    ClientBehavior behavior)
    super.addClientBehavior(eventName, behavior);

  public String getFamily()

  protected FacesBean.Type getBeanType()
    return TYPE;

   * Construct an instance of the CoreSelectManyCheckbox.
  protected CoreSelectManyCheckbox(

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    setProperty(BLOCKING_KEY, blocking ? Boolean.TRUE : Boolean.FALSE);

   * Gets the CSS styles to use for this component.
   * @return  the new inlineStyle value
  final public String getInlineStyle()
    return ComponentUtils.resolveString(getProperty(INLINE_STYLE_KEY));

   * Sets the CSS styles to use for this component.
   * @param inlineStyle  the new inlineStyle value
  final public void setInlineStyle(String inlineStyle)
    setProperty(INLINE_STYLE_KEY, (inlineStyle));

   * Gets a CSS style class to use for this component.
   * @return  the new styleClass value
  final public String getStyleClass()
    return ComponentUtils.resolveString(getProperty(STYLE_CLASS_KEY));

   * Sets a CSS style class to use for this component.
   * @param styleClass  the new styleClass value
  final public void setStyleClass(String styleClass)
    setProperty(STYLE_CLASS_KEY, (styleClass));

   * Gets The short description of the component. This text is commonly used by user agents to display tooltip help text.
   * @return  the new shortDesc value
  final public String getShortDesc()
    return ComponentUtils.resolveString(getProperty(SHORT_DESC_KEY));

   * Sets The short description of the component. This text is commonly used by user agents to display tooltip help text.
   * @param shortDesc  the new shortDesc value
  final public void setShortDesc(String shortDesc)
    setProperty(SHORT_DESC_KEY, (shortDesc));

   * Gets the IDs of the components that should trigger a partial update.
   *         <p>
   *         This component will listen on the trigger components. If one of the
   *         trigger components receives an event that will cause it to update
   *         in some way, this component will request to be updated too.</p>
   *         <p>
   *         Separate multiple triggers with a space. e.g., partialTriggers="cmp1 cmp2"
   *         </p>
   *         <p>
   *         Identifiers must account for NamingContainers.  You can use a single colon to start the search from the root,
   *         or use multiple colons to move up through the NamingContainer. For example,
   *         "::" will pop out of this component's naming container (it pops out of itself if it is a naming container), 
   *         ":::" will pop out of two naming containers, etc. The search for
   *         the partialTrigger begins from there. e.g., partialTriggers=":::commandButton1" the search begins for the 
   *         component with id = commandButton1 after popping out of two naming containers relative to this component.
   *         To go into naming containers, you separate the naming containers with ':', e.g.,partialTriggers= "nc1:nc2:nc3:componentId".</p>
   * @return  the new partialTriggers value
  final public String[] getPartialTriggers()
    return (String[])getProperty(PARTIAL_TRIGGERS_KEY);

   * Sets the IDs of the components that should trigger a partial update.
   *         <p>
   *         This component will listen on the trigger components. If one of the
   *         trigger components receives an event that will cause it to update
   *         in some way, this component will request to be updated too.</p>
   *         <p>
   *         Separate multiple triggers with a space. e.g., partialTriggers="cmp1 cmp2"
   *         </p>
   *         <p>
   *         Identifiers must account for NamingContainers.  You can use a single colon to start the search from the root,
   *         or use multiple colons to move up through the NamingContainer. For example,
   *         "::" will pop out of this component's naming container (it pops out of itself if it is a naming container), 
   *         ":::" will pop out of two naming containers, etc. The search for
   *         the partialTrigger begins from there. e.g., partialTriggers=":::commandButton1" the search begins for the 
   *         component with id = commandButton1 after popping out of two naming containers relative to this component.
   *         To go into naming containers, you separate the naming containers with ':', e.g.,partialTriggers= "nc1:nc2:nc3:componentId".</p>
   * @param partialTriggers  the new partialTriggers value
  final public void setPartialTriggers(String[] partialTriggers)
    setProperty(PARTIAL_TRIGGERS_KEY, (partialTriggers));

   * Gets an onclick Javascript handler.
   * @return  the new onclick value
  final public String getOnclick()
    return ComponentUtils.resolveString(getProperty(ONCLICK_KEY));

   * Sets an onclick Javascript handler.
   * @param onclick  the new onclick value
  final public void setOnclick(String onclick)
    setProperty(ONCLICK_KEY, (onclick));

   * Gets an ondblclick Javascript handler.
   * @return  the new ondblclick value
  final public String getOndblclick()
    return ComponentUtils.resolveString(getProperty(ONDBLCLICK_KEY));

   * Sets an ondblclick Javascript handler.
   * @param ondblclick  the new ondblclick value
  final public void setOndblclick(String ondblclick)
    setProperty(ONDBLCLICK_KEY, (ondblclick));

   * Gets an onmousedown Javascript handler.
   * @return  the new onmousedown value
  final public String getOnmousedown()
    return ComponentUtils.resolveString(getProperty(ONMOUSEDOWN_KEY));

   * Sets an onmousedown Javascript handler.
   * @param onmousedown  the new onmousedown value
  final public void setOnmousedown(String onmousedown)
    setProperty(ONMOUSEDOWN_KEY, (onmousedown));

   * Gets an onmouseup Javascript handler.
   * @return  the new onmouseup value
  final public String getOnmouseup()
    return ComponentUtils.resolveString(getProperty(ONMOUSEUP_KEY));

   * Sets an onmouseup Javascript handler.
   * @param onmouseup  the new onmouseup value
  final public void setOnmouseup(String onmouseup)
    setProperty(ONMOUSEUP_KEY, (onmouseup));

   * Gets an onmouseover Javascript handler.
   * @return  the new onmouseover value
  final public String getOnmouseover()
    return ComponentUtils.resolveString(getProperty(ONMOUSEOVER_KEY));

   * Sets an onmouseover Javascript handler.
   * @param onmouseover  the new onmouseover value
  final public void setOnmouseover(String onmouseover)
    setProperty(ONMOUSEOVER_KEY, (onmouseover));

   * Gets an onmousemove Javascript handler.
   * @return  the new onmousemove value
  final public String getOnmousemove()
    return ComponentUtils.resolveString(getProperty(ONMOUSEMOVE_KEY));

   * Sets an onmousemove Javascript handler.
   * @param onmousemove  the new onmousemove value
  final public void setOnmousemove(String onmousemove)
    setProperty(ONMOUSEMOVE_KEY, (onmousemove));

   * Gets an onmouseout Javascript handler.
   * @return  the new onmouseout value
  final public String getOnmouseout()
    return ComponentUtils.resolveString(getProperty(ONMOUSEOUT_KEY));

   * Sets an onmouseout Javascript handler.
   * @param onmouseout  the new onmouseout value
  final public void setOnmouseout(String onmouseout)
    setProperty(ONMOUSEOUT_KEY, (onmouseout));

   * Gets an onkeypress Javascript handler.
   * @return  the new onkeypress value
  final public String getOnkeypress()
    return ComponentUtils.resolveString(getProperty(ONKEYPRESS_KEY));

   * Sets an onkeypress Javascript handler.
   * @param onkeypress  the new onkeypress value
  final public void setOnkeypress(String onkeypress)
    setProperty(ONKEYPRESS_KEY, (onkeypress));

   * Gets an onkeydown Javascript handler.
   * @return  the new onkeydown value
  final public String getOnkeydown()
    return ComponentUtils.resolveString(getProperty(ONKEYDOWN_KEY));

   * Sets an onkeydown Javascript handler.
   * @param onkeydown  the new onkeydown value
  final public void setOnkeydown(String onkeydown)
    setProperty(ONKEYDOWN_KEY, (onkeydown));

   * Gets an onkeyup Javascript handler.
   * @return  the new onkeyup value
  final public String getOnkeyup()
    return ComponentUtils.resolveString(getProperty(ONKEYUP_KEY));

   * Sets an onkeyup Javascript handler.
   * @param onkeyup  the new onkeyup value
  final public void setOnkeyup(String onkeyup)
    setProperty(ONKEYUP_KEY, (onkeyup));

   * Gets the event handler for the component losing the focus.
   * @return  the new onblur value
  final public String getOnblur()
    return ComponentUtils.resolveString(getProperty(ONBLUR_KEY));

   * Sets the event handler for the component losing the focus.
   * @param onblur  the new onblur value
  final public void setOnblur(String onblur)
    setProperty(ONBLUR_KEY, (onblur));

   * Gets the event handler for the component gaining the focus.
   * @return  the new onfocus value
  final public String getOnfocus()
    return ComponentUtils.resolveString(getProperty(ONFOCUS_KEY));

   * Sets the event handler for the component gaining the focus.
   * @param onfocus  the new onfocus value
  final public void setOnfocus(String onfocus)
    setProperty(ONFOCUS_KEY, (onfocus));

   * Gets Indicates whether processes launched by this command should be
   *         launched in a secondary dialog window. 'useWindow' requires that the "action"
   *         attribute start with "dialog:". Set useWindow to 'false' for the outcome of
   *         the action to be targeted to the existing window.
   * @return  the new useWindow value
  final public boolean isUseWindow()
    return ComponentUtils.resolveBoolean(getProperty(USE_WINDOW_KEY), false);

   * Sets Indicates whether processes launched by this command should be
   *         launched in a secondary dialog window. 'useWindow' requires that the "action"
   *         attribute start with "dialog:". Set useWindow to 'false' for the outcome of
   *         the action to be targeted to the existing window.
   * @param useWindow  the new useWindow value
  final public void setUseWindow(boolean useWindow)
    setProperty(USE_WINDOW_KEY, useWindow ? Boolean.TRUE : Boolean.FALSE);

   * Gets Height of the window, if this command is used to launch a window.
   * @return  the new windowHeight value
  final public int getWindowHeight()
    return ComponentUtils.resolveInteger(getProperty(WINDOW_HEIGHT_KEY));

   * Sets Height of the window, if this command is used to launch a window.
   * @param windowHeight  the new windowHeight value
  final public void setWindowHeight(int windowHeight)
    setProperty(WINDOW_HEIGHT_KEY, Integer.valueOf(windowHeight));

   * Gets Width of the window, if this command is used to launch a window.
   * @return  the new windowWidth value
  final public int getWindowWidth()
    return ComponentUtils.resolveInteger(getProperty(WINDOW_WIDTH_KEY));

   * Sets Width of the window, if this command is used to launch a window.
   * @param windowWidth  the new windowWidth value
  final public void setWindowWidth(int windowWidth)
    setProperty(WINDOW_WIDTH_KEY, Integer.valueOf(windowWidth));

  public String getDefaultEventName()
    return "click";

  public Collection<String> getEventNames()
    return _EVENT_NAMES;

  public Map<String, List<ClientBehavior>> getClientBehaviors()
    return super.getClientBehaviors();

  public void addClientBehavior(
    String         eventName,
    ClientBehavior behavior)
    super.addClientBehavior(eventName, behavior);

  public String getFamily()

  protected FacesBean.Type getBeanType()
    return TYPE;

   * Construct an instance of the CoreCommandLink.
  protected CoreCommandLink(

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    setProperty(DISABLED_KEY, disabled ? Boolean.TRUE : Boolean.FALSE);

   * Gets the label of the bean.
   * @return  the new label value
  final public String getLabel()
    return ComponentUtils.resolveString(getProperty(LABEL_KEY));

   * Sets the label of the bean.
   * @param label  the new label value
  final public void setLabel(String label)
    setProperty(LABEL_KEY, (label));

   * Gets a boolean value that controls whether the component
   * provides label and message support;  when set to "true", the component will
   * not display messaging support or the label (these attributes may be ignored: label,
   * labelAndAccessKey, accessKey, showRequired,
   * tip), and may use simpler layout primitives
   * @return  the new simple value
  final public boolean isSimple()
    return ComponentUtils.resolveBoolean(getProperty(SIMPLE_KEY), false);

   * Sets a boolean value that controls whether the component
   * provides label and message support;  when set to "true", the component will
   * not display messaging support or the label (these attributes may be ignored: label,
   * labelAndAccessKey, accessKey, showRequired,
   * tip), and may use simpler layout primitives
   * @param simple  the new simple value
  final public void setSimple(boolean simple)
    setProperty(SIMPLE_KEY, simple ? Boolean.TRUE : Boolean.FALSE);

   * Gets event handler for when the value is changed.
   * @return  the new onchange value
  final public String getOnchange()
    return ComponentUtils.resolveString(getProperty(ONCHANGE_KEY));

   * Sets event handler for when the value is changed.
   * @param onchange  the new onchange value
  final public void setOnchange(String onchange)
    setProperty(ONCHANGE_KEY, (onchange));

   * Gets the CSS styles to use for this component.
   * @return  the new inlineStyle value
  final public String getInlineStyle()
    return ComponentUtils.resolveString(getProperty(INLINE_STYLE_KEY));

   * Sets the CSS styles to use for this component.
   * @param inlineStyle  the new inlineStyle value
  final public void setInlineStyle(String inlineStyle)
    setProperty(INLINE_STYLE_KEY, (inlineStyle));

   * Gets a CSS style class to use for this component.
   * @return  the new styleClass value
  final public String getStyleClass()
    return ComponentUtils.resolveString(getProperty(STYLE_CLASS_KEY));

   * Sets a CSS style class to use for this component.
   * @param styleClass  the new styleClass value
  final public void setStyleClass(String styleClass)
    setProperty(STYLE_CLASS_KEY, (styleClass));

   * Gets The short description of the component. This text is commonly used by user agents to display tooltip help text.
   * @return  the new shortDesc value
  final public String getShortDesc()
    return ComponentUtils.resolveString(getProperty(SHORT_DESC_KEY));

   * Sets The short description of the component. This text is commonly used by user agents to display tooltip help text.
   * @param shortDesc  the new shortDesc value
  final public void setShortDesc(String shortDesc)
    setProperty(SHORT_DESC_KEY, (shortDesc));

   * Gets the IDs of the components that should trigger a partial update.
   *         <p>
   *         This component will listen on the trigger components. If one of the
   *         trigger components receives an event that will cause it to update
   *         in some way, this component will request to be updated too.</p>
   *         <p>
   *         Separate multiple triggers with a space. e.g., partialTriggers="cmp1 cmp2"
   *         </p>
   *         <p>
   *         Identifiers must account for NamingContainers.  You can use a single colon to start the search from the root,
   *         or use multiple colons to move up through the NamingContainer. For example,
   *         "::" will pop out of this component's naming container (it pops out of itself if it is a naming container), 
   *         ":::" will pop out of two naming containers, etc. The search for
   *         the partialTrigger begins from there. e.g., partialTriggers=":::commandButton1" the search begins for the 
   *         component with id = commandButton1 after popping out of two naming containers relative to this component.
   *         To go into naming containers, you separate the naming containers with ':', e.g.,partialTriggers= "nc1:nc2:nc3:componentId".</p>
   * @return  the new partialTriggers value
  final public String[] getPartialTriggers()
    return (String[])getProperty(PARTIAL_TRIGGERS_KEY);

   * Sets the IDs of the components that should trigger a partial update.
   *         <p>
   *         This component will listen on the trigger components. If one of the
   *         trigger components receives an event that will cause it to update
   *         in some way, this component will request to be updated too.</p>
   *         <p>
   *         Separate multiple triggers with a space. e.g., partialTriggers="cmp1 cmp2"
   *         </p>
   *         <p>
   *         Identifiers must account for NamingContainers.  You can use a single colon to start the search from the root,
   *         or use multiple colons to move up through the NamingContainer. For example,
   *         "::" will pop out of this component's naming container (it pops out of itself if it is a naming container), 
   *         ":::" will pop out of two naming containers, etc. The search for
   *         the partialTrigger begins from there. e.g., partialTriggers=":::commandButton1" the search begins for the 
   *         component with id = commandButton1 after popping out of two naming containers relative to this component.
   *         To go into naming containers, you separate the naming containers with ':', e.g.,partialTriggers= "nc1:nc2:nc3:componentId".</p>
   * @param partialTriggers  the new partialTriggers value
  final public void setPartialTriggers(String[] partialTriggers)
    setProperty(PARTIAL_TRIGGERS_KEY, (partialTriggers));

   * Gets an onclick Javascript handler.
   * @return  the new onclick value
  final public String getOnclick()
    return ComponentUtils.resolveString(getProperty(ONCLICK_KEY));

   * Sets an onclick Javascript handler.
   * @param onclick  the new onclick value
  final public void setOnclick(String onclick)
    setProperty(ONCLICK_KEY, (onclick));

   * Gets an ondblclick Javascript handler.
   * @return  the new ondblclick value
  final public String getOndblclick()
    return ComponentUtils.resolveString(getProperty(ONDBLCLICK_KEY));

   * Sets an ondblclick Javascript handler.
   * @param ondblclick  the new ondblclick value
  final public void setOndblclick(String ondblclick)
    setProperty(ONDBLCLICK_KEY, (ondblclick));

   * Gets an onmousedown Javascript handler.
   * @return  the new onmousedown value
  final public String getOnmousedown()
    return ComponentUtils.resolveString(getProperty(ONMOUSEDOWN_KEY));

   * Sets an onmousedown Javascript handler.
   * @param onmousedown  the new onmousedown value
  final public void setOnmousedown(String onmousedown)
    setProperty(ONMOUSEDOWN_KEY, (onmousedown));

   * Gets an onmouseup Javascript handler.
   * @return  the new onmouseup value
  final public String getOnmouseup()
    return ComponentUtils.resolveString(getProperty(ONMOUSEUP_KEY));

   * Sets an onmouseup Javascript handler.
   * @param onmouseup  the new onmouseup value
  final public void setOnmouseup(String onmouseup)
    setProperty(ONMOUSEUP_KEY, (onmouseup));

   * Gets an onmouseover Javascript handler.
   * @return  the new onmouseover value
  final public String getOnmouseover()
    return ComponentUtils.resolveString(getProperty(ONMOUSEOVER_KEY));

   * Sets an onmouseover Javascript handler.
   * @param onmouseover  the new onmouseover value
  final public void setOnmouseover(String onmouseover)
    setProperty(ONMOUSEOVER_KEY, (onmouseover));

   * Gets an onmousemove Javascript handler.
   * @return  the new onmousemove value
  final public String getOnmousemove()
    return ComponentUtils.resolveString(getProperty(ONMOUSEMOVE_KEY));

   * Sets an onmousemove Javascript handler.
   * @param onmousemove  the new onmousemove value
  final public void setOnmousemove(String onmousemove)
    setProperty(ONMOUSEMOVE_KEY, (onmousemove));

   * Gets an onmouseout Javascript handler.
   * @return  the new onmouseout value
  final public String getOnmouseout()
    return ComponentUtils.resolveString(getProperty(ONMOUSEOUT_KEY));

   * Sets an onmouseout Javascript handler.
   * @param onmouseout  the new onmouseout value
  final public void setOnmouseout(String onmouseout)
    setProperty(ONMOUSEOUT_KEY, (onmouseout));

   * Gets an onkeypress Javascript handler.
   * @return  the new onkeypress value
  final public String getOnkeypress()
    return ComponentUtils.resolveString(getProperty(ONKEYPRESS_KEY));

   * Sets an onkeypress Javascript handler.
   * @param onkeypress  the new onkeypress value
  final public void setOnkeypress(String onkeypress)
    setProperty(ONKEYPRESS_KEY, (onkeypress));

   * Gets an onkeydown Javascript handler.
   * @return  the new onkeydown value
  final public String getOnkeydown()
    return ComponentUtils.resolveString(getProperty(ONKEYDOWN_KEY));

   * Sets an onkeydown Javascript handler.
   * @param onkeydown  the new onkeydown value
  final public void setOnkeydown(String onkeydown)
    setProperty(ONKEYDOWN_KEY, (onkeydown));

   * Gets an onkeyup Javascript handler.
   * @return  the new onkeyup value
  final public String getOnkeyup()
    return ComponentUtils.resolveString(getProperty(ONKEYUP_KEY));

   * Sets an onkeyup Javascript handler.
   * @param onkeyup  the new onkeyup value
  final public void setOnkeyup(String onkeyup)
    setProperty(ONKEYUP_KEY, (onkeyup));

   * Gets the event handler for the component losing the focus.
   * @return  the new onblur value
  final public String getOnblur()
    return ComponentUtils.resolveString(getProperty(ONBLUR_KEY));

   * Sets the event handler for the component losing the focus.
   * @param onblur  the new onblur value
  final public void setOnblur(String onblur)
    setProperty(ONBLUR_KEY, (onblur));

   * Gets the event handler for the component gaining the focus.
   * @return  the new onfocus value
  final public String getOnfocus()
    return ComponentUtils.resolveString(getProperty(ONFOCUS_KEY));

   * Sets the event handler for the component gaining the focus.
   * @param onfocus  the new onfocus value
  final public void setOnfocus(String onfocus)
    setProperty(ONFOCUS_KEY, (onfocus));

   * Gets whether the associated control displays a visual indication of required user input. If a "required" attribute is also present, both the "required" attribute and the
   *           "showRequired" attribute must be false for the visual indication not to be displayed.
   * @return  the new showRequired value
  final public boolean isShowRequired()
    return ComponentUtils.resolveBoolean(getProperty(SHOW_REQUIRED_KEY), false);

   * Sets whether the associated control displays a visual indication of required user input. If a "required" attribute is also present, both the "required" attribute and the
   *           "showRequired" attribute must be false for the visual indication not to be displayed.
   * @param showRequired  the new showRequired value
  final public void setShowRequired(boolean showRequired)
    setProperty(SHOW_REQUIRED_KEY, showRequired ? Boolean.TRUE : Boolean.FALSE);

   * Gets <html>
   *  Character used to gain quick access to
   *                the form element specified by the
   *          <code>for</code>, if set (or this component itself,
   *               if it is a "non-simple" form element).
   *               For accessibility reasons, this functionality is not supported
   *               in screen reader mode.
   *               If the same access key appears in multiple locations in the
   *               same page of output, the rendering user agent will cycle
   *               among the elements accessed by the similar keys.
   *               <p>
   *                 This attribute is sometimes referred to as the "mnemonic".
   *                 </p></html>
   * @return  the new accessKey value
  final public char getAccessKey()
    return ComponentUtils.resolveCharacter((Character)getProperty(ACCESS_KEY_KEY));

   * Sets <html>
   *  Character used to gain quick access to
   *                the form element specified by the
   *          <code>for</code>, if set (or this component itself,
   *               if it is a "non-simple" form element).
   *               For accessibility reasons, this functionality is not supported
   *               in screen reader mode.
   *               If the same access key appears in multiple locations in the
   *               same page of output, the rendering user agent will cycle
   *               among the elements accessed by the similar keys.
   *               <p>
   *                 This attribute is sometimes referred to as the "mnemonic".
   *                 </p></html>
   * @param accessKey  the new accessKey value
  final public void setAccessKey(char accessKey)
    setProperty(ACCESS_KEY_KEY, Character.valueOf(accessKey));

   * Gets If set to TRUE on a form element, the component will automatically submit
   *      the enclosing form when an appropriate action takes place (a click, text
   *      change, etc.).
   * @return  the new autoSubmit value
  final public boolean isAutoSubmit()

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  public CoreShowDetailHeader()

   * Gets the CSS styles to use for this component.
   * @return  the new inlineStyle value
  final public String getInlineStyle()
    return ComponentUtils.resolveString(getProperty(INLINE_STYLE_KEY));

   * Sets the CSS styles to use for this component.
   * @param inlineStyle  the new inlineStyle value
  final public void setInlineStyle(String inlineStyle)
    setProperty(INLINE_STYLE_KEY, (inlineStyle));

   * Gets a CSS style class to use for this component.
   * @return  the new styleClass value
  final public String getStyleClass()
    return ComponentUtils.resolveString(getProperty(STYLE_CLASS_KEY));

   * Sets a CSS style class to use for this component.
   * @param styleClass  the new styleClass value
  final public void setStyleClass(String styleClass)
    setProperty(STYLE_CLASS_KEY, (styleClass));

   * Gets The short description of the component. This text is commonly used by user agents to display tooltip help text.
   * @return  the new shortDesc value
  final public String getShortDesc()
    return ComponentUtils.resolveString(getProperty(SHORT_DESC_KEY));

   * Sets The short description of the component. This text is commonly used by user agents to display tooltip help text.
   * @param shortDesc  the new shortDesc value
  final public void setShortDesc(String shortDesc)
    setProperty(SHORT_DESC_KEY, (shortDesc));

   * Gets the IDs of the components that should trigger a partial update.
   *         <p>
   *         This component will listen on the trigger components. If one of the
   *         trigger components receives an event that will cause it to update
   *         in some way, this component will request to be updated too.</p>
   *         <p>
   *         Separate multiple triggers with a space. e.g., partialTriggers="cmp1 cmp2"
   *         </p>
   *         <p>
   *         Identifiers must account for NamingContainers.  You can use a single colon to start the search from the root,
   *         or use multiple colons to move up through the NamingContainer. For example,
   *         "::" will pop out of this component's naming container (it pops out of itself if it is a naming container), 
   *         ":::" will pop out of two naming containers, etc. The search for
   *         the partialTrigger begins from there. e.g., partialTriggers=":::commandButton1" the search begins for the 
   *         component with id = commandButton1 after popping out of two naming containers relative to this component.
   *         To go into naming containers, you separate the naming containers with ':', e.g.,partialTriggers= "nc1:nc2:nc3:componentId".</p>
   * @return  the new partialTriggers value
  final public String[] getPartialTriggers()
    return (String[])getProperty(PARTIAL_TRIGGERS_KEY);

   * Sets the IDs of the components that should trigger a partial update.
   *         <p>
   *         This component will listen on the trigger components. If one of the
   *         trigger components receives an event that will cause it to update
   *         in some way, this component will request to be updated too.</p>
   *         <p>
   *         Separate multiple triggers with a space. e.g., partialTriggers="cmp1 cmp2"
   *         </p>
   *         <p>
   *         Identifiers must account for NamingContainers.  You can use a single colon to start the search from the root,
   *         or use multiple colons to move up through the NamingContainer. For example,
   *         "::" will pop out of this component's naming container (it pops out of itself if it is a naming container), 
   *         ":::" will pop out of two naming containers, etc. The search for
   *         the partialTrigger begins from there. e.g., partialTriggers=":::commandButton1" the search begins for the 
   *         component with id = commandButton1 after popping out of two naming containers relative to this component.
   *         To go into naming containers, you separate the naming containers with ':', e.g.,partialTriggers= "nc1:nc2:nc3:componentId".</p>
   * @param partialTriggers  the new partialTriggers value
  final public void setPartialTriggers(String[] partialTriggers)
    setProperty(PARTIAL_TRIGGERS_KEY, (partialTriggers));

   * Gets an onclick Javascript handler.
   * @return  the new onclick value
  final public String getOnclick()
    return ComponentUtils.resolveString(getProperty(ONCLICK_KEY));

   * Sets an onclick Javascript handler.
   * @param onclick  the new onclick value
  final public void setOnclick(String onclick)
    setProperty(ONCLICK_KEY, (onclick));

   * Gets an ondblclick Javascript handler.
   * @return  the new ondblclick value
  final public String getOndblclick()
    return ComponentUtils.resolveString(getProperty(ONDBLCLICK_KEY));

   * Sets an ondblclick Javascript handler.
   * @param ondblclick  the new ondblclick value
  final public void setOndblclick(String ondblclick)
    setProperty(ONDBLCLICK_KEY, (ondblclick));

   * Gets an onmousedown Javascript handler.
   * @return  the new onmousedown value
  final public String getOnmousedown()
    return ComponentUtils.resolveString(getProperty(ONMOUSEDOWN_KEY));

   * Sets an onmousedown Javascript handler.
   * @param onmousedown  the new onmousedown value
  final public void setOnmousedown(String onmousedown)
    setProperty(ONMOUSEDOWN_KEY, (onmousedown));

   * Gets an onmouseup Javascript handler.
   * @return  the new onmouseup value
  final public String getOnmouseup()
    return ComponentUtils.resolveString(getProperty(ONMOUSEUP_KEY));

   * Sets an onmouseup Javascript handler.
   * @param onmouseup  the new onmouseup value
  final public void setOnmouseup(String onmouseup)
    setProperty(ONMOUSEUP_KEY, (onmouseup));

   * Gets an onmouseover Javascript handler.
   * @return  the new onmouseover value
  final public String getOnmouseover()
    return ComponentUtils.resolveString(getProperty(ONMOUSEOVER_KEY));

   * Sets an onmouseover Javascript handler.
   * @param onmouseover  the new onmouseover value
  final public void setOnmouseover(String onmouseover)
    setProperty(ONMOUSEOVER_KEY, (onmouseover));

   * Gets an onmousemove Javascript handler.
   * @return  the new onmousemove value
  final public String getOnmousemove()
    return ComponentUtils.resolveString(getProperty(ONMOUSEMOVE_KEY));

   * Sets an onmousemove Javascript handler.
   * @param onmousemove  the new onmousemove value
  final public void setOnmousemove(String onmousemove)
    setProperty(ONMOUSEMOVE_KEY, (onmousemove));

   * Gets an onmouseout Javascript handler.
   * @return  the new onmouseout value
  final public String getOnmouseout()
    return ComponentUtils.resolveString(getProperty(ONMOUSEOUT_KEY));

   * Sets an onmouseout Javascript handler.
   * @param onmouseout  the new onmouseout value
  final public void setOnmouseout(String onmouseout)
    setProperty(ONMOUSEOUT_KEY, (onmouseout));

   * Gets an onkeypress Javascript handler.
   * @return  the new onkeypress value
  final public String getOnkeypress()
    return ComponentUtils.resolveString(getProperty(ONKEYPRESS_KEY));

   * Sets an onkeypress Javascript handler.
   * @param onkeypress  the new onkeypress value
  final public void setOnkeypress(String onkeypress)
    setProperty(ONKEYPRESS_KEY, (onkeypress));

   * Gets an onkeydown Javascript handler.
   * @return  the new onkeydown value
  final public String getOnkeydown()
    return ComponentUtils.resolveString(getProperty(ONKEYDOWN_KEY));

   * Sets an onkeydown Javascript handler.
   * @param onkeydown  the new onkeydown value
  final public void setOnkeydown(String onkeydown)
    setProperty(ONKEYDOWN_KEY, (onkeydown));

   * Gets an onkeyup Javascript handler.
   * @return  the new onkeyup value
  final public String getOnkeyup()
    return ComponentUtils.resolveString(getProperty(ONKEYUP_KEY));

   * Sets an onkeyup Javascript handler.
   * @param onkeyup  the new onkeyup value
  final public void setOnkeyup(String onkeyup)
    setProperty(ONKEYUP_KEY, (onkeyup));

   * Gets the label of the header.
   * @return  the new text value
  final public String getText()
    return ComponentUtils.resolveString(getProperty(TEXT_KEY));

   * Sets the label of the header.
   * @param text  the new text value
  final public void setText(String text)
    setProperty(TEXT_KEY, (text));

   * Gets the URI for the icon of the header.
   * @return  the new icon value
  final public String getIcon()
    return ComponentUtils.resolveString(getProperty(ICON_KEY));

   * Sets the URI for the icon of the header.
   * @param icon  the new icon value
  final public void setIcon(String icon)
    setProperty(ICON_KEY, (icon));

   * Gets Set if an error, info, confirmation, or warning header is needed.
   * @return  the new messageType value
  final public String getMessageType()
    return ComponentUtils.resolveString(getProperty(MESSAGE_TYPE_KEY), "none");

   * Sets Set if an error, info, confirmation, or warning header is needed.
   * @param messageType  the new messageType value
  final public void setMessageType(String messageType)
    setProperty(MESSAGE_TYPE_KEY, (messageType));

   * Gets Size of this panelHeader. The largest is 0 and corresponds to an H1 header
   *         the smallest is 5 and corresponds to an H6 Header.  Note that this version of the tag will 
   *         display all sizes above 2 the same as size 2. Setting the size to a negative number will
   *         allow the header to be calculated according to its parent header.  The default value for 
   *         this property is -1.
   * @return  the new size value
  final public int getSize()
    return ComponentUtils.resolveInteger(getProperty(SIZE_KEY), -1);

   * Sets Size of this panelHeader. The largest is 0 and corresponds to an H1 header
   *         the smallest is 5 and corresponds to an H6 Header.  Note that this version of the tag will 
   *         display all sizes above 2 the same as size 2. Setting the size to a negative number will
   *         allow the header to be calculated according to its parent header.  The default value for 
   *         this property is -1.
   * @param size  the new size value
  final public void setSize(int size)
    setProperty(SIZE_KEY, Integer.valueOf(size));

  public String getDefaultEventName()
    return "click";

  public Collection<String> getEventNames()
    return _EVENT_NAMES;

  public Map<String, List<ClientBehavior>> getClientBehaviors()
    return super.getClientBehaviors();

  public void addClientBehavior(
    String         eventName,
    ClientBehavior behavior)
    super.addClientBehavior(eventName, behavior);

  public String getFamily()

  protected FacesBean.Type getBeanType()
    return TYPE;

   * Construct an instance of the CoreShowDetailHeader.
  protected CoreShowDetailHeader(

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    setProperty(GROUP_KEY, (group));

   * Gets event handler for when the value is changed.
   * @return  the new onchange value
  final public String getOnchange()
    return ComponentUtils.resolveString(getProperty(ONCHANGE_KEY));

   * Sets event handler for when the value is changed.
   * @param onchange  the new onchange value
  final public void setOnchange(String onchange)
    setProperty(ONCHANGE_KEY, (onchange));

   * Gets the CSS styles to use for this component.
   * @return  the new inlineStyle value
  final public String getInlineStyle()
    return ComponentUtils.resolveString(getProperty(INLINE_STYLE_KEY));

   * Sets the CSS styles to use for this component.
   * @param inlineStyle  the new inlineStyle value
  final public void setInlineStyle(String inlineStyle)
    setProperty(INLINE_STYLE_KEY, (inlineStyle));

   * Gets a CSS style class to use for this component.
   * @return  the new styleClass value
  final public String getStyleClass()
    return ComponentUtils.resolveString(getProperty(STYLE_CLASS_KEY));

   * Sets a CSS style class to use for this component.
   * @param styleClass  the new styleClass value
  final public void setStyleClass(String styleClass)
    setProperty(STYLE_CLASS_KEY, (styleClass));

   * Gets The short description of the component. This text is commonly used by user agents to display tooltip help text.
   * @return  the new shortDesc value
  final public String getShortDesc()
    return ComponentUtils.resolveString(getProperty(SHORT_DESC_KEY));

   * Sets The short description of the component. This text is commonly used by user agents to display tooltip help text.
   * @param shortDesc  the new shortDesc value
  final public void setShortDesc(String shortDesc)
    setProperty(SHORT_DESC_KEY, (shortDesc));

   * Gets the IDs of the components that should trigger a partial update.
   *         <p>
   *         This component will listen on the trigger components. If one of the
   *         trigger components receives an event that will cause it to update
   *         in some way, this component will request to be updated too.</p>
   *         <p>
   *         Separate multiple triggers with a space. e.g., partialTriggers="cmp1 cmp2"
   *         </p>
   *         <p>
   *         Identifiers must account for NamingContainers.  You can use a single colon to start the search from the root,
   *         or use multiple colons to move up through the NamingContainer. For example,
   *         "::" will pop out of this component's naming container (it pops out of itself if it is a naming container), 
   *         ":::" will pop out of two naming containers, etc. The search for
   *         the partialTrigger begins from there. e.g., partialTriggers=":::commandButton1" the search begins for the 
   *         component with id = commandButton1 after popping out of two naming containers relative to this component.
   *         To go into naming containers, you separate the naming containers with ':', e.g.,partialTriggers= "nc1:nc2:nc3:componentId".</p>
   * @return  the new partialTriggers value
  final public String[] getPartialTriggers()
    return (String[])getProperty(PARTIAL_TRIGGERS_KEY);

   * Sets the IDs of the components that should trigger a partial update.
   *         <p>
   *         This component will listen on the trigger components. If one of the
   *         trigger components receives an event that will cause it to update
   *         in some way, this component will request to be updated too.</p>
   *         <p>
   *         Separate multiple triggers with a space. e.g., partialTriggers="cmp1 cmp2"
   *         </p>
   *         <p>
   *         Identifiers must account for NamingContainers.  You can use a single colon to start the search from the root,
   *         or use multiple colons to move up through the NamingContainer. For example,
   *         "::" will pop out of this component's naming container (it pops out of itself if it is a naming container), 
   *         ":::" will pop out of two naming containers, etc. The search for
   *         the partialTrigger begins from there. e.g., partialTriggers=":::commandButton1" the search begins for the 
   *         component with id = commandButton1 after popping out of two naming containers relative to this component.
   *         To go into naming containers, you separate the naming containers with ':', e.g.,partialTriggers= "nc1:nc2:nc3:componentId".</p>
   * @param partialTriggers  the new partialTriggers value
  final public void setPartialTriggers(String[] partialTriggers)
    setProperty(PARTIAL_TRIGGERS_KEY, (partialTriggers));

   * Gets an onclick Javascript handler.
   * @return  the new onclick value
  final public String getOnclick()
    return ComponentUtils.resolveString(getProperty(ONCLICK_KEY));

   * Sets an onclick Javascript handler.
   * @param onclick  the new onclick value
  final public void setOnclick(String onclick)
    setProperty(ONCLICK_KEY, (onclick));

   * Gets an ondblclick Javascript handler.
   * @return  the new ondblclick value
  final public String getOndblclick()
    return ComponentUtils.resolveString(getProperty(ONDBLCLICK_KEY));

   * Sets an ondblclick Javascript handler.
   * @param ondblclick  the new ondblclick value
  final public void setOndblclick(String ondblclick)
    setProperty(ONDBLCLICK_KEY, (ondblclick));

   * Gets an onmousedown Javascript handler.
   * @return  the new onmousedown value
  final public String getOnmousedown()
    return ComponentUtils.resolveString(getProperty(ONMOUSEDOWN_KEY));

   * Sets an onmousedown Javascript handler.
   * @param onmousedown  the new onmousedown value
  final public void setOnmousedown(String onmousedown)
    setProperty(ONMOUSEDOWN_KEY, (onmousedown));

   * Gets an onmouseup Javascript handler.
   * @return  the new onmouseup value
  final public String getOnmouseup()
    return ComponentUtils.resolveString(getProperty(ONMOUSEUP_KEY));

   * Sets an onmouseup Javascript handler.
   * @param onmouseup  the new onmouseup value
  final public void setOnmouseup(String onmouseup)
    setProperty(ONMOUSEUP_KEY, (onmouseup));

   * Gets an onmouseover Javascript handler.
   * @return  the new onmouseover value
  final public String getOnmouseover()
    return ComponentUtils.resolveString(getProperty(ONMOUSEOVER_KEY));

   * Sets an onmouseover Javascript handler.
   * @param onmouseover  the new onmouseover value
  final public void setOnmouseover(String onmouseover)
    setProperty(ONMOUSEOVER_KEY, (onmouseover));

   * Gets an onmousemove Javascript handler.
   * @return  the new onmousemove value
  final public String getOnmousemove()
    return ComponentUtils.resolveString(getProperty(ONMOUSEMOVE_KEY));

   * Sets an onmousemove Javascript handler.
   * @param onmousemove  the new onmousemove value
  final public void setOnmousemove(String onmousemove)
    setProperty(ONMOUSEMOVE_KEY, (onmousemove));

   * Gets an onmouseout Javascript handler.
   * @return  the new onmouseout value
  final public String getOnmouseout()
    return ComponentUtils.resolveString(getProperty(ONMOUSEOUT_KEY));

   * Sets an onmouseout Javascript handler.
   * @param onmouseout  the new onmouseout value
  final public void setOnmouseout(String onmouseout)
    setProperty(ONMOUSEOUT_KEY, (onmouseout));

   * Gets an onkeypress Javascript handler.
   * @return  the new onkeypress value
  final public String getOnkeypress()
    return ComponentUtils.resolveString(getProperty(ONKEYPRESS_KEY));

   * Sets an onkeypress Javascript handler.
   * @param onkeypress  the new onkeypress value
  final public void setOnkeypress(String onkeypress)
    setProperty(ONKEYPRESS_KEY, (onkeypress));

   * Gets an onkeydown Javascript handler.
   * @return  the new onkeydown value
  final public String getOnkeydown()
    return ComponentUtils.resolveString(getProperty(ONKEYDOWN_KEY));

   * Sets an onkeydown Javascript handler.
   * @param onkeydown  the new onkeydown value
  final public void setOnkeydown(String onkeydown)
    setProperty(ONKEYDOWN_KEY, (onkeydown));

   * Gets an onkeyup Javascript handler.
   * @return  the new onkeyup value
  final public String getOnkeyup()
    return ComponentUtils.resolveString(getProperty(ONKEYUP_KEY));

   * Sets an onkeyup Javascript handler.
   * @param onkeyup  the new onkeyup value
  final public void setOnkeyup(String onkeyup)
    setProperty(ONKEYUP_KEY, (onkeyup));

   * Gets the event handler for the component losing the focus.
   * @return  the new onblur value
  final public String getOnblur()
    return ComponentUtils.resolveString(getProperty(ONBLUR_KEY));

   * Sets the event handler for the component losing the focus.
   * @param onblur  the new onblur value
  final public void setOnblur(String onblur)
    setProperty(ONBLUR_KEY, (onblur));

   * Gets the event handler for the component gaining the focus.
   * @return  the new onfocus value
  final public String getOnfocus()
    return ComponentUtils.resolveString(getProperty(ONFOCUS_KEY));

   * Sets the event handler for the component gaining the focus.
   * @param onfocus  the new onfocus value
  final public void setOnfocus(String onfocus)
    setProperty(ONFOCUS_KEY, (onfocus));

   * Gets whether the associated control displays a visual indication of required user input. If a "required" attribute is also present, both the "required" attribute and the
   *           "showRequired" attribute must be false for the visual indication not to be displayed.
   * @return  the new showRequired value
  final public boolean isShowRequired()
    return ComponentUtils.resolveBoolean(getProperty(SHOW_REQUIRED_KEY), false);

   * Sets whether the associated control displays a visual indication of required user input. If a "required" attribute is also present, both the "required" attribute and the
   *           "showRequired" attribute must be false for the visual indication not to be displayed.
   * @param showRequired  the new showRequired value
  final public void setShowRequired(boolean showRequired)
    setProperty(SHOW_REQUIRED_KEY, showRequired ? Boolean.TRUE : Boolean.FALSE);

  public String getDefaultEventName()
    return "change";

  public Collection<String> getEventNames()
    return _EVENT_NAMES;

  public Map<String, List<ClientBehavior>> getClientBehaviors()
    return super.getClientBehaviors();

  public void addClientBehavior(
    String         eventName,
    ClientBehavior behavior)
    super.addClientBehavior(eventName, behavior);

  public String getFamily()

  protected FacesBean.Type getBeanType()
    return TYPE;

   * Construct an instance of the CoreSelectBooleanRadio.
  protected CoreSelectBooleanRadio(

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    setProperty(DISABLED_KEY, disabled ? Boolean.TRUE : Boolean.FALSE);

   * Gets the short description of the bean.  This text
   *          is commonly used by user agents to display tooltip help text.
   * @return  the new shortDesc value
  final public String getShortDesc()
    return ComponentUtils.resolveString(getProperty(SHORT_DESC_KEY));

   * Sets the short description of the bean.  This text
   *          is commonly used by user agents to display tooltip help text.
   * @param shortDesc  the new shortDesc value
  final public void setShortDesc(String shortDesc)
    setProperty(SHORT_DESC_KEY, (shortDesc));

   * Gets the IDs of the components that should trigger a partial update.
   *          This component will listen on the trigger components. If one of the
   *          trigger components receives an event that will cause it to update
   *          in some way, this component will request to be updated too.
   * @return  the new partialTriggers value
  final public String[] getPartialTriggers()
    return (String[])getProperty(PARTIAL_TRIGGERS_KEY);

   * Sets the IDs of the components that should trigger a partial update.
   *          This component will listen on the trigger components. If one of the
   *          trigger components receives an event that will cause it to update
   *          in some way, this component will request to be updated too.
   * @param partialTriggers  the new partialTriggers value
  final public void setPartialTriggers(String[] partialTriggers)
    setProperty(PARTIAL_TRIGGERS_KEY, (partialTriggers));

   * Gets the label of the bean.
   * @return  the new label value
  final public String getLabel()
    return ComponentUtils.resolveString(getProperty(LABEL_KEY));

   * Sets the label of the bean.
   * @param label  the new label value
  final public void setLabel(String label)
    setProperty(LABEL_KEY, (label));

   * Gets a boolean value that controls whether the component
   * provides label and message support;  when set to "true", the component will
   * not display messaging support or the label (these attributes may be ignored: label,
   * labelAndAccessKey, accessKey, showRequired,
   * tip), and may use simpler layout primitives
   * @return  the new simple value
  final public boolean isSimple()
    return ComponentUtils.resolveBoolean(getProperty(SIMPLE_KEY), false);

   * Sets a boolean value that controls whether the component
   * provides label and message support;  when set to "true", the component will
   * not display messaging support or the label (these attributes may be ignored: label,
   * labelAndAccessKey, accessKey, showRequired,
   * tip), and may use simpler layout primitives
   * @param simple  the new simple value
  final public void setSimple(boolean simple)
    setProperty(SIMPLE_KEY, simple ? Boolean.TRUE : Boolean.FALSE);

   * Gets event handler for when the value is changed.
   * @return  the new onchange value
  final public String getOnchange()
    return ComponentUtils.resolveString(getProperty(ONCHANGE_KEY));

   * Sets event handler for when the value is changed.
   * @param onchange  the new onchange value
  final public void setOnchange(String onchange)
    setProperty(ONCHANGE_KEY, (onchange));

   * Gets an onclick Javascript handler.
   * @return  the new onclick value
  final public String getOnclick()
    return ComponentUtils.resolveString(getProperty(ONCLICK_KEY));

   * Sets an onclick Javascript handler.
   * @param onclick  the new onclick value
  final public void setOnclick(String onclick)
    setProperty(ONCLICK_KEY, (onclick));

   * Gets an ondblclick Javascript handler.
   * @return  the new ondblclick value
  final public String getOndblclick()
    return ComponentUtils.resolveString(getProperty(ONDBLCLICK_KEY));

   * Sets an ondblclick Javascript handler.
   * @param ondblclick  the new ondblclick value
  final public void setOndblclick(String ondblclick)
    setProperty(ONDBLCLICK_KEY, (ondblclick));

   * Gets an onmousedown Javascript handler.
   * @return  the new onmousedown value
  final public String getOnmousedown()
    return ComponentUtils.resolveString(getProperty(ONMOUSEDOWN_KEY));

   * Sets an onmousedown Javascript handler.
   * @param onmousedown  the new onmousedown value
  final public void setOnmousedown(String onmousedown)
    setProperty(ONMOUSEDOWN_KEY, (onmousedown));

   * Gets an onmouseup Javascript handler.
   * @return  the new onmouseup value
  final public String getOnmouseup()
    return ComponentUtils.resolveString(getProperty(ONMOUSEUP_KEY));

   * Sets an onmouseup Javascript handler.
   * @param onmouseup  the new onmouseup value
  final public void setOnmouseup(String onmouseup)
    setProperty(ONMOUSEUP_KEY, (onmouseup));

   * Gets an onmouseover Javascript handler.
   * @return  the new onmouseover value
  final public String getOnmouseover()
    return ComponentUtils.resolveString(getProperty(ONMOUSEOVER_KEY));

   * Sets an onmouseover Javascript handler.
   * @param onmouseover  the new onmouseover value
  final public void setOnmouseover(String onmouseover)
    setProperty(ONMOUSEOVER_KEY, (onmouseover));

   * Gets an onmousemove Javascript handler.
   * @return  the new onmousemove value
  final public String getOnmousemove()
    return ComponentUtils.resolveString(getProperty(ONMOUSEMOVE_KEY));

   * Sets an onmousemove Javascript handler.
   * @param onmousemove  the new onmousemove value
  final public void setOnmousemove(String onmousemove)
    setProperty(ONMOUSEMOVE_KEY, (onmousemove));

   * Gets an onmouseout Javascript handler.
   * @return  the new onmouseout value
  final public String getOnmouseout()
    return ComponentUtils.resolveString(getProperty(ONMOUSEOUT_KEY));

   * Sets an onmouseout Javascript handler.
   * @param onmouseout  the new onmouseout value
  final public void setOnmouseout(String onmouseout)
    setProperty(ONMOUSEOUT_KEY, (onmouseout));

   * Gets an onkeypress Javascript handler.
   * @return  the new onkeypress value
  final public String getOnkeypress()
    return ComponentUtils.resolveString(getProperty(ONKEYPRESS_KEY));

   * Sets an onkeypress Javascript handler.
   * @param onkeypress  the new onkeypress value
  final public void setOnkeypress(String onkeypress)
    setProperty(ONKEYPRESS_KEY, (onkeypress));

   * Gets an onkeydown Javascript handler.
   * @return  the new onkeydown value
  final public String getOnkeydown()
    return ComponentUtils.resolveString(getProperty(ONKEYDOWN_KEY));

   * Sets an onkeydown Javascript handler.
   * @param onkeydown  the new onkeydown value
  final public void setOnkeydown(String onkeydown)
    setProperty(ONKEYDOWN_KEY, (onkeydown));

   * Gets an onkeyup Javascript handler.
   * @return  the new onkeyup value
  final public String getOnkeyup()
    return ComponentUtils.resolveString(getProperty(ONKEYUP_KEY));

   * Sets an onkeyup Javascript handler.
   * @param onkeyup  the new onkeyup value
  final public void setOnkeyup(String onkeyup)
    setProperty(ONKEYUP_KEY, (onkeyup));

   * Gets the event handler for the component losing the focus.
   * @return  the new onblur value
  final public String getOnblur()
    return ComponentUtils.resolveString(getProperty(ONBLUR_KEY));

   * Sets the event handler for the component losing the focus.
   * @param onblur  the new onblur value
  final public void setOnblur(String onblur)
    setProperty(ONBLUR_KEY, (onblur));

   * Gets the event handler for the component gaining the focus.
   * @return  the new onfocus value
  final public String getOnfocus()
    return ComponentUtils.resolveString(getProperty(ONFOCUS_KEY));

   * Sets the event handler for the component gaining the focus.
   * @param onfocus  the new onfocus value
  final public void setOnfocus(String onfocus)
    setProperty(ONFOCUS_KEY, (onfocus));

   * Gets <html>a CSS style class to use for this component.
   *       The styleClass attribute value is rendered on the root dom element.
   *       We provide some public style classes you can use that will affect only the 'content' piece of the component:
   *       AFFieldTextMarker, AFFieldTextLTRMarker, AFPhoneFieldTextMarker, AFPostalCodeFieldTextMarker,
   *       AFAddressFieldTextMarker, AFFieldNumberMarker.
   *       You can still modify the public style definitions for these marker style classes
   *       and it will be picked up by using these "Marker" style class
   *       because in our base skin implementation we map to the public style by doing this:
   *       af|inputText.AFFieldNumberMarker af|inputText::content {-tr-rule-ref:selector(".AFFieldNumber")}.
   *       We recommend that you do not add style properties to the "Marker" style classes.
   *       They are used solely in the css descendant selector to point to the content pseudo-element.</html>
   * @return  the new styleClass value
  final public String getStyleClass()
    return ComponentUtils.resolveString(getProperty(STYLE_CLASS_KEY));

   * Sets <html>a CSS style class to use for this component.
   *       The styleClass attribute value is rendered on the root dom element.
   *       We provide some public style classes you can use that will affect only the 'content' piece of the component:
   *       AFFieldTextMarker, AFFieldTextLTRMarker, AFPhoneFieldTextMarker, AFPostalCodeFieldTextMarker,
   *       AFAddressFieldTextMarker, AFFieldNumberMarker.
   *       You can still modify the public style definitions for these marker style classes
   *       and it will be picked up by using these "Marker" style class
   *       because in our base skin implementation we map to the public style by doing this:
   *       af|inputText.AFFieldNumberMarker af|inputText::content {-tr-rule-ref:selector(".AFFieldNumber")}.
   *       We recommend that you do not add style properties to the "Marker" style classes.
   *       They are used solely in the css descendant selector to point to the content pseudo-element.</html>
   * @param styleClass  the new styleClass value
  final public void setStyleClass(String styleClass)
    setProperty(STYLE_CLASS_KEY, (styleClass));

   * Gets the inline CSS style for this element
   * @return  the new inlineStyle value
  final public String getInlineStyle()
    return ComponentUtils.resolveString(getProperty(INLINE_STYLE_KEY));

   * Sets the inline CSS style for this element
   * @param inlineStyle  the new inlineStyle value
  final public void setInlineStyle(String inlineStyle)
    setProperty(INLINE_STYLE_KEY, (inlineStyle));

   * Gets whether the associated control displays a visual indication of required user input. If a "required" attribute is also present, both the "required" attribute and the
   *           "showRequired" attribute must be false for the visual indication not to be displayed.
   * @return  the new showRequired value
  final public boolean isShowRequired()
    return ComponentUtils.resolveBoolean(getProperty(SHOW_REQUIRED_KEY), false);

   * Sets whether the associated control displays a visual indication of required user input. If a "required" attribute is also present, both the "required" attribute and the
   *           "showRequired" attribute must be false for the visual indication not to be displayed.
   * @param showRequired  the new showRequired value
  final public void setShowRequired(boolean showRequired)
    setProperty(SHOW_REQUIRED_KEY, showRequired ? Boolean.TRUE : Boolean.FALSE);

   * Gets the number of columns to display in the text
   *           control. If no value is specified, a default
   *           of 30 columns is used. One column is approximately one character
   *           in the browser's current display font.
   * @return  the new columns value
  final public int getColumns()
    return ComponentUtils.resolveInteger(getProperty(COLUMNS_KEY));

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    setProperty(SIMPLE_KEY, simple ? Boolean.TRUE : Boolean.FALSE);

   * Gets event handler for when the value is changed.
   * @return  the new onchange value
  final public String getOnchange()
    return ComponentUtils.resolveString(getProperty(ONCHANGE_KEY));

   * Sets event handler for when the value is changed.
   * @param onchange  the new onchange value
  final public void setOnchange(String onchange)
    setProperty(ONCHANGE_KEY, (onchange));

   * Gets the CSS styles to use for this component.
   * @return  the new inlineStyle value
  final public String getInlineStyle()
    return ComponentUtils.resolveString(getProperty(INLINE_STYLE_KEY));

   * Sets the CSS styles to use for this component.
   * @param inlineStyle  the new inlineStyle value
  final public void setInlineStyle(String inlineStyle)
    setProperty(INLINE_STYLE_KEY, (inlineStyle));

   * Gets a CSS style class to use for this component.
   * @return  the new styleClass value
  final public String getStyleClass()
    return ComponentUtils.resolveString(getProperty(STYLE_CLASS_KEY));

   * Sets a CSS style class to use for this component.
   * @param styleClass  the new styleClass value
  final public void setStyleClass(String styleClass)
    setProperty(STYLE_CLASS_KEY, (styleClass));

   * Gets The short description of the component. This text is commonly used by user agents to display tooltip help text.
   * @return  the new shortDesc value
  final public String getShortDesc()
    return ComponentUtils.resolveString(getProperty(SHORT_DESC_KEY));

   * Sets The short description of the component. This text is commonly used by user agents to display tooltip help text.
   * @param shortDesc  the new shortDesc value
  final public void setShortDesc(String shortDesc)
    setProperty(SHORT_DESC_KEY, (shortDesc));

   * Gets the IDs of the components that should trigger a partial update.
   *         <p>
   *         This component will listen on the trigger components. If one of the
   *         trigger components receives an event that will cause it to update
   *         in some way, this component will request to be updated too.</p>
   *         <p>
   *         Separate multiple triggers with a space. e.g., partialTriggers="cmp1 cmp2"
   *         </p>
   *         <p>
   *         Identifiers must account for NamingContainers.  You can use a single colon to start the search from the root,
   *         or use multiple colons to move up through the NamingContainer. For example,
   *         "::" will pop out of this component's naming container (it pops out of itself if it is a naming container), 
   *         ":::" will pop out of two naming containers, etc. The search for
   *         the partialTrigger begins from there. e.g., partialTriggers=":::commandButton1" the search begins for the 
   *         component with id = commandButton1 after popping out of two naming containers relative to this component.
   *         To go into naming containers, you separate the naming containers with ':', e.g.,partialTriggers= "nc1:nc2:nc3:componentId".</p>
   * @return  the new partialTriggers value
  final public String[] getPartialTriggers()
    return (String[])getProperty(PARTIAL_TRIGGERS_KEY);

   * Sets the IDs of the components that should trigger a partial update.
   *         <p>
   *         This component will listen on the trigger components. If one of the
   *         trigger components receives an event that will cause it to update
   *         in some way, this component will request to be updated too.</p>
   *         <p>
   *         Separate multiple triggers with a space. e.g., partialTriggers="cmp1 cmp2"
   *         </p>
   *         <p>
   *         Identifiers must account for NamingContainers.  You can use a single colon to start the search from the root,
   *         or use multiple colons to move up through the NamingContainer. For example,
   *         "::" will pop out of this component's naming container (it pops out of itself if it is a naming container), 
   *         ":::" will pop out of two naming containers, etc. The search for
   *         the partialTrigger begins from there. e.g., partialTriggers=":::commandButton1" the search begins for the 
   *         component with id = commandButton1 after popping out of two naming containers relative to this component.
   *         To go into naming containers, you separate the naming containers with ':', e.g.,partialTriggers= "nc1:nc2:nc3:componentId".</p>
   * @param partialTriggers  the new partialTriggers value
  final public void setPartialTriggers(String[] partialTriggers)
    setProperty(PARTIAL_TRIGGERS_KEY, (partialTriggers));

   * Gets an onclick Javascript handler.
   * @return  the new onclick value
  final public String getOnclick()
    return ComponentUtils.resolveString(getProperty(ONCLICK_KEY));

   * Sets an onclick Javascript handler.
   * @param onclick  the new onclick value
  final public void setOnclick(String onclick)
    setProperty(ONCLICK_KEY, (onclick));

   * Gets an ondblclick Javascript handler.
   * @return  the new ondblclick value
  final public String getOndblclick()
    return ComponentUtils.resolveString(getProperty(ONDBLCLICK_KEY));

   * Sets an ondblclick Javascript handler.
   * @param ondblclick  the new ondblclick value
  final public void setOndblclick(String ondblclick)
    setProperty(ONDBLCLICK_KEY, (ondblclick));

   * Gets an onmousedown Javascript handler.
   * @return  the new onmousedown value
  final public String getOnmousedown()
    return ComponentUtils.resolveString(getProperty(ONMOUSEDOWN_KEY));

   * Sets an onmousedown Javascript handler.
   * @param onmousedown  the new onmousedown value
  final public void setOnmousedown(String onmousedown)
    setProperty(ONMOUSEDOWN_KEY, (onmousedown));

   * Gets an onmouseup Javascript handler.
   * @return  the new onmouseup value
  final public String getOnmouseup()
    return ComponentUtils.resolveString(getProperty(ONMOUSEUP_KEY));

   * Sets an onmouseup Javascript handler.
   * @param onmouseup  the new onmouseup value
  final public void setOnmouseup(String onmouseup)
    setProperty(ONMOUSEUP_KEY, (onmouseup));

   * Gets an onmouseover Javascript handler.
   * @return  the new onmouseover value
  final public String getOnmouseover()
    return ComponentUtils.resolveString(getProperty(ONMOUSEOVER_KEY));

   * Sets an onmouseover Javascript handler.
   * @param onmouseover  the new onmouseover value
  final public void setOnmouseover(String onmouseover)
    setProperty(ONMOUSEOVER_KEY, (onmouseover));

   * Gets an onmousemove Javascript handler.
   * @return  the new onmousemove value
  final public String getOnmousemove()
    return ComponentUtils.resolveString(getProperty(ONMOUSEMOVE_KEY));

   * Sets an onmousemove Javascript handler.
   * @param onmousemove  the new onmousemove value
  final public void setOnmousemove(String onmousemove)
    setProperty(ONMOUSEMOVE_KEY, (onmousemove));

   * Gets an onmouseout Javascript handler.
   * @return  the new onmouseout value
  final public String getOnmouseout()
    return ComponentUtils.resolveString(getProperty(ONMOUSEOUT_KEY));

   * Sets an onmouseout Javascript handler.
   * @param onmouseout  the new onmouseout value
  final public void setOnmouseout(String onmouseout)
    setProperty(ONMOUSEOUT_KEY, (onmouseout));

   * Gets an onkeypress Javascript handler.
   * @return  the new onkeypress value
  final public String getOnkeypress()
    return ComponentUtils.resolveString(getProperty(ONKEYPRESS_KEY));

   * Sets an onkeypress Javascript handler.
   * @param onkeypress  the new onkeypress value
  final public void setOnkeypress(String onkeypress)
    setProperty(ONKEYPRESS_KEY, (onkeypress));

   * Gets an onkeydown Javascript handler.
   * @return  the new onkeydown value
  final public String getOnkeydown()
    return ComponentUtils.resolveString(getProperty(ONKEYDOWN_KEY));

   * Sets an onkeydown Javascript handler.
   * @param onkeydown  the new onkeydown value
  final public void setOnkeydown(String onkeydown)
    setProperty(ONKEYDOWN_KEY, (onkeydown));

   * Gets an onkeyup Javascript handler.
   * @return  the new onkeyup value
  final public String getOnkeyup()
    return ComponentUtils.resolveString(getProperty(ONKEYUP_KEY));

   * Sets an onkeyup Javascript handler.
   * @param onkeyup  the new onkeyup value
  final public void setOnkeyup(String onkeyup)
    setProperty(ONKEYUP_KEY, (onkeyup));

   * Gets the event handler for the component losing the focus.
   * @return  the new onblur value
  final public String getOnblur()
    return ComponentUtils.resolveString(getProperty(ONBLUR_KEY));

   * Sets the event handler for the component losing the focus.
   * @param onblur  the new onblur value
  final public void setOnblur(String onblur)
    setProperty(ONBLUR_KEY, (onblur));

   * Gets the event handler for the component gaining the focus.
   * @return  the new onfocus value
  final public String getOnfocus()
    return ComponentUtils.resolveString(getProperty(ONFOCUS_KEY));

   * Sets the event handler for the component gaining the focus.
   * @param onfocus  the new onfocus value
  final public void setOnfocus(String onfocus)
    setProperty(ONFOCUS_KEY, (onfocus));

   * Gets whether the associated control displays a visual indication of required user input. If a "required" attribute is also present, both the "required" attribute and the
   *           "showRequired" attribute must be false for the visual indication not to be displayed.
   * @return  the new showRequired value
  final public boolean isShowRequired()
    return ComponentUtils.resolveBoolean(getProperty(SHOW_REQUIRED_KEY), false);

   * Sets whether the associated control displays a visual indication of required user input. If a "required" attribute is also present, both the "required" attribute and the
   *           "showRequired" attribute must be false for the visual indication not to be displayed.
   * @param showRequired  the new showRequired value
  final public void setShowRequired(boolean showRequired)
    setProperty(SHOW_REQUIRED_KEY, showRequired ? Boolean.TRUE : Boolean.FALSE);

   * Gets <html>
   *  Character used to gain quick access to
   *                the form element specified by the
   *          <code>for</code>, if set (or this component itself,
   *               if it is a "non-simple" form element).
   *               For accessibility reasons, this functionality is not supported
   *               in screen reader mode.
   *               If the same access key appears in multiple locations in the
   *               same page of output, the rendering user agent will cycle
   *               among the elements accessed by the similar keys.
   *               <p>
   *                 This attribute is sometimes referred to as the "mnemonic".
   *                 </p></html>
   * @return  the new accessKey value
  final public char getAccessKey()
    return ComponentUtils.resolveCharacter((Character)getProperty(ACCESS_KEY_KEY));

   * Sets <html>
   *  Character used to gain quick access to
   *                the form element specified by the
   *          <code>for</code>, if set (or this component itself,
   *               if it is a "non-simple" form element).
   *               For accessibility reasons, this functionality is not supported
   *               in screen reader mode.
   *               If the same access key appears in multiple locations in the
   *               same page of output, the rendering user agent will cycle
   *               among the elements accessed by the similar keys.
   *               <p>
   *                 This attribute is sometimes referred to as the "mnemonic".
   *                 </p></html>
   * @param accessKey  the new accessKey value
  final public void setAccessKey(char accessKey)
    setProperty(ACCESS_KEY_KEY, Character.valueOf(accessKey));

   * Gets event handler for when text becomes selected.
   * @return  the new onselect value
  final public String getOnselect()

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    setProperty(LABEL_KEY, (label));

   * Gets the CSS styles to use for this component.
   * @return  the new inlineStyle value
  final public String getInlineStyle()
    return ComponentUtils.resolveString(getProperty(INLINE_STYLE_KEY));

   * Sets the CSS styles to use for this component.
   * @param inlineStyle  the new inlineStyle value
  final public void setInlineStyle(String inlineStyle)
    setProperty(INLINE_STYLE_KEY, (inlineStyle));

   * Gets a CSS style class to use for this component.
   * @return  the new styleClass value
  final public String getStyleClass()
    return ComponentUtils.resolveString(getProperty(STYLE_CLASS_KEY));

   * Sets a CSS style class to use for this component.
   * @param styleClass  the new styleClass value
  final public void setStyleClass(String styleClass)
    setProperty(STYLE_CLASS_KEY, (styleClass));

   * Gets The short description of the component. This text is commonly used by user agents to display tooltip help text.
   * @return  the new shortDesc value
  final public String getShortDesc()
    return ComponentUtils.resolveString(getProperty(SHORT_DESC_KEY));

   * Sets The short description of the component. This text is commonly used by user agents to display tooltip help text.
   * @param shortDesc  the new shortDesc value
  final public void setShortDesc(String shortDesc)
    setProperty(SHORT_DESC_KEY, (shortDesc));

   * Gets the IDs of the components that should trigger a partial update.
   *         <p>
   *         This component will listen on the trigger components. If one of the
   *         trigger components receives an event that will cause it to update
   *         in some way, this component will request to be updated too.</p>
   *         <p>
   *         Separate multiple triggers with a space. e.g., partialTriggers="cmp1 cmp2"
   *         </p>
   *         <p>
   *         Identifiers must account for NamingContainers.  You can use a single colon to start the search from the root,
   *         or use multiple colons to move up through the NamingContainer. For example,
   *         "::" will pop out of this component's naming container (it pops out of itself if it is a naming container), 
   *         ":::" will pop out of two naming containers, etc. The search for
   *         the partialTrigger begins from there. e.g., partialTriggers=":::commandButton1" the search begins for the 
   *         component with id = commandButton1 after popping out of two naming containers relative to this component.
   *         To go into naming containers, you separate the naming containers with ':', e.g.,partialTriggers= "nc1:nc2:nc3:componentId".</p>
   * @return  the new partialTriggers value
  final public String[] getPartialTriggers()
    return (String[])getProperty(PARTIAL_TRIGGERS_KEY);

   * Sets the IDs of the components that should trigger a partial update.
   *         <p>
   *         This component will listen on the trigger components. If one of the
   *         trigger components receives an event that will cause it to update
   *         in some way, this component will request to be updated too.</p>
   *         <p>
   *         Separate multiple triggers with a space. e.g., partialTriggers="cmp1 cmp2"
   *         </p>
   *         <p>
   *         Identifiers must account for NamingContainers.  You can use a single colon to start the search from the root,
   *         or use multiple colons to move up through the NamingContainer. For example,
   *         "::" will pop out of this component's naming container (it pops out of itself if it is a naming container), 
   *         ":::" will pop out of two naming containers, etc. The search for
   *         the partialTrigger begins from there. e.g., partialTriggers=":::commandButton1" the search begins for the 
   *         component with id = commandButton1 after popping out of two naming containers relative to this component.
   *         To go into naming containers, you separate the naming containers with ':', e.g.,partialTriggers= "nc1:nc2:nc3:componentId".</p>
   * @param partialTriggers  the new partialTriggers value
  final public void setPartialTriggers(String[] partialTriggers)
    setProperty(PARTIAL_TRIGGERS_KEY, (partialTriggers));

   * Gets an onclick Javascript handler.
   * @return  the new onclick value
  final public String getOnclick()
    return ComponentUtils.resolveString(getProperty(ONCLICK_KEY));

   * Sets an onclick Javascript handler.
   * @param onclick  the new onclick value
  final public void setOnclick(String onclick)
    setProperty(ONCLICK_KEY, (onclick));

   * Gets an ondblclick Javascript handler.
   * @return  the new ondblclick value
  final public String getOndblclick()
    return ComponentUtils.resolveString(getProperty(ONDBLCLICK_KEY));

   * Sets an ondblclick Javascript handler.
   * @param ondblclick  the new ondblclick value
  final public void setOndblclick(String ondblclick)
    setProperty(ONDBLCLICK_KEY, (ondblclick));

   * Gets an onmousedown Javascript handler.
   * @return  the new onmousedown value
  final public String getOnmousedown()
    return ComponentUtils.resolveString(getProperty(ONMOUSEDOWN_KEY));

   * Sets an onmousedown Javascript handler.
   * @param onmousedown  the new onmousedown value
  final public void setOnmousedown(String onmousedown)
    setProperty(ONMOUSEDOWN_KEY, (onmousedown));

   * Gets an onmouseup Javascript handler.
   * @return  the new onmouseup value
  final public String getOnmouseup()
    return ComponentUtils.resolveString(getProperty(ONMOUSEUP_KEY));

   * Sets an onmouseup Javascript handler.
   * @param onmouseup  the new onmouseup value
  final public void setOnmouseup(String onmouseup)
    setProperty(ONMOUSEUP_KEY, (onmouseup));

   * Gets an onmouseover Javascript handler.
   * @return  the new onmouseover value
  final public String getOnmouseover()
    return ComponentUtils.resolveString(getProperty(ONMOUSEOVER_KEY));

   * Sets an onmouseover Javascript handler.
   * @param onmouseover  the new onmouseover value
  final public void setOnmouseover(String onmouseover)
    setProperty(ONMOUSEOVER_KEY, (onmouseover));

   * Gets an onmousemove Javascript handler.
   * @return  the new onmousemove value
  final public String getOnmousemove()
    return ComponentUtils.resolveString(getProperty(ONMOUSEMOVE_KEY));

   * Sets an onmousemove Javascript handler.
   * @param onmousemove  the new onmousemove value
  final public void setOnmousemove(String onmousemove)
    setProperty(ONMOUSEMOVE_KEY, (onmousemove));

   * Gets an onmouseout Javascript handler.
   * @return  the new onmouseout value
  final public String getOnmouseout()
    return ComponentUtils.resolveString(getProperty(ONMOUSEOUT_KEY));

   * Sets an onmouseout Javascript handler.
   * @param onmouseout  the new onmouseout value
  final public void setOnmouseout(String onmouseout)
    setProperty(ONMOUSEOUT_KEY, (onmouseout));

   * Gets an onkeypress Javascript handler.
   * @return  the new onkeypress value
  final public String getOnkeypress()
    return ComponentUtils.resolveString(getProperty(ONKEYPRESS_KEY));

   * Sets an onkeypress Javascript handler.
   * @param onkeypress  the new onkeypress value
  final public void setOnkeypress(String onkeypress)
    setProperty(ONKEYPRESS_KEY, (onkeypress));

   * Gets an onkeydown Javascript handler.
   * @return  the new onkeydown value
  final public String getOnkeydown()
    return ComponentUtils.resolveString(getProperty(ONKEYDOWN_KEY));

   * Sets an onkeydown Javascript handler.
   * @param onkeydown  the new onkeydown value
  final public void setOnkeydown(String onkeydown)
    setProperty(ONKEYDOWN_KEY, (onkeydown));

   * Gets an onkeyup Javascript handler.
   * @return  the new onkeyup value
  final public String getOnkeyup()
    return ComponentUtils.resolveString(getProperty(ONKEYUP_KEY));

   * Sets an onkeyup Javascript handler.
   * @param onkeyup  the new onkeyup value
  final public void setOnkeyup(String onkeyup)
    setProperty(ONKEYUP_KEY, (onkeyup));

   * Gets position of the control elements. Defaults to
   *          "start", if not specified. Other value supported is"top".
   * @return  the new position value
  final public String getPosition()
    return ComponentUtils.resolveString(getProperty(POSITION_KEY), "start");

   * Sets position of the control elements. Defaults to
   *          "start", if not specified. Other value supported is"top".
   * @param position  the new position value
  final public void setPosition(String position)
    setProperty(POSITION_KEY, (position));

   * Gets alignment of the elements. Defaults to
   *          "center", if not specified. Other values are "start",
   *          "end", "top", and "bottom".
   * @return  the new alignment value
  final public String getAlignment()
    return ComponentUtils.resolveString(getProperty(ALIGNMENT_KEY), "center");

   * Sets alignment of the elements. Defaults to
   *          "center", if not specified. Other values are "start",
   *          "end", "top", and "bottom".
   * @param alignment  the new alignment value
  final public void setAlignment(String alignment)
    setProperty(ALIGNMENT_KEY, (alignment));

  public String getDefaultEventName()
    return "click";

  public Collection<String> getEventNames()
    return _EVENT_NAMES;

  public Map<String, List<ClientBehavior>> getClientBehaviors()
    return super.getClientBehaviors();

  public void addClientBehavior(
    String         eventName,
    ClientBehavior behavior)
    super.addClientBehavior(eventName, behavior);

  public String getFamily()

  protected FacesBean.Type getBeanType()
    return TYPE;

   * Construct an instance of the CorePanelRadio.
  protected CorePanelRadio(

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    setProperty(TARGET_FRAME_KEY, (targetFrame));

   * Gets the CSS styles to use for this component.
   * @return  the new inlineStyle value
  final public String getInlineStyle()
    return ComponentUtils.resolveString(getProperty(INLINE_STYLE_KEY));

   * Sets the CSS styles to use for this component.
   * @param inlineStyle  the new inlineStyle value
  final public void setInlineStyle(String inlineStyle)
    setProperty(INLINE_STYLE_KEY, (inlineStyle));

   * Gets a CSS style class to use for this component.
   * @return  the new styleClass value
  final public String getStyleClass()
    return ComponentUtils.resolveString(getProperty(STYLE_CLASS_KEY));

   * Sets a CSS style class to use for this component.
   * @param styleClass  the new styleClass value
  final public void setStyleClass(String styleClass)
    setProperty(STYLE_CLASS_KEY, (styleClass));

   * Gets The short description of the component. This text is commonly used by user agents to display tooltip help text.
   * @return  the new shortDesc value
  final public String getShortDesc()
    return ComponentUtils.resolveString(getProperty(SHORT_DESC_KEY));

   * Sets The short description of the component. This text is commonly used by user agents to display tooltip help text.
   * @param shortDesc  the new shortDesc value
  final public void setShortDesc(String shortDesc)
    setProperty(SHORT_DESC_KEY, (shortDesc));

   * Gets the IDs of the components that should trigger a partial update.
   *         <p>
   *         This component will listen on the trigger components. If one of the
   *         trigger components receives an event that will cause it to update
   *         in some way, this component will request to be updated too.</p>
   *         <p>
   *         Separate multiple triggers with a space. e.g., partialTriggers="cmp1 cmp2"
   *         </p>
   *         <p>
   *         Identifiers must account for NamingContainers.  You can use a single colon to start the search from the root,
   *         or use multiple colons to move up through the NamingContainer. For example,
   *         "::" will pop out of this component's naming container (it pops out of itself if it is a naming container), 
   *         ":::" will pop out of two naming containers, etc. The search for
   *         the partialTrigger begins from there. e.g., partialTriggers=":::commandButton1" the search begins for the 
   *         component with id = commandButton1 after popping out of two naming containers relative to this component.
   *         To go into naming containers, you separate the naming containers with ':', e.g.,partialTriggers= "nc1:nc2:nc3:componentId".</p>
   * @return  the new partialTriggers value
  final public String[] getPartialTriggers()
    return (String[])getProperty(PARTIAL_TRIGGERS_KEY);

   * Sets the IDs of the components that should trigger a partial update.
   *         <p>
   *         This component will listen on the trigger components. If one of the
   *         trigger components receives an event that will cause it to update
   *         in some way, this component will request to be updated too.</p>
   *         <p>
   *         Separate multiple triggers with a space. e.g., partialTriggers="cmp1 cmp2"
   *         </p>
   *         <p>
   *         Identifiers must account for NamingContainers.  You can use a single colon to start the search from the root,
   *         or use multiple colons to move up through the NamingContainer. For example,
   *         "::" will pop out of this component's naming container (it pops out of itself if it is a naming container), 
   *         ":::" will pop out of two naming containers, etc. The search for
   *         the partialTrigger begins from there. e.g., partialTriggers=":::commandButton1" the search begins for the 
   *         component with id = commandButton1 after popping out of two naming containers relative to this component.
   *         To go into naming containers, you separate the naming containers with ':', e.g.,partialTriggers= "nc1:nc2:nc3:componentId".</p>
   * @param partialTriggers  the new partialTriggers value
  final public void setPartialTriggers(String[] partialTriggers)
    setProperty(PARTIAL_TRIGGERS_KEY, (partialTriggers));

   * Gets an onclick Javascript handler.
   * @return  the new onclick value
  final public String getOnclick()
    return ComponentUtils.resolveString(getProperty(ONCLICK_KEY));

   * Sets an onclick Javascript handler.
   * @param onclick  the new onclick value
  final public void setOnclick(String onclick)
    setProperty(ONCLICK_KEY, (onclick));

   * Gets an ondblclick Javascript handler.
   * @return  the new ondblclick value
  final public String getOndblclick()
    return ComponentUtils.resolveString(getProperty(ONDBLCLICK_KEY));

   * Sets an ondblclick Javascript handler.
   * @param ondblclick  the new ondblclick value
  final public void setOndblclick(String ondblclick)
    setProperty(ONDBLCLICK_KEY, (ondblclick));

   * Gets an onmousedown Javascript handler.
   * @return  the new onmousedown value
  final public String getOnmousedown()
    return ComponentUtils.resolveString(getProperty(ONMOUSEDOWN_KEY));

   * Sets an onmousedown Javascript handler.
   * @param onmousedown  the new onmousedown value
  final public void setOnmousedown(String onmousedown)
    setProperty(ONMOUSEDOWN_KEY, (onmousedown));

   * Gets an onmouseup Javascript handler.
   * @return  the new onmouseup value
  final public String getOnmouseup()
    return ComponentUtils.resolveString(getProperty(ONMOUSEUP_KEY));

   * Sets an onmouseup Javascript handler.
   * @param onmouseup  the new onmouseup value
  final public void setOnmouseup(String onmouseup)
    setProperty(ONMOUSEUP_KEY, (onmouseup));

   * Gets an onmouseover Javascript handler.
   * @return  the new onmouseover value
  final public String getOnmouseover()
    return ComponentUtils.resolveString(getProperty(ONMOUSEOVER_KEY));

   * Sets an onmouseover Javascript handler.
   * @param onmouseover  the new onmouseover value
  final public void setOnmouseover(String onmouseover)
    setProperty(ONMOUSEOVER_KEY, (onmouseover));

   * Gets an onmousemove Javascript handler.
   * @return  the new onmousemove value
  final public String getOnmousemove()
    return ComponentUtils.resolveString(getProperty(ONMOUSEMOVE_KEY));

   * Sets an onmousemove Javascript handler.
   * @param onmousemove  the new onmousemove value
  final public void setOnmousemove(String onmousemove)
    setProperty(ONMOUSEMOVE_KEY, (onmousemove));

   * Gets an onmouseout Javascript handler.
   * @return  the new onmouseout value
  final public String getOnmouseout()
    return ComponentUtils.resolveString(getProperty(ONMOUSEOUT_KEY));

   * Sets an onmouseout Javascript handler.
   * @param onmouseout  the new onmouseout value
  final public void setOnmouseout(String onmouseout)
    setProperty(ONMOUSEOUT_KEY, (onmouseout));

   * Gets an onkeypress Javascript handler.
   * @return  the new onkeypress value
  final public String getOnkeypress()
    return ComponentUtils.resolveString(getProperty(ONKEYPRESS_KEY));

   * Sets an onkeypress Javascript handler.
   * @param onkeypress  the new onkeypress value
  final public void setOnkeypress(String onkeypress)
    setProperty(ONKEYPRESS_KEY, (onkeypress));

   * Gets an onkeydown Javascript handler.
   * @return  the new onkeydown value
  final public String getOnkeydown()
    return ComponentUtils.resolveString(getProperty(ONKEYDOWN_KEY));

   * Sets an onkeydown Javascript handler.
   * @param onkeydown  the new onkeydown value
  final public void setOnkeydown(String onkeydown)
    setProperty(ONKEYDOWN_KEY, (onkeydown));

   * Gets an onkeyup Javascript handler.
   * @return  the new onkeyup value
  final public String getOnkeyup()
    return ComponentUtils.resolveString(getProperty(ONKEYUP_KEY));

   * Sets an onkeyup Javascript handler.
   * @param onkeyup  the new onkeyup value
  final public void setOnkeyup(String onkeyup)
    setProperty(ONKEYUP_KEY, (onkeyup));

   * Gets the event handler for the component losing the focus.
   * @return  the new onblur value
  final public String getOnblur()
    return ComponentUtils.resolveString(getProperty(ONBLUR_KEY));

   * Sets the event handler for the component losing the focus.
   * @param onblur  the new onblur value
  final public void setOnblur(String onblur)
    setProperty(ONBLUR_KEY, (onblur));

   * Gets the event handler for the component gaining the focus.
   * @return  the new onfocus value
  final public String getOnfocus()
    return ComponentUtils.resolveString(getProperty(ONFOCUS_KEY));

   * Sets the event handler for the component gaining the focus.
   * @param onfocus  the new onfocus value
  final public void setOnfocus(String onfocus)
    setProperty(ONFOCUS_KEY, (onfocus));

  public String getDefaultEventName()
    return "click";

  public Collection<String> getEventNames()
    return _EVENT_NAMES;

  public Map<String, List<ClientBehavior>> getClientBehaviors()
    return super.getClientBehaviors();

  public void addClientBehavior(
    String         eventName,
    ClientBehavior behavior)
    super.addClientBehavior(eventName, behavior);

  public String getFamily()

  protected FacesBean.Type getBeanType()
    return TYPE;

   * Construct an instance of the CoreGoLink.
  protected CoreGoLink(

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  public Object getContainerRowKey(Object childKey)
    List<Object> path = (List<Object>) childKey;
    if ((path == null) || (path.size() <= 1))
      return null;

    // wrap sublist in a Serializable copy, since sublist usually returns non-Serializable
    // instances
    return CollectionUtils.newSerializableList(path.subList(0, path.size() - 1));

  public int getRowCount()
    return _getModel().getRowCount();

  public Object getRowData()
    return _getModel().getRowData();

  public boolean isRowAvailable()
    return _getModel().isRowAvailable();

  public boolean isContainer()
    Object rowData = getRowData();
    Object value = getChildData(rowData);
    if (value != null)
      if (value instanceof Collection<?>)
        return !((Collection<?>)value).isEmpty();
      else if (value.getClass().isArray())
        return Array.getLength(value) > 0;
      else if (value instanceof DataModel)
        return ((DataModel)value).getRowCount() > 0;
    return value != null;

  public void enterContainer()
    Object rowData = getRowData();
    if (rowData == null)
      throw new IllegalStateException(_LOG.getMessage(
    Node node = new Node(rowData);

  public void exitContainer()
    int sz = _path.size();
    if (sz > 1)
      _path.remove(sz - 1);
      throw new IllegalStateException(_LOG.getMessage(
   * Gets the instance being wrapped by this TreeModel.
  public Object getWrappedData()
    return _wrappedData;

   * Sets the instance being wrapped by this TreeModel.
   * Calling this method sets the path to empty.
  public void setWrappedData(Object data)
    Node root = _getNode(0);
    root.childModel = ModelUtils.toCollectionModel(data);
    _wrappedData = data;

   * Gets the property name used to fetch the children.
  public final String getChildProperty()
    return _childProperty;

   * Sets the property name used to fetch the children.
  public final void setChildProperty(String childProperty)
    _childProperty = childProperty;

  public int getRowIndex()
    return _getModel().getRowIndex();

  public void setRowIndex(int rowIndex)

  public boolean isSortable(String property)
    return _getModel().isSortable(property);

  public List<SortCriterion> getSortCriteria()
    return _getModel().getSortCriteria();

  public void setSortCriteria(List<SortCriterion> criteria)

   * Gets the child data for a node. This child data will be
   * converted into a CollectionModel by calling
   * {@link #createChildModel}.
   * @param parentData the node to get the child data from
   * @return the List or array that is the child data.
   * must return null for a leaf node.
  protected Object getChildData(Object parentData)
    String prop = getChildProperty();
    if (prop == null)
      return null;
    return SortableModel.__resolveProperty(parentData, prop);

   * Converts childData into a CollectionModel.
   * This method calls {@link ModelUtils#toCollectionModel}
   * @param childData the data to convert. This can be a List or array.
  protected CollectionModel createChildModel(Object childData)
    CollectionModel model = ModelUtils.toCollectionModel(childData);
    return model;

  private Object _getRowKey()
    return _getModel().getRowKey();

  private void _setRowKey(Object key)
  private Node _getCurrentNode()
    return _getNode(_path.size() - 1);

  private Node _getNode(int index)
    return _path.get(index);    

  private CollectionModel _getModel()
    Node node = _getCurrentNode();
    CollectionModel model = node.childModel;
    if (model == null)
      Object value = getChildData(node.parentData);
      model = createChildModel(value);
      node.childModel = model;
    return model;

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    setProperty(ACCESS_KEY_KEY, Character.valueOf(accessKey));

   * Gets event handler for when the value is changed.
   * @return  the new onchange value
  final public String getOnchange()
    return ComponentUtils.resolveString(getProperty(ONCHANGE_KEY));

   * Sets event handler for when the value is changed.
   * @param onchange  the new onchange value
  final public void setOnchange(String onchange)
    setProperty(ONCHANGE_KEY, (onchange));

   * Gets the CSS styles to use for this component.
   * @return  the new inlineStyle value
  final public String getInlineStyle()
    return ComponentUtils.resolveString(getProperty(INLINE_STYLE_KEY));

   * Sets the CSS styles to use for this component.
   * @param inlineStyle  the new inlineStyle value
  final public void setInlineStyle(String inlineStyle)
    setProperty(INLINE_STYLE_KEY, (inlineStyle));

   * Gets a CSS style class to use for this component.
   * @return  the new styleClass value
  final public String getStyleClass()
    return ComponentUtils.resolveString(getProperty(STYLE_CLASS_KEY));

   * Sets a CSS style class to use for this component.
   * @param styleClass  the new styleClass value
  final public void setStyleClass(String styleClass)
    setProperty(STYLE_CLASS_KEY, (styleClass));

   * Gets The short description of the component. This text is commonly used by user agents to display tooltip help text.
   * @return  the new shortDesc value
  final public String getShortDesc()
    return ComponentUtils.resolveString(getProperty(SHORT_DESC_KEY));

   * Sets The short description of the component. This text is commonly used by user agents to display tooltip help text.
   * @param shortDesc  the new shortDesc value
  final public void setShortDesc(String shortDesc)
    setProperty(SHORT_DESC_KEY, (shortDesc));

   * Gets the IDs of the components that should trigger a partial update.
   *         <p>
   *         This component will listen on the trigger components. If one of the
   *         trigger components receives an event that will cause it to update
   *         in some way, this component will request to be updated too.</p>
   *         <p>
   *         Separate multiple triggers with a space. e.g., partialTriggers="cmp1 cmp2"
   *         </p>
   *         <p>
   *         Identifiers must account for NamingContainers.  You can use a single colon to start the search from the root,
   *         or use multiple colons to move up through the NamingContainer. For example,
   *         "::" will pop out of this component's naming container (it pops out of itself if it is a naming container), 
   *         ":::" will pop out of two naming containers, etc. The search for
   *         the partialTrigger begins from there. e.g., partialTriggers=":::commandButton1" the search begins for the 
   *         component with id = commandButton1 after popping out of two naming containers relative to this component.
   *         To go into naming containers, you separate the naming containers with ':', e.g.,partialTriggers= "nc1:nc2:nc3:componentId".</p>
   * @return  the new partialTriggers value
  final public String[] getPartialTriggers()
    return (String[])getProperty(PARTIAL_TRIGGERS_KEY);

   * Sets the IDs of the components that should trigger a partial update.
   *         <p>
   *         This component will listen on the trigger components. If one of the
   *         trigger components receives an event that will cause it to update
   *         in some way, this component will request to be updated too.</p>
   *         <p>
   *         Separate multiple triggers with a space. e.g., partialTriggers="cmp1 cmp2"
   *         </p>
   *         <p>
   *         Identifiers must account for NamingContainers.  You can use a single colon to start the search from the root,
   *         or use multiple colons to move up through the NamingContainer. For example,
   *         "::" will pop out of this component's naming container (it pops out of itself if it is a naming container), 
   *         ":::" will pop out of two naming containers, etc. The search for
   *         the partialTrigger begins from there. e.g., partialTriggers=":::commandButton1" the search begins for the 
   *         component with id = commandButton1 after popping out of two naming containers relative to this component.
   *         To go into naming containers, you separate the naming containers with ':', e.g.,partialTriggers= "nc1:nc2:nc3:componentId".</p>
   * @param partialTriggers  the new partialTriggers value
  final public void setPartialTriggers(String[] partialTriggers)
    setProperty(PARTIAL_TRIGGERS_KEY, (partialTriggers));

   * Gets an onclick Javascript handler.
   * @return  the new onclick value
  final public String getOnclick()
    return ComponentUtils.resolveString(getProperty(ONCLICK_KEY));

   * Sets an onclick Javascript handler.
   * @param onclick  the new onclick value
  final public void setOnclick(String onclick)
    setProperty(ONCLICK_KEY, (onclick));

   * Gets an ondblclick Javascript handler.
   * @return  the new ondblclick value
  final public String getOndblclick()
    return ComponentUtils.resolveString(getProperty(ONDBLCLICK_KEY));

   * Sets an ondblclick Javascript handler.
   * @param ondblclick  the new ondblclick value
  final public void setOndblclick(String ondblclick)
    setProperty(ONDBLCLICK_KEY, (ondblclick));

   * Gets an onmousedown Javascript handler.
   * @return  the new onmousedown value
  final public String getOnmousedown()
    return ComponentUtils.resolveString(getProperty(ONMOUSEDOWN_KEY));

   * Sets an onmousedown Javascript handler.
   * @param onmousedown  the new onmousedown value
  final public void setOnmousedown(String onmousedown)
    setProperty(ONMOUSEDOWN_KEY, (onmousedown));

   * Gets an onmouseup Javascript handler.
   * @return  the new onmouseup value
  final public String getOnmouseup()
    return ComponentUtils.resolveString(getProperty(ONMOUSEUP_KEY));

   * Sets an onmouseup Javascript handler.
   * @param onmouseup  the new onmouseup value
  final public void setOnmouseup(String onmouseup)
    setProperty(ONMOUSEUP_KEY, (onmouseup));

   * Gets an onmouseover Javascript handler.
   * @return  the new onmouseover value
  final public String getOnmouseover()
    return ComponentUtils.resolveString(getProperty(ONMOUSEOVER_KEY));

   * Sets an onmouseover Javascript handler.
   * @param onmouseover  the new onmouseover value
  final public void setOnmouseover(String onmouseover)
    setProperty(ONMOUSEOVER_KEY, (onmouseover));

   * Gets an onmousemove Javascript handler.
   * @return  the new onmousemove value
  final public String getOnmousemove()
    return ComponentUtils.resolveString(getProperty(ONMOUSEMOVE_KEY));

   * Sets an onmousemove Javascript handler.
   * @param onmousemove  the new onmousemove value
  final public void setOnmousemove(String onmousemove)
    setProperty(ONMOUSEMOVE_KEY, (onmousemove));

   * Gets an onmouseout Javascript handler.
   * @return  the new onmouseout value
  final public String getOnmouseout()
    return ComponentUtils.resolveString(getProperty(ONMOUSEOUT_KEY));

   * Sets an onmouseout Javascript handler.
   * @param onmouseout  the new onmouseout value
  final public void setOnmouseout(String onmouseout)
    setProperty(ONMOUSEOUT_KEY, (onmouseout));

   * Gets an onkeypress Javascript handler.
   * @return  the new onkeypress value
  final public String getOnkeypress()
    return ComponentUtils.resolveString(getProperty(ONKEYPRESS_KEY));

   * Sets an onkeypress Javascript handler.
   * @param onkeypress  the new onkeypress value
  final public void setOnkeypress(String onkeypress)
    setProperty(ONKEYPRESS_KEY, (onkeypress));

   * Gets an onkeydown Javascript handler.
   * @return  the new onkeydown value
  final public String getOnkeydown()
    return ComponentUtils.resolveString(getProperty(ONKEYDOWN_KEY));

   * Sets an onkeydown Javascript handler.
   * @param onkeydown  the new onkeydown value
  final public void setOnkeydown(String onkeydown)
    setProperty(ONKEYDOWN_KEY, (onkeydown));

   * Gets an onkeyup Javascript handler.
   * @return  the new onkeyup value
  final public String getOnkeyup()
    return ComponentUtils.resolveString(getProperty(ONKEYUP_KEY));

   * Sets an onkeyup Javascript handler.
   * @param onkeyup  the new onkeyup value
  final public void setOnkeyup(String onkeyup)
    setProperty(ONKEYUP_KEY, (onkeyup));

   * Gets the event handler for the component losing the focus.
   * @return  the new onblur value
  final public String getOnblur()
    return ComponentUtils.resolveString(getProperty(ONBLUR_KEY));

   * Sets the event handler for the component losing the focus.
   * @param onblur  the new onblur value
  final public void setOnblur(String onblur)
    setProperty(ONBLUR_KEY, (onblur));

   * Gets the event handler for the component gaining the focus.
   * @return  the new onfocus value
  final public String getOnfocus()
    return ComponentUtils.resolveString(getProperty(ONFOCUS_KEY));

   * Sets the event handler for the component gaining the focus.
   * @param onfocus  the new onfocus value
  final public void setOnfocus(String onfocus)
    setProperty(ONFOCUS_KEY, (onfocus));

   * Gets whether the associated control displays a visual indication of required user input. If a "required" attribute is also present, both the "required" attribute and the
   *           "showRequired" attribute must be false for the visual indication not to be displayed.
   * @return  the new showRequired value
  final public boolean isShowRequired()
    return ComponentUtils.resolveBoolean(getProperty(SHOW_REQUIRED_KEY), false);

   * Sets whether the associated control displays a visual indication of required user input. If a "required" attribute is also present, both the "required" attribute and the
   *           "showRequired" attribute must be false for the visual indication not to be displayed.
   * @param showRequired  the new showRequired value
  final public void setShowRequired(boolean showRequired)
    setProperty(SHOW_REQUIRED_KEY, showRequired ? Boolean.TRUE : Boolean.FALSE);

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org/apache/myfaces/trinidad/component/core/input/ 365
org/apache/myfaces/trinidad/component/core/input/ 365
    setProperty(ACCESS_KEY_KEY, Character.valueOf(accessKey));

   * Gets event handler for when the value is changed.
   * @return  the new onchange value
  final public String getOnchange()
    return ComponentUtils.resolveString(getProperty(ONCHANGE_KEY));

   * Sets event handler for when the value is changed.
   * @param onchange  the new onchange value
  final public void setOnchange(String onchange)
    setProperty(ONCHANGE_KEY, (onchange));

   * Gets the CSS styles to use for this component.
   * @return  the new inlineStyle value
  final public String getInlineStyle()
    return ComponentUtils.resolveString(getProperty(INLINE_STYLE_KEY));

   * Sets the CSS styles to use for this component.
   * @param inlineStyle  the new inlineStyle value
  final public void setInlineStyle(String inlineStyle)
    setProperty(INLINE_STYLE_KEY, (inlineStyle));

   * Gets a CSS style class to use for this component.
   * @return  the new styleClass value
  final public String getStyleClass()
    return ComponentUtils.resolveString(getProperty(STYLE_CLASS_KEY));

   * Sets a CSS style class to use for this component.
   * @param styleClass  the new styleClass value
  final public void setStyleClass(String styleClass)
    setProperty(STYLE_CLASS_KEY, (styleClass));

   * Gets The short description of the component. This text is commonly used by user agents to display tooltip help text.
   * @return  the new shortDesc value
  final public String getShortDesc()
    return ComponentUtils.resolveString(getProperty(SHORT_DESC_KEY));

   * Sets The short description of the component. This text is commonly used by user agents to display tooltip help text.
   * @param shortDesc  the new shortDesc value
  final public void setShortDesc(String shortDesc)
    setProperty(SHORT_DESC_KEY, (shortDesc));

   * Gets the IDs of the components that should trigger a partial update.
   *         <p>
   *         This component will listen on the trigger components. If one of the
   *         trigger components receives an event that will cause it to update
   *         in some way, this component will request to be updated too.</p>
   *         <p>
   *         Separate multiple triggers with a space. e.g., partialTriggers="cmp1 cmp2"
   *         </p>
   *         <p>
   *         Identifiers must account for NamingContainers.  You can use a single colon to start the search from the root,
   *         or use multiple colons to move up through the NamingContainer. For example,
   *         "::" will pop out of this component's naming container (it pops out of itself if it is a naming container), 
   *         ":::" will pop out of two naming containers, etc. The search for
   *         the partialTrigger begins from there. e.g., partialTriggers=":::commandButton1" the search begins for the 
   *         component with id = commandButton1 after popping out of two naming containers relative to this component.
   *         To go into naming containers, you separate the naming containers with ':', e.g.,partialTriggers= "nc1:nc2:nc3:componentId".</p>
   * @return  the new partialTriggers value
  final public String[] getPartialTriggers()
    return (String[])getProperty(PARTIAL_TRIGGERS_KEY);

   * Sets the IDs of the components that should trigger a partial update.
   *         <p>
   *         This component will listen on the trigger components. If one of the
   *         trigger components receives an event that will cause it to update
   *         in some way, this component will request to be updated too.</p>
   *         <p>
   *         Separate multiple triggers with a space. e.g., partialTriggers="cmp1 cmp2"
   *         </p>
   *         <p>
   *         Identifiers must account for NamingContainers.  You can use a single colon to start the search from the root,
   *         or use multiple colons to move up through the NamingContainer. For example,
   *         "::" will pop out of this component's naming container (it pops out of itself if it is a naming container), 
   *         ":::" will pop out of two naming containers, etc. The search for
   *         the partialTrigger begins from there. e.g., partialTriggers=":::commandButton1" the search begins for the 
   *         component with id = commandButton1 after popping out of two naming containers relative to this component.
   *         To go into naming containers, you separate the naming containers with ':', e.g.,partialTriggers= "nc1:nc2:nc3:componentId".</p>
   * @param partialTriggers  the new partialTriggers value
  final public void setPartialTriggers(String[] partialTriggers)
    setProperty(PARTIAL_TRIGGERS_KEY, (partialTriggers));

   * Gets an onclick Javascript handler.
   * @return  the new onclick value
  final public String getOnclick()
    return ComponentUtils.resolveString(getProperty(ONCLICK_KEY));

   * Sets an onclick Javascript handler.
   * @param onclick  the new onclick value
  final public void setOnclick(String onclick)
    setProperty(ONCLICK_KEY, (onclick));

   * Gets an ondblclick Javascript handler.
   * @return  the new ondblclick value
  final public String getOndblclick()
    return ComponentUtils.resolveString(getProperty(ONDBLCLICK_KEY));

   * Sets an ondblclick Javascript handler.
   * @param ondblclick  the new ondblclick value
  final public void setOndblclick(String ondblclick)
    setProperty(ONDBLCLICK_KEY, (ondblclick));

   * Gets an onmousedown Javascript handler.
   * @return  the new onmousedown value
  final public String getOnmousedown()
    return ComponentUtils.resolveString(getProperty(ONMOUSEDOWN_KEY));

   * Sets an onmousedown Javascript handler.
   * @param onmousedown  the new onmousedown value
  final public void setOnmousedown(String onmousedown)
    setProperty(ONMOUSEDOWN_KEY, (onmousedown));

   * Gets an onmouseup Javascript handler.
   * @return  the new onmouseup value
  final public String getOnmouseup()
    return ComponentUtils.resolveString(getProperty(ONMOUSEUP_KEY));

   * Sets an onmouseup Javascript handler.
   * @param onmouseup  the new onmouseup value
  final public void setOnmouseup(String onmouseup)
    setProperty(ONMOUSEUP_KEY, (onmouseup));

   * Gets an onmouseover Javascript handler.
   * @return  the new onmouseover value
  final public String getOnmouseover()
    return ComponentUtils.resolveString(getProperty(ONMOUSEOVER_KEY));

   * Sets an onmouseover Javascript handler.
   * @param onmouseover  the new onmouseover value
  final public void setOnmouseover(String onmouseover)
    setProperty(ONMOUSEOVER_KEY, (onmouseover));

   * Gets an onmousemove Javascript handler.
   * @return  the new onmousemove value
  final public String getOnmousemove()
    return ComponentUtils.resolveString(getProperty(ONMOUSEMOVE_KEY));

   * Sets an onmousemove Javascript handler.
   * @param onmousemove  the new onmousemove value
  final public void setOnmousemove(String onmousemove)
    setProperty(ONMOUSEMOVE_KEY, (onmousemove));

   * Gets an onmouseout Javascript handler.
   * @return  the new onmouseout value
  final public String getOnmouseout()
    return ComponentUtils.resolveString(getProperty(ONMOUSEOUT_KEY));

   * Sets an onmouseout Javascript handler.
   * @param onmouseout  the new onmouseout value
  final public void setOnmouseout(String onmouseout)
    setProperty(ONMOUSEOUT_KEY, (onmouseout));

   * Gets an onkeypress Javascript handler.
   * @return  the new onkeypress value
  final public String getOnkeypress()
    return ComponentUtils.resolveString(getProperty(ONKEYPRESS_KEY));

   * Sets an onkeypress Javascript handler.
   * @param onkeypress  the new onkeypress value
  final public void setOnkeypress(String onkeypress)
    setProperty(ONKEYPRESS_KEY, (onkeypress));

   * Gets an onkeydown Javascript handler.
   * @return  the new onkeydown value
  final public String getOnkeydown()
    return ComponentUtils.resolveString(getProperty(ONKEYDOWN_KEY));

   * Sets an onkeydown Javascript handler.
   * @param onkeydown  the new onkeydown value
  final public void setOnkeydown(String onkeydown)
    setProperty(ONKEYDOWN_KEY, (onkeydown));

   * Gets an onkeyup Javascript handler.
   * @return  the new onkeyup value
  final public String getOnkeyup()
    return ComponentUtils.resolveString(getProperty(ONKEYUP_KEY));

   * Sets an onkeyup Javascript handler.
   * @param onkeyup  the new onkeyup value
  final public void setOnkeyup(String onkeyup)
    setProperty(ONKEYUP_KEY, (onkeyup));

   * Gets the event handler for the component losing the focus.
   * @return  the new onblur value
  final public String getOnblur()
    return ComponentUtils.resolveString(getProperty(ONBLUR_KEY));

   * Sets the event handler for the component losing the focus.
   * @param onblur  the new onblur value
  final public void setOnblur(String onblur)
    setProperty(ONBLUR_KEY, (onblur));

   * Gets the event handler for the component gaining the focus.
   * @return  the new onfocus value
  final public String getOnfocus()
    return ComponentUtils.resolveString(getProperty(ONFOCUS_KEY));

   * Sets the event handler for the component gaining the focus.
   * @param onfocus  the new onfocus value
  final public void setOnfocus(String onfocus)
    setProperty(ONFOCUS_KEY, (onfocus));

   * Gets whether the associated control displays a visual indication of required user input. If a "required" attribute is also present, both the "required" attribute and the
   *           "showRequired" attribute must be false for the visual indication not to be displayed.
   * @return  the new showRequired value
  final public boolean isShowRequired()
    return ComponentUtils.resolveBoolean(getProperty(SHOW_REQUIRED_KEY), false);

   * Sets whether the associated control displays a visual indication of required user input. If a "required" attribute is also present, both the "required" attribute and the
   *           "showRequired" attribute must be false for the visual indication not to be displayed.
   * @param showRequired  the new showRequired value
  final public void setShowRequired(boolean showRequired)
    setProperty(SHOW_REQUIRED_KEY, showRequired ? Boolean.TRUE : Boolean.FALSE);

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org/apache/myfaces/trinidad/component/core/layout/ 269
org/apache/myfaces/trinidad/component/core/nav/ 475
    getFacets().put(INFO_STATUS_FACET, infoStatusFacet);

   * Gets what the chromeType is for the page: compact or expanded. If
   *               compact, the productBranding will be shown alongside the
   *               corporate branding instead of below the corporate branding.
   * @return  the new chromeType value
  final public String getChromeType()
    return ComponentUtils.resolveString(getProperty(CHROME_TYPE_KEY), "compact");

   * Sets what the chromeType is for the page: compact or expanded. If
   *               compact, the productBranding will be shown alongside the
   *               corporate branding instead of below the corporate branding.
   * @param chromeType  the new chromeType value
  final public void setChromeType(String chromeType)
    setProperty(CHROME_TYPE_KEY, (chromeType));

   * Gets the CSS styles to use for this component.
   * @return  the new inlineStyle value
  final public String getInlineStyle()
    return ComponentUtils.resolveString(getProperty(INLINE_STYLE_KEY));

   * Sets the CSS styles to use for this component.
   * @param inlineStyle  the new inlineStyle value
  final public void setInlineStyle(String inlineStyle)
    setProperty(INLINE_STYLE_KEY, (inlineStyle));

   * Gets a CSS style class to use for this component.
   * @return  the new styleClass value
  final public String getStyleClass()
    return ComponentUtils.resolveString(getProperty(STYLE_CLASS_KEY));

   * Sets a CSS style class to use for this component.
   * @param styleClass  the new styleClass value
  final public void setStyleClass(String styleClass)
    setProperty(STYLE_CLASS_KEY, (styleClass));

   * Gets The short description of the component. This text is commonly used by user agents to display tooltip help text.
   * @return  the new shortDesc value
  final public String getShortDesc()
    return ComponentUtils.resolveString(getProperty(SHORT_DESC_KEY));

   * Sets The short description of the component. This text is commonly used by user agents to display tooltip help text.
   * @param shortDesc  the new shortDesc value
  final public void setShortDesc(String shortDesc)
    setProperty(SHORT_DESC_KEY, (shortDesc));

   * Gets the IDs of the components that should trigger a partial update.
   *         <p>
   *         This component will listen on the trigger components. If one of the
   *         trigger components receives an event that will cause it to update
   *         in some way, this component will request to be updated too.</p>
   *         <p>
   *         Separate multiple triggers with a space. e.g., partialTriggers="cmp1 cmp2"
   *         </p>
   *         <p>
   *         Identifiers must account for NamingContainers.  You can use a single colon to start the search from the root,
   *         or use multiple colons to move up through the NamingContainer. For example,
   *         "::" will pop out of this component's naming container (it pops out of itself if it is a naming container), 
   *         ":::" will pop out of two naming containers, etc. The search for
   *         the partialTrigger begins from there. e.g., partialTriggers=":::commandButton1" the search begins for the 
   *         component with id = commandButton1 after popping out of two naming containers relative to this component.
   *         To go into naming containers, you separate the naming containers with ':', e.g.,partialTriggers= "nc1:nc2:nc3:componentId".</p>
   * @return  the new partialTriggers value
  final public String[] getPartialTriggers()
    return (String[])getProperty(PARTIAL_TRIGGERS_KEY);

   * Sets the IDs of the components that should trigger a partial update.
   *         <p>
   *         This component will listen on the trigger components. If one of the
   *         trigger components receives an event that will cause it to update
   *         in some way, this component will request to be updated too.</p>
   *         <p>
   *         Separate multiple triggers with a space. e.g., partialTriggers="cmp1 cmp2"
   *         </p>
   *         <p>
   *         Identifiers must account for NamingContainers.  You can use a single colon to start the search from the root,
   *         or use multiple colons to move up through the NamingContainer. For example,
   *         "::" will pop out of this component's naming container (it pops out of itself if it is a naming container), 
   *         ":::" will pop out of two naming containers, etc. The search for
   *         the partialTrigger begins from there. e.g., partialTriggers=":::commandButton1" the search begins for the 
   *         component with id = commandButton1 after popping out of two naming containers relative to this component.
   *         To go into naming containers, you separate the naming containers with ':', e.g.,partialTriggers= "nc1:nc2:nc3:componentId".</p>
   * @param partialTriggers  the new partialTriggers value
  final public void setPartialTriggers(String[] partialTriggers)
    setProperty(PARTIAL_TRIGGERS_KEY, (partialTriggers));

   * Gets an onclick Javascript handler.
   * @return  the new onclick value
  final public String getOnclick()
    return ComponentUtils.resolveString(getProperty(ONCLICK_KEY));

   * Sets an onclick Javascript handler.
   * @param onclick  the new onclick value
  final public void setOnclick(String onclick)
    setProperty(ONCLICK_KEY, (onclick));

   * Gets an ondblclick Javascript handler.
   * @return  the new ondblclick value
  final public String getOndblclick()
    return ComponentUtils.resolveString(getProperty(ONDBLCLICK_KEY));

   * Sets an ondblclick Javascript handler.
   * @param ondblclick  the new ondblclick value
  final public void setOndblclick(String ondblclick)
    setProperty(ONDBLCLICK_KEY, (ondblclick));

   * Gets an onmousedown Javascript handler.
   * @return  the new onmousedown value
  final public String getOnmousedown()
    return ComponentUtils.resolveString(getProperty(ONMOUSEDOWN_KEY));

   * Sets an onmousedown Javascript handler.
   * @param onmousedown  the new onmousedown value
  final public void setOnmousedown(String onmousedown)
    setProperty(ONMOUSEDOWN_KEY, (onmousedown));

   * Gets an onmouseup Javascript handler.
   * @return  the new onmouseup value
  final public String getOnmouseup()
    return ComponentUtils.resolveString(getProperty(ONMOUSEUP_KEY));

   * Sets an onmouseup Javascript handler.
   * @param onmouseup  the new onmouseup value
  final public void setOnmouseup(String onmouseup)
    setProperty(ONMOUSEUP_KEY, (onmouseup));

   * Gets an onmouseover Javascript handler.
   * @return  the new onmouseover value
  final public String getOnmouseover()
    return ComponentUtils.resolveString(getProperty(ONMOUSEOVER_KEY));

   * Sets an onmouseover Javascript handler.
   * @param onmouseover  the new onmouseover value
  final public void setOnmouseover(String onmouseover)
    setProperty(ONMOUSEOVER_KEY, (onmouseover));

   * Gets an onmousemove Javascript handler.
   * @return  the new onmousemove value
  final public String getOnmousemove()
    return ComponentUtils.resolveString(getProperty(ONMOUSEMOVE_KEY));

   * Sets an onmousemove Javascript handler.
   * @param onmousemove  the new onmousemove value
  final public void setOnmousemove(String onmousemove)
    setProperty(ONMOUSEMOVE_KEY, (onmousemove));

   * Gets an onmouseout Javascript handler.
   * @return  the new onmouseout value
  final public String getOnmouseout()
    return ComponentUtils.resolveString(getProperty(ONMOUSEOUT_KEY));

   * Sets an onmouseout Javascript handler.
   * @param onmouseout  the new onmouseout value
  final public void setOnmouseout(String onmouseout)
    setProperty(ONMOUSEOUT_KEY, (onmouseout));

   * Gets an onkeypress Javascript handler.
   * @return  the new onkeypress value
  final public String getOnkeypress()
    return ComponentUtils.resolveString(getProperty(ONKEYPRESS_KEY));

   * Sets an onkeypress Javascript handler.
   * @param onkeypress  the new onkeypress value
  final public void setOnkeypress(String onkeypress)
    setProperty(ONKEYPRESS_KEY, (onkeypress));

   * Gets an onkeydown Javascript handler.
   * @return  the new onkeydown value
  final public String getOnkeydown()
    return ComponentUtils.resolveString(getProperty(ONKEYDOWN_KEY));

   * Sets an onkeydown Javascript handler.
   * @param onkeydown  the new onkeydown value
  final public void setOnkeydown(String onkeydown)
    setProperty(ONKEYDOWN_KEY, (onkeydown));

   * Gets an onkeyup Javascript handler.
   * @return  the new onkeyup value
  final public String getOnkeyup()
    return ComponentUtils.resolveString(getProperty(ONKEYUP_KEY));

   * Sets an onkeyup Javascript handler.
   * @param onkeyup  the new onkeyup value
  final public void setOnkeyup(String onkeyup)
    setProperty(ONKEYUP_KEY, (onkeyup));

  public String getDefaultEventName()
    return "click";

  public Collection<String> getEventNames()
    return _EVENT_NAMES;

  public Map<String, List<ClientBehavior>> getClientBehaviors()
    return super.getClientBehaviors();

  public void addClientBehavior(
    String         eventName,
    ClientBehavior behavior)
    super.addClientBehavior(eventName, behavior);

  public String getFamily()

  protected FacesBean.Type getBeanType()
    return TYPE;

   * Construct an instance of the CorePage.
  protected CorePage(

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   * Gets A string identifying which icon should
   * be described.  Only one value is currently supported: "required".
   * @return  the new name value
  final public String getName()
    return ComponentUtils.resolveString(getProperty(NAME_KEY));

   * Sets A string identifying which icon should
   * be described.  Only one value is currently supported: "required".
   * @param name  the new name value
  final public void setName(String name)
    setProperty(NAME_KEY, (name));

   * Gets the CSS styles to use for this component.
   * @return  the new inlineStyle value
  final public String getInlineStyle()
    return ComponentUtils.resolveString(getProperty(INLINE_STYLE_KEY));

   * Sets the CSS styles to use for this component.
   * @param inlineStyle  the new inlineStyle value
  final public void setInlineStyle(String inlineStyle)
    setProperty(INLINE_STYLE_KEY, (inlineStyle));

   * Gets a CSS style class to use for this component.
   * @return  the new styleClass value
  final public String getStyleClass()
    return ComponentUtils.resolveString(getProperty(STYLE_CLASS_KEY));

   * Sets a CSS style class to use for this component.
   * @param styleClass  the new styleClass value
  final public void setStyleClass(String styleClass)
    setProperty(STYLE_CLASS_KEY, (styleClass));

   * Gets The short description of the component. This text is commonly used by user agents to display tooltip help text.
   * @return  the new shortDesc value
  final public String getShortDesc()
    return ComponentUtils.resolveString(getProperty(SHORT_DESC_KEY));

   * Sets The short description of the component. This text is commonly used by user agents to display tooltip help text.
   * @param shortDesc  the new shortDesc value
  final public void setShortDesc(String shortDesc)
    setProperty(SHORT_DESC_KEY, (shortDesc));

   * Gets the IDs of the components that should trigger a partial update.
   *         <p>
   *         This component will listen on the trigger components. If one of the
   *         trigger components receives an event that will cause it to update
   *         in some way, this component will request to be updated too.</p>
   *         <p>
   *         Separate multiple triggers with a space. e.g., partialTriggers="cmp1 cmp2"
   *         </p>
   *         <p>
   *         Identifiers must account for NamingContainers.  You can use a single colon to start the search from the root,
   *         or use multiple colons to move up through the NamingContainer. For example,
   *         "::" will pop out of this component's naming container (it pops out of itself if it is a naming container), 
   *         ":::" will pop out of two naming containers, etc. The search for
   *         the partialTrigger begins from there. e.g., partialTriggers=":::commandButton1" the search begins for the 
   *         component with id = commandButton1 after popping out of two naming containers relative to this component.
   *         To go into naming containers, you separate the naming containers with ':', e.g.,partialTriggers= "nc1:nc2:nc3:componentId".</p>
   * @return  the new partialTriggers value
  final public String[] getPartialTriggers()
    return (String[])getProperty(PARTIAL_TRIGGERS_KEY);

   * Sets the IDs of the components that should trigger a partial update.
   *         <p>
   *         This component will listen on the trigger components. If one of the
   *         trigger components receives an event that will cause it to update
   *         in some way, this component will request to be updated too.</p>
   *         <p>
   *         Separate multiple triggers with a space. e.g., partialTriggers="cmp1 cmp2"
   *         </p>
   *         <p>
   *         Identifiers must account for NamingContainers.  You can use a single colon to start the search from the root,
   *         or use multiple colons to move up through the NamingContainer. For example,
   *         "::" will pop out of this component's naming container (it pops out of itself if it is a naming container), 
   *         ":::" will pop out of two naming containers, etc. The search for
   *         the partialTrigger begins from there. e.g., partialTriggers=":::commandButton1" the search begins for the 
   *         component with id = commandButton1 after popping out of two naming containers relative to this component.
   *         To go into naming containers, you separate the naming containers with ':', e.g.,partialTriggers= "nc1:nc2:nc3:componentId".</p>
   * @param partialTriggers  the new partialTriggers value
  final public void setPartialTriggers(String[] partialTriggers)
    setProperty(PARTIAL_TRIGGERS_KEY, (partialTriggers));

   * Gets an onclick Javascript handler.
   * @return  the new onclick value
  final public String getOnclick()
    return ComponentUtils.resolveString(getProperty(ONCLICK_KEY));

   * Sets an onclick Javascript handler.
   * @param onclick  the new onclick value
  final public void setOnclick(String onclick)
    setProperty(ONCLICK_KEY, (onclick));

   * Gets an ondblclick Javascript handler.
   * @return  the new ondblclick value
  final public String getOndblclick()
    return ComponentUtils.resolveString(getProperty(ONDBLCLICK_KEY));

   * Sets an ondblclick Javascript handler.
   * @param ondblclick  the new ondblclick value
  final public void setOndblclick(String ondblclick)
    setProperty(ONDBLCLICK_KEY, (ondblclick));

   * Gets an onmousedown Javascript handler.
   * @return  the new onmousedown value
  final public String getOnmousedown()
    return ComponentUtils.resolveString(getProperty(ONMOUSEDOWN_KEY));

   * Sets an onmousedown Javascript handler.
   * @param onmousedown  the new onmousedown value
  final public void setOnmousedown(String onmousedown)
    setProperty(ONMOUSEDOWN_KEY, (onmousedown));

   * Gets an onmouseup Javascript handler.
   * @return  the new onmouseup value
  final public String getOnmouseup()
    return ComponentUtils.resolveString(getProperty(ONMOUSEUP_KEY));

   * Sets an onmouseup Javascript handler.
   * @param onmouseup  the new onmouseup value
  final public void setOnmouseup(String onmouseup)
    setProperty(ONMOUSEUP_KEY, (onmouseup));

   * Gets an onmouseover Javascript handler.
   * @return  the new onmouseover value
  final public String getOnmouseover()
    return ComponentUtils.resolveString(getProperty(ONMOUSEOVER_KEY));

   * Sets an onmouseover Javascript handler.
   * @param onmouseover  the new onmouseover value
  final public void setOnmouseover(String onmouseover)
    setProperty(ONMOUSEOVER_KEY, (onmouseover));

   * Gets an onmousemove Javascript handler.
   * @return  the new onmousemove value
  final public String getOnmousemove()
    return ComponentUtils.resolveString(getProperty(ONMOUSEMOVE_KEY));

   * Sets an onmousemove Javascript handler.
   * @param onmousemove  the new onmousemove value
  final public void setOnmousemove(String onmousemove)
    setProperty(ONMOUSEMOVE_KEY, (onmousemove));

   * Gets an onmouseout Javascript handler.
   * @return  the new onmouseout value
  final public String getOnmouseout()
    return ComponentUtils.resolveString(getProperty(ONMOUSEOUT_KEY));

   * Sets an onmouseout Javascript handler.
   * @param onmouseout  the new onmouseout value
  final public void setOnmouseout(String onmouseout)
    setProperty(ONMOUSEOUT_KEY, (onmouseout));

   * Gets an onkeypress Javascript handler.
   * @return  the new onkeypress value
  final public String getOnkeypress()
    return ComponentUtils.resolveString(getProperty(ONKEYPRESS_KEY));

   * Sets an onkeypress Javascript handler.
   * @param onkeypress  the new onkeypress value
  final public void setOnkeypress(String onkeypress)
    setProperty(ONKEYPRESS_KEY, (onkeypress));

   * Gets an onkeydown Javascript handler.
   * @return  the new onkeydown value
  final public String getOnkeydown()
    return ComponentUtils.resolveString(getProperty(ONKEYDOWN_KEY));

   * Sets an onkeydown Javascript handler.
   * @param onkeydown  the new onkeydown value
  final public void setOnkeydown(String onkeydown)
    setProperty(ONKEYDOWN_KEY, (onkeydown));

   * Gets an onkeyup Javascript handler.
   * @return  the new onkeyup value
  final public String getOnkeyup()
    return ComponentUtils.resolveString(getProperty(ONKEYUP_KEY));

   * Sets an onkeyup Javascript handler.
   * @param onkeyup  the new onkeyup value
  final public void setOnkeyup(String onkeyup)
    setProperty(ONKEYUP_KEY, (onkeyup));

  public String getDefaultEventName()
    return "click";

  public Collection<String> getEventNames()
    return _EVENT_NAMES;

  public Map<String, List<ClientBehavior>> getClientBehaviors()
    return super.getClientBehaviors();

  public void addClientBehavior(
    String         eventName,
    ClientBehavior behavior)
    super.addClientBehavior(eventName, behavior);

  public String getFamily()

  protected FacesBean.Type getBeanType()
    return TYPE;

   * Construct an instance of the CoreLegend.
  protected CoreLegend(

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    setProperty(DISABLED_KEY, disabled ? Boolean.TRUE : Boolean.FALSE);

   * Gets event handler for when the value is changed.
   * @return  the new onchange value
  final public String getOnchange()
    return ComponentUtils.resolveString(getProperty(ONCHANGE_KEY));

   * Sets event handler for when the value is changed.
   * @param onchange  the new onchange value
  final public void setOnchange(String onchange)
    setProperty(ONCHANGE_KEY, (onchange));

   * Gets the CSS styles to use for this component.
   * @return  the new inlineStyle value
  final public String getInlineStyle()
    return ComponentUtils.resolveString(getProperty(INLINE_STYLE_KEY));

   * Sets the CSS styles to use for this component.
   * @param inlineStyle  the new inlineStyle value
  final public void setInlineStyle(String inlineStyle)
    setProperty(INLINE_STYLE_KEY, (inlineStyle));

   * Gets a CSS style class to use for this component.
   * @return  the new styleClass value
  final public String getStyleClass()
    return ComponentUtils.resolveString(getProperty(STYLE_CLASS_KEY));

   * Sets a CSS style class to use for this component.
   * @param styleClass  the new styleClass value
  final public void setStyleClass(String styleClass)
    setProperty(STYLE_CLASS_KEY, (styleClass));

   * Gets The short description of the component. This text is commonly used by user agents to display tooltip help text.
   * @return  the new shortDesc value
  final public String getShortDesc()
    return ComponentUtils.resolveString(getProperty(SHORT_DESC_KEY));

   * Sets The short description of the component. This text is commonly used by user agents to display tooltip help text.
   * @param shortDesc  the new shortDesc value
  final public void setShortDesc(String shortDesc)
    setProperty(SHORT_DESC_KEY, (shortDesc));

   * Gets the IDs of the components that should trigger a partial update.
   *         <p>
   *         This component will listen on the trigger components. If one of the
   *         trigger components receives an event that will cause it to update
   *         in some way, this component will request to be updated too.</p>
   *         <p>
   *         Separate multiple triggers with a space. e.g., partialTriggers="cmp1 cmp2"
   *         </p>
   *         <p>
   *         Identifiers must account for NamingContainers.  You can use a single colon to start the search from the root,
   *         or use multiple colons to move up through the NamingContainer. For example,
   *         "::" will pop out of this component's naming container (it pops out of itself if it is a naming container), 
   *         ":::" will pop out of two naming containers, etc. The search for
   *         the partialTrigger begins from there. e.g., partialTriggers=":::commandButton1" the search begins for the 
   *         component with id = commandButton1 after popping out of two naming containers relative to this component.
   *         To go into naming containers, you separate the naming containers with ':', e.g.,partialTriggers= "nc1:nc2:nc3:componentId".</p>
   * @return  the new partialTriggers value
  final public String[] getPartialTriggers()
    return (String[])getProperty(PARTIAL_TRIGGERS_KEY);

   * Sets the IDs of the components that should trigger a partial update.
   *         <p>
   *         This component will listen on the trigger components. If one of the
   *         trigger components receives an event that will cause it to update
   *         in some way, this component will request to be updated too.</p>
   *         <p>
   *         Separate multiple triggers with a space. e.g., partialTriggers="cmp1 cmp2"
   *         </p>
   *         <p>
   *         Identifiers must account for NamingContainers.  You can use a single colon to start the search from the root,
   *         or use multiple colons to move up through the NamingContainer. For example,
   *         "::" will pop out of this component's naming container (it pops out of itself if it is a naming container), 
   *         ":::" will pop out of two naming containers, etc. The search for
   *         the partialTrigger begins from there. e.g., partialTriggers=":::commandButton1" the search begins for the 
   *         component with id = commandButton1 after popping out of two naming containers relative to this component.
   *         To go into naming containers, you separate the naming containers with ':', e.g.,partialTriggers= "nc1:nc2:nc3:componentId".</p>
   * @param partialTriggers  the new partialTriggers value
  final public void setPartialTriggers(String[] partialTriggers)
    setProperty(PARTIAL_TRIGGERS_KEY, (partialTriggers));

   * Gets an onclick Javascript handler.
   * @return  the new onclick value
  final public String getOnclick()
    return ComponentUtils.resolveString(getProperty(ONCLICK_KEY));

   * Sets an onclick Javascript handler.
   * @param onclick  the new onclick value
  final public void setOnclick(String onclick)
    setProperty(ONCLICK_KEY, (onclick));

   * Gets an ondblclick Javascript handler.
   * @return  the new ondblclick value
  final public String getOndblclick()
    return ComponentUtils.resolveString(getProperty(ONDBLCLICK_KEY));

   * Sets an ondblclick Javascript handler.
   * @param ondblclick  the new ondblclick value
  final public void setOndblclick(String ondblclick)
    setProperty(ONDBLCLICK_KEY, (ondblclick));

   * Gets an onmousedown Javascript handler.
   * @return  the new onmousedown value
  final public String getOnmousedown()
    return ComponentUtils.resolveString(getProperty(ONMOUSEDOWN_KEY));

   * Sets an onmousedown Javascript handler.
   * @param onmousedown  the new onmousedown value
  final public void setOnmousedown(String onmousedown)
    setProperty(ONMOUSEDOWN_KEY, (onmousedown));

   * Gets an onmouseup Javascript handler.
   * @return  the new onmouseup value
  final public String getOnmouseup()
    return ComponentUtils.resolveString(getProperty(ONMOUSEUP_KEY));

   * Sets an onmouseup Javascript handler.
   * @param onmouseup  the new onmouseup value
  final public void setOnmouseup(String onmouseup)
    setProperty(ONMOUSEUP_KEY, (onmouseup));

   * Gets an onmouseover Javascript handler.
   * @return  the new onmouseover value
  final public String getOnmouseover()
    return ComponentUtils.resolveString(getProperty(ONMOUSEOVER_KEY));

   * Sets an onmouseover Javascript handler.
   * @param onmouseover  the new onmouseover value
  final public void setOnmouseover(String onmouseover)
    setProperty(ONMOUSEOVER_KEY, (onmouseover));

   * Gets an onmousemove Javascript handler.
   * @return  the new onmousemove value
  final public String getOnmousemove()
    return ComponentUtils.resolveString(getProperty(ONMOUSEMOVE_KEY));

   * Sets an onmousemove Javascript handler.
   * @param onmousemove  the new onmousemove value
  final public void setOnmousemove(String onmousemove)
    setProperty(ONMOUSEMOVE_KEY, (onmousemove));

   * Gets an onmouseout Javascript handler.
   * @return  the new onmouseout value
  final public String getOnmouseout()
    return ComponentUtils.resolveString(getProperty(ONMOUSEOUT_KEY));

   * Sets an onmouseout Javascript handler.
   * @param onmouseout  the new onmouseout value
  final public void setOnmouseout(String onmouseout)
    setProperty(ONMOUSEOUT_KEY, (onmouseout));

   * Gets an onkeypress Javascript handler.
   * @return  the new onkeypress value
  final public String getOnkeypress()
    return ComponentUtils.resolveString(getProperty(ONKEYPRESS_KEY));

   * Sets an onkeypress Javascript handler.
   * @param onkeypress  the new onkeypress value
  final public void setOnkeypress(String onkeypress)
    setProperty(ONKEYPRESS_KEY, (onkeypress));

   * Gets an onkeydown Javascript handler.
   * @return  the new onkeydown value
  final public String getOnkeydown()
    return ComponentUtils.resolveString(getProperty(ONKEYDOWN_KEY));

   * Sets an onkeydown Javascript handler.
   * @param onkeydown  the new onkeydown value
  final public void setOnkeydown(String onkeydown)
    setProperty(ONKEYDOWN_KEY, (onkeydown));

   * Gets an onkeyup Javascript handler.
   * @return  the new onkeyup value
  final public String getOnkeyup()
    return ComponentUtils.resolveString(getProperty(ONKEYUP_KEY));

   * Sets an onkeyup Javascript handler.
   * @param onkeyup  the new onkeyup value
  final public void setOnkeyup(String onkeyup)
    setProperty(ONKEYUP_KEY, (onkeyup));

   * Gets the event handler for the component losing the focus.
   * @return  the new onblur value
  final public String getOnblur()
    return ComponentUtils.resolveString(getProperty(ONBLUR_KEY));

   * Sets the event handler for the component losing the focus.
   * @param onblur  the new onblur value
  final public void setOnblur(String onblur)
    setProperty(ONBLUR_KEY, (onblur));

   * Gets the event handler for the component gaining the focus.
   * @return  the new onfocus value
  final public String getOnfocus()
    return ComponentUtils.resolveString(getProperty(ONFOCUS_KEY));

   * Sets the event handler for the component gaining the focus.
   * @param onfocus  the new onfocus value
  final public void setOnfocus(String onfocus)
    setProperty(ONFOCUS_KEY, (onfocus));

   * Gets the display size(number of items) of the lists. The size
   *               specified must be between 10 and 20 items. If the attribute is not
   *               set or has a value less than 10, the size would have a default or
   *               minimum value of 10. If the attribute value specified is more than
   *               20 items, the size would have the maximum value of 20.
   * @return  the new size value
  final public int getSize()

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    setProperty(DISABLED_KEY, disabled ? Boolean.TRUE : Boolean.FALSE);

   * Gets event handler for when the value is changed.
   * @return  the new onchange value
  final public String getOnchange()
    return ComponentUtils.resolveString(getProperty(ONCHANGE_KEY));

   * Sets event handler for when the value is changed.
   * @param onchange  the new onchange value
  final public void setOnchange(String onchange)
    setProperty(ONCHANGE_KEY, (onchange));

   * Gets the CSS styles to use for this component.
   * @return  the new inlineStyle value
  final public String getInlineStyle()
    return ComponentUtils.resolveString(getProperty(INLINE_STYLE_KEY));

   * Sets the CSS styles to use for this component.
   * @param inlineStyle  the new inlineStyle value
  final public void setInlineStyle(String inlineStyle)
    setProperty(INLINE_STYLE_KEY, (inlineStyle));

   * Gets a CSS style class to use for this component.
   * @return  the new styleClass value
  final public String getStyleClass()
    return ComponentUtils.resolveString(getProperty(STYLE_CLASS_KEY));

   * Sets a CSS style class to use for this component.
   * @param styleClass  the new styleClass value
  final public void setStyleClass(String styleClass)
    setProperty(STYLE_CLASS_KEY, (styleClass));

   * Gets The short description of the component. This text is commonly used by user agents to display tooltip help text.
   * @return  the new shortDesc value
  final public String getShortDesc()
    return ComponentUtils.resolveString(getProperty(SHORT_DESC_KEY));

   * Sets The short description of the component. This text is commonly used by user agents to display tooltip help text.
   * @param shortDesc  the new shortDesc value
  final public void setShortDesc(String shortDesc)
    setProperty(SHORT_DESC_KEY, (shortDesc));

   * Gets the IDs of the components that should trigger a partial update.
   *         <p>
   *         This component will listen on the trigger components. If one of the
   *         trigger components receives an event that will cause it to update
   *         in some way, this component will request to be updated too.</p>
   *         <p>
   *         Separate multiple triggers with a space. e.g., partialTriggers="cmp1 cmp2"
   *         </p>
   *         <p>
   *         Identifiers must account for NamingContainers.  You can use a single colon to start the search from the root,
   *         or use multiple colons to move up through the NamingContainer. For example,
   *         "::" will pop out of this component's naming container (it pops out of itself if it is a naming container), 
   *         ":::" will pop out of two naming containers, etc. The search for
   *         the partialTrigger begins from there. e.g., partialTriggers=":::commandButton1" the search begins for the 
   *         component with id = commandButton1 after popping out of two naming containers relative to this component.
   *         To go into naming containers, you separate the naming containers with ':', e.g.,partialTriggers= "nc1:nc2:nc3:componentId".</p>
   * @return  the new partialTriggers value
  final public String[] getPartialTriggers()
    return (String[])getProperty(PARTIAL_TRIGGERS_KEY);

   * Sets the IDs of the components that should trigger a partial update.
   *         <p>
   *         This component will listen on the trigger components. If one of the
   *         trigger components receives an event that will cause it to update
   *         in some way, this component will request to be updated too.</p>
   *         <p>
   *         Separate multiple triggers with a space. e.g., partialTriggers="cmp1 cmp2"
   *         </p>
   *         <p>
   *         Identifiers must account for NamingContainers.  You can use a single colon to start the search from the root,
   *         or use multiple colons to move up through the NamingContainer. For example,
   *         "::" will pop out of this component's naming container (it pops out of itself if it is a naming container), 
   *         ":::" will pop out of two naming containers, etc. The search for
   *         the partialTrigger begins from there. e.g., partialTriggers=":::commandButton1" the search begins for the 
   *         component with id = commandButton1 after popping out of two naming containers relative to this component.
   *         To go into naming containers, you separate the naming containers with ':', e.g.,partialTriggers= "nc1:nc2:nc3:componentId".</p>
   * @param partialTriggers  the new partialTriggers value
  final public void setPartialTriggers(String[] partialTriggers)
    setProperty(PARTIAL_TRIGGERS_KEY, (partialTriggers));

   * Gets an onclick Javascript handler.
   * @return  the new onclick value
  final public String getOnclick()
    return ComponentUtils.resolveString(getProperty(ONCLICK_KEY));

   * Sets an onclick Javascript handler.
   * @param onclick  the new onclick value
  final public void setOnclick(String onclick)
    setProperty(ONCLICK_KEY, (onclick));

   * Gets an ondblclick Javascript handler.
   * @return  the new ondblclick value
  final public String getOndblclick()
    return ComponentUtils.resolveString(getProperty(ONDBLCLICK_KEY));

   * Sets an ondblclick Javascript handler.
   * @param ondblclick  the new ondblclick value
  final public void setOndblclick(String ondblclick)
    setProperty(ONDBLCLICK_KEY, (ondblclick));

   * Gets an onmousedown Javascript handler.
   * @return  the new onmousedown value
  final public String getOnmousedown()
    return ComponentUtils.resolveString(getProperty(ONMOUSEDOWN_KEY));

   * Sets an onmousedown Javascript handler.
   * @param onmousedown  the new onmousedown value
  final public void setOnmousedown(String onmousedown)
    setProperty(ONMOUSEDOWN_KEY, (onmousedown));

   * Gets an onmouseup Javascript handler.
   * @return  the new onmouseup value
  final public String getOnmouseup()
    return ComponentUtils.resolveString(getProperty(ONMOUSEUP_KEY));

   * Sets an onmouseup Javascript handler.
   * @param onmouseup  the new onmouseup value
  final public void setOnmouseup(String onmouseup)
    setProperty(ONMOUSEUP_KEY, (onmouseup));

   * Gets an onmouseover Javascript handler.
   * @return  the new onmouseover value
  final public String getOnmouseover()
    return ComponentUtils.resolveString(getProperty(ONMOUSEOVER_KEY));

   * Sets an onmouseover Javascript handler.
   * @param onmouseover  the new onmouseover value
  final public void setOnmouseover(String onmouseover)
    setProperty(ONMOUSEOVER_KEY, (onmouseover));

   * Gets an onmousemove Javascript handler.
   * @return  the new onmousemove value
  final public String getOnmousemove()
    return ComponentUtils.resolveString(getProperty(ONMOUSEMOVE_KEY));

   * Sets an onmousemove Javascript handler.
   * @param onmousemove  the new onmousemove value
  final public void setOnmousemove(String onmousemove)
    setProperty(ONMOUSEMOVE_KEY, (onmousemove));

   * Gets an onmouseout Javascript handler.
   * @return  the new onmouseout value
  final public String getOnmouseout()
    return ComponentUtils.resolveString(getProperty(ONMOUSEOUT_KEY));

   * Sets an onmouseout Javascript handler.
   * @param onmouseout  the new onmouseout value
  final public void setOnmouseout(String onmouseout)
    setProperty(ONMOUSEOUT_KEY, (onmouseout));

   * Gets an onkeypress Javascript handler.
   * @return  the new onkeypress value
  final public String getOnkeypress()
    return ComponentUtils.resolveString(getProperty(ONKEYPRESS_KEY));

   * Sets an onkeypress Javascript handler.
   * @param onkeypress  the new onkeypress value
  final public void setOnkeypress(String onkeypress)
    setProperty(ONKEYPRESS_KEY, (onkeypress));

   * Gets an onkeydown Javascript handler.
   * @return  the new onkeydown value
  final public String getOnkeydown()
    return ComponentUtils.resolveString(getProperty(ONKEYDOWN_KEY));

   * Sets an onkeydown Javascript handler.
   * @param onkeydown  the new onkeydown value
  final public void setOnkeydown(String onkeydown)
    setProperty(ONKEYDOWN_KEY, (onkeydown));

   * Gets an onkeyup Javascript handler.
   * @return  the new onkeyup value
  final public String getOnkeyup()
    return ComponentUtils.resolveString(getProperty(ONKEYUP_KEY));

   * Sets an onkeyup Javascript handler.
   * @param onkeyup  the new onkeyup value
  final public void setOnkeyup(String onkeyup)
    setProperty(ONKEYUP_KEY, (onkeyup));

   * Gets the event handler for the component losing the focus.
   * @return  the new onblur value
  final public String getOnblur()
    return ComponentUtils.resolveString(getProperty(ONBLUR_KEY));

   * Sets the event handler for the component losing the focus.
   * @param onblur  the new onblur value
  final public void setOnblur(String onblur)
    setProperty(ONBLUR_KEY, (onblur));

   * Gets the event handler for the component gaining the focus.
   * @return  the new onfocus value
  final public String getOnfocus()
    return ComponentUtils.resolveString(getProperty(ONFOCUS_KEY));

   * Sets the event handler for the component gaining the focus.
   * @param onfocus  the new onfocus value
  final public void setOnfocus(String onfocus)
    setProperty(ONFOCUS_KEY, (onfocus));

   * Gets the display size(number of items) of the lists. The size
   *               specified must be between 10 and 20 items. If the attribute is not
   *               set or has a value less than 10, the size would have a default or
   *               minimum value of 10. If the attribute value specified is more than
   *               20 items, the size would have the maximum value of 20.
   * @return  the new size value
  final public int getSize()

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    setProperty(TARGET_FRAME_KEY, (targetFrame));

   * Gets An URL to an image to use for an icon displayed in the button.
   * @return  the new icon value
  final public String getIcon()
    return ComponentUtils.resolveString(getProperty(ICON_KEY));

   * Sets An URL to an image to use for an icon displayed in the button.
   * @param icon  the new icon value
  final public void setIcon(String icon)
    setProperty(ICON_KEY, (icon));

   * Gets the CSS styles to use for this component.
   * @return  the new inlineStyle value
  final public String getInlineStyle()
    return ComponentUtils.resolveString(getProperty(INLINE_STYLE_KEY));

   * Sets the CSS styles to use for this component.
   * @param inlineStyle  the new inlineStyle value
  final public void setInlineStyle(String inlineStyle)
    setProperty(INLINE_STYLE_KEY, (inlineStyle));

   * Gets a CSS style class to use for this component.
   * @return  the new styleClass value
  final public String getStyleClass()
    return ComponentUtils.resolveString(getProperty(STYLE_CLASS_KEY));

   * Sets a CSS style class to use for this component.
   * @param styleClass  the new styleClass value
  final public void setStyleClass(String styleClass)
    setProperty(STYLE_CLASS_KEY, (styleClass));

   * Gets The short description of the component. This text is commonly used by user agents to display tooltip help text.
   * @return  the new shortDesc value
  final public String getShortDesc()
    return ComponentUtils.resolveString(getProperty(SHORT_DESC_KEY));

   * Sets The short description of the component. This text is commonly used by user agents to display tooltip help text.
   * @param shortDesc  the new shortDesc value
  final public void setShortDesc(String shortDesc)
    setProperty(SHORT_DESC_KEY, (shortDesc));

   * Gets the IDs of the components that should trigger a partial update.
   *         <p>
   *         This component will listen on the trigger components. If one of the
   *         trigger components receives an event that will cause it to update
   *         in some way, this component will request to be updated too.</p>
   *         <p>
   *         Separate multiple triggers with a space. e.g., partialTriggers="cmp1 cmp2"
   *         </p>
   *         <p>
   *         Identifiers must account for NamingContainers.  You can use a single colon to start the search from the root,
   *         or use multiple colons to move up through the NamingContainer. For example,
   *         "::" will pop out of this component's naming container (it pops out of itself if it is a naming container), 
   *         ":::" will pop out of two naming containers, etc. The search for
   *         the partialTrigger begins from there. e.g., partialTriggers=":::commandButton1" the search begins for the 
   *         component with id = commandButton1 after popping out of two naming containers relative to this component.
   *         To go into naming containers, you separate the naming containers with ':', e.g.,partialTriggers= "nc1:nc2:nc3:componentId".</p>
   * @return  the new partialTriggers value
  final public String[] getPartialTriggers()
    return (String[])getProperty(PARTIAL_TRIGGERS_KEY);

   * Sets the IDs of the components that should trigger a partial update.
   *         <p>
   *         This component will listen on the trigger components. If one of the
   *         trigger components receives an event that will cause it to update
   *         in some way, this component will request to be updated too.</p>
   *         <p>
   *         Separate multiple triggers with a space. e.g., partialTriggers="cmp1 cmp2"
   *         </p>
   *         <p>
   *         Identifiers must account for NamingContainers.  You can use a single colon to start the search from the root,
   *         or use multiple colons to move up through the NamingContainer. For example,
   *         "::" will pop out of this component's naming container (it pops out of itself if it is a naming container), 
   *         ":::" will pop out of two naming containers, etc. The search for
   *         the partialTrigger begins from there. e.g., partialTriggers=":::commandButton1" the search begins for the 
   *         component with id = commandButton1 after popping out of two naming containers relative to this component.
   *         To go into naming containers, you separate the naming containers with ':', e.g.,partialTriggers= "nc1:nc2:nc3:componentId".</p>
   * @param partialTriggers  the new partialTriggers value
  final public void setPartialTriggers(String[] partialTriggers)
    setProperty(PARTIAL_TRIGGERS_KEY, (partialTriggers));

   * Gets an onclick Javascript handler.
   * @return  the new onclick value
  final public String getOnclick()
    return ComponentUtils.resolveString(getProperty(ONCLICK_KEY));

   * Sets an onclick Javascript handler.
   * @param onclick  the new onclick value
  final public void setOnclick(String onclick)
    setProperty(ONCLICK_KEY, (onclick));

   * Gets an ondblclick Javascript handler.
   * @return  the new ondblclick value
  final public String getOndblclick()
    return ComponentUtils.resolveString(getProperty(ONDBLCLICK_KEY));

   * Sets an ondblclick Javascript handler.
   * @param ondblclick  the new ondblclick value
  final public void setOndblclick(String ondblclick)
    setProperty(ONDBLCLICK_KEY, (ondblclick));

   * Gets an onmousedown Javascript handler.
   * @return  the new onmousedown value
  final public String getOnmousedown()
    return ComponentUtils.resolveString(getProperty(ONMOUSEDOWN_KEY));

   * Sets an onmousedown Javascript handler.
   * @param onmousedown  the new onmousedown value
  final public void setOnmousedown(String onmousedown)
    setProperty(ONMOUSEDOWN_KEY, (onmousedown));

   * Gets an onmouseup Javascript handler.
   * @return  the new onmouseup value
  final public String getOnmouseup()
    return ComponentUtils.resolveString(getProperty(ONMOUSEUP_KEY));

   * Sets an onmouseup Javascript handler.
   * @param onmouseup  the new onmouseup value
  final public void setOnmouseup(String onmouseup)
    setProperty(ONMOUSEUP_KEY, (onmouseup));

   * Gets an onmouseover Javascript handler.
   * @return  the new onmouseover value
  final public String getOnmouseover()
    return ComponentUtils.resolveString(getProperty(ONMOUSEOVER_KEY));

   * Sets an onmouseover Javascript handler.
   * @param onmouseover  the new onmouseover value
  final public void setOnmouseover(String onmouseover)
    setProperty(ONMOUSEOVER_KEY, (onmouseover));

   * Gets an onmousemove Javascript handler.
   * @return  the new onmousemove value
  final public String getOnmousemove()
    return ComponentUtils.resolveString(getProperty(ONMOUSEMOVE_KEY));

   * Sets an onmousemove Javascript handler.
   * @param onmousemove  the new onmousemove value
  final public void setOnmousemove(String onmousemove)
    setProperty(ONMOUSEMOVE_KEY, (onmousemove));

   * Gets an onmouseout Javascript handler.
   * @return  the new onmouseout value
  final public String getOnmouseout()
    return ComponentUtils.resolveString(getProperty(ONMOUSEOUT_KEY));

   * Sets an onmouseout Javascript handler.
   * @param onmouseout  the new onmouseout value
  final public void setOnmouseout(String onmouseout)
    setProperty(ONMOUSEOUT_KEY, (onmouseout));

   * Gets an onkeypress Javascript handler.
   * @return  the new onkeypress value
  final public String getOnkeypress()
    return ComponentUtils.resolveString(getProperty(ONKEYPRESS_KEY));

   * Sets an onkeypress Javascript handler.
   * @param onkeypress  the new onkeypress value
  final public void setOnkeypress(String onkeypress)
    setProperty(ONKEYPRESS_KEY, (onkeypress));

   * Gets an onkeydown Javascript handler.
   * @return  the new onkeydown value
  final public String getOnkeydown()
    return ComponentUtils.resolveString(getProperty(ONKEYDOWN_KEY));

   * Sets an onkeydown Javascript handler.
   * @param onkeydown  the new onkeydown value
  final public void setOnkeydown(String onkeydown)
    setProperty(ONKEYDOWN_KEY, (onkeydown));

   * Gets an onkeyup Javascript handler.
   * @return  the new onkeyup value
  final public String getOnkeyup()
    return ComponentUtils.resolveString(getProperty(ONKEYUP_KEY));

   * Sets an onkeyup Javascript handler.
   * @param onkeyup  the new onkeyup value
  final public void setOnkeyup(String onkeyup)
    setProperty(ONKEYUP_KEY, (onkeyup));

   * Gets the event handler for the component losing the focus.
   * @return  the new onblur value
  final public String getOnblur()
    return ComponentUtils.resolveString(getProperty(ONBLUR_KEY));

   * Sets the event handler for the component losing the focus.
   * @param onblur  the new onblur value
  final public void setOnblur(String onblur)
    setProperty(ONBLUR_KEY, (onblur));

   * Gets the event handler for the component gaining the focus.
   * @return  the new onfocus value
  final public String getOnfocus()
    return ComponentUtils.resolveString(getProperty(ONFOCUS_KEY));

   * Sets the event handler for the component gaining the focus.
   * @param onfocus  the new onfocus value
  final public void setOnfocus(String onfocus)
    setProperty(ONFOCUS_KEY, (onfocus));

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    setProperty(WIDTH_KEY, (width));

   * Gets the CSS styles to use for this component.
   * @return  the new inlineStyle value
  final public String getInlineStyle()
    return ComponentUtils.resolveString(getProperty(INLINE_STYLE_KEY));

   * Sets the CSS styles to use for this component.
   * @param inlineStyle  the new inlineStyle value
  final public void setInlineStyle(String inlineStyle)
    setProperty(INLINE_STYLE_KEY, (inlineStyle));

   * Gets a CSS style class to use for this component.
   * @return  the new styleClass value
  final public String getStyleClass()
    return ComponentUtils.resolveString(getProperty(STYLE_CLASS_KEY));

   * Sets a CSS style class to use for this component.
   * @param styleClass  the new styleClass value
  final public void setStyleClass(String styleClass)
    setProperty(STYLE_CLASS_KEY, (styleClass));

   * Gets The short description of the component. This text is commonly used by user agents to display tooltip help text.
   * @return  the new shortDesc value
  final public String getShortDesc()
    return ComponentUtils.resolveString(getProperty(SHORT_DESC_KEY));

   * Sets The short description of the component. This text is commonly used by user agents to display tooltip help text.
   * @param shortDesc  the new shortDesc value
  final public void setShortDesc(String shortDesc)
    setProperty(SHORT_DESC_KEY, (shortDesc));

   * Gets the IDs of the components that should trigger a partial update.
   *         <p>
   *         This component will listen on the trigger components. If one of the
   *         trigger components receives an event that will cause it to update
   *         in some way, this component will request to be updated too.</p>
   *         <p>
   *         Separate multiple triggers with a space. e.g., partialTriggers="cmp1 cmp2"
   *         </p>
   *         <p>
   *         Identifiers must account for NamingContainers.  You can use a single colon to start the search from the root,
   *         or use multiple colons to move up through the NamingContainer. For example,
   *         "::" will pop out of this component's naming container (it pops out of itself if it is a naming container), 
   *         ":::" will pop out of two naming containers, etc. The search for
   *         the partialTrigger begins from there. e.g., partialTriggers=":::commandButton1" the search begins for the 
   *         component with id = commandButton1 after popping out of two naming containers relative to this component.
   *         To go into naming containers, you separate the naming containers with ':', e.g.,partialTriggers= "nc1:nc2:nc3:componentId".</p>
   * @return  the new partialTriggers value
  final public String[] getPartialTriggers()
    return (String[])getProperty(PARTIAL_TRIGGERS_KEY);

   * Sets the IDs of the components that should trigger a partial update.
   *         <p>
   *         This component will listen on the trigger components. If one of the
   *         trigger components receives an event that will cause it to update
   *         in some way, this component will request to be updated too.</p>
   *         <p>
   *         Separate multiple triggers with a space. e.g., partialTriggers="cmp1 cmp2"
   *         </p>
   *         <p>
   *         Identifiers must account for NamingContainers.  You can use a single colon to start the search from the root,
   *         or use multiple colons to move up through the NamingContainer. For example,
   *         "::" will pop out of this component's naming container (it pops out of itself if it is a naming container), 
   *         ":::" will pop out of two naming containers, etc. The search for
   *         the partialTrigger begins from there. e.g., partialTriggers=":::commandButton1" the search begins for the 
   *         component with id = commandButton1 after popping out of two naming containers relative to this component.
   *         To go into naming containers, you separate the naming containers with ':', e.g.,partialTriggers= "nc1:nc2:nc3:componentId".</p>
   * @param partialTriggers  the new partialTriggers value
  final public void setPartialTriggers(String[] partialTriggers)
    setProperty(PARTIAL_TRIGGERS_KEY, (partialTriggers));

   * Gets an onclick Javascript handler.
   * @return  the new onclick value
  final public String getOnclick()
    return ComponentUtils.resolveString(getProperty(ONCLICK_KEY));

   * Sets an onclick Javascript handler.
   * @param onclick  the new onclick value
  final public void setOnclick(String onclick)
    setProperty(ONCLICK_KEY, (onclick));

   * Gets an ondblclick Javascript handler.
   * @return  the new ondblclick value
  final public String getOndblclick()
    return ComponentUtils.resolveString(getProperty(ONDBLCLICK_KEY));

   * Sets an ondblclick Javascript handler.
   * @param ondblclick  the new ondblclick value
  final public void setOndblclick(String ondblclick)
    setProperty(ONDBLCLICK_KEY, (ondblclick));

   * Gets an onmousedown Javascript handler.
   * @return  the new onmousedown value
  final public String getOnmousedown()
    return ComponentUtils.resolveString(getProperty(ONMOUSEDOWN_KEY));

   * Sets an onmousedown Javascript handler.
   * @param onmousedown  the new onmousedown value
  final public void setOnmousedown(String onmousedown)
    setProperty(ONMOUSEDOWN_KEY, (onmousedown));

   * Gets an onmouseup Javascript handler.
   * @return  the new onmouseup value
  final public String getOnmouseup()
    return ComponentUtils.resolveString(getProperty(ONMOUSEUP_KEY));

   * Sets an onmouseup Javascript handler.
   * @param onmouseup  the new onmouseup value
  final public void setOnmouseup(String onmouseup)
    setProperty(ONMOUSEUP_KEY, (onmouseup));

   * Gets an onmouseover Javascript handler.
   * @return  the new onmouseover value
  final public String getOnmouseover()
    return ComponentUtils.resolveString(getProperty(ONMOUSEOVER_KEY));

   * Sets an onmouseover Javascript handler.
   * @param onmouseover  the new onmouseover value
  final public void setOnmouseover(String onmouseover)
    setProperty(ONMOUSEOVER_KEY, (onmouseover));

   * Gets an onmousemove Javascript handler.
   * @return  the new onmousemove value
  final public String getOnmousemove()
    return ComponentUtils.resolveString(getProperty(ONMOUSEMOVE_KEY));

   * Sets an onmousemove Javascript handler.
   * @param onmousemove  the new onmousemove value
  final public void setOnmousemove(String onmousemove)
    setProperty(ONMOUSEMOVE_KEY, (onmousemove));

   * Gets an onmouseout Javascript handler.
   * @return  the new onmouseout value
  final public String getOnmouseout()
    return ComponentUtils.resolveString(getProperty(ONMOUSEOUT_KEY));

   * Sets an onmouseout Javascript handler.
   * @param onmouseout  the new onmouseout value
  final public void setOnmouseout(String onmouseout)
    setProperty(ONMOUSEOUT_KEY, (onmouseout));

   * Gets an onkeypress Javascript handler.
   * @return  the new onkeypress value
  final public String getOnkeypress()
    return ComponentUtils.resolveString(getProperty(ONKEYPRESS_KEY));

   * Sets an onkeypress Javascript handler.
   * @param onkeypress  the new onkeypress value
  final public void setOnkeypress(String onkeypress)
    setProperty(ONKEYPRESS_KEY, (onkeypress));

   * Gets an onkeydown Javascript handler.
   * @return  the new onkeydown value
  final public String getOnkeydown()
    return ComponentUtils.resolveString(getProperty(ONKEYDOWN_KEY));

   * Sets an onkeydown Javascript handler.
   * @param onkeydown  the new onkeydown value
  final public void setOnkeydown(String onkeydown)
    setProperty(ONKEYDOWN_KEY, (onkeydown));

   * Gets an onkeyup Javascript handler.
   * @return  the new onkeyup value
  final public String getOnkeyup()
    return ComponentUtils.resolveString(getProperty(ONKEYUP_KEY));

   * Sets an onkeyup Javascript handler.
   * @param onkeyup  the new onkeyup value
  final public void setOnkeyup(String onkeyup)
    setProperty(ONKEYUP_KEY, (onkeyup));

  public String getDefaultEventName()
    return "click";

  public Collection<String> getEventNames()
    return _EVENT_NAMES;

  public Map<String, List<ClientBehavior>> getClientBehaviors()
    return super.getClientBehaviors();

  public void addClientBehavior(
    String         eventName,
    ClientBehavior behavior)
    super.addClientBehavior(eventName, behavior);

  public String getFamily()

  protected FacesBean.Type getBeanType()
    return TYPE;

   * Construct an instance of the CorePanelSideBar.
  protected CorePanelSideBar(

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    setProperty(SUMMARY_KEY, (summary));

   * Gets the short description of the bean.  This text
   *          is commonly used by user agents to display tooltip help text.
   * @return  the new shortDesc value
  final public String getShortDesc()
    return ComponentUtils.resolveString(getProperty(SHORT_DESC_KEY));

   * Sets the short description of the bean.  This text
   *          is commonly used by user agents to display tooltip help text.
   * @param shortDesc  the new shortDesc value
  final public void setShortDesc(String shortDesc)
    setProperty(SHORT_DESC_KEY, (shortDesc));

   * Gets the IDs of the components that should trigger a partial update.
   *          This component will listen on the trigger components. If one of the
   *          trigger components receives an event that will cause it to update
   *          in some way, this component will request to be updated too.
   * @return  the new partialTriggers value
  final public String[] getPartialTriggers()
    return (String[])getProperty(PARTIAL_TRIGGERS_KEY);

   * Sets the IDs of the components that should trigger a partial update.
   *          This component will listen on the trigger components. If one of the
   *          trigger components receives an event that will cause it to update
   *          in some way, this component will request to be updated too.
   * @param partialTriggers  the new partialTriggers value
  final public void setPartialTriggers(String[] partialTriggers)
    setProperty(PARTIAL_TRIGGERS_KEY, (partialTriggers));

   * Gets an onclick Javascript handler.
   * @return  the new onclick value
  final public String getOnclick()
    return ComponentUtils.resolveString(getProperty(ONCLICK_KEY));

   * Sets an onclick Javascript handler.
   * @param onclick  the new onclick value
  final public void setOnclick(String onclick)
    setProperty(ONCLICK_KEY, (onclick));

   * Gets an ondblclick Javascript handler.
   * @return  the new ondblclick value
  final public String getOndblclick()
    return ComponentUtils.resolveString(getProperty(ONDBLCLICK_KEY));

   * Sets an ondblclick Javascript handler.
   * @param ondblclick  the new ondblclick value
  final public void setOndblclick(String ondblclick)
    setProperty(ONDBLCLICK_KEY, (ondblclick));

   * Gets an onmousedown Javascript handler.
   * @return  the new onmousedown value
  final public String getOnmousedown()
    return ComponentUtils.resolveString(getProperty(ONMOUSEDOWN_KEY));

   * Sets an onmousedown Javascript handler.
   * @param onmousedown  the new onmousedown value
  final public void setOnmousedown(String onmousedown)
    setProperty(ONMOUSEDOWN_KEY, (onmousedown));

   * Gets an onmouseup Javascript handler.
   * @return  the new onmouseup value
  final public String getOnmouseup()
    return ComponentUtils.resolveString(getProperty(ONMOUSEUP_KEY));

   * Sets an onmouseup Javascript handler.
   * @param onmouseup  the new onmouseup value
  final public void setOnmouseup(String onmouseup)
    setProperty(ONMOUSEUP_KEY, (onmouseup));

   * Gets an onmouseover Javascript handler.
   * @return  the new onmouseover value
  final public String getOnmouseover()
    return ComponentUtils.resolveString(getProperty(ONMOUSEOVER_KEY));

   * Sets an onmouseover Javascript handler.
   * @param onmouseover  the new onmouseover value
  final public void setOnmouseover(String onmouseover)
    setProperty(ONMOUSEOVER_KEY, (onmouseover));

   * Gets an onmousemove Javascript handler.
   * @return  the new onmousemove value
  final public String getOnmousemove()
    return ComponentUtils.resolveString(getProperty(ONMOUSEMOVE_KEY));

   * Sets an onmousemove Javascript handler.
   * @param onmousemove  the new onmousemove value
  final public void setOnmousemove(String onmousemove)
    setProperty(ONMOUSEMOVE_KEY, (onmousemove));

   * Gets an onmouseout Javascript handler.
   * @return  the new onmouseout value
  final public String getOnmouseout()
    return ComponentUtils.resolveString(getProperty(ONMOUSEOUT_KEY));

   * Sets an onmouseout Javascript handler.
   * @param onmouseout  the new onmouseout value
  final public void setOnmouseout(String onmouseout)
    setProperty(ONMOUSEOUT_KEY, (onmouseout));

   * Gets an onkeypress Javascript handler.
   * @return  the new onkeypress value
  final public String getOnkeypress()
    return ComponentUtils.resolveString(getProperty(ONKEYPRESS_KEY));

   * Sets an onkeypress Javascript handler.
   * @param onkeypress  the new onkeypress value
  final public void setOnkeypress(String onkeypress)
    setProperty(ONKEYPRESS_KEY, (onkeypress));

   * Gets an onkeydown Javascript handler.
   * @return  the new onkeydown value
  final public String getOnkeydown()
    return ComponentUtils.resolveString(getProperty(ONKEYDOWN_KEY));

   * Sets an onkeydown Javascript handler.
   * @param onkeydown  the new onkeydown value
  final public void setOnkeydown(String onkeydown)
    setProperty(ONKEYDOWN_KEY, (onkeydown));

   * Gets an onkeyup Javascript handler.
   * @return  the new onkeyup value
  final public String getOnkeyup()
    return ComponentUtils.resolveString(getProperty(ONKEYUP_KEY));

   * Sets an onkeyup Javascript handler.
   * @param onkeyup  the new onkeyup value
  final public void setOnkeyup(String onkeyup)
    setProperty(ONKEYUP_KEY, (onkeyup));

   * Gets the CSS style class of the bean.
   * @return  the new styleClass value
  final public String getStyleClass()
    return ComponentUtils.resolveString(getProperty(STYLE_CLASS_KEY));

   * Sets the CSS style class of the bean.
   * @param styleClass  the new styleClass value
  final public void setStyleClass(String styleClass)
    setProperty(STYLE_CLASS_KEY, (styleClass));

   * Gets the inline CSS style for this element
   * @return  the new inlineStyle value
  final public String getInlineStyle()
    return ComponentUtils.resolveString(getProperty(INLINE_STYLE_KEY));

   * Sets the inline CSS style for this element
   * @param inlineStyle  the new inlineStyle value
  final public void setInlineStyle(String inlineStyle)
    setProperty(INLINE_STYLE_KEY, (inlineStyle));

  public String getDefaultEventName()
    return "click";

  public Collection<String> getEventNames()
    return _EVENT_NAMES;

  public Map<String, List<ClientBehavior>> getClientBehaviors()
    return super.getClientBehaviors();

  public void addClientBehavior(
    String         eventName,
    ClientBehavior behavior)
    super.addClientBehavior(eventName, behavior);

  public String getFamily()

  protected FacesBean.Type getBeanType()
    return TYPE;

   * Construct an instance of the HtmlTableLayout.
  protected HtmlTableLayout(

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    setProperty(STYLE_USAGE_KEY, (styleUsage));

   * Gets the CSS styles to use for this component.
   * @return  the new inlineStyle value
  final public String getInlineStyle()
    return ComponentUtils.resolveString(getProperty(INLINE_STYLE_KEY));

   * Sets the CSS styles to use for this component.
   * @param inlineStyle  the new inlineStyle value
  final public void setInlineStyle(String inlineStyle)
    setProperty(INLINE_STYLE_KEY, (inlineStyle));

   * Gets a CSS style class to use for this component.
   * @return  the new styleClass value
  final public String getStyleClass()
    return ComponentUtils.resolveString(getProperty(STYLE_CLASS_KEY));

   * Sets a CSS style class to use for this component.
   * @param styleClass  the new styleClass value
  final public void setStyleClass(String styleClass)
    setProperty(STYLE_CLASS_KEY, (styleClass));

   * Gets The short description of the component. This text is commonly used by user agents to display tooltip help text.
   * @return  the new shortDesc value
  final public String getShortDesc()
    return ComponentUtils.resolveString(getProperty(SHORT_DESC_KEY));

   * Sets The short description of the component. This text is commonly used by user agents to display tooltip help text.
   * @param shortDesc  the new shortDesc value
  final public void setShortDesc(String shortDesc)
    setProperty(SHORT_DESC_KEY, (shortDesc));

   * Gets the IDs of the components that should trigger a partial update.
   *         <p>
   *         This component will listen on the trigger components. If one of the
   *         trigger components receives an event that will cause it to update
   *         in some way, this component will request to be updated too.</p>
   *         <p>
   *         Separate multiple triggers with a space. e.g., partialTriggers="cmp1 cmp2"
   *         </p>
   *         <p>
   *         Identifiers must account for NamingContainers.  You can use a single colon to start the search from the root,
   *         or use multiple colons to move up through the NamingContainer. For example,
   *         "::" will pop out of this component's naming container (it pops out of itself if it is a naming container), 
   *         ":::" will pop out of two naming containers, etc. The search for
   *         the partialTrigger begins from there. e.g., partialTriggers=":::commandButton1" the search begins for the 
   *         component with id = commandButton1 after popping out of two naming containers relative to this component.
   *         To go into naming containers, you separate the naming containers with ':', e.g.,partialTriggers= "nc1:nc2:nc3:componentId".</p>
   * @return  the new partialTriggers value
  final public String[] getPartialTriggers()
    return (String[])getProperty(PARTIAL_TRIGGERS_KEY);

   * Sets the IDs of the components that should trigger a partial update.
   *         <p>
   *         This component will listen on the trigger components. If one of the
   *         trigger components receives an event that will cause it to update
   *         in some way, this component will request to be updated too.</p>
   *         <p>
   *         Separate multiple triggers with a space. e.g., partialTriggers="cmp1 cmp2"
   *         </p>
   *         <p>
   *         Identifiers must account for NamingContainers.  You can use a single colon to start the search from the root,
   *         or use multiple colons to move up through the NamingContainer. For example,
   *         "::" will pop out of this component's naming container (it pops out of itself if it is a naming container), 
   *         ":::" will pop out of two naming containers, etc. The search for
   *         the partialTrigger begins from there. e.g., partialTriggers=":::commandButton1" the search begins for the 
   *         component with id = commandButton1 after popping out of two naming containers relative to this component.
   *         To go into naming containers, you separate the naming containers with ':', e.g.,partialTriggers= "nc1:nc2:nc3:componentId".</p>
   * @param partialTriggers  the new partialTriggers value
  final public void setPartialTriggers(String[] partialTriggers)
    setProperty(PARTIAL_TRIGGERS_KEY, (partialTriggers));

   * Gets an onclick Javascript handler.
   * @return  the new onclick value
  final public String getOnclick()
    return ComponentUtils.resolveString(getProperty(ONCLICK_KEY));

   * Sets an onclick Javascript handler.
   * @param onclick  the new onclick value
  final public void setOnclick(String onclick)
    setProperty(ONCLICK_KEY, (onclick));

   * Gets an ondblclick Javascript handler.
   * @return  the new ondblclick value
  final public String getOndblclick()
    return ComponentUtils.resolveString(getProperty(ONDBLCLICK_KEY));

   * Sets an ondblclick Javascript handler.
   * @param ondblclick  the new ondblclick value
  final public void setOndblclick(String ondblclick)
    setProperty(ONDBLCLICK_KEY, (ondblclick));

   * Gets an onmousedown Javascript handler.
   * @return  the new onmousedown value
  final public String getOnmousedown()
    return ComponentUtils.resolveString(getProperty(ONMOUSEDOWN_KEY));

   * Sets an onmousedown Javascript handler.
   * @param onmousedown  the new onmousedown value
  final public void setOnmousedown(String onmousedown)
    setProperty(ONMOUSEDOWN_KEY, (onmousedown));

   * Gets an onmouseup Javascript handler.
   * @return  the new onmouseup value
  final public String getOnmouseup()
    return ComponentUtils.resolveString(getProperty(ONMOUSEUP_KEY));

   * Sets an onmouseup Javascript handler.
   * @param onmouseup  the new onmouseup value
  final public void setOnmouseup(String onmouseup)
    setProperty(ONMOUSEUP_KEY, (onmouseup));

   * Gets an onmouseover Javascript handler.
   * @return  the new onmouseover value
  final public String getOnmouseover()
    return ComponentUtils.resolveString(getProperty(ONMOUSEOVER_KEY));

   * Sets an onmouseover Javascript handler.
   * @param onmouseover  the new onmouseover value
  final public void setOnmouseover(String onmouseover)
    setProperty(ONMOUSEOVER_KEY, (onmouseover));

   * Gets an onmousemove Javascript handler.
   * @return  the new onmousemove value
  final public String getOnmousemove()
    return ComponentUtils.resolveString(getProperty(ONMOUSEMOVE_KEY));

   * Sets an onmousemove Javascript handler.
   * @param onmousemove  the new onmousemove value
  final public void setOnmousemove(String onmousemove)
    setProperty(ONMOUSEMOVE_KEY, (onmousemove));

   * Gets an onmouseout Javascript handler.
   * @return  the new onmouseout value
  final public String getOnmouseout()
    return ComponentUtils.resolveString(getProperty(ONMOUSEOUT_KEY));

   * Sets an onmouseout Javascript handler.
   * @param onmouseout  the new onmouseout value
  final public void setOnmouseout(String onmouseout)
    setProperty(ONMOUSEOUT_KEY, (onmouseout));

   * Gets an onkeypress Javascript handler.
   * @return  the new onkeypress value
  final public String getOnkeypress()
    return ComponentUtils.resolveString(getProperty(ONKEYPRESS_KEY));

   * Sets an onkeypress Javascript handler.
   * @param onkeypress  the new onkeypress value
  final public void setOnkeypress(String onkeypress)
    setProperty(ONKEYPRESS_KEY, (onkeypress));

   * Gets an onkeydown Javascript handler.
   * @return  the new onkeydown value
  final public String getOnkeydown()
    return ComponentUtils.resolveString(getProperty(ONKEYDOWN_KEY));

   * Sets an onkeydown Javascript handler.
   * @param onkeydown  the new onkeydown value
  final public void setOnkeydown(String onkeydown)
    setProperty(ONKEYDOWN_KEY, (onkeydown));

   * Gets an onkeyup Javascript handler.
   * @return  the new onkeyup value
  final public String getOnkeyup()
    return ComponentUtils.resolveString(getProperty(ONKEYUP_KEY));

   * Sets an onkeyup Javascript handler.
   * @param onkeyup  the new onkeyup value
  final public void setOnkeyup(String onkeyup)
    setProperty(ONKEYUP_KEY, (onkeyup));

  public String getDefaultEventName()
    return "click";

  public Collection<String> getEventNames()
    return _EVENT_NAMES;

  public Map<String, List<ClientBehavior>> getClientBehaviors()
    return super.getClientBehaviors();

  public void addClientBehavior(
    String         eventName,
    ClientBehavior behavior)
    super.addClientBehavior(eventName, behavior);

  public String getFamily()

  protected FacesBean.Type getBeanType()
    return TYPE;

   * Construct an instance of the CoreOutputFormatted.
  protected CoreOutputFormatted(

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    setProperty(WIDTH_KEY, (width));

   * Gets the short description of the bean.  This text
   *          is commonly used by user agents to display tooltip help text.
   * @return  the new shortDesc value
  final public String getShortDesc()
    return ComponentUtils.resolveString(getProperty(SHORT_DESC_KEY));

   * Sets the short description of the bean.  This text
   *          is commonly used by user agents to display tooltip help text.
   * @param shortDesc  the new shortDesc value
  final public void setShortDesc(String shortDesc)
    setProperty(SHORT_DESC_KEY, (shortDesc));

   * Gets the IDs of the components that should trigger a partial update.
   *          This component will listen on the trigger components. If one of the
   *          trigger components receives an event that will cause it to update
   *          in some way, this component will request to be updated too.
   * @return  the new partialTriggers value
  final public String[] getPartialTriggers()
    return (String[])getProperty(PARTIAL_TRIGGERS_KEY);

   * Sets the IDs of the components that should trigger a partial update.
   *          This component will listen on the trigger components. If one of the
   *          trigger components receives an event that will cause it to update
   *          in some way, this component will request to be updated too.
   * @param partialTriggers  the new partialTriggers value
  final public void setPartialTriggers(String[] partialTriggers)
    setProperty(PARTIAL_TRIGGERS_KEY, (partialTriggers));

   * Gets an onclick Javascript handler.
   * @return  the new onclick value
  final public String getOnclick()
    return ComponentUtils.resolveString(getProperty(ONCLICK_KEY));

   * Sets an onclick Javascript handler.
   * @param onclick  the new onclick value
  final public void setOnclick(String onclick)
    setProperty(ONCLICK_KEY, (onclick));

   * Gets an ondblclick Javascript handler.
   * @return  the new ondblclick value
  final public String getOndblclick()
    return ComponentUtils.resolveString(getProperty(ONDBLCLICK_KEY));

   * Sets an ondblclick Javascript handler.
   * @param ondblclick  the new ondblclick value
  final public void setOndblclick(String ondblclick)
    setProperty(ONDBLCLICK_KEY, (ondblclick));

   * Gets an onmousedown Javascript handler.
   * @return  the new onmousedown value
  final public String getOnmousedown()
    return ComponentUtils.resolveString(getProperty(ONMOUSEDOWN_KEY));

   * Sets an onmousedown Javascript handler.
   * @param onmousedown  the new onmousedown value
  final public void setOnmousedown(String onmousedown)
    setProperty(ONMOUSEDOWN_KEY, (onmousedown));

   * Gets an onmouseup Javascript handler.
   * @return  the new onmouseup value
  final public String getOnmouseup()
    return ComponentUtils.resolveString(getProperty(ONMOUSEUP_KEY));

   * Sets an onmouseup Javascript handler.
   * @param onmouseup  the new onmouseup value
  final public void setOnmouseup(String onmouseup)
    setProperty(ONMOUSEUP_KEY, (onmouseup));

   * Gets an onmouseover Javascript handler.
   * @return  the new onmouseover value
  final public String getOnmouseover()
    return ComponentUtils.resolveString(getProperty(ONMOUSEOVER_KEY));

   * Sets an onmouseover Javascript handler.
   * @param onmouseover  the new onmouseover value
  final public void setOnmouseover(String onmouseover)
    setProperty(ONMOUSEOVER_KEY, (onmouseover));

   * Gets an onmousemove Javascript handler.
   * @return  the new onmousemove value
  final public String getOnmousemove()
    return ComponentUtils.resolveString(getProperty(ONMOUSEMOVE_KEY));

   * Sets an onmousemove Javascript handler.
   * @param onmousemove  the new onmousemove value
  final public void setOnmousemove(String onmousemove)
    setProperty(ONMOUSEMOVE_KEY, (onmousemove));

   * Gets an onmouseout Javascript handler.
   * @return  the new onmouseout value
  final public String getOnmouseout()
    return ComponentUtils.resolveString(getProperty(ONMOUSEOUT_KEY));

   * Sets an onmouseout Javascript handler.
   * @param onmouseout  the new onmouseout value
  final public void setOnmouseout(String onmouseout)
    setProperty(ONMOUSEOUT_KEY, (onmouseout));

   * Gets an onkeypress Javascript handler.
   * @return  the new onkeypress value
  final public String getOnkeypress()
    return ComponentUtils.resolveString(getProperty(ONKEYPRESS_KEY));

   * Sets an onkeypress Javascript handler.
   * @param onkeypress  the new onkeypress value
  final public void setOnkeypress(String onkeypress)
    setProperty(ONKEYPRESS_KEY, (onkeypress));

   * Gets an onkeydown Javascript handler.
   * @return  the new onkeydown value
  final public String getOnkeydown()
    return ComponentUtils.resolveString(getProperty(ONKEYDOWN_KEY));

   * Sets an onkeydown Javascript handler.
   * @param onkeydown  the new onkeydown value
  final public void setOnkeydown(String onkeydown)
    setProperty(ONKEYDOWN_KEY, (onkeydown));

   * Gets an onkeyup Javascript handler.
   * @return  the new onkeyup value
  final public String getOnkeyup()
    return ComponentUtils.resolveString(getProperty(ONKEYUP_KEY));

   * Sets an onkeyup Javascript handler.
   * @param onkeyup  the new onkeyup value
  final public void setOnkeyup(String onkeyup)
    setProperty(ONKEYUP_KEY, (onkeyup));

   * Gets the CSS style class of the bean.
   * @return  the new styleClass value
  final public String getStyleClass()
    return ComponentUtils.resolveString(getProperty(STYLE_CLASS_KEY));

   * Sets the CSS style class of the bean.
   * @param styleClass  the new styleClass value
  final public void setStyleClass(String styleClass)
    setProperty(STYLE_CLASS_KEY, (styleClass));

   * Gets the inline CSS style for this element
   * @return  the new inlineStyle value
  final public String getInlineStyle()
    return ComponentUtils.resolveString(getProperty(INLINE_STYLE_KEY));

   * Sets the inline CSS style for this element
   * @param inlineStyle  the new inlineStyle value
  final public void setInlineStyle(String inlineStyle)
    setProperty(INLINE_STYLE_KEY, (inlineStyle));

  public String getDefaultEventName()
    return "click";

  public Collection<String> getEventNames()
    return _EVENT_NAMES;

  public Map<String, List<ClientBehavior>> getClientBehaviors()
    return super.getClientBehaviors();

  public void addClientBehavior(
    String         eventName,
    ClientBehavior behavior)
    super.addClientBehavior(eventName, behavior);

  public String getFamily()

  protected FacesBean.Type getBeanType()
    return TYPE;

   * Construct an instance of the HtmlRowLayout.
  protected HtmlRowLayout(

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    getFacets().put(BUSY_FACET, busyFacet);

   * Gets the CSS styles to use for this component.
   * @return  the new inlineStyle value
  final public String getInlineStyle()
    return ComponentUtils.resolveString(getProperty(INLINE_STYLE_KEY));

   * Sets the CSS styles to use for this component.
   * @param inlineStyle  the new inlineStyle value
  final public void setInlineStyle(String inlineStyle)
    setProperty(INLINE_STYLE_KEY, (inlineStyle));

   * Gets a CSS style class to use for this component.
   * @return  the new styleClass value
  final public String getStyleClass()
    return ComponentUtils.resolveString(getProperty(STYLE_CLASS_KEY));

   * Sets a CSS style class to use for this component.
   * @param styleClass  the new styleClass value
  final public void setStyleClass(String styleClass)
    setProperty(STYLE_CLASS_KEY, (styleClass));

   * Gets The short description of the component. This text is commonly used by user agents to display tooltip help text.
   * @return  the new shortDesc value
  final public String getShortDesc()
    return ComponentUtils.resolveString(getProperty(SHORT_DESC_KEY));

   * Sets The short description of the component. This text is commonly used by user agents to display tooltip help text.
   * @param shortDesc  the new shortDesc value
  final public void setShortDesc(String shortDesc)
    setProperty(SHORT_DESC_KEY, (shortDesc));

   * Gets the IDs of the components that should trigger a partial update.
   *         <p>
   *         This component will listen on the trigger components. If one of the
   *         trigger components receives an event that will cause it to update
   *         in some way, this component will request to be updated too.</p>
   *         <p>
   *         Separate multiple triggers with a space. e.g., partialTriggers="cmp1 cmp2"
   *         </p>
   *         <p>
   *         Identifiers must account for NamingContainers.  You can use a single colon to start the search from the root,
   *         or use multiple colons to move up through the NamingContainer. For example,
   *         "::" will pop out of this component's naming container (it pops out of itself if it is a naming container), 
   *         ":::" will pop out of two naming containers, etc. The search for
   *         the partialTrigger begins from there. e.g., partialTriggers=":::commandButton1" the search begins for the 
   *         component with id = commandButton1 after popping out of two naming containers relative to this component.
   *         To go into naming containers, you separate the naming containers with ':', e.g.,partialTriggers= "nc1:nc2:nc3:componentId".</p>
   * @return  the new partialTriggers value
  final public String[] getPartialTriggers()
    return (String[])getProperty(PARTIAL_TRIGGERS_KEY);

   * Sets the IDs of the components that should trigger a partial update.
   *         <p>
   *         This component will listen on the trigger components. If one of the
   *         trigger components receives an event that will cause it to update
   *         in some way, this component will request to be updated too.</p>
   *         <p>
   *         Separate multiple triggers with a space. e.g., partialTriggers="cmp1 cmp2"
   *         </p>
   *         <p>
   *         Identifiers must account for NamingContainers.  You can use a single colon to start the search from the root,
   *         or use multiple colons to move up through the NamingContainer. For example,
   *         "::" will pop out of this component's naming container (it pops out of itself if it is a naming container), 
   *         ":::" will pop out of two naming containers, etc. The search for
   *         the partialTrigger begins from there. e.g., partialTriggers=":::commandButton1" the search begins for the 
   *         component with id = commandButton1 after popping out of two naming containers relative to this component.
   *         To go into naming containers, you separate the naming containers with ':', e.g.,partialTriggers= "nc1:nc2:nc3:componentId".</p>
   * @param partialTriggers  the new partialTriggers value
  final public void setPartialTriggers(String[] partialTriggers)
    setProperty(PARTIAL_TRIGGERS_KEY, (partialTriggers));

   * Gets an onclick Javascript handler.
   * @return  the new onclick value
  final public String getOnclick()
    return ComponentUtils.resolveString(getProperty(ONCLICK_KEY));

   * Sets an onclick Javascript handler.
   * @param onclick  the new onclick value
  final public void setOnclick(String onclick)
    setProperty(ONCLICK_KEY, (onclick));

   * Gets an ondblclick Javascript handler.
   * @return  the new ondblclick value
  final public String getOndblclick()
    return ComponentUtils.resolveString(getProperty(ONDBLCLICK_KEY));

   * Sets an ondblclick Javascript handler.
   * @param ondblclick  the new ondblclick value
  final public void setOndblclick(String ondblclick)
    setProperty(ONDBLCLICK_KEY, (ondblclick));

   * Gets an onmousedown Javascript handler.
   * @return  the new onmousedown value
  final public String getOnmousedown()
    return ComponentUtils.resolveString(getProperty(ONMOUSEDOWN_KEY));

   * Sets an onmousedown Javascript handler.
   * @param onmousedown  the new onmousedown value
  final public void setOnmousedown(String onmousedown)
    setProperty(ONMOUSEDOWN_KEY, (onmousedown));

   * Gets an onmouseup Javascript handler.
   * @return  the new onmouseup value
  final public String getOnmouseup()
    return ComponentUtils.resolveString(getProperty(ONMOUSEUP_KEY));

   * Sets an onmouseup Javascript handler.
   * @param onmouseup  the new onmouseup value
  final public void setOnmouseup(String onmouseup)
    setProperty(ONMOUSEUP_KEY, (onmouseup));

   * Gets an onmouseover Javascript handler.
   * @return  the new onmouseover value
  final public String getOnmouseover()
    return ComponentUtils.resolveString(getProperty(ONMOUSEOVER_KEY));

   * Sets an onmouseover Javascript handler.
   * @param onmouseover  the new onmouseover value
  final public void setOnmouseover(String onmouseover)
    setProperty(ONMOUSEOVER_KEY, (onmouseover));

   * Gets an onmousemove Javascript handler.
   * @return  the new onmousemove value
  final public String getOnmousemove()
    return ComponentUtils.resolveString(getProperty(ONMOUSEMOVE_KEY));

   * Sets an onmousemove Javascript handler.
   * @param onmousemove  the new onmousemove value
  final public void setOnmousemove(String onmousemove)
    setProperty(ONMOUSEMOVE_KEY, (onmousemove));

   * Gets an onmouseout Javascript handler.
   * @return  the new onmouseout value
  final public String getOnmouseout()
    return ComponentUtils.resolveString(getProperty(ONMOUSEOUT_KEY));

   * Sets an onmouseout Javascript handler.
   * @param onmouseout  the new onmouseout value
  final public void setOnmouseout(String onmouseout)
    setProperty(ONMOUSEOUT_KEY, (onmouseout));

   * Gets an onkeypress Javascript handler.
   * @return  the new onkeypress value
  final public String getOnkeypress()
    return ComponentUtils.resolveString(getProperty(ONKEYPRESS_KEY));

   * Sets an onkeypress Javascript handler.
   * @param onkeypress  the new onkeypress value
  final public void setOnkeypress(String onkeypress)
    setProperty(ONKEYPRESS_KEY, (onkeypress));

   * Gets an onkeydown Javascript handler.
   * @return  the new onkeydown value
  final public String getOnkeydown()
    return ComponentUtils.resolveString(getProperty(ONKEYDOWN_KEY));

   * Sets an onkeydown Javascript handler.
   * @param onkeydown  the new onkeydown value
  final public void setOnkeydown(String onkeydown)
    setProperty(ONKEYDOWN_KEY, (onkeydown));

   * Gets an onkeyup Javascript handler.
   * @return  the new onkeyup value
  final public String getOnkeyup()
    return ComponentUtils.resolveString(getProperty(ONKEYUP_KEY));

   * Sets an onkeyup Javascript handler.
   * @param onkeyup  the new onkeyup value
  final public void setOnkeyup(String onkeyup)
    setProperty(ONKEYUP_KEY, (onkeyup));

  public String getDefaultEventName()
    return "click";

  public Collection<String> getEventNames()
    return _EVENT_NAMES;

  public Map<String, List<ClientBehavior>> getClientBehaviors()
    return super.getClientBehaviors();

  public void addClientBehavior(
    String         eventName,
    ClientBehavior behavior)
    super.addClientBehavior(eventName, behavior);

  public String getFamily()

  protected FacesBean.Type getBeanType()
    return TYPE;

   * Construct an instance of the CoreStatusIndicator.
  protected CoreStatusIndicator(

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    setProperty(ICON_KEY, (icon));

   * Gets the CSS styles to use for this component.
   * @return  the new inlineStyle value
  final public String getInlineStyle()
    return ComponentUtils.resolveString(getProperty(INLINE_STYLE_KEY));

   * Sets the CSS styles to use for this component.
   * @param inlineStyle  the new inlineStyle value
  final public void setInlineStyle(String inlineStyle)
    setProperty(INLINE_STYLE_KEY, (inlineStyle));

   * Gets a CSS style class to use for this component.
   * @return  the new styleClass value
  final public String getStyleClass()
    return ComponentUtils.resolveString(getProperty(STYLE_CLASS_KEY));

   * Sets a CSS style class to use for this component.
   * @param styleClass  the new styleClass value
  final public void setStyleClass(String styleClass)
    setProperty(STYLE_CLASS_KEY, (styleClass));

   * Gets The short description of the component. This text is commonly used by user agents to display tooltip help text.
   * @return  the new shortDesc value
  final public String getShortDesc()
    return ComponentUtils.resolveString(getProperty(SHORT_DESC_KEY));

   * Sets The short description of the component. This text is commonly used by user agents to display tooltip help text.
   * @param shortDesc  the new shortDesc value
  final public void setShortDesc(String shortDesc)
    setProperty(SHORT_DESC_KEY, (shortDesc));

   * Gets the IDs of the components that should trigger a partial update.
   *         <p>
   *         This component will listen on the trigger components. If one of the
   *         trigger components receives an event that will cause it to update
   *         in some way, this component will request to be updated too.</p>
   *         <p>
   *         Separate multiple triggers with a space. e.g., partialTriggers="cmp1 cmp2"
   *         </p>
   *         <p>
   *         Identifiers must account for NamingContainers.  You can use a single colon to start the search from the root,
   *         or use multiple colons to move up through the NamingContainer. For example,
   *         "::" will pop out of this component's naming container (it pops out of itself if it is a naming container), 
   *         ":::" will pop out of two naming containers, etc. The search for
   *         the partialTrigger begins from there. e.g., partialTriggers=":::commandButton1" the search begins for the 
   *         component with id = commandButton1 after popping out of two naming containers relative to this component.
   *         To go into naming containers, you separate the naming containers with ':', e.g.,partialTriggers= "nc1:nc2:nc3:componentId".</p>
   * @return  the new partialTriggers value
  final public String[] getPartialTriggers()
    return (String[])getProperty(PARTIAL_TRIGGERS_KEY);

   * Sets the IDs of the components that should trigger a partial update.
   *         <p>
   *         This component will listen on the trigger components. If one of the
   *         trigger components receives an event that will cause it to update
   *         in some way, this component will request to be updated too.</p>
   *         <p>
   *         Separate multiple triggers with a space. e.g., partialTriggers="cmp1 cmp2"
   *         </p>
   *         <p>
   *         Identifiers must account for NamingContainers.  You can use a single colon to start the search from the root,
   *         or use multiple colons to move up through the NamingContainer. For example,
   *         "::" will pop out of this component's naming container (it pops out of itself if it is a naming container), 
   *         ":::" will pop out of two naming containers, etc. The search for
   *         the partialTrigger begins from there. e.g., partialTriggers=":::commandButton1" the search begins for the 
   *         component with id = commandButton1 after popping out of two naming containers relative to this component.
   *         To go into naming containers, you separate the naming containers with ':', e.g.,partialTriggers= "nc1:nc2:nc3:componentId".</p>
   * @param partialTriggers  the new partialTriggers value
  final public void setPartialTriggers(String[] partialTriggers)
    setProperty(PARTIAL_TRIGGERS_KEY, (partialTriggers));

   * Gets an onclick Javascript handler.
   * @return  the new onclick value
  final public String getOnclick()
    return ComponentUtils.resolveString(getProperty(ONCLICK_KEY));

   * Sets an onclick Javascript handler.
   * @param onclick  the new onclick value
  final public void setOnclick(String onclick)
    setProperty(ONCLICK_KEY, (onclick));

   * Gets an ondblclick Javascript handler.
   * @return  the new ondblclick value
  final public String getOndblclick()
    return ComponentUtils.resolveString(getProperty(ONDBLCLICK_KEY));

   * Sets an ondblclick Javascript handler.
   * @param ondblclick  the new ondblclick value
  final public void setOndblclick(String ondblclick)
    setProperty(ONDBLCLICK_KEY, (ondblclick));

   * Gets an onmousedown Javascript handler.
   * @return  the new onmousedown value
  final public String getOnmousedown()
    return ComponentUtils.resolveString(getProperty(ONMOUSEDOWN_KEY));

   * Sets an onmousedown Javascript handler.
   * @param onmousedown  the new onmousedown value
  final public void setOnmousedown(String onmousedown)
    setProperty(ONMOUSEDOWN_KEY, (onmousedown));

   * Gets an onmouseup Javascript handler.
   * @return  the new onmouseup value
  final public String getOnmouseup()
    return ComponentUtils.resolveString(getProperty(ONMOUSEUP_KEY));

   * Sets an onmouseup Javascript handler.
   * @param onmouseup  the new onmouseup value
  final public void setOnmouseup(String onmouseup)
    setProperty(ONMOUSEUP_KEY, (onmouseup));

   * Gets an onmouseover Javascript handler.
   * @return  the new onmouseover value
  final public String getOnmouseover()
    return ComponentUtils.resolveString(getProperty(ONMOUSEOVER_KEY));

   * Sets an onmouseover Javascript handler.
   * @param onmouseover  the new onmouseover value
  final public void setOnmouseover(String onmouseover)
    setProperty(ONMOUSEOVER_KEY, (onmouseover));

   * Gets an onmousemove Javascript handler.
   * @return  the new onmousemove value
  final public String getOnmousemove()
    return ComponentUtils.resolveString(getProperty(ONMOUSEMOVE_KEY));

   * Sets an onmousemove Javascript handler.
   * @param onmousemove  the new onmousemove value
  final public void setOnmousemove(String onmousemove)
    setProperty(ONMOUSEMOVE_KEY, (onmousemove));

   * Gets an onmouseout Javascript handler.
   * @return  the new onmouseout value
  final public String getOnmouseout()
    return ComponentUtils.resolveString(getProperty(ONMOUSEOUT_KEY));

   * Sets an onmouseout Javascript handler.
   * @param onmouseout  the new onmouseout value
  final public void setOnmouseout(String onmouseout)
    setProperty(ONMOUSEOUT_KEY, (onmouseout));

   * Gets an onkeypress Javascript handler.
   * @return  the new onkeypress value
  final public String getOnkeypress()
    return ComponentUtils.resolveString(getProperty(ONKEYPRESS_KEY));

   * Sets an onkeypress Javascript handler.
   * @param onkeypress  the new onkeypress value
  final public void setOnkeypress(String onkeypress)
    setProperty(ONKEYPRESS_KEY, (onkeypress));

   * Gets an onkeydown Javascript handler.
   * @return  the new onkeydown value
  final public String getOnkeydown()
    return ComponentUtils.resolveString(getProperty(ONKEYDOWN_KEY));

   * Sets an onkeydown Javascript handler.
   * @param onkeydown  the new onkeydown value
  final public void setOnkeydown(String onkeydown)
    setProperty(ONKEYDOWN_KEY, (onkeydown));

   * Gets an onkeyup Javascript handler.
   * @return  the new onkeyup value
  final public String getOnkeyup()
    return ComponentUtils.resolveString(getProperty(ONKEYUP_KEY));

   * Sets an onkeyup Javascript handler.
   * @param onkeyup  the new onkeyup value
  final public void setOnkeyup(String onkeyup)
    setProperty(ONKEYUP_KEY, (onkeyup));

   * Gets the event handler for the component losing the focus.
   * @return  the new onblur value
  final public String getOnblur()
    return ComponentUtils.resolveString(getProperty(ONBLUR_KEY));

   * Sets the event handler for the component losing the focus.
   * @param onblur  the new onblur value
  final public void setOnblur(String onblur)
    setProperty(ONBLUR_KEY, (onblur));

   * Gets the event handler for the component gaining the focus.
   * @return  the new onfocus value
  final public String getOnfocus()
    return ComponentUtils.resolveString(getProperty(ONFOCUS_KEY));

   * Sets the event handler for the component gaining the focus.
   * @param onfocus  the new onfocus value
  final public void setOnfocus(String onfocus)
    setProperty(ONFOCUS_KEY, (onfocus));

   * Gets Indicates whether processes launched by this command should be
   *         launched in a secondary dialog window. 'useWindow' requires that the "action"
   *         attribute start with "dialog:". Set useWindow to 'false' for the outcome of
   *         the action to be targeted to the existing window.
   * @return  the new useWindow value
  final public boolean isUseWindow()

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    setProperty(ICON_KEY, (icon));

   * Gets the CSS styles to use for this component.
   * @return  the new inlineStyle value
  final public String getInlineStyle()
    return ComponentUtils.resolveString(getProperty(INLINE_STYLE_KEY));

   * Sets the CSS styles to use for this component.
   * @param inlineStyle  the new inlineStyle value
  final public void setInlineStyle(String inlineStyle)
    setProperty(INLINE_STYLE_KEY, (inlineStyle));

   * Gets a CSS style class to use for this component.
   * @return  the new styleClass value
  final public String getStyleClass()
    return ComponentUtils.resolveString(getProperty(STYLE_CLASS_KEY));

   * Sets a CSS style class to use for this component.
   * @param styleClass  the new styleClass value
  final public void setStyleClass(String styleClass)
    setProperty(STYLE_CLASS_KEY, (styleClass));

   * Gets The short description of the component. This text is commonly used by user agents to display tooltip help text.
   * @return  the new shortDesc value
  final public String getShortDesc()
    return ComponentUtils.resolveString(getProperty(SHORT_DESC_KEY));

   * Sets The short description of the component. This text is commonly used by user agents to display tooltip help text.
   * @param shortDesc  the new shortDesc value
  final public void setShortDesc(String shortDesc)
    setProperty(SHORT_DESC_KEY, (shortDesc));

   * Gets the IDs of the components that should trigger a partial update.
   *         <p>
   *         This component will listen on the trigger components. If one of the
   *         trigger components receives an event that will cause it to update
   *         in some way, this component will request to be updated too.</p>
   *         <p>
   *         Separate multiple triggers with a space. e.g., partialTriggers="cmp1 cmp2"
   *         </p>
   *         <p>
   *         Identifiers must account for NamingContainers.  You can use a single colon to start the search from the root,
   *         or use multiple colons to move up through the NamingContainer. For example,
   *         "::" will pop out of this component's naming container (it pops out of itself if it is a naming container), 
   *         ":::" will pop out of two naming containers, etc. The search for
   *         the partialTrigger begins from there. e.g., partialTriggers=":::commandButton1" the search begins for the 
   *         component with id = commandButton1 after popping out of two naming containers relative to this component.
   *         To go into naming containers, you separate the naming containers with ':', e.g.,partialTriggers= "nc1:nc2:nc3:componentId".</p>
   * @return  the new partialTriggers value
  final public String[] getPartialTriggers()
    return (String[])getProperty(PARTIAL_TRIGGERS_KEY);

   * Sets the IDs of the components that should trigger a partial update.
   *         <p>
   *         This component will listen on the trigger components. If one of the
   *         trigger components receives an event that will cause it to update
   *         in some way, this component will request to be updated too.</p>
   *         <p>
   *         Separate multiple triggers with a space. e.g., partialTriggers="cmp1 cmp2"
   *         </p>
   *         <p>
   *         Identifiers must account for NamingContainers.  You can use a single colon to start the search from the root,
   *         or use multiple colons to move up through the NamingContainer. For example,
   *         "::" will pop out of this component's naming container (it pops out of itself if it is a naming container), 
   *         ":::" will pop out of two naming containers, etc. The search for
   *         the partialTrigger begins from there. e.g., partialTriggers=":::commandButton1" the search begins for the 
   *         component with id = commandButton1 after popping out of two naming containers relative to this component.
   *         To go into naming containers, you separate the naming containers with ':', e.g.,partialTriggers= "nc1:nc2:nc3:componentId".</p>
   * @param partialTriggers  the new partialTriggers value
  final public void setPartialTriggers(String[] partialTriggers)
    setProperty(PARTIAL_TRIGGERS_KEY, (partialTriggers));

   * Gets an onclick Javascript handler.
   * @return  the new onclick value
  final public String getOnclick()
    return ComponentUtils.resolveString(getProperty(ONCLICK_KEY));

   * Sets an onclick Javascript handler.
   * @param onclick  the new onclick value
  final public void setOnclick(String onclick)
    setProperty(ONCLICK_KEY, (onclick));

   * Gets an ondblclick Javascript handler.
   * @return  the new ondblclick value
  final public String getOndblclick()
    return ComponentUtils.resolveString(getProperty(ONDBLCLICK_KEY));

   * Sets an ondblclick Javascript handler.
   * @param ondblclick  the new ondblclick value
  final public void setOndblclick(String ondblclick)
    setProperty(ONDBLCLICK_KEY, (ondblclick));

   * Gets an onmousedown Javascript handler.
   * @return  the new onmousedown value
  final public String getOnmousedown()
    return ComponentUtils.resolveString(getProperty(ONMOUSEDOWN_KEY));

   * Sets an onmousedown Javascript handler.
   * @param onmousedown  the new onmousedown value
  final public void setOnmousedown(String onmousedown)
    setProperty(ONMOUSEDOWN_KEY, (onmousedown));

   * Gets an onmouseup Javascript handler.
   * @return  the new onmouseup value
  final public String getOnmouseup()
    return ComponentUtils.resolveString(getProperty(ONMOUSEUP_KEY));

   * Sets an onmouseup Javascript handler.
   * @param onmouseup  the new onmouseup value
  final public void setOnmouseup(String onmouseup)
    setProperty(ONMOUSEUP_KEY, (onmouseup));

   * Gets an onmouseover Javascript handler.
   * @return  the new onmouseover value
  final public String getOnmouseover()
    return ComponentUtils.resolveString(getProperty(ONMOUSEOVER_KEY));

   * Sets an onmouseover Javascript handler.
   * @param onmouseover  the new onmouseover value
  final public void setOnmouseover(String onmouseover)
    setProperty(ONMOUSEOVER_KEY, (onmouseover));

   * Gets an onmousemove Javascript handler.
   * @return  the new onmousemove value
  final public String getOnmousemove()
    return ComponentUtils.resolveString(getProperty(ONMOUSEMOVE_KEY));

   * Sets an onmousemove Javascript handler.
   * @param onmousemove  the new onmousemove value
  final public void setOnmousemove(String onmousemove)
    setProperty(ONMOUSEMOVE_KEY, (onmousemove));

   * Gets an onmouseout Javascript handler.
   * @return  the new onmouseout value
  final public String getOnmouseout()
    return ComponentUtils.resolveString(getProperty(ONMOUSEOUT_KEY));

   * Sets an onmouseout Javascript handler.
   * @param onmouseout  the new onmouseout value
  final public void setOnmouseout(String onmouseout)
    setProperty(ONMOUSEOUT_KEY, (onmouseout));

   * Gets an onkeypress Javascript handler.
   * @return  the new onkeypress value
  final public String getOnkeypress()
    return ComponentUtils.resolveString(getProperty(ONKEYPRESS_KEY));

   * Sets an onkeypress Javascript handler.
   * @param onkeypress  the new onkeypress value
  final public void setOnkeypress(String onkeypress)
    setProperty(ONKEYPRESS_KEY, (onkeypress));

   * Gets an onkeydown Javascript handler.
   * @return  the new onkeydown value
  final public String getOnkeydown()
    return ComponentUtils.resolveString(getProperty(ONKEYDOWN_KEY));

   * Sets an onkeydown Javascript handler.
   * @param onkeydown  the new onkeydown value
  final public void setOnkeydown(String onkeydown)
    setProperty(ONKEYDOWN_KEY, (onkeydown));

   * Gets an onkeyup Javascript handler.
   * @return  the new onkeyup value
  final public String getOnkeyup()
    return ComponentUtils.resolveString(getProperty(ONKEYUP_KEY));

   * Sets an onkeyup Javascript handler.
   * @param onkeyup  the new onkeyup value
  final public void setOnkeyup(String onkeyup)
    setProperty(ONKEYUP_KEY, (onkeyup));

   * Gets the event handler for the component losing the focus.
   * @return  the new onblur value
  final public String getOnblur()
    return ComponentUtils.resolveString(getProperty(ONBLUR_KEY));

   * Sets the event handler for the component losing the focus.
   * @param onblur  the new onblur value
  final public void setOnblur(String onblur)
    setProperty(ONBLUR_KEY, (onblur));

   * Gets the event handler for the component gaining the focus.
   * @return  the new onfocus value
  final public String getOnfocus()
    return ComponentUtils.resolveString(getProperty(ONFOCUS_KEY));

   * Sets the event handler for the component gaining the focus.
   * @param onfocus  the new onfocus value
  final public void setOnfocus(String onfocus)
    setProperty(ONFOCUS_KEY, (onfocus));

   * Gets Indicates whether processes launched by this command should be
   *         launched in a secondary dialog window. 'useWindow' requires that the "action"
   *         attribute start with "dialog:". Set useWindow to 'false' for the outcome of
   *         the action to be targeted to the existing window.
   * @return  the new useWindow value
  final public boolean isUseWindow()

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    setProperty(BLOCKING_KEY, blocking ? Boolean.TRUE : Boolean.FALSE);

   * Gets the CSS styles to use for this component.
   * @return  the new inlineStyle value
  final public String getInlineStyle()
    return ComponentUtils.resolveString(getProperty(INLINE_STYLE_KEY));

   * Sets the CSS styles to use for this component.
   * @param inlineStyle  the new inlineStyle value
  final public void setInlineStyle(String inlineStyle)
    setProperty(INLINE_STYLE_KEY, (inlineStyle));

   * Gets a CSS style class to use for this component.
   * @return  the new styleClass value
  final public String getStyleClass()
    return ComponentUtils.resolveString(getProperty(STYLE_CLASS_KEY));

   * Sets a CSS style class to use for this component.
   * @param styleClass  the new styleClass value
  final public void setStyleClass(String styleClass)
    setProperty(STYLE_CLASS_KEY, (styleClass));

   * Gets The short description of the component. This text is commonly used by user agents to display tooltip help text.
   * @return  the new shortDesc value
  final public String getShortDesc()
    return ComponentUtils.resolveString(getProperty(SHORT_DESC_KEY));

   * Sets The short description of the component. This text is commonly used by user agents to display tooltip help text.
   * @param shortDesc  the new shortDesc value
  final public void setShortDesc(String shortDesc)
    setProperty(SHORT_DESC_KEY, (shortDesc));

   * Gets the IDs of the components that should trigger a partial update.
   *         <p>
   *         This component will listen on the trigger components. If one of the
   *         trigger components receives an event that will cause it to update
   *         in some way, this component will request to be updated too.</p>
   *         <p>
   *         Separate multiple triggers with a space. e.g., partialTriggers="cmp1 cmp2"
   *         </p>
   *         <p>
   *         Identifiers must account for NamingContainers.  You can use a single colon to start the search from the root,
   *         or use multiple colons to move up through the NamingContainer. For example,
   *         "::" will pop out of this component's naming container (it pops out of itself if it is a naming container), 
   *         ":::" will pop out of two naming containers, etc. The search for
   *         the partialTrigger begins from there. e.g., partialTriggers=":::commandButton1" the search begins for the 
   *         component with id = commandButton1 after popping out of two naming containers relative to this component.
   *         To go into naming containers, you separate the naming containers with ':', e.g.,partialTriggers= "nc1:nc2:nc3:componentId".</p>
   * @return  the new partialTriggers value
  final public String[] getPartialTriggers()
    return (String[])getProperty(PARTIAL_TRIGGERS_KEY);

   * Sets the IDs of the components that should trigger a partial update.
   *         <p>
   *         This component will listen on the trigger components. If one of the
   *         trigger components receives an event that will cause it to update
   *         in some way, this component will request to be updated too.</p>
   *         <p>
   *         Separate multiple triggers with a space. e.g., partialTriggers="cmp1 cmp2"
   *         </p>
   *         <p>
   *         Identifiers must account for NamingContainers.  You can use a single colon to start the search from the root,
   *         or use multiple colons to move up through the NamingContainer. For example,
   *         "::" will pop out of this component's naming container (it pops out of itself if it is a naming container), 
   *         ":::" will pop out of two naming containers, etc. The search for
   *         the partialTrigger begins from there. e.g., partialTriggers=":::commandButton1" the search begins for the 
   *         component with id = commandButton1 after popping out of two naming containers relative to this component.
   *         To go into naming containers, you separate the naming containers with ':', e.g.,partialTriggers= "nc1:nc2:nc3:componentId".</p>
   * @param partialTriggers  the new partialTriggers value
  final public void setPartialTriggers(String[] partialTriggers)
    setProperty(PARTIAL_TRIGGERS_KEY, (partialTriggers));

   * Gets an onclick Javascript handler.
   * @return  the new onclick value
  final public String getOnclick()
    return ComponentUtils.resolveString(getProperty(ONCLICK_KEY));

   * Sets an onclick Javascript handler.
   * @param onclick  the new onclick value
  final public void setOnclick(String onclick)
    setProperty(ONCLICK_KEY, (onclick));

   * Gets an ondblclick Javascript handler.
   * @return  the new ondblclick value
  final public String getOndblclick()
    return ComponentUtils.resolveString(getProperty(ONDBLCLICK_KEY));

   * Sets an ondblclick Javascript handler.
   * @param ondblclick  the new ondblclick value
  final public void setOndblclick(String ondblclick)
    setProperty(ONDBLCLICK_KEY, (ondblclick));

   * Gets an onmousedown Javascript handler.
   * @return  the new onmousedown value
  final public String getOnmousedown()
    return ComponentUtils.resolveString(getProperty(ONMOUSEDOWN_KEY));

   * Sets an onmousedown Javascript handler.
   * @param onmousedown  the new onmousedown value
  final public void setOnmousedown(String onmousedown)
    setProperty(ONMOUSEDOWN_KEY, (onmousedown));

   * Gets an onmouseup Javascript handler.
   * @return  the new onmouseup value
  final public String getOnmouseup()
    return ComponentUtils.resolveString(getProperty(ONMOUSEUP_KEY));

   * Sets an onmouseup Javascript handler.
   * @param onmouseup  the new onmouseup value
  final public void setOnmouseup(String onmouseup)
    setProperty(ONMOUSEUP_KEY, (onmouseup));

   * Gets an onmouseover Javascript handler.
   * @return  the new onmouseover value
  final public String getOnmouseover()
    return ComponentUtils.resolveString(getProperty(ONMOUSEOVER_KEY));

   * Sets an onmouseover Javascript handler.
   * @param onmouseover  the new onmouseover value
  final public void setOnmouseover(String onmouseover)
    setProperty(ONMOUSEOVER_KEY, (onmouseover));

   * Gets an onmousemove Javascript handler.
   * @return  the new onmousemove value
  final public String getOnmousemove()
    return ComponentUtils.resolveString(getProperty(ONMOUSEMOVE_KEY));

   * Sets an onmousemove Javascript handler.
   * @param onmousemove  the new onmousemove value
  final public void setOnmousemove(String onmousemove)
    setProperty(ONMOUSEMOVE_KEY, (onmousemove));

   * Gets an onmouseout Javascript handler.
   * @return  the new onmouseout value
  final public String getOnmouseout()
    return ComponentUtils.resolveString(getProperty(ONMOUSEOUT_KEY));

   * Sets an onmouseout Javascript handler.
   * @param onmouseout  the new onmouseout value
  final public void setOnmouseout(String onmouseout)
    setProperty(ONMOUSEOUT_KEY, (onmouseout));

   * Gets an onkeypress Javascript handler.
   * @return  the new onkeypress value
  final public String getOnkeypress()
    return ComponentUtils.resolveString(getProperty(ONKEYPRESS_KEY));

   * Sets an onkeypress Javascript handler.
   * @param onkeypress  the new onkeypress value
  final public void setOnkeypress(String onkeypress)
    setProperty(ONKEYPRESS_KEY, (onkeypress));

   * Gets an onkeydown Javascript handler.
   * @return  the new onkeydown value
  final public String getOnkeydown()
    return ComponentUtils.resolveString(getProperty(ONKEYDOWN_KEY));

   * Sets an onkeydown Javascript handler.
   * @param onkeydown  the new onkeydown value
  final public void setOnkeydown(String onkeydown)
    setProperty(ONKEYDOWN_KEY, (onkeydown));

   * Gets an onkeyup Javascript handler.
   * @return  the new onkeyup value
  final public String getOnkeyup()
    return ComponentUtils.resolveString(getProperty(ONKEYUP_KEY));

   * Sets an onkeyup Javascript handler.
   * @param onkeyup  the new onkeyup value
  final public void setOnkeyup(String onkeyup)
    setProperty(ONKEYUP_KEY, (onkeyup));

   * Gets the event handler for the component losing the focus.
   * @return  the new onblur value
  final public String getOnblur()
    return ComponentUtils.resolveString(getProperty(ONBLUR_KEY));

   * Sets the event handler for the component losing the focus.
   * @param onblur  the new onblur value
  final public void setOnblur(String onblur)
    setProperty(ONBLUR_KEY, (onblur));

   * Gets the event handler for the component gaining the focus.
   * @return  the new onfocus value
  final public String getOnfocus()
    return ComponentUtils.resolveString(getProperty(ONFOCUS_KEY));

   * Sets the event handler for the component gaining the focus.
   * @param onfocus  the new onfocus value
  final public void setOnfocus(String onfocus)
    setProperty(ONFOCUS_KEY, (onfocus));

   * Gets Indicates whether processes launched by this command should be
   *         launched in a secondary dialog window. 'useWindow' requires that the "action"
   *         attribute start with "dialog:". Set useWindow to 'false' for the outcome of
   *         the action to be targeted to the existing window.
   * @return  the new useWindow value
  final public boolean isUseWindow()

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    setProperty(ICON_KEY, (icon));

   * Gets the CSS styles to use for this component.
   * @return  the new inlineStyle value
  final public String getInlineStyle()
    return ComponentUtils.resolveString(getProperty(INLINE_STYLE_KEY));

   * Sets the CSS styles to use for this component.
   * @param inlineStyle  the new inlineStyle value
  final public void setInlineStyle(String inlineStyle)
    setProperty(INLINE_STYLE_KEY, (inlineStyle));

   * Gets a CSS style class to use for this component.
   * @return  the new styleClass value
  final public String getStyleClass()
    return ComponentUtils.resolveString(getProperty(STYLE_CLASS_KEY));

   * Sets a CSS style class to use for this component.
   * @param styleClass  the new styleClass value
  final public void setStyleClass(String styleClass)
    setProperty(STYLE_CLASS_KEY, (styleClass));

   * Gets The short description of the component. This text is commonly used by user agents to display tooltip help text.
   * @return  the new shortDesc value
  final public String getShortDesc()
    return ComponentUtils.resolveString(getProperty(SHORT_DESC_KEY));

   * Sets The short description of the component. This text is commonly used by user agents to display tooltip help text.
   * @param shortDesc  the new shortDesc value
  final public void setShortDesc(String shortDesc)
    setProperty(SHORT_DESC_KEY, (shortDesc));

   * Gets the IDs of the components that should trigger a partial update.
   *         <p>
   *         This component will listen on the trigger components. If one of the
   *         trigger components receives an event that will cause it to update
   *         in some way, this component will request to be updated too.</p>
   *         <p>
   *         Separate multiple triggers with a space. e.g., partialTriggers="cmp1 cmp2"
   *         </p>
   *         <p>
   *         Identifiers must account for NamingContainers.  You can use a single colon to start the search from the root,
   *         or use multiple colons to move up through the NamingContainer. For example,
   *         "::" will pop out of this component's naming container (it pops out of itself if it is a naming container), 
   *         ":::" will pop out of two naming containers, etc. The search for
   *         the partialTrigger begins from there. e.g., partialTriggers=":::commandButton1" the search begins for the 
   *         component with id = commandButton1 after popping out of two naming containers relative to this component.
   *         To go into naming containers, you separate the naming containers with ':', e.g.,partialTriggers= "nc1:nc2:nc3:componentId".</p>
   * @return  the new partialTriggers value
  final public String[] getPartialTriggers()
    return (String[])getProperty(PARTIAL_TRIGGERS_KEY);

   * Sets the IDs of the components that should trigger a partial update.
   *         <p>
   *         This component will listen on the trigger components. If one of the
   *         trigger components receives an event that will cause it to update
   *         in some way, this component will request to be updated too.</p>
   *         <p>
   *         Separate multiple triggers with a space. e.g., partialTriggers="cmp1 cmp2"
   *         </p>
   *         <p>
   *         Identifiers must account for NamingContainers.  You can use a single colon to start the search from the root,
   *         or use multiple colons to move up through the NamingContainer. For example,
   *         "::" will pop out of this component's naming container (it pops out of itself if it is a naming container), 
   *         ":::" will pop out of two naming containers, etc. The search for
   *         the partialTrigger begins from there. e.g., partialTriggers=":::commandButton1" the search begins for the 
   *         component with id = commandButton1 after popping out of two naming containers relative to this component.
   *         To go into naming containers, you separate the naming containers with ':', e.g.,partialTriggers= "nc1:nc2:nc3:componentId".</p>
   * @param partialTriggers  the new partialTriggers value
  final public void setPartialTriggers(String[] partialTriggers)
    setProperty(PARTIAL_TRIGGERS_KEY, (partialTriggers));

   * Gets an onclick Javascript handler.
   * @return  the new onclick value
  final public String getOnclick()
    return ComponentUtils.resolveString(getProperty(ONCLICK_KEY));

   * Sets an onclick Javascript handler.
   * @param onclick  the new onclick value
  final public void setOnclick(String onclick)
    setProperty(ONCLICK_KEY, (onclick));

   * Gets an ondblclick Javascript handler.
   * @return  the new ondblclick value
  final public String getOndblclick()
    return ComponentUtils.resolveString(getProperty(ONDBLCLICK_KEY));

   * Sets an ondblclick Javascript handler.
   * @param ondblclick  the new ondblclick value
  final public void setOndblclick(String ondblclick)
    setProperty(ONDBLCLICK_KEY, (ondblclick));

   * Gets an onmousedown Javascript handler.
   * @return  the new onmousedown value
  final public String getOnmousedown()
    return ComponentUtils.resolveString(getProperty(ONMOUSEDOWN_KEY));

   * Sets an onmousedown Javascript handler.
   * @param onmousedown  the new onmousedown value
  final public void setOnmousedown(String onmousedown)
    setProperty(ONMOUSEDOWN_KEY, (onmousedown));

   * Gets an onmouseup Javascript handler.
   * @return  the new onmouseup value
  final public String getOnmouseup()
    return ComponentUtils.resolveString(getProperty(ONMOUSEUP_KEY));

   * Sets an onmouseup Javascript handler.
   * @param onmouseup  the new onmouseup value
  final public void setOnmouseup(String onmouseup)
    setProperty(ONMOUSEUP_KEY, (onmouseup));

   * Gets an onmouseover Javascript handler.
   * @return  the new onmouseover value
  final public String getOnmouseover()
    return ComponentUtils.resolveString(getProperty(ONMOUSEOVER_KEY));

   * Sets an onmouseover Javascript handler.
   * @param onmouseover  the new onmouseover value
  final public void setOnmouseover(String onmouseover)
    setProperty(ONMOUSEOVER_KEY, (onmouseover));

   * Gets an onmousemove Javascript handler.
   * @return  the new onmousemove value
  final public String getOnmousemove()
    return ComponentUtils.resolveString(getProperty(ONMOUSEMOVE_KEY));

   * Sets an onmousemove Javascript handler.
   * @param onmousemove  the new onmousemove value
  final public void setOnmousemove(String onmousemove)
    setProperty(ONMOUSEMOVE_KEY, (onmousemove));

   * Gets an onmouseout Javascript handler.
   * @return  the new onmouseout value
  final public String getOnmouseout()
    return ComponentUtils.resolveString(getProperty(ONMOUSEOUT_KEY));

   * Sets an onmouseout Javascript handler.
   * @param onmouseout  the new onmouseout value
  final public void setOnmouseout(String onmouseout)
    setProperty(ONMOUSEOUT_KEY, (onmouseout));

   * Gets an onkeypress Javascript handler.
   * @return  the new onkeypress value
  final public String getOnkeypress()
    return ComponentUtils.resolveString(getProperty(ONKEYPRESS_KEY));

   * Sets an onkeypress Javascript handler.
   * @param onkeypress  the new onkeypress value
  final public void setOnkeypress(String onkeypress)
    setProperty(ONKEYPRESS_KEY, (onkeypress));

   * Gets an onkeydown Javascript handler.
   * @return  the new onkeydown value
  final public String getOnkeydown()
    return ComponentUtils.resolveString(getProperty(ONKEYDOWN_KEY));

   * Sets an onkeydown Javascript handler.
   * @param onkeydown  the new onkeydown value
  final public void setOnkeydown(String onkeydown)
    setProperty(ONKEYDOWN_KEY, (onkeydown));

   * Gets an onkeyup Javascript handler.
   * @return  the new onkeyup value
  final public String getOnkeyup()
    return ComponentUtils.resolveString(getProperty(ONKEYUP_KEY));

   * Sets an onkeyup Javascript handler.
   * @param onkeyup  the new onkeyup value
  final public void setOnkeyup(String onkeyup)
    setProperty(ONKEYUP_KEY, (onkeyup));

   * Gets the event handler for the component losing the focus.
   * @return  the new onblur value
  final public String getOnblur()
    return ComponentUtils.resolveString(getProperty(ONBLUR_KEY));

   * Sets the event handler for the component losing the focus.
   * @param onblur  the new onblur value
  final public void setOnblur(String onblur)
    setProperty(ONBLUR_KEY, (onblur));

   * Gets the event handler for the component gaining the focus.
   * @return  the new onfocus value
  final public String getOnfocus()
    return ComponentUtils.resolveString(getProperty(ONFOCUS_KEY));

   * Sets the event handler for the component gaining the focus.
   * @param onfocus  the new onfocus value
  final public void setOnfocus(String onfocus)
    setProperty(ONFOCUS_KEY, (onfocus));

   * Gets Indicates whether processes launched by this command should be
   *         launched in a secondary dialog window. 'useWindow' requires that the "action"
   *         attribute start with "dialog:". Set useWindow to 'false' for the outcome of
   *         the action to be targeted to the existing window.
   * @return  the new useWindow value
  final public boolean isUseWindow()

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    setProperty(BLOCKING_KEY, blocking ? Boolean.TRUE : Boolean.FALSE);

   * Gets the CSS styles to use for this component.
   * @return  the new inlineStyle value
  final public String getInlineStyle()
    return ComponentUtils.resolveString(getProperty(INLINE_STYLE_KEY));

   * Sets the CSS styles to use for this component.
   * @param inlineStyle  the new inlineStyle value
  final public void setInlineStyle(String inlineStyle)
    setProperty(INLINE_STYLE_KEY, (inlineStyle));

   * Gets a CSS style class to use for this component.
   * @return  the new styleClass value
  final public String getStyleClass()
    return ComponentUtils.resolveString(getProperty(STYLE_CLASS_KEY));

   * Sets a CSS style class to use for this component.
   * @param styleClass  the new styleClass value
  final public void setStyleClass(String styleClass)
    setProperty(STYLE_CLASS_KEY, (styleClass));

   * Gets The short description of the component. This text is commonly used by user agents to display tooltip help text.
   * @return  the new shortDesc value
  final public String getShortDesc()
    return ComponentUtils.resolveString(getProperty(SHORT_DESC_KEY));

   * Sets The short description of the component. This text is commonly used by user agents to display tooltip help text.
   * @param shortDesc  the new shortDesc value
  final public void setShortDesc(String shortDesc)
    setProperty(SHORT_DESC_KEY, (shortDesc));

   * Gets the IDs of the components that should trigger a partial update.
   *         <p>
   *         This component will listen on the trigger components. If one of the
   *         trigger components receives an event that will cause it to update
   *         in some way, this component will request to be updated too.</p>
   *         <p>
   *         Separate multiple triggers with a space. e.g., partialTriggers="cmp1 cmp2"
   *         </p>
   *         <p>
   *         Identifiers must account for NamingContainers.  You can use a single colon to start the search from the root,
   *         or use multiple colons to move up through the NamingContainer. For example,
   *         "::" will pop out of this component's naming container (it pops out of itself if it is a naming container), 
   *         ":::" will pop out of two naming containers, etc. The search for
   *         the partialTrigger begins from there. e.g., partialTriggers=":::commandButton1" the search begins for the 
   *         component with id = commandButton1 after popping out of two naming containers relative to this component.
   *         To go into naming containers, you separate the naming containers with ':', e.g.,partialTriggers= "nc1:nc2:nc3:componentId".</p>
   * @return  the new partialTriggers value
  final public String[] getPartialTriggers()
    return (String[])getProperty(PARTIAL_TRIGGERS_KEY);

   * Sets the IDs of the components that should trigger a partial update.
   *         <p>
   *         This component will listen on the trigger components. If one of the
   *         trigger components receives an event that will cause it to update
   *         in some way, this component will request to be updated too.</p>
   *         <p>
   *         Separate multiple triggers with a space. e.g., partialTriggers="cmp1 cmp2"
   *         </p>
   *         <p>
   *         Identifiers must account for NamingContainers.  You can use a single colon to start the search from the root,
   *         or use multiple colons to move up through the NamingContainer. For example,
   *         "::" will pop out of this component's naming container (it pops out of itself if it is a naming container), 
   *         ":::" will pop out of two naming containers, etc. The search for
   *         the partialTrigger begins from there. e.g., partialTriggers=":::commandButton1" the search begins for the 
   *         component with id = commandButton1 after popping out of two naming containers relative to this component.
   *         To go into naming containers, you separate the naming containers with ':', e.g.,partialTriggers= "nc1:nc2:nc3:componentId".</p>
   * @param partialTriggers  the new partialTriggers value
  final public void setPartialTriggers(String[] partialTriggers)
    setProperty(PARTIAL_TRIGGERS_KEY, (partialTriggers));

   * Gets an onclick Javascript handler.
   * @return  the new onclick value
  final public String getOnclick()
    return ComponentUtils.resolveString(getProperty(ONCLICK_KEY));

   * Sets an onclick Javascript handler.
   * @param onclick  the new onclick value
  final public void setOnclick(String onclick)
    setProperty(ONCLICK_KEY, (onclick));

   * Gets an ondblclick Javascript handler.
   * @return  the new ondblclick value
  final public String getOndblclick()
    return ComponentUtils.resolveString(getProperty(ONDBLCLICK_KEY));

   * Sets an ondblclick Javascript handler.
   * @param ondblclick  the new ondblclick value
  final public void setOndblclick(String ondblclick)
    setProperty(ONDBLCLICK_KEY, (ondblclick));

   * Gets an onmousedown Javascript handler.
   * @return  the new onmousedown value
  final public String getOnmousedown()
    return ComponentUtils.resolveString(getProperty(ONMOUSEDOWN_KEY));

   * Sets an onmousedown Javascript handler.
   * @param onmousedown  the new onmousedown value
  final public void setOnmousedown(String onmousedown)
    setProperty(ONMOUSEDOWN_KEY, (onmousedown));

   * Gets an onmouseup Javascript handler.
   * @return  the new onmouseup value
  final public String getOnmouseup()
    return ComponentUtils.resolveString(getProperty(ONMOUSEUP_KEY));

   * Sets an onmouseup Javascript handler.
   * @param onmouseup  the new onmouseup value
  final public void setOnmouseup(String onmouseup)
    setProperty(ONMOUSEUP_KEY, (onmouseup));

   * Gets an onmouseover Javascript handler.
   * @return  the new onmouseover value
  final public String getOnmouseover()
    return ComponentUtils.resolveString(getProperty(ONMOUSEOVER_KEY));

   * Sets an onmouseover Javascript handler.
   * @param onmouseover  the new onmouseover value
  final public void setOnmouseover(String onmouseover)
    setProperty(ONMOUSEOVER_KEY, (onmouseover));

   * Gets an onmousemove Javascript handler.
   * @return  the new onmousemove value
  final public String getOnmousemove()
    return ComponentUtils.resolveString(getProperty(ONMOUSEMOVE_KEY));

   * Sets an onmousemove Javascript handler.
   * @param onmousemove  the new onmousemove value
  final public void setOnmousemove(String onmousemove)
    setProperty(ONMOUSEMOVE_KEY, (onmousemove));

   * Gets an onmouseout Javascript handler.
   * @return  the new onmouseout value
  final public String getOnmouseout()
    return ComponentUtils.resolveString(getProperty(ONMOUSEOUT_KEY));

   * Sets an onmouseout Javascript handler.
   * @param onmouseout  the new onmouseout value
  final public void setOnmouseout(String onmouseout)
    setProperty(ONMOUSEOUT_KEY, (onmouseout));

   * Gets an onkeypress Javascript handler.
   * @return  the new onkeypress value
  final public String getOnkeypress()
    return ComponentUtils.resolveString(getProperty(ONKEYPRESS_KEY));

   * Sets an onkeypress Javascript handler.
   * @param onkeypress  the new onkeypress value
  final public void setOnkeypress(String onkeypress)
    setProperty(ONKEYPRESS_KEY, (onkeypress));

   * Gets an onkeydown Javascript handler.
   * @return  the new onkeydown value
  final public String getOnkeydown()
    return ComponentUtils.resolveString(getProperty(ONKEYDOWN_KEY));

   * Sets an onkeydown Javascript handler.
   * @param onkeydown  the new onkeydown value
  final public void setOnkeydown(String onkeydown)
    setProperty(ONKEYDOWN_KEY, (onkeydown));

   * Gets an onkeyup Javascript handler.
   * @return  the new onkeyup value
  final public String getOnkeyup()
    return ComponentUtils.resolveString(getProperty(ONKEYUP_KEY));

   * Sets an onkeyup Javascript handler.
   * @param onkeyup  the new onkeyup value
  final public void setOnkeyup(String onkeyup)
    setProperty(ONKEYUP_KEY, (onkeyup));

   * Gets the event handler for the component losing the focus.
   * @return  the new onblur value
  final public String getOnblur()
    return ComponentUtils.resolveString(getProperty(ONBLUR_KEY));

   * Sets the event handler for the component losing the focus.
   * @param onblur  the new onblur value
  final public void setOnblur(String onblur)
    setProperty(ONBLUR_KEY, (onblur));

   * Gets the event handler for the component gaining the focus.
   * @return  the new onfocus value
  final public String getOnfocus()
    return ComponentUtils.resolveString(getProperty(ONFOCUS_KEY));

   * Sets the event handler for the component gaining the focus.
   * @param onfocus  the new onfocus value
  final public void setOnfocus(String onfocus)
    setProperty(ONFOCUS_KEY, (onfocus));

   * Gets Indicates whether processes launched by this command should be
   *         launched in a secondary dialog window. 'useWindow' requires that the "action"
   *         attribute start with "dialog:". Set useWindow to 'false' for the outcome of
   *         the action to be targeted to the existing window.
   * @return  the new useWindow value
  final public boolean isUseWindow()

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    setProperty(ONCHANGE_KEY, (onchange));

   * Gets the CSS styles to use for this component.
   * @return  the new inlineStyle value
  final public String getInlineStyle()
    return ComponentUtils.resolveString(getProperty(INLINE_STYLE_KEY));

   * Sets the CSS styles to use for this component.
   * @param inlineStyle  the new inlineStyle value
  final public void setInlineStyle(String inlineStyle)
    setProperty(INLINE_STYLE_KEY, (inlineStyle));

   * Gets a CSS style class to use for this component.
   * @return  the new styleClass value
  final public String getStyleClass()
    return ComponentUtils.resolveString(getProperty(STYLE_CLASS_KEY));

   * Sets a CSS style class to use for this component.
   * @param styleClass  the new styleClass value
  final public void setStyleClass(String styleClass)
    setProperty(STYLE_CLASS_KEY, (styleClass));

   * Gets The short description of the component. This text is commonly used by user agents to display tooltip help text.
   * @return  the new shortDesc value
  final public String getShortDesc()
    return ComponentUtils.resolveString(getProperty(SHORT_DESC_KEY));

   * Sets The short description of the component. This text is commonly used by user agents to display tooltip help text.
   * @param shortDesc  the new shortDesc value
  final public void setShortDesc(String shortDesc)
    setProperty(SHORT_DESC_KEY, (shortDesc));

   * Gets the IDs of the components that should trigger a partial update.
   *         <p>
   *         This component will listen on the trigger components. If one of the
   *         trigger components receives an event that will cause it to update
   *         in some way, this component will request to be updated too.</p>
   *         <p>
   *         Separate multiple triggers with a space. e.g., partialTriggers="cmp1 cmp2"
   *         </p>
   *         <p>
   *         Identifiers must account for NamingContainers.  You can use a single colon to start the search from the root,
   *         or use multiple colons to move up through the NamingContainer. For example,
   *         "::" will pop out of this component's naming container (it pops out of itself if it is a naming container), 
   *         ":::" will pop out of two naming containers, etc. The search for
   *         the partialTrigger begins from there. e.g., partialTriggers=":::commandButton1" the search begins for the 
   *         component with id = commandButton1 after popping out of two naming containers relative to this component.
   *         To go into naming containers, you separate the naming containers with ':', e.g.,partialTriggers= "nc1:nc2:nc3:componentId".</p>
   * @return  the new partialTriggers value
  final public String[] getPartialTriggers()
    return (String[])getProperty(PARTIAL_TRIGGERS_KEY);

   * Sets the IDs of the components that should trigger a partial update.
   *         <p>
   *         This component will listen on the trigger components. If one of the
   *         trigger components receives an event that will cause it to update
   *         in some way, this component will request to be updated too.</p>
   *         <p>
   *         Separate multiple triggers with a space. e.g., partialTriggers="cmp1 cmp2"
   *         </p>
   *         <p>
   *         Identifiers must account for NamingContainers.  You can use a single colon to start the search from the root,
   *         or use multiple colons to move up through the NamingContainer. For example,
   *         "::" will pop out of this component's naming container (it pops out of itself if it is a naming container), 
   *         ":::" will pop out of two naming containers, etc. The search for
   *         the partialTrigger begins from there. e.g., partialTriggers=":::commandButton1" the search begins for the 
   *         component with id = commandButton1 after popping out of two naming containers relative to this component.
   *         To go into naming containers, you separate the naming containers with ':', e.g.,partialTriggers= "nc1:nc2:nc3:componentId".</p>
   * @param partialTriggers  the new partialTriggers value
  final public void setPartialTriggers(String[] partialTriggers)
    setProperty(PARTIAL_TRIGGERS_KEY, (partialTriggers));

   * Gets an onclick Javascript handler.
   * @return  the new onclick value
  final public String getOnclick()
    return ComponentUtils.resolveString(getProperty(ONCLICK_KEY));

   * Sets an onclick Javascript handler.
   * @param onclick  the new onclick value
  final public void setOnclick(String onclick)
    setProperty(ONCLICK_KEY, (onclick));

   * Gets an ondblclick Javascript handler.
   * @return  the new ondblclick value
  final public String getOndblclick()
    return ComponentUtils.resolveString(getProperty(ONDBLCLICK_KEY));

   * Sets an ondblclick Javascript handler.
   * @param ondblclick  the new ondblclick value
  final public void setOndblclick(String ondblclick)
    setProperty(ONDBLCLICK_KEY, (ondblclick));

   * Gets an onmousedown Javascript handler.
   * @return  the new onmousedown value
  final public String getOnmousedown()
    return ComponentUtils.resolveString(getProperty(ONMOUSEDOWN_KEY));

   * Sets an onmousedown Javascript handler.
   * @param onmousedown  the new onmousedown value
  final public void setOnmousedown(String onmousedown)
    setProperty(ONMOUSEDOWN_KEY, (onmousedown));

   * Gets an onmouseup Javascript handler.
   * @return  the new onmouseup value
  final public String getOnmouseup()
    return ComponentUtils.resolveString(getProperty(ONMOUSEUP_KEY));

   * Sets an onmouseup Javascript handler.
   * @param onmouseup  the new onmouseup value
  final public void setOnmouseup(String onmouseup)
    setProperty(ONMOUSEUP_KEY, (onmouseup));

   * Gets an onmouseover Javascript handler.
   * @return  the new onmouseover value
  final public String getOnmouseover()
    return ComponentUtils.resolveString(getProperty(ONMOUSEOVER_KEY));

   * Sets an onmouseover Javascript handler.
   * @param onmouseover  the new onmouseover value
  final public void setOnmouseover(String onmouseover)
    setProperty(ONMOUSEOVER_KEY, (onmouseover));

   * Gets an onmousemove Javascript handler.
   * @return  the new onmousemove value
  final public String getOnmousemove()
    return ComponentUtils.resolveString(getProperty(ONMOUSEMOVE_KEY));

   * Sets an onmousemove Javascript handler.
   * @param onmousemove  the new onmousemove value
  final public void setOnmousemove(String onmousemove)
    setProperty(ONMOUSEMOVE_KEY, (onmousemove));

   * Gets an onmouseout Javascript handler.
   * @return  the new onmouseout value
  final public String getOnmouseout()
    return ComponentUtils.resolveString(getProperty(ONMOUSEOUT_KEY));

   * Sets an onmouseout Javascript handler.
   * @param onmouseout  the new onmouseout value
  final public void setOnmouseout(String onmouseout)
    setProperty(ONMOUSEOUT_KEY, (onmouseout));

   * Gets an onkeypress Javascript handler.
   * @return  the new onkeypress value
  final public String getOnkeypress()
    return ComponentUtils.resolveString(getProperty(ONKEYPRESS_KEY));

   * Sets an onkeypress Javascript handler.
   * @param onkeypress  the new onkeypress value
  final public void setOnkeypress(String onkeypress)
    setProperty(ONKEYPRESS_KEY, (onkeypress));

   * Gets an onkeydown Javascript handler.
   * @return  the new onkeydown value
  final public String getOnkeydown()
    return ComponentUtils.resolveString(getProperty(ONKEYDOWN_KEY));

   * Sets an onkeydown Javascript handler.
   * @param onkeydown  the new onkeydown value
  final public void setOnkeydown(String onkeydown)
    setProperty(ONKEYDOWN_KEY, (onkeydown));

   * Gets an onkeyup Javascript handler.
   * @return  the new onkeyup value
  final public String getOnkeyup()
    return ComponentUtils.resolveString(getProperty(ONKEYUP_KEY));

   * Sets an onkeyup Javascript handler.
   * @param onkeyup  the new onkeyup value
  final public void setOnkeyup(String onkeyup)
    setProperty(ONKEYUP_KEY, (onkeyup));

   * Gets the event handler for the component losing the focus.
   * @return  the new onblur value
  final public String getOnblur()
    return ComponentUtils.resolveString(getProperty(ONBLUR_KEY));

   * Sets the event handler for the component losing the focus.
   * @param onblur  the new onblur value
  final public void setOnblur(String onblur)
    setProperty(ONBLUR_KEY, (onblur));

   * Gets the event handler for the component gaining the focus.
   * @return  the new onfocus value
  final public String getOnfocus()
    return ComponentUtils.resolveString(getProperty(ONFOCUS_KEY));

   * Sets the event handler for the component gaining the focus.
   * @param onfocus  the new onfocus value
  final public void setOnfocus(String onfocus)
    setProperty(ONFOCUS_KEY, (onfocus));

   * Gets whether the associated control displays a visual indication of required user input. If a "required" attribute is also present, both the "required" attribute and the
   *           "showRequired" attribute must be false for the visual indication not to be displayed.
   * @return  the new showRequired value
  final public boolean isShowRequired()

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    setProperty(BLOCKING_KEY, blocking ? Boolean.TRUE : Boolean.FALSE);

   * Gets the CSS styles to use for this component.
   * @return  the new inlineStyle value
  final public String getInlineStyle()
    return ComponentUtils.resolveString(getProperty(INLINE_STYLE_KEY));

   * Sets the CSS styles to use for this component.
   * @param inlineStyle  the new inlineStyle value
  final public void setInlineStyle(String inlineStyle)
    setProperty(INLINE_STYLE_KEY, (inlineStyle));

   * Gets a CSS style class to use for this component.
   * @return  the new styleClass value
  final public String getStyleClass()
    return ComponentUtils.resolveString(getProperty(STYLE_CLASS_KEY));

   * Sets a CSS style class to use for this component.
   * @param styleClass  the new styleClass value
  final public void setStyleClass(String styleClass)
    setProperty(STYLE_CLASS_KEY, (styleClass));

   * Gets The short description of the component. This text is commonly used by user agents to display tooltip help text.
   * @return  the new shortDesc value
  final public String getShortDesc()
    return ComponentUtils.resolveString(getProperty(SHORT_DESC_KEY));

   * Sets The short description of the component. This text is commonly used by user agents to display tooltip help text.
   * @param shortDesc  the new shortDesc value
  final public void setShortDesc(String shortDesc)
    setProperty(SHORT_DESC_KEY, (shortDesc));

   * Gets the IDs of the components that should trigger a partial update.
   *         <p>
   *         This component will listen on the trigger components. If one of the
   *         trigger components receives an event that will cause it to update
   *         in some way, this component will request to be updated too.</p>
   *         <p>
   *         Separate multiple triggers with a space. e.g., partialTriggers="cmp1 cmp2"
   *         </p>
   *         <p>
   *         Identifiers must account for NamingContainers.  You can use a single colon to start the search from the root,
   *         or use multiple colons to move up through the NamingContainer. For example,
   *         "::" will pop out of this component's naming container (it pops out of itself if it is a naming container), 
   *         ":::" will pop out of two naming containers, etc. The search for
   *         the partialTrigger begins from there. e.g., partialTriggers=":::commandButton1" the search begins for the 
   *         component with id = commandButton1 after popping out of two naming containers relative to this component.
   *         To go into naming containers, you separate the naming containers with ':', e.g.,partialTriggers= "nc1:nc2:nc3:componentId".</p>
   * @return  the new partialTriggers value
  final public String[] getPartialTriggers()
    return (String[])getProperty(PARTIAL_TRIGGERS_KEY);

   * Sets the IDs of the components that should trigger a partial update.
   *         <p>
   *         This component will listen on the trigger components. If one of the
   *         trigger components receives an event that will cause it to update
   *         in some way, this component will request to be updated too.</p>
   *         <p>
   *         Separate multiple triggers with a space. e.g., partialTriggers="cmp1 cmp2"
   *         </p>
   *         <p>
   *         Identifiers must account for NamingContainers.  You can use a single colon to start the search from the root,
   *         or use multiple colons to move up through the NamingContainer. For example,
   *         "::" will pop out of this component's naming container (it pops out of itself if it is a naming container), 
   *         ":::" will pop out of two naming containers, etc. The search for
   *         the partialTrigger begins from there. e.g., partialTriggers=":::commandButton1" the search begins for the 
   *         component with id = commandButton1 after popping out of two naming containers relative to this component.
   *         To go into naming containers, you separate the naming containers with ':', e.g.,partialTriggers= "nc1:nc2:nc3:componentId".</p>
   * @param partialTriggers  the new partialTriggers value
  final public void setPartialTriggers(String[] partialTriggers)
    setProperty(PARTIAL_TRIGGERS_KEY, (partialTriggers));

   * Gets an onclick Javascript handler.
   * @return  the new onclick value
  final public String getOnclick()
    return ComponentUtils.resolveString(getProperty(ONCLICK_KEY));

   * Sets an onclick Javascript handler.
   * @param onclick  the new onclick value
  final public void setOnclick(String onclick)
    setProperty(ONCLICK_KEY, (onclick));

   * Gets an ondblclick Javascript handler.
   * @return  the new ondblclick value
  final public String getOndblclick()
    return ComponentUtils.resolveString(getProperty(ONDBLCLICK_KEY));

   * Sets an ondblclick Javascript handler.
   * @param ondblclick  the new ondblclick value
  final public void setOndblclick(String ondblclick)
    setProperty(ONDBLCLICK_KEY, (ondblclick));

   * Gets an onmousedown Javascript handler.
   * @return  the new onmousedown value
  final public String getOnmousedown()
    return ComponentUtils.resolveString(getProperty(ONMOUSEDOWN_KEY));

   * Sets an onmousedown Javascript handler.
   * @param onmousedown  the new onmousedown value
  final public void setOnmousedown(String onmousedown)
    setProperty(ONMOUSEDOWN_KEY, (onmousedown));

   * Gets an onmouseup Javascript handler.
   * @return  the new onmouseup value
  final public String getOnmouseup()
    return ComponentUtils.resolveString(getProperty(ONMOUSEUP_KEY));

   * Sets an onmouseup Javascript handler.
   * @param onmouseup  the new onmouseup value
  final public void setOnmouseup(String onmouseup)
    setProperty(ONMOUSEUP_KEY, (onmouseup));

   * Gets an onmouseover Javascript handler.
   * @return  the new onmouseover value
  final public String getOnmouseover()
    return ComponentUtils.resolveString(getProperty(ONMOUSEOVER_KEY));

   * Sets an onmouseover Javascript handler.
   * @param onmouseover  the new onmouseover value
  final public void setOnmouseover(String onmouseover)
    setProperty(ONMOUSEOVER_KEY, (onmouseover));

   * Gets an onmousemove Javascript handler.
   * @return  the new onmousemove value
  final public String getOnmousemove()
    return ComponentUtils.resolveString(getProperty(ONMOUSEMOVE_KEY));

   * Sets an onmousemove Javascript handler.
   * @param onmousemove  the new onmousemove value
  final public void setOnmousemove(String onmousemove)
    setProperty(ONMOUSEMOVE_KEY, (onmousemove));

   * Gets an onmouseout Javascript handler.
   * @return  the new onmouseout value
  final public String getOnmouseout()
    return ComponentUtils.resolveString(getProperty(ONMOUSEOUT_KEY));

   * Sets an onmouseout Javascript handler.
   * @param onmouseout  the new onmouseout value
  final public void setOnmouseout(String onmouseout)
    setProperty(ONMOUSEOUT_KEY, (onmouseout));

   * Gets an onkeypress Javascript handler.
   * @return  the new onkeypress value
  final public String getOnkeypress()
    return ComponentUtils.resolveString(getProperty(ONKEYPRESS_KEY));

   * Sets an onkeypress Javascript handler.
   * @param onkeypress  the new onkeypress value
  final public void setOnkeypress(String onkeypress)
    setProperty(ONKEYPRESS_KEY, (onkeypress));

   * Gets an onkeydown Javascript handler.
   * @return  the new onkeydown value
  final public String getOnkeydown()
    return ComponentUtils.resolveString(getProperty(ONKEYDOWN_KEY));

   * Sets an onkeydown Javascript handler.
   * @param onkeydown  the new onkeydown value
  final public void setOnkeydown(String onkeydown)
    setProperty(ONKEYDOWN_KEY, (onkeydown));

   * Gets an onkeyup Javascript handler.
   * @return  the new onkeyup value
  final public String getOnkeyup()
    return ComponentUtils.resolveString(getProperty(ONKEYUP_KEY));

   * Sets an onkeyup Javascript handler.
   * @param onkeyup  the new onkeyup value
  final public void setOnkeyup(String onkeyup)
    setProperty(ONKEYUP_KEY, (onkeyup));

   * Gets the event handler for the component losing the focus.
   * @return  the new onblur value
  final public String getOnblur()
    return ComponentUtils.resolveString(getProperty(ONBLUR_KEY));

   * Sets the event handler for the component losing the focus.
   * @param onblur  the new onblur value
  final public void setOnblur(String onblur)
    setProperty(ONBLUR_KEY, (onblur));

   * Gets the event handler for the component gaining the focus.
   * @return  the new onfocus value
  final public String getOnfocus()
    return ComponentUtils.resolveString(getProperty(ONFOCUS_KEY));

   * Sets the event handler for the component gaining the focus.
   * @param onfocus  the new onfocus value
  final public void setOnfocus(String onfocus)
    setProperty(ONFOCUS_KEY, (onfocus));

   * Gets Indicates whether processes launched by this command should be
   *         launched in a secondary dialog window. 'useWindow' requires that the "action"
   *         attribute start with "dialog:". Set useWindow to 'false' for the outcome of
   *         the action to be targeted to the existing window.
   * @return  the new useWindow value
  final public boolean isUseWindow()

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    setProperty(CONTENT_STYLE_KEY, (contentStyle));

   * Gets the CSS styles to use for this component.
   * @return  the new inlineStyle value
  final public String getInlineStyle()
    return ComponentUtils.resolveString(getProperty(INLINE_STYLE_KEY));

   * Sets the CSS styles to use for this component.
   * @param inlineStyle  the new inlineStyle value
  final public void setInlineStyle(String inlineStyle)
    setProperty(INLINE_STYLE_KEY, (inlineStyle));

   * Gets a CSS style class to use for this component.
   * @return  the new styleClass value
  final public String getStyleClass()
    return ComponentUtils.resolveString(getProperty(STYLE_CLASS_KEY));

   * Sets a CSS style class to use for this component.
   * @param styleClass  the new styleClass value
  final public void setStyleClass(String styleClass)
    setProperty(STYLE_CLASS_KEY, (styleClass));

   * Gets The short description of the component. This text is commonly used by user agents to display tooltip help text.
   * @return  the new shortDesc value
  final public String getShortDesc()
    return ComponentUtils.resolveString(getProperty(SHORT_DESC_KEY));

   * Sets The short description of the component. This text is commonly used by user agents to display tooltip help text.
   * @param shortDesc  the new shortDesc value
  final public void setShortDesc(String shortDesc)
    setProperty(SHORT_DESC_KEY, (shortDesc));

   * Gets the IDs of the components that should trigger a partial update.
   *         <p>
   *         This component will listen on the trigger components. If one of the
   *         trigger components receives an event that will cause it to update
   *         in some way, this component will request to be updated too.</p>
   *         <p>
   *         Separate multiple triggers with a space. e.g., partialTriggers="cmp1 cmp2"
   *         </p>
   *         <p>
   *         Identifiers must account for NamingContainers.  You can use a single colon to start the search from the root,
   *         or use multiple colons to move up through the NamingContainer. For example,
   *         "::" will pop out of this component's naming container (it pops out of itself if it is a naming container), 
   *         ":::" will pop out of two naming containers, etc. The search for
   *         the partialTrigger begins from there. e.g., partialTriggers=":::commandButton1" the search begins for the 
   *         component with id = commandButton1 after popping out of two naming containers relative to this component.
   *         To go into naming containers, you separate the naming containers with ':', e.g.,partialTriggers= "nc1:nc2:nc3:componentId".</p>
   * @return  the new partialTriggers value
  final public String[] getPartialTriggers()
    return (String[])getProperty(PARTIAL_TRIGGERS_KEY);

   * Sets the IDs of the components that should trigger a partial update.
   *         <p>
   *         This component will listen on the trigger components. If one of the
   *         trigger components receives an event that will cause it to update
   *         in some way, this component will request to be updated too.</p>
   *         <p>
   *         Separate multiple triggers with a space. e.g., partialTriggers="cmp1 cmp2"
   *         </p>
   *         <p>
   *         Identifiers must account for NamingContainers.  You can use a single colon to start the search from the root,
   *         or use multiple colons to move up through the NamingContainer. For example,
   *         "::" will pop out of this component's naming container (it pops out of itself if it is a naming container), 
   *         ":::" will pop out of two naming containers, etc. The search for
   *         the partialTrigger begins from there. e.g., partialTriggers=":::commandButton1" the search begins for the 
   *         component with id = commandButton1 after popping out of two naming containers relative to this component.
   *         To go into naming containers, you separate the naming containers with ':', e.g.,partialTriggers= "nc1:nc2:nc3:componentId".</p>
   * @param partialTriggers  the new partialTriggers value
  final public void setPartialTriggers(String[] partialTriggers)
    setProperty(PARTIAL_TRIGGERS_KEY, (partialTriggers));

   * Gets an onclick Javascript handler.
   * @return  the new onclick value
  final public String getOnclick()
    return ComponentUtils.resolveString(getProperty(ONCLICK_KEY));

   * Sets an onclick Javascript handler.
   * @param onclick  the new onclick value
  final public void setOnclick(String onclick)
    setProperty(ONCLICK_KEY, (onclick));

   * Gets an ondblclick Javascript handler.
   * @return  the new ondblclick value
  final public String getOndblclick()
    return ComponentUtils.resolveString(getProperty(ONDBLCLICK_KEY));

   * Sets an ondblclick Javascript handler.
   * @param ondblclick  the new ondblclick value
  final public void setOndblclick(String ondblclick)
    setProperty(ONDBLCLICK_KEY, (ondblclick));

   * Gets an onmousedown Javascript handler.
   * @return  the new onmousedown value
  final public String getOnmousedown()
    return ComponentUtils.resolveString(getProperty(ONMOUSEDOWN_KEY));

   * Sets an onmousedown Javascript handler.
   * @param onmousedown  the new onmousedown value
  final public void setOnmousedown(String onmousedown)
    setProperty(ONMOUSEDOWN_KEY, (onmousedown));

   * Gets an onmouseup Javascript handler.
   * @return  the new onmouseup value
  final public String getOnmouseup()
    return ComponentUtils.resolveString(getProperty(ONMOUSEUP_KEY));

   * Sets an onmouseup Javascript handler.
   * @param onmouseup  the new onmouseup value
  final public void setOnmouseup(String onmouseup)
    setProperty(ONMOUSEUP_KEY, (onmouseup));

   * Gets an onmouseover Javascript handler.
   * @return  the new onmouseover value
  final public String getOnmouseover()
    return ComponentUtils.resolveString(getProperty(ONMOUSEOVER_KEY));

   * Sets an onmouseover Javascript handler.
   * @param onmouseover  the new onmouseover value
  final public void setOnmouseover(String onmouseover)
    setProperty(ONMOUSEOVER_KEY, (onmouseover));

   * Gets an onmousemove Javascript handler.
   * @return  the new onmousemove value
  final public String getOnmousemove()
    return ComponentUtils.resolveString(getProperty(ONMOUSEMOVE_KEY));

   * Sets an onmousemove Javascript handler.
   * @param onmousemove  the new onmousemove value
  final public void setOnmousemove(String onmousemove)
    setProperty(ONMOUSEMOVE_KEY, (onmousemove));

   * Gets an onmouseout Javascript handler.
   * @return  the new onmouseout value
  final public String getOnmouseout()
    return ComponentUtils.resolveString(getProperty(ONMOUSEOUT_KEY));

   * Sets an onmouseout Javascript handler.
   * @param onmouseout  the new onmouseout value
  final public void setOnmouseout(String onmouseout)
    setProperty(ONMOUSEOUT_KEY, (onmouseout));

   * Gets an onkeypress Javascript handler.
   * @return  the new onkeypress value
  final public String getOnkeypress()
    return ComponentUtils.resolveString(getProperty(ONKEYPRESS_KEY));

   * Sets an onkeypress Javascript handler.
   * @param onkeypress  the new onkeypress value
  final public void setOnkeypress(String onkeypress)
    setProperty(ONKEYPRESS_KEY, (onkeypress));

   * Gets an onkeydown Javascript handler.
   * @return  the new onkeydown value
  final public String getOnkeydown()
    return ComponentUtils.resolveString(getProperty(ONKEYDOWN_KEY));

   * Sets an onkeydown Javascript handler.
   * @param onkeydown  the new onkeydown value
  final public void setOnkeydown(String onkeydown)
    setProperty(ONKEYDOWN_KEY, (onkeydown));

   * Gets an onkeyup Javascript handler.
   * @return  the new onkeyup value
  final public String getOnkeyup()
    return ComponentUtils.resolveString(getProperty(ONKEYUP_KEY));

   * Sets an onkeyup Javascript handler.
   * @param onkeyup  the new onkeyup value
  final public void setOnkeyup(String onkeyup)
    setProperty(ONKEYUP_KEY, (onkeyup));

   * Gets the event handler for the component losing the focus.
   * @return  the new onblur value
  final public String getOnblur()
    return ComponentUtils.resolveString(getProperty(ONBLUR_KEY));

   * Sets the event handler for the component losing the focus.
   * @param onblur  the new onblur value
  final public void setOnblur(String onblur)
    setProperty(ONBLUR_KEY, (onblur));

   * Gets the event handler for the component gaining the focus.
   * @return  the new onfocus value
  final public String getOnfocus()
    return ComponentUtils.resolveString(getProperty(ONFOCUS_KEY));

   * Sets the event handler for the component gaining the focus.
   * @param onfocus  the new onfocus value
  final public void setOnfocus(String onfocus)
    setProperty(ONFOCUS_KEY, (onfocus));

   * Gets event handler for when the value is changed.
   * @return  the new onchange value
  final public String getOnchange()

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    setProperty(BLOCKING_KEY, blocking ? Boolean.TRUE : Boolean.FALSE);

   * Gets the CSS styles to use for this component.
   * @return  the new inlineStyle value
  final public String getInlineStyle()
    return ComponentUtils.resolveString(getProperty(INLINE_STYLE_KEY));

   * Sets the CSS styles to use for this component.
   * @param inlineStyle  the new inlineStyle value
  final public void setInlineStyle(String inlineStyle)
    setProperty(INLINE_STYLE_KEY, (inlineStyle));

   * Gets a CSS style class to use for this component.
   * @return  the new styleClass value
  final public String getStyleClass()
    return ComponentUtils.resolveString(getProperty(STYLE_CLASS_KEY));

   * Sets a CSS style class to use for this component.
   * @param styleClass  the new styleClass value
  final public void setStyleClass(String styleClass)
    setProperty(STYLE_CLASS_KEY, (styleClass));

   * Gets The short description of the component. This text is commonly used by user agents to display tooltip help text.
   * @return  the new shortDesc value
  final public String getShortDesc()
    return ComponentUtils.resolveString(getProperty(SHORT_DESC_KEY));

   * Sets The short description of the component. This text is commonly used by user agents to display tooltip help text.
   * @param shortDesc  the new shortDesc value
  final public void setShortDesc(String shortDesc)
    setProperty(SHORT_DESC_KEY, (shortDesc));

   * Gets the IDs of the components that should trigger a partial update.
   *         <p>
   *         This component will listen on the trigger components. If one of the
   *         trigger components receives an event that will cause it to update
   *         in some way, this component will request to be updated too.</p>
   *         <p>
   *         Separate multiple triggers with a space. e.g., partialTriggers="cmp1 cmp2"
   *         </p>
   *         <p>
   *         Identifiers must account for NamingContainers.  You can use a single colon to start the search from the root,
   *         or use multiple colons to move up through the NamingContainer. For example,
   *         "::" will pop out of this component's naming container (it pops out of itself if it is a naming container), 
   *         ":::" will pop out of two naming containers, etc. The search for
   *         the partialTrigger begins from there. e.g., partialTriggers=":::commandButton1" the search begins for the 
   *         component with id = commandButton1 after popping out of two naming containers relative to this component.
   *         To go into naming containers, you separate the naming containers with ':', e.g.,partialTriggers= "nc1:nc2:nc3:componentId".</p>
   * @return  the new partialTriggers value
  final public String[] getPartialTriggers()
    return (String[])getProperty(PARTIAL_TRIGGERS_KEY);

   * Sets the IDs of the components that should trigger a partial update.
   *         <p>
   *         This component will listen on the trigger components. If one of the
   *         trigger components receives an event that will cause it to update
   *         in some way, this component will request to be updated too.</p>
   *         <p>
   *         Separate multiple triggers with a space. e.g., partialTriggers="cmp1 cmp2"
   *         </p>
   *         <p>
   *         Identifiers must account for NamingContainers.  You can use a single colon to start the search from the root,
   *         or use multiple colons to move up through the NamingContainer. For example,
   *         "::" will pop out of this component's naming container (it pops out of itself if it is a naming container), 
   *         ":::" will pop out of two naming containers, etc. The search for
   *         the partialTrigger begins from there. e.g., partialTriggers=":::commandButton1" the search begins for the 
   *         component with id = commandButton1 after popping out of two naming containers relative to this component.
   *         To go into naming containers, you separate the naming containers with ':', e.g.,partialTriggers= "nc1:nc2:nc3:componentId".</p>
   * @param partialTriggers  the new partialTriggers value
  final public void setPartialTriggers(String[] partialTriggers)
    setProperty(PARTIAL_TRIGGERS_KEY, (partialTriggers));

   * Gets an onclick Javascript handler.
   * @return  the new onclick value
  final public String getOnclick()
    return ComponentUtils.resolveString(getProperty(ONCLICK_KEY));

   * Sets an onclick Javascript handler.
   * @param onclick  the new onclick value
  final public void setOnclick(String onclick)
    setProperty(ONCLICK_KEY, (onclick));

   * Gets an ondblclick Javascript handler.
   * @return  the new ondblclick value
  final public String getOndblclick()
    return ComponentUtils.resolveString(getProperty(ONDBLCLICK_KEY));

   * Sets an ondblclick Javascript handler.
   * @param ondblclick  the new ondblclick value
  final public void setOndblclick(String ondblclick)
    setProperty(ONDBLCLICK_KEY, (ondblclick));

   * Gets an onmousedown Javascript handler.
   * @return  the new onmousedown value
  final public String getOnmousedown()
    return ComponentUtils.resolveString(getProperty(ONMOUSEDOWN_KEY));

   * Sets an onmousedown Javascript handler.
   * @param onmousedown  the new onmousedown value
  final public void setOnmousedown(String onmousedown)
    setProperty(ONMOUSEDOWN_KEY, (onmousedown));

   * Gets an onmouseup Javascript handler.
   * @return  the new onmouseup value
  final public String getOnmouseup()
    return ComponentUtils.resolveString(getProperty(ONMOUSEUP_KEY));

   * Sets an onmouseup Javascript handler.
   * @param onmouseup  the new onmouseup value
  final public void setOnmouseup(String onmouseup)
    setProperty(ONMOUSEUP_KEY, (onmouseup));

   * Gets an onmouseover Javascript handler.
   * @return  the new onmouseover value
  final public String getOnmouseover()
    return ComponentUtils.resolveString(getProperty(ONMOUSEOVER_KEY));

   * Sets an onmouseover Javascript handler.
   * @param onmouseover  the new onmouseover value
  final public void setOnmouseover(String onmouseover)
    setProperty(ONMOUSEOVER_KEY, (onmouseover));

   * Gets an onmousemove Javascript handler.
   * @return  the new onmousemove value
  final public String getOnmousemove()
    return ComponentUtils.resolveString(getProperty(ONMOUSEMOVE_KEY));

   * Sets an onmousemove Javascript handler.
   * @param onmousemove  the new onmousemove value
  final public void setOnmousemove(String onmousemove)
    setProperty(ONMOUSEMOVE_KEY, (onmousemove));

   * Gets an onmouseout Javascript handler.
   * @return  the new onmouseout value
  final public String getOnmouseout()
    return ComponentUtils.resolveString(getProperty(ONMOUSEOUT_KEY));

   * Sets an onmouseout Javascript handler.
   * @param onmouseout  the new onmouseout value
  final public void setOnmouseout(String onmouseout)
    setProperty(ONMOUSEOUT_KEY, (onmouseout));

   * Gets an onkeypress Javascript handler.
   * @return  the new onkeypress value
  final public String getOnkeypress()
    return ComponentUtils.resolveString(getProperty(ONKEYPRESS_KEY));

   * Sets an onkeypress Javascript handler.
   * @param onkeypress  the new onkeypress value
  final public void setOnkeypress(String onkeypress)
    setProperty(ONKEYPRESS_KEY, (onkeypress));

   * Gets an onkeydown Javascript handler.
   * @return  the new onkeydown value
  final public String getOnkeydown()
    return ComponentUtils.resolveString(getProperty(ONKEYDOWN_KEY));

   * Sets an onkeydown Javascript handler.
   * @param onkeydown  the new onkeydown value
  final public void setOnkeydown(String onkeydown)
    setProperty(ONKEYDOWN_KEY, (onkeydown));

   * Gets an onkeyup Javascript handler.
   * @return  the new onkeyup value
  final public String getOnkeyup()
    return ComponentUtils.resolveString(getProperty(ONKEYUP_KEY));

   * Sets an onkeyup Javascript handler.
   * @param onkeyup  the new onkeyup value
  final public void setOnkeyup(String onkeyup)
    setProperty(ONKEYUP_KEY, (onkeyup));

   * Gets the event handler for the component losing the focus.
   * @return  the new onblur value
  final public String getOnblur()
    return ComponentUtils.resolveString(getProperty(ONBLUR_KEY));

   * Sets the event handler for the component losing the focus.
   * @param onblur  the new onblur value
  final public void setOnblur(String onblur)
    setProperty(ONBLUR_KEY, (onblur));

   * Gets the event handler for the component gaining the focus.
   * @return  the new onfocus value
  final public String getOnfocus()
    return ComponentUtils.resolveString(getProperty(ONFOCUS_KEY));

   * Sets the event handler for the component gaining the focus.
   * @param onfocus  the new onfocus value
  final public void setOnfocus(String onfocus)
    setProperty(ONFOCUS_KEY, (onfocus));

   * Gets Indicates whether processes launched by this command should be
   *         launched in a secondary dialog window. 'useWindow' requires that the "action"
   *         attribute start with "dialog:". Set useWindow to 'false' for the outcome of
   *         the action to be targeted to the existing window.
   * @return  the new useWindow value
  final public boolean isUseWindow()

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    setProperty(CONTENT_STYLE_KEY, (contentStyle));

   * Gets the CSS styles to use for this component.
   * @return  the new inlineStyle value
  final public String getInlineStyle()
    return ComponentUtils.resolveString(getProperty(INLINE_STYLE_KEY));

   * Sets the CSS styles to use for this component.
   * @param inlineStyle  the new inlineStyle value
  final public void setInlineStyle(String inlineStyle)
    setProperty(INLINE_STYLE_KEY, (inlineStyle));

   * Gets a CSS style class to use for this component.
   * @return  the new styleClass value
  final public String getStyleClass()
    return ComponentUtils.resolveString(getProperty(STYLE_CLASS_KEY));

   * Sets a CSS style class to use for this component.
   * @param styleClass  the new styleClass value
  final public void setStyleClass(String styleClass)
    setProperty(STYLE_CLASS_KEY, (styleClass));

   * Gets The short description of the component. This text is commonly used by user agents to display tooltip help text.
   * @return  the new shortDesc value
  final public String getShortDesc()
    return ComponentUtils.resolveString(getProperty(SHORT_DESC_KEY));

   * Sets The short description of the component. This text is commonly used by user agents to display tooltip help text.
   * @param shortDesc  the new shortDesc value
  final public void setShortDesc(String shortDesc)
    setProperty(SHORT_DESC_KEY, (shortDesc));

   * Gets the IDs of the components that should trigger a partial update.
   *         <p>
   *         This component will listen on the trigger components. If one of the
   *         trigger components receives an event that will cause it to update
   *         in some way, this component will request to be updated too.</p>
   *         <p>
   *         Separate multiple triggers with a space. e.g., partialTriggers="cmp1 cmp2"
   *         </p>
   *         <p>
   *         Identifiers must account for NamingContainers.  You can use a single colon to start the search from the root,
   *         or use multiple colons to move up through the NamingContainer. For example,
   *         "::" will pop out of this component's naming container (it pops out of itself if it is a naming container), 
   *         ":::" will pop out of two naming containers, etc. The search for
   *         the partialTrigger begins from there. e.g., partialTriggers=":::commandButton1" the search begins for the 
   *         component with id = commandButton1 after popping out of two naming containers relative to this component.
   *         To go into naming containers, you separate the naming containers with ':', e.g.,partialTriggers= "nc1:nc2:nc3:componentId".</p>
   * @return  the new partialTriggers value
  final public String[] getPartialTriggers()
    return (String[])getProperty(PARTIAL_TRIGGERS_KEY);

   * Sets the IDs of the components that should trigger a partial update.
   *         <p>
   *         This component will listen on the trigger components. If one of the
   *         trigger components receives an event that will cause it to update
   *         in some way, this component will request to be updated too.</p>
   *         <p>
   *         Separate multiple triggers with a space. e.g., partialTriggers="cmp1 cmp2"
   *         </p>
   *         <p>
   *         Identifiers must account for NamingContainers.  You can use a single colon to start the search from the root,
   *         or use multiple colons to move up through the NamingContainer. For example,
   *         "::" will pop out of this component's naming container (it pops out of itself if it is a naming container), 
   *         ":::" will pop out of two naming containers, etc. The search for
   *         the partialTrigger begins from there. e.g., partialTriggers=":::commandButton1" the search begins for the 
   *         component with id = commandButton1 after popping out of two naming containers relative to this component.
   *         To go into naming containers, you separate the naming containers with ':', e.g.,partialTriggers= "nc1:nc2:nc3:componentId".</p>
   * @param partialTriggers  the new partialTriggers value
  final public void setPartialTriggers(String[] partialTriggers)
    setProperty(PARTIAL_TRIGGERS_KEY, (partialTriggers));

   * Gets an onclick Javascript handler.
   * @return  the new onclick value
  final public String getOnclick()
    return ComponentUtils.resolveString(getProperty(ONCLICK_KEY));

   * Sets an onclick Javascript handler.
   * @param onclick  the new onclick value
  final public void setOnclick(String onclick)
    setProperty(ONCLICK_KEY, (onclick));

   * Gets an ondblclick Javascript handler.
   * @return  the new ondblclick value
  final public String getOndblclick()
    return ComponentUtils.resolveString(getProperty(ONDBLCLICK_KEY));

   * Sets an ondblclick Javascript handler.
   * @param ondblclick  the new ondblclick value
  final public void setOndblclick(String ondblclick)
    setProperty(ONDBLCLICK_KEY, (ondblclick));

   * Gets an onmousedown Javascript handler.
   * @return  the new onmousedown value
  final public String getOnmousedown()
    return ComponentUtils.resolveString(getProperty(ONMOUSEDOWN_KEY));

   * Sets an onmousedown Javascript handler.
   * @param onmousedown  the new onmousedown value
  final public void setOnmousedown(String onmousedown)
    setProperty(ONMOUSEDOWN_KEY, (onmousedown));

   * Gets an onmouseup Javascript handler.
   * @return  the new onmouseup value
  final public String getOnmouseup()
    return ComponentUtils.resolveString(getProperty(ONMOUSEUP_KEY));

   * Sets an onmouseup Javascript handler.
   * @param onmouseup  the new onmouseup value
  final public void setOnmouseup(String onmouseup)
    setProperty(ONMOUSEUP_KEY, (onmouseup));

   * Gets an onmouseover Javascript handler.
   * @return  the new onmouseover value
  final public String getOnmouseover()
    return ComponentUtils.resolveString(getProperty(ONMOUSEOVER_KEY));

   * Sets an onmouseover Javascript handler.
   * @param onmouseover  the new onmouseover value
  final public void setOnmouseover(String onmouseover)
    setProperty(ONMOUSEOVER_KEY, (onmouseover));

   * Gets an onmousemove Javascript handler.
   * @return  the new onmousemove value
  final public String getOnmousemove()
    return ComponentUtils.resolveString(getProperty(ONMOUSEMOVE_KEY));

   * Sets an onmousemove Javascript handler.
   * @param onmousemove  the new onmousemove value
  final public void setOnmousemove(String onmousemove)
    setProperty(ONMOUSEMOVE_KEY, (onmousemove));

   * Gets an onmouseout Javascript handler.
   * @return  the new onmouseout value
  final public String getOnmouseout()
    return ComponentUtils.resolveString(getProperty(ONMOUSEOUT_KEY));

   * Sets an onmouseout Javascript handler.
   * @param onmouseout  the new onmouseout value
  final public void setOnmouseout(String onmouseout)
    setProperty(ONMOUSEOUT_KEY, (onmouseout));

   * Gets an onkeypress Javascript handler.
   * @return  the new onkeypress value
  final public String getOnkeypress()
    return ComponentUtils.resolveString(getProperty(ONKEYPRESS_KEY));

   * Sets an onkeypress Javascript handler.
   * @param onkeypress  the new onkeypress value
  final public void setOnkeypress(String onkeypress)
    setProperty(ONKEYPRESS_KEY, (onkeypress));

   * Gets an onkeydown Javascript handler.
   * @return  the new onkeydown value
  final public String getOnkeydown()
    return ComponentUtils.resolveString(getProperty(ONKEYDOWN_KEY));

   * Sets an onkeydown Javascript handler.
   * @param onkeydown  the new onkeydown value
  final public void setOnkeydown(String onkeydown)
    setProperty(ONKEYDOWN_KEY, (onkeydown));

   * Gets an onkeyup Javascript handler.
   * @return  the new onkeyup value
  final public String getOnkeyup()
    return ComponentUtils.resolveString(getProperty(ONKEYUP_KEY));

   * Sets an onkeyup Javascript handler.
   * @param onkeyup  the new onkeyup value
  final public void setOnkeyup(String onkeyup)
    setProperty(ONKEYUP_KEY, (onkeyup));

   * Gets the event handler for the component losing the focus.
   * @return  the new onblur value
  final public String getOnblur()
    return ComponentUtils.resolveString(getProperty(ONBLUR_KEY));

   * Sets the event handler for the component losing the focus.
   * @param onblur  the new onblur value
  final public void setOnblur(String onblur)
    setProperty(ONBLUR_KEY, (onblur));

   * Gets the event handler for the component gaining the focus.
   * @return  the new onfocus value
  final public String getOnfocus()
    return ComponentUtils.resolveString(getProperty(ONFOCUS_KEY));

   * Sets the event handler for the component gaining the focus.
   * @param onfocus  the new onfocus value
  final public void setOnfocus(String onfocus)
    setProperty(ONFOCUS_KEY, (onfocus));

   * Gets event handler for when the value is changed.
   * @return  the new onchange value
  final public String getOnchange()

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    setProperty(BLOCKING_KEY, blocking ? Boolean.TRUE : Boolean.FALSE);

   * Gets the CSS styles to use for this component.
   * @return  the new inlineStyle value
  final public String getInlineStyle()
    return ComponentUtils.resolveString(getProperty(INLINE_STYLE_KEY));

   * Sets the CSS styles to use for this component.
   * @param inlineStyle  the new inlineStyle value
  final public void setInlineStyle(String inlineStyle)
    setProperty(INLINE_STYLE_KEY, (inlineStyle));

   * Gets a CSS style class to use for this component.
   * @return  the new styleClass value
  final public String getStyleClass()
    return ComponentUtils.resolveString(getProperty(STYLE_CLASS_KEY));

   * Sets a CSS style class to use for this component.
   * @param styleClass  the new styleClass value
  final public void setStyleClass(String styleClass)
    setProperty(STYLE_CLASS_KEY, (styleClass));

   * Gets The short description of the component. This text is commonly used by user agents to display tooltip help text.
   * @return  the new shortDesc value
  final public String getShortDesc()
    return ComponentUtils.resolveString(getProperty(SHORT_DESC_KEY));

   * Sets The short description of the component. This text is commonly used by user agents to display tooltip help text.
   * @param shortDesc  the new shortDesc value
  final public void setShortDesc(String shortDesc)
    setProperty(SHORT_DESC_KEY, (shortDesc));

   * Gets the IDs of the components that should trigger a partial update.
   *         <p>
   *         This component will listen on the trigger components. If one of the
   *         trigger components receives an event that will cause it to update
   *         in some way, this component will request to be updated too.</p>
   *         <p>
   *         Separate multiple triggers with a space. e.g., partialTriggers="cmp1 cmp2"
   *         </p>
   *         <p>
   *         Identifiers must account for NamingContainers.  You can use a single colon to start the search from the root,
   *         or use multiple colons to move up through the NamingContainer. For example,
   *         "::" will pop out of this component's naming container (it pops out of itself if it is a naming container), 
   *         ":::" will pop out of two naming containers, etc. The search for
   *         the partialTrigger begins from there. e.g., partialTriggers=":::commandButton1" the search begins for the 
   *         component with id = commandButton1 after popping out of two naming containers relative to this component.
   *         To go into naming containers, you separate the naming containers with ':', e.g.,partialTriggers= "nc1:nc2:nc3:componentId".</p>
   * @return  the new partialTriggers value
  final public String[] getPartialTriggers()
    return (String[])getProperty(PARTIAL_TRIGGERS_KEY);

   * Sets the IDs of the components that should trigger a partial update.
   *         <p>
   *         This component will listen on the trigger components. If one of the
   *         trigger components receives an event that will cause it to update
   *         in some way, this component will request to be updated too.</p>
   *         <p>
   *         Separate multiple triggers with a space. e.g., partialTriggers="cmp1 cmp2"
   *         </p>
   *         <p>
   *         Identifiers must account for NamingContainers.  You can use a single colon to start the search from the root,
   *         or use multiple colons to move up through the NamingContainer. For example,
   *         "::" will pop out of this component's naming container (it pops out of itself if it is a naming container), 
   *         ":::" will pop out of two naming containers, etc. The search for
   *         the partialTrigger begins from there. e.g., partialTriggers=":::commandButton1" the search begins for the 
   *         component with id = commandButton1 after popping out of two naming containers relative to this component.
   *         To go into naming containers, you separate the naming containers with ':', e.g.,partialTriggers= "nc1:nc2:nc3:componentId".</p>
   * @param partialTriggers  the new partialTriggers value
  final public void setPartialTriggers(String[] partialTriggers)
    setProperty(PARTIAL_TRIGGERS_KEY, (partialTriggers));

   * Gets an onclick Javascript handler.
   * @return  the new onclick value
  final public String getOnclick()
    return ComponentUtils.resolveString(getProperty(ONCLICK_KEY));

   * Sets an onclick Javascript handler.
   * @param onclick  the new onclick value
  final public void setOnclick(String onclick)
    setProperty(ONCLICK_KEY, (onclick));

   * Gets an ondblclick Javascript handler.
   * @return  the new ondblclick value
  final public String getOndblclick()
    return ComponentUtils.resolveString(getProperty(ONDBLCLICK_KEY));

   * Sets an ondblclick Javascript handler.
   * @param ondblclick  the new ondblclick value
  final public void setOndblclick(String ondblclick)
    setProperty(ONDBLCLICK_KEY, (ondblclick));

   * Gets an onmousedown Javascript handler.
   * @return  the new onmousedown value
  final public String getOnmousedown()
    return ComponentUtils.resolveString(getProperty(ONMOUSEDOWN_KEY));

   * Sets an onmousedown Javascript handler.
   * @param onmousedown  the new onmousedown value
  final public void setOnmousedown(String onmousedown)
    setProperty(ONMOUSEDOWN_KEY, (onmousedown));

   * Gets an onmouseup Javascript handler.
   * @return  the new onmouseup value
  final public String getOnmouseup()
    return ComponentUtils.resolveString(getProperty(ONMOUSEUP_KEY));

   * Sets an onmouseup Javascript handler.
   * @param onmouseup  the new onmouseup value
  final public void setOnmouseup(String onmouseup)
    setProperty(ONMOUSEUP_KEY, (onmouseup));

   * Gets an onmouseover Javascript handler.
   * @return  the new onmouseover value
  final public String getOnmouseover()
    return ComponentUtils.resolveString(getProperty(ONMOUSEOVER_KEY));

   * Sets an onmouseover Javascript handler.
   * @param onmouseover  the new onmouseover value
  final public void setOnmouseover(String onmouseover)
    setProperty(ONMOUSEOVER_KEY, (onmouseover));

   * Gets an onmousemove Javascript handler.
   * @return  the new onmousemove value
  final public String getOnmousemove()
    return ComponentUtils.resolveString(getProperty(ONMOUSEMOVE_KEY));

   * Sets an onmousemove Javascript handler.
   * @param onmousemove  the new onmousemove value
  final public void setOnmousemove(String onmousemove)
    setProperty(ONMOUSEMOVE_KEY, (onmousemove));

   * Gets an onmouseout Javascript handler.
   * @return  the new onmouseout value
  final public String getOnmouseout()
    return ComponentUtils.resolveString(getProperty(ONMOUSEOUT_KEY));

   * Sets an onmouseout Javascript handler.
   * @param onmouseout  the new onmouseout value
  final public void setOnmouseout(String onmouseout)
    setProperty(ONMOUSEOUT_KEY, (onmouseout));

   * Gets an onkeypress Javascript handler.
   * @return  the new onkeypress value
  final public String getOnkeypress()
    return ComponentUtils.resolveString(getProperty(ONKEYPRESS_KEY));

   * Sets an onkeypress Javascript handler.
   * @param onkeypress  the new onkeypress value
  final public void setOnkeypress(String onkeypress)
    setProperty(ONKEYPRESS_KEY, (onkeypress));

   * Gets an onkeydown Javascript handler.
   * @return  the new onkeydown value
  final public String getOnkeydown()
    return ComponentUtils.resolveString(getProperty(ONKEYDOWN_KEY));

   * Sets an onkeydown Javascript handler.
   * @param onkeydown  the new onkeydown value
  final public void setOnkeydown(String onkeydown)
    setProperty(ONKEYDOWN_KEY, (onkeydown));

   * Gets an onkeyup Javascript handler.
   * @return  the new onkeyup value
  final public String getOnkeyup()
    return ComponentUtils.resolveString(getProperty(ONKEYUP_KEY));

   * Sets an onkeyup Javascript handler.
   * @param onkeyup  the new onkeyup value
  final public void setOnkeyup(String onkeyup)
    setProperty(ONKEYUP_KEY, (onkeyup));

   * Gets the event handler for the component losing the focus.
   * @return  the new onblur value
  final public String getOnblur()
    return ComponentUtils.resolveString(getProperty(ONBLUR_KEY));

   * Sets the event handler for the component losing the focus.
   * @param onblur  the new onblur value
  final public void setOnblur(String onblur)
    setProperty(ONBLUR_KEY, (onblur));

   * Gets the event handler for the component gaining the focus.
   * @return  the new onfocus value
  final public String getOnfocus()
    return ComponentUtils.resolveString(getProperty(ONFOCUS_KEY));

   * Sets the event handler for the component gaining the focus.
   * @param onfocus  the new onfocus value
  final public void setOnfocus(String onfocus)
    setProperty(ONFOCUS_KEY, (onfocus));

   * Gets Indicates whether processes launched by this command should be
   *         launched in a secondary dialog window. 'useWindow' requires that the "action"
   *         attribute start with "dialog:". Set useWindow to 'false' for the outcome of
   *         the action to be targeted to the existing window.
   * @return  the new useWindow value
  final public boolean isUseWindow()

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    setProperty(TARGET_FRAME_KEY, (targetFrame));

   * Gets the CSS styles to use for this component.
   * @return  the new inlineStyle value
  final public String getInlineStyle()
    return ComponentUtils.resolveString(getProperty(INLINE_STYLE_KEY));

   * Sets the CSS styles to use for this component.
   * @param inlineStyle  the new inlineStyle value
  final public void setInlineStyle(String inlineStyle)
    setProperty(INLINE_STYLE_KEY, (inlineStyle));

   * Gets a CSS style class to use for this component.
   * @return  the new styleClass value
  final public String getStyleClass()
    return ComponentUtils.resolveString(getProperty(STYLE_CLASS_KEY));

   * Sets a CSS style class to use for this component.
   * @param styleClass  the new styleClass value
  final public void setStyleClass(String styleClass)
    setProperty(STYLE_CLASS_KEY, (styleClass));

   * Gets The short description of the component. This text is commonly used by user agents to display tooltip help text.
   * @return  the new shortDesc value
  final public String getShortDesc()
    return ComponentUtils.resolveString(getProperty(SHORT_DESC_KEY));

   * Sets The short description of the component. This text is commonly used by user agents to display tooltip help text.
   * @param shortDesc  the new shortDesc value
  final public void setShortDesc(String shortDesc)
    setProperty(SHORT_DESC_KEY, (shortDesc));

   * Gets the IDs of the components that should trigger a partial update.
   *         <p>
   *         This component will listen on the trigger components. If one of the
   *         trigger components receives an event that will cause it to update
   *         in some way, this component will request to be updated too.</p>
   *         <p>
   *         Separate multiple triggers with a space. e.g., partialTriggers="cmp1 cmp2"
   *         </p>
   *         <p>
   *         Identifiers must account for NamingContainers.  You can use a single colon to start the search from the root,
   *         or use multiple colons to move up through the NamingContainer. For example,
   *         "::" will pop out of this component's naming container (it pops out of itself if it is a naming container), 
   *         ":::" will pop out of two naming containers, etc. The search for
   *         the partialTrigger begins from there. e.g., partialTriggers=":::commandButton1" the search begins for the 
   *         component with id = commandButton1 after popping out of two naming containers relative to this component.
   *         To go into naming containers, you separate the naming containers with ':', e.g.,partialTriggers= "nc1:nc2:nc3:componentId".</p>
   * @return  the new partialTriggers value
  final public String[] getPartialTriggers()
    return (String[])getProperty(PARTIAL_TRIGGERS_KEY);

   * Sets the IDs of the components that should trigger a partial update.
   *         <p>
   *         This component will listen on the trigger components. If one of the
   *         trigger components receives an event that will cause it to update
   *         in some way, this component will request to be updated too.</p>
   *         <p>
   *         Separate multiple triggers with a space. e.g., partialTriggers="cmp1 cmp2"
   *         </p>
   *         <p>
   *         Identifiers must account for NamingContainers.  You can use a single colon to start the search from the root,
   *         or use multiple colons to move up through the NamingContainer. For example,
   *         "::" will pop out of this component's naming container (it pops out of itself if it is a naming container), 
   *         ":::" will pop out of two naming containers, etc. The search for
   *         the partialTrigger begins from there. e.g., partialTriggers=":::commandButton1" the search begins for the 
   *         component with id = commandButton1 after popping out of two naming containers relative to this component.
   *         To go into naming containers, you separate the naming containers with ':', e.g.,partialTriggers= "nc1:nc2:nc3:componentId".</p>
   * @param partialTriggers  the new partialTriggers value
  final public void setPartialTriggers(String[] partialTriggers)
    setProperty(PARTIAL_TRIGGERS_KEY, (partialTriggers));

   * Gets an onclick Javascript handler.
   * @return  the new onclick value
  final public String getOnclick()
    return ComponentUtils.resolveString(getProperty(ONCLICK_KEY));

   * Sets an onclick Javascript handler.
   * @param onclick  the new onclick value
  final public void setOnclick(String onclick)
    setProperty(ONCLICK_KEY, (onclick));

   * Gets an ondblclick Javascript handler.
   * @return  the new ondblclick value
  final public String getOndblclick()
    return ComponentUtils.resolveString(getProperty(ONDBLCLICK_KEY));

   * Sets an ondblclick Javascript handler.
   * @param ondblclick  the new ondblclick value
  final public void setOndblclick(String ondblclick)
    setProperty(ONDBLCLICK_KEY, (ondblclick));

   * Gets an onmousedown Javascript handler.
   * @return  the new onmousedown value
  final public String getOnmousedown()
    return ComponentUtils.resolveString(getProperty(ONMOUSEDOWN_KEY));

   * Sets an onmousedown Javascript handler.
   * @param onmousedown  the new onmousedown value
  final public void setOnmousedown(String onmousedown)
    setProperty(ONMOUSEDOWN_KEY, (onmousedown));

   * Gets an onmouseup Javascript handler.
   * @return  the new onmouseup value
  final public String getOnmouseup()
    return ComponentUtils.resolveString(getProperty(ONMOUSEUP_KEY));

   * Sets an onmouseup Javascript handler.
   * @param onmouseup  the new onmouseup value
  final public void setOnmouseup(String onmouseup)
    setProperty(ONMOUSEUP_KEY, (onmouseup));

   * Gets an onmouseover Javascript handler.
   * @return  the new onmouseover value
  final public String getOnmouseover()
    return ComponentUtils.resolveString(getProperty(ONMOUSEOVER_KEY));

   * Sets an onmouseover Javascript handler.
   * @param onmouseover  the new onmouseover value
  final public void setOnmouseover(String onmouseover)
    setProperty(ONMOUSEOVER_KEY, (onmouseover));

   * Gets an onmousemove Javascript handler.
   * @return  the new onmousemove value
  final public String getOnmousemove()
    return ComponentUtils.resolveString(getProperty(ONMOUSEMOVE_KEY));

   * Sets an onmousemove Javascript handler.
   * @param onmousemove  the new onmousemove value
  final public void setOnmousemove(String onmousemove)
    setProperty(ONMOUSEMOVE_KEY, (onmousemove));

   * Gets an onmouseout Javascript handler.
   * @return  the new onmouseout value
  final public String getOnmouseout()
    return ComponentUtils.resolveString(getProperty(ONMOUSEOUT_KEY));

   * Sets an onmouseout Javascript handler.
   * @param onmouseout  the new onmouseout value
  final public void setOnmouseout(String onmouseout)
    setProperty(ONMOUSEOUT_KEY, (onmouseout));

   * Gets an onkeypress Javascript handler.
   * @return  the new onkeypress value
  final public String getOnkeypress()
    return ComponentUtils.resolveString(getProperty(ONKEYPRESS_KEY));

   * Sets an onkeypress Javascript handler.
   * @param onkeypress  the new onkeypress value
  final public void setOnkeypress(String onkeypress)
    setProperty(ONKEYPRESS_KEY, (onkeypress));

   * Gets an onkeydown Javascript handler.
   * @return  the new onkeydown value
  final public String getOnkeydown()
    return ComponentUtils.resolveString(getProperty(ONKEYDOWN_KEY));

   * Sets an onkeydown Javascript handler.
   * @param onkeydown  the new onkeydown value
  final public void setOnkeydown(String onkeydown)
    setProperty(ONKEYDOWN_KEY, (onkeydown));

   * Gets an onkeyup Javascript handler.
   * @return  the new onkeyup value
  final public String getOnkeyup()
    return ComponentUtils.resolveString(getProperty(ONKEYUP_KEY));

   * Sets an onkeyup Javascript handler.
   * @param onkeyup  the new onkeyup value
  final public void setOnkeyup(String onkeyup)
    setProperty(ONKEYUP_KEY, (onkeyup));

   * Gets the event handler for the component losing the focus.
   * @return  the new onblur value
  final public String getOnblur()
    return ComponentUtils.resolveString(getProperty(ONBLUR_KEY));

   * Sets the event handler for the component losing the focus.
   * @param onblur  the new onblur value
  final public void setOnblur(String onblur)
    setProperty(ONBLUR_KEY, (onblur));

   * Gets the event handler for the component gaining the focus.
   * @return  the new onfocus value
  final public String getOnfocus()
    return ComponentUtils.resolveString(getProperty(ONFOCUS_KEY));

   * Sets the event handler for the component gaining the focus.
   * @param onfocus  the new onfocus value
  final public void setOnfocus(String onfocus)
    setProperty(ONFOCUS_KEY, (onfocus));

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    setProperty(ICON_KEY, (icon));

   * Gets the CSS styles to use for this component.
   * @return  the new inlineStyle value
  final public String getInlineStyle()
    return ComponentUtils.resolveString(getProperty(INLINE_STYLE_KEY));

   * Sets the CSS styles to use for this component.
   * @param inlineStyle  the new inlineStyle value
  final public void setInlineStyle(String inlineStyle)
    setProperty(INLINE_STYLE_KEY, (inlineStyle));

   * Gets a CSS style class to use for this component.
   * @return  the new styleClass value
  final public String getStyleClass()
    return ComponentUtils.resolveString(getProperty(STYLE_CLASS_KEY));

   * Sets a CSS style class to use for this component.
   * @param styleClass  the new styleClass value
  final public void setStyleClass(String styleClass)
    setProperty(STYLE_CLASS_KEY, (styleClass));

   * Gets The short description of the component. This text is commonly used by user agents to display tooltip help text.
   * @return  the new shortDesc value
  final public String getShortDesc()
    return ComponentUtils.resolveString(getProperty(SHORT_DESC_KEY));

   * Sets The short description of the component. This text is commonly used by user agents to display tooltip help text.
   * @param shortDesc  the new shortDesc value
  final public void setShortDesc(String shortDesc)
    setProperty(SHORT_DESC_KEY, (shortDesc));

   * Gets the IDs of the components that should trigger a partial update.
   *         <p>
   *         This component will listen on the trigger components. If one of the
   *         trigger components receives an event that will cause it to update
   *         in some way, this component will request to be updated too.</p>
   *         <p>
   *         Separate multiple triggers with a space. e.g., partialTriggers="cmp1 cmp2"
   *         </p>
   *         <p>
   *         Identifiers must account for NamingContainers.  You can use a single colon to start the search from the root,
   *         or use multiple colons to move up through the NamingContainer. For example,
   *         "::" will pop out of this component's naming container (it pops out of itself if it is a naming container), 
   *         ":::" will pop out of two naming containers, etc. The search for
   *         the partialTrigger begins from there. e.g., partialTriggers=":::commandButton1" the search begins for the 
   *         component with id = commandButton1 after popping out of two naming containers relative to this component.
   *         To go into naming containers, you separate the naming containers with ':', e.g.,partialTriggers= "nc1:nc2:nc3:componentId".</p>
   * @return  the new partialTriggers value
  final public String[] getPartialTriggers()
    return (String[])getProperty(PARTIAL_TRIGGERS_KEY);

   * Sets the IDs of the components that should trigger a partial update.
   *         <p>
   *         This component will listen on the trigger components. If one of the
   *         trigger components receives an event that will cause it to update
   *         in some way, this component will request to be updated too.</p>
   *         <p>
   *         Separate multiple triggers with a space. e.g., partialTriggers="cmp1 cmp2"
   *         </p>
   *         <p>
   *         Identifiers must account for NamingContainers.  You can use a single colon to start the search from the root,
   *         or use multiple colons to move up through the NamingContainer. For example,
   *         "::" will pop out of this component's naming container (it pops out of itself if it is a naming container), 
   *         ":::" will pop out of two naming containers, etc. The search for
   *         the partialTrigger begins from there. e.g., partialTriggers=":::commandButton1" the search begins for the 
   *         component with id = commandButton1 after popping out of two naming containers relative to this component.
   *         To go into naming containers, you separate the naming containers with ':', e.g.,partialTriggers= "nc1:nc2:nc3:componentId".</p>
   * @param partialTriggers  the new partialTriggers value
  final public void setPartialTriggers(String[] partialTriggers)
    setProperty(PARTIAL_TRIGGERS_KEY, (partialTriggers));

   * Gets an onclick Javascript handler.
   * @return  the new onclick value
  final public String getOnclick()
    return ComponentUtils.resolveString(getProperty(ONCLICK_KEY));

   * Sets an onclick Javascript handler.
   * @param onclick  the new onclick value
  final public void setOnclick(String onclick)
    setProperty(ONCLICK_KEY, (onclick));

   * Gets an ondblclick Javascript handler.
   * @return  the new ondblclick value
  final public String getOndblclick()
    return ComponentUtils.resolveString(getProperty(ONDBLCLICK_KEY));

   * Sets an ondblclick Javascript handler.
   * @param ondblclick  the new ondblclick value
  final public void setOndblclick(String ondblclick)
    setProperty(ONDBLCLICK_KEY, (ondblclick));

   * Gets an onmousedown Javascript handler.
   * @return  the new onmousedown value
  final public String getOnmousedown()
    return ComponentUtils.resolveString(getProperty(ONMOUSEDOWN_KEY));

   * Sets an onmousedown Javascript handler.
   * @param onmousedown  the new onmousedown value
  final public void setOnmousedown(String onmousedown)
    setProperty(ONMOUSEDOWN_KEY, (onmousedown));

   * Gets an onmouseup Javascript handler.
   * @return  the new onmouseup value
  final public String getOnmouseup()
    return ComponentUtils.resolveString(getProperty(ONMOUSEUP_KEY));

   * Sets an onmouseup Javascript handler.
   * @param onmouseup  the new onmouseup value
  final public void setOnmouseup(String onmouseup)
    setProperty(ONMOUSEUP_KEY, (onmouseup));

   * Gets an onmouseover Javascript handler.
   * @return  the new onmouseover value
  final public String getOnmouseover()
    return ComponentUtils.resolveString(getProperty(ONMOUSEOVER_KEY));

   * Sets an onmouseover Javascript handler.
   * @param onmouseover  the new onmouseover value
  final public void setOnmouseover(String onmouseover)
    setProperty(ONMOUSEOVER_KEY, (onmouseover));

   * Gets an onmousemove Javascript handler.
   * @return  the new onmousemove value
  final public String getOnmousemove()
    return ComponentUtils.resolveString(getProperty(ONMOUSEMOVE_KEY));

   * Sets an onmousemove Javascript handler.
   * @param onmousemove  the new onmousemove value
  final public void setOnmousemove(String onmousemove)
    setProperty(ONMOUSEMOVE_KEY, (onmousemove));

   * Gets an onmouseout Javascript handler.
   * @return  the new onmouseout value
  final public String getOnmouseout()
    return ComponentUtils.resolveString(getProperty(ONMOUSEOUT_KEY));

   * Sets an onmouseout Javascript handler.
   * @param onmouseout  the new onmouseout value
  final public void setOnmouseout(String onmouseout)
    setProperty(ONMOUSEOUT_KEY, (onmouseout));

   * Gets an onkeypress Javascript handler.
   * @return  the new onkeypress value
  final public String getOnkeypress()
    return ComponentUtils.resolveString(getProperty(ONKEYPRESS_KEY));

   * Sets an onkeypress Javascript handler.
   * @param onkeypress  the new onkeypress value
  final public void setOnkeypress(String onkeypress)
    setProperty(ONKEYPRESS_KEY, (onkeypress));

   * Gets an onkeydown Javascript handler.
   * @return  the new onkeydown value
  final public String getOnkeydown()
    return ComponentUtils.resolveString(getProperty(ONKEYDOWN_KEY));

   * Sets an onkeydown Javascript handler.
   * @param onkeydown  the new onkeydown value
  final public void setOnkeydown(String onkeydown)
    setProperty(ONKEYDOWN_KEY, (onkeydown));

   * Gets an onkeyup Javascript handler.
   * @return  the new onkeyup value
  final public String getOnkeyup()
    return ComponentUtils.resolveString(getProperty(ONKEYUP_KEY));

   * Sets an onkeyup Javascript handler.
   * @param onkeyup  the new onkeyup value
  final public void setOnkeyup(String onkeyup)
    setProperty(ONKEYUP_KEY, (onkeyup));

   * Gets the event handler for the component losing the focus.
   * @return  the new onblur value
  final public String getOnblur()
    return ComponentUtils.resolveString(getProperty(ONBLUR_KEY));

   * Sets the event handler for the component losing the focus.
   * @param onblur  the new onblur value
  final public void setOnblur(String onblur)
    setProperty(ONBLUR_KEY, (onblur));

   * Gets the event handler for the component gaining the focus.
   * @return  the new onfocus value
  final public String getOnfocus()
    return ComponentUtils.resolveString(getProperty(ONFOCUS_KEY));

   * Sets the event handler for the component gaining the focus.
   * @param onfocus  the new onfocus value
  final public void setOnfocus(String onfocus)
    setProperty(ONFOCUS_KEY, (onfocus));

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   * Gets the CSS styles to use for this component.
   * @return  the new inlineStyle value
  final public String getInlineStyle()
    return ComponentUtils.resolveString(getProperty(INLINE_STYLE_KEY));

   * Sets the CSS styles to use for this component.
   * @param inlineStyle  the new inlineStyle value
  final public void setInlineStyle(String inlineStyle)
    setProperty(INLINE_STYLE_KEY, (inlineStyle));

   * Gets a CSS style class to use for this component.
   * @return  the new styleClass value
  final public String getStyleClass()
    return ComponentUtils.resolveString(getProperty(STYLE_CLASS_KEY));

   * Sets a CSS style class to use for this component.
   * @param styleClass  the new styleClass value
  final public void setStyleClass(String styleClass)
    setProperty(STYLE_CLASS_KEY, (styleClass));

   * Gets The short description of the component. This text is commonly used by user agents to display tooltip help text.
   * @return  the new shortDesc value
  final public String getShortDesc()
    return ComponentUtils.resolveString(getProperty(SHORT_DESC_KEY));

   * Sets The short description of the component. This text is commonly used by user agents to display tooltip help text.
   * @param shortDesc  the new shortDesc value
  final public void setShortDesc(String shortDesc)
    setProperty(SHORT_DESC_KEY, (shortDesc));

   * Gets the IDs of the components that should trigger a partial update.
   *         <p>
   *         This component will listen on the trigger components. If one of the
   *         trigger components receives an event that will cause it to update
   *         in some way, this component will request to be updated too.</p>
   *         <p>
   *         Separate multiple triggers with a space. e.g., partialTriggers="cmp1 cmp2"
   *         </p>
   *         <p>
   *         Identifiers must account for NamingContainers.  You can use a single colon to start the search from the root,
   *         or use multiple colons to move up through the NamingContainer. For example,
   *         "::" will pop out of this component's naming container (it pops out of itself if it is a naming container), 
   *         ":::" will pop out of two naming containers, etc. The search for
   *         the partialTrigger begins from there. e.g., partialTriggers=":::commandButton1" the search begins for the 
   *         component with id = commandButton1 after popping out of two naming containers relative to this component.
   *         To go into naming containers, you separate the naming containers with ':', e.g.,partialTriggers= "nc1:nc2:nc3:componentId".</p>
   * @return  the new partialTriggers value
  final public String[] getPartialTriggers()
    return (String[])getProperty(PARTIAL_TRIGGERS_KEY);

   * Sets the IDs of the components that should trigger a partial update.
   *         <p>
   *         This component will listen on the trigger components. If one of the
   *         trigger components receives an event that will cause it to update
   *         in some way, this component will request to be updated too.</p>
   *         <p>
   *         Separate multiple triggers with a space. e.g., partialTriggers="cmp1 cmp2"
   *         </p>
   *         <p>
   *         Identifiers must account for NamingContainers.  You can use a single colon to start the search from the root,
   *         or use multiple colons to move up through the NamingContainer. For example,
   *         "::" will pop out of this component's naming container (it pops out of itself if it is a naming container), 
   *         ":::" will pop out of two naming containers, etc. The search for
   *         the partialTrigger begins from there. e.g., partialTriggers=":::commandButton1" the search begins for the 
   *         component with id = commandButton1 after popping out of two naming containers relative to this component.
   *         To go into naming containers, you separate the naming containers with ':', e.g.,partialTriggers= "nc1:nc2:nc3:componentId".</p>
   * @param partialTriggers  the new partialTriggers value
  final public void setPartialTriggers(String[] partialTriggers)
    setProperty(PARTIAL_TRIGGERS_KEY, (partialTriggers));

   * Gets an onclick Javascript handler.
   * @return  the new onclick value
  final public String getOnclick()
    return ComponentUtils.resolveString(getProperty(ONCLICK_KEY));

   * Sets an onclick Javascript handler.
   * @param onclick  the new onclick value
  final public void setOnclick(String onclick)
    setProperty(ONCLICK_KEY, (onclick));

   * Gets an ondblclick Javascript handler.
   * @return  the new ondblclick value
  final public String getOndblclick()
    return ComponentUtils.resolveString(getProperty(ONDBLCLICK_KEY));

   * Sets an ondblclick Javascript handler.
   * @param ondblclick  the new ondblclick value
  final public void setOndblclick(String ondblclick)
    setProperty(ONDBLCLICK_KEY, (ondblclick));

   * Gets an onmousedown Javascript handler.
   * @return  the new onmousedown value
  final public String getOnmousedown()
    return ComponentUtils.resolveString(getProperty(ONMOUSEDOWN_KEY));

   * Sets an onmousedown Javascript handler.
   * @param onmousedown  the new onmousedown value
  final public void setOnmousedown(String onmousedown)
    setProperty(ONMOUSEDOWN_KEY, (onmousedown));

   * Gets an onmouseup Javascript handler.
   * @return  the new onmouseup value
  final public String getOnmouseup()
    return ComponentUtils.resolveString(getProperty(ONMOUSEUP_KEY));

   * Sets an onmouseup Javascript handler.
   * @param onmouseup  the new onmouseup value
  final public void setOnmouseup(String onmouseup)
    setProperty(ONMOUSEUP_KEY, (onmouseup));

   * Gets an onmouseover Javascript handler.
   * @return  the new onmouseover value
  final public String getOnmouseover()
    return ComponentUtils.resolveString(getProperty(ONMOUSEOVER_KEY));

   * Sets an onmouseover Javascript handler.
   * @param onmouseover  the new onmouseover value
  final public void setOnmouseover(String onmouseover)
    setProperty(ONMOUSEOVER_KEY, (onmouseover));

   * Gets an onmousemove Javascript handler.
   * @return  the new onmousemove value
  final public String getOnmousemove()
    return ComponentUtils.resolveString(getProperty(ONMOUSEMOVE_KEY));

   * Sets an onmousemove Javascript handler.
   * @param onmousemove  the new onmousemove value
  final public void setOnmousemove(String onmousemove)
    setProperty(ONMOUSEMOVE_KEY, (onmousemove));

   * Gets an onmouseout Javascript handler.
   * @return  the new onmouseout value
  final public String getOnmouseout()
    return ComponentUtils.resolveString(getProperty(ONMOUSEOUT_KEY));

   * Sets an onmouseout Javascript handler.
   * @param onmouseout  the new onmouseout value
  final public void setOnmouseout(String onmouseout)
    setProperty(ONMOUSEOUT_KEY, (onmouseout));

   * Gets an onkeypress Javascript handler.
   * @return  the new onkeypress value
  final public String getOnkeypress()
    return ComponentUtils.resolveString(getProperty(ONKEYPRESS_KEY));

   * Sets an onkeypress Javascript handler.
   * @param onkeypress  the new onkeypress value
  final public void setOnkeypress(String onkeypress)
    setProperty(ONKEYPRESS_KEY, (onkeypress));

   * Gets an onkeydown Javascript handler.
   * @return  the new onkeydown value
  final public String getOnkeydown()
    return ComponentUtils.resolveString(getProperty(ONKEYDOWN_KEY));

   * Sets an onkeydown Javascript handler.
   * @param onkeydown  the new onkeydown value
  final public void setOnkeydown(String onkeydown)
    setProperty(ONKEYDOWN_KEY, (onkeydown));

   * Gets an onkeyup Javascript handler.
   * @return  the new onkeyup value
  final public String getOnkeyup()
    return ComponentUtils.resolveString(getProperty(ONKEYUP_KEY));

   * Sets an onkeyup Javascript handler.
   * @param onkeyup  the new onkeyup value
  final public void setOnkeyup(String onkeyup)
    setProperty(ONKEYUP_KEY, (onkeyup));

   * Gets Whether the component is disabled.
   * @return  the new disabled value
  final public boolean isDisabled()
    return ComponentUtils.resolveBoolean(getProperty(DISABLED_KEY), false);

   * Sets Whether the component is disabled.
   * @param disabled  the new disabled value
  final public void setDisabled(boolean disabled)
    setProperty(DISABLED_KEY, disabled ? Boolean.TRUE : Boolean.FALSE);

   * Gets <html>How the navigational items are displayed.  Options are:
   *               <ul><li>bar
   *                 </li><li>buttons
   *                 </li><li>choice
   *                 </li><li>list
   *                 </li><li>tabs
   *                 </li></ul>
   *                </html>
   * @return  the new hint value
  final public String getHint()

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    setProperty(LABEL_KEY, (label));

   * Gets <html>
   *  Character used to gain quick access to
   *                the form element specified by the
   *          <code>for</code>, if set (or this component itself,
   *               if it is a "non-simple" form element).
   *               For accessibility reasons, this functionality is not supported
   *               in screen reader mode.
   *               If the same access key appears in multiple locations in the
   *               same page of output, the rendering user agent will cycle
   *               among the elements accessed by the similar keys.
   *               <p>
   *                 This attribute is sometimes referred to as the "mnemonic".
   *                 </p></html>
   * @return  the new accessKey value
  final public char getAccessKey()
    return ComponentUtils.resolveCharacter((Character)getProperty(ACCESS_KEY_KEY));

   * Sets <html>
   *  Character used to gain quick access to
   *                the form element specified by the
   *          <code>for</code>, if set (or this component itself,
   *               if it is a "non-simple" form element).
   *               For accessibility reasons, this functionality is not supported
   *               in screen reader mode.
   *               If the same access key appears in multiple locations in the
   *               same page of output, the rendering user agent will cycle
   *               among the elements accessed by the similar keys.
   *               <p>
   *                 This attribute is sometimes referred to as the "mnemonic".
   *                 </p></html>
   * @param accessKey  the new accessKey value
  final public void setAccessKey(char accessKey)
    setProperty(ACCESS_KEY_KEY, Character.valueOf(accessKey));

   * Gets the CSS styles to use for this component.
   * @return  the new inlineStyle value
  final public String getInlineStyle()
    return ComponentUtils.resolveString(getProperty(INLINE_STYLE_KEY));

   * Sets the CSS styles to use for this component.
   * @param inlineStyle  the new inlineStyle value
  final public void setInlineStyle(String inlineStyle)
    setProperty(INLINE_STYLE_KEY, (inlineStyle));

   * Gets a CSS style class to use for this component.
   * @return  the new styleClass value
  final public String getStyleClass()
    return ComponentUtils.resolveString(getProperty(STYLE_CLASS_KEY));

   * Sets a CSS style class to use for this component.
   * @param styleClass  the new styleClass value
  final public void setStyleClass(String styleClass)
    setProperty(STYLE_CLASS_KEY, (styleClass));

   * Gets The short description of the component. This text is commonly used by user agents to display tooltip help text.
   * @return  the new shortDesc value
  final public String getShortDesc()
    return ComponentUtils.resolveString(getProperty(SHORT_DESC_KEY));

   * Sets The short description of the component. This text is commonly used by user agents to display tooltip help text.
   * @param shortDesc  the new shortDesc value
  final public void setShortDesc(String shortDesc)
    setProperty(SHORT_DESC_KEY, (shortDesc));

   * Gets the IDs of the components that should trigger a partial update.
   *         <p>
   *         This component will listen on the trigger components. If one of the
   *         trigger components receives an event that will cause it to update
   *         in some way, this component will request to be updated too.</p>
   *         <p>
   *         Separate multiple triggers with a space. e.g., partialTriggers="cmp1 cmp2"
   *         </p>
   *         <p>
   *         Identifiers must account for NamingContainers.  You can use a single colon to start the search from the root,
   *         or use multiple colons to move up through the NamingContainer. For example,
   *         "::" will pop out of this component's naming container (it pops out of itself if it is a naming container), 
   *         ":::" will pop out of two naming containers, etc. The search for
   *         the partialTrigger begins from there. e.g., partialTriggers=":::commandButton1" the search begins for the 
   *         component with id = commandButton1 after popping out of two naming containers relative to this component.
   *         To go into naming containers, you separate the naming containers with ':', e.g.,partialTriggers= "nc1:nc2:nc3:componentId".</p>
   * @return  the new partialTriggers value
  final public String[] getPartialTriggers()
    return (String[])getProperty(PARTIAL_TRIGGERS_KEY);

   * Sets the IDs of the components that should trigger a partial update.
   *         <p>
   *         This component will listen on the trigger components. If one of the
   *         trigger components receives an event that will cause it to update
   *         in some way, this component will request to be updated too.</p>
   *         <p>
   *         Separate multiple triggers with a space. e.g., partialTriggers="cmp1 cmp2"
   *         </p>
   *         <p>
   *         Identifiers must account for NamingContainers.  You can use a single colon to start the search from the root,
   *         or use multiple colons to move up through the NamingContainer. For example,
   *         "::" will pop out of this component's naming container (it pops out of itself if it is a naming container), 
   *         ":::" will pop out of two naming containers, etc. The search for
   *         the partialTrigger begins from there. e.g., partialTriggers=":::commandButton1" the search begins for the 
   *         component with id = commandButton1 after popping out of two naming containers relative to this component.
   *         To go into naming containers, you separate the naming containers with ':', e.g.,partialTriggers= "nc1:nc2:nc3:componentId".</p>
   * @param partialTriggers  the new partialTriggers value
  final public void setPartialTriggers(String[] partialTriggers)
    setProperty(PARTIAL_TRIGGERS_KEY, (partialTriggers));

   * Gets an onclick Javascript handler.
   * @return  the new onclick value
  final public String getOnclick()
    return ComponentUtils.resolveString(getProperty(ONCLICK_KEY));

   * Sets an onclick Javascript handler.
   * @param onclick  the new onclick value
  final public void setOnclick(String onclick)
    setProperty(ONCLICK_KEY, (onclick));

   * Gets an ondblclick Javascript handler.
   * @return  the new ondblclick value
  final public String getOndblclick()
    return ComponentUtils.resolveString(getProperty(ONDBLCLICK_KEY));

   * Sets an ondblclick Javascript handler.
   * @param ondblclick  the new ondblclick value
  final public void setOndblclick(String ondblclick)
    setProperty(ONDBLCLICK_KEY, (ondblclick));

   * Gets an onmousedown Javascript handler.
   * @return  the new onmousedown value
  final public String getOnmousedown()
    return ComponentUtils.resolveString(getProperty(ONMOUSEDOWN_KEY));

   * Sets an onmousedown Javascript handler.
   * @param onmousedown  the new onmousedown value
  final public void setOnmousedown(String onmousedown)
    setProperty(ONMOUSEDOWN_KEY, (onmousedown));

   * Gets an onmouseup Javascript handler.
   * @return  the new onmouseup value
  final public String getOnmouseup()
    return ComponentUtils.resolveString(getProperty(ONMOUSEUP_KEY));

   * Sets an onmouseup Javascript handler.
   * @param onmouseup  the new onmouseup value
  final public void setOnmouseup(String onmouseup)
    setProperty(ONMOUSEUP_KEY, (onmouseup));

   * Gets an onmouseover Javascript handler.
   * @return  the new onmouseover value
  final public String getOnmouseover()
    return ComponentUtils.resolveString(getProperty(ONMOUSEOVER_KEY));

   * Sets an onmouseover Javascript handler.
   * @param onmouseover  the new onmouseover value
  final public void setOnmouseover(String onmouseover)
    setProperty(ONMOUSEOVER_KEY, (onmouseover));

   * Gets an onmousemove Javascript handler.
   * @return  the new onmousemove value
  final public String getOnmousemove()
    return ComponentUtils.resolveString(getProperty(ONMOUSEMOVE_KEY));

   * Sets an onmousemove Javascript handler.
   * @param onmousemove  the new onmousemove value
  final public void setOnmousemove(String onmousemove)
    setProperty(ONMOUSEMOVE_KEY, (onmousemove));

   * Gets an onmouseout Javascript handler.
   * @return  the new onmouseout value
  final public String getOnmouseout()
    return ComponentUtils.resolveString(getProperty(ONMOUSEOUT_KEY));

   * Sets an onmouseout Javascript handler.
   * @param onmouseout  the new onmouseout value
  final public void setOnmouseout(String onmouseout)
    setProperty(ONMOUSEOUT_KEY, (onmouseout));

   * Gets an onkeypress Javascript handler.
   * @return  the new onkeypress value
  final public String getOnkeypress()
    return ComponentUtils.resolveString(getProperty(ONKEYPRESS_KEY));

   * Sets an onkeypress Javascript handler.
   * @param onkeypress  the new onkeypress value
  final public void setOnkeypress(String onkeypress)
    setProperty(ONKEYPRESS_KEY, (onkeypress));

   * Gets an onkeydown Javascript handler.
   * @return  the new onkeydown value
  final public String getOnkeydown()
    return ComponentUtils.resolveString(getProperty(ONKEYDOWN_KEY));

   * Sets an onkeydown Javascript handler.
   * @param onkeydown  the new onkeydown value
  final public void setOnkeydown(String onkeydown)
    setProperty(ONKEYDOWN_KEY, (onkeydown));

   * Gets an onkeyup Javascript handler.
   * @return  the new onkeyup value
  final public String getOnkeyup()
    return ComponentUtils.resolveString(getProperty(ONKEYUP_KEY));

   * Sets an onkeyup Javascript handler.
   * @param onkeyup  the new onkeyup value
  final public void setOnkeyup(String onkeyup)
    setProperty(ONKEYUP_KEY, (onkeyup));

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   * Content to be rendered once between each of the
   *                 other children.
  final public UIComponent getSeparator()
    return getFacet(SEPARATOR_FACET);

   * Content to be rendered once between each of the
   *                 other children.
  final public void setSeparator(UIComponent separatorFacet)
    getFacets().put(SEPARATOR_FACET, separatorFacet);

   * Gets the CSS styles to use for this component.
   * @return  the new inlineStyle value
  final public String getInlineStyle()
    return ComponentUtils.resolveString(getProperty(INLINE_STYLE_KEY));

   * Sets the CSS styles to use for this component.
   * @param inlineStyle  the new inlineStyle value
  final public void setInlineStyle(String inlineStyle)
    setProperty(INLINE_STYLE_KEY, (inlineStyle));

   * Gets a CSS style class to use for this component.
   * @return  the new styleClass value
  final public String getStyleClass()
    return ComponentUtils.resolveString(getProperty(STYLE_CLASS_KEY));

   * Sets a CSS style class to use for this component.
   * @param styleClass  the new styleClass value
  final public void setStyleClass(String styleClass)
    setProperty(STYLE_CLASS_KEY, (styleClass));

   * Gets The short description of the component. This text is commonly used by user agents to display tooltip help text.
   * @return  the new shortDesc value
  final public String getShortDesc()
    return ComponentUtils.resolveString(getProperty(SHORT_DESC_KEY));

   * Sets The short description of the component. This text is commonly used by user agents to display tooltip help text.
   * @param shortDesc  the new shortDesc value
  final public void setShortDesc(String shortDesc)
    setProperty(SHORT_DESC_KEY, (shortDesc));

   * Gets the IDs of the components that should trigger a partial update.
   *         <p>
   *         This component will listen on the trigger components. If one of the
   *         trigger components receives an event that will cause it to update
   *         in some way, this component will request to be updated too.</p>
   *         <p>
   *         Separate multiple triggers with a space. e.g., partialTriggers="cmp1 cmp2"
   *         </p>
   *         <p>
   *         Identifiers must account for NamingContainers.  You can use a single colon to start the search from the root,
   *         or use multiple colons to move up through the NamingContainer. For example,
   *         "::" will pop out of this component's naming container (it pops out of itself if it is a naming container), 
   *         ":::" will pop out of two naming containers, etc. The search for
   *         the partialTrigger begins from there. e.g., partialTriggers=":::commandButton1" the search begins for the 
   *         component with id = commandButton1 after popping out of two naming containers relative to this component.
   *         To go into naming containers, you separate the naming containers with ':', e.g.,partialTriggers= "nc1:nc2:nc3:componentId".</p>
   * @return  the new partialTriggers value
  final public String[] getPartialTriggers()
    return (String[])getProperty(PARTIAL_TRIGGERS_KEY);

   * Sets the IDs of the components that should trigger a partial update.
   *         <p>
   *         This component will listen on the trigger components. If one of the
   *         trigger components receives an event that will cause it to update
   *         in some way, this component will request to be updated too.</p>
   *         <p>
   *         Separate multiple triggers with a space. e.g., partialTriggers="cmp1 cmp2"
   *         </p>
   *         <p>
   *         Identifiers must account for NamingContainers.  You can use a single colon to start the search from the root,
   *         or use multiple colons to move up through the NamingContainer. For example,
   *         "::" will pop out of this component's naming container (it pops out of itself if it is a naming container), 
   *         ":::" will pop out of two naming containers, etc. The search for
   *         the partialTrigger begins from there. e.g., partialTriggers=":::commandButton1" the search begins for the 
   *         component with id = commandButton1 after popping out of two naming containers relative to this component.
   *         To go into naming containers, you separate the naming containers with ':', e.g.,partialTriggers= "nc1:nc2:nc3:componentId".</p>
   * @param partialTriggers  the new partialTriggers value
  final public void setPartialTriggers(String[] partialTriggers)
    setProperty(PARTIAL_TRIGGERS_KEY, (partialTriggers));

   * Gets an onclick Javascript handler.
   * @return  the new onclick value
  final public String getOnclick()
    return ComponentUtils.resolveString(getProperty(ONCLICK_KEY));

   * Sets an onclick Javascript handler.
   * @param onclick  the new onclick value
  final public void setOnclick(String onclick)
    setProperty(ONCLICK_KEY, (onclick));

   * Gets an ondblclick Javascript handler.
   * @return  the new ondblclick value
  final public String getOndblclick()
    return ComponentUtils.resolveString(getProperty(ONDBLCLICK_KEY));

   * Sets an ondblclick Javascript handler.
   * @param ondblclick  the new ondblclick value
  final public void setOndblclick(String ondblclick)
    setProperty(ONDBLCLICK_KEY, (ondblclick));

   * Gets an onmousedown Javascript handler.
   * @return  the new onmousedown value
  final public String getOnmousedown()
    return ComponentUtils.resolveString(getProperty(ONMOUSEDOWN_KEY));

   * Sets an onmousedown Javascript handler.
   * @param onmousedown  the new onmousedown value
  final public void setOnmousedown(String onmousedown)
    setProperty(ONMOUSEDOWN_KEY, (onmousedown));

   * Gets an onmouseup Javascript handler.
   * @return  the new onmouseup value
  final public String getOnmouseup()
    return ComponentUtils.resolveString(getProperty(ONMOUSEUP_KEY));

   * Sets an onmouseup Javascript handler.
   * @param onmouseup  the new onmouseup value
  final public void setOnmouseup(String onmouseup)
    setProperty(ONMOUSEUP_KEY, (onmouseup));

   * Gets an onmouseover Javascript handler.
   * @return  the new onmouseover value
  final public String getOnmouseover()
    return ComponentUtils.resolveString(getProperty(ONMOUSEOVER_KEY));

   * Sets an onmouseover Javascript handler.
   * @param onmouseover  the new onmouseover value
  final public void setOnmouseover(String onmouseover)
    setProperty(ONMOUSEOVER_KEY, (onmouseover));

   * Gets an onmousemove Javascript handler.
   * @return  the new onmousemove value
  final public String getOnmousemove()
    return ComponentUtils.resolveString(getProperty(ONMOUSEMOVE_KEY));

   * Sets an onmousemove Javascript handler.
   * @param onmousemove  the new onmousemove value
  final public void setOnmousemove(String onmousemove)
    setProperty(ONMOUSEMOVE_KEY, (onmousemove));

   * Gets an onmouseout Javascript handler.
   * @return  the new onmouseout value
  final public String getOnmouseout()
    return ComponentUtils.resolveString(getProperty(ONMOUSEOUT_KEY));

   * Sets an onmouseout Javascript handler.
   * @param onmouseout  the new onmouseout value
  final public void setOnmouseout(String onmouseout)
    setProperty(ONMOUSEOUT_KEY, (onmouseout));

   * Gets an onkeypress Javascript handler.
   * @return  the new onkeypress value
  final public String getOnkeypress()
    return ComponentUtils.resolveString(getProperty(ONKEYPRESS_KEY));

   * Sets an onkeypress Javascript handler.
   * @param onkeypress  the new onkeypress value
  final public void setOnkeypress(String onkeypress)
    setProperty(ONKEYPRESS_KEY, (onkeypress));

   * Gets an onkeydown Javascript handler.
   * @return  the new onkeydown value
  final public String getOnkeydown()
    return ComponentUtils.resolveString(getProperty(ONKEYDOWN_KEY));

   * Sets an onkeydown Javascript handler.
   * @param onkeydown  the new onkeydown value
  final public void setOnkeydown(String onkeydown)
    setProperty(ONKEYDOWN_KEY, (onkeydown));

   * Gets an onkeyup Javascript handler.
   * @return  the new onkeyup value
  final public String getOnkeyup()
    return ComponentUtils.resolveString(getProperty(ONKEYUP_KEY));

   * Sets an onkeyup Javascript handler.
   * @param onkeyup  the new onkeyup value
  final public void setOnkeyup(String onkeyup)
    setProperty(ONKEYUP_KEY, (onkeyup));

   * Gets the vertical alignment to one of top, bottom, middle, or baseline.
   * @return  the new valign value
  final public String getValign()

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   * Gets the CSS styles to use for this component.
   * @return  the new inlineStyle value
  final public String getInlineStyle()
    return ComponentUtils.resolveString(getProperty(INLINE_STYLE_KEY));

   * Sets the CSS styles to use for this component.
   * @param inlineStyle  the new inlineStyle value
  final public void setInlineStyle(String inlineStyle)
    setProperty(INLINE_STYLE_KEY, (inlineStyle));

   * Gets a CSS style class to use for this component.
   * @return  the new styleClass value
  final public String getStyleClass()
    return ComponentUtils.resolveString(getProperty(STYLE_CLASS_KEY));

   * Sets a CSS style class to use for this component.
   * @param styleClass  the new styleClass value
  final public void setStyleClass(String styleClass)
    setProperty(STYLE_CLASS_KEY, (styleClass));

   * Gets The short description of the component. This text is commonly used by user agents to display tooltip help text.
   * @return  the new shortDesc value
  final public String getShortDesc()
    return ComponentUtils.resolveString(getProperty(SHORT_DESC_KEY));

   * Sets The short description of the component. This text is commonly used by user agents to display tooltip help text.
   * @param shortDesc  the new shortDesc value
  final public void setShortDesc(String shortDesc)
    setProperty(SHORT_DESC_KEY, (shortDesc));

   * Gets the IDs of the components that should trigger a partial update.
   *         <p>
   *         This component will listen on the trigger components. If one of the
   *         trigger components receives an event that will cause it to update
   *         in some way, this component will request to be updated too.</p>
   *         <p>
   *         Separate multiple triggers with a space. e.g., partialTriggers="cmp1 cmp2"
   *         </p>
   *         <p>
   *         Identifiers must account for NamingContainers.  You can use a single colon to start the search from the root,
   *         or use multiple colons to move up through the NamingContainer. For example,
   *         "::" will pop out of this component's naming container (it pops out of itself if it is a naming container), 
   *         ":::" will pop out of two naming containers, etc. The search for
   *         the partialTrigger begins from there. e.g., partialTriggers=":::commandButton1" the search begins for the 
   *         component with id = commandButton1 after popping out of two naming containers relative to this component.
   *         To go into naming containers, you separate the naming containers with ':', e.g.,partialTriggers= "nc1:nc2:nc3:componentId".</p>
   * @return  the new partialTriggers value
  final public String[] getPartialTriggers()
    return (String[])getProperty(PARTIAL_TRIGGERS_KEY);

   * Sets the IDs of the components that should trigger a partial update.
   *         <p>
   *         This component will listen on the trigger components. If one of the
   *         trigger components receives an event that will cause it to update
   *         in some way, this component will request to be updated too.</p>
   *         <p>
   *         Separate multiple triggers with a space. e.g., partialTriggers="cmp1 cmp2"
   *         </p>
   *         <p>
   *         Identifiers must account for NamingContainers.  You can use a single colon to start the search from the root,
   *         or use multiple colons to move up through the NamingContainer. For example,
   *         "::" will pop out of this component's naming container (it pops out of itself if it is a naming container), 
   *         ":::" will pop out of two naming containers, etc. The search for
   *         the partialTrigger begins from there. e.g., partialTriggers=":::commandButton1" the search begins for the 
   *         component with id = commandButton1 after popping out of two naming containers relative to this component.
   *         To go into naming containers, you separate the naming containers with ':', e.g.,partialTriggers= "nc1:nc2:nc3:componentId".</p>
   * @param partialTriggers  the new partialTriggers value
  final public void setPartialTriggers(String[] partialTriggers)
    setProperty(PARTIAL_TRIGGERS_KEY, (partialTriggers));

   * Gets an onclick Javascript handler.
   * @return  the new onclick value
  final public String getOnclick()
    return ComponentUtils.resolveString(getProperty(ONCLICK_KEY));

   * Sets an onclick Javascript handler.
   * @param onclick  the new onclick value
  final public void setOnclick(String onclick)
    setProperty(ONCLICK_KEY, (onclick));

   * Gets an ondblclick Javascript handler.
   * @return  the new ondblclick value
  final public String getOndblclick()
    return ComponentUtils.resolveString(getProperty(ONDBLCLICK_KEY));

   * Sets an ondblclick Javascript handler.
   * @param ondblclick  the new ondblclick value
  final public void setOndblclick(String ondblclick)
    setProperty(ONDBLCLICK_KEY, (ondblclick));

   * Gets an onmousedown Javascript handler.
   * @return  the new onmousedown value
  final public String getOnmousedown()
    return ComponentUtils.resolveString(getProperty(ONMOUSEDOWN_KEY));

   * Sets an onmousedown Javascript handler.
   * @param onmousedown  the new onmousedown value
  final public void setOnmousedown(String onmousedown)
    setProperty(ONMOUSEDOWN_KEY, (onmousedown));

   * Gets an onmouseup Javascript handler.
   * @return  the new onmouseup value
  final public String getOnmouseup()
    return ComponentUtils.resolveString(getProperty(ONMOUSEUP_KEY));

   * Sets an onmouseup Javascript handler.
   * @param onmouseup  the new onmouseup value
  final public void setOnmouseup(String onmouseup)
    setProperty(ONMOUSEUP_KEY, (onmouseup));

   * Gets an onmouseover Javascript handler.
   * @return  the new onmouseover value
  final public String getOnmouseover()
    return ComponentUtils.resolveString(getProperty(ONMOUSEOVER_KEY));

   * Sets an onmouseover Javascript handler.
   * @param onmouseover  the new onmouseover value
  final public void setOnmouseover(String onmouseover)
    setProperty(ONMOUSEOVER_KEY, (onmouseover));

   * Gets an onmousemove Javascript handler.
   * @return  the new onmousemove value
  final public String getOnmousemove()
    return ComponentUtils.resolveString(getProperty(ONMOUSEMOVE_KEY));

   * Sets an onmousemove Javascript handler.
   * @param onmousemove  the new onmousemove value
  final public void setOnmousemove(String onmousemove)
    setProperty(ONMOUSEMOVE_KEY, (onmousemove));

   * Gets an onmouseout Javascript handler.
   * @return  the new onmouseout value
  final public String getOnmouseout()
    return ComponentUtils.resolveString(getProperty(ONMOUSEOUT_KEY));

   * Sets an onmouseout Javascript handler.
   * @param onmouseout  the new onmouseout value
  final public void setOnmouseout(String onmouseout)
    setProperty(ONMOUSEOUT_KEY, (onmouseout));

   * Gets an onkeypress Javascript handler.
   * @return  the new onkeypress value
  final public String getOnkeypress()
    return ComponentUtils.resolveString(getProperty(ONKEYPRESS_KEY));

   * Sets an onkeypress Javascript handler.
   * @param onkeypress  the new onkeypress value
  final public void setOnkeypress(String onkeypress)
    setProperty(ONKEYPRESS_KEY, (onkeypress));

   * Gets an onkeydown Javascript handler.
   * @return  the new onkeydown value
  final public String getOnkeydown()
    return ComponentUtils.resolveString(getProperty(ONKEYDOWN_KEY));

   * Sets an onkeydown Javascript handler.
   * @param onkeydown  the new onkeydown value
  final public void setOnkeydown(String onkeydown)
    setProperty(ONKEYDOWN_KEY, (onkeydown));

   * Gets an onkeyup Javascript handler.
   * @return  the new onkeyup value
  final public String getOnkeyup()
    return ComponentUtils.resolveString(getProperty(ONKEYUP_KEY));

   * Sets an onkeyup Javascript handler.
   * @param onkeyup  the new onkeyup value
  final public void setOnkeyup(String onkeyup)
    setProperty(ONKEYUP_KEY, (onkeyup));

   * Gets the main text message for the box.
   * @return  the new message value
  final public String getMessage()
    return ComponentUtils.resolveString(getProperty(MESSAGE_KEY));

   * Sets the main text message for the box.
   * @param message  the new message value
  final public void setMessage(String message)
    setProperty(MESSAGE_KEY, (message));

   * Gets the overridden title text.
   * @return  the new text value
  final public String getText()

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   * Gets the CSS styles to use for this component.
   * @return  the new inlineStyle value
  final public String getInlineStyle()
    return ComponentUtils.resolveString(getProperty(INLINE_STYLE_KEY));

   * Sets the CSS styles to use for this component.
   * @param inlineStyle  the new inlineStyle value
  final public void setInlineStyle(String inlineStyle)
    setProperty(INLINE_STYLE_KEY, (inlineStyle));

   * Gets a CSS style class to use for this component.
   * @return  the new styleClass value
  final public String getStyleClass()
    return ComponentUtils.resolveString(getProperty(STYLE_CLASS_KEY));

   * Sets a CSS style class to use for this component.
   * @param styleClass  the new styleClass value
  final public void setStyleClass(String styleClass)
    setProperty(STYLE_CLASS_KEY, (styleClass));

   * Gets The short description of the component. This text is commonly used by user agents to display tooltip help text.
   * @return  the new shortDesc value
  final public String getShortDesc()
    return ComponentUtils.resolveString(getProperty(SHORT_DESC_KEY));

   * Sets The short description of the component. This text is commonly used by user agents to display tooltip help text.
   * @param shortDesc  the new shortDesc value
  final public void setShortDesc(String shortDesc)
    setProperty(SHORT_DESC_KEY, (shortDesc));

   * Gets the IDs of the components that should trigger a partial update.
   *         <p>
   *         This component will listen on the trigger components. If one of the
   *         trigger components receives an event that will cause it to update
   *         in some way, this component will request to be updated too.</p>
   *         <p>
   *         Separate multiple triggers with a space. e.g., partialTriggers="cmp1 cmp2"
   *         </p>
   *         <p>
   *         Identifiers must account for NamingContainers.  You can use a single colon to start the search from the root,
   *         or use multiple colons to move up through the NamingContainer. For example,
   *         "::" will pop out of this component's naming container (it pops out of itself if it is a naming container), 
   *         ":::" will pop out of two naming containers, etc. The search for
   *         the partialTrigger begins from there. e.g., partialTriggers=":::commandButton1" the search begins for the 
   *         component with id = commandButton1 after popping out of two naming containers relative to this component.
   *         To go into naming containers, you separate the naming containers with ':', e.g.,partialTriggers= "nc1:nc2:nc3:componentId".</p>
   * @return  the new partialTriggers value
  final public String[] getPartialTriggers()
    return (String[])getProperty(PARTIAL_TRIGGERS_KEY);

   * Sets the IDs of the components that should trigger a partial update.
   *         <p>
   *         This component will listen on the trigger components. If one of the
   *         trigger components receives an event that will cause it to update
   *         in some way, this component will request to be updated too.</p>
   *         <p>
   *         Separate multiple triggers with a space. e.g., partialTriggers="cmp1 cmp2"
   *         </p>
   *         <p>
   *         Identifiers must account for NamingContainers.  You can use a single colon to start the search from the root,
   *         or use multiple colons to move up through the NamingContainer. For example,
   *         "::" will pop out of this component's naming container (it pops out of itself if it is a naming container), 
   *         ":::" will pop out of two naming containers, etc. The search for
   *         the partialTrigger begins from there. e.g., partialTriggers=":::commandButton1" the search begins for the 
   *         component with id = commandButton1 after popping out of two naming containers relative to this component.
   *         To go into naming containers, you separate the naming containers with ':', e.g.,partialTriggers= "nc1:nc2:nc3:componentId".</p>
   * @param partialTriggers  the new partialTriggers value
  final public void setPartialTriggers(String[] partialTriggers)
    setProperty(PARTIAL_TRIGGERS_KEY, (partialTriggers));

   * Gets an onclick Javascript handler.
   * @return  the new onclick value
  final public String getOnclick()
    return ComponentUtils.resolveString(getProperty(ONCLICK_KEY));

   * Sets an onclick Javascript handler.
   * @param onclick  the new onclick value
  final public void setOnclick(String onclick)
    setProperty(ONCLICK_KEY, (onclick));

   * Gets an ondblclick Javascript handler.
   * @return  the new ondblclick value
  final public String getOndblclick()
    return ComponentUtils.resolveString(getProperty(ONDBLCLICK_KEY));

   * Sets an ondblclick Javascript handler.
   * @param ondblclick  the new ondblclick value
  final public void setOndblclick(String ondblclick)
    setProperty(ONDBLCLICK_KEY, (ondblclick));

   * Gets an onmousedown Javascript handler.
   * @return  the new onmousedown value
  final public String getOnmousedown()
    return ComponentUtils.resolveString(getProperty(ONMOUSEDOWN_KEY));

   * Sets an onmousedown Javascript handler.
   * @param onmousedown  the new onmousedown value
  final public void setOnmousedown(String onmousedown)
    setProperty(ONMOUSEDOWN_KEY, (onmousedown));

   * Gets an onmouseup Javascript handler.
   * @return  the new onmouseup value
  final public String getOnmouseup()
    return ComponentUtils.resolveString(getProperty(ONMOUSEUP_KEY));

   * Sets an onmouseup Javascript handler.
   * @param onmouseup  the new onmouseup value
  final public void setOnmouseup(String onmouseup)
    setProperty(ONMOUSEUP_KEY, (onmouseup));

   * Gets an onmouseover Javascript handler.
   * @return  the new onmouseover value
  final public String getOnmouseover()
    return ComponentUtils.resolveString(getProperty(ONMOUSEOVER_KEY));

   * Sets an onmouseover Javascript handler.
   * @param onmouseover  the new onmouseover value
  final public void setOnmouseover(String onmouseover)
    setProperty(ONMOUSEOVER_KEY, (onmouseover));

   * Gets an onmousemove Javascript handler.
   * @return  the new onmousemove value
  final public String getOnmousemove()
    return ComponentUtils.resolveString(getProperty(ONMOUSEMOVE_KEY));

   * Sets an onmousemove Javascript handler.
   * @param onmousemove  the new onmousemove value
  final public void setOnmousemove(String onmousemove)
    setProperty(ONMOUSEMOVE_KEY, (onmousemove));

   * Gets an onmouseout Javascript handler.
   * @return  the new onmouseout value
  final public String getOnmouseout()
    return ComponentUtils.resolveString(getProperty(ONMOUSEOUT_KEY));

   * Sets an onmouseout Javascript handler.
   * @param onmouseout  the new onmouseout value
  final public void setOnmouseout(String onmouseout)
    setProperty(ONMOUSEOUT_KEY, (onmouseout));

   * Gets an onkeypress Javascript handler.
   * @return  the new onkeypress value
  final public String getOnkeypress()
    return ComponentUtils.resolveString(getProperty(ONKEYPRESS_KEY));

   * Sets an onkeypress Javascript handler.
   * @param onkeypress  the new onkeypress value
  final public void setOnkeypress(String onkeypress)
    setProperty(ONKEYPRESS_KEY, (onkeypress));

   * Gets an onkeydown Javascript handler.
   * @return  the new onkeydown value
  final public String getOnkeydown()
    return ComponentUtils.resolveString(getProperty(ONKEYDOWN_KEY));

   * Sets an onkeydown Javascript handler.
   * @param onkeydown  the new onkeydown value
  final public void setOnkeydown(String onkeydown)
    setProperty(ONKEYDOWN_KEY, (onkeydown));

   * Gets an onkeyup Javascript handler.
   * @return  the new onkeyup value
  final public String getOnkeyup()
    return ComponentUtils.resolveString(getProperty(ONKEYUP_KEY));

   * Sets an onkeyup Javascript handler.
   * @param onkeyup  the new onkeyup value
  final public void setOnkeyup(String onkeyup)
    setProperty(ONKEYUP_KEY, (onkeyup));

   * Gets the label of the header.
   * @return  the new text value
  final public String getText()
    return ComponentUtils.resolveString(getProperty(TEXT_KEY));

   * Sets the label of the header.
   * @param text  the new text value
  final public void setText(String text)
    setProperty(TEXT_KEY, (text));

   * Gets the URI for the icon of the header.
   * @return  the new icon value
  final public String getIcon()

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    setProperty(SHOW_REQUIRED_KEY, showRequired ? Boolean.TRUE : Boolean.FALSE);

   * Gets the CSS styles to use for this component.
   * @return  the new inlineStyle value
  final public String getInlineStyle()
    return ComponentUtils.resolveString(getProperty(INLINE_STYLE_KEY));

   * Sets the CSS styles to use for this component.
   * @param inlineStyle  the new inlineStyle value
  final public void setInlineStyle(String inlineStyle)
    setProperty(INLINE_STYLE_KEY, (inlineStyle));

   * Gets a CSS style class to use for this component.
   * @return  the new styleClass value
  final public String getStyleClass()
    return ComponentUtils.resolveString(getProperty(STYLE_CLASS_KEY));

   * Sets a CSS style class to use for this component.
   * @param styleClass  the new styleClass value
  final public void setStyleClass(String styleClass)
    setProperty(STYLE_CLASS_KEY, (styleClass));

   * Gets The short description of the component. This text is commonly used by user agents to display tooltip help text.
   * @return  the new shortDesc value
  final public String getShortDesc()
    return ComponentUtils.resolveString(getProperty(SHORT_DESC_KEY));

   * Sets The short description of the component. This text is commonly used by user agents to display tooltip help text.
   * @param shortDesc  the new shortDesc value
  final public void setShortDesc(String shortDesc)
    setProperty(SHORT_DESC_KEY, (shortDesc));

   * Gets the IDs of the components that should trigger a partial update.
   *         <p>
   *         This component will listen on the trigger components. If one of the
   *         trigger components receives an event that will cause it to update
   *         in some way, this component will request to be updated too.</p>
   *         <p>
   *         Separate multiple triggers with a space. e.g., partialTriggers="cmp1 cmp2"
   *         </p>
   *         <p>
   *         Identifiers must account for NamingContainers.  You can use a single colon to start the search from the root,
   *         or use multiple colons to move up through the NamingContainer. For example,
   *         "::" will pop out of this component's naming container (it pops out of itself if it is a naming container), 
   *         ":::" will pop out of two naming containers, etc. The search for
   *         the partialTrigger begins from there. e.g., partialTriggers=":::commandButton1" the search begins for the 
   *         component with id = commandButton1 after popping out of two naming containers relative to this component.
   *         To go into naming containers, you separate the naming containers with ':', e.g.,partialTriggers= "nc1:nc2:nc3:componentId".</p>
   * @return  the new partialTriggers value
  final public String[] getPartialTriggers()
    return (String[])getProperty(PARTIAL_TRIGGERS_KEY);

   * Sets the IDs of the components that should trigger a partial update.
   *         <p>
   *         This component will listen on the trigger components. If one of the
   *         trigger components receives an event that will cause it to update
   *         in some way, this component will request to be updated too.</p>
   *         <p>
   *         Separate multiple triggers with a space. e.g., partialTriggers="cmp1 cmp2"
   *         </p>
   *         <p>
   *         Identifiers must account for NamingContainers.  You can use a single colon to start the search from the root,
   *         or use multiple colons to move up through the NamingContainer. For example,
   *         "::" will pop out of this component's naming container (it pops out of itself if it is a naming container), 
   *         ":::" will pop out of two naming containers, etc. The search for
   *         the partialTrigger begins from there. e.g., partialTriggers=":::commandButton1" the search begins for the 
   *         component with id = commandButton1 after popping out of two naming containers relative to this component.
   *         To go into naming containers, you separate the naming containers with ':', e.g.,partialTriggers= "nc1:nc2:nc3:componentId".</p>
   * @param partialTriggers  the new partialTriggers value
  final public void setPartialTriggers(String[] partialTriggers)
    setProperty(PARTIAL_TRIGGERS_KEY, (partialTriggers));

   * Gets an onclick Javascript handler.
   * @return  the new onclick value
  final public String getOnclick()
    return ComponentUtils.resolveString(getProperty(ONCLICK_KEY));

   * Sets an onclick Javascript handler.
   * @param onclick  the new onclick value
  final public void setOnclick(String onclick)
    setProperty(ONCLICK_KEY, (onclick));

   * Gets an ondblclick Javascript handler.
   * @return  the new ondblclick value
  final public String getOndblclick()
    return ComponentUtils.resolveString(getProperty(ONDBLCLICK_KEY));

   * Sets an ondblclick Javascript handler.
   * @param ondblclick  the new ondblclick value
  final public void setOndblclick(String ondblclick)
    setProperty(ONDBLCLICK_KEY, (ondblclick));

   * Gets an onmousedown Javascript handler.
   * @return  the new onmousedown value
  final public String getOnmousedown()
    return ComponentUtils.resolveString(getProperty(ONMOUSEDOWN_KEY));

   * Sets an onmousedown Javascript handler.
   * @param onmousedown  the new onmousedown value
  final public void setOnmousedown(String onmousedown)
    setProperty(ONMOUSEDOWN_KEY, (onmousedown));

   * Gets an onmouseup Javascript handler.
   * @return  the new onmouseup value
  final public String getOnmouseup()
    return ComponentUtils.resolveString(getProperty(ONMOUSEUP_KEY));

   * Sets an onmouseup Javascript handler.
   * @param onmouseup  the new onmouseup value
  final public void setOnmouseup(String onmouseup)
    setProperty(ONMOUSEUP_KEY, (onmouseup));

   * Gets an onmouseover Javascript handler.
   * @return  the new onmouseover value
  final public String getOnmouseover()
    return ComponentUtils.resolveString(getProperty(ONMOUSEOVER_KEY));

   * Sets an onmouseover Javascript handler.
   * @param onmouseover  the new onmouseover value
  final public void setOnmouseover(String onmouseover)
    setProperty(ONMOUSEOVER_KEY, (onmouseover));

   * Gets an onmousemove Javascript handler.
   * @return  the new onmousemove value
  final public String getOnmousemove()
    return ComponentUtils.resolveString(getProperty(ONMOUSEMOVE_KEY));

   * Sets an onmousemove Javascript handler.
   * @param onmousemove  the new onmousemove value
  final public void setOnmousemove(String onmousemove)
    setProperty(ONMOUSEMOVE_KEY, (onmousemove));

   * Gets an onmouseout Javascript handler.
   * @return  the new onmouseout value
  final public String getOnmouseout()
    return ComponentUtils.resolveString(getProperty(ONMOUSEOUT_KEY));

   * Sets an onmouseout Javascript handler.
   * @param onmouseout  the new onmouseout value
  final public void setOnmouseout(String onmouseout)
    setProperty(ONMOUSEOUT_KEY, (onmouseout));

   * Gets an onkeypress Javascript handler.
   * @return  the new onkeypress value
  final public String getOnkeypress()
    return ComponentUtils.resolveString(getProperty(ONKEYPRESS_KEY));

   * Sets an onkeypress Javascript handler.
   * @param onkeypress  the new onkeypress value
  final public void setOnkeypress(String onkeypress)
    setProperty(ONKEYPRESS_KEY, (onkeypress));

   * Gets an onkeydown Javascript handler.
   * @return  the new onkeydown value
  final public String getOnkeydown()
    return ComponentUtils.resolveString(getProperty(ONKEYDOWN_KEY));

   * Sets an onkeydown Javascript handler.
   * @param onkeydown  the new onkeydown value
  final public void setOnkeydown(String onkeydown)
    setProperty(ONKEYDOWN_KEY, (onkeydown));

   * Gets an onkeyup Javascript handler.
   * @return  the new onkeyup value
  final public String getOnkeyup()
    return ComponentUtils.resolveString(getProperty(ONKEYUP_KEY));

   * Sets an onkeyup Javascript handler.
   * @param onkeyup  the new onkeyup value
  final public void setOnkeyup(String onkeyup)
    setProperty(ONKEYUP_KEY, (onkeyup));

   * Gets the ID of the component that this component
   * refers to
   * @return  the new for value
  final public String getFor()

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    setProperty(WIDTH_KEY, Integer.valueOf(width));

   * Gets the CSS styles to use for this component.
   * @return  the new inlineStyle value
  final public String getInlineStyle()
    return ComponentUtils.resolveString(getProperty(INLINE_STYLE_KEY));

   * Sets the CSS styles to use for this component.
   * @param inlineStyle  the new inlineStyle value
  final public void setInlineStyle(String inlineStyle)
    setProperty(INLINE_STYLE_KEY, (inlineStyle));

   * Gets a CSS style class to use for this component.
   * @return  the new styleClass value
  final public String getStyleClass()
    return ComponentUtils.resolveString(getProperty(STYLE_CLASS_KEY));

   * Sets a CSS style class to use for this component.
   * @param styleClass  the new styleClass value
  final public void setStyleClass(String styleClass)
    setProperty(STYLE_CLASS_KEY, (styleClass));

   * Gets The short description of the component. This text is commonly used by user agents to display tooltip help text.
   * @return  the new shortDesc value
  final public String getShortDesc()
    return ComponentUtils.resolveString(getProperty(SHORT_DESC_KEY));

   * Sets The short description of the component. This text is commonly used by user agents to display tooltip help text.
   * @param shortDesc  the new shortDesc value
  final public void setShortDesc(String shortDesc)
    setProperty(SHORT_DESC_KEY, (shortDesc));

   * Gets the IDs of the components that should trigger a partial update.
   *         <p>
   *         This component will listen on the trigger components. If one of the
   *         trigger components receives an event that will cause it to update
   *         in some way, this component will request to be updated too.</p>
   *         <p>
   *         Separate multiple triggers with a space. e.g., partialTriggers="cmp1 cmp2"
   *         </p>
   *         <p>
   *         Identifiers must account for NamingContainers.  You can use a single colon to start the search from the root,
   *         or use multiple colons to move up through the NamingContainer. For example,
   *         "::" will pop out of this component's naming container (it pops out of itself if it is a naming container), 
   *         ":::" will pop out of two naming containers, etc. The search for
   *         the partialTrigger begins from there. e.g., partialTriggers=":::commandButton1" the search begins for the 
   *         component with id = commandButton1 after popping out of two naming containers relative to this component.
   *         To go into naming containers, you separate the naming containers with ':', e.g.,partialTriggers= "nc1:nc2:nc3:componentId".</p>
   * @return  the new partialTriggers value
  final public String[] getPartialTriggers()
    return (String[])getProperty(PARTIAL_TRIGGERS_KEY);

   * Sets the IDs of the components that should trigger a partial update.
   *         <p>
   *         This component will listen on the trigger components. If one of the
   *         trigger components receives an event that will cause it to update
   *         in some way, this component will request to be updated too.</p>
   *         <p>
   *         Separate multiple triggers with a space. e.g., partialTriggers="cmp1 cmp2"
   *         </p>
   *         <p>
   *         Identifiers must account for NamingContainers.  You can use a single colon to start the search from the root,
   *         or use multiple colons to move up through the NamingContainer. For example,
   *         "::" will pop out of this component's naming container (it pops out of itself if it is a naming container), 
   *         ":::" will pop out of two naming containers, etc. The search for
   *         the partialTrigger begins from there. e.g., partialTriggers=":::commandButton1" the search begins for the 
   *         component with id = commandButton1 after popping out of two naming containers relative to this component.
   *         To go into naming containers, you separate the naming containers with ':', e.g.,partialTriggers= "nc1:nc2:nc3:componentId".</p>
   * @param partialTriggers  the new partialTriggers value
  final public void setPartialTriggers(String[] partialTriggers)
    setProperty(PARTIAL_TRIGGERS_KEY, (partialTriggers));

   * Gets an onclick Javascript handler.
   * @return  the new onclick value
  final public String getOnclick()
    return ComponentUtils.resolveString(getProperty(ONCLICK_KEY));

   * Sets an onclick Javascript handler.
   * @param onclick  the new onclick value
  final public void setOnclick(String onclick)
    setProperty(ONCLICK_KEY, (onclick));

   * Gets an ondblclick Javascript handler.
   * @return  the new ondblclick value
  final public String getOndblclick()
    return ComponentUtils.resolveString(getProperty(ONDBLCLICK_KEY));

   * Sets an ondblclick Javascript handler.
   * @param ondblclick  the new ondblclick value
  final public void setOndblclick(String ondblclick)
    setProperty(ONDBLCLICK_KEY, (ondblclick));

   * Gets an onmousedown Javascript handler.
   * @return  the new onmousedown value
  final public String getOnmousedown()
    return ComponentUtils.resolveString(getProperty(ONMOUSEDOWN_KEY));

   * Sets an onmousedown Javascript handler.
   * @param onmousedown  the new onmousedown value
  final public void setOnmousedown(String onmousedown)
    setProperty(ONMOUSEDOWN_KEY, (onmousedown));

   * Gets an onmouseup Javascript handler.
   * @return  the new onmouseup value
  final public String getOnmouseup()
    return ComponentUtils.resolveString(getProperty(ONMOUSEUP_KEY));

   * Sets an onmouseup Javascript handler.
   * @param onmouseup  the new onmouseup value
  final public void setOnmouseup(String onmouseup)
    setProperty(ONMOUSEUP_KEY, (onmouseup));

   * Gets an onmouseover Javascript handler.
   * @return  the new onmouseover value
  final public String getOnmouseover()
    return ComponentUtils.resolveString(getProperty(ONMOUSEOVER_KEY));

   * Sets an onmouseover Javascript handler.
   * @param onmouseover  the new onmouseover value
  final public void setOnmouseover(String onmouseover)
    setProperty(ONMOUSEOVER_KEY, (onmouseover));

   * Gets an onmousemove Javascript handler.
   * @return  the new onmousemove value
  final public String getOnmousemove()
    return ComponentUtils.resolveString(getProperty(ONMOUSEMOVE_KEY));

   * Sets an onmousemove Javascript handler.
   * @param onmousemove  the new onmousemove value
  final public void setOnmousemove(String onmousemove)
    setProperty(ONMOUSEMOVE_KEY, (onmousemove));

   * Gets an onmouseout Javascript handler.
   * @return  the new onmouseout value
  final public String getOnmouseout()
    return ComponentUtils.resolveString(getProperty(ONMOUSEOUT_KEY));

   * Sets an onmouseout Javascript handler.
   * @param onmouseout  the new onmouseout value
  final public void setOnmouseout(String onmouseout)
    setProperty(ONMOUSEOUT_KEY, (onmouseout));

   * Gets an onkeypress Javascript handler.
   * @return  the new onkeypress value
  final public String getOnkeypress()
    return ComponentUtils.resolveString(getProperty(ONKEYPRESS_KEY));

   * Sets an onkeypress Javascript handler.
   * @param onkeypress  the new onkeypress value
  final public void setOnkeypress(String onkeypress)
    setProperty(ONKEYPRESS_KEY, (onkeypress));

   * Gets an onkeydown Javascript handler.
   * @return  the new onkeydown value
  final public String getOnkeydown()
    return ComponentUtils.resolveString(getProperty(ONKEYDOWN_KEY));

   * Sets an onkeydown Javascript handler.
   * @param onkeydown  the new onkeydown value
  final public void setOnkeydown(String onkeydown)
    setProperty(ONKEYDOWN_KEY, (onkeydown));

   * Gets an onkeyup Javascript handler.
   * @return  the new onkeyup value
  final public String getOnkeyup()
    return ComponentUtils.resolveString(getProperty(ONKEYUP_KEY));

   * Sets an onkeyup Javascript handler.
   * @param onkeyup  the new onkeyup value
  final public void setOnkeyup(String onkeyup)
    setProperty(ONKEYUP_KEY, (onkeyup));

  public String getDefaultEventName()
    return "click";

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   * Gets the CSS styles to use for this component.
   * @return  the new inlineStyle value
  final public String getInlineStyle()
    return ComponentUtils.resolveString(getProperty(INLINE_STYLE_KEY));

   * Sets the CSS styles to use for this component.
   * @param inlineStyle  the new inlineStyle value
  final public void setInlineStyle(String inlineStyle)
    setProperty(INLINE_STYLE_KEY, (inlineStyle));

   * Gets a CSS style class to use for this component.
   * @return  the new styleClass value
  final public String getStyleClass()
    return ComponentUtils.resolveString(getProperty(STYLE_CLASS_KEY));

   * Sets a CSS style class to use for this component.
   * @param styleClass  the new styleClass value
  final public void setStyleClass(String styleClass)
    setProperty(STYLE_CLASS_KEY, (styleClass));

   * Gets The short description of the component. This text is commonly used by user agents to display tooltip help text.
   * @return  the new shortDesc value
  final public String getShortDesc()
    return ComponentUtils.resolveString(getProperty(SHORT_DESC_KEY));

   * Sets The short description of the component. This text is commonly used by user agents to display tooltip help text.
   * @param shortDesc  the new shortDesc value
  final public void setShortDesc(String shortDesc)
    setProperty(SHORT_DESC_KEY, (shortDesc));

   * Gets the IDs of the components that should trigger a partial update.
   *         <p>
   *         This component will listen on the trigger components. If one of the
   *         trigger components receives an event that will cause it to update
   *         in some way, this component will request to be updated too.</p>
   *         <p>
   *         Separate multiple triggers with a space. e.g., partialTriggers="cmp1 cmp2"
   *         </p>
   *         <p>
   *         Identifiers must account for NamingContainers.  You can use a single colon to start the search from the root,
   *         or use multiple colons to move up through the NamingContainer. For example,
   *         "::" will pop out of this component's naming container (it pops out of itself if it is a naming container), 
   *         ":::" will pop out of two naming containers, etc. The search for
   *         the partialTrigger begins from there. e.g., partialTriggers=":::commandButton1" the search begins for the 
   *         component with id = commandButton1 after popping out of two naming containers relative to this component.
   *         To go into naming containers, you separate the naming containers with ':', e.g.,partialTriggers= "nc1:nc2:nc3:componentId".</p>
   * @return  the new partialTriggers value
  final public String[] getPartialTriggers()
    return (String[])getProperty(PARTIAL_TRIGGERS_KEY);

   * Sets the IDs of the components that should trigger a partial update.
   *         <p>
   *         This component will listen on the trigger components. If one of the
   *         trigger components receives an event that will cause it to update
   *         in some way, this component will request to be updated too.</p>
   *         <p>
   *         Separate multiple triggers with a space. e.g., partialTriggers="cmp1 cmp2"
   *         </p>
   *         <p>
   *         Identifiers must account for NamingContainers.  You can use a single colon to start the search from the root,
   *         or use multiple colons to move up through the NamingContainer. For example,
   *         "::" will pop out of this component's naming container (it pops out of itself if it is a naming container), 
   *         ":::" will pop out of two naming containers, etc. The search for
   *         the partialTrigger begins from there. e.g., partialTriggers=":::commandButton1" the search begins for the 
   *         component with id = commandButton1 after popping out of two naming containers relative to this component.
   *         To go into naming containers, you separate the naming containers with ':', e.g.,partialTriggers= "nc1:nc2:nc3:componentId".</p>
   * @param partialTriggers  the new partialTriggers value
  final public void setPartialTriggers(String[] partialTriggers)
    setProperty(PARTIAL_TRIGGERS_KEY, (partialTriggers));

   * Gets an onclick Javascript handler.
   * @return  the new onclick value
  final public String getOnclick()
    return ComponentUtils.resolveString(getProperty(ONCLICK_KEY));

   * Sets an onclick Javascript handler.
   * @param onclick  the new onclick value
  final public void setOnclick(String onclick)
    setProperty(ONCLICK_KEY, (onclick));

   * Gets an ondblclick Javascript handler.
   * @return  the new ondblclick value
  final public String getOndblclick()
    return ComponentUtils.resolveString(getProperty(ONDBLCLICK_KEY));

   * Sets an ondblclick Javascript handler.
   * @param ondblclick  the new ondblclick value
  final public void setOndblclick(String ondblclick)
    setProperty(ONDBLCLICK_KEY, (ondblclick));

   * Gets an onmousedown Javascript handler.
   * @return  the new onmousedown value
  final public String getOnmousedown()
    return ComponentUtils.resolveString(getProperty(ONMOUSEDOWN_KEY));

   * Sets an onmousedown Javascript handler.
   * @param onmousedown  the new onmousedown value
  final public void setOnmousedown(String onmousedown)
    setProperty(ONMOUSEDOWN_KEY, (onmousedown));

   * Gets an onmouseup Javascript handler.
   * @return  the new onmouseup value
  final public String getOnmouseup()
    return ComponentUtils.resolveString(getProperty(ONMOUSEUP_KEY));

   * Sets an onmouseup Javascript handler.
   * @param onmouseup  the new onmouseup value
  final public void setOnmouseup(String onmouseup)
    setProperty(ONMOUSEUP_KEY, (onmouseup));

   * Gets an onmouseover Javascript handler.
   * @return  the new onmouseover value
  final public String getOnmouseover()
    return ComponentUtils.resolveString(getProperty(ONMOUSEOVER_KEY));

   * Sets an onmouseover Javascript handler.
   * @param onmouseover  the new onmouseover value
  final public void setOnmouseover(String onmouseover)
    setProperty(ONMOUSEOVER_KEY, (onmouseover));

   * Gets an onmousemove Javascript handler.
   * @return  the new onmousemove value
  final public String getOnmousemove()
    return ComponentUtils.resolveString(getProperty(ONMOUSEMOVE_KEY));

   * Sets an onmousemove Javascript handler.
   * @param onmousemove  the new onmousemove value
  final public void setOnmousemove(String onmousemove)
    setProperty(ONMOUSEMOVE_KEY, (onmousemove));

   * Gets an onmouseout Javascript handler.
   * @return  the new onmouseout value
  final public String getOnmouseout()
    return ComponentUtils.resolveString(getProperty(ONMOUSEOUT_KEY));

   * Sets an onmouseout Javascript handler.
   * @param onmouseout  the new onmouseout value
  final public void setOnmouseout(String onmouseout)
    setProperty(ONMOUSEOUT_KEY, (onmouseout));

   * Gets an onkeypress Javascript handler.
   * @return  the new onkeypress value
  final public String getOnkeypress()
    return ComponentUtils.resolveString(getProperty(ONKEYPRESS_KEY));

   * Sets an onkeypress Javascript handler.
   * @param onkeypress  the new onkeypress value
  final public void setOnkeypress(String onkeypress)
    setProperty(ONKEYPRESS_KEY, (onkeypress));

   * Gets an onkeydown Javascript handler.
   * @return  the new onkeydown value
  final public String getOnkeydown()
    return ComponentUtils.resolveString(getProperty(ONKEYDOWN_KEY));

   * Sets an onkeydown Javascript handler.
   * @param onkeydown  the new onkeydown value
  final public void setOnkeydown(String onkeydown)
    setProperty(ONKEYDOWN_KEY, (onkeydown));

   * Gets an onkeyup Javascript handler.
   * @return  the new onkeyup value
  final public String getOnkeyup()
    return ComponentUtils.resolveString(getProperty(ONKEYUP_KEY));

   * Sets an onkeyup Javascript handler.
   * @param onkeyup  the new onkeyup value
  final public void setOnkeyup(String onkeyup)
    setProperty(ONKEYUP_KEY, (onkeyup));

  public String getDefaultEventName()
    return "click";

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    setProperty(HEADER_KEY, header ? Boolean.TRUE : Boolean.FALSE);

   * Gets the short description of the bean.  This text
   *          is commonly used by user agents to display tooltip help text.
   * @return  the new shortDesc value
  final public String getShortDesc()
    return ComponentUtils.resolveString(getProperty(SHORT_DESC_KEY));

   * Sets the short description of the bean.  This text
   *          is commonly used by user agents to display tooltip help text.
   * @param shortDesc  the new shortDesc value
  final public void setShortDesc(String shortDesc)
    setProperty(SHORT_DESC_KEY, (shortDesc));

   * Gets the IDs of the components that should trigger a partial update.
   *          This component will listen on the trigger components. If one of the
   *          trigger components receives an event that will cause it to update
   *          in some way, this component will request to be updated too.
   * @return  the new partialTriggers value
  final public String[] getPartialTriggers()
    return (String[])getProperty(PARTIAL_TRIGGERS_KEY);

   * Sets the IDs of the components that should trigger a partial update.
   *          This component will listen on the trigger components. If one of the
   *          trigger components receives an event that will cause it to update
   *          in some way, this component will request to be updated too.
   * @param partialTriggers  the new partialTriggers value
  final public void setPartialTriggers(String[] partialTriggers)
    setProperty(PARTIAL_TRIGGERS_KEY, (partialTriggers));

   * Gets an onclick Javascript handler.
   * @return  the new onclick value
  final public String getOnclick()
    return ComponentUtils.resolveString(getProperty(ONCLICK_KEY));

   * Sets an onclick Javascript handler.
   * @param onclick  the new onclick value
  final public void setOnclick(String onclick)
    setProperty(ONCLICK_KEY, (onclick));

   * Gets an ondblclick Javascript handler.
   * @return  the new ondblclick value
  final public String getOndblclick()
    return ComponentUtils.resolveString(getProperty(ONDBLCLICK_KEY));

   * Sets an ondblclick Javascript handler.
   * @param ondblclick  the new ondblclick value
  final public void setOndblclick(String ondblclick)
    setProperty(ONDBLCLICK_KEY, (ondblclick));

   * Gets an onmousedown Javascript handler.
   * @return  the new onmousedown value
  final public String getOnmousedown()
    return ComponentUtils.resolveString(getProperty(ONMOUSEDOWN_KEY));

   * Sets an onmousedown Javascript handler.
   * @param onmousedown  the new onmousedown value
  final public void setOnmousedown(String onmousedown)
    setProperty(ONMOUSEDOWN_KEY, (onmousedown));

   * Gets an onmouseup Javascript handler.
   * @return  the new onmouseup value
  final public String getOnmouseup()
    return ComponentUtils.resolveString(getProperty(ONMOUSEUP_KEY));

   * Sets an onmouseup Javascript handler.
   * @param onmouseup  the new onmouseup value
  final public void setOnmouseup(String onmouseup)
    setProperty(ONMOUSEUP_KEY, (onmouseup));

   * Gets an onmouseover Javascript handler.
   * @return  the new onmouseover value
  final public String getOnmouseover()
    return ComponentUtils.resolveString(getProperty(ONMOUSEOVER_KEY));

   * Sets an onmouseover Javascript handler.
   * @param onmouseover  the new onmouseover value
  final public void setOnmouseover(String onmouseover)
    setProperty(ONMOUSEOVER_KEY, (onmouseover));

   * Gets an onmousemove Javascript handler.
   * @return  the new onmousemove value
  final public String getOnmousemove()
    return ComponentUtils.resolveString(getProperty(ONMOUSEMOVE_KEY));

   * Sets an onmousemove Javascript handler.
   * @param onmousemove  the new onmousemove value
  final public void setOnmousemove(String onmousemove)
    setProperty(ONMOUSEMOVE_KEY, (onmousemove));

   * Gets an onmouseout Javascript handler.
   * @return  the new onmouseout value
  final public String getOnmouseout()
    return ComponentUtils.resolveString(getProperty(ONMOUSEOUT_KEY));

   * Sets an onmouseout Javascript handler.
   * @param onmouseout  the new onmouseout value
  final public void setOnmouseout(String onmouseout)
    setProperty(ONMOUSEOUT_KEY, (onmouseout));

   * Gets an onkeypress Javascript handler.
   * @return  the new onkeypress value
  final public String getOnkeypress()
    return ComponentUtils.resolveString(getProperty(ONKEYPRESS_KEY));

   * Sets an onkeypress Javascript handler.
   * @param onkeypress  the new onkeypress value
  final public void setOnkeypress(String onkeypress)
    setProperty(ONKEYPRESS_KEY, (onkeypress));

   * Gets an onkeydown Javascript handler.
   * @return  the new onkeydown value
  final public String getOnkeydown()
    return ComponentUtils.resolveString(getProperty(ONKEYDOWN_KEY));

   * Sets an onkeydown Javascript handler.
   * @param onkeydown  the new onkeydown value
  final public void setOnkeydown(String onkeydown)
    setProperty(ONKEYDOWN_KEY, (onkeydown));

   * Gets an onkeyup Javascript handler.
   * @return  the new onkeyup value
  final public String getOnkeyup()
    return ComponentUtils.resolveString(getProperty(ONKEYUP_KEY));

   * Sets an onkeyup Javascript handler.
   * @param onkeyup  the new onkeyup value
  final public void setOnkeyup(String onkeyup)
    setProperty(ONKEYUP_KEY, (onkeyup));

   * Gets the CSS style class of the bean.
   * @return  the new styleClass value
  final public String getStyleClass()
    return ComponentUtils.resolveString(getProperty(STYLE_CLASS_KEY));

   * Sets the CSS style class of the bean.
   * @param styleClass  the new styleClass value
  final public void setStyleClass(String styleClass)
    setProperty(STYLE_CLASS_KEY, (styleClass));

   * Gets the inline CSS style for this element
   * @return  the new inlineStyle value
  final public String getInlineStyle()
    return ComponentUtils.resolveString(getProperty(INLINE_STYLE_KEY));

   * Sets the inline CSS style for this element
   * @param inlineStyle  the new inlineStyle value
  final public void setInlineStyle(String inlineStyle)
    setProperty(INLINE_STYLE_KEY, (inlineStyle));

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    setProperty(ESCAPE_KEY, escape ? Boolean.TRUE : Boolean.FALSE);

   * Gets the CSS styles to use for this component.
   * @return  the new inlineStyle value
  final public String getInlineStyle()
    return ComponentUtils.resolveString(getProperty(INLINE_STYLE_KEY));

   * Sets the CSS styles to use for this component.
   * @param inlineStyle  the new inlineStyle value
  final public void setInlineStyle(String inlineStyle)
    setProperty(INLINE_STYLE_KEY, (inlineStyle));

   * Gets a CSS style class to use for this component.
   * @return  the new styleClass value
  final public String getStyleClass()
    return ComponentUtils.resolveString(getProperty(STYLE_CLASS_KEY));

   * Sets a CSS style class to use for this component.
   * @param styleClass  the new styleClass value
  final public void setStyleClass(String styleClass)
    setProperty(STYLE_CLASS_KEY, (styleClass));

   * Gets The short description of the component. This text is commonly used by user agents to display tooltip help text.
   * @return  the new shortDesc value
  final public String getShortDesc()
    return ComponentUtils.resolveString(getProperty(SHORT_DESC_KEY));

   * Sets The short description of the component. This text is commonly used by user agents to display tooltip help text.
   * @param shortDesc  the new shortDesc value
  final public void setShortDesc(String shortDesc)
    setProperty(SHORT_DESC_KEY, (shortDesc));

   * Gets the IDs of the components that should trigger a partial update.
   *         <p>
   *         This component will listen on the trigger components. If one of the
   *         trigger components receives an event that will cause it to update
   *         in some way, this component will request to be updated too.</p>
   *         <p>
   *         Separate multiple triggers with a space. e.g., partialTriggers="cmp1 cmp2"
   *         </p>
   *         <p>
   *         Identifiers must account for NamingContainers.  You can use a single colon to start the search from the root,
   *         or use multiple colons to move up through the NamingContainer. For example,
   *         "::" will pop out of this component's naming container (it pops out of itself if it is a naming container), 
   *         ":::" will pop out of two naming containers, etc. The search for
   *         the partialTrigger begins from there. e.g., partialTriggers=":::commandButton1" the search begins for the 
   *         component with id = commandButton1 after popping out of two naming containers relative to this component.
   *         To go into naming containers, you separate the naming containers with ':', e.g.,partialTriggers= "nc1:nc2:nc3:componentId".</p>
   * @return  the new partialTriggers value
  final public String[] getPartialTriggers()
    return (String[])getProperty(PARTIAL_TRIGGERS_KEY);

   * Sets the IDs of the components that should trigger a partial update.
   *         <p>
   *         This component will listen on the trigger components. If one of the
   *         trigger components receives an event that will cause it to update
   *         in some way, this component will request to be updated too.</p>
   *         <p>
   *         Separate multiple triggers with a space. e.g., partialTriggers="cmp1 cmp2"
   *         </p>
   *         <p>
   *         Identifiers must account for NamingContainers.  You can use a single colon to start the search from the root,
   *         or use multiple colons to move up through the NamingContainer. For example,
   *         "::" will pop out of this component's naming container (it pops out of itself if it is a naming container), 
   *         ":::" will pop out of two naming containers, etc. The search for
   *         the partialTrigger begins from there. e.g., partialTriggers=":::commandButton1" the search begins for the 
   *         component with id = commandButton1 after popping out of two naming containers relative to this component.
   *         To go into naming containers, you separate the naming containers with ':', e.g.,partialTriggers= "nc1:nc2:nc3:componentId".</p>
   * @param partialTriggers  the new partialTriggers value
  final public void setPartialTriggers(String[] partialTriggers)
    setProperty(PARTIAL_TRIGGERS_KEY, (partialTriggers));

   * Gets an onclick Javascript handler.
   * @return  the new onclick value
  final public String getOnclick()
    return ComponentUtils.resolveString(getProperty(ONCLICK_KEY));

   * Sets an onclick Javascript handler.
   * @param onclick  the new onclick value
  final public void setOnclick(String onclick)
    setProperty(ONCLICK_KEY, (onclick));

   * Gets an ondblclick Javascript handler.
   * @return  the new ondblclick value
  final public String getOndblclick()
    return ComponentUtils.resolveString(getProperty(ONDBLCLICK_KEY));

   * Sets an ondblclick Javascript handler.
   * @param ondblclick  the new ondblclick value
  final public void setOndblclick(String ondblclick)
    setProperty(ONDBLCLICK_KEY, (ondblclick));

   * Gets an onmousedown Javascript handler.
   * @return  the new onmousedown value
  final public String getOnmousedown()
    return ComponentUtils.resolveString(getProperty(ONMOUSEDOWN_KEY));

   * Sets an onmousedown Javascript handler.
   * @param onmousedown  the new onmousedown value
  final public void setOnmousedown(String onmousedown)
    setProperty(ONMOUSEDOWN_KEY, (onmousedown));

   * Gets an onmouseup Javascript handler.
   * @return  the new onmouseup value
  final public String getOnmouseup()
    return ComponentUtils.resolveString(getProperty(ONMOUSEUP_KEY));

   * Sets an onmouseup Javascript handler.
   * @param onmouseup  the new onmouseup value
  final public void setOnmouseup(String onmouseup)
    setProperty(ONMOUSEUP_KEY, (onmouseup));

   * Gets an onmouseover Javascript handler.
   * @return  the new onmouseover value
  final public String getOnmouseover()
    return ComponentUtils.resolveString(getProperty(ONMOUSEOVER_KEY));

   * Sets an onmouseover Javascript handler.
   * @param onmouseover  the new onmouseover value
  final public void setOnmouseover(String onmouseover)
    setProperty(ONMOUSEOVER_KEY, (onmouseover));

   * Gets an onmousemove Javascript handler.
   * @return  the new onmousemove value
  final public String getOnmousemove()
    return ComponentUtils.resolveString(getProperty(ONMOUSEMOVE_KEY));

   * Sets an onmousemove Javascript handler.
   * @param onmousemove  the new onmousemove value
  final public void setOnmousemove(String onmousemove)
    setProperty(ONMOUSEMOVE_KEY, (onmousemove));

   * Gets an onmouseout Javascript handler.
   * @return  the new onmouseout value
  final public String getOnmouseout()
    return ComponentUtils.resolveString(getProperty(ONMOUSEOUT_KEY));

   * Sets an onmouseout Javascript handler.
   * @param onmouseout  the new onmouseout value
  final public void setOnmouseout(String onmouseout)
    setProperty(ONMOUSEOUT_KEY, (onmouseout));

   * Gets an onkeypress Javascript handler.
   * @return  the new onkeypress value
  final public String getOnkeypress()
    return ComponentUtils.resolveString(getProperty(ONKEYPRESS_KEY));

   * Sets an onkeypress Javascript handler.
   * @param onkeypress  the new onkeypress value
  final public void setOnkeypress(String onkeypress)
    setProperty(ONKEYPRESS_KEY, (onkeypress));

   * Gets an onkeydown Javascript handler.
   * @return  the new onkeydown value
  final public String getOnkeydown()
    return ComponentUtils.resolveString(getProperty(ONKEYDOWN_KEY));

   * Sets an onkeydown Javascript handler.
   * @param onkeydown  the new onkeydown value
  final public void setOnkeydown(String onkeydown)
    setProperty(ONKEYDOWN_KEY, (onkeydown));

   * Gets an onkeyup Javascript handler.
   * @return  the new onkeyup value
  final public String getOnkeyup()
    return ComponentUtils.resolveString(getProperty(ONKEYUP_KEY));

   * Sets an onkeyup Javascript handler.
   * @param onkeyup  the new onkeyup value
  final public void setOnkeyup(String onkeyup)
    setProperty(ONKEYUP_KEY, (onkeyup));

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  public CoreProcessChoiceBar()

   * Gets the CSS styles to use for this component.
   * @return  the new inlineStyle value
  final public String getInlineStyle()
    return ComponentUtils.resolveString(getProperty(INLINE_STYLE_KEY));

   * Sets the CSS styles to use for this component.
   * @param inlineStyle  the new inlineStyle value
  final public void setInlineStyle(String inlineStyle)
    setProperty(INLINE_STYLE_KEY, (inlineStyle));

   * Gets a CSS style class to use for this component.
   * @return  the new styleClass value
  final public String getStyleClass()
    return ComponentUtils.resolveString(getProperty(STYLE_CLASS_KEY));

   * Sets a CSS style class to use for this component.
   * @param styleClass  the new styleClass value
  final public void setStyleClass(String styleClass)
    setProperty(STYLE_CLASS_KEY, (styleClass));

   * Gets The short description of the component. This text is commonly used by user agents to display tooltip help text.
   * @return  the new shortDesc value
  final public String getShortDesc()
    return ComponentUtils.resolveString(getProperty(SHORT_DESC_KEY));

   * Sets The short description of the component. This text is commonly used by user agents to display tooltip help text.
   * @param shortDesc  the new shortDesc value
  final public void setShortDesc(String shortDesc)
    setProperty(SHORT_DESC_KEY, (shortDesc));

   * Gets the IDs of the components that should trigger a partial update.
   *         <p>
   *         This component will listen on the trigger components. If one of the
   *         trigger components receives an event that will cause it to update
   *         in some way, this component will request to be updated too.</p>
   *         <p>
   *         Separate multiple triggers with a space. e.g., partialTriggers="cmp1 cmp2"
   *         </p>
   *         <p>
   *         Identifiers must account for NamingContainers.  You can use a single colon to start the search from the root,
   *         or use multiple colons to move up through the NamingContainer. For example,
   *         "::" will pop out of this component's naming container (it pops out of itself if it is a naming container), 
   *         ":::" will pop out of two naming containers, etc. The search for
   *         the partialTrigger begins from there. e.g., partialTriggers=":::commandButton1" the search begins for the 
   *         component with id = commandButton1 after popping out of two naming containers relative to this component.
   *         To go into naming containers, you separate the naming containers with ':', e.g.,partialTriggers= "nc1:nc2:nc3:componentId".</p>
   * @return  the new partialTriggers value
  final public String[] getPartialTriggers()
    return (String[])getProperty(PARTIAL_TRIGGERS_KEY);

   * Sets the IDs of the components that should trigger a partial update.
   *         <p>
   *         This component will listen on the trigger components. If one of the
   *         trigger components receives an event that will cause it to update
   *         in some way, this component will request to be updated too.</p>
   *         <p>
   *         Separate multiple triggers with a space. e.g., partialTriggers="cmp1 cmp2"
   *         </p>
   *         <p>
   *         Identifiers must account for NamingContainers.  You can use a single colon to start the search from the root,
   *         or use multiple colons to move up through the NamingContainer. For example,
   *         "::" will pop out of this component's naming container (it pops out of itself if it is a naming container), 
   *         ":::" will pop out of two naming containers, etc. The search for
   *         the partialTrigger begins from there. e.g., partialTriggers=":::commandButton1" the search begins for the 
   *         component with id = commandButton1 after popping out of two naming containers relative to this component.
   *         To go into naming containers, you separate the naming containers with ':', e.g.,partialTriggers= "nc1:nc2:nc3:componentId".</p>
   * @param partialTriggers  the new partialTriggers value
  final public void setPartialTriggers(String[] partialTriggers)
    setProperty(PARTIAL_TRIGGERS_KEY, (partialTriggers));

   * Gets an onclick Javascript handler.
   * @return  the new onclick value
  final public String getOnclick()
    return ComponentUtils.resolveString(getProperty(ONCLICK_KEY));

   * Sets an onclick Javascript handler.
   * @param onclick  the new onclick value
  final public void setOnclick(String onclick)
    setProperty(ONCLICK_KEY, (onclick));

   * Gets an ondblclick Javascript handler.
   * @return  the new ondblclick value
  final public String getOndblclick()
    return ComponentUtils.resolveString(getProperty(ONDBLCLICK_KEY));

   * Sets an ondblclick Javascript handler.
   * @param ondblclick  the new ondblclick value
  final public void setOndblclick(String ondblclick)
    setProperty(ONDBLCLICK_KEY, (ondblclick));

   * Gets an onmousedown Javascript handler.
   * @return  the new onmousedown value
  final public String getOnmousedown()
    return ComponentUtils.resolveString(getProperty(ONMOUSEDOWN_KEY));

   * Sets an onmousedown Javascript handler.
   * @param onmousedown  the new onmousedown value
  final public void setOnmousedown(String onmousedown)
    setProperty(ONMOUSEDOWN_KEY, (onmousedown));

   * Gets an onmouseup Javascript handler.
   * @return  the new onmouseup value
  final public String getOnmouseup()
    return ComponentUtils.resolveString(getProperty(ONMOUSEUP_KEY));

   * Sets an onmouseup Javascript handler.
   * @param onmouseup  the new onmouseup value
  final public void setOnmouseup(String onmouseup)
    setProperty(ONMOUSEUP_KEY, (onmouseup));

   * Gets an onmouseover Javascript handler.
   * @return  the new onmouseover value
  final public String getOnmouseover()
    return ComponentUtils.resolveString(getProperty(ONMOUSEOVER_KEY));

   * Sets an onmouseover Javascript handler.
   * @param onmouseover  the new onmouseover value
  final public void setOnmouseover(String onmouseover)
    setProperty(ONMOUSEOVER_KEY, (onmouseover));

   * Gets an onmousemove Javascript handler.
   * @return  the new onmousemove value
  final public String getOnmousemove()
    return ComponentUtils.resolveString(getProperty(ONMOUSEMOVE_KEY));

   * Sets an onmousemove Javascript handler.
   * @param onmousemove  the new onmousemove value
  final public void setOnmousemove(String onmousemove)
    setProperty(ONMOUSEMOVE_KEY, (onmousemove));

   * Gets an onmouseout Javascript handler.
   * @return  the new onmouseout value
  final public String getOnmouseout()
    return ComponentUtils.resolveString(getProperty(ONMOUSEOUT_KEY));

   * Sets an onmouseout Javascript handler.
   * @param onmouseout  the new onmouseout value
  final public void setOnmouseout(String onmouseout)
    setProperty(ONMOUSEOUT_KEY, (onmouseout));

   * Gets an onkeypress Javascript handler.
   * @return  the new onkeypress value
  final public String getOnkeypress()
    return ComponentUtils.resolveString(getProperty(ONKEYPRESS_KEY));

   * Sets an onkeypress Javascript handler.
   * @param onkeypress  the new onkeypress value
  final public void setOnkeypress(String onkeypress)
    setProperty(ONKEYPRESS_KEY, (onkeypress));

   * Gets an onkeydown Javascript handler.
   * @return  the new onkeydown value
  final public String getOnkeydown()
    return ComponentUtils.resolveString(getProperty(ONKEYDOWN_KEY));

   * Sets an onkeydown Javascript handler.
   * @param onkeydown  the new onkeydown value
  final public void setOnkeydown(String onkeydown)
    setProperty(ONKEYDOWN_KEY, (onkeydown));

   * Gets an onkeyup Javascript handler.
   * @return  the new onkeyup value
  final public String getOnkeyup()
    return ComponentUtils.resolveString(getProperty(ONKEYUP_KEY));

   * Sets an onkeyup Javascript handler.
   * @param onkeyup  the new onkeyup value
  final public void setOnkeyup(String onkeyup)
    setProperty(ONKEYUP_KEY, (onkeyup));

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    setProperty(ACCESS_KEY_KEY, Character.valueOf(accessKey));

   * Gets the CSS styles to use for this component.
   * @return  the new inlineStyle value
  final public String getInlineStyle()
    return ComponentUtils.resolveString(getProperty(INLINE_STYLE_KEY));

   * Sets the CSS styles to use for this component.
   * @param inlineStyle  the new inlineStyle value
  final public void setInlineStyle(String inlineStyle)
    setProperty(INLINE_STYLE_KEY, (inlineStyle));

   * Gets a CSS style class to use for this component.
   * @return  the new styleClass value
  final public String getStyleClass()
    return ComponentUtils.resolveString(getProperty(STYLE_CLASS_KEY));

   * Sets a CSS style class to use for this component.
   * @param styleClass  the new styleClass value
  final public void setStyleClass(String styleClass)
    setProperty(STYLE_CLASS_KEY, (styleClass));

   * Gets The short description of the component. This text is commonly used by user agents to display tooltip help text.
   * @return  the new shortDesc value
  final public String getShortDesc()
    return ComponentUtils.resolveString(getProperty(SHORT_DESC_KEY));

   * Sets The short description of the component. This text is commonly used by user agents to display tooltip help text.
   * @param shortDesc  the new shortDesc value
  final public void setShortDesc(String shortDesc)
    setProperty(SHORT_DESC_KEY, (shortDesc));

   * Gets the IDs of the components that should trigger a partial update.
   *         <p>
   *         This component will listen on the trigger components. If one of the
   *         trigger components receives an event that will cause it to update
   *         in some way, this component will request to be updated too.</p>
   *         <p>
   *         Separate multiple triggers with a space. e.g., partialTriggers="cmp1 cmp2"
   *         </p>
   *         <p>
   *         Identifiers must account for NamingContainers.  You can use a single colon to start the search from the root,
   *         or use multiple colons to move up through the NamingContainer. For example,
   *         "::" will pop out of this component's naming container (it pops out of itself if it is a naming container), 
   *         ":::" will pop out of two naming containers, etc. The search for
   *         the partialTrigger begins from there. e.g., partialTriggers=":::commandButton1" the search begins for the 
   *         component with id = commandButton1 after popping out of two naming containers relative to this component.
   *         To go into naming containers, you separate the naming containers with ':', e.g.,partialTriggers= "nc1:nc2:nc3:componentId".</p>
   * @return  the new partialTriggers value
  final public String[] getPartialTriggers()
    return (String[])getProperty(PARTIAL_TRIGGERS_KEY);

   * Sets the IDs of the components that should trigger a partial update.
   *         <p>
   *         This component will listen on the trigger components. If one of the
   *         trigger components receives an event that will cause it to update
   *         in some way, this component will request to be updated too.</p>
   *         <p>
   *         Separate multiple triggers with a space. e.g., partialTriggers="cmp1 cmp2"
   *         </p>
   *         <p>
   *         Identifiers must account for NamingContainers.  You can use a single colon to start the search from the root,
   *         or use multiple colons to move up through the NamingContainer. For example,
   *         "::" will pop out of this component's naming container (it pops out of itself if it is a naming container), 
   *         ":::" will pop out of two naming containers, etc. The search for
   *         the partialTrigger begins from there. e.g., partialTriggers=":::commandButton1" the search begins for the 
   *         component with id = commandButton1 after popping out of two naming containers relative to this component.
   *         To go into naming containers, you separate the naming containers with ':', e.g.,partialTriggers= "nc1:nc2:nc3:componentId".</p>
   * @param partialTriggers  the new partialTriggers value
  final public void setPartialTriggers(String[] partialTriggers)
    setProperty(PARTIAL_TRIGGERS_KEY, (partialTriggers));

   * Gets an onclick Javascript handler.
   * @return  the new onclick value
  final public String getOnclick()
    return ComponentUtils.resolveString(getProperty(ONCLICK_KEY));

   * Sets an onclick Javascript handler.
   * @param onclick  the new onclick value
  final public void setOnclick(String onclick)
    setProperty(ONCLICK_KEY, (onclick));

   * Gets an ondblclick Javascript handler.
   * @return  the new ondblclick value
  final public String getOndblclick()
    return ComponentUtils.resolveString(getProperty(ONDBLCLICK_KEY));

   * Sets an ondblclick Javascript handler.
   * @param ondblclick  the new ondblclick value
  final public void setOndblclick(String ondblclick)
    setProperty(ONDBLCLICK_KEY, (ondblclick));

   * Gets an onmousedown Javascript handler.
   * @return  the new onmousedown value
  final public String getOnmousedown()
    return ComponentUtils.resolveString(getProperty(ONMOUSEDOWN_KEY));

   * Sets an onmousedown Javascript handler.
   * @param onmousedown  the new onmousedown value
  final public void setOnmousedown(String onmousedown)
    setProperty(ONMOUSEDOWN_KEY, (onmousedown));

   * Gets an onmouseup Javascript handler.
   * @return  the new onmouseup value
  final public String getOnmouseup()
    return ComponentUtils.resolveString(getProperty(ONMOUSEUP_KEY));

   * Sets an onmouseup Javascript handler.
   * @param onmouseup  the new onmouseup value
  final public void setOnmouseup(String onmouseup)
    setProperty(ONMOUSEUP_KEY, (onmouseup));

   * Gets an onmouseover Javascript handler.
   * @return  the new onmouseover value
  final public String getOnmouseover()
    return ComponentUtils.resolveString(getProperty(ONMOUSEOVER_KEY));

   * Sets an onmouseover Javascript handler.
   * @param onmouseover  the new onmouseover value
  final public void setOnmouseover(String onmouseover)
    setProperty(ONMOUSEOVER_KEY, (onmouseover));

   * Gets an onmousemove Javascript handler.
   * @return  the new onmousemove value
  final public String getOnmousemove()
    return ComponentUtils.resolveString(getProperty(ONMOUSEMOVE_KEY));

   * Sets an onmousemove Javascript handler.
   * @param onmousemove  the new onmousemove value
  final public void setOnmousemove(String onmousemove)
    setProperty(ONMOUSEMOVE_KEY, (onmousemove));

   * Gets an onmouseout Javascript handler.
   * @return  the new onmouseout value
  final public String getOnmouseout()
    return ComponentUtils.resolveString(getProperty(ONMOUSEOUT_KEY));

   * Sets an onmouseout Javascript handler.
   * @param onmouseout  the new onmouseout value
  final public void setOnmouseout(String onmouseout)
    setProperty(ONMOUSEOUT_KEY, (onmouseout));

   * Gets an onkeypress Javascript handler.
   * @return  the new onkeypress value
  final public String getOnkeypress()
    return ComponentUtils.resolveString(getProperty(ONKEYPRESS_KEY));

   * Sets an onkeypress Javascript handler.
   * @param onkeypress  the new onkeypress value
  final public void setOnkeypress(String onkeypress)
    setProperty(ONKEYPRESS_KEY, (onkeypress));

   * Gets an onkeydown Javascript handler.
   * @return  the new onkeydown value
  final public String getOnkeydown()
    return ComponentUtils.resolveString(getProperty(ONKEYDOWN_KEY));

   * Sets an onkeydown Javascript handler.
   * @param onkeydown  the new onkeydown value
  final public void setOnkeydown(String onkeydown)
    setProperty(ONKEYDOWN_KEY, (onkeydown));

   * Gets an onkeyup Javascript handler.
   * @return  the new onkeyup value
  final public String getOnkeyup()
    return ComponentUtils.resolveString(getProperty(ONKEYUP_KEY));

   * Sets an onkeyup Javascript handler.
   * @param onkeyup  the new onkeyup value
  final public void setOnkeyup(String onkeyup)
    setProperty(ONKEYUP_KEY, (onkeyup));

   * Gets position of the control elements. Defaults to
   *          "start", if not specified. Other value supported is"top".
   * @return  the new position value
  final public String getPosition()

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    getFacets().put(HELP_FACET, helpFacet);

   * Gets the CSS styles to use for this component.
   * @return  the new inlineStyle value
  final public String getInlineStyle()
    return ComponentUtils.resolveString(getProperty(INLINE_STYLE_KEY));

   * Sets the CSS styles to use for this component.
   * @param inlineStyle  the new inlineStyle value
  final public void setInlineStyle(String inlineStyle)
    setProperty(INLINE_STYLE_KEY, (inlineStyle));

   * Gets a CSS style class to use for this component.
   * @return  the new styleClass value
  final public String getStyleClass()
    return ComponentUtils.resolveString(getProperty(STYLE_CLASS_KEY));

   * Sets a CSS style class to use for this component.
   * @param styleClass  the new styleClass value
  final public void setStyleClass(String styleClass)
    setProperty(STYLE_CLASS_KEY, (styleClass));

   * Gets The short description of the component. This text is commonly used by user agents to display tooltip help text.
   * @return  the new shortDesc value
  final public String getShortDesc()
    return ComponentUtils.resolveString(getProperty(SHORT_DESC_KEY));

   * Sets The short description of the component. This text is commonly used by user agents to display tooltip help text.
   * @param shortDesc  the new shortDesc value
  final public void setShortDesc(String shortDesc)
    setProperty(SHORT_DESC_KEY, (shortDesc));

   * Gets the IDs of the components that should trigger a partial update.
   *         <p>
   *         This component will listen on the trigger components. If one of the
   *         trigger components receives an event that will cause it to update
   *         in some way, this component will request to be updated too.</p>
   *         <p>
   *         Separate multiple triggers with a space. e.g., partialTriggers="cmp1 cmp2"
   *         </p>
   *         <p>
   *         Identifiers must account for NamingContainers.  You can use a single colon to start the search from the root,
   *         or use multiple colons to move up through the NamingContainer. For example,
   *         "::" will pop out of this component's naming container (it pops out of itself if it is a naming container), 
   *         ":::" will pop out of two naming containers, etc. The search for
   *         the partialTrigger begins from there. e.g., partialTriggers=":::commandButton1" the search begins for the 
   *         component with id = commandButton1 after popping out of two naming containers relative to this component.
   *         To go into naming containers, you separate the naming containers with ':', e.g.,partialTriggers= "nc1:nc2:nc3:componentId".</p>
   * @return  the new partialTriggers value
  final public String[] getPartialTriggers()
    return (String[])getProperty(PARTIAL_TRIGGERS_KEY);

   * Sets the IDs of the components that should trigger a partial update.
   *         <p>
   *         This component will listen on the trigger components. If one of the
   *         trigger components receives an event that will cause it to update
   *         in some way, this component will request to be updated too.</p>
   *         <p>
   *         Separate multiple triggers with a space. e.g., partialTriggers="cmp1 cmp2"
   *         </p>
   *         <p>
   *         Identifiers must account for NamingContainers.  You can use a single colon to start the search from the root,
   *         or use multiple colons to move up through the NamingContainer. For example,
   *         "::" will pop out of this component's naming container (it pops out of itself if it is a naming container), 
   *         ":::" will pop out of two naming containers, etc. The search for
   *         the partialTrigger begins from there. e.g., partialTriggers=":::commandButton1" the search begins for the 
   *         component with id = commandButton1 after popping out of two naming containers relative to this component.
   *         To go into naming containers, you separate the naming containers with ':', e.g.,partialTriggers= "nc1:nc2:nc3:componentId".</p>
   * @param partialTriggers  the new partialTriggers value
  final public void setPartialTriggers(String[] partialTriggers)
    setProperty(PARTIAL_TRIGGERS_KEY, (partialTriggers));

   * Gets an onclick Javascript handler.
   * @return  the new onclick value
  final public String getOnclick()
    return ComponentUtils.resolveString(getProperty(ONCLICK_KEY));

   * Sets an onclick Javascript handler.
   * @param onclick  the new onclick value
  final public void setOnclick(String onclick)
    setProperty(ONCLICK_KEY, (onclick));

   * Gets an ondblclick Javascript handler.
   * @return  the new ondblclick value
  final public String getOndblclick()
    return ComponentUtils.resolveString(getProperty(ONDBLCLICK_KEY));

   * Sets an ondblclick Javascript handler.
   * @param ondblclick  the new ondblclick value
  final public void setOndblclick(String ondblclick)
    setProperty(ONDBLCLICK_KEY, (ondblclick));

   * Gets an onmousedown Javascript handler.
   * @return  the new onmousedown value
  final public String getOnmousedown()
    return ComponentUtils.resolveString(getProperty(ONMOUSEDOWN_KEY));

   * Sets an onmousedown Javascript handler.
   * @param onmousedown  the new onmousedown value
  final public void setOnmousedown(String onmousedown)
    setProperty(ONMOUSEDOWN_KEY, (onmousedown));

   * Gets an onmouseup Javascript handler.
   * @return  the new onmouseup value
  final public String getOnmouseup()
    return ComponentUtils.resolveString(getProperty(ONMOUSEUP_KEY));

   * Sets an onmouseup Javascript handler.
   * @param onmouseup  the new onmouseup value
  final public void setOnmouseup(String onmouseup)
    setProperty(ONMOUSEUP_KEY, (onmouseup));

   * Gets an onmouseover Javascript handler.
   * @return  the new onmouseover value
  final public String getOnmouseover()
    return ComponentUtils.resolveString(getProperty(ONMOUSEOVER_KEY));

   * Sets an onmouseover Javascript handler.
   * @param onmouseover  the new onmouseover value
  final public void setOnmouseover(String onmouseover)
    setProperty(ONMOUSEOVER_KEY, (onmouseover));

   * Gets an onmousemove Javascript handler.
   * @return  the new onmousemove value
  final public String getOnmousemove()
    return ComponentUtils.resolveString(getProperty(ONMOUSEMOVE_KEY));

   * Sets an onmousemove Javascript handler.
   * @param onmousemove  the new onmousemove value
  final public void setOnmousemove(String onmousemove)
    setProperty(ONMOUSEMOVE_KEY, (onmousemove));

   * Gets an onmouseout Javascript handler.
   * @return  the new onmouseout value
  final public String getOnmouseout()
    return ComponentUtils.resolveString(getProperty(ONMOUSEOUT_KEY));

   * Sets an onmouseout Javascript handler.
   * @param onmouseout  the new onmouseout value
  final public void setOnmouseout(String onmouseout)
    setProperty(ONMOUSEOUT_KEY, (onmouseout));

   * Gets an onkeypress Javascript handler.
   * @return  the new onkeypress value
  final public String getOnkeypress()
    return ComponentUtils.resolveString(getProperty(ONKEYPRESS_KEY));

   * Sets an onkeypress Javascript handler.
   * @param onkeypress  the new onkeypress value
  final public void setOnkeypress(String onkeypress)
    setProperty(ONKEYPRESS_KEY, (onkeypress));

   * Gets an onkeydown Javascript handler.
   * @return  the new onkeydown value
  final public String getOnkeydown()
    return ComponentUtils.resolveString(getProperty(ONKEYDOWN_KEY));

   * Sets an onkeydown Javascript handler.
   * @param onkeydown  the new onkeydown value
  final public void setOnkeydown(String onkeydown)
    setProperty(ONKEYDOWN_KEY, (onkeydown));

   * Gets an onkeyup Javascript handler.
   * @return  the new onkeyup value
  final public String getOnkeyup()
    return ComponentUtils.resolveString(getProperty(ONKEYUP_KEY));

   * Sets an onkeyup Javascript handler.
   * @param onkeyup  the new onkeyup value
  final public void setOnkeyup(String onkeyup)
    setProperty(ONKEYUP_KEY, (onkeyup));

   * Gets the error, warning, or informational text.
   * @return  the new message value
  final public String getMessage()

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    getFacets().put(TOOLBAR_FACET, toolbarFacet);

   * Gets the CSS styles to use for this component.
   * @return  the new inlineStyle value
  final public String getInlineStyle()
    return ComponentUtils.resolveString(getProperty(INLINE_STYLE_KEY));

   * Sets the CSS styles to use for this component.
   * @param inlineStyle  the new inlineStyle value
  final public void setInlineStyle(String inlineStyle)
    setProperty(INLINE_STYLE_KEY, (inlineStyle));

   * Gets a CSS style class to use for this component.
   * @return  the new styleClass value
  final public String getStyleClass()
    return ComponentUtils.resolveString(getProperty(STYLE_CLASS_KEY));

   * Sets a CSS style class to use for this component.
   * @param styleClass  the new styleClass value
  final public void setStyleClass(String styleClass)
    setProperty(STYLE_CLASS_KEY, (styleClass));

   * Gets The short description of the component. This text is commonly used by user agents to display tooltip help text.
   * @return  the new shortDesc value
  final public String getShortDesc()
    return ComponentUtils.resolveString(getProperty(SHORT_DESC_KEY));

   * Sets The short description of the component. This text is commonly used by user agents to display tooltip help text.
   * @param shortDesc  the new shortDesc value
  final public void setShortDesc(String shortDesc)
    setProperty(SHORT_DESC_KEY, (shortDesc));

   * Gets the IDs of the components that should trigger a partial update.
   *         <p>
   *         This component will listen on the trigger components. If one of the
   *         trigger components receives an event that will cause it to update
   *         in some way, this component will request to be updated too.</p>
   *         <p>
   *         Separate multiple triggers with a space. e.g., partialTriggers="cmp1 cmp2"
   *         </p>
   *         <p>
   *         Identifiers must account for NamingContainers.  You can use a single colon to start the search from the root,
   *         or use multiple colons to move up through the NamingContainer. For example,
   *         "::" will pop out of this component's naming container (it pops out of itself if it is a naming container), 
   *         ":::" will pop out of two naming containers, etc. The search for
   *         the partialTrigger begins from there. e.g., partialTriggers=":::commandButton1" the search begins for the 
   *         component with id = commandButton1 after popping out of two naming containers relative to this component.
   *         To go into naming containers, you separate the naming containers with ':', e.g.,partialTriggers= "nc1:nc2:nc3:componentId".</p>
   * @return  the new partialTriggers value
  final public String[] getPartialTriggers()
    return (String[])getProperty(PARTIAL_TRIGGERS_KEY);

   * Sets the IDs of the components that should trigger a partial update.
   *         <p>
   *         This component will listen on the trigger components. If one of the
   *         trigger components receives an event that will cause it to update
   *         in some way, this component will request to be updated too.</p>
   *         <p>
   *         Separate multiple triggers with a space. e.g., partialTriggers="cmp1 cmp2"
   *         </p>
   *         <p>
   *         Identifiers must account for NamingContainers.  You can use a single colon to start the search from the root,
   *         or use multiple colons to move up through the NamingContainer. For example,
   *         "::" will pop out of this component's naming container (it pops out of itself if it is a naming container), 
   *         ":::" will pop out of two naming containers, etc. The search for
   *         the partialTrigger begins from there. e.g., partialTriggers=":::commandButton1" the search begins for the 
   *         component with id = commandButton1 after popping out of two naming containers relative to this component.
   *         To go into naming containers, you separate the naming containers with ':', e.g.,partialTriggers= "nc1:nc2:nc3:componentId".</p>
   * @param partialTriggers  the new partialTriggers value
  final public void setPartialTriggers(String[] partialTriggers)
    setProperty(PARTIAL_TRIGGERS_KEY, (partialTriggers));

   * Gets an onclick Javascript handler.
   * @return  the new onclick value
  final public String getOnclick()
    return ComponentUtils.resolveString(getProperty(ONCLICK_KEY));

   * Sets an onclick Javascript handler.
   * @param onclick  the new onclick value
  final public void setOnclick(String onclick)
    setProperty(ONCLICK_KEY, (onclick));

   * Gets an ondblclick Javascript handler.
   * @return  the new ondblclick value
  final public String getOndblclick()
    return ComponentUtils.resolveString(getProperty(ONDBLCLICK_KEY));

   * Sets an ondblclick Javascript handler.
   * @param ondblclick  the new ondblclick value
  final public void setOndblclick(String ondblclick)
    setProperty(ONDBLCLICK_KEY, (ondblclick));

   * Gets an onmousedown Javascript handler.
   * @return  the new onmousedown value
  final public String getOnmousedown()
    return ComponentUtils.resolveString(getProperty(ONMOUSEDOWN_KEY));

   * Sets an onmousedown Javascript handler.
   * @param onmousedown  the new onmousedown value
  final public void setOnmousedown(String onmousedown)
    setProperty(ONMOUSEDOWN_KEY, (onmousedown));

   * Gets an onmouseup Javascript handler.
   * @return  the new onmouseup value
  final public String getOnmouseup()
    return ComponentUtils.resolveString(getProperty(ONMOUSEUP_KEY));

   * Sets an onmouseup Javascript handler.
   * @param onmouseup  the new onmouseup value
  final public void setOnmouseup(String onmouseup)
    setProperty(ONMOUSEUP_KEY, (onmouseup));

   * Gets an onmouseover Javascript handler.
   * @return  the new onmouseover value
  final public String getOnmouseover()
    return ComponentUtils.resolveString(getProperty(ONMOUSEOVER_KEY));

   * Sets an onmouseover Javascript handler.
   * @param onmouseover  the new onmouseover value
  final public void setOnmouseover(String onmouseover)
    setProperty(ONMOUSEOVER_KEY, (onmouseover));

   * Gets an onmousemove Javascript handler.
   * @return  the new onmousemove value
  final public String getOnmousemove()
    return ComponentUtils.resolveString(getProperty(ONMOUSEMOVE_KEY));

   * Sets an onmousemove Javascript handler.
   * @param onmousemove  the new onmousemove value
  final public void setOnmousemove(String onmousemove)
    setProperty(ONMOUSEMOVE_KEY, (onmousemove));

   * Gets an onmouseout Javascript handler.
   * @return  the new onmouseout value
  final public String getOnmouseout()
    return ComponentUtils.resolveString(getProperty(ONMOUSEOUT_KEY));

   * Sets an onmouseout Javascript handler.
   * @param onmouseout  the new onmouseout value
  final public void setOnmouseout(String onmouseout)
    setProperty(ONMOUSEOUT_KEY, (onmouseout));

   * Gets an onkeypress Javascript handler.
   * @return  the new onkeypress value
  final public String getOnkeypress()
    return ComponentUtils.resolveString(getProperty(ONKEYPRESS_KEY));

   * Sets an onkeypress Javascript handler.
   * @param onkeypress  the new onkeypress value
  final public void setOnkeypress(String onkeypress)
    setProperty(ONKEYPRESS_KEY, (onkeypress));

   * Gets an onkeydown Javascript handler.
   * @return  the new onkeydown value
  final public String getOnkeydown()
    return ComponentUtils.resolveString(getProperty(ONKEYDOWN_KEY));

   * Sets an onkeydown Javascript handler.
   * @param onkeydown  the new onkeydown value
  final public void setOnkeydown(String onkeydown)
    setProperty(ONKEYDOWN_KEY, (onkeydown));

   * Gets an onkeyup Javascript handler.
   * @return  the new onkeyup value
  final public String getOnkeyup()
    return ComponentUtils.resolveString(getProperty(ONKEYUP_KEY));

   * Sets an onkeyup Javascript handler.
   * @param onkeyup  the new onkeyup value
  final public void setOnkeyup(String onkeyup)
    setProperty(ONKEYUP_KEY, (onkeyup));

   * Gets If value is "true", the component becomes non-interactive.
   * Otherwise,the default value is "false" and component assumes
   * its expected behavior.
   * @return  the new disabled value
  final public boolean isDisabled()

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    getFacets().put(TRIGGER_FACET, triggerFacet);

   * Gets the CSS styles to use for this component.
   * @return  the new inlineStyle value
  final public String getInlineStyle()
    return ComponentUtils.resolveString(getProperty(INLINE_STYLE_KEY));

   * Sets the CSS styles to use for this component.
   * @param inlineStyle  the new inlineStyle value
  final public void setInlineStyle(String inlineStyle)
    setProperty(INLINE_STYLE_KEY, (inlineStyle));

   * Gets a CSS style class to use for this component.
   * @return  the new styleClass value
  final public String getStyleClass()
    return ComponentUtils.resolveString(getProperty(STYLE_CLASS_KEY));

   * Sets a CSS style class to use for this component.
   * @param styleClass  the new styleClass value
  final public void setStyleClass(String styleClass)
    setProperty(STYLE_CLASS_KEY, (styleClass));

   * Gets The short description of the component. This text is commonly used by user agents to display tooltip help text.
   * @return  the new shortDesc value
  final public String getShortDesc()
    return ComponentUtils.resolveString(getProperty(SHORT_DESC_KEY));

   * Sets The short description of the component. This text is commonly used by user agents to display tooltip help text.
   * @param shortDesc  the new shortDesc value
  final public void setShortDesc(String shortDesc)
    setProperty(SHORT_DESC_KEY, (shortDesc));

   * Gets the IDs of the components that should trigger a partial update.
   *         <p>
   *         This component will listen on the trigger components. If one of the
   *         trigger components receives an event that will cause it to update
   *         in some way, this component will request to be updated too.</p>
   *         <p>
   *         Separate multiple triggers with a space. e.g., partialTriggers="cmp1 cmp2"
   *         </p>
   *         <p>
   *         Identifiers must account for NamingContainers.  You can use a single colon to start the search from the root,
   *         or use multiple colons to move up through the NamingContainer. For example,
   *         "::" will pop out of this component's naming container (it pops out of itself if it is a naming container), 
   *         ":::" will pop out of two naming containers, etc. The search for
   *         the partialTrigger begins from there. e.g., partialTriggers=":::commandButton1" the search begins for the 
   *         component with id = commandButton1 after popping out of two naming containers relative to this component.
   *         To go into naming containers, you separate the naming containers with ':', e.g.,partialTriggers= "nc1:nc2:nc3:componentId".</p>
   * @return  the new partialTriggers value
  final public String[] getPartialTriggers()
    return (String[])getProperty(PARTIAL_TRIGGERS_KEY);

   * Sets the IDs of the components that should trigger a partial update.
   *         <p>
   *         This component will listen on the trigger components. If one of the
   *         trigger components receives an event that will cause it to update
   *         in some way, this component will request to be updated too.</p>
   *         <p>
   *         Separate multiple triggers with a space. e.g., partialTriggers="cmp1 cmp2"
   *         </p>
   *         <p>
   *         Identifiers must account for NamingContainers.  You can use a single colon to start the search from the root,
   *         or use multiple colons to move up through the NamingContainer. For example,
   *         "::" will pop out of this component's naming container (it pops out of itself if it is a naming container), 
   *         ":::" will pop out of two naming containers, etc. The search for
   *         the partialTrigger begins from there. e.g., partialTriggers=":::commandButton1" the search begins for the 
   *         component with id = commandButton1 after popping out of two naming containers relative to this component.
   *         To go into naming containers, you separate the naming containers with ':', e.g.,partialTriggers= "nc1:nc2:nc3:componentId".</p>
   * @param partialTriggers  the new partialTriggers value
  final public void setPartialTriggers(String[] partialTriggers)
    setProperty(PARTIAL_TRIGGERS_KEY, (partialTriggers));

   * Gets an onclick Javascript handler.
   * @return  the new onclick value
  final public String getOnclick()
    return ComponentUtils.resolveString(getProperty(ONCLICK_KEY));

   * Sets an onclick Javascript handler.
   * @param onclick  the new onclick value
  final public void setOnclick(String onclick)
    setProperty(ONCLICK_KEY, (onclick));

   * Gets an ondblclick Javascript handler.
   * @return  the new ondblclick value
  final public String getOndblclick()
    return ComponentUtils.resolveString(getProperty(ONDBLCLICK_KEY));

   * Sets an ondblclick Javascript handler.
   * @param ondblclick  the new ondblclick value
  final public void setOndblclick(String ondblclick)
    setProperty(ONDBLCLICK_KEY, (ondblclick));

   * Gets an onmousedown Javascript handler.
   * @return  the new onmousedown value
  final public String getOnmousedown()
    return ComponentUtils.resolveString(getProperty(ONMOUSEDOWN_KEY));

   * Sets an onmousedown Javascript handler.
   * @param onmousedown  the new onmousedown value
  final public void setOnmousedown(String onmousedown)
    setProperty(ONMOUSEDOWN_KEY, (onmousedown));

   * Gets an onmouseup Javascript handler.
   * @return  the new onmouseup value
  final public String getOnmouseup()
    return ComponentUtils.resolveString(getProperty(ONMOUSEUP_KEY));

   * Sets an onmouseup Javascript handler.
   * @param onmouseup  the new onmouseup value
  final public void setOnmouseup(String onmouseup)
    setProperty(ONMOUSEUP_KEY, (onmouseup));

   * Gets an onmouseover Javascript handler.
   * @return  the new onmouseover value
  final public String getOnmouseover()
    return ComponentUtils.resolveString(getProperty(ONMOUSEOVER_KEY));

   * Sets an onmouseover Javascript handler.
   * @param onmouseover  the new onmouseover value
  final public void setOnmouseover(String onmouseover)
    setProperty(ONMOUSEOVER_KEY, (onmouseover));

   * Gets an onmousemove Javascript handler.
   * @return  the new onmousemove value
  final public String getOnmousemove()
    return ComponentUtils.resolveString(getProperty(ONMOUSEMOVE_KEY));

   * Sets an onmousemove Javascript handler.
   * @param onmousemove  the new onmousemove value
  final public void setOnmousemove(String onmousemove)
    setProperty(ONMOUSEMOVE_KEY, (onmousemove));

   * Gets an onmouseout Javascript handler.
   * @return  the new onmouseout value
  final public String getOnmouseout()
    return ComponentUtils.resolveString(getProperty(ONMOUSEOUT_KEY));

   * Sets an onmouseout Javascript handler.
   * @param onmouseout  the new onmouseout value
  final public void setOnmouseout(String onmouseout)
    setProperty(ONMOUSEOUT_KEY, (onmouseout));

   * Gets an onkeypress Javascript handler.
   * @return  the new onkeypress value
  final public String getOnkeypress()
    return ComponentUtils.resolveString(getProperty(ONKEYPRESS_KEY));

   * Sets an onkeypress Javascript handler.
   * @param onkeypress  the new onkeypress value
  final public void setOnkeypress(String onkeypress)
    setProperty(ONKEYPRESS_KEY, (onkeypress));

   * Gets an onkeydown Javascript handler.
   * @return  the new onkeydown value
  final public String getOnkeydown()
    return ComponentUtils.resolveString(getProperty(ONKEYDOWN_KEY));

   * Sets an onkeydown Javascript handler.
   * @param onkeydown  the new onkeydown value
  final public void setOnkeydown(String onkeydown)
    setProperty(ONKEYDOWN_KEY, (onkeydown));

   * Gets an onkeyup Javascript handler.
   * @return  the new onkeyup value
  final public String getOnkeyup()
    return ComponentUtils.resolveString(getProperty(ONKEYUP_KEY));

   * Sets an onkeyup Javascript handler.
   * @param onkeyup  the new onkeyup value
  final public void setOnkeyup(String onkeyup)
    setProperty(ONKEYUP_KEY, (onkeyup));

   * Gets Defines the launch behaviour of the popup.  If set to 'click' the popup will
   *         appear when the trigger is clicked, and disappear when you click off the popup.  The 'hover' value
   *         will cause the popup to appear while the mouse is over the trigger, and disappear when the mouse
   *         leaves either the trigger or the popup panel.
   * @return  the new triggerType value
  final public String getTriggerType()

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    getFacets().put(END_FACET, endFacet);

   * Gets the CSS styles to use for this component.
   * @return  the new inlineStyle value
  final public String getInlineStyle()
    return ComponentUtils.resolveString(getProperty(INLINE_STYLE_KEY));

   * Sets the CSS styles to use for this component.
   * @param inlineStyle  the new inlineStyle value
  final public void setInlineStyle(String inlineStyle)
    setProperty(INLINE_STYLE_KEY, (inlineStyle));

   * Gets a CSS style class to use for this component.
   * @return  the new styleClass value
  final public String getStyleClass()
    return ComponentUtils.resolveString(getProperty(STYLE_CLASS_KEY));

   * Sets a CSS style class to use for this component.
   * @param styleClass  the new styleClass value
  final public void setStyleClass(String styleClass)
    setProperty(STYLE_CLASS_KEY, (styleClass));

   * Gets The short description of the component. This text is commonly used by user agents to display tooltip help text.
   * @return  the new shortDesc value
  final public String getShortDesc()
    return ComponentUtils.resolveString(getProperty(SHORT_DESC_KEY));

   * Sets The short description of the component. This text is commonly used by user agents to display tooltip help text.
   * @param shortDesc  the new shortDesc value
  final public void setShortDesc(String shortDesc)
    setProperty(SHORT_DESC_KEY, (shortDesc));

   * Gets the IDs of the components that should trigger a partial update.
   *         <p>
   *         This component will listen on the trigger components. If one of the
   *         trigger components receives an event that will cause it to update
   *         in some way, this component will request to be updated too.</p>
   *         <p>
   *         Separate multiple triggers with a space. e.g., partialTriggers="cmp1 cmp2"
   *         </p>
   *         <p>
   *         Identifiers must account for NamingContainers.  You can use a single colon to start the search from the root,
   *         or use multiple colons to move up through the NamingContainer. For example,
   *         "::" will pop out of this component's naming container (it pops out of itself if it is a naming container), 
   *         ":::" will pop out of two naming containers, etc. The search for
   *         the partialTrigger begins from there. e.g., partialTriggers=":::commandButton1" the search begins for the 
   *         component with id = commandButton1 after popping out of two naming containers relative to this component.
   *         To go into naming containers, you separate the naming containers with ':', e.g.,partialTriggers= "nc1:nc2:nc3:componentId".</p>
   * @return  the new partialTriggers value
  final public String[] getPartialTriggers()
    return (String[])getProperty(PARTIAL_TRIGGERS_KEY);

   * Sets the IDs of the components that should trigger a partial update.
   *         <p>
   *         This component will listen on the trigger components. If one of the
   *         trigger components receives an event that will cause it to update
   *         in some way, this component will request to be updated too.</p>
   *         <p>
   *         Separate multiple triggers with a space. e.g., partialTriggers="cmp1 cmp2"
   *         </p>
   *         <p>
   *         Identifiers must account for NamingContainers.  You can use a single colon to start the search from the root,
   *         or use multiple colons to move up through the NamingContainer. For example,
   *         "::" will pop out of this component's naming container (it pops out of itself if it is a naming container), 
   *         ":::" will pop out of two naming containers, etc. The search for
   *         the partialTrigger begins from there. e.g., partialTriggers=":::commandButton1" the search begins for the 
   *         component with id = commandButton1 after popping out of two naming containers relative to this component.
   *         To go into naming containers, you separate the naming containers with ':', e.g.,partialTriggers= "nc1:nc2:nc3:componentId".</p>
   * @param partialTriggers  the new partialTriggers value
  final public void setPartialTriggers(String[] partialTriggers)
    setProperty(PARTIAL_TRIGGERS_KEY, (partialTriggers));

   * Gets an onclick Javascript handler.
   * @return  the new onclick value
  final public String getOnclick()
    return ComponentUtils.resolveString(getProperty(ONCLICK_KEY));

   * Sets an onclick Javascript handler.
   * @param onclick  the new onclick value
  final public void setOnclick(String onclick)
    setProperty(ONCLICK_KEY, (onclick));

   * Gets an ondblclick Javascript handler.
   * @return  the new ondblclick value
  final public String getOndblclick()
    return ComponentUtils.resolveString(getProperty(ONDBLCLICK_KEY));

   * Sets an ondblclick Javascript handler.
   * @param ondblclick  the new ondblclick value
  final public void setOndblclick(String ondblclick)
    setProperty(ONDBLCLICK_KEY, (ondblclick));

   * Gets an onmousedown Javascript handler.
   * @return  the new onmousedown value
  final public String getOnmousedown()
    return ComponentUtils.resolveString(getProperty(ONMOUSEDOWN_KEY));

   * Sets an onmousedown Javascript handler.
   * @param onmousedown  the new onmousedown value
  final public void setOnmousedown(String onmousedown)
    setProperty(ONMOUSEDOWN_KEY, (onmousedown));

   * Gets an onmouseup Javascript handler.
   * @return  the new onmouseup value
  final public String getOnmouseup()
    return ComponentUtils.resolveString(getProperty(ONMOUSEUP_KEY));

   * Sets an onmouseup Javascript handler.
   * @param onmouseup  the new onmouseup value
  final public void setOnmouseup(String onmouseup)
    setProperty(ONMOUSEUP_KEY, (onmouseup));

   * Gets an onmouseover Javascript handler.
   * @return  the new onmouseover value
  final public String getOnmouseover()
    return ComponentUtils.resolveString(getProperty(ONMOUSEOVER_KEY));

   * Sets an onmouseover Javascript handler.
   * @param onmouseover  the new onmouseover value
  final public void setOnmouseover(String onmouseover)
    setProperty(ONMOUSEOVER_KEY, (onmouseover));

   * Gets an onmousemove Javascript handler.
   * @return  the new onmousemove value
  final public String getOnmousemove()
    return ComponentUtils.resolveString(getProperty(ONMOUSEMOVE_KEY));

   * Sets an onmousemove Javascript handler.
   * @param onmousemove  the new onmousemove value
  final public void setOnmousemove(String onmousemove)
    setProperty(ONMOUSEMOVE_KEY, (onmousemove));

   * Gets an onmouseout Javascript handler.
   * @return  the new onmouseout value
  final public String getOnmouseout()
    return ComponentUtils.resolveString(getProperty(ONMOUSEOUT_KEY));

   * Sets an onmouseout Javascript handler.
   * @param onmouseout  the new onmouseout value
  final public void setOnmouseout(String onmouseout)
    setProperty(ONMOUSEOUT_KEY, (onmouseout));

   * Gets an onkeypress Javascript handler.
   * @return  the new onkeypress value
  final public String getOnkeypress()
    return ComponentUtils.resolveString(getProperty(ONKEYPRESS_KEY));

   * Sets an onkeypress Javascript handler.
   * @param onkeypress  the new onkeypress value
  final public void setOnkeypress(String onkeypress)
    setProperty(ONKEYPRESS_KEY, (onkeypress));

   * Gets an onkeydown Javascript handler.
   * @return  the new onkeydown value
  final public String getOnkeydown()
    return ComponentUtils.resolveString(getProperty(ONKEYDOWN_KEY));

   * Sets an onkeydown Javascript handler.
   * @param onkeydown  the new onkeydown value
  final public void setOnkeydown(String onkeydown)
    setProperty(ONKEYDOWN_KEY, (onkeydown));

   * Gets an onkeyup Javascript handler.
   * @return  the new onkeyup value
  final public String getOnkeyup()
    return ComponentUtils.resolveString(getProperty(ONKEYUP_KEY));

   * Sets an onkeyup Javascript handler.
   * @param onkeyup  the new onkeyup value
  final public void setOnkeyup(String onkeyup)
    setProperty(ONKEYUP_KEY, (onkeyup));

   * Gets whether the panel should show an indicator that its contents are required.
   * @return  the new showRequired value
  final public boolean isShowRequired()

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    setProperty(ONCHANGE_KEY, (onchange));

   * Gets the CSS styles to use for this component.
   * @return  the new inlineStyle value
  final public String getInlineStyle()
    return ComponentUtils.resolveString(getProperty(INLINE_STYLE_KEY));

   * Sets the CSS styles to use for this component.
   * @param inlineStyle  the new inlineStyle value
  final public void setInlineStyle(String inlineStyle)
    setProperty(INLINE_STYLE_KEY, (inlineStyle));

   * Gets a CSS style class to use for this component.
   * @return  the new styleClass value
  final public String getStyleClass()
    return ComponentUtils.resolveString(getProperty(STYLE_CLASS_KEY));

   * Sets a CSS style class to use for this component.
   * @param styleClass  the new styleClass value
  final public void setStyleClass(String styleClass)
    setProperty(STYLE_CLASS_KEY, (styleClass));

   * Gets The short description of the component. This text is commonly used by user agents to display tooltip help text.
   * @return  the new shortDesc value
  final public String getShortDesc()
    return ComponentUtils.resolveString(getProperty(SHORT_DESC_KEY));

   * Sets The short description of the component. This text is commonly used by user agents to display tooltip help text.
   * @param shortDesc  the new shortDesc value
  final public void setShortDesc(String shortDesc)
    setProperty(SHORT_DESC_KEY, (shortDesc));

   * Gets the IDs of the components that should trigger a partial update.
   *         <p>
   *         This component will listen on the trigger components. If one of the
   *         trigger components receives an event that will cause it to update
   *         in some way, this component will request to be updated too.</p>
   *         <p>
   *         Separate multiple triggers with a space. e.g., partialTriggers="cmp1 cmp2"
   *         </p>
   *         <p>
   *         Identifiers must account for NamingContainers.  You can use a single colon to start the search from the root,
   *         or use multiple colons to move up through the NamingContainer. For example,
   *         "::" will pop out of this component's naming container (it pops out of itself if it is a naming container), 
   *         ":::" will pop out of two naming containers, etc. The search for
   *         the partialTrigger begins from there. e.g., partialTriggers=":::commandButton1" the search begins for the 
   *         component with id = commandButton1 after popping out of two naming containers relative to this component.
   *         To go into naming containers, you separate the naming containers with ':', e.g.,partialTriggers= "nc1:nc2:nc3:componentId".</p>
   * @return  the new partialTriggers value
  final public String[] getPartialTriggers()
    return (String[])getProperty(PARTIAL_TRIGGERS_KEY);

   * Sets the IDs of the components that should trigger a partial update.
   *         <p>
   *         This component will listen on the trigger components. If one of the
   *         trigger components receives an event that will cause it to update
   *         in some way, this component will request to be updated too.</p>
   *         <p>
   *         Separate multiple triggers with a space. e.g., partialTriggers="cmp1 cmp2"
   *         </p>
   *         <p>
   *         Identifiers must account for NamingContainers.  You can use a single colon to start the search from the root,
   *         or use multiple colons to move up through the NamingContainer. For example,
   *         "::" will pop out of this component's naming container (it pops out of itself if it is a naming container), 
   *         ":::" will pop out of two naming containers, etc. The search for
   *         the partialTrigger begins from there. e.g., partialTriggers=":::commandButton1" the search begins for the 
   *         component with id = commandButton1 after popping out of two naming containers relative to this component.
   *         To go into naming containers, you separate the naming containers with ':', e.g.,partialTriggers= "nc1:nc2:nc3:componentId".</p>
   * @param partialTriggers  the new partialTriggers value
  final public void setPartialTriggers(String[] partialTriggers)
    setProperty(PARTIAL_TRIGGERS_KEY, (partialTriggers));

   * Gets an onclick Javascript handler.
   * @return  the new onclick value
  final public String getOnclick()
    return ComponentUtils.resolveString(getProperty(ONCLICK_KEY));

   * Sets an onclick Javascript handler.
   * @param onclick  the new onclick value
  final public void setOnclick(String onclick)
    setProperty(ONCLICK_KEY, (onclick));

   * Gets an ondblclick Javascript handler.
   * @return  the new ondblclick value
  final public String getOndblclick()
    return ComponentUtils.resolveString(getProperty(ONDBLCLICK_KEY));

   * Sets an ondblclick Javascript handler.
   * @param ondblclick  the new ondblclick value
  final public void setOndblclick(String ondblclick)
    setProperty(ONDBLCLICK_KEY, (ondblclick));

   * Gets an onmousedown Javascript handler.
   * @return  the new onmousedown value
  final public String getOnmousedown()
    return ComponentUtils.resolveString(getProperty(ONMOUSEDOWN_KEY));

   * Sets an onmousedown Javascript handler.
   * @param onmousedown  the new onmousedown value
  final public void setOnmousedown(String onmousedown)
    setProperty(ONMOUSEDOWN_KEY, (onmousedown));

   * Gets an onmouseup Javascript handler.
   * @return  the new onmouseup value
  final public String getOnmouseup()
    return ComponentUtils.resolveString(getProperty(ONMOUSEUP_KEY));

   * Sets an onmouseup Javascript handler.
   * @param onmouseup  the new onmouseup value
  final public void setOnmouseup(String onmouseup)
    setProperty(ONMOUSEUP_KEY, (onmouseup));

   * Gets an onmouseover Javascript handler.
   * @return  the new onmouseover value
  final public String getOnmouseover()
    return ComponentUtils.resolveString(getProperty(ONMOUSEOVER_KEY));

   * Sets an onmouseover Javascript handler.
   * @param onmouseover  the new onmouseover value
  final public void setOnmouseover(String onmouseover)
    setProperty(ONMOUSEOVER_KEY, (onmouseover));

   * Gets an onmousemove Javascript handler.
   * @return  the new onmousemove value
  final public String getOnmousemove()
    return ComponentUtils.resolveString(getProperty(ONMOUSEMOVE_KEY));

   * Sets an onmousemove Javascript handler.
   * @param onmousemove  the new onmousemove value
  final public void setOnmousemove(String onmousemove)
    setProperty(ONMOUSEMOVE_KEY, (onmousemove));

   * Gets an onmouseout Javascript handler.
   * @return  the new onmouseout value
  final public String getOnmouseout()
    return ComponentUtils.resolveString(getProperty(ONMOUSEOUT_KEY));

   * Sets an onmouseout Javascript handler.
   * @param onmouseout  the new onmouseout value
  final public void setOnmouseout(String onmouseout)
    setProperty(ONMOUSEOUT_KEY, (onmouseout));

   * Gets an onkeypress Javascript handler.
   * @return  the new onkeypress value
  final public String getOnkeypress()
    return ComponentUtils.resolveString(getProperty(ONKEYPRESS_KEY));

   * Sets an onkeypress Javascript handler.
   * @param onkeypress  the new onkeypress value
  final public void setOnkeypress(String onkeypress)
    setProperty(ONKEYPRESS_KEY, (onkeypress));

   * Gets an onkeydown Javascript handler.
   * @return  the new onkeydown value
  final public String getOnkeydown()
    return ComponentUtils.resolveString(getProperty(ONKEYDOWN_KEY));

   * Sets an onkeydown Javascript handler.
   * @param onkeydown  the new onkeydown value
  final public void setOnkeydown(String onkeydown)
    setProperty(ONKEYDOWN_KEY, (onkeydown));

   * Gets an onkeyup Javascript handler.
   * @return  the new onkeyup value
  final public String getOnkeyup()
    return ComponentUtils.resolveString(getProperty(ONKEYUP_KEY));

   * Sets an onkeyup Javascript handler.
   * @param onkeyup  the new onkeyup value
  final public void setOnkeyup(String onkeyup)
    setProperty(ONKEYUP_KEY, (onkeyup));

   * Gets the event handler for the component losing the focus.
   * @return  the new onblur value
  final public String getOnblur()

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    getFacets().put(END_FACET, endFacet);

   * Gets the CSS styles to use for this component.
   * @return  the new inlineStyle value
  final public String getInlineStyle()
    return ComponentUtils.resolveString(getProperty(INLINE_STYLE_KEY));

   * Sets the CSS styles to use for this component.
   * @param inlineStyle  the new inlineStyle value
  final public void setInlineStyle(String inlineStyle)
    setProperty(INLINE_STYLE_KEY, (inlineStyle));

   * Gets a CSS style class to use for this component.
   * @return  the new styleClass value
  final public String getStyleClass()
    return ComponentUtils.resolveString(getProperty(STYLE_CLASS_KEY));

   * Sets a CSS style class to use for this component.
   * @param styleClass  the new styleClass value
  final public void setStyleClass(String styleClass)
    setProperty(STYLE_CLASS_KEY, (styleClass));

   * Gets The short description of the component. This text is commonly used by user agents to display tooltip help text.
   * @return  the new shortDesc value
  final public String getShortDesc()
    return ComponentUtils.resolveString(getProperty(SHORT_DESC_KEY));

   * Sets The short description of the component. This text is commonly used by user agents to display tooltip help text.
   * @param shortDesc  the new shortDesc value
  final public void setShortDesc(String shortDesc)
    setProperty(SHORT_DESC_KEY, (shortDesc));

   * Gets the IDs of the components that should trigger a partial update.
   *         <p>
   *         This component will listen on the trigger components. If one of the
   *         trigger components receives an event that will cause it to update
   *         in some way, this component will request to be updated too.</p>
   *         <p>
   *         Separate multiple triggers with a space. e.g., partialTriggers="cmp1 cmp2"
   *         </p>
   *         <p>
   *         Identifiers must account for NamingContainers.  You can use a single colon to start the search from the root,
   *         or use multiple colons to move up through the NamingContainer. For example,
   *         "::" will pop out of this component's naming container (it pops out of itself if it is a naming container), 
   *         ":::" will pop out of two naming containers, etc. The search for
   *         the partialTrigger begins from there. e.g., partialTriggers=":::commandButton1" the search begins for the 
   *         component with id = commandButton1 after popping out of two naming containers relative to this component.
   *         To go into naming containers, you separate the naming containers with ':', e.g.,partialTriggers= "nc1:nc2:nc3:componentId".</p>
   * @return  the new partialTriggers value
  final public String[] getPartialTriggers()
    return (String[])getProperty(PARTIAL_TRIGGERS_KEY);

   * Sets the IDs of the components that should trigger a partial update.
   *         <p>
   *         This component will listen on the trigger components. If one of the
   *         trigger components receives an event that will cause it to update
   *         in some way, this component will request to be updated too.</p>
   *         <p>
   *         Separate multiple triggers with a space. e.g., partialTriggers="cmp1 cmp2"
   *         </p>
   *         <p>
   *         Identifiers must account for NamingContainers.  You can use a single colon to start the search from the root,
   *         or use multiple colons to move up through the NamingContainer. For example,
   *         "::" will pop out of this component's naming container (it pops out of itself if it is a naming container), 
   *         ":::" will pop out of two naming containers, etc. The search for
   *         the partialTrigger begins from there. e.g., partialTriggers=":::commandButton1" the search begins for the 
   *         component with id = commandButton1 after popping out of two naming containers relative to this component.
   *         To go into naming containers, you separate the naming containers with ':', e.g.,partialTriggers= "nc1:nc2:nc3:componentId".</p>
   * @param partialTriggers  the new partialTriggers value
  final public void setPartialTriggers(String[] partialTriggers)
    setProperty(PARTIAL_TRIGGERS_KEY, (partialTriggers));

   * Gets an onclick Javascript handler.
   * @return  the new onclick value
  final public String getOnclick()
    return ComponentUtils.resolveString(getProperty(ONCLICK_KEY));

   * Sets an onclick Javascript handler.
   * @param onclick  the new onclick value
  final public void setOnclick(String onclick)
    setProperty(ONCLICK_KEY, (onclick));

   * Gets an ondblclick Javascript handler.
   * @return  the new ondblclick value
  final public String getOndblclick()
    return ComponentUtils.resolveString(getProperty(ONDBLCLICK_KEY));

   * Sets an ondblclick Javascript handler.
   * @param ondblclick  the new ondblclick value
  final public void setOndblclick(String ondblclick)
    setProperty(ONDBLCLICK_KEY, (ondblclick));

   * Gets an onmousedown Javascript handler.
   * @return  the new onmousedown value
  final public String getOnmousedown()
    return ComponentUtils.resolveString(getProperty(ONMOUSEDOWN_KEY));

   * Sets an onmousedown Javascript handler.
   * @param onmousedown  the new onmousedown value
  final public void setOnmousedown(String onmousedown)
    setProperty(ONMOUSEDOWN_KEY, (onmousedown));

   * Gets an onmouseup Javascript handler.
   * @return  the new onmouseup value
  final public String getOnmouseup()
    return ComponentUtils.resolveString(getProperty(ONMOUSEUP_KEY));

   * Sets an onmouseup Javascript handler.
   * @param onmouseup  the new onmouseup value
  final public void setOnmouseup(String onmouseup)
    setProperty(ONMOUSEUP_KEY, (onmouseup));

   * Gets an onmouseover Javascript handler.
   * @return  the new onmouseover value
  final public String getOnmouseover()
    return ComponentUtils.resolveString(getProperty(ONMOUSEOVER_KEY));

   * Sets an onmouseover Javascript handler.
   * @param onmouseover  the new onmouseover value
  final public void setOnmouseover(String onmouseover)
    setProperty(ONMOUSEOVER_KEY, (onmouseover));

   * Gets an onmousemove Javascript handler.
   * @return  the new onmousemove value
  final public String getOnmousemove()
    return ComponentUtils.resolveString(getProperty(ONMOUSEMOVE_KEY));

   * Sets an onmousemove Javascript handler.
   * @param onmousemove  the new onmousemove value
  final public void setOnmousemove(String onmousemove)
    setProperty(ONMOUSEMOVE_KEY, (onmousemove));

   * Gets an onmouseout Javascript handler.
   * @return  the new onmouseout value
  final public String getOnmouseout()
    return ComponentUtils.resolveString(getProperty(ONMOUSEOUT_KEY));

   * Sets an onmouseout Javascript handler.
   * @param onmouseout  the new onmouseout value
  final public void setOnmouseout(String onmouseout)
    setProperty(ONMOUSEOUT_KEY, (onmouseout));

   * Gets an onkeypress Javascript handler.
   * @return  the new onkeypress value
  final public String getOnkeypress()
    return ComponentUtils.resolveString(getProperty(ONKEYPRESS_KEY));

   * Sets an onkeypress Javascript handler.
   * @param onkeypress  the new onkeypress value
  final public void setOnkeypress(String onkeypress)
    setProperty(ONKEYPRESS_KEY, (onkeypress));

   * Gets an onkeydown Javascript handler.
   * @return  the new onkeydown value
  final public String getOnkeydown()
    return ComponentUtils.resolveString(getProperty(ONKEYDOWN_KEY));

   * Sets an onkeydown Javascript handler.
   * @param onkeydown  the new onkeydown value
  final public void setOnkeydown(String onkeydown)
    setProperty(ONKEYDOWN_KEY, (onkeydown));

   * Gets an onkeyup Javascript handler.
   * @return  the new onkeyup value
  final public String getOnkeyup()
    return ComponentUtils.resolveString(getProperty(ONKEYUP_KEY));

   * Sets an onkeyup Javascript handler.
   * @param onkeyup  the new onkeyup value
  final public void setOnkeyup(String onkeyup)
    setProperty(ONKEYUP_KEY, (onkeyup));

   * Gets whether the panel should show an indicator that its contents are required.
   * @return  the new showRequired value
  final public boolean isShowRequired()

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    setProperty(ONCHANGE_KEY, (onchange));

   * Gets the CSS styles to use for this component.
   * @return  the new inlineStyle value
  final public String getInlineStyle()
    return ComponentUtils.resolveString(getProperty(INLINE_STYLE_KEY));

   * Sets the CSS styles to use for this component.
   * @param inlineStyle  the new inlineStyle value
  final public void setInlineStyle(String inlineStyle)
    setProperty(INLINE_STYLE_KEY, (inlineStyle));

   * Gets a CSS style class to use for this component.
   * @return  the new styleClass value
  final public String getStyleClass()
    return ComponentUtils.resolveString(getProperty(STYLE_CLASS_KEY));

   * Sets a CSS style class to use for this component.
   * @param styleClass  the new styleClass value
  final public void setStyleClass(String styleClass)
    setProperty(STYLE_CLASS_KEY, (styleClass));

   * Gets The short description of the component. This text is commonly used by user agents to display tooltip help text.
   * @return  the new shortDesc value
  final public String getShortDesc()
    return ComponentUtils.resolveString(getProperty(SHORT_DESC_KEY));

   * Sets The short description of the component. This text is commonly used by user agents to display tooltip help text.
   * @param shortDesc  the new shortDesc value
  final public void setShortDesc(String shortDesc)
    setProperty(SHORT_DESC_KEY, (shortDesc));

   * Gets the IDs of the components that should trigger a partial update.
   *         <p>
   *         This component will listen on the trigger components. If one of the
   *         trigger components receives an event that will cause it to update
   *         in some way, this component will request to be updated too.</p>
   *         <p>
   *         Separate multiple triggers with a space. e.g., partialTriggers="cmp1 cmp2"
   *         </p>
   *         <p>
   *         Identifiers must account for NamingContainers.  You can use a single colon to start the search from the root,
   *         or use multiple colons to move up through the NamingContainer. For example,
   *         "::" will pop out of this component's naming container (it pops out of itself if it is a naming container), 
   *         ":::" will pop out of two naming containers, etc. The search for
   *         the partialTrigger begins from there. e.g., partialTriggers=":::commandButton1" the search begins for the 
   *         component with id = commandButton1 after popping out of two naming containers relative to this component.
   *         To go into naming containers, you separate the naming containers with ':', e.g.,partialTriggers= "nc1:nc2:nc3:componentId".</p>
   * @return  the new partialTriggers value
  final public String[] getPartialTriggers()
    return (String[])getProperty(PARTIAL_TRIGGERS_KEY);

   * Sets the IDs of the components that should trigger a partial update.
   *         <p>
   *         This component will listen on the trigger components. If one of the
   *         trigger components receives an event that will cause it to update
   *         in some way, this component will request to be updated too.</p>
   *         <p>
   *         Separate multiple triggers with a space. e.g., partialTriggers="cmp1 cmp2"
   *         </p>
   *         <p>
   *         Identifiers must account for NamingContainers.  You can use a single colon to start the search from the root,
   *         or use multiple colons to move up through the NamingContainer. For example,
   *         "::" will pop out of this component's naming container (it pops out of itself if it is a naming container), 
   *         ":::" will pop out of two naming containers, etc. The search for
   *         the partialTrigger begins from there. e.g., partialTriggers=":::commandButton1" the search begins for the 
   *         component with id = commandButton1 after popping out of two naming containers relative to this component.
   *         To go into naming containers, you separate the naming containers with ':', e.g.,partialTriggers= "nc1:nc2:nc3:componentId".</p>
   * @param partialTriggers  the new partialTriggers value
  final public void setPartialTriggers(String[] partialTriggers)
    setProperty(PARTIAL_TRIGGERS_KEY, (partialTriggers));

   * Gets an onclick Javascript handler.
   * @return  the new onclick value
  final public String getOnclick()
    return ComponentUtils.resolveString(getProperty(ONCLICK_KEY));

   * Sets an onclick Javascript handler.
   * @param onclick  the new onclick value
  final public void setOnclick(String onclick)
    setProperty(ONCLICK_KEY, (onclick));

   * Gets an ondblclick Javascript handler.
   * @return  the new ondblclick value
  final public String getOndblclick()
    return ComponentUtils.resolveString(getProperty(ONDBLCLICK_KEY));

   * Sets an ondblclick Javascript handler.
   * @param ondblclick  the new ondblclick value
  final public void setOndblclick(String ondblclick)
    setProperty(ONDBLCLICK_KEY, (ondblclick));

   * Gets an onmousedown Javascript handler.
   * @return  the new onmousedown value
  final public String getOnmousedown()
    return ComponentUtils.resolveString(getProperty(ONMOUSEDOWN_KEY));

   * Sets an onmousedown Javascript handler.
   * @param onmousedown  the new onmousedown value
  final public void setOnmousedown(String onmousedown)
    setProperty(ONMOUSEDOWN_KEY, (onmousedown));

   * Gets an onmouseup Javascript handler.
   * @return  the new onmouseup value
  final public String getOnmouseup()
    return ComponentUtils.resolveString(getProperty(ONMOUSEUP_KEY));

   * Sets an onmouseup Javascript handler.
   * @param onmouseup  the new onmouseup value
  final public void setOnmouseup(String onmouseup)
    setProperty(ONMOUSEUP_KEY, (onmouseup));

   * Gets an onmouseover Javascript handler.
   * @return  the new onmouseover value
  final public String getOnmouseover()
    return ComponentUtils.resolveString(getProperty(ONMOUSEOVER_KEY));

   * Sets an onmouseover Javascript handler.
   * @param onmouseover  the new onmouseover value
  final public void setOnmouseover(String onmouseover)
    setProperty(ONMOUSEOVER_KEY, (onmouseover));

   * Gets an onmousemove Javascript handler.
   * @return  the new onmousemove value
  final public String getOnmousemove()
    return ComponentUtils.resolveString(getProperty(ONMOUSEMOVE_KEY));

   * Sets an onmousemove Javascript handler.
   * @param onmousemove  the new onmousemove value
  final public void setOnmousemove(String onmousemove)
    setProperty(ONMOUSEMOVE_KEY, (onmousemove));

   * Gets an onmouseout Javascript handler.
   * @return  the new onmouseout value
  final public String getOnmouseout()
    return ComponentUtils.resolveString(getProperty(ONMOUSEOUT_KEY));

   * Sets an onmouseout Javascript handler.
   * @param onmouseout  the new onmouseout value
  final public void setOnmouseout(String onmouseout)
    setProperty(ONMOUSEOUT_KEY, (onmouseout));

   * Gets an onkeypress Javascript handler.
   * @return  the new onkeypress value
  final public String getOnkeypress()
    return ComponentUtils.resolveString(getProperty(ONKEYPRESS_KEY));

   * Sets an onkeypress Javascript handler.
   * @param onkeypress  the new onkeypress value
  final public void setOnkeypress(String onkeypress)
    setProperty(ONKEYPRESS_KEY, (onkeypress));

   * Gets an onkeydown Javascript handler.
   * @return  the new onkeydown value
  final public String getOnkeydown()
    return ComponentUtils.resolveString(getProperty(ONKEYDOWN_KEY));

   * Sets an onkeydown Javascript handler.
   * @param onkeydown  the new onkeydown value
  final public void setOnkeydown(String onkeydown)
    setProperty(ONKEYDOWN_KEY, (onkeydown));

   * Gets an onkeyup Javascript handler.
   * @return  the new onkeyup value
  final public String getOnkeyup()
    return ComponentUtils.resolveString(getProperty(ONKEYUP_KEY));

   * Sets an onkeyup Javascript handler.
   * @param onkeyup  the new onkeyup value
  final public void setOnkeyup(String onkeyup)
    setProperty(ONKEYUP_KEY, (onkeyup));

   * Gets the event handler for the component losing the focus.
   * @return  the new onblur value
  final public String getOnblur()

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    setProperty(SUMMARY_KEY, (summary));

   * Gets the CSS styles to use for this component.
   * @return  the new inlineStyle value
  final public String getInlineStyle()
    return ComponentUtils.resolveString(getProperty(INLINE_STYLE_KEY));

   * Sets the CSS styles to use for this component.
   * @param inlineStyle  the new inlineStyle value
  final public void setInlineStyle(String inlineStyle)
    setProperty(INLINE_STYLE_KEY, (inlineStyle));

   * Gets a CSS style class to use for this component.
   * @return  the new styleClass value
  final public String getStyleClass()
    return ComponentUtils.resolveString(getProperty(STYLE_CLASS_KEY));

   * Sets a CSS style class to use for this component.
   * @param styleClass  the new styleClass value
  final public void setStyleClass(String styleClass)
    setProperty(STYLE_CLASS_KEY, (styleClass));

   * Gets The short description of the component. This text is commonly used by user agents to display tooltip help text.
   * @return  the new shortDesc value
  final public String getShortDesc()
    return ComponentUtils.resolveString(getProperty(SHORT_DESC_KEY));

   * Sets The short description of the component. This text is commonly used by user agents to display tooltip help text.
   * @param shortDesc  the new shortDesc value
  final public void setShortDesc(String shortDesc)
    setProperty(SHORT_DESC_KEY, (shortDesc));

   * Gets the IDs of the components that should trigger a partial update.
   *         <p>
   *         This component will listen on the trigger components. If one of the
   *         trigger components receives an event that will cause it to update
   *         in some way, this component will request to be updated too.</p>
   *         <p>
   *         Separate multiple triggers with a space. e.g., partialTriggers="cmp1 cmp2"
   *         </p>
   *         <p>
   *         Identifiers must account for NamingContainers.  You can use a single colon to start the search from the root,
   *         or use multiple colons to move up through the NamingContainer. For example,
   *         "::" will pop out of this component's naming container (it pops out of itself if it is a naming container), 
   *         ":::" will pop out of two naming containers, etc. The search for
   *         the partialTrigger begins from there. e.g., partialTriggers=":::commandButton1" the search begins for the 
   *         component with id = commandButton1 after popping out of two naming containers relative to this component.
   *         To go into naming containers, you separate the naming containers with ':', e.g.,partialTriggers= "nc1:nc2:nc3:componentId".</p>
   * @return  the new partialTriggers value
  final public String[] getPartialTriggers()
    return (String[])getProperty(PARTIAL_TRIGGERS_KEY);

   * Sets the IDs of the components that should trigger a partial update.
   *         <p>
   *         This component will listen on the trigger components. If one of the
   *         trigger components receives an event that will cause it to update
   *         in some way, this component will request to be updated too.</p>
   *         <p>
   *         Separate multiple triggers with a space. e.g., partialTriggers="cmp1 cmp2"
   *         </p>
   *         <p>
   *         Identifiers must account for NamingContainers.  You can use a single colon to start the search from the root,
   *         or use multiple colons to move up through the NamingContainer. For example,
   *         "::" will pop out of this component's naming container (it pops out of itself if it is a naming container), 
   *         ":::" will pop out of two naming containers, etc. The search for
   *         the partialTrigger begins from there. e.g., partialTriggers=":::commandButton1" the search begins for the 
   *         component with id = commandButton1 after popping out of two naming containers relative to this component.
   *         To go into naming containers, you separate the naming containers with ':', e.g.,partialTriggers= "nc1:nc2:nc3:componentId".</p>
   * @param partialTriggers  the new partialTriggers value
  final public void setPartialTriggers(String[] partialTriggers)
    setProperty(PARTIAL_TRIGGERS_KEY, (partialTriggers));

   * Gets an onclick Javascript handler.
   * @return  the new onclick value
  final public String getOnclick()
    return ComponentUtils.resolveString(getProperty(ONCLICK_KEY));

   * Sets an onclick Javascript handler.
   * @param onclick  the new onclick value
  final public void setOnclick(String onclick)
    setProperty(ONCLICK_KEY, (onclick));

   * Gets an ondblclick Javascript handler.
   * @return  the new ondblclick value
  final public String getOndblclick()
    return ComponentUtils.resolveString(getProperty(ONDBLCLICK_KEY));

   * Sets an ondblclick Javascript handler.
   * @param ondblclick  the new ondblclick value
  final public void setOndblclick(String ondblclick)
    setProperty(ONDBLCLICK_KEY, (ondblclick));

   * Gets an onmousedown Javascript handler.
   * @return  the new onmousedown value
  final public String getOnmousedown()
    return ComponentUtils.resolveString(getProperty(ONMOUSEDOWN_KEY));

   * Sets an onmousedown Javascript handler.
   * @param onmousedown  the new onmousedown value
  final public void setOnmousedown(String onmousedown)
    setProperty(ONMOUSEDOWN_KEY, (onmousedown));

   * Gets an onmouseup Javascript handler.
   * @return  the new onmouseup value
  final public String getOnmouseup()
    return ComponentUtils.resolveString(getProperty(ONMOUSEUP_KEY));

   * Sets an onmouseup Javascript handler.
   * @param onmouseup  the new onmouseup value
  final public void setOnmouseup(String onmouseup)
    setProperty(ONMOUSEUP_KEY, (onmouseup));

   * Gets an onmouseover Javascript handler.
   * @return  the new onmouseover value
  final public String getOnmouseover()
    return ComponentUtils.resolveString(getProperty(ONMOUSEOVER_KEY));

   * Sets an onmouseover Javascript handler.
   * @param onmouseover  the new onmouseover value
  final public void setOnmouseover(String onmouseover)
    setProperty(ONMOUSEOVER_KEY, (onmouseover));

   * Gets an onmousemove Javascript handler.
   * @return  the new onmousemove value
  final public String getOnmousemove()
    return ComponentUtils.resolveString(getProperty(ONMOUSEMOVE_KEY));

   * Sets an onmousemove Javascript handler.
   * @param onmousemove  the new onmousemove value
  final public void setOnmousemove(String onmousemove)
    setProperty(ONMOUSEMOVE_KEY, (onmousemove));

   * Gets an onmouseout Javascript handler.
   * @return  the new onmouseout value
  final public String getOnmouseout()
    return ComponentUtils.resolveString(getProperty(ONMOUSEOUT_KEY));

   * Sets an onmouseout Javascript handler.
   * @param onmouseout  the new onmouseout value
  final public void setOnmouseout(String onmouseout)
    setProperty(ONMOUSEOUT_KEY, (onmouseout));

   * Gets an onkeypress Javascript handler.
   * @return  the new onkeypress value
  final public String getOnkeypress()
    return ComponentUtils.resolveString(getProperty(ONKEYPRESS_KEY));

   * Sets an onkeypress Javascript handler.
   * @param onkeypress  the new onkeypress value
  final public void setOnkeypress(String onkeypress)
    setProperty(ONKEYPRESS_KEY, (onkeypress));

   * Gets an onkeydown Javascript handler.
   * @return  the new onkeydown value
  final public String getOnkeydown()
    return ComponentUtils.resolveString(getProperty(ONKEYDOWN_KEY));

   * Sets an onkeydown Javascript handler.
   * @param onkeydown  the new onkeydown value
  final public void setOnkeydown(String onkeydown)
    setProperty(ONKEYDOWN_KEY, (onkeydown));

   * Gets an onkeyup Javascript handler.
   * @return  the new onkeyup value
  final public String getOnkeyup()
    return ComponentUtils.resolveString(getProperty(ONKEYUP_KEY));

   * Sets an onkeyup Javascript handler.
   * @param onkeyup  the new onkeyup value
  final public void setOnkeyup(String onkeyup)
    setProperty(ONKEYUP_KEY, (onkeyup));

   * Gets whether or not to enable the show/hide all
   *               links above the table,
   *               which allow the user to show/hide all the detail rows.
   *               To enable the detail rows, a "detailStamp" facet must be set on
   *               this Table.
   * @return  the new allDetailsEnabled value
  final public boolean isAllDetailsEnabled()

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   * Gets the CSS styles to use for this component.
   * @return  the new inlineStyle value
  final public String getInlineStyle()
    return ComponentUtils.resolveString(getProperty(INLINE_STYLE_KEY));

   * Sets the CSS styles to use for this component.
   * @param inlineStyle  the new inlineStyle value
  final public void setInlineStyle(String inlineStyle)
    setProperty(INLINE_STYLE_KEY, (inlineStyle));

   * Gets a CSS style class to use for this component.
   * @return  the new styleClass value
  final public String getStyleClass()
    return ComponentUtils.resolveString(getProperty(STYLE_CLASS_KEY));

   * Sets a CSS style class to use for this component.
   * @param styleClass  the new styleClass value
  final public void setStyleClass(String styleClass)
    setProperty(STYLE_CLASS_KEY, (styleClass));

   * Gets The short description of the component. This text is commonly used by user agents to display tooltip help text.
   * @return  the new shortDesc value
  final public String getShortDesc()
    return ComponentUtils.resolveString(getProperty(SHORT_DESC_KEY));

   * Sets The short description of the component. This text is commonly used by user agents to display tooltip help text.
   * @param shortDesc  the new shortDesc value
  final public void setShortDesc(String shortDesc)
    setProperty(SHORT_DESC_KEY, (shortDesc));

   * Gets the IDs of the components that should trigger a partial update.
   *         <p>
   *         This component will listen on the trigger components. If one of the
   *         trigger components receives an event that will cause it to update
   *         in some way, this component will request to be updated too.</p>
   *         <p>
   *         Separate multiple triggers with a space. e.g., partialTriggers="cmp1 cmp2"
   *         </p>
   *         <p>
   *         Identifiers must account for NamingContainers.  You can use a single colon to start the search from the root,
   *         or use multiple colons to move up through the NamingContainer. For example,
   *         "::" will pop out of this component's naming container (it pops out of itself if it is a naming container), 
   *         ":::" will pop out of two naming containers, etc. The search for
   *         the partialTrigger begins from there. e.g., partialTriggers=":::commandButton1" the search begins for the 
   *         component with id = commandButton1 after popping out of two naming containers relative to this component.
   *         To go into naming containers, you separate the naming containers with ':', e.g.,partialTriggers= "nc1:nc2:nc3:componentId".</p>
   * @return  the new partialTriggers value
  final public String[] getPartialTriggers()
    return (String[])getProperty(PARTIAL_TRIGGERS_KEY);

   * Sets the IDs of the components that should trigger a partial update.
   *         <p>
   *         This component will listen on the trigger components. If one of the
   *         trigger components receives an event that will cause it to update
   *         in some way, this component will request to be updated too.</p>
   *         <p>
   *         Separate multiple triggers with a space. e.g., partialTriggers="cmp1 cmp2"
   *         </p>
   *         <p>
   *         Identifiers must account for NamingContainers.  You can use a single colon to start the search from the root,
   *         or use multiple colons to move up through the NamingContainer. For example,
   *         "::" will pop out of this component's naming container (it pops out of itself if it is a naming container), 
   *         ":::" will pop out of two naming containers, etc. The search for
   *         the partialTrigger begins from there. e.g., partialTriggers=":::commandButton1" the search begins for the 
   *         component with id = commandButton1 after popping out of two naming containers relative to this component.
   *         To go into naming containers, you separate the naming containers with ':', e.g.,partialTriggers= "nc1:nc2:nc3:componentId".</p>
   * @param partialTriggers  the new partialTriggers value
  final public void setPartialTriggers(String[] partialTriggers)
    setProperty(PARTIAL_TRIGGERS_KEY, (partialTriggers));

   * Gets an onclick Javascript handler.
   * @return  the new onclick value
  final public String getOnclick()
    return ComponentUtils.resolveString(getProperty(ONCLICK_KEY));

   * Sets an onclick Javascript handler.
   * @param onclick  the new onclick value
  final public void setOnclick(String onclick)
    setProperty(ONCLICK_KEY, (onclick));

   * Gets an ondblclick Javascript handler.
   * @return  the new ondblclick value
  final public String getOndblclick()
    return ComponentUtils.resolveString(getProperty(ONDBLCLICK_KEY));

   * Sets an ondblclick Javascript handler.
   * @param ondblclick  the new ondblclick value
  final public void setOndblclick(String ondblclick)
    setProperty(ONDBLCLICK_KEY, (ondblclick));

   * Gets an onmousedown Javascript handler.
   * @return  the new onmousedown value
  final public String getOnmousedown()
    return ComponentUtils.resolveString(getProperty(ONMOUSEDOWN_KEY));

   * Sets an onmousedown Javascript handler.
   * @param onmousedown  the new onmousedown value
  final public void setOnmousedown(String onmousedown)
    setProperty(ONMOUSEDOWN_KEY, (onmousedown));

   * Gets an onmouseup Javascript handler.
   * @return  the new onmouseup value
  final public String getOnmouseup()
    return ComponentUtils.resolveString(getProperty(ONMOUSEUP_KEY));

   * Sets an onmouseup Javascript handler.
   * @param onmouseup  the new onmouseup value
  final public void setOnmouseup(String onmouseup)
    setProperty(ONMOUSEUP_KEY, (onmouseup));

   * Gets an onmouseover Javascript handler.
   * @return  the new onmouseover value
  final public String getOnmouseover()
    return ComponentUtils.resolveString(getProperty(ONMOUSEOVER_KEY));

   * Sets an onmouseover Javascript handler.
   * @param onmouseover  the new onmouseover value
  final public void setOnmouseover(String onmouseover)
    setProperty(ONMOUSEOVER_KEY, (onmouseover));

   * Gets an onmousemove Javascript handler.
   * @return  the new onmousemove value
  final public String getOnmousemove()
    return ComponentUtils.resolveString(getProperty(ONMOUSEMOVE_KEY));

   * Sets an onmousemove Javascript handler.
   * @param onmousemove  the new onmousemove value
  final public void setOnmousemove(String onmousemove)
    setProperty(ONMOUSEMOVE_KEY, (onmousemove));

   * Gets an onmouseout Javascript handler.
   * @return  the new onmouseout value
  final public String getOnmouseout()
    return ComponentUtils.resolveString(getProperty(ONMOUSEOUT_KEY));

   * Sets an onmouseout Javascript handler.
   * @param onmouseout  the new onmouseout value
  final public void setOnmouseout(String onmouseout)
    setProperty(ONMOUSEOUT_KEY, (onmouseout));

   * Gets an onkeypress Javascript handler.
   * @return  the new onkeypress value
  final public String getOnkeypress()
    return ComponentUtils.resolveString(getProperty(ONKEYPRESS_KEY));

   * Sets an onkeypress Javascript handler.
   * @param onkeypress  the new onkeypress value
  final public void setOnkeypress(String onkeypress)
    setProperty(ONKEYPRESS_KEY, (onkeypress));

   * Gets an onkeydown Javascript handler.
   * @return  the new onkeydown value
  final public String getOnkeydown()
    return ComponentUtils.resolveString(getProperty(ONKEYDOWN_KEY));

   * Sets an onkeydown Javascript handler.
   * @param onkeydown  the new onkeydown value
  final public void setOnkeydown(String onkeydown)
    setProperty(ONKEYDOWN_KEY, (onkeydown));

   * Gets an onkeyup Javascript handler.
   * @return  the new onkeyup value
  final public String getOnkeyup()
    return ComponentUtils.resolveString(getProperty(ONKEYUP_KEY));

   * Sets an onkeyup Javascript handler.
   * @param onkeyup  the new onkeyup value
  final public void setOnkeyup(String onkeyup)
    setProperty(ONKEYUP_KEY, (onkeyup));

   * Gets The alignment for this column. The legal values are "start", "end" and "center", for left-justified, right-justified, and center-justified respectively in LTR display. The default value is "start".
   * @return  the new align value
  final public String getAlign()

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    setProperty(SUMMARY_KEY, (summary));

   * Gets the CSS styles to use for this component.
   * @return  the new inlineStyle value
  final public String getInlineStyle()
    return ComponentUtils.resolveString(getProperty(INLINE_STYLE_KEY));

   * Sets the CSS styles to use for this component.
   * @param inlineStyle  the new inlineStyle value
  final public void setInlineStyle(String inlineStyle)
    setProperty(INLINE_STYLE_KEY, (inlineStyle));

   * Gets a CSS style class to use for this component.
   * @return  the new styleClass value
  final public String getStyleClass()
    return ComponentUtils.resolveString(getProperty(STYLE_CLASS_KEY));

   * Sets a CSS style class to use for this component.
   * @param styleClass  the new styleClass value
  final public void setStyleClass(String styleClass)
    setProperty(STYLE_CLASS_KEY, (styleClass));

   * Gets The short description of the component. This text is commonly used by user agents to display tooltip help text.
   * @return  the new shortDesc value
  final public String getShortDesc()
    return ComponentUtils.resolveString(getProperty(SHORT_DESC_KEY));

   * Sets The short description of the component. This text is commonly used by user agents to display tooltip help text.
   * @param shortDesc  the new shortDesc value
  final public void setShortDesc(String shortDesc)
    setProperty(SHORT_DESC_KEY, (shortDesc));

   * Gets the IDs of the components that should trigger a partial update.
   *         <p>
   *         This component will listen on the trigger components. If one of the
   *         trigger components receives an event that will cause it to update
   *         in some way, this component will request to be updated too.</p>
   *         <p>
   *         Separate multiple triggers with a space. e.g., partialTriggers="cmp1 cmp2"
   *         </p>
   *         <p>
   *         Identifiers must account for NamingContainers.  You can use a single colon to start the search from the root,
   *         or use multiple colons to move up through the NamingContainer. For example,
   *         "::" will pop out of this component's naming container (it pops out of itself if it is a naming container), 
   *         ":::" will pop out of two naming containers, etc. The search for
   *         the partialTrigger begins from there. e.g., partialTriggers=":::commandButton1" the search begins for the 
   *         component with id = commandButton1 after popping out of two naming containers relative to this component.
   *         To go into naming containers, you separate the naming containers with ':', e.g.,partialTriggers= "nc1:nc2:nc3:componentId".</p>
   * @return  the new partialTriggers value
  final public String[] getPartialTriggers()
    return (String[])getProperty(PARTIAL_TRIGGERS_KEY);

   * Sets the IDs of the components that should trigger a partial update.
   *         <p>
   *         This component will listen on the trigger components. If one of the
   *         trigger components receives an event that will cause it to update
   *         in some way, this component will request to be updated too.</p>
   *         <p>
   *         Separate multiple triggers with a space. e.g., partialTriggers="cmp1 cmp2"
   *         </p>
   *         <p>
   *         Identifiers must account for NamingContainers.  You can use a single colon to start the search from the root,
   *         or use multiple colons to move up through the NamingContainer. For example,
   *         "::" will pop out of this component's naming container (it pops out of itself if it is a naming container), 
   *         ":::" will pop out of two naming containers, etc. The search for
   *         the partialTrigger begins from there. e.g., partialTriggers=":::commandButton1" the search begins for the 
   *         component with id = commandButton1 after popping out of two naming containers relative to this component.
   *         To go into naming containers, you separate the naming containers with ':', e.g.,partialTriggers= "nc1:nc2:nc3:componentId".</p>
   * @param partialTriggers  the new partialTriggers value
  final public void setPartialTriggers(String[] partialTriggers)
    setProperty(PARTIAL_TRIGGERS_KEY, (partialTriggers));

   * Gets an onclick Javascript handler.
   * @return  the new onclick value
  final public String getOnclick()
    return ComponentUtils.resolveString(getProperty(ONCLICK_KEY));

   * Sets an onclick Javascript handler.
   * @param onclick  the new onclick value
  final public void setOnclick(String onclick)
    setProperty(ONCLICK_KEY, (onclick));

   * Gets an ondblclick Javascript handler.
   * @return  the new ondblclick value
  final public String getOndblclick()
    return ComponentUtils.resolveString(getProperty(ONDBLCLICK_KEY));

   * Sets an ondblclick Javascript handler.
   * @param ondblclick  the new ondblclick value
  final public void setOndblclick(String ondblclick)
    setProperty(ONDBLCLICK_KEY, (ondblclick));

   * Gets an onmousedown Javascript handler.
   * @return  the new onmousedown value
  final public String getOnmousedown()
    return ComponentUtils.resolveString(getProperty(ONMOUSEDOWN_KEY));

   * Sets an onmousedown Javascript handler.
   * @param onmousedown  the new onmousedown value
  final public void setOnmousedown(String onmousedown)
    setProperty(ONMOUSEDOWN_KEY, (onmousedown));

   * Gets an onmouseup Javascript handler.
   * @return  the new onmouseup value
  final public String getOnmouseup()
    return ComponentUtils.resolveString(getProperty(ONMOUSEUP_KEY));

   * Sets an onmouseup Javascript handler.
   * @param onmouseup  the new onmouseup value
  final public void setOnmouseup(String onmouseup)
    setProperty(ONMOUSEUP_KEY, (onmouseup));

   * Gets an onmouseover Javascript handler.
   * @return  the new onmouseover value
  final public String getOnmouseover()
    return ComponentUtils.resolveString(getProperty(ONMOUSEOVER_KEY));

   * Sets an onmouseover Javascript handler.
   * @param onmouseover  the new onmouseover value
  final public void setOnmouseover(String onmouseover)
    setProperty(ONMOUSEOVER_KEY, (onmouseover));

   * Gets an onmousemove Javascript handler.
   * @return  the new onmousemove value
  final public String getOnmousemove()
    return ComponentUtils.resolveString(getProperty(ONMOUSEMOVE_KEY));

   * Sets an onmousemove Javascript handler.
   * @param onmousemove  the new onmousemove value
  final public void setOnmousemove(String onmousemove)
    setProperty(ONMOUSEMOVE_KEY, (onmousemove));

   * Gets an onmouseout Javascript handler.
   * @return  the new onmouseout value
  final public String getOnmouseout()
    return ComponentUtils.resolveString(getProperty(ONMOUSEOUT_KEY));

   * Sets an onmouseout Javascript handler.
   * @param onmouseout  the new onmouseout value
  final public void setOnmouseout(String onmouseout)
    setProperty(ONMOUSEOUT_KEY, (onmouseout));

   * Gets an onkeypress Javascript handler.
   * @return  the new onkeypress value
  final public String getOnkeypress()
    return ComponentUtils.resolveString(getProperty(ONKEYPRESS_KEY));

   * Sets an onkeypress Javascript handler.
   * @param onkeypress  the new onkeypress value
  final public void setOnkeypress(String onkeypress)
    setProperty(ONKEYPRESS_KEY, (onkeypress));

   * Gets an onkeydown Javascript handler.
   * @return  the new onkeydown value
  final public String getOnkeydown()
    return ComponentUtils.resolveString(getProperty(ONKEYDOWN_KEY));

   * Sets an onkeydown Javascript handler.
   * @param onkeydown  the new onkeydown value
  final public void setOnkeydown(String onkeydown)
    setProperty(ONKEYDOWN_KEY, (onkeydown));

   * Gets an onkeyup Javascript handler.
   * @return  the new onkeyup value
  final public String getOnkeyup()
    return ComponentUtils.resolveString(getProperty(ONKEYUP_KEY));

   * Sets an onkeyup Javascript handler.
   * @param onkeyup  the new onkeyup value
  final public void setOnkeyup(String onkeyup)
    setProperty(ONKEYUP_KEY, (onkeyup));

   * Gets whether or not to enable the show/hide all
   *               links above the table,
   *               which allow the user to show/hide all the detail rows.
   *               To enable the detail rows, a "detailStamp" facet must be set on
   *               this Table.
   * @return  the new allDetailsEnabled value
  final public boolean isAllDetailsEnabled()

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    getFacets().put(SEARCH_FACET, searchFacet);

   * Gets the CSS styles to use for this component.
   * @return  the new inlineStyle value
  final public String getInlineStyle()
    return ComponentUtils.resolveString(getProperty(INLINE_STYLE_KEY));

   * Sets the CSS styles to use for this component.
   * @param inlineStyle  the new inlineStyle value
  final public void setInlineStyle(String inlineStyle)
    setProperty(INLINE_STYLE_KEY, (inlineStyle));

   * Gets a CSS style class to use for this component.
   * @return  the new styleClass value
  final public String getStyleClass()
    return ComponentUtils.resolveString(getProperty(STYLE_CLASS_KEY));

   * Sets a CSS style class to use for this component.
   * @param styleClass  the new styleClass value
  final public void setStyleClass(String styleClass)
    setProperty(STYLE_CLASS_KEY, (styleClass));

   * Gets The short description of the component. This text is commonly used by user agents to display tooltip help text.
   * @return  the new shortDesc value
  final public String getShortDesc()
    return ComponentUtils.resolveString(getProperty(SHORT_DESC_KEY));

   * Sets The short description of the component. This text is commonly used by user agents to display tooltip help text.
   * @param shortDesc  the new shortDesc value
  final public void setShortDesc(String shortDesc)
    setProperty(SHORT_DESC_KEY, (shortDesc));

   * Gets the IDs of the components that should trigger a partial update.
   *         <p>
   *         This component will listen on the trigger components. If one of the
   *         trigger components receives an event that will cause it to update
   *         in some way, this component will request to be updated too.</p>
   *         <p>
   *         Separate multiple triggers with a space. e.g., partialTriggers="cmp1 cmp2"
   *         </p>
   *         <p>
   *         Identifiers must account for NamingContainers.  You can use a single colon to start the search from the root,
   *         or use multiple colons to move up through the NamingContainer. For example,
   *         "::" will pop out of this component's naming container (it pops out of itself if it is a naming container), 
   *         ":::" will pop out of two naming containers, etc. The search for
   *         the partialTrigger begins from there. e.g., partialTriggers=":::commandButton1" the search begins for the 
   *         component with id = commandButton1 after popping out of two naming containers relative to this component.
   *         To go into naming containers, you separate the naming containers with ':', e.g.,partialTriggers= "nc1:nc2:nc3:componentId".</p>
   * @return  the new partialTriggers value
  final public String[] getPartialTriggers()
    return (String[])getProperty(PARTIAL_TRIGGERS_KEY);

   * Sets the IDs of the components that should trigger a partial update.
   *         <p>
   *         This component will listen on the trigger components. If one of the
   *         trigger components receives an event that will cause it to update
   *         in some way, this component will request to be updated too.</p>
   *         <p>
   *         Separate multiple triggers with a space. e.g., partialTriggers="cmp1 cmp2"
   *         </p>
   *         <p>
   *         Identifiers must account for NamingContainers.  You can use a single colon to start the search from the root,
   *         or use multiple colons to move up through the NamingContainer. For example,
   *         "::" will pop out of this component's naming container (it pops out of itself if it is a naming container), 
   *         ":::" will pop out of two naming containers, etc. The search for
   *         the partialTrigger begins from there. e.g., partialTriggers=":::commandButton1" the search begins for the 
   *         component with id = commandButton1 after popping out of two naming containers relative to this component.
   *         To go into naming containers, you separate the naming containers with ':', e.g.,partialTriggers= "nc1:nc2:nc3:componentId".</p>
   * @param partialTriggers  the new partialTriggers value
  final public void setPartialTriggers(String[] partialTriggers)
    setProperty(PARTIAL_TRIGGERS_KEY, (partialTriggers));

   * Gets an onclick Javascript handler.
   * @return  the new onclick value
  final public String getOnclick()
    return ComponentUtils.resolveString(getProperty(ONCLICK_KEY));

   * Sets an onclick Javascript handler.
   * @param onclick  the new onclick value
  final public void setOnclick(String onclick)
    setProperty(ONCLICK_KEY, (onclick));

   * Gets an ondblclick Javascript handler.
   * @return  the new ondblclick value
  final public String getOndblclick()
    return ComponentUtils.resolveString(getProperty(ONDBLCLICK_KEY));

   * Sets an ondblclick Javascript handler.
   * @param ondblclick  the new ondblclick value
  final public void setOndblclick(String ondblclick)
    setProperty(ONDBLCLICK_KEY, (ondblclick));

   * Gets an onmousedown Javascript handler.
   * @return  the new onmousedown value
  final public String getOnmousedown()
    return ComponentUtils.resolveString(getProperty(ONMOUSEDOWN_KEY));

   * Sets an onmousedown Javascript handler.
   * @param onmousedown  the new onmousedown value
  final public void setOnmousedown(String onmousedown)
    setProperty(ONMOUSEDOWN_KEY, (onmousedown));

   * Gets an onmouseup Javascript handler.
   * @return  the new onmouseup value
  final public String getOnmouseup()
    return ComponentUtils.resolveString(getProperty(ONMOUSEUP_KEY));

   * Sets an onmouseup Javascript handler.
   * @param onmouseup  the new onmouseup value
  final public void setOnmouseup(String onmouseup)
    setProperty(ONMOUSEUP_KEY, (onmouseup));

   * Gets an onmouseover Javascript handler.
   * @return  the new onmouseover value
  final public String getOnmouseover()
    return ComponentUtils.resolveString(getProperty(ONMOUSEOVER_KEY));

   * Sets an onmouseover Javascript handler.
   * @param onmouseover  the new onmouseover value
  final public void setOnmouseover(String onmouseover)
    setProperty(ONMOUSEOVER_KEY, (onmouseover));

   * Gets an onmousemove Javascript handler.
   * @return  the new onmousemove value
  final public String getOnmousemove()
    return ComponentUtils.resolveString(getProperty(ONMOUSEMOVE_KEY));

   * Sets an onmousemove Javascript handler.
   * @param onmousemove  the new onmousemove value
  final public void setOnmousemove(String onmousemove)
    setProperty(ONMOUSEMOVE_KEY, (onmousemove));

   * Gets an onmouseout Javascript handler.
   * @return  the new onmouseout value
  final public String getOnmouseout()
    return ComponentUtils.resolveString(getProperty(ONMOUSEOUT_KEY));

   * Sets an onmouseout Javascript handler.
   * @param onmouseout  the new onmouseout value
  final public void setOnmouseout(String onmouseout)
    setProperty(ONMOUSEOUT_KEY, (onmouseout));

   * Gets an onkeypress Javascript handler.
   * @return  the new onkeypress value
  final public String getOnkeypress()
    return ComponentUtils.resolveString(getProperty(ONKEYPRESS_KEY));

   * Sets an onkeypress Javascript handler.
   * @param onkeypress  the new onkeypress value
  final public void setOnkeypress(String onkeypress)
    setProperty(ONKEYPRESS_KEY, (onkeypress));

   * Gets an onkeydown Javascript handler.
   * @return  the new onkeydown value
  final public String getOnkeydown()
    return ComponentUtils.resolveString(getProperty(ONKEYDOWN_KEY));

   * Sets an onkeydown Javascript handler.
   * @param onkeydown  the new onkeydown value
  final public void setOnkeydown(String onkeydown)
    setProperty(ONKEYDOWN_KEY, (onkeydown));

   * Gets an onkeyup Javascript handler.
   * @return  the new onkeyup value
  final public String getOnkeyup()
    return ComponentUtils.resolveString(getProperty(ONKEYUP_KEY));

   * Sets an onkeyup Javascript handler.
   * @param onkeyup  the new onkeyup value
  final public void setOnkeyup(String onkeyup)
    setProperty(ONKEYUP_KEY, (onkeyup));

   * Gets Specifies the number of pixels that the auxiliary1 content should consume (this is a width if the orientationis "start" or "end" or a height if the orientation is "bottom").
   * @return  the new auxiliary1Size value
  final public int getAuxiliary1Size()

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   * Gets the CSS styles to use for this component.
   * @return  the new inlineStyle value
  final public String getInlineStyle()
    return ComponentUtils.resolveString(getProperty(INLINE_STYLE_KEY));

   * Sets the CSS styles to use for this component.
   * @param inlineStyle  the new inlineStyle value
  final public void setInlineStyle(String inlineStyle)
    setProperty(INLINE_STYLE_KEY, (inlineStyle));

   * Gets a CSS style class to use for this component.
   * @return  the new styleClass value
  final public String getStyleClass()
    return ComponentUtils.resolveString(getProperty(STYLE_CLASS_KEY));

   * Sets a CSS style class to use for this component.
   * @param styleClass  the new styleClass value
  final public void setStyleClass(String styleClass)
    setProperty(STYLE_CLASS_KEY, (styleClass));

   * Gets The short description of the component. This text is commonly used by user agents to display tooltip help text.
   * @return  the new shortDesc value
  final public String getShortDesc()
    return ComponentUtils.resolveString(getProperty(SHORT_DESC_KEY));

   * Sets The short description of the component. This text is commonly used by user agents to display tooltip help text.
   * @param shortDesc  the new shortDesc value
  final public void setShortDesc(String shortDesc)
    setProperty(SHORT_DESC_KEY, (shortDesc));

   * Gets the IDs of the components that should trigger a partial update.
   *         <p>
   *         This component will listen on the trigger components. If one of the
   *         trigger components receives an event that will cause it to update
   *         in some way, this component will request to be updated too.</p>
   *         <p>
   *         Separate multiple triggers with a space. e.g., partialTriggers="cmp1 cmp2"
   *         </p>
   *         <p>
   *         Identifiers must account for NamingContainers.  You can use a single colon to start the search from the root,
   *         or use multiple colons to move up through the NamingContainer. For example,
   *         "::" will pop out of this component's naming container (it pops out of itself if it is a naming container), 
   *         ":::" will pop out of two naming containers, etc. The search for
   *         the partialTrigger begins from there. e.g., partialTriggers=":::commandButton1" the search begins for the 
   *         component with id = commandButton1 after popping out of two naming containers relative to this component.
   *         To go into naming containers, you separate the naming containers with ':', e.g.,partialTriggers= "nc1:nc2:nc3:componentId".</p>
   * @return  the new partialTriggers value
  final public String[] getPartialTriggers()
    return (String[])getProperty(PARTIAL_TRIGGERS_KEY);

   * Sets the IDs of the components that should trigger a partial update.
   *         <p>
   *         This component will listen on the trigger components. If one of the
   *         trigger components receives an event that will cause it to update
   *         in some way, this component will request to be updated too.</p>
   *         <p>
   *         Separate multiple triggers with a space. e.g., partialTriggers="cmp1 cmp2"
   *         </p>
   *         <p>
   *         Identifiers must account for NamingContainers.  You can use a single colon to start the search from the root,
   *         or use multiple colons to move up through the NamingContainer. For example,
   *         "::" will pop out of this component's naming container (it pops out of itself if it is a naming container), 
   *         ":::" will pop out of two naming containers, etc. The search for
   *         the partialTrigger begins from there. e.g., partialTriggers=":::commandButton1" the search begins for the 
   *         component with id = commandButton1 after popping out of two naming containers relative to this component.
   *         To go into naming containers, you separate the naming containers with ':', e.g.,partialTriggers= "nc1:nc2:nc3:componentId".</p>
   * @param partialTriggers  the new partialTriggers value
  final public void setPartialTriggers(String[] partialTriggers)
    setProperty(PARTIAL_TRIGGERS_KEY, (partialTriggers));

   * Gets an onclick Javascript handler.
   * @return  the new onclick value
  final public String getOnclick()
    return ComponentUtils.resolveString(getProperty(ONCLICK_KEY));

   * Sets an onclick Javascript handler.
   * @param onclick  the new onclick value
  final public void setOnclick(String onclick)
    setProperty(ONCLICK_KEY, (onclick));

   * Gets an ondblclick Javascript handler.
   * @return  the new ondblclick value
  final public String getOndblclick()
    return ComponentUtils.resolveString(getProperty(ONDBLCLICK_KEY));

   * Sets an ondblclick Javascript handler.
   * @param ondblclick  the new ondblclick value
  final public void setOndblclick(String ondblclick)
    setProperty(ONDBLCLICK_KEY, (ondblclick));

   * Gets an onmousedown Javascript handler.
   * @return  the new onmousedown value
  final public String getOnmousedown()
    return ComponentUtils.resolveString(getProperty(ONMOUSEDOWN_KEY));

   * Sets an onmousedown Javascript handler.
   * @param onmousedown  the new onmousedown value
  final public void setOnmousedown(String onmousedown)
    setProperty(ONMOUSEDOWN_KEY, (onmousedown));

   * Gets an onmouseup Javascript handler.
   * @return  the new onmouseup value
  final public String getOnmouseup()
    return ComponentUtils.resolveString(getProperty(ONMOUSEUP_KEY));

   * Sets an onmouseup Javascript handler.
   * @param onmouseup  the new onmouseup value
  final public void setOnmouseup(String onmouseup)
    setProperty(ONMOUSEUP_KEY, (onmouseup));

   * Gets an onmouseover Javascript handler.
   * @return  the new onmouseover value
  final public String getOnmouseover()
    return ComponentUtils.resolveString(getProperty(ONMOUSEOVER_KEY));

   * Sets an onmouseover Javascript handler.
   * @param onmouseover  the new onmouseover value
  final public void setOnmouseover(String onmouseover)
    setProperty(ONMOUSEOVER_KEY, (onmouseover));

   * Gets an onmousemove Javascript handler.
   * @return  the new onmousemove value
  final public String getOnmousemove()
    return ComponentUtils.resolveString(getProperty(ONMOUSEMOVE_KEY));

   * Sets an onmousemove Javascript handler.
   * @param onmousemove  the new onmousemove value
  final public void setOnmousemove(String onmousemove)
    setProperty(ONMOUSEMOVE_KEY, (onmousemove));

   * Gets an onmouseout Javascript handler.
   * @return  the new onmouseout value
  final public String getOnmouseout()
    return ComponentUtils.resolveString(getProperty(ONMOUSEOUT_KEY));

   * Sets an onmouseout Javascript handler.
   * @param onmouseout  the new onmouseout value
  final public void setOnmouseout(String onmouseout)
    setProperty(ONMOUSEOUT_KEY, (onmouseout));

   * Gets an onkeypress Javascript handler.
   * @return  the new onkeypress value
  final public String getOnkeypress()
    return ComponentUtils.resolveString(getProperty(ONKEYPRESS_KEY));

   * Sets an onkeypress Javascript handler.
   * @param onkeypress  the new onkeypress value
  final public void setOnkeypress(String onkeypress)
    setProperty(ONKEYPRESS_KEY, (onkeypress));

   * Gets an onkeydown Javascript handler.
   * @return  the new onkeydown value
  final public String getOnkeydown()
    return ComponentUtils.resolveString(getProperty(ONKEYDOWN_KEY));

   * Sets an onkeydown Javascript handler.
   * @param onkeydown  the new onkeydown value
  final public void setOnkeydown(String onkeydown)
    setProperty(ONKEYDOWN_KEY, (onkeydown));

   * Gets an onkeyup Javascript handler.
   * @return  the new onkeyup value
  final public String getOnkeyup()
    return ComponentUtils.resolveString(getProperty(ONKEYUP_KEY));

   * Sets an onkeyup Javascript handler.
   * @param onkeyup  the new onkeyup value
  final public void setOnkeyup(String onkeyup)
    setProperty(ONKEYUP_KEY, (onkeyup));

   * Gets whether the panel should show an indicator that its contents are required.
   * @return  the new showRequired value
  final public boolean isShowRequired()

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    getFacets().put(END_FACET, endFacet);

   * Gets the CSS styles to use for this component.
   * @return  the new inlineStyle value
  final public String getInlineStyle()
    return ComponentUtils.resolveString(getProperty(INLINE_STYLE_KEY));

   * Sets the CSS styles to use for this component.
   * @param inlineStyle  the new inlineStyle value
  final public void setInlineStyle(String inlineStyle)
    setProperty(INLINE_STYLE_KEY, (inlineStyle));

   * Gets a CSS style class to use for this component.
   * @return  the new styleClass value
  final public String getStyleClass()
    return ComponentUtils.resolveString(getProperty(STYLE_CLASS_KEY));

   * Sets a CSS style class to use for this component.
   * @param styleClass  the new styleClass value
  final public void setStyleClass(String styleClass)
    setProperty(STYLE_CLASS_KEY, (styleClass));

   * Gets The short description of the component. This text is commonly used by user agents to display tooltip help text.
   * @return  the new shortDesc value
  final public String getShortDesc()
    return ComponentUtils.resolveString(getProperty(SHORT_DESC_KEY));

   * Sets The short description of the component. This text is commonly used by user agents to display tooltip help text.
   * @param shortDesc  the new shortDesc value
  final public void setShortDesc(String shortDesc)
    setProperty(SHORT_DESC_KEY, (shortDesc));

   * Gets the IDs of the components that should trigger a partial update.
   *         <p>
   *         This component will listen on the trigger components. If one of the
   *         trigger components receives an event that will cause it to update
   *         in some way, this component will request to be updated too.</p>
   *         <p>
   *         Separate multiple triggers with a space. e.g., partialTriggers="cmp1 cmp2"
   *         </p>
   *         <p>
   *         Identifiers must account for NamingContainers.  You can use a single colon to start the search from the root,
   *         or use multiple colons to move up through the NamingContainer. For example,
   *         "::" will pop out of this component's naming container (it pops out of itself if it is a naming container), 
   *         ":::" will pop out of two naming containers, etc. The search for
   *         the partialTrigger begins from there. e.g., partialTriggers=":::commandButton1" the search begins for the 
   *         component with id = commandButton1 after popping out of two naming containers relative to this component.
   *         To go into naming containers, you separate the naming containers with ':', e.g.,partialTriggers= "nc1:nc2:nc3:componentId".</p>
   * @return  the new partialTriggers value
  final public String[] getPartialTriggers()
    return (String[])getProperty(PARTIAL_TRIGGERS_KEY);

   * Sets the IDs of the components that should trigger a partial update.
   *         <p>
   *         This component will listen on the trigger components. If one of the
   *         trigger components receives an event that will cause it to update
   *         in some way, this component will request to be updated too.</p>
   *         <p>
   *         Separate multiple triggers with a space. e.g., partialTriggers="cmp1 cmp2"
   *         </p>
   *         <p>
   *         Identifiers must account for NamingContainers.  You can use a single colon to start the search from the root,
   *         or use multiple colons to move up through the NamingContainer. For example,
   *         "::" will pop out of this component's naming container (it pops out of itself if it is a naming container), 
   *         ":::" will pop out of two naming containers, etc. The search for
   *         the partialTrigger begins from there. e.g., partialTriggers=":::commandButton1" the search begins for the 
   *         component with id = commandButton1 after popping out of two naming containers relative to this component.
   *         To go into naming containers, you separate the naming containers with ':', e.g.,partialTriggers= "nc1:nc2:nc3:componentId".</p>
   * @param partialTriggers  the new partialTriggers value
  final public void setPartialTriggers(String[] partialTriggers)
    setProperty(PARTIAL_TRIGGERS_KEY, (partialTriggers));

   * Gets an onclick Javascript handler.
   * @return  the new onclick value
  final public String getOnclick()
    return ComponentUtils.resolveString(getProperty(ONCLICK_KEY));

   * Sets an onclick Javascript handler.
   * @param onclick  the new onclick value
  final public void setOnclick(String onclick)
    setProperty(ONCLICK_KEY, (onclick));

   * Gets an ondblclick Javascript handler.
   * @return  the new ondblclick value
  final public String getOndblclick()
    return ComponentUtils.resolveString(getProperty(ONDBLCLICK_KEY));

   * Sets an ondblclick Javascript handler.
   * @param ondblclick  the new ondblclick value
  final public void setOndblclick(String ondblclick)
    setProperty(ONDBLCLICK_KEY, (ondblclick));

   * Gets an onmousedown Javascript handler.
   * @return  the new onmousedown value
  final public String getOnmousedown()
    return ComponentUtils.resolveString(getProperty(ONMOUSEDOWN_KEY));

   * Sets an onmousedown Javascript handler.
   * @param onmousedown  the new onmousedown value
  final public void setOnmousedown(String onmousedown)
    setProperty(ONMOUSEDOWN_KEY, (onmousedown));

   * Gets an onmouseup Javascript handler.
   * @return  the new onmouseup value
  final public String getOnmouseup()
    return ComponentUtils.resolveString(getProperty(ONMOUSEUP_KEY));

   * Sets an onmouseup Javascript handler.
   * @param onmouseup  the new onmouseup value
  final public void setOnmouseup(String onmouseup)
    setProperty(ONMOUSEUP_KEY, (onmouseup));

   * Gets an onmouseover Javascript handler.
   * @return  the new onmouseover value
  final public String getOnmouseover()
    return ComponentUtils.resolveString(getProperty(ONMOUSEOVER_KEY));

   * Sets an onmouseover Javascript handler.
   * @param onmouseover  the new onmouseover value
  final public void setOnmouseover(String onmouseover)
    setProperty(ONMOUSEOVER_KEY, (onmouseover));

   * Gets an onmousemove Javascript handler.
   * @return  the new onmousemove value
  final public String getOnmousemove()
    return ComponentUtils.resolveString(getProperty(ONMOUSEMOVE_KEY));

   * Sets an onmousemove Javascript handler.
   * @param onmousemove  the new onmousemove value
  final public void setOnmousemove(String onmousemove)
    setProperty(ONMOUSEMOVE_KEY, (onmousemove));

   * Gets an onmouseout Javascript handler.
   * @return  the new onmouseout value
  final public String getOnmouseout()
    return ComponentUtils.resolveString(getProperty(ONMOUSEOUT_KEY));

   * Sets an onmouseout Javascript handler.
   * @param onmouseout  the new onmouseout value
  final public void setOnmouseout(String onmouseout)
    setProperty(ONMOUSEOUT_KEY, (onmouseout));

   * Gets an onkeypress Javascript handler.
   * @return  the new onkeypress value
  final public String getOnkeypress()
    return ComponentUtils.resolveString(getProperty(ONKEYPRESS_KEY));

   * Sets an onkeypress Javascript handler.
   * @param onkeypress  the new onkeypress value
  final public void setOnkeypress(String onkeypress)
    setProperty(ONKEYPRESS_KEY, (onkeypress));

   * Gets an onkeydown Javascript handler.
   * @return  the new onkeydown value
  final public String getOnkeydown()
    return ComponentUtils.resolveString(getProperty(ONKEYDOWN_KEY));

   * Sets an onkeydown Javascript handler.
   * @param onkeydown  the new onkeydown value
  final public void setOnkeydown(String onkeydown)
    setProperty(ONKEYDOWN_KEY, (onkeydown));

   * Gets an onkeyup Javascript handler.
   * @return  the new onkeyup value
  final public String getOnkeyup()
    return ComponentUtils.resolveString(getProperty(ONKEYUP_KEY));

   * Sets an onkeyup Javascript handler.
   * @param onkeyup  the new onkeyup value
  final public void setOnkeyup(String onkeyup)
    setProperty(ONKEYUP_KEY, (onkeyup));

   * Gets whether the panel should show an indicator that its contents are required.
   * @return  the new showRequired value
  final public boolean isShowRequired()

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   * Gets the CSS styles to use for this component.
   * @return  the new inlineStyle value
  final public String getInlineStyle()
    return ComponentUtils.resolveString(getProperty(INLINE_STYLE_KEY));

   * Sets the CSS styles to use for this component.
   * @param inlineStyle  the new inlineStyle value
  final public void setInlineStyle(String inlineStyle)
    setProperty(INLINE_STYLE_KEY, (inlineStyle));

   * Gets a CSS style class to use for this component.
   * @return  the new styleClass value
  final public String getStyleClass()
    return ComponentUtils.resolveString(getProperty(STYLE_CLASS_KEY));

   * Sets a CSS style class to use for this component.
   * @param styleClass  the new styleClass value
  final public void setStyleClass(String styleClass)
    setProperty(STYLE_CLASS_KEY, (styleClass));

   * Gets The short description of the component. This text is commonly used by user agents to display tooltip help text.
   * @return  the new shortDesc value
  final public String getShortDesc()
    return ComponentUtils.resolveString(getProperty(SHORT_DESC_KEY));

   * Sets The short description of the component. This text is commonly used by user agents to display tooltip help text.
   * @param shortDesc  the new shortDesc value
  final public void setShortDesc(String shortDesc)
    setProperty(SHORT_DESC_KEY, (shortDesc));

   * Gets the IDs of the components that should trigger a partial update.
   *         <p>
   *         This component will listen on the trigger components. If one of the
   *         trigger components receives an event that will cause it to update
   *         in some way, this component will request to be updated too.</p>
   *         <p>
   *         Separate multiple triggers with a space. e.g., partialTriggers="cmp1 cmp2"
   *         </p>
   *         <p>
   *         Identifiers must account for NamingContainers.  You can use a single colon to start the search from the root,
   *         or use multiple colons to move up through the NamingContainer. For example,
   *         "::" will pop out of this component's naming container (it pops out of itself if it is a naming container), 
   *         ":::" will pop out of two naming containers, etc. The search for
   *         the partialTrigger begins from there. e.g., partialTriggers=":::commandButton1" the search begins for the 
   *         component with id = commandButton1 after popping out of two naming containers relative to this component.
   *         To go into naming containers, you separate the naming containers with ':', e.g.,partialTriggers= "nc1:nc2:nc3:componentId".</p>
   * @return  the new partialTriggers value
  final public String[] getPartialTriggers()
    return (String[])getProperty(PARTIAL_TRIGGERS_KEY);

   * Sets the IDs of the components that should trigger a partial update.
   *         <p>
   *         This component will listen on the trigger components. If one of the
   *         trigger components receives an event that will cause it to update
   *         in some way, this component will request to be updated too.</p>
   *         <p>
   *         Separate multiple triggers with a space. e.g., partialTriggers="cmp1 cmp2"
   *         </p>
   *         <p>
   *         Identifiers must account for NamingContainers.  You can use a single colon to start the search from the root,
   *         or use multiple colons to move up through the NamingContainer. For example,
   *         "::" will pop out of this component's naming container (it pops out of itself if it is a naming container), 
   *         ":::" will pop out of two naming containers, etc. The search for
   *         the partialTrigger begins from there. e.g., partialTriggers=":::commandButton1" the search begins for the 
   *         component with id = commandButton1 after popping out of two naming containers relative to this component.
   *         To go into naming containers, you separate the naming containers with ':', e.g.,partialTriggers= "nc1:nc2:nc3:componentId".</p>
   * @param partialTriggers  the new partialTriggers value
  final public void setPartialTriggers(String[] partialTriggers)
    setProperty(PARTIAL_TRIGGERS_KEY, (partialTriggers));

   * Gets an onclick Javascript handler.
   * @return  the new onclick value
  final public String getOnclick()
    return ComponentUtils.resolveString(getProperty(ONCLICK_KEY));

   * Sets an onclick Javascript handler.
   * @param onclick  the new onclick value
  final public void setOnclick(String onclick)
    setProperty(ONCLICK_KEY, (onclick));

   * Gets an ondblclick Javascript handler.
   * @return  the new ondblclick value
  final public String getOndblclick()
    return ComponentUtils.resolveString(getProperty(ONDBLCLICK_KEY));

   * Sets an ondblclick Javascript handler.
   * @param ondblclick  the new ondblclick value
  final public void setOndblclick(String ondblclick)
    setProperty(ONDBLCLICK_KEY, (ondblclick));

   * Gets an onmousedown Javascript handler.
   * @return  the new onmousedown value
  final public String getOnmousedown()
    return ComponentUtils.resolveString(getProperty(ONMOUSEDOWN_KEY));

   * Sets an onmousedown Javascript handler.
   * @param onmousedown  the new onmousedown value
  final public void setOnmousedown(String onmousedown)
    setProperty(ONMOUSEDOWN_KEY, (onmousedown));

   * Gets an onmouseup Javascript handler.
   * @return  the new onmouseup value
  final public String getOnmouseup()
    return ComponentUtils.resolveString(getProperty(ONMOUSEUP_KEY));

   * Sets an onmouseup Javascript handler.
   * @param onmouseup  the new onmouseup value
  final public void setOnmouseup(String onmouseup)
    setProperty(ONMOUSEUP_KEY, (onmouseup));

   * Gets an onmouseover Javascript handler.
   * @return  the new onmouseover value
  final public String getOnmouseover()
    return ComponentUtils.resolveString(getProperty(ONMOUSEOVER_KEY));

   * Sets an onmouseover Javascript handler.
   * @param onmouseover  the new onmouseover value
  final public void setOnmouseover(String onmouseover)
    setProperty(ONMOUSEOVER_KEY, (onmouseover));

   * Gets an onmousemove Javascript handler.
   * @return  the new onmousemove value
  final public String getOnmousemove()
    return ComponentUtils.resolveString(getProperty(ONMOUSEMOVE_KEY));

   * Sets an onmousemove Javascript handler.
   * @param onmousemove  the new onmousemove value
  final public void setOnmousemove(String onmousemove)
    setProperty(ONMOUSEMOVE_KEY, (onmousemove));

   * Gets an onmouseout Javascript handler.
   * @return  the new onmouseout value
  final public String getOnmouseout()
    return ComponentUtils.resolveString(getProperty(ONMOUSEOUT_KEY));

   * Sets an onmouseout Javascript handler.
   * @param onmouseout  the new onmouseout value
  final public void setOnmouseout(String onmouseout)
    setProperty(ONMOUSEOUT_KEY, (onmouseout));

   * Gets an onkeypress Javascript handler.
   * @return  the new onkeypress value
  final public String getOnkeypress()
    return ComponentUtils.resolveString(getProperty(ONKEYPRESS_KEY));

   * Sets an onkeypress Javascript handler.
   * @param onkeypress  the new onkeypress value
  final public void setOnkeypress(String onkeypress)
    setProperty(ONKEYPRESS_KEY, (onkeypress));

   * Gets an onkeydown Javascript handler.
   * @return  the new onkeydown value
  final public String getOnkeydown()
    return ComponentUtils.resolveString(getProperty(ONKEYDOWN_KEY));

   * Sets an onkeydown Javascript handler.
   * @param onkeydown  the new onkeydown value
  final public void setOnkeydown(String onkeydown)
    setProperty(ONKEYDOWN_KEY, (onkeydown));

   * Gets an onkeyup Javascript handler.
   * @return  the new onkeyup value
  final public String getOnkeyup()
    return ComponentUtils.resolveString(getProperty(ONKEYUP_KEY));

   * Sets an onkeyup Javascript handler.
   * @param onkeyup  the new onkeyup value
  final public void setOnkeyup(String onkeyup)
    setProperty(ONKEYUP_KEY, (onkeyup));

   * Gets Indicates whether a minimum of one detail item must be
   * disclosed at a time.  Use "false" (the default) to keep a minimum of one
   * detail item disclosed at all times.  Use "true" to make it possible for
   * all items to be collapsed.
   * @return  the new discloseNone value
  final public boolean isDiscloseNone()

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   * Gets the CSS styles to use for this component.
   * @return  the new inlineStyle value
  final public String getInlineStyle()
    return ComponentUtils.resolveString(getProperty(INLINE_STYLE_KEY));

   * Sets the CSS styles to use for this component.
   * @param inlineStyle  the new inlineStyle value
  final public void setInlineStyle(String inlineStyle)
    setProperty(INLINE_STYLE_KEY, (inlineStyle));

   * Gets a CSS style class to use for this component.
   * @return  the new styleClass value
  final public String getStyleClass()
    return ComponentUtils.resolveString(getProperty(STYLE_CLASS_KEY));

   * Sets a CSS style class to use for this component.
   * @param styleClass  the new styleClass value
  final public void setStyleClass(String styleClass)
    setProperty(STYLE_CLASS_KEY, (styleClass));

   * Gets The short description of the component. This text is commonly used by user agents to display tooltip help text.
   * @return  the new shortDesc value
  final public String getShortDesc()
    return ComponentUtils.resolveString(getProperty(SHORT_DESC_KEY));

   * Sets The short description of the component. This text is commonly used by user agents to display tooltip help text.
   * @param shortDesc  the new shortDesc value
  final public void setShortDesc(String shortDesc)
    setProperty(SHORT_DESC_KEY, (shortDesc));

   * Gets the IDs of the components that should trigger a partial update.
   *         <p>
   *         This component will listen on the trigger components. If one of the
   *         trigger components receives an event that will cause it to update
   *         in some way, this component will request to be updated too.</p>
   *         <p>
   *         Separate multiple triggers with a space. e.g., partialTriggers="cmp1 cmp2"
   *         </p>
   *         <p>
   *         Identifiers must account for NamingContainers.  You can use a single colon to start the search from the root,
   *         or use multiple colons to move up through the NamingContainer. For example,
   *         "::" will pop out of this component's naming container (it pops out of itself if it is a naming container), 
   *         ":::" will pop out of two naming containers, etc. The search for
   *         the partialTrigger begins from there. e.g., partialTriggers=":::commandButton1" the search begins for the 
   *         component with id = commandButton1 after popping out of two naming containers relative to this component.
   *         To go into naming containers, you separate the naming containers with ':', e.g.,partialTriggers= "nc1:nc2:nc3:componentId".</p>
   * @return  the new partialTriggers value
  final public String[] getPartialTriggers()
    return (String[])getProperty(PARTIAL_TRIGGERS_KEY);

   * Sets the IDs of the components that should trigger a partial update.
   *         <p>
   *         This component will listen on the trigger components. If one of the
   *         trigger components receives an event that will cause it to update
   *         in some way, this component will request to be updated too.</p>
   *         <p>
   *         Separate multiple triggers with a space. e.g., partialTriggers="cmp1 cmp2"
   *         </p>
   *         <p>
   *         Identifiers must account for NamingContainers.  You can use a single colon to start the search from the root,
   *         or use multiple colons to move up through the NamingContainer. For example,
   *         "::" will pop out of this component's naming container (it pops out of itself if it is a naming container), 
   *         ":::" will pop out of two naming containers, etc. The search for
   *         the partialTrigger begins from there. e.g., partialTriggers=":::commandButton1" the search begins for the 
   *         component with id = commandButton1 after popping out of two naming containers relative to this component.
   *         To go into naming containers, you separate the naming containers with ':', e.g.,partialTriggers= "nc1:nc2:nc3:componentId".</p>
   * @param partialTriggers  the new partialTriggers value
  final public void setPartialTriggers(String[] partialTriggers)
    setProperty(PARTIAL_TRIGGERS_KEY, (partialTriggers));

   * Gets an onclick Javascript handler.
   * @return  the new onclick value
  final public String getOnclick()
    return ComponentUtils.resolveString(getProperty(ONCLICK_KEY));

   * Sets an onclick Javascript handler.
   * @param onclick  the new onclick value
  final public void setOnclick(String onclick)
    setProperty(ONCLICK_KEY, (onclick));

   * Gets an ondblclick Javascript handler.
   * @return  the new ondblclick value
  final public String getOndblclick()
    return ComponentUtils.resolveString(getProperty(ONDBLCLICK_KEY));

   * Sets an ondblclick Javascript handler.
   * @param ondblclick  the new ondblclick value
  final public void setOndblclick(String ondblclick)
    setProperty(ONDBLCLICK_KEY, (ondblclick));

   * Gets an onmousedown Javascript handler.
   * @return  the new onmousedown value
  final public String getOnmousedown()
    return ComponentUtils.resolveString(getProperty(ONMOUSEDOWN_KEY));

   * Sets an onmousedown Javascript handler.
   * @param onmousedown  the new onmousedown value
  final public void setOnmousedown(String onmousedown)
    setProperty(ONMOUSEDOWN_KEY, (onmousedown));

   * Gets an onmouseup Javascript handler.
   * @return  the new onmouseup value
  final public String getOnmouseup()
    return ComponentUtils.resolveString(getProperty(ONMOUSEUP_KEY));

   * Sets an onmouseup Javascript handler.
   * @param onmouseup  the new onmouseup value
  final public void setOnmouseup(String onmouseup)
    setProperty(ONMOUSEUP_KEY, (onmouseup));

   * Gets an onmouseover Javascript handler.
   * @return  the new onmouseover value
  final public String getOnmouseover()
    return ComponentUtils.resolveString(getProperty(ONMOUSEOVER_KEY));

   * Sets an onmouseover Javascript handler.
   * @param onmouseover  the new onmouseover value
  final public void setOnmouseover(String onmouseover)
    setProperty(ONMOUSEOVER_KEY, (onmouseover));

   * Gets an onmousemove Javascript handler.
   * @return  the new onmousemove value
  final public String getOnmousemove()
    return ComponentUtils.resolveString(getProperty(ONMOUSEMOVE_KEY));

   * Sets an onmousemove Javascript handler.
   * @param onmousemove  the new onmousemove value
  final public void setOnmousemove(String onmousemove)
    setProperty(ONMOUSEMOVE_KEY, (onmousemove));

   * Gets an onmouseout Javascript handler.
   * @return  the new onmouseout value
  final public String getOnmouseout()
    return ComponentUtils.resolveString(getProperty(ONMOUSEOUT_KEY));

   * Sets an onmouseout Javascript handler.
   * @param onmouseout  the new onmouseout value
  final public void setOnmouseout(String onmouseout)
    setProperty(ONMOUSEOUT_KEY, (onmouseout));

   * Gets an onkeypress Javascript handler.
   * @return  the new onkeypress value
  final public String getOnkeypress()
    return ComponentUtils.resolveString(getProperty(ONKEYPRESS_KEY));

   * Sets an onkeypress Javascript handler.
   * @param onkeypress  the new onkeypress value
  final public void setOnkeypress(String onkeypress)
    setProperty(ONKEYPRESS_KEY, (onkeypress));

   * Gets an onkeydown Javascript handler.
   * @return  the new onkeydown value
  final public String getOnkeydown()
    return ComponentUtils.resolveString(getProperty(ONKEYDOWN_KEY));

   * Sets an onkeydown Javascript handler.
   * @param onkeydown  the new onkeydown value
  final public void setOnkeydown(String onkeydown)
    setProperty(ONKEYDOWN_KEY, (onkeydown));

   * Gets an onkeyup Javascript handler.
   * @return  the new onkeyup value
  final public String getOnkeyup()
    return ComponentUtils.resolveString(getProperty(ONKEYUP_KEY));

   * Sets an onkeyup Javascript handler.
   * @param onkeyup  the new onkeyup value
  final public void setOnkeyup(String onkeyup)
    setProperty(ONKEYUP_KEY, (onkeyup));

   * Gets The header of the content container.
   * @return  the new text value
  final public String getText()

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   * Gets the CSS styles to use for this component.
   * @return  the new inlineStyle value
  final public String getInlineStyle()
    return ComponentUtils.resolveString(getProperty(INLINE_STYLE_KEY));

   * Sets the CSS styles to use for this component.
   * @param inlineStyle  the new inlineStyle value
  final public void setInlineStyle(String inlineStyle)
    setProperty(INLINE_STYLE_KEY, (inlineStyle));

   * Gets a CSS style class to use for this component.
   * @return  the new styleClass value
  final public String getStyleClass()
    return ComponentUtils.resolveString(getProperty(STYLE_CLASS_KEY));

   * Sets a CSS style class to use for this component.
   * @param styleClass  the new styleClass value
  final public void setStyleClass(String styleClass)
    setProperty(STYLE_CLASS_KEY, (styleClass));

   * Gets The short description of the component. This text is commonly used by user agents to display tooltip help text.
   * @return  the new shortDesc value
  final public String getShortDesc()
    return ComponentUtils.resolveString(getProperty(SHORT_DESC_KEY));

   * Sets The short description of the component. This text is commonly used by user agents to display tooltip help text.
   * @param shortDesc  the new shortDesc value
  final public void setShortDesc(String shortDesc)
    setProperty(SHORT_DESC_KEY, (shortDesc));

   * Gets the IDs of the components that should trigger a partial update.
   *         <p>
   *         This component will listen on the trigger components. If one of the
   *         trigger components receives an event that will cause it to update
   *         in some way, this component will request to be updated too.</p>
   *         <p>
   *         Separate multiple triggers with a space. e.g., partialTriggers="cmp1 cmp2"
   *         </p>
   *         <p>
   *         Identifiers must account for NamingContainers.  You can use a single colon to start the search from the root,
   *         or use multiple colons to move up through the NamingContainer. For example,
   *         "::" will pop out of this component's naming container (it pops out of itself if it is a naming container), 
   *         ":::" will pop out of two naming containers, etc. The search for
   *         the partialTrigger begins from there. e.g., partialTriggers=":::commandButton1" the search begins for the 
   *         component with id = commandButton1 after popping out of two naming containers relative to this component.
   *         To go into naming containers, you separate the naming containers with ':', e.g.,partialTriggers= "nc1:nc2:nc3:componentId".</p>
   * @return  the new partialTriggers value
  final public String[] getPartialTriggers()
    return (String[])getProperty(PARTIAL_TRIGGERS_KEY);

   * Sets the IDs of the components that should trigger a partial update.
   *         <p>
   *         This component will listen on the trigger components. If one of the
   *         trigger components receives an event that will cause it to update
   *         in some way, this component will request to be updated too.</p>
   *         <p>
   *         Separate multiple triggers with a space. e.g., partialTriggers="cmp1 cmp2"
   *         </p>
   *         <p>
   *         Identifiers must account for NamingContainers.  You can use a single colon to start the search from the root,
   *         or use multiple colons to move up through the NamingContainer. For example,
   *         "::" will pop out of this component's naming container (it pops out of itself if it is a naming container), 
   *         ":::" will pop out of two naming containers, etc. The search for
   *         the partialTrigger begins from there. e.g., partialTriggers=":::commandButton1" the search begins for the 
   *         component with id = commandButton1 after popping out of two naming containers relative to this component.
   *         To go into naming containers, you separate the naming containers with ':', e.g.,partialTriggers= "nc1:nc2:nc3:componentId".</p>
   * @param partialTriggers  the new partialTriggers value
  final public void setPartialTriggers(String[] partialTriggers)
    setProperty(PARTIAL_TRIGGERS_KEY, (partialTriggers));

   * Gets an onclick Javascript handler.
   * @return  the new onclick value
  final public String getOnclick()
    return ComponentUtils.resolveString(getProperty(ONCLICK_KEY));

   * Sets an onclick Javascript handler.
   * @param onclick  the new onclick value
  final public void setOnclick(String onclick)
    setProperty(ONCLICK_KEY, (onclick));

   * Gets an ondblclick Javascript handler.
   * @return  the new ondblclick value
  final public String getOndblclick()
    return ComponentUtils.resolveString(getProperty(ONDBLCLICK_KEY));

   * Sets an ondblclick Javascript handler.
   * @param ondblclick  the new ondblclick value
  final public void setOndblclick(String ondblclick)
    setProperty(ONDBLCLICK_KEY, (ondblclick));

   * Gets an onmousedown Javascript handler.
   * @return  the new onmousedown value
  final public String getOnmousedown()
    return ComponentUtils.resolveString(getProperty(ONMOUSEDOWN_KEY));

   * Sets an onmousedown Javascript handler.
   * @param onmousedown  the new onmousedown value
  final public void setOnmousedown(String onmousedown)
    setProperty(ONMOUSEDOWN_KEY, (onmousedown));

   * Gets an onmouseup Javascript handler.
   * @return  the new onmouseup value
  final public String getOnmouseup()
    return ComponentUtils.resolveString(getProperty(ONMOUSEUP_KEY));

   * Sets an onmouseup Javascript handler.
   * @param onmouseup  the new onmouseup value
  final public void setOnmouseup(String onmouseup)
    setProperty(ONMOUSEUP_KEY, (onmouseup));

   * Gets an onmouseover Javascript handler.
   * @return  the new onmouseover value
  final public String getOnmouseover()
    return ComponentUtils.resolveString(getProperty(ONMOUSEOVER_KEY));

   * Sets an onmouseover Javascript handler.
   * @param onmouseover  the new onmouseover value
  final public void setOnmouseover(String onmouseover)
    setProperty(ONMOUSEOVER_KEY, (onmouseover));

   * Gets an onmousemove Javascript handler.
   * @return  the new onmousemove value
  final public String getOnmousemove()
    return ComponentUtils.resolveString(getProperty(ONMOUSEMOVE_KEY));

   * Sets an onmousemove Javascript handler.
   * @param onmousemove  the new onmousemove value
  final public void setOnmousemove(String onmousemove)
    setProperty(ONMOUSEMOVE_KEY, (onmousemove));

   * Gets an onmouseout Javascript handler.
   * @return  the new onmouseout value
  final public String getOnmouseout()
    return ComponentUtils.resolveString(getProperty(ONMOUSEOUT_KEY));

   * Sets an onmouseout Javascript handler.
   * @param onmouseout  the new onmouseout value
  final public void setOnmouseout(String onmouseout)
    setProperty(ONMOUSEOUT_KEY, (onmouseout));

   * Gets an onkeypress Javascript handler.
   * @return  the new onkeypress value
  final public String getOnkeypress()
    return ComponentUtils.resolveString(getProperty(ONKEYPRESS_KEY));

   * Sets an onkeypress Javascript handler.
   * @param onkeypress  the new onkeypress value
  final public void setOnkeypress(String onkeypress)
    setProperty(ONKEYPRESS_KEY, (onkeypress));

   * Gets an onkeydown Javascript handler.
   * @return  the new onkeydown value
  final public String getOnkeydown()
    return ComponentUtils.resolveString(getProperty(ONKEYDOWN_KEY));

   * Sets an onkeydown Javascript handler.
   * @param onkeydown  the new onkeydown value
  final public void setOnkeydown(String onkeydown)
    setProperty(ONKEYDOWN_KEY, (onkeydown));

   * Gets an onkeyup Javascript handler.
   * @return  the new onkeyup value
  final public String getOnkeyup()
    return ComponentUtils.resolveString(getProperty(ONKEYUP_KEY));

   * Sets an onkeyup Javascript handler.
   * @param onkeyup  the new onkeyup value
  final public void setOnkeyup(String onkeyup)
    setProperty(ONKEYUP_KEY, (onkeyup));

   * Gets Indicates whether a minimum of one detail item must be
   * disclosed at a time.  Use "false" (the default) to keep a minimum of one
   * detail item disclosed at all times.  Use "true" to make it possible for
   * all items to be collapsed.
   * @return  the new discloseNone value
  final public boolean isDiscloseNone()

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   * Gets the CSS styles to use for this component.
   * @return  the new inlineStyle value
  final public String getInlineStyle()
    return ComponentUtils.resolveString(getProperty(INLINE_STYLE_KEY));

   * Sets the CSS styles to use for this component.
   * @param inlineStyle  the new inlineStyle value
  final public void setInlineStyle(String inlineStyle)
    setProperty(INLINE_STYLE_KEY, (inlineStyle));

   * Gets a CSS style class to use for this component.
   * @return  the new styleClass value
  final public String getStyleClass()
    return ComponentUtils.resolveString(getProperty(STYLE_CLASS_KEY));

   * Sets a CSS style class to use for this component.
   * @param styleClass  the new styleClass value
  final public void setStyleClass(String styleClass)
    setProperty(STYLE_CLASS_KEY, (styleClass));

   * Gets The short description of the component. This text is commonly used by user agents to display tooltip help text.
   * @return  the new shortDesc value
  final public String getShortDesc()
    return ComponentUtils.resolveString(getProperty(SHORT_DESC_KEY));

   * Sets The short description of the component. This text is commonly used by user agents to display tooltip help text.
   * @param shortDesc  the new shortDesc value
  final public void setShortDesc(String shortDesc)
    setProperty(SHORT_DESC_KEY, (shortDesc));

   * Gets the IDs of the components that should trigger a partial update.
   *         <p>
   *         This component will listen on the trigger components. If one of the
   *         trigger components receives an event that will cause it to update
   *         in some way, this component will request to be updated too.</p>
   *         <p>
   *         Separate multiple triggers with a space. e.g., partialTriggers="cmp1 cmp2"
   *         </p>
   *         <p>
   *         Identifiers must account for NamingContainers.  You can use a single colon to start the search from the root,
   *         or use multiple colons to move up through the NamingContainer. For example,
   *         "::" will pop out of this component's naming container (it pops out of itself if it is a naming container), 
   *         ":::" will pop out of two naming containers, etc. The search for
   *         the partialTrigger begins from there. e.g., partialTriggers=":::commandButton1" the search begins for the 
   *         component with id = commandButton1 after popping out of two naming containers relative to this component.
   *         To go into naming containers, you separate the naming containers with ':', e.g.,partialTriggers= "nc1:nc2:nc3:componentId".</p>
   * @return  the new partialTriggers value
  final public String[] getPartialTriggers()
    return (String[])getProperty(PARTIAL_TRIGGERS_KEY);

   * Sets the IDs of the components that should trigger a partial update.
   *         <p>
   *         This component will listen on the trigger components. If one of the
   *         trigger components receives an event that will cause it to update
   *         in some way, this component will request to be updated too.</p>
   *         <p>
   *         Separate multiple triggers with a space. e.g., partialTriggers="cmp1 cmp2"
   *         </p>
   *         <p>
   *         Identifiers must account for NamingContainers.  You can use a single colon to start the search from the root,
   *         or use multiple colons to move up through the NamingContainer. For example,
   *         "::" will pop out of this component's naming container (it pops out of itself if it is a naming container), 
   *         ":::" will pop out of two naming containers, etc. The search for
   *         the partialTrigger begins from there. e.g., partialTriggers=":::commandButton1" the search begins for the 
   *         component with id = commandButton1 after popping out of two naming containers relative to this component.
   *         To go into naming containers, you separate the naming containers with ':', e.g.,partialTriggers= "nc1:nc2:nc3:componentId".</p>
   * @param partialTriggers  the new partialTriggers value
  final public void setPartialTriggers(String[] partialTriggers)
    setProperty(PARTIAL_TRIGGERS_KEY, (partialTriggers));

   * Gets an onclick Javascript handler.
   * @return  the new onclick value
  final public String getOnclick()
    return ComponentUtils.resolveString(getProperty(ONCLICK_KEY));

   * Sets an onclick Javascript handler.
   * @param onclick  the new onclick value
  final public void setOnclick(String onclick)
    setProperty(ONCLICK_KEY, (onclick));

   * Gets an ondblclick Javascript handler.
   * @return  the new ondblclick value
  final public String getOndblclick()
    return ComponentUtils.resolveString(getProperty(ONDBLCLICK_KEY));

   * Sets an ondblclick Javascript handler.
   * @param ondblclick  the new ondblclick value
  final public void setOndblclick(String ondblclick)
    setProperty(ONDBLCLICK_KEY, (ondblclick));

   * Gets an onmousedown Javascript handler.
   * @return  the new onmousedown value
  final public String getOnmousedown()
    return ComponentUtils.resolveString(getProperty(ONMOUSEDOWN_KEY));

   * Sets an onmousedown Javascript handler.
   * @param onmousedown  the new onmousedown value
  final public void setOnmousedown(String onmousedown)
    setProperty(ONMOUSEDOWN_KEY, (onmousedown));

   * Gets an onmouseup Javascript handler.
   * @return  the new onmouseup value
  final public String getOnmouseup()
    return ComponentUtils.resolveString(getProperty(ONMOUSEUP_KEY));

   * Sets an onmouseup Javascript handler.
   * @param onmouseup  the new onmouseup value
  final public void setOnmouseup(String onmouseup)
    setProperty(ONMOUSEUP_KEY, (onmouseup));

   * Gets an onmouseover Javascript handler.
   * @return  the new onmouseover value
  final public String getOnmouseover()
    return ComponentUtils.resolveString(getProperty(ONMOUSEOVER_KEY));

   * Sets an onmouseover Javascript handler.
   * @param onmouseover  the new onmouseover value
  final public void setOnmouseover(String onmouseover)
    setProperty(ONMOUSEOVER_KEY, (onmouseover));

   * Gets an onmousemove Javascript handler.
   * @return  the new onmousemove value
  final public String getOnmousemove()
    return ComponentUtils.resolveString(getProperty(ONMOUSEMOVE_KEY));

   * Sets an onmousemove Javascript handler.
   * @param onmousemove  the new onmousemove value
  final public void setOnmousemove(String onmousemove)
    setProperty(ONMOUSEMOVE_KEY, (onmousemove));

   * Gets an onmouseout Javascript handler.
   * @return  the new onmouseout value
  final public String getOnmouseout()
    return ComponentUtils.resolveString(getProperty(ONMOUSEOUT_KEY));

   * Sets an onmouseout Javascript handler.
   * @param onmouseout  the new onmouseout value
  final public void setOnmouseout(String onmouseout)
    setProperty(ONMOUSEOUT_KEY, (onmouseout));

   * Gets an onkeypress Javascript handler.
   * @return  the new onkeypress value
  final public String getOnkeypress()
    return ComponentUtils.resolveString(getProperty(ONKEYPRESS_KEY));

   * Sets an onkeypress Javascript handler.
   * @param onkeypress  the new onkeypress value
  final public void setOnkeypress(String onkeypress)
    setProperty(ONKEYPRESS_KEY, (onkeypress));

   * Gets an onkeydown Javascript handler.
   * @return  the new onkeydown value
  final public String getOnkeydown()
    return ComponentUtils.resolveString(getProperty(ONKEYDOWN_KEY));

   * Sets an onkeydown Javascript handler.
   * @param onkeydown  the new onkeydown value
  final public void setOnkeydown(String onkeydown)
    setProperty(ONKEYDOWN_KEY, (onkeydown));

   * Gets an onkeyup Javascript handler.
   * @return  the new onkeyup value
  final public String getOnkeyup()
    return ComponentUtils.resolveString(getProperty(ONKEYUP_KEY));

   * Sets an onkeyup Javascript handler.
   * @param onkeyup  the new onkeyup value
  final public void setOnkeyup(String onkeyup)
    setProperty(ONKEYUP_KEY, (onkeyup));

   * Gets The header of the content container.
   * @return  the new text value
  final public String getText()

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   * Gets the CSS styles to use for this component.
   * @return  the new inlineStyle value
  final public String getInlineStyle()
    return ComponentUtils.resolveString(getProperty(INLINE_STYLE_KEY));

   * Sets the CSS styles to use for this component.
   * @param inlineStyle  the new inlineStyle value
  final public void setInlineStyle(String inlineStyle)
    setProperty(INLINE_STYLE_KEY, (inlineStyle));

   * Gets a CSS style class to use for this component.
   * @return  the new styleClass value
  final public String getStyleClass()
    return ComponentUtils.resolveString(getProperty(STYLE_CLASS_KEY));

   * Sets a CSS style class to use for this component.
   * @param styleClass  the new styleClass value
  final public void setStyleClass(String styleClass)
    setProperty(STYLE_CLASS_KEY, (styleClass));

   * Gets The short description of the component. This text is commonly used by user agents to display tooltip help text.
   * @return  the new shortDesc value
  final public String getShortDesc()
    return ComponentUtils.resolveString(getProperty(SHORT_DESC_KEY));

   * Sets The short description of the component. This text is commonly used by user agents to display tooltip help text.
   * @param shortDesc  the new shortDesc value
  final public void setShortDesc(String shortDesc)
    setProperty(SHORT_DESC_KEY, (shortDesc));

   * Gets the IDs of the components that should trigger a partial update.
   *         <p>
   *         This component will listen on the trigger components. If one of the
   *         trigger components receives an event that will cause it to update
   *         in some way, this component will request to be updated too.</p>
   *         <p>
   *         Separate multiple triggers with a space. e.g., partialTriggers="cmp1 cmp2"
   *         </p>
   *         <p>
   *         Identifiers must account for NamingContainers.  You can use a single colon to start the search from the root,
   *         or use multiple colons to move up through the NamingContainer. For example,
   *         "::" will pop out of this component's naming container (it pops out of itself if it is a naming container), 
   *         ":::" will pop out of two naming containers, etc. The search for
   *         the partialTrigger begins from there. e.g., partialTriggers=":::commandButton1" the search begins for the 
   *         component with id = commandButton1 after popping out of two naming containers relative to this component.
   *         To go into naming containers, you separate the naming containers with ':', e.g.,partialTriggers= "nc1:nc2:nc3:componentId".</p>
   * @return  the new partialTriggers value
  final public String[] getPartialTriggers()
    return (String[])getProperty(PARTIAL_TRIGGERS_KEY);

   * Sets the IDs of the components that should trigger a partial update.
   *         <p>
   *         This component will listen on the trigger components. If one of the
   *         trigger components receives an event that will cause it to update
   *         in some way, this component will request to be updated too.</p>
   *         <p>
   *         Separate multiple triggers with a space. e.g., partialTriggers="cmp1 cmp2"
   *         </p>
   *         <p>
   *         Identifiers must account for NamingContainers.  You can use a single colon to start the search from the root,
   *         or use multiple colons to move up through the NamingContainer. For example,
   *         "::" will pop out of this component's naming container (it pops out of itself if it is a naming container), 
   *         ":::" will pop out of two naming containers, etc. The search for
   *         the partialTrigger begins from there. e.g., partialTriggers=":::commandButton1" the search begins for the 
   *         component with id = commandButton1 after popping out of two naming containers relative to this component.
   *         To go into naming containers, you separate the naming containers with ':', e.g.,partialTriggers= "nc1:nc2:nc3:componentId".</p>
   * @param partialTriggers  the new partialTriggers value
  final public void setPartialTriggers(String[] partialTriggers)
    setProperty(PARTIAL_TRIGGERS_KEY, (partialTriggers));

   * Gets an onclick Javascript handler.
   * @return  the new onclick value
  final public String getOnclick()
    return ComponentUtils.resolveString(getProperty(ONCLICK_KEY));

   * Sets an onclick Javascript handler.
   * @param onclick  the new onclick value
  final public void setOnclick(String onclick)
    setProperty(ONCLICK_KEY, (onclick));

   * Gets an ondblclick Javascript handler.
   * @return  the new ondblclick value
  final public String getOndblclick()
    return ComponentUtils.resolveString(getProperty(ONDBLCLICK_KEY));

   * Sets an ondblclick Javascript handler.
   * @param ondblclick  the new ondblclick value
  final public void setOndblclick(String ondblclick)
    setProperty(ONDBLCLICK_KEY, (ondblclick));

   * Gets an onmousedown Javascript handler.
   * @return  the new onmousedown value
  final public String getOnmousedown()
    return ComponentUtils.resolveString(getProperty(ONMOUSEDOWN_KEY));

   * Sets an onmousedown Javascript handler.
   * @param onmousedown  the new onmousedown value
  final public void setOnmousedown(String onmousedown)
    setProperty(ONMOUSEDOWN_KEY, (onmousedown));

   * Gets an onmouseup Javascript handler.
   * @return  the new onmouseup value
  final public String getOnmouseup()
    return ComponentUtils.resolveString(getProperty(ONMOUSEUP_KEY));

   * Sets an onmouseup Javascript handler.
   * @param onmouseup  the new onmouseup value
  final public void setOnmouseup(String onmouseup)
    setProperty(ONMOUSEUP_KEY, (onmouseup));

   * Gets an onmouseover Javascript handler.
   * @return  the new onmouseover value
  final public String getOnmouseover()
    return ComponentUtils.resolveString(getProperty(ONMOUSEOVER_KEY));

   * Sets an onmouseover Javascript handler.
   * @param onmouseover  the new onmouseover value
  final public void setOnmouseover(String onmouseover)
    setProperty(ONMOUSEOVER_KEY, (onmouseover));

   * Gets an onmousemove Javascript handler.
   * @return  the new onmousemove value
  final public String getOnmousemove()
    return ComponentUtils.resolveString(getProperty(ONMOUSEMOVE_KEY));

   * Sets an onmousemove Javascript handler.
   * @param onmousemove  the new onmousemove value
  final public void setOnmousemove(String onmousemove)
    setProperty(ONMOUSEMOVE_KEY, (onmousemove));

   * Gets an onmouseout Javascript handler.
   * @return  the new onmouseout value
  final public String getOnmouseout()
    return ComponentUtils.resolveString(getProperty(ONMOUSEOUT_KEY));

   * Sets an onmouseout Javascript handler.
   * @param onmouseout  the new onmouseout value
  final public void setOnmouseout(String onmouseout)
    setProperty(ONMOUSEOUT_KEY, (onmouseout));

   * Gets an onkeypress Javascript handler.
   * @return  the new onkeypress value
  final public String getOnkeypress()
    return ComponentUtils.resolveString(getProperty(ONKEYPRESS_KEY));

   * Sets an onkeypress Javascript handler.
   * @param onkeypress  the new onkeypress value
  final public void setOnkeypress(String onkeypress)
    setProperty(ONKEYPRESS_KEY, (onkeypress));

   * Gets an onkeydown Javascript handler.
   * @return  the new onkeydown value
  final public String getOnkeydown()
    return ComponentUtils.resolveString(getProperty(ONKEYDOWN_KEY));

   * Sets an onkeydown Javascript handler.
   * @param onkeydown  the new onkeydown value
  final public void setOnkeydown(String onkeydown)
    setProperty(ONKEYDOWN_KEY, (onkeydown));

   * Gets an onkeyup Javascript handler.
   * @return  the new onkeyup value
  final public String getOnkeyup()
    return ComponentUtils.resolveString(getProperty(ONKEYUP_KEY));

   * Sets an onkeyup Javascript handler.
   * @param onkeyup  the new onkeyup value
  final public void setOnkeyup(String onkeyup)
    setProperty(ONKEYUP_KEY, (onkeyup));

   * Gets Indicates whether a minimum of one detail item must be
   * disclosed at a time.  Use "false" (the default) to keep a minimum of one
   * detail item disclosed at all times.  Use "true" to make it possible for
   * all items to be collapsed.
   * @return  the new discloseNone value
  final public boolean isDiscloseNone()

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   * Gets the CSS styles to use for this component.
   * @return  the new inlineStyle value
  final public String getInlineStyle()
    return ComponentUtils.resolveString(getProperty(INLINE_STYLE_KEY));

   * Sets the CSS styles to use for this component.
   * @param inlineStyle  the new inlineStyle value
  final public void setInlineStyle(String inlineStyle)
    setProperty(INLINE_STYLE_KEY, (inlineStyle));

   * Gets a CSS style class to use for this component.
   * @return  the new styleClass value
  final public String getStyleClass()
    return ComponentUtils.resolveString(getProperty(STYLE_CLASS_KEY));

   * Sets a CSS style class to use for this component.
   * @param styleClass  the new styleClass value
  final public void setStyleClass(String styleClass)
    setProperty(STYLE_CLASS_KEY, (styleClass));

   * Gets The short description of the component. This text is commonly used by user agents to display tooltip help text.
   * @return  the new shortDesc value
  final public String getShortDesc()
    return ComponentUtils.resolveString(getProperty(SHORT_DESC_KEY));

   * Sets The short description of the component. This text is commonly used by user agents to display tooltip help text.
   * @param shortDesc  the new shortDesc value
  final public void setShortDesc(String shortDesc)
    setProperty(SHORT_DESC_KEY, (shortDesc));

   * Gets the IDs of the components that should trigger a partial update.
   *         <p>
   *         This component will listen on the trigger components. If one of the
   *         trigger components receives an event that will cause it to update
   *         in some way, this component will request to be updated too.</p>
   *         <p>
   *         Separate multiple triggers with a space. e.g., partialTriggers="cmp1 cmp2"
   *         </p>
   *         <p>
   *         Identifiers must account for NamingContainers.  You can use a single colon to start the search from the root,
   *         or use multiple colons to move up through the NamingContainer. For example,
   *         "::" will pop out of this component's naming container (it pops out of itself if it is a naming container), 
   *         ":::" will pop out of two naming containers, etc. The search for
   *         the partialTrigger begins from there. e.g., partialTriggers=":::commandButton1" the search begins for the 
   *         component with id = commandButton1 after popping out of two naming containers relative to this component.
   *         To go into naming containers, you separate the naming containers with ':', e.g.,partialTriggers= "nc1:nc2:nc3:componentId".</p>
   * @return  the new partialTriggers value
  final public String[] getPartialTriggers()
    return (String[])getProperty(PARTIAL_TRIGGERS_KEY);

   * Sets the IDs of the components that should trigger a partial update.
   *         <p>
   *         This component will listen on the trigger components. If one of the
   *         trigger components receives an event that will cause it to update
   *         in some way, this component will request to be updated too.</p>
   *         <p>
   *         Separate multiple triggers with a space. e.g., partialTriggers="cmp1 cmp2"
   *         </p>
   *         <p>
   *         Identifiers must account for NamingContainers.  You can use a single colon to start the search from the root,
   *         or use multiple colons to move up through the NamingContainer. For example,
   *         "::" will pop out of this component's naming container (it pops out of itself if it is a naming container), 
   *         ":::" will pop out of two naming containers, etc. The search for
   *         the partialTrigger begins from there. e.g., partialTriggers=":::commandButton1" the search begins for the 
   *         component with id = commandButton1 after popping out of two naming containers relative to this component.
   *         To go into naming containers, you separate the naming containers with ':', e.g.,partialTriggers= "nc1:nc2:nc3:componentId".</p>
   * @param partialTriggers  the new partialTriggers value
  final public void setPartialTriggers(String[] partialTriggers)
    setProperty(PARTIAL_TRIGGERS_KEY, (partialTriggers));

   * Gets an onclick Javascript handler.
   * @return  the new onclick value
  final public String getOnclick()
    return ComponentUtils.resolveString(getProperty(ONCLICK_KEY));

   * Sets an onclick Javascript handler.
   * @param onclick  the new onclick value
  final public void setOnclick(String onclick)
    setProperty(ONCLICK_KEY, (onclick));

   * Gets an ondblclick Javascript handler.
   * @return  the new ondblclick value
  final public String getOndblclick()
    return ComponentUtils.resolveString(getProperty(ONDBLCLICK_KEY));

   * Sets an ondblclick Javascript handler.
   * @param ondblclick  the new ondblclick value
  final public void setOndblclick(String ondblclick)
    setProperty(ONDBLCLICK_KEY, (ondblclick));

   * Gets an onmousedown Javascript handler.
   * @return  the new onmousedown value
  final public String getOnmousedown()
    return ComponentUtils.resolveString(getProperty(ONMOUSEDOWN_KEY));

   * Sets an onmousedown Javascript handler.
   * @param onmousedown  the new onmousedown value
  final public void setOnmousedown(String onmousedown)
    setProperty(ONMOUSEDOWN_KEY, (onmousedown));

   * Gets an onmouseup Javascript handler.
   * @return  the new onmouseup value
  final public String getOnmouseup()
    return ComponentUtils.resolveString(getProperty(ONMOUSEUP_KEY));

   * Sets an onmouseup Javascript handler.
   * @param onmouseup  the new onmouseup value
  final public void setOnmouseup(String onmouseup)
    setProperty(ONMOUSEUP_KEY, (onmouseup));

   * Gets an onmouseover Javascript handler.
   * @return  the new onmouseover value
  final public String getOnmouseover()
    return ComponentUtils.resolveString(getProperty(ONMOUSEOVER_KEY));

   * Sets an onmouseover Javascript handler.
   * @param onmouseover  the new onmouseover value
  final public void setOnmouseover(String onmouseover)
    setProperty(ONMOUSEOVER_KEY, (onmouseover));

   * Gets an onmousemove Javascript handler.
   * @return  the new onmousemove value
  final public String getOnmousemove()
    return ComponentUtils.resolveString(getProperty(ONMOUSEMOVE_KEY));

   * Sets an onmousemove Javascript handler.
   * @param onmousemove  the new onmousemove value
  final public void setOnmousemove(String onmousemove)
    setProperty(ONMOUSEMOVE_KEY, (onmousemove));

   * Gets an onmouseout Javascript handler.
   * @return  the new onmouseout value
  final public String getOnmouseout()
    return ComponentUtils.resolveString(getProperty(ONMOUSEOUT_KEY));

   * Sets an onmouseout Javascript handler.
   * @param onmouseout  the new onmouseout value
  final public void setOnmouseout(String onmouseout)
    setProperty(ONMOUSEOUT_KEY, (onmouseout));

   * Gets an onkeypress Javascript handler.
   * @return  the new onkeypress value
  final public String getOnkeypress()
    return ComponentUtils.resolveString(getProperty(ONKEYPRESS_KEY));

   * Sets an onkeypress Javascript handler.
   * @param onkeypress  the new onkeypress value
  final public void setOnkeypress(String onkeypress)
    setProperty(ONKEYPRESS_KEY, (onkeypress));

   * Gets an onkeydown Javascript handler.
   * @return  the new onkeydown value
  final public String getOnkeydown()
    return ComponentUtils.resolveString(getProperty(ONKEYDOWN_KEY));

   * Sets an onkeydown Javascript handler.
   * @param onkeydown  the new onkeydown value
  final public void setOnkeydown(String onkeydown)
    setProperty(ONKEYDOWN_KEY, (onkeydown));

   * Gets an onkeyup Javascript handler.
   * @return  the new onkeyup value
  final public String getOnkeyup()
    return ComponentUtils.resolveString(getProperty(ONKEYUP_KEY));

   * Sets an onkeyup Javascript handler.
   * @param onkeyup  the new onkeyup value
  final public void setOnkeyup(String onkeyup)
    setProperty(ONKEYUP_KEY, (onkeyup));

   * Gets whether the "Show All" option is selected. The "Show All" option
   *         is available if there are less than 30 options and the row count in
   *         the data model is known.
   * @return  the new showAll value
  final public boolean isShowAll()

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    setProperty(ACCESS_KEY_KEY, Character.valueOf(accessKey));

   * Gets the CSS styles to use for this component.
   * @return  the new inlineStyle value
  final public String getInlineStyle()
    return ComponentUtils.resolveString(getProperty(INLINE_STYLE_KEY));

   * Sets the CSS styles to use for this component.
   * @param inlineStyle  the new inlineStyle value
  final public void setInlineStyle(String inlineStyle)
    setProperty(INLINE_STYLE_KEY, (inlineStyle));

   * Gets a CSS style class to use for this component.
   * @return  the new styleClass value
  final public String getStyleClass()
    return ComponentUtils.resolveString(getProperty(STYLE_CLASS_KEY));

   * Sets a CSS style class to use for this component.
   * @param styleClass  the new styleClass value
  final public void setStyleClass(String styleClass)
    setProperty(STYLE_CLASS_KEY, (styleClass));

   * Gets The short description of the component. This text is commonly used by user agents to display tooltip help text.
   * @return  the new shortDesc value
  final public String getShortDesc()
    return ComponentUtils.resolveString(getProperty(SHORT_DESC_KEY));

   * Sets The short description of the component. This text is commonly used by user agents to display tooltip help text.
   * @param shortDesc  the new shortDesc value
  final public void setShortDesc(String shortDesc)
    setProperty(SHORT_DESC_KEY, (shortDesc));

   * Gets the IDs of the components that should trigger a partial update.
   *         <p>
   *         This component will listen on the trigger components. If one of the
   *         trigger components receives an event that will cause it to update
   *         in some way, this component will request to be updated too.</p>
   *         <p>
   *         Separate multiple triggers with a space. e.g., partialTriggers="cmp1 cmp2"
   *         </p>
   *         <p>
   *         Identifiers must account for NamingContainers.  You can use a single colon to start the search from the root,
   *         or use multiple colons to move up through the NamingContainer. For example,
   *         "::" will pop out of this component's naming container (it pops out of itself if it is a naming container), 
   *         ":::" will pop out of two naming containers, etc. The search for
   *         the partialTrigger begins from there. e.g., partialTriggers=":::commandButton1" the search begins for the 
   *         component with id = commandButton1 after popping out of two naming containers relative to this component.
   *         To go into naming containers, you separate the naming containers with ':', e.g.,partialTriggers= "nc1:nc2:nc3:componentId".</p>
   * @return  the new partialTriggers value
  final public String[] getPartialTriggers()
    return (String[])getProperty(PARTIAL_TRIGGERS_KEY);

   * Sets the IDs of the components that should trigger a partial update.
   *         <p>
   *         This component will listen on the trigger components. If one of the
   *         trigger components receives an event that will cause it to update
   *         in some way, this component will request to be updated too.</p>
   *         <p>
   *         Separate multiple triggers with a space. e.g., partialTriggers="cmp1 cmp2"
   *         </p>
   *         <p>
   *         Identifiers must account for NamingContainers.  You can use a single colon to start the search from the root,
   *         or use multiple colons to move up through the NamingContainer. For example,
   *         "::" will pop out of this component's naming container (it pops out of itself if it is a naming container), 
   *         ":::" will pop out of two naming containers, etc. The search for
   *         the partialTrigger begins from there. e.g., partialTriggers=":::commandButton1" the search begins for the 
   *         component with id = commandButton1 after popping out of two naming containers relative to this component.
   *         To go into naming containers, you separate the naming containers with ':', e.g.,partialTriggers= "nc1:nc2:nc3:componentId".</p>
   * @param partialTriggers  the new partialTriggers value
  final public void setPartialTriggers(String[] partialTriggers)
    setProperty(PARTIAL_TRIGGERS_KEY, (partialTriggers));

   * Gets an onclick Javascript handler.
   * @return  the new onclick value
  final public String getOnclick()
    return ComponentUtils.resolveString(getProperty(ONCLICK_KEY));

   * Sets an onclick Javascript handler.
   * @param onclick  the new onclick value
  final public void setOnclick(String onclick)
    setProperty(ONCLICK_KEY, (onclick));

   * Gets an ondblclick Javascript handler.
   * @return  the new ondblclick value
  final public String getOndblclick()
    return ComponentUtils.resolveString(getProperty(ONDBLCLICK_KEY));

   * Sets an ondblclick Javascript handler.
   * @param ondblclick  the new ondblclick value
  final public void setOndblclick(String ondblclick)
    setProperty(ONDBLCLICK_KEY, (ondblclick));

   * Gets an onmousedown Javascript handler.
   * @return  the new onmousedown value
  final public String getOnmousedown()
    return ComponentUtils.resolveString(getProperty(ONMOUSEDOWN_KEY));

   * Sets an onmousedown Javascript handler.
   * @param onmousedown  the new onmousedown value
  final public void setOnmousedown(String onmousedown)
    setProperty(ONMOUSEDOWN_KEY, (onmousedown));

   * Gets an onmouseup Javascript handler.
   * @return  the new onmouseup value
  final public String getOnmouseup()
    return ComponentUtils.resolveString(getProperty(ONMOUSEUP_KEY));

   * Sets an onmouseup Javascript handler.
   * @param onmouseup  the new onmouseup value
  final public void setOnmouseup(String onmouseup)
    setProperty(ONMOUSEUP_KEY, (onmouseup));

   * Gets an onmouseover Javascript handler.
   * @return  the new onmouseover value
  final public String getOnmouseover()
    return ComponentUtils.resolveString(getProperty(ONMOUSEOVER_KEY));

   * Sets an onmouseover Javascript handler.
   * @param onmouseover  the new onmouseover value
  final public void setOnmouseover(String onmouseover)
    setProperty(ONMOUSEOVER_KEY, (onmouseover));

   * Gets an onmousemove Javascript handler.
   * @return  the new onmousemove value
  final public String getOnmousemove()
    return ComponentUtils.resolveString(getProperty(ONMOUSEMOVE_KEY));

   * Sets an onmousemove Javascript handler.
   * @param onmousemove  the new onmousemove value
  final public void setOnmousemove(String onmousemove)
    setProperty(ONMOUSEMOVE_KEY, (onmousemove));

   * Gets an onmouseout Javascript handler.
   * @return  the new onmouseout value
  final public String getOnmouseout()
    return ComponentUtils.resolveString(getProperty(ONMOUSEOUT_KEY));

   * Sets an onmouseout Javascript handler.
   * @param onmouseout  the new onmouseout value
  final public void setOnmouseout(String onmouseout)
    setProperty(ONMOUSEOUT_KEY, (onmouseout));

   * Gets an onkeypress Javascript handler.
   * @return  the new onkeypress value
  final public String getOnkeypress()
    return ComponentUtils.resolveString(getProperty(ONKEYPRESS_KEY));

   * Sets an onkeypress Javascript handler.
   * @param onkeypress  the new onkeypress value
  final public void setOnkeypress(String onkeypress)
    setProperty(ONKEYPRESS_KEY, (onkeypress));

   * Gets an onkeydown Javascript handler.
   * @return  the new onkeydown value
  final public String getOnkeydown()
    return ComponentUtils.resolveString(getProperty(ONKEYDOWN_KEY));

   * Sets an onkeydown Javascript handler.
   * @param onkeydown  the new onkeydown value
  final public void setOnkeydown(String onkeydown)
    setProperty(ONKEYDOWN_KEY, (onkeydown));

   * Gets an onkeyup Javascript handler.
   * @return  the new onkeyup value
  final public String getOnkeyup()
    return ComponentUtils.resolveString(getProperty(ONKEYUP_KEY));

   * Sets an onkeyup Javascript handler.
   * @param onkeyup  the new onkeyup value
  final public void setOnkeyup(String onkeyup)
    setProperty(ONKEYUP_KEY, (onkeyup));

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   * Gets the CSS styles to use for this component.
   * @return  the new inlineStyle value
  final public String getInlineStyle()
    return ComponentUtils.resolveString(getProperty(INLINE_STYLE_KEY));

   * Sets the CSS styles to use for this component.
   * @param inlineStyle  the new inlineStyle value
  final public void setInlineStyle(String inlineStyle)
    setProperty(INLINE_STYLE_KEY, (inlineStyle));

   * Gets a CSS style class to use for this component.
   * @return  the new styleClass value
  final public String getStyleClass()
    return ComponentUtils.resolveString(getProperty(STYLE_CLASS_KEY));

   * Sets a CSS style class to use for this component.
   * @param styleClass  the new styleClass value
  final public void setStyleClass(String styleClass)
    setProperty(STYLE_CLASS_KEY, (styleClass));

   * Gets The short description of the component. This text is commonly used by user agents to display tooltip help text.
   * @return  the new shortDesc value
  final public String getShortDesc()
    return ComponentUtils.resolveString(getProperty(SHORT_DESC_KEY));

   * Sets The short description of the component. This text is commonly used by user agents to display tooltip help text.
   * @param shortDesc  the new shortDesc value
  final public void setShortDesc(String shortDesc)
    setProperty(SHORT_DESC_KEY, (shortDesc));

   * Gets the IDs of the components that should trigger a partial update.
   *         <p>
   *         This component will listen on the trigger components. If one of the
   *         trigger components receives an event that will cause it to update
   *         in some way, this component will request to be updated too.</p>
   *         <p>
   *         Separate multiple triggers with a space. e.g., partialTriggers="cmp1 cmp2"
   *         </p>
   *         <p>
   *         Identifiers must account for NamingContainers.  You can use a single colon to start the search from the root,
   *         or use multiple colons to move up through the NamingContainer. For example,
   *         "::" will pop out of this component's naming container (it pops out of itself if it is a naming container), 
   *         ":::" will pop out of two naming containers, etc. The search for
   *         the partialTrigger begins from there. e.g., partialTriggers=":::commandButton1" the search begins for the 
   *         component with id = commandButton1 after popping out of two naming containers relative to this component.
   *         To go into naming containers, you separate the naming containers with ':', e.g.,partialTriggers= "nc1:nc2:nc3:componentId".</p>
   * @return  the new partialTriggers value
  final public String[] getPartialTriggers()
    return (String[])getProperty(PARTIAL_TRIGGERS_KEY);

   * Sets the IDs of the components that should trigger a partial update.
   *         <p>
   *         This component will listen on the trigger components. If one of the
   *         trigger components receives an event that will cause it to update
   *         in some way, this component will request to be updated too.</p>
   *         <p>
   *         Separate multiple triggers with a space. e.g., partialTriggers="cmp1 cmp2"
   *         </p>
   *         <p>
   *         Identifiers must account for NamingContainers.  You can use a single colon to start the search from the root,
   *         or use multiple colons to move up through the NamingContainer. For example,
   *         "::" will pop out of this component's naming container (it pops out of itself if it is a naming container), 
   *         ":::" will pop out of two naming containers, etc. The search for
   *         the partialTrigger begins from there. e.g., partialTriggers=":::commandButton1" the search begins for the 
   *         component with id = commandButton1 after popping out of two naming containers relative to this component.
   *         To go into naming containers, you separate the naming containers with ':', e.g.,partialTriggers= "nc1:nc2:nc3:componentId".</p>
   * @param partialTriggers  the new partialTriggers value
  final public void setPartialTriggers(String[] partialTriggers)
    setProperty(PARTIAL_TRIGGERS_KEY, (partialTriggers));

   * Gets an onclick Javascript handler.
   * @return  the new onclick value
  final public String getOnclick()
    return ComponentUtils.resolveString(getProperty(ONCLICK_KEY));

   * Sets an onclick Javascript handler.
   * @param onclick  the new onclick value
  final public void setOnclick(String onclick)
    setProperty(ONCLICK_KEY, (onclick));

   * Gets an ondblclick Javascript handler.
   * @return  the new ondblclick value
  final public String getOndblclick()
    return ComponentUtils.resolveString(getProperty(ONDBLCLICK_KEY));

   * Sets an ondblclick Javascript handler.
   * @param ondblclick  the new ondblclick value
  final public void setOndblclick(String ondblclick)
    setProperty(ONDBLCLICK_KEY, (ondblclick));

   * Gets an onmousedown Javascript handler.
   * @return  the new onmousedown value
  final public String getOnmousedown()
    return ComponentUtils.resolveString(getProperty(ONMOUSEDOWN_KEY));

   * Sets an onmousedown Javascript handler.
   * @param onmousedown  the new onmousedown value
  final public void setOnmousedown(String onmousedown)
    setProperty(ONMOUSEDOWN_KEY, (onmousedown));

   * Gets an onmouseup Javascript handler.
   * @return  the new onmouseup value
  final public String getOnmouseup()
    return ComponentUtils.resolveString(getProperty(ONMOUSEUP_KEY));

   * Sets an onmouseup Javascript handler.
   * @param onmouseup  the new onmouseup value
  final public void setOnmouseup(String onmouseup)
    setProperty(ONMOUSEUP_KEY, (onmouseup));

   * Gets an onmouseover Javascript handler.
   * @return  the new onmouseover value
  final public String getOnmouseover()
    return ComponentUtils.resolveString(getProperty(ONMOUSEOVER_KEY));

   * Sets an onmouseover Javascript handler.
   * @param onmouseover  the new onmouseover value
  final public void setOnmouseover(String onmouseover)
    setProperty(ONMOUSEOVER_KEY, (onmouseover));

   * Gets an onmousemove Javascript handler.
   * @return  the new onmousemove value
  final public String getOnmousemove()
    return ComponentUtils.resolveString(getProperty(ONMOUSEMOVE_KEY));

   * Sets an onmousemove Javascript handler.
   * @param onmousemove  the new onmousemove value
  final public void setOnmousemove(String onmousemove)
    setProperty(ONMOUSEMOVE_KEY, (onmousemove));

   * Gets an onmouseout Javascript handler.
   * @return  the new onmouseout value
  final public String getOnmouseout()
    return ComponentUtils.resolveString(getProperty(ONMOUSEOUT_KEY));

   * Sets an onmouseout Javascript handler.
   * @param onmouseout  the new onmouseout value
  final public void setOnmouseout(String onmouseout)
    setProperty(ONMOUSEOUT_KEY, (onmouseout));

   * Gets an onkeypress Javascript handler.
   * @return  the new onkeypress value
  final public String getOnkeypress()
    return ComponentUtils.resolveString(getProperty(ONKEYPRESS_KEY));

   * Sets an onkeypress Javascript handler.
   * @param onkeypress  the new onkeypress value
  final public void setOnkeypress(String onkeypress)
    setProperty(ONKEYPRESS_KEY, (onkeypress));

   * Gets an onkeydown Javascript handler.
   * @return  the new onkeydown value
  final public String getOnkeydown()
    return ComponentUtils.resolveString(getProperty(ONKEYDOWN_KEY));

   * Sets an onkeydown Javascript handler.
   * @param onkeydown  the new onkeydown value
  final public void setOnkeydown(String onkeydown)
    setProperty(ONKEYDOWN_KEY, (onkeydown));

   * Gets an onkeyup Javascript handler.
   * @return  the new onkeyup value
  final public String getOnkeyup()
    return ComponentUtils.resolveString(getProperty(ONKEYUP_KEY));

   * Sets an onkeyup Javascript handler.
   * @param onkeyup  the new onkeyup value
  final public void setOnkeyup(String onkeyup)
    setProperty(ONKEYUP_KEY, (onkeyup));

   * Gets Indicates whether a minimum of one detail item must be
   * disclosed at a time.  Use "false" (the default) to keep a minimum of one
   * detail item disclosed at all times.  Use "true" to make it possible for
   * all items to be collapsed.
   * @return  the new discloseNone value
  final public boolean isDiscloseNone()

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    setProperty(INNER_RIGHT_WIDTH_KEY, (innerRightWidth));

   * Gets the CSS styles to use for this component.
   * @return  the new inlineStyle value
  final public String getInlineStyle()
    return ComponentUtils.resolveString(getProperty(INLINE_STYLE_KEY));

   * Sets the CSS styles to use for this component.
   * @param inlineStyle  the new inlineStyle value
  final public void setInlineStyle(String inlineStyle)
    setProperty(INLINE_STYLE_KEY, (inlineStyle));

   * Gets a CSS style class to use for this component.
   * @return  the new styleClass value
  final public String getStyleClass()
    return ComponentUtils.resolveString(getProperty(STYLE_CLASS_KEY));

   * Sets a CSS style class to use for this component.
   * @param styleClass  the new styleClass value
  final public void setStyleClass(String styleClass)
    setProperty(STYLE_CLASS_KEY, (styleClass));

   * Gets The short description of the component. This text is commonly used by user agents to display tooltip help text.
   * @return  the new shortDesc value
  final public String getShortDesc()
    return ComponentUtils.resolveString(getProperty(SHORT_DESC_KEY));

   * Sets The short description of the component. This text is commonly used by user agents to display tooltip help text.
   * @param shortDesc  the new shortDesc value
  final public void setShortDesc(String shortDesc)
    setProperty(SHORT_DESC_KEY, (shortDesc));

   * Gets the IDs of the components that should trigger a partial update.
   *         <p>
   *         This component will listen on the trigger components. If one of the
   *         trigger components receives an event that will cause it to update
   *         in some way, this component will request to be updated too.</p>
   *         <p>
   *         Separate multiple triggers with a space. e.g., partialTriggers="cmp1 cmp2"
   *         </p>
   *         <p>
   *         Identifiers must account for NamingContainers.  You can use a single colon to start the search from the root,
   *         or use multiple colons to move up through the NamingContainer. For example,
   *         "::" will pop out of this component's naming container (it pops out of itself if it is a naming container), 
   *         ":::" will pop out of two naming containers, etc. The search for
   *         the partialTrigger begins from there. e.g., partialTriggers=":::commandButton1" the search begins for the 
   *         component with id = commandButton1 after popping out of two naming containers relative to this component.
   *         To go into naming containers, you separate the naming containers with ':', e.g.,partialTriggers= "nc1:nc2:nc3:componentId".</p>
   * @return  the new partialTriggers value
  final public String[] getPartialTriggers()
    return (String[])getProperty(PARTIAL_TRIGGERS_KEY);

   * Sets the IDs of the components that should trigger a partial update.
   *         <p>
   *         This component will listen on the trigger components. If one of the
   *         trigger components receives an event that will cause it to update
   *         in some way, this component will request to be updated too.</p>
   *         <p>
   *         Separate multiple triggers with a space. e.g., partialTriggers="cmp1 cmp2"
   *         </p>
   *         <p>
   *         Identifiers must account for NamingContainers.  You can use a single colon to start the search from the root,
   *         or use multiple colons to move up through the NamingContainer. For example,
   *         "::" will pop out of this component's naming container (it pops out of itself if it is a naming container), 
   *         ":::" will pop out of two naming containers, etc. The search for
   *         the partialTrigger begins from there. e.g., partialTriggers=":::commandButton1" the search begins for the 
   *         component with id = commandButton1 after popping out of two naming containers relative to this component.
   *         To go into naming containers, you separate the naming containers with ':', e.g.,partialTriggers= "nc1:nc2:nc3:componentId".</p>
   * @param partialTriggers  the new partialTriggers value
  final public void setPartialTriggers(String[] partialTriggers)
    setProperty(PARTIAL_TRIGGERS_KEY, (partialTriggers));

   * Gets an onclick Javascript handler.
   * @return  the new onclick value
  final public String getOnclick()
    return ComponentUtils.resolveString(getProperty(ONCLICK_KEY));

   * Sets an onclick Javascript handler.
   * @param onclick  the new onclick value
  final public void setOnclick(String onclick)
    setProperty(ONCLICK_KEY, (onclick));

   * Gets an ondblclick Javascript handler.
   * @return  the new ondblclick value
  final public String getOndblclick()
    return ComponentUtils.resolveString(getProperty(ONDBLCLICK_KEY));

   * Sets an ondblclick Javascript handler.
   * @param ondblclick  the new ondblclick value
  final public void setOndblclick(String ondblclick)
    setProperty(ONDBLCLICK_KEY, (ondblclick));

   * Gets an onmousedown Javascript handler.
   * @return  the new onmousedown value
  final public String getOnmousedown()
    return ComponentUtils.resolveString(getProperty(ONMOUSEDOWN_KEY));

   * Sets an onmousedown Javascript handler.
   * @param onmousedown  the new onmousedown value
  final public void setOnmousedown(String onmousedown)
    setProperty(ONMOUSEDOWN_KEY, (onmousedown));

   * Gets an onmouseup Javascript handler.
   * @return  the new onmouseup value
  final public String getOnmouseup()
    return ComponentUtils.resolveString(getProperty(ONMOUSEUP_KEY));

   * Sets an onmouseup Javascript handler.
   * @param onmouseup  the new onmouseup value
  final public void setOnmouseup(String onmouseup)
    setProperty(ONMOUSEUP_KEY, (onmouseup));

   * Gets an onmouseover Javascript handler.
   * @return  the new onmouseover value
  final public String getOnmouseover()
    return ComponentUtils.resolveString(getProperty(ONMOUSEOVER_KEY));

   * Sets an onmouseover Javascript handler.
   * @param onmouseover  the new onmouseover value
  final public void setOnmouseover(String onmouseover)
    setProperty(ONMOUSEOVER_KEY, (onmouseover));

   * Gets an onmousemove Javascript handler.
   * @return  the new onmousemove value
  final public String getOnmousemove()
    return ComponentUtils.resolveString(getProperty(ONMOUSEMOVE_KEY));

   * Sets an onmousemove Javascript handler.
   * @param onmousemove  the new onmousemove value
  final public void setOnmousemove(String onmousemove)
    setProperty(ONMOUSEMOVE_KEY, (onmousemove));

   * Gets an onmouseout Javascript handler.
   * @return  the new onmouseout value
  final public String getOnmouseout()
    return ComponentUtils.resolveString(getProperty(ONMOUSEOUT_KEY));

   * Sets an onmouseout Javascript handler.
   * @param onmouseout  the new onmouseout value
  final public void setOnmouseout(String onmouseout)
    setProperty(ONMOUSEOUT_KEY, (onmouseout));

   * Gets an onkeypress Javascript handler.
   * @return  the new onkeypress value
  final public String getOnkeypress()
    return ComponentUtils.resolveString(getProperty(ONKEYPRESS_KEY));

   * Sets an onkeypress Javascript handler.
   * @param onkeypress  the new onkeypress value
  final public void setOnkeypress(String onkeypress)
    setProperty(ONKEYPRESS_KEY, (onkeypress));

   * Gets an onkeydown Javascript handler.
   * @return  the new onkeydown value
  final public String getOnkeydown()
    return ComponentUtils.resolveString(getProperty(ONKEYDOWN_KEY));

   * Sets an onkeydown Javascript handler.
   * @param onkeydown  the new onkeydown value
  final public void setOnkeydown(String onkeydown)
    setProperty(ONKEYDOWN_KEY, (onkeydown));

   * Gets an onkeyup Javascript handler.
   * @return  the new onkeyup value
  final public String getOnkeyup()
    return ComponentUtils.resolveString(getProperty(ONKEYUP_KEY));

   * Sets an onkeyup Javascript handler.
   * @param onkeyup  the new onkeyup value
  final public void setOnkeyup(String onkeyup)
    setProperty(ONKEYUP_KEY, (onkeyup));

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   * Gets the CSS styles to use for this component.
   * @return  the new inlineStyle value
  final public String getInlineStyle()
    return ComponentUtils.resolveString(getProperty(INLINE_STYLE_KEY));

   * Sets the CSS styles to use for this component.
   * @param inlineStyle  the new inlineStyle value
  final public void setInlineStyle(String inlineStyle)
    setProperty(INLINE_STYLE_KEY, (inlineStyle));

   * Gets a CSS style class to use for this component.
   * @return  the new styleClass value
  final public String getStyleClass()
    return ComponentUtils.resolveString(getProperty(STYLE_CLASS_KEY));

   * Sets a CSS style class to use for this component.
   * @param styleClass  the new styleClass value
  final public void setStyleClass(String styleClass)
    setProperty(STYLE_CLASS_KEY, (styleClass));

   * Gets The short description of the component. This text is commonly used by user agents to display tooltip help text.
   * @return  the new shortDesc value
  final public String getShortDesc()
    return ComponentUtils.resolveString(getProperty(SHORT_DESC_KEY));

   * Sets The short description of the component. This text is commonly used by user agents to display tooltip help text.
   * @param shortDesc  the new shortDesc value
  final public void setShortDesc(String shortDesc)
    setProperty(SHORT_DESC_KEY, (shortDesc));

   * Gets the IDs of the components that should trigger a partial update.
   *         <p>
   *         This component will listen on the trigger components. If one of the
   *         trigger components receives an event that will cause it to update
   *         in some way, this component will request to be updated too.</p>
   *         <p>
   *         Separate multiple triggers with a space. e.g., partialTriggers="cmp1 cmp2"
   *         </p>
   *         <p>
   *         Identifiers must account for NamingContainers.  You can use a single colon to start the search from the root,
   *         or use multiple colons to move up through the NamingContainer. For example,
   *         "::" will pop out of this component's naming container (it pops out of itself if it is a naming container), 
   *         ":::" will pop out of two naming containers, etc. The search for
   *         the partialTrigger begins from there. e.g., partialTriggers=":::commandButton1" the search begins for the 
   *         component with id = commandButton1 after popping out of two naming containers relative to this component.
   *         To go into naming containers, you separate the naming containers with ':', e.g.,partialTriggers= "nc1:nc2:nc3:componentId".</p>
   * @return  the new partialTriggers value
  final public String[] getPartialTriggers()
    return (String[])getProperty(PARTIAL_TRIGGERS_KEY);

   * Sets the IDs of the components that should trigger a partial update.
   *         <p>
   *         This component will listen on the trigger components. If one of the
   *         trigger components receives an event that will cause it to update
   *         in some way, this component will request to be updated too.</p>
   *         <p>
   *         Separate multiple triggers with a space. e.g., partialTriggers="cmp1 cmp2"
   *         </p>
   *         <p>
   *         Identifiers must account for NamingContainers.  You can use a single colon to start the search from the root,
   *         or use multiple colons to move up through the NamingContainer. For example,
   *         "::" will pop out of this component's naming container (it pops out of itself if it is a naming container), 
   *         ":::" will pop out of two naming containers, etc. The search for
   *         the partialTrigger begins from there. e.g., partialTriggers=":::commandButton1" the search begins for the 
   *         component with id = commandButton1 after popping out of two naming containers relative to this component.
   *         To go into naming containers, you separate the naming containers with ':', e.g.,partialTriggers= "nc1:nc2:nc3:componentId".</p>
   * @param partialTriggers  the new partialTriggers value
  final public void setPartialTriggers(String[] partialTriggers)
    setProperty(PARTIAL_TRIGGERS_KEY, (partialTriggers));

   * Gets an onclick Javascript handler.
   * @return  the new onclick value
  final public String getOnclick()
    return ComponentUtils.resolveString(getProperty(ONCLICK_KEY));

   * Sets an onclick Javascript handler.
   * @param onclick  the new onclick value
  final public void setOnclick(String onclick)
    setProperty(ONCLICK_KEY, (onclick));

   * Gets an ondblclick Javascript handler.
   * @return  the new ondblclick value
  final public String getOndblclick()
    return ComponentUtils.resolveString(getProperty(ONDBLCLICK_KEY));

   * Sets an ondblclick Javascript handler.
   * @param ondblclick  the new ondblclick value
  final public void setOndblclick(String ondblclick)
    setProperty(ONDBLCLICK_KEY, (ondblclick));

   * Gets an onmousedown Javascript handler.
   * @return  the new onmousedown value
  final public String getOnmousedown()
    return ComponentUtils.resolveString(getProperty(ONMOUSEDOWN_KEY));

   * Sets an onmousedown Javascript handler.
   * @param onmousedown  the new onmousedown value
  final public void setOnmousedown(String onmousedown)
    setProperty(ONMOUSEDOWN_KEY, (onmousedown));

   * Gets an onmouseup Javascript handler.
   * @return  the new onmouseup value
  final public String getOnmouseup()
    return ComponentUtils.resolveString(getProperty(ONMOUSEUP_KEY));

   * Sets an onmouseup Javascript handler.
   * @param onmouseup  the new onmouseup value
  final public void setOnmouseup(String onmouseup)
    setProperty(ONMOUSEUP_KEY, (onmouseup));

   * Gets an onmouseover Javascript handler.
   * @return  the new onmouseover value
  final public String getOnmouseover()
    return ComponentUtils.resolveString(getProperty(ONMOUSEOVER_KEY));

   * Sets an onmouseover Javascript handler.
   * @param onmouseover  the new onmouseover value
  final public void setOnmouseover(String onmouseover)
    setProperty(ONMOUSEOVER_KEY, (onmouseover));

   * Gets an onmousemove Javascript handler.
   * @return  the new onmousemove value
  final public String getOnmousemove()
    return ComponentUtils.resolveString(getProperty(ONMOUSEMOVE_KEY));

   * Sets an onmousemove Javascript handler.
   * @param onmousemove  the new onmousemove value
  final public void setOnmousemove(String onmousemove)
    setProperty(ONMOUSEMOVE_KEY, (onmousemove));

   * Gets an onmouseout Javascript handler.
   * @return  the new onmouseout value
  final public String getOnmouseout()
    return ComponentUtils.resolveString(getProperty(ONMOUSEOUT_KEY));

   * Sets an onmouseout Javascript handler.
   * @param onmouseout  the new onmouseout value
  final public void setOnmouseout(String onmouseout)
    setProperty(ONMOUSEOUT_KEY, (onmouseout));

   * Gets an onkeypress Javascript handler.
   * @return  the new onkeypress value
  final public String getOnkeypress()
    return ComponentUtils.resolveString(getProperty(ONKEYPRESS_KEY));

   * Sets an onkeypress Javascript handler.
   * @param onkeypress  the new onkeypress value
  final public void setOnkeypress(String onkeypress)
    setProperty(ONKEYPRESS_KEY, (onkeypress));

   * Gets an onkeydown Javascript handler.
   * @return  the new onkeydown value
  final public String getOnkeydown()
    return ComponentUtils.resolveString(getProperty(ONKEYDOWN_KEY));

   * Sets an onkeydown Javascript handler.
   * @param onkeydown  the new onkeydown value
  final public void setOnkeydown(String onkeydown)
    setProperty(ONKEYDOWN_KEY, (onkeydown));

   * Gets an onkeyup Javascript handler.
   * @return  the new onkeyup value
  final public String getOnkeyup()
    return ComponentUtils.resolveString(getProperty(ONKEYUP_KEY));

   * Sets an onkeyup Javascript handler.
   * @param onkeyup  the new onkeyup value
  final public void setOnkeyup(String onkeyup)
    setProperty(ONKEYUP_KEY, (onkeyup));

   * Gets Indicates whether a minimum of one detail item must be
   * disclosed at a time.  Use "false" (the default) to keep a minimum of one
   * detail item disclosed at all times.  Use "true" to make it possible for
   * all items to be collapsed.
   * @return  the new discloseNone value
  final public boolean isDiscloseNone()

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    setProperty(INNER_RIGHT_WIDTH_KEY, (innerRightWidth));

   * Gets the CSS styles to use for this component.
   * @return  the new inlineStyle value
  final public String getInlineStyle()
    return ComponentUtils.resolveString(getProperty(INLINE_STYLE_KEY));

   * Sets the CSS styles to use for this component.
   * @param inlineStyle  the new inlineStyle value
  final public void setInlineStyle(String inlineStyle)
    setProperty(INLINE_STYLE_KEY, (inlineStyle));

   * Gets a CSS style class to use for this component.
   * @return  the new styleClass value
  final public String getStyleClass()
    return ComponentUtils.resolveString(getProperty(STYLE_CLASS_KEY));

   * Sets a CSS style class to use for this component.
   * @param styleClass  the new styleClass value
  final public void setStyleClass(String styleClass)
    setProperty(STYLE_CLASS_KEY, (styleClass));

   * Gets The short description of the component. This text is commonly used by user agents to display tooltip help text.
   * @return  the new shortDesc value
  final public String getShortDesc()
    return ComponentUtils.resolveString(getProperty(SHORT_DESC_KEY));

   * Sets The short description of the component. This text is commonly used by user agents to display tooltip help text.
   * @param shortDesc  the new shortDesc value
  final public void setShortDesc(String shortDesc)
    setProperty(SHORT_DESC_KEY, (shortDesc));

   * Gets the IDs of the components that should trigger a partial update.
   *         <p>
   *         This component will listen on the trigger components. If one of the
   *         trigger components receives an event that will cause it to update
   *         in some way, this component will request to be updated too.</p>
   *         <p>
   *         Separate multiple triggers with a space. e.g., partialTriggers="cmp1 cmp2"
   *         </p>
   *         <p>
   *         Identifiers must account for NamingContainers.  You can use a single colon to start the search from the root,
   *         or use multiple colons to move up through the NamingContainer. For example,
   *         "::" will pop out of this component's naming container (it pops out of itself if it is a naming container), 
   *         ":::" will pop out of two naming containers, etc. The search for
   *         the partialTrigger begins from there. e.g., partialTriggers=":::commandButton1" the search begins for the 
   *         component with id = commandButton1 after popping out of two naming containers relative to this component.
   *         To go into naming containers, you separate the naming containers with ':', e.g.,partialTriggers= "nc1:nc2:nc3:componentId".</p>
   * @return  the new partialTriggers value
  final public String[] getPartialTriggers()
    return (String[])getProperty(PARTIAL_TRIGGERS_KEY);

   * Sets the IDs of the components that should trigger a partial update.
   *         <p>
   *         This component will listen on the trigger components. If one of the
   *         trigger components receives an event that will cause it to update
   *         in some way, this component will request to be updated too.</p>
   *         <p>
   *         Separate multiple triggers with a space. e.g., partialTriggers="cmp1 cmp2"
   *         </p>
   *         <p>
   *         Identifiers must account for NamingContainers.  You can use a single colon to start the search from the root,
   *         or use multiple colons to move up through the NamingContainer. For example,
   *         "::" will pop out of this component's naming container (it pops out of itself if it is a naming container), 
   *         ":::" will pop out of two naming containers, etc. The search for
   *         the partialTrigger begins from there. e.g., partialTriggers=":::commandButton1" the search begins for the 
   *         component with id = commandButton1 after popping out of two naming containers relative to this component.
   *         To go into naming containers, you separate the naming containers with ':', e.g.,partialTriggers= "nc1:nc2:nc3:componentId".</p>
   * @param partialTriggers  the new partialTriggers value
  final public void setPartialTriggers(String[] partialTriggers)
    setProperty(PARTIAL_TRIGGERS_KEY, (partialTriggers));

   * Gets an onclick Javascript handler.
   * @return  the new onclick value
  final public String getOnclick()
    return ComponentUtils.resolveString(getProperty(ONCLICK_KEY));

   * Sets an onclick Javascript handler.
   * @param onclick  the new onclick value
  final public void setOnclick(String onclick)
    setProperty(ONCLICK_KEY, (onclick));

   * Gets an ondblclick Javascript handler.
   * @return  the new ondblclick value
  final public String getOndblclick()
    return ComponentUtils.resolveString(getProperty(ONDBLCLICK_KEY));

   * Sets an ondblclick Javascript handler.
   * @param ondblclick  the new ondblclick value
  final public void setOndblclick(String ondblclick)
    setProperty(ONDBLCLICK_KEY, (ondblclick));

   * Gets an onmousedown Javascript handler.
   * @return  the new onmousedown value
  final public String getOnmousedown()
    return ComponentUtils.resolveString(getProperty(ONMOUSEDOWN_KEY));

   * Sets an onmousedown Javascript handler.
   * @param onmousedown  the new onmousedown value
  final public void setOnmousedown(String onmousedown)
    setProperty(ONMOUSEDOWN_KEY, (onmousedown));

   * Gets an onmouseup Javascript handler.
   * @return  the new onmouseup value
  final public String getOnmouseup()
    return ComponentUtils.resolveString(getProperty(ONMOUSEUP_KEY));

   * Sets an onmouseup Javascript handler.
   * @param onmouseup  the new onmouseup value
  final public void setOnmouseup(String onmouseup)
    setProperty(ONMOUSEUP_KEY, (onmouseup));

   * Gets an onmouseover Javascript handler.
   * @return  the new onmouseover value
  final public String getOnmouseover()
    return ComponentUtils.resolveString(getProperty(ONMOUSEOVER_KEY));

   * Sets an onmouseover Javascript handler.
   * @param onmouseover  the new onmouseover value
  final public void setOnmouseover(String onmouseover)
    setProperty(ONMOUSEOVER_KEY, (onmouseover));

   * Gets an onmousemove Javascript handler.
   * @return  the new onmousemove value
  final public String getOnmousemove()
    return ComponentUtils.resolveString(getProperty(ONMOUSEMOVE_KEY));

   * Sets an onmousemove Javascript handler.
   * @param onmousemove  the new onmousemove value
  final public void setOnmousemove(String onmousemove)
    setProperty(ONMOUSEMOVE_KEY, (onmousemove));

   * Gets an onmouseout Javascript handler.
   * @return  the new onmouseout value
  final public String getOnmouseout()
    return ComponentUtils.resolveString(getProperty(ONMOUSEOUT_KEY));

   * Sets an onmouseout Javascript handler.
   * @param onmouseout  the new onmouseout value
  final public void setOnmouseout(String onmouseout)
    setProperty(ONMOUSEOUT_KEY, (onmouseout));

   * Gets an onkeypress Javascript handler.
   * @return  the new onkeypress value
  final public String getOnkeypress()
    return ComponentUtils.resolveString(getProperty(ONKEYPRESS_KEY));

   * Sets an onkeypress Javascript handler.
   * @param onkeypress  the new onkeypress value
  final public void setOnkeypress(String onkeypress)
    setProperty(ONKEYPRESS_KEY, (onkeypress));

   * Gets an onkeydown Javascript handler.
   * @return  the new onkeydown value
  final public String getOnkeydown()
    return ComponentUtils.resolveString(getProperty(ONKEYDOWN_KEY));

   * Sets an onkeydown Javascript handler.
   * @param onkeydown  the new onkeydown value
  final public void setOnkeydown(String onkeydown)
    setProperty(ONKEYDOWN_KEY, (onkeydown));

   * Gets an onkeyup Javascript handler.
   * @return  the new onkeyup value
  final public String getOnkeyup()
    return ComponentUtils.resolveString(getProperty(ONKEYUP_KEY));

   * Sets an onkeyup Javascript handler.
   * @param onkeyup  the new onkeyup value
  final public void setOnkeyup(String onkeyup)
    setProperty(ONKEYUP_KEY, (onkeyup));

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   * Gets the CSS styles to use for this component.
   * @return  the new inlineStyle value
  final public String getInlineStyle()
    return ComponentUtils.resolveString(getProperty(INLINE_STYLE_KEY));

   * Sets the CSS styles to use for this component.
   * @param inlineStyle  the new inlineStyle value
  final public void setInlineStyle(String inlineStyle)
    setProperty(INLINE_STYLE_KEY, (inlineStyle));

   * Gets a CSS style class to use for this component.
   * @return  the new styleClass value
  final public String getStyleClass()
    return ComponentUtils.resolveString(getProperty(STYLE_CLASS_KEY));

   * Sets a CSS style class to use for this component.
   * @param styleClass  the new styleClass value
  final public void setStyleClass(String styleClass)
    setProperty(STYLE_CLASS_KEY, (styleClass));

   * Gets The short description of the component. This text is commonly used by user agents to display tooltip help text.
   * @return  the new shortDesc value
  final public String getShortDesc()
    return ComponentUtils.resolveString(getProperty(SHORT_DESC_KEY));

   * Sets The short description of the component. This text is commonly used by user agents to display tooltip help text.
   * @param shortDesc  the new shortDesc value
  final public void setShortDesc(String shortDesc)
    setProperty(SHORT_DESC_KEY, (shortDesc));

   * Gets the IDs of the components that should trigger a partial update.
   *         <p>
   *         This component will listen on the trigger components. If one of the
   *         trigger components receives an event that will cause it to update
   *         in some way, this component will request to be updated too.</p>
   *         <p>
   *         Separate multiple triggers with a space. e.g., partialTriggers="cmp1 cmp2"
   *         </p>
   *         <p>
   *         Identifiers must account for NamingContainers.  You can use a single colon to start the search from the root,
   *         or use multiple colons to move up through the NamingContainer. For example,
   *         "::" will pop out of this component's naming container (it pops out of itself if it is a naming container), 
   *         ":::" will pop out of two naming containers, etc. The search for
   *         the partialTrigger begins from there. e.g., partialTriggers=":::commandButton1" the search begins for the 
   *         component with id = commandButton1 after popping out of two naming containers relative to this component.
   *         To go into naming containers, you separate the naming containers with ':', e.g.,partialTriggers= "nc1:nc2:nc3:componentId".</p>
   * @return  the new partialTriggers value
  final public String[] getPartialTriggers()
    return (String[])getProperty(PARTIAL_TRIGGERS_KEY);

   * Sets the IDs of the components that should trigger a partial update.
   *         <p>
   *         This component will listen on the trigger components. If one of the
   *         trigger components receives an event that will cause it to update
   *         in some way, this component will request to be updated too.</p>
   *         <p>
   *         Separate multiple triggers with a space. e.g., partialTriggers="cmp1 cmp2"
   *         </p>
   *         <p>
   *         Identifiers must account for NamingContainers.  You can use a single colon to start the search from the root,
   *         or use multiple colons to move up through the NamingContainer. For example,
   *         "::" will pop out of this component's naming container (it pops out of itself if it is a naming container), 
   *         ":::" will pop out of two naming containers, etc. The search for
   *         the partialTrigger begins from there. e.g., partialTriggers=":::commandButton1" the search begins for the 
   *         component with id = commandButton1 after popping out of two naming containers relative to this component.
   *         To go into naming containers, you separate the naming containers with ':', e.g.,partialTriggers= "nc1:nc2:nc3:componentId".</p>
   * @param partialTriggers  the new partialTriggers value
  final public void setPartialTriggers(String[] partialTriggers)
    setProperty(PARTIAL_TRIGGERS_KEY, (partialTriggers));

   * Gets an onclick Javascript handler.
   * @return  the new onclick value
  final public String getOnclick()
    return ComponentUtils.resolveString(getProperty(ONCLICK_KEY));

   * Sets an onclick Javascript handler.
   * @param onclick  the new onclick value
  final public void setOnclick(String onclick)
    setProperty(ONCLICK_KEY, (onclick));

   * Gets an ondblclick Javascript handler.
   * @return  the new ondblclick value
  final public String getOndblclick()
    return ComponentUtils.resolveString(getProperty(ONDBLCLICK_KEY));

   * Sets an ondblclick Javascript handler.
   * @param ondblclick  the new ondblclick value
  final public void setOndblclick(String ondblclick)
    setProperty(ONDBLCLICK_KEY, (ondblclick));

   * Gets an onmousedown Javascript handler.
   * @return  the new onmousedown value
  final public String getOnmousedown()
    return ComponentUtils.resolveString(getProperty(ONMOUSEDOWN_KEY));

   * Sets an onmousedown Javascript handler.
   * @param onmousedown  the new onmousedown value
  final public void setOnmousedown(String onmousedown)
    setProperty(ONMOUSEDOWN_KEY, (onmousedown));

   * Gets an onmouseup Javascript handler.
   * @return  the new onmouseup value
  final public String getOnmouseup()
    return ComponentUtils.resolveString(getProperty(ONMOUSEUP_KEY));

   * Sets an onmouseup Javascript handler.
   * @param onmouseup  the new onmouseup value
  final public void setOnmouseup(String onmouseup)
    setProperty(ONMOUSEUP_KEY, (onmouseup));

   * Gets an onmouseover Javascript handler.
   * @return  the new onmouseover value
  final public String getOnmouseover()
    return ComponentUtils.resolveString(getProperty(ONMOUSEOVER_KEY));

   * Sets an onmouseover Javascript handler.
   * @param onmouseover  the new onmouseover value
  final public void setOnmouseover(String onmouseover)
    setProperty(ONMOUSEOVER_KEY, (onmouseover));

   * Gets an onmousemove Javascript handler.
   * @return  the new onmousemove value
  final public String getOnmousemove()
    return ComponentUtils.resolveString(getProperty(ONMOUSEMOVE_KEY));

   * Sets an onmousemove Javascript handler.
   * @param onmousemove  the new onmousemove value
  final public void setOnmousemove(String onmousemove)
    setProperty(ONMOUSEMOVE_KEY, (onmousemove));

   * Gets an onmouseout Javascript handler.
   * @return  the new onmouseout value
  final public String getOnmouseout()
    return ComponentUtils.resolveString(getProperty(ONMOUSEOUT_KEY));

   * Sets an onmouseout Javascript handler.
   * @param onmouseout  the new onmouseout value
  final public void setOnmouseout(String onmouseout)
    setProperty(ONMOUSEOUT_KEY, (onmouseout));

   * Gets an onkeypress Javascript handler.
   * @return  the new onkeypress value
  final public String getOnkeypress()
    return ComponentUtils.resolveString(getProperty(ONKEYPRESS_KEY));

   * Sets an onkeypress Javascript handler.
   * @param onkeypress  the new onkeypress value
  final public void setOnkeypress(String onkeypress)
    setProperty(ONKEYPRESS_KEY, (onkeypress));

   * Gets an onkeydown Javascript handler.
   * @return  the new onkeydown value
  final public String getOnkeydown()
    return ComponentUtils.resolveString(getProperty(ONKEYDOWN_KEY));

   * Sets an onkeydown Javascript handler.
   * @param onkeydown  the new onkeydown value
  final public void setOnkeydown(String onkeydown)
    setProperty(ONKEYDOWN_KEY, (onkeydown));

   * Gets an onkeyup Javascript handler.
   * @return  the new onkeyup value
  final public String getOnkeyup()
    return ComponentUtils.resolveString(getProperty(ONKEYUP_KEY));

   * Sets an onkeyup Javascript handler.
   * @param onkeyup  the new onkeyup value
  final public void setOnkeyup(String onkeyup)
    setProperty(ONKEYUP_KEY, (onkeyup));

   * Gets Indicates whether a minimum of one detail item must be
   * disclosed at a time.  Use "false" (the default) to keep a minimum of one
   * detail item disclosed at all times.  Use "true" to make it possible for
   * all items to be collapsed.
   * @return  the new discloseNone value
  final public boolean isDiscloseNone()

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    setProperty(INNER_RIGHT_WIDTH_KEY, (innerRightWidth));

   * Gets the CSS styles to use for this component.
   * @return  the new inlineStyle value
  final public String getInlineStyle()
    return ComponentUtils.resolveString(getProperty(INLINE_STYLE_KEY));

   * Sets the CSS styles to use for this component.
   * @param inlineStyle  the new inlineStyle value
  final public void setInlineStyle(String inlineStyle)
    setProperty(INLINE_STYLE_KEY, (inlineStyle));

   * Gets a CSS style class to use for this component.
   * @return  the new styleClass value
  final public String getStyleClass()
    return ComponentUtils.resolveString(getProperty(STYLE_CLASS_KEY));

   * Sets a CSS style class to use for this component.
   * @param styleClass  the new styleClass value
  final public void setStyleClass(String styleClass)
    setProperty(STYLE_CLASS_KEY, (styleClass));

   * Gets The short description of the component. This text is commonly used by user agents to display tooltip help text.
   * @return  the new shortDesc value
  final public String getShortDesc()
    return ComponentUtils.resolveString(getProperty(SHORT_DESC_KEY));

   * Sets The short description of the component. This text is commonly used by user agents to display tooltip help text.
   * @param shortDesc  the new shortDesc value
  final public void setShortDesc(String shortDesc)
    setProperty(SHORT_DESC_KEY, (shortDesc));

   * Gets the IDs of the components that should trigger a partial update.
   *         <p>
   *         This component will listen on the trigger components. If one of the
   *         trigger components receives an event that will cause it to update
   *         in some way, this component will request to be updated too.</p>
   *         <p>
   *         Separate multiple triggers with a space. e.g., partialTriggers="cmp1 cmp2"
   *         </p>
   *         <p>
   *         Identifiers must account for NamingContainers.  You can use a single colon to start the search from the root,
   *         or use multiple colons to move up through the NamingContainer. For example,
   *         "::" will pop out of this component's naming container (it pops out of itself if it is a naming container), 
   *         ":::" will pop out of two naming containers, etc. The search for
   *         the partialTrigger begins from there. e.g., partialTriggers=":::commandButton1" the search begins for the 
   *         component with id = commandButton1 after popping out of two naming containers relative to this component.
   *         To go into naming containers, you separate the naming containers with ':', e.g.,partialTriggers= "nc1:nc2:nc3:componentId".</p>
   * @return  the new partialTriggers value
  final public String[] getPartialTriggers()
    return (String[])getProperty(PARTIAL_TRIGGERS_KEY);

   * Sets the IDs of the components that should trigger a partial update.
   *         <p>
   *         This component will listen on the trigger components. If one of the
   *         trigger components receives an event that will cause it to update
   *         in some way, this component will request to be updated too.</p>
   *         <p>
   *         Separate multiple triggers with a space. e.g., partialTriggers="cmp1 cmp2"
   *         </p>
   *         <p>
   *         Identifiers must account for NamingContainers.  You can use a single colon to start the search from the root,
   *         or use multiple colons to move up through the NamingContainer. For example,
   *         "::" will pop out of this component's naming container (it pops out of itself if it is a naming container), 
   *         ":::" will pop out of two naming containers, etc. The search for
   *         the partialTrigger begins from there. e.g., partialTriggers=":::commandButton1" the search begins for the 
   *         component with id = commandButton1 after popping out of two naming containers relative to this component.
   *         To go into naming containers, you separate the naming containers with ':', e.g.,partialTriggers= "nc1:nc2:nc3:componentId".</p>
   * @param partialTriggers  the new partialTriggers value
  final public void setPartialTriggers(String[] partialTriggers)
    setProperty(PARTIAL_TRIGGERS_KEY, (partialTriggers));

   * Gets an onclick Javascript handler.
   * @return  the new onclick value
  final public String getOnclick()
    return ComponentUtils.resolveString(getProperty(ONCLICK_KEY));

   * Sets an onclick Javascript handler.
   * @param onclick  the new onclick value
  final public void setOnclick(String onclick)
    setProperty(ONCLICK_KEY, (onclick));

   * Gets an ondblclick Javascript handler.
   * @return  the new ondblclick value
  final public String getOndblclick()
    return ComponentUtils.resolveString(getProperty(ONDBLCLICK_KEY));

   * Sets an ondblclick Javascript handler.
   * @param ondblclick  the new ondblclick value
  final public void setOndblclick(String ondblclick)
    setProperty(ONDBLCLICK_KEY, (ondblclick));

   * Gets an onmousedown Javascript handler.
   * @return  the new onmousedown value
  final public String getOnmousedown()
    return ComponentUtils.resolveString(getProperty(ONMOUSEDOWN_KEY));

   * Sets an onmousedown Javascript handler.
   * @param onmousedown  the new onmousedown value
  final public void setOnmousedown(String onmousedown)
    setProperty(ONMOUSEDOWN_KEY, (onmousedown));

   * Gets an onmouseup Javascript handler.
   * @return  the new onmouseup value
  final public String getOnmouseup()
    return ComponentUtils.resolveString(getProperty(ONMOUSEUP_KEY));

   * Sets an onmouseup Javascript handler.
   * @param onmouseup  the new onmouseup value
  final public void setOnmouseup(String onmouseup)
    setProperty(ONMOUSEUP_KEY, (onmouseup));

   * Gets an onmouseover Javascript handler.
   * @return  the new onmouseover value
  final public String getOnmouseover()
    return ComponentUtils.resolveString(getProperty(ONMOUSEOVER_KEY));

   * Sets an onmouseover Javascript handler.
   * @param onmouseover  the new onmouseover value
  final public void setOnmouseover(String onmouseover)
    setProperty(ONMOUSEOVER_KEY, (onmouseover));

   * Gets an onmousemove Javascript handler.
   * @return  the new onmousemove value
  final public String getOnmousemove()
    return ComponentUtils.resolveString(getProperty(ONMOUSEMOVE_KEY));

   * Sets an onmousemove Javascript handler.
   * @param onmousemove  the new onmousemove value
  final public void setOnmousemove(String onmousemove)
    setProperty(ONMOUSEMOVE_KEY, (onmousemove));

   * Gets an onmouseout Javascript handler.
   * @return  the new onmouseout value
  final public String getOnmouseout()
    return ComponentUtils.resolveString(getProperty(ONMOUSEOUT_KEY));

   * Sets an onmouseout Javascript handler.
   * @param onmouseout  the new onmouseout value
  final public void setOnmouseout(String onmouseout)
    setProperty(ONMOUSEOUT_KEY, (onmouseout));

   * Gets an onkeypress Javascript handler.
   * @return  the new onkeypress value
  final public String getOnkeypress()
    return ComponentUtils.resolveString(getProperty(ONKEYPRESS_KEY));

   * Sets an onkeypress Javascript handler.
   * @param onkeypress  the new onkeypress value
  final public void setOnkeypress(String onkeypress)
    setProperty(ONKEYPRESS_KEY, (onkeypress));

   * Gets an onkeydown Javascript handler.
   * @return  the new onkeydown value
  final public String getOnkeydown()
    return ComponentUtils.resolveString(getProperty(ONKEYDOWN_KEY));

   * Sets an onkeydown Javascript handler.
   * @param onkeydown  the new onkeydown value
  final public void setOnkeydown(String onkeydown)
    setProperty(ONKEYDOWN_KEY, (onkeydown));

   * Gets an onkeyup Javascript handler.
   * @return  the new onkeyup value
  final public String getOnkeyup()
    return ComponentUtils.resolveString(getProperty(ONKEYUP_KEY));

   * Sets an onkeyup Javascript handler.
   * @param onkeyup  the new onkeyup value
  final public void setOnkeyup(String onkeyup)
    setProperty(ONKEYUP_KEY, (onkeyup));

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   * Gets the CSS styles to use for this component.
   * @return  the new inlineStyle value
  final public String getInlineStyle()
    return ComponentUtils.resolveString(getProperty(INLINE_STYLE_KEY));

   * Sets the CSS styles to use for this component.
   * @param inlineStyle  the new inlineStyle value
  final public void setInlineStyle(String inlineStyle)
    setProperty(INLINE_STYLE_KEY, (inlineStyle));

   * Gets a CSS style class to use for this component.
   * @return  the new styleClass value
  final public String getStyleClass()
    return ComponentUtils.resolveString(getProperty(STYLE_CLASS_KEY));

   * Sets a CSS style class to use for this component.
   * @param styleClass  the new styleClass value
  final public void setStyleClass(String styleClass)
    setProperty(STYLE_CLASS_KEY, (styleClass));

   * Gets The short description of the component. This text is commonly used by user agents to display tooltip help text.
   * @return  the new shortDesc value
  final public String getShortDesc()
    return ComponentUtils.resolveString(getProperty(SHORT_DESC_KEY));

   * Sets The short description of the component. This text is commonly used by user agents to display tooltip help text.
   * @param shortDesc  the new shortDesc value
  final public void setShortDesc(String shortDesc)
    setProperty(SHORT_DESC_KEY, (shortDesc));

   * Gets the IDs of the components that should trigger a partial update.
   *         <p>
   *         This component will listen on the trigger components. If one of the
   *         trigger components receives an event that will cause it to update
   *         in some way, this component will request to be updated too.</p>
   *         <p>
   *         Separate multiple triggers with a space. e.g., partialTriggers="cmp1 cmp2"
   *         </p>
   *         <p>
   *         Identifiers must account for NamingContainers.  You can use a single colon to start the search from the root,
   *         or use multiple colons to move up through the NamingContainer. For example,
   *         "::" will pop out of this component's naming container (it pops out of itself if it is a naming container), 
   *         ":::" will pop out of two naming containers, etc. The search for
   *         the partialTrigger begins from there. e.g., partialTriggers=":::commandButton1" the search begins for the 
   *         component with id = commandButton1 after popping out of two naming containers relative to this component.
   *         To go into naming containers, you separate the naming containers with ':', e.g.,partialTriggers= "nc1:nc2:nc3:componentId".</p>
   * @return  the new partialTriggers value
  final public String[] getPartialTriggers()
    return (String[])getProperty(PARTIAL_TRIGGERS_KEY);

   * Sets the IDs of the components that should trigger a partial update.
   *         <p>
   *         This component will listen on the trigger components. If one of the
   *         trigger components receives an event that will cause it to update
   *         in some way, this component will request to be updated too.</p>
   *         <p>
   *         Separate multiple triggers with a space. e.g., partialTriggers="cmp1 cmp2"
   *         </p>
   *         <p>
   *         Identifiers must account for NamingContainers.  You can use a single colon to start the search from the root,
   *         or use multiple colons to move up through the NamingContainer. For example,
   *         "::" will pop out of this component's naming container (it pops out of itself if it is a naming container), 
   *         ":::" will pop out of two naming containers, etc. The search for
   *         the partialTrigger begins from there. e.g., partialTriggers=":::commandButton1" the search begins for the 
   *         component with id = commandButton1 after popping out of two naming containers relative to this component.
   *         To go into naming containers, you separate the naming containers with ':', e.g.,partialTriggers= "nc1:nc2:nc3:componentId".</p>
   * @param partialTriggers  the new partialTriggers value
  final public void setPartialTriggers(String[] partialTriggers)
    setProperty(PARTIAL_TRIGGERS_KEY, (partialTriggers));

   * Gets an onclick Javascript handler.
   * @return  the new onclick value
  final public String getOnclick()
    return ComponentUtils.resolveString(getProperty(ONCLICK_KEY));

   * Sets an onclick Javascript handler.
   * @param onclick  the new onclick value
  final public void setOnclick(String onclick)
    setProperty(ONCLICK_KEY, (onclick));

   * Gets an ondblclick Javascript handler.
   * @return  the new ondblclick value
  final public String getOndblclick()
    return ComponentUtils.resolveString(getProperty(ONDBLCLICK_KEY));

   * Sets an ondblclick Javascript handler.
   * @param ondblclick  the new ondblclick value
  final public void setOndblclick(String ondblclick)
    setProperty(ONDBLCLICK_KEY, (ondblclick));

   * Gets an onmousedown Javascript handler.
   * @return  the new onmousedown value
  final public String getOnmousedown()
    return ComponentUtils.resolveString(getProperty(ONMOUSEDOWN_KEY));

   * Sets an onmousedown Javascript handler.
   * @param onmousedown  the new onmousedown value
  final public void setOnmousedown(String onmousedown)
    setProperty(ONMOUSEDOWN_KEY, (onmousedown));

   * Gets an onmouseup Javascript handler.
   * @return  the new onmouseup value
  final public String getOnmouseup()
    return ComponentUtils.resolveString(getProperty(ONMOUSEUP_KEY));

   * Sets an onmouseup Javascript handler.
   * @param onmouseup  the new onmouseup value
  final public void setOnmouseup(String onmouseup)
    setProperty(ONMOUSEUP_KEY, (onmouseup));

   * Gets an onmouseover Javascript handler.
   * @return  the new onmouseover value
  final public String getOnmouseover()
    return ComponentUtils.resolveString(getProperty(ONMOUSEOVER_KEY));

   * Sets an onmouseover Javascript handler.
   * @param onmouseover  the new onmouseover value
  final public void setOnmouseover(String onmouseover)
    setProperty(ONMOUSEOVER_KEY, (onmouseover));

   * Gets an onmousemove Javascript handler.
   * @return  the new onmousemove value
  final public String getOnmousemove()
    return ComponentUtils.resolveString(getProperty(ONMOUSEMOVE_KEY));

   * Sets an onmousemove Javascript handler.
   * @param onmousemove  the new onmousemove value
  final public void setOnmousemove(String onmousemove)
    setProperty(ONMOUSEMOVE_KEY, (onmousemove));

   * Gets an onmouseout Javascript handler.
   * @return  the new onmouseout value
  final public String getOnmouseout()
    return ComponentUtils.resolveString(getProperty(ONMOUSEOUT_KEY));

   * Sets an onmouseout Javascript handler.
   * @param onmouseout  the new onmouseout value
  final public void setOnmouseout(String onmouseout)
    setProperty(ONMOUSEOUT_KEY, (onmouseout));

   * Gets an onkeypress Javascript handler.
   * @return  the new onkeypress value
  final public String getOnkeypress()
    return ComponentUtils.resolveString(getProperty(ONKEYPRESS_KEY));

   * Sets an onkeypress Javascript handler.
   * @param onkeypress  the new onkeypress value
  final public void setOnkeypress(String onkeypress)
    setProperty(ONKEYPRESS_KEY, (onkeypress));

   * Gets an onkeydown Javascript handler.
   * @return  the new onkeydown value
  final public String getOnkeydown()
    return ComponentUtils.resolveString(getProperty(ONKEYDOWN_KEY));

   * Sets an onkeydown Javascript handler.
   * @param onkeydown  the new onkeydown value
  final public void setOnkeydown(String onkeydown)
    setProperty(ONKEYDOWN_KEY, (onkeydown));

   * Gets an onkeyup Javascript handler.
   * @return  the new onkeyup value
  final public String getOnkeyup()
    return ComponentUtils.resolveString(getProperty(ONKEYUP_KEY));

   * Sets an onkeyup Javascript handler.
   * @param onkeyup  the new onkeyup value
  final public void setOnkeyup(String onkeyup)
    setProperty(ONKEYUP_KEY, (onkeyup));

   * Gets Indicates whether a minimum of one detail item must be
   * disclosed at a time.  Use "false" (the default) to keep a minimum of one
   * detail item disclosed at all times.  Use "true" to make it possible for
   * all items to be collapsed.
   * @return  the new discloseNone value
  final public boolean isDiscloseNone()

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    setProperty(INNER_RIGHT_WIDTH_KEY, (innerRightWidth));

   * Gets the CSS styles to use for this component.
   * @return  the new inlineStyle value
  final public String getInlineStyle()
    return ComponentUtils.resolveString(getProperty(INLINE_STYLE_KEY));

   * Sets the CSS styles to use for this component.
   * @param inlineStyle  the new inlineStyle value
  final public void setInlineStyle(String inlineStyle)
    setProperty(INLINE_STYLE_KEY, (inlineStyle));

   * Gets a CSS style class to use for this component.
   * @return  the new styleClass value
  final public String getStyleClass()
    return ComponentUtils.resolveString(getProperty(STYLE_CLASS_KEY));

   * Sets a CSS style class to use for this component.
   * @param styleClass  the new styleClass value
  final public void setStyleClass(String styleClass)
    setProperty(STYLE_CLASS_KEY, (styleClass));

   * Gets The short description of the component. This text is commonly used by user agents to display tooltip help text.
   * @return  the new shortDesc value
  final public String getShortDesc()
    return ComponentUtils.resolveString(getProperty(SHORT_DESC_KEY));

   * Sets The short description of the component. This text is commonly used by user agents to display tooltip help text.
   * @param shortDesc  the new shortDesc value
  final public void setShortDesc(String shortDesc)
    setProperty(SHORT_DESC_KEY, (shortDesc));

   * Gets the IDs of the components that should trigger a partial update.
   *         <p>
   *         This component will listen on the trigger components. If one of the
   *         trigger components receives an event that will cause it to update
   *         in some way, this component will request to be updated too.</p>
   *         <p>
   *         Separate multiple triggers with a space. e.g., partialTriggers="cmp1 cmp2"
   *         </p>
   *         <p>
   *         Identifiers must account for NamingContainers.  You can use a single colon to start the search from the root,
   *         or use multiple colons to move up through the NamingContainer. For example,
   *         "::" will pop out of this component's naming container (it pops out of itself if it is a naming container), 
   *         ":::" will pop out of two naming containers, etc. The search for
   *         the partialTrigger begins from there. e.g., partialTriggers=":::commandButton1" the search begins for the 
   *         component with id = commandButton1 after popping out of two naming containers relative to this component.
   *         To go into naming containers, you separate the naming containers with ':', e.g.,partialTriggers= "nc1:nc2:nc3:componentId".</p>
   * @return  the new partialTriggers value
  final public String[] getPartialTriggers()
    return (String[])getProperty(PARTIAL_TRIGGERS_KEY);

   * Sets the IDs of the components that should trigger a partial update.
   *         <p>
   *         This component will listen on the trigger components. If one of the
   *         trigger components receives an event that will cause it to update
   *         in some way, this component will request to be updated too.</p>
   *         <p>
   *         Separate multiple triggers with a space. e.g., partialTriggers="cmp1 cmp2"
   *         </p>
   *         <p>
   *         Identifiers must account for NamingContainers.  You can use a single colon to start the search from the root,
   *         or use multiple colons to move up through the NamingContainer. For example,
   *         "::" will pop out of this component's naming container (it pops out of itself if it is a naming container), 
   *         ":::" will pop out of two naming containers, etc. The search for
   *         the partialTrigger begins from there. e.g., partialTriggers=":::commandButton1" the search begins for the 
   *         component with id = commandButton1 after popping out of two naming containers relative to this component.
   *         To go into naming containers, you separate the naming containers with ':', e.g.,partialTriggers= "nc1:nc2:nc3:componentId".</p>
   * @param partialTriggers  the new partialTriggers value
  final public void setPartialTriggers(String[] partialTriggers)
    setProperty(PARTIAL_TRIGGERS_KEY, (partialTriggers));

   * Gets an onclick Javascript handler.
   * @return  the new onclick value
  final public String getOnclick()
    return ComponentUtils.resolveString(getProperty(ONCLICK_KEY));

   * Sets an onclick Javascript handler.
   * @param onclick  the new onclick value
  final public void setOnclick(String onclick)
    setProperty(ONCLICK_KEY, (onclick));

   * Gets an ondblclick Javascript handler.
   * @return  the new ondblclick value
  final public String getOndblclick()
    return ComponentUtils.resolveString(getProperty(ONDBLCLICK_KEY));

   * Sets an ondblclick Javascript handler.
   * @param ondblclick  the new ondblclick value
  final public void setOndblclick(String ondblclick)
    setProperty(ONDBLCLICK_KEY, (ondblclick));

   * Gets an onmousedown Javascript handler.
   * @return  the new onmousedown value
  final public String getOnmousedown()
    return ComponentUtils.resolveString(getProperty(ONMOUSEDOWN_KEY));

   * Sets an onmousedown Javascript handler.
   * @param onmousedown  the new onmousedown value
  final public void setOnmousedown(String onmousedown)
    setProperty(ONMOUSEDOWN_KEY, (onmousedown));

   * Gets an onmouseup Javascript handler.
   * @return  the new onmouseup value
  final public String getOnmouseup()
    return ComponentUtils.resolveString(getProperty(ONMOUSEUP_KEY));

   * Sets an onmouseup Javascript handler.
   * @param onmouseup  the new onmouseup value
  final public void setOnmouseup(String onmouseup)
    setProperty(ONMOUSEUP_KEY, (onmouseup));

   * Gets an onmouseover Javascript handler.
   * @return  the new onmouseover value
  final public String getOnmouseover()
    return ComponentUtils.resolveString(getProperty(ONMOUSEOVER_KEY));

   * Sets an onmouseover Javascript handler.
   * @param onmouseover  the new onmouseover value
  final public void setOnmouseover(String onmouseover)
    setProperty(ONMOUSEOVER_KEY, (onmouseover));

   * Gets an onmousemove Javascript handler.
   * @return  the new onmousemove value
  final public String getOnmousemove()
    return ComponentUtils.resolveString(getProperty(ONMOUSEMOVE_KEY));

   * Sets an onmousemove Javascript handler.
   * @param onmousemove  the new onmousemove value
  final public void setOnmousemove(String onmousemove)
    setProperty(ONMOUSEMOVE_KEY, (onmousemove));

   * Gets an onmouseout Javascript handler.
   * @return  the new onmouseout value
  final public String getOnmouseout()
    return ComponentUtils.resolveString(getProperty(ONMOUSEOUT_KEY));

   * Sets an onmouseout Javascript handler.
   * @param onmouseout  the new onmouseout value
  final public void setOnmouseout(String onmouseout)
    setProperty(ONMOUSEOUT_KEY, (onmouseout));

   * Gets an onkeypress Javascript handler.
   * @return  the new onkeypress value
  final public String getOnkeypress()
    return ComponentUtils.resolveString(getProperty(ONKEYPRESS_KEY));

   * Sets an onkeypress Javascript handler.
   * @param onkeypress  the new onkeypress value
  final public void setOnkeypress(String onkeypress)
    setProperty(ONKEYPRESS_KEY, (onkeypress));

   * Gets an onkeydown Javascript handler.
   * @return  the new onkeydown value
  final public String getOnkeydown()
    return ComponentUtils.resolveString(getProperty(ONKEYDOWN_KEY));

   * Sets an onkeydown Javascript handler.
   * @param onkeydown  the new onkeydown value
  final public void setOnkeydown(String onkeydown)
    setProperty(ONKEYDOWN_KEY, (onkeydown));

   * Gets an onkeyup Javascript handler.
   * @return  the new onkeyup value
  final public String getOnkeyup()
    return ComponentUtils.resolveString(getProperty(ONKEYUP_KEY));

   * Sets an onkeyup Javascript handler.
   * @param onkeyup  the new onkeyup value
  final public void setOnkeyup(String onkeyup)
    setProperty(ONKEYUP_KEY, (onkeyup));

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   * Gets the CSS styles to use for this component.
   * @return  the new inlineStyle value
  final public String getInlineStyle()
    return ComponentUtils.resolveString(getProperty(INLINE_STYLE_KEY));

   * Sets the CSS styles to use for this component.
   * @param inlineStyle  the new inlineStyle value
  final public void setInlineStyle(String inlineStyle)
    setProperty(INLINE_STYLE_KEY, (inlineStyle));

   * Gets a CSS style class to use for this component.
   * @return  the new styleClass value
  final public String getStyleClass()
    return ComponentUtils.resolveString(getProperty(STYLE_CLASS_KEY));

   * Sets a CSS style class to use for this component.
   * @param styleClass  the new styleClass value
  final public void setStyleClass(String styleClass)
    setProperty(STYLE_CLASS_KEY, (styleClass));

   * Gets The short description of the component. This text is commonly used by user agents to display tooltip help text.
   * @return  the new shortDesc value
  final public String getShortDesc()
    return ComponentUtils.resolveString(getProperty(SHORT_DESC_KEY));

   * Sets The short description of the component. This text is commonly used by user agents to display tooltip help text.
   * @param shortDesc  the new shortDesc value
  final public void setShortDesc(String shortDesc)
    setProperty(SHORT_DESC_KEY, (shortDesc));

   * Gets the IDs of the components that should trigger a partial update.
   *         <p>
   *         This component will listen on the trigger components. If one of the
   *         trigger components receives an event that will cause it to update
   *         in some way, this component will request to be updated too.</p>
   *         <p>
   *         Separate multiple triggers with a space. e.g., partialTriggers="cmp1 cmp2"
   *         </p>
   *         <p>
   *         Identifiers must account for NamingContainers.  You can use a single colon to start the search from the root,
   *         or use multiple colons to move up through the NamingContainer. For example,
   *         "::" will pop out of this component's naming container (it pops out of itself if it is a naming container), 
   *         ":::" will pop out of two naming containers, etc. The search for
   *         the partialTrigger begins from there. e.g., partialTriggers=":::commandButton1" the search begins for the 
   *         component with id = commandButton1 after popping out of two naming containers relative to this component.
   *         To go into naming containers, you separate the naming containers with ':', e.g.,partialTriggers= "nc1:nc2:nc3:componentId".</p>
   * @return  the new partialTriggers value
  final public String[] getPartialTriggers()
    return (String[])getProperty(PARTIAL_TRIGGERS_KEY);

   * Sets the IDs of the components that should trigger a partial update.
   *         <p>
   *         This component will listen on the trigger components. If one of the
   *         trigger components receives an event that will cause it to update
   *         in some way, this component will request to be updated too.</p>
   *         <p>
   *         Separate multiple triggers with a space. e.g., partialTriggers="cmp1 cmp2"
   *         </p>
   *         <p>
   *         Identifiers must account for NamingContainers.  You can use a single colon to start the search from the root,
   *         or use multiple colons to move up through the NamingContainer. For example,
   *         "::" will pop out of this component's naming container (it pops out of itself if it is a naming container), 
   *         ":::" will pop out of two naming containers, etc. The search for
   *         the partialTrigger begins from there. e.g., partialTriggers=":::commandButton1" the search begins for the 
   *         component with id = commandButton1 after popping out of two naming containers relative to this component.
   *         To go into naming containers, you separate the naming containers with ':', e.g.,partialTriggers= "nc1:nc2:nc3:componentId".</p>
   * @param partialTriggers  the new partialTriggers value
  final public void setPartialTriggers(String[] partialTriggers)
    setProperty(PARTIAL_TRIGGERS_KEY, (partialTriggers));

   * Gets an onclick Javascript handler.
   * @return  the new onclick value
  final public String getOnclick()
    return ComponentUtils.resolveString(getProperty(ONCLICK_KEY));

   * Sets an onclick Javascript handler.
   * @param onclick  the new onclick value
  final public void setOnclick(String onclick)
    setProperty(ONCLICK_KEY, (onclick));

   * Gets an ondblclick Javascript handler.
   * @return  the new ondblclick value
  final public String getOndblclick()
    return ComponentUtils.resolveString(getProperty(ONDBLCLICK_KEY));

   * Sets an ondblclick Javascript handler.
   * @param ondblclick  the new ondblclick value
  final public void setOndblclick(String ondblclick)
    setProperty(ONDBLCLICK_KEY, (ondblclick));

   * Gets an onmousedown Javascript handler.
   * @return  the new onmousedown value
  final public String getOnmousedown()
    return ComponentUtils.resolveString(getProperty(ONMOUSEDOWN_KEY));

   * Sets an onmousedown Javascript handler.
   * @param onmousedown  the new onmousedown value
  final public void setOnmousedown(String onmousedown)
    setProperty(ONMOUSEDOWN_KEY, (onmousedown));

   * Gets an onmouseup Javascript handler.
   * @return  the new onmouseup value
  final public String getOnmouseup()
    return ComponentUtils.resolveString(getProperty(ONMOUSEUP_KEY));

   * Sets an onmouseup Javascript handler.
   * @param onmouseup  the new onmouseup value
  final public void setOnmouseup(String onmouseup)
    setProperty(ONMOUSEUP_KEY, (onmouseup));

   * Gets an onmouseover Javascript handler.
   * @return  the new onmouseover value
  final public String getOnmouseover()
    return ComponentUtils.resolveString(getProperty(ONMOUSEOVER_KEY));

   * Sets an onmouseover Javascript handler.
   * @param onmouseover  the new onmouseover value
  final public void setOnmouseover(String onmouseover)
    setProperty(ONMOUSEOVER_KEY, (onmouseover));

   * Gets an onmousemove Javascript handler.
   * @return  the new onmousemove value
  final public String getOnmousemove()
    return ComponentUtils.resolveString(getProperty(ONMOUSEMOVE_KEY));

   * Sets an onmousemove Javascript handler.
   * @param onmousemove  the new onmousemove value
  final public void setOnmousemove(String onmousemove)
    setProperty(ONMOUSEMOVE_KEY, (onmousemove));

   * Gets an onmouseout Javascript handler.
   * @return  the new onmouseout value
  final public String getOnmouseout()
    return ComponentUtils.resolveString(getProperty(ONMOUSEOUT_KEY));

   * Sets an onmouseout Javascript handler.
   * @param onmouseout  the new onmouseout value
  final public void setOnmouseout(String onmouseout)
    setProperty(ONMOUSEOUT_KEY, (onmouseout));

   * Gets an onkeypress Javascript handler.
   * @return  the new onkeypress value
  final public String getOnkeypress()
    return ComponentUtils.resolveString(getProperty(ONKEYPRESS_KEY));

   * Sets an onkeypress Javascript handler.
   * @param onkeypress  the new onkeypress value
  final public void setOnkeypress(String onkeypress)
    setProperty(ONKEYPRESS_KEY, (onkeypress));

   * Gets an onkeydown Javascript handler.
   * @return  the new onkeydown value
  final public String getOnkeydown()
    return ComponentUtils.resolveString(getProperty(ONKEYDOWN_KEY));

   * Sets an onkeydown Javascript handler.
   * @param onkeydown  the new onkeydown value
  final public void setOnkeydown(String onkeydown)
    setProperty(ONKEYDOWN_KEY, (onkeydown));

   * Gets an onkeyup Javascript handler.
   * @return  the new onkeyup value
  final public String getOnkeyup()
    return ComponentUtils.resolveString(getProperty(ONKEYUP_KEY));

   * Sets an onkeyup Javascript handler.
   * @param onkeyup  the new onkeyup value
  final public void setOnkeyup(String onkeyup)
    setProperty(ONKEYUP_KEY, (onkeyup));

   * Gets Indicates whether a minimum of one detail item must be
   * disclosed at a time.  Use "false" (the default) to keep a minimum of one
   * detail item disclosed at all times.  Use "true" to make it possible for
   * all items to be collapsed.
   * @return  the new discloseNone value
  final public boolean isDiscloseNone()

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    setProperty(INNER_RIGHT_WIDTH_KEY, (innerRightWidth));

   * Gets the CSS styles to use for this component.
   * @return  the new inlineStyle value
  final public String getInlineStyle()
    return ComponentUtils.resolveString(getProperty(INLINE_STYLE_KEY));

   * Sets the CSS styles to use for this component.
   * @param inlineStyle  the new inlineStyle value
  final public void setInlineStyle(String inlineStyle)
    setProperty(INLINE_STYLE_KEY, (inlineStyle));

   * Gets a CSS style class to use for this component.
   * @return  the new styleClass value
  final public String getStyleClass()
    return ComponentUtils.resolveString(getProperty(STYLE_CLASS_KEY));

   * Sets a CSS style class to use for this component.
   * @param styleClass  the new styleClass value
  final public void setStyleClass(String styleClass)
    setProperty(STYLE_CLASS_KEY, (styleClass));

   * Gets The short description of the component. This text is commonly used by user agents to display tooltip help text.
   * @return  the new shortDesc value
  final public String getShortDesc()
    return ComponentUtils.resolveString(getProperty(SHORT_DESC_KEY));

   * Sets The short description of the component. This text is commonly used by user agents to display tooltip help text.
   * @param shortDesc  the new shortDesc value
  final public void setShortDesc(String shortDesc)
    setProperty(SHORT_DESC_KEY, (shortDesc));

   * Gets the IDs of the components that should trigger a partial update.
   *         <p>
   *         This component will listen on the trigger components. If one of the
   *         trigger components receives an event that will cause it to update
   *         in some way, this component will request to be updated too.</p>
   *         <p>
   *         Separate multiple triggers with a space. e.g., partialTriggers="cmp1 cmp2"
   *         </p>
   *         <p>
   *         Identifiers must account for NamingContainers.  You can use a single colon to start the search from the root,
   *         or use multiple colons to move up through the NamingContainer. For example,
   *         "::" will pop out of this component's naming container (it pops out of itself if it is a naming container), 
   *         ":::" will pop out of two naming containers, etc. The search for
   *         the partialTrigger begins from there. e.g., partialTriggers=":::commandButton1" the search begins for the 
   *         component with id = commandButton1 after popping out of two naming containers relative to this component.
   *         To go into naming containers, you separate the naming containers with ':', e.g.,partialTriggers= "nc1:nc2:nc3:componentId".</p>
   * @return  the new partialTriggers value
  final public String[] getPartialTriggers()
    return (String[])getProperty(PARTIAL_TRIGGERS_KEY);

   * Sets the IDs of the components that should trigger a partial update.
   *         <p>
   *         This component will listen on the trigger components. If one of the
   *         trigger components receives an event that will cause it to update
   *         in some way, this component will request to be updated too.</p>
   *         <p>
   *         Separate multiple triggers with a space. e.g., partialTriggers="cmp1 cmp2"
   *         </p>
   *         <p>
   *         Identifiers must account for NamingContainers.  You can use a single colon to start the search from the root,
   *         or use multiple colons to move up through the NamingContainer. For example,
   *         "::" will pop out of this component's naming container (it pops out of itself if it is a naming container), 
   *         ":::" will pop out of two naming containers, etc. The search for
   *         the partialTrigger begins from there. e.g., partialTriggers=":::commandButton1" the search begins for the 
   *         component with id = commandButton1 after popping out of two naming containers relative to this component.
   *         To go into naming containers, you separate the naming containers with ':', e.g.,partialTriggers= "nc1:nc2:nc3:componentId".</p>
   * @param partialTriggers  the new partialTriggers value
  final public void setPartialTriggers(String[] partialTriggers)
    setProperty(PARTIAL_TRIGGERS_KEY, (partialTriggers));

   * Gets an onclick Javascript handler.
   * @return  the new onclick value
  final public String getOnclick()
    return ComponentUtils.resolveString(getProperty(ONCLICK_KEY));

   * Sets an onclick Javascript handler.
   * @param onclick  the new onclick value
  final public void setOnclick(String onclick)
    setProperty(ONCLICK_KEY, (onclick));

   * Gets an ondblclick Javascript handler.
   * @return  the new ondblclick value
  final public String getOndblclick()
    return ComponentUtils.resolveString(getProperty(ONDBLCLICK_KEY));

   * Sets an ondblclick Javascript handler.
   * @param ondblclick  the new ondblclick value
  final public void setOndblclick(String ondblclick)
    setProperty(ONDBLCLICK_KEY, (ondblclick));

   * Gets an onmousedown Javascript handler.
   * @return  the new onmousedown value
  final public String getOnmousedown()
    return ComponentUtils.resolveString(getProperty(ONMOUSEDOWN_KEY));

   * Sets an onmousedown Javascript handler.
   * @param onmousedown  the new onmousedown value
  final public void setOnmousedown(String onmousedown)
    setProperty(ONMOUSEDOWN_KEY, (onmousedown));

   * Gets an onmouseup Javascript handler.
   * @return  the new onmouseup value
  final public String getOnmouseup()
    return ComponentUtils.resolveString(getProperty(ONMOUSEUP_KEY));

   * Sets an onmouseup Javascript handler.
   * @param onmouseup  the new onmouseup value
  final public void setOnmouseup(String onmouseup)
    setProperty(ONMOUSEUP_KEY, (onmouseup));

   * Gets an onmouseover Javascript handler.
   * @return  the new onmouseover value
  final public String getOnmouseover()
    return ComponentUtils.resolveString(getProperty(ONMOUSEOVER_KEY));

   * Sets an onmouseover Javascript handler.
   * @param onmouseover  the new onmouseover value
  final public void setOnmouseover(String onmouseover)
    setProperty(ONMOUSEOVER_KEY, (onmouseover));

   * Gets an onmousemove Javascript handler.
   * @return  the new onmousemove value
  final public String getOnmousemove()
    return ComponentUtils.resolveString(getProperty(ONMOUSEMOVE_KEY));

   * Sets an onmousemove Javascript handler.
   * @param onmousemove  the new onmousemove value
  final public void setOnmousemove(String onmousemove)
    setProperty(ONMOUSEMOVE_KEY, (onmousemove));

   * Gets an onmouseout Javascript handler.
   * @return  the new onmouseout value
  final public String getOnmouseout()
    return ComponentUtils.resolveString(getProperty(ONMOUSEOUT_KEY));

   * Sets an onmouseout Javascript handler.
   * @param onmouseout  the new onmouseout value
  final public void setOnmouseout(String onmouseout)
    setProperty(ONMOUSEOUT_KEY, (onmouseout));

   * Gets an onkeypress Javascript handler.
   * @return  the new onkeypress value
  final public String getOnkeypress()
    return ComponentUtils.resolveString(getProperty(ONKEYPRESS_KEY));

   * Sets an onkeypress Javascript handler.
   * @param onkeypress  the new onkeypress value
  final public void setOnkeypress(String onkeypress)
    setProperty(ONKEYPRESS_KEY, (onkeypress));

   * Gets an onkeydown Javascript handler.
   * @return  the new onkeydown value
  final public String getOnkeydown()
    return ComponentUtils.resolveString(getProperty(ONKEYDOWN_KEY));

   * Sets an onkeydown Javascript handler.
   * @param onkeydown  the new onkeydown value
  final public void setOnkeydown(String onkeydown)
    setProperty(ONKEYDOWN_KEY, (onkeydown));

   * Gets an onkeyup Javascript handler.
   * @return  the new onkeyup value
  final public String getOnkeyup()
    return ComponentUtils.resolveString(getProperty(ONKEYUP_KEY));

   * Sets an onkeyup Javascript handler.
   * @param onkeyup  the new onkeyup value
  final public void setOnkeyup(String onkeyup)
    setProperty(ONKEYUP_KEY, (onkeyup));

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   * Gets the CSS styles to use for this component.
   * @return  the new inlineStyle value
  final public String getInlineStyle()
    return ComponentUtils.resolveString(getProperty(INLINE_STYLE_KEY));

   * Sets the CSS styles to use for this component.
   * @param inlineStyle  the new inlineStyle value
  final public void setInlineStyle(String inlineStyle)
    setProperty(INLINE_STYLE_KEY, (inlineStyle));

   * Gets a CSS style class to use for this component.
   * @return  the new styleClass value
  final public String getStyleClass()
    return ComponentUtils.resolveString(getProperty(STYLE_CLASS_KEY));

   * Sets a CSS style class to use for this component.
   * @param styleClass  the new styleClass value
  final public void setStyleClass(String styleClass)
    setProperty(STYLE_CLASS_KEY, (styleClass));

   * Gets The short description of the component. This text is commonly used by user agents to display tooltip help text.
   * @return  the new shortDesc value
  final public String getShortDesc()
    return ComponentUtils.resolveString(getProperty(SHORT_DESC_KEY));

   * Sets The short description of the component. This text is commonly used by user agents to display tooltip help text.
   * @param shortDesc  the new shortDesc value
  final public void setShortDesc(String shortDesc)
    setProperty(SHORT_DESC_KEY, (shortDesc));

   * Gets the IDs of the components that should trigger a partial update.
   *         <p>
   *         This component will listen on the trigger components. If one of the
   *         trigger components receives an event that will cause it to update
   *         in some way, this component will request to be updated too.</p>
   *         <p>
   *         Separate multiple triggers with a space. e.g., partialTriggers="cmp1 cmp2"
   *         </p>
   *         <p>
   *         Identifiers must account for NamingContainers.  You can use a single colon to start the search from the root,
   *         or use multiple colons to move up through the NamingContainer. For example,
   *         "::" will pop out of this component's naming container (it pops out of itself if it is a naming container), 
   *         ":::" will pop out of two naming containers, etc. The search for
   *         the partialTrigger begins from there. e.g., partialTriggers=":::commandButton1" the search begins for the 
   *         component with id = commandButton1 after popping out of two naming containers relative to this component.
   *         To go into naming containers, you separate the naming containers with ':', e.g.,partialTriggers= "nc1:nc2:nc3:componentId".</p>
   * @return  the new partialTriggers value
  final public String[] getPartialTriggers()
    return (String[])getProperty(PARTIAL_TRIGGERS_KEY);

   * Sets the IDs of the components that should trigger a partial update.
   *         <p>
   *         This component will listen on the trigger components. If one of the
   *         trigger components receives an event that will cause it to update
   *         in some way, this component will request to be updated too.</p>
   *         <p>
   *         Separate multiple triggers with a space. e.g., partialTriggers="cmp1 cmp2"
   *         </p>
   *         <p>
   *         Identifiers must account for NamingContainers.  You can use a single colon to start the search from the root,
   *         or use multiple colons to move up through the NamingContainer. For example,
   *         "::" will pop out of this component's naming container (it pops out of itself if it is a naming container), 
   *         ":::" will pop out of two naming containers, etc. The search for
   *         the partialTrigger begins from there. e.g., partialTriggers=":::commandButton1" the search begins for the 
   *         component with id = commandButton1 after popping out of two naming containers relative to this component.
   *         To go into naming containers, you separate the naming containers with ':', e.g.,partialTriggers= "nc1:nc2:nc3:componentId".</p>
   * @param partialTriggers  the new partialTriggers value
  final public void setPartialTriggers(String[] partialTriggers)
    setProperty(PARTIAL_TRIGGERS_KEY, (partialTriggers));

   * Gets an onclick Javascript handler.
   * @return  the new onclick value
  final public String getOnclick()
    return ComponentUtils.resolveString(getProperty(ONCLICK_KEY));

   * Sets an onclick Javascript handler.
   * @param onclick  the new onclick value
  final public void setOnclick(String onclick)
    setProperty(ONCLICK_KEY, (onclick));

   * Gets an ondblclick Javascript handler.
   * @return  the new ondblclick value
  final public String getOndblclick()
    return ComponentUtils.resolveString(getProperty(ONDBLCLICK_KEY));

   * Sets an ondblclick Javascript handler.
   * @param ondblclick  the new ondblclick value
  final public void setOndblclick(String ondblclick)
    setProperty(ONDBLCLICK_KEY, (ondblclick));

   * Gets an onmousedown Javascript handler.
   * @return  the new onmousedown value
  final public String getOnmousedown()
    return ComponentUtils.resolveString(getProperty(ONMOUSEDOWN_KEY));

   * Sets an onmousedown Javascript handler.
   * @param onmousedown  the new onmousedown value
  final public void setOnmousedown(String onmousedown)
    setProperty(ONMOUSEDOWN_KEY, (onmousedown));

   * Gets an onmouseup Javascript handler.
   * @return  the new onmouseup value
  final public String getOnmouseup()
    return ComponentUtils.resolveString(getProperty(ONMOUSEUP_KEY));

   * Sets an onmouseup Javascript handler.
   * @param onmouseup  the new onmouseup value
  final public void setOnmouseup(String onmouseup)
    setProperty(ONMOUSEUP_KEY, (onmouseup));

   * Gets an onmouseover Javascript handler.
   * @return  the new onmouseover value
  final public String getOnmouseover()
    return ComponentUtils.resolveString(getProperty(ONMOUSEOVER_KEY));

   * Sets an onmouseover Javascript handler.
   * @param onmouseover  the new onmouseover value
  final public void setOnmouseover(String onmouseover)
    setProperty(ONMOUSEOVER_KEY, (onmouseover));

   * Gets an onmousemove Javascript handler.
   * @return  the new onmousemove value
  final public String getOnmousemove()
    return ComponentUtils.resolveString(getProperty(ONMOUSEMOVE_KEY));

   * Sets an onmousemove Javascript handler.
   * @param onmousemove  the new onmousemove value
  final public void setOnmousemove(String onmousemove)
    setProperty(ONMOUSEMOVE_KEY, (onmousemove));

   * Gets an onmouseout Javascript handler.
   * @return  the new onmouseout value
  final public String getOnmouseout()
    return ComponentUtils.resolveString(getProperty(ONMOUSEOUT_KEY));

   * Sets an onmouseout Javascript handler.
   * @param onmouseout  the new onmouseout value
  final public void setOnmouseout(String onmouseout)
    setProperty(ONMOUSEOUT_KEY, (onmouseout));

   * Gets an onkeypress Javascript handler.
   * @return  the new onkeypress value
  final public String getOnkeypress()
    return ComponentUtils.resolveString(getProperty(ONKEYPRESS_KEY));

   * Sets an onkeypress Javascript handler.
   * @param onkeypress  the new onkeypress value
  final public void setOnkeypress(String onkeypress)
    setProperty(ONKEYPRESS_KEY, (onkeypress));

   * Gets an onkeydown Javascript handler.
   * @return  the new onkeydown value
  final public String getOnkeydown()
    return ComponentUtils.resolveString(getProperty(ONKEYDOWN_KEY));

   * Sets an onkeydown Javascript handler.
   * @param onkeydown  the new onkeydown value
  final public void setOnkeydown(String onkeydown)
    setProperty(ONKEYDOWN_KEY, (onkeydown));

   * Gets an onkeyup Javascript handler.
   * @return  the new onkeyup value
  final public String getOnkeyup()
    return ComponentUtils.resolveString(getProperty(ONKEYUP_KEY));

   * Sets an onkeyup Javascript handler.
   * @param onkeyup  the new onkeyup value
  final public void setOnkeyup(String onkeyup)
    setProperty(ONKEYUP_KEY, (onkeyup));

   * Gets Indicates whether a minimum of one detail item must be
   * disclosed at a time.  Use "false" (the default) to keep a minimum of one
   * detail item disclosed at all times.  Use "true" to make it possible for
   * all items to be collapsed.
   * @return  the new discloseNone value
  final public boolean isDiscloseNone()

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    setProperty(INNER_RIGHT_WIDTH_KEY, (innerRightWidth));

   * Gets the CSS styles to use for this component.
   * @return  the new inlineStyle value
  final public String getInlineStyle()
    return ComponentUtils.resolveString(getProperty(INLINE_STYLE_KEY));

   * Sets the CSS styles to use for this component.
   * @param inlineStyle  the new inlineStyle value
  final public void setInlineStyle(String inlineStyle)
    setProperty(INLINE_STYLE_KEY, (inlineStyle));

   * Gets a CSS style class to use for this component.
   * @return  the new styleClass value
  final public String getStyleClass()
    return ComponentUtils.resolveString(getProperty(STYLE_CLASS_KEY));

   * Sets a CSS style class to use for this component.
   * @param styleClass  the new styleClass value
  final public void setStyleClass(String styleClass)
    setProperty(STYLE_CLASS_KEY, (styleClass));

   * Gets The short description of the component. This text is commonly used by user agents to display tooltip help text.
   * @return  the new shortDesc value
  final public String getShortDesc()
    return ComponentUtils.resolveString(getProperty(SHORT_DESC_KEY));

   * Sets The short description of the component. This text is commonly used by user agents to display tooltip help text.
   * @param shortDesc  the new shortDesc value
  final public void setShortDesc(String shortDesc)
    setProperty(SHORT_DESC_KEY, (shortDesc));

   * Gets the IDs of the components that should trigger a partial update.
   *         <p>
   *         This component will listen on the trigger components. If one of the
   *         trigger components receives an event that will cause it to update
   *         in some way, this component will request to be updated too.</p>
   *         <p>
   *         Separate multiple triggers with a space. e.g., partialTriggers="cmp1 cmp2"
   *         </p>
   *         <p>
   *         Identifiers must account for NamingContainers.  You can use a single colon to start the search from the root,
   *         or use multiple colons to move up through the NamingContainer. For example,
   *         "::" will pop out of this component's naming container (it pops out of itself if it is a naming container), 
   *         ":::" will pop out of two naming containers, etc. The search for
   *         the partialTrigger begins from there. e.g., partialTriggers=":::commandButton1" the search begins for the 
   *         component with id = commandButton1 after popping out of two naming containers relative to this component.
   *         To go into naming containers, you separate the naming containers with ':', e.g.,partialTriggers= "nc1:nc2:nc3:componentId".</p>
   * @return  the new partialTriggers value
  final public String[] getPartialTriggers()
    return (String[])getProperty(PARTIAL_TRIGGERS_KEY);

   * Sets the IDs of the components that should trigger a partial update.
   *         <p>
   *         This component will listen on the trigger components. If one of the
   *         trigger components receives an event that will cause it to update
   *         in some way, this component will request to be updated too.</p>
   *         <p>
   *         Separate multiple triggers with a space. e.g., partialTriggers="cmp1 cmp2"
   *         </p>
   *         <p>
   *         Identifiers must account for NamingContainers.  You can use a single colon to start the search from the root,
   *         or use multiple colons to move up through the NamingContainer. For example,
   *         "::" will pop out of this component's naming container (it pops out of itself if it is a naming container), 
   *         ":::" will pop out of two naming containers, etc. The search for
   *         the partialTrigger begins from there. e.g., partialTriggers=":::commandButton1" the search begins for the 
   *         component with id = commandButton1 after popping out of two naming containers relative to this component.
   *         To go into naming containers, you separate the naming containers with ':', e.g.,partialTriggers= "nc1:nc2:nc3:componentId".</p>
   * @param partialTriggers  the new partialTriggers value
  final public void setPartialTriggers(String[] partialTriggers)
    setProperty(PARTIAL_TRIGGERS_KEY, (partialTriggers));

   * Gets an onclick Javascript handler.
   * @return  the new onclick value
  final public String getOnclick()
    return ComponentUtils.resolveString(getProperty(ONCLICK_KEY));

   * Sets an onclick Javascript handler.
   * @param onclick  the new onclick value
  final public void setOnclick(String onclick)
    setProperty(ONCLICK_KEY, (onclick));

   * Gets an ondblclick Javascript handler.
   * @return  the new ondblclick value
  final public String getOndblclick()
    return ComponentUtils.resolveString(getProperty(ONDBLCLICK_KEY));

   * Sets an ondblclick Javascript handler.
   * @param ondblclick  the new ondblclick value
  final public void setOndblclick(String ondblclick)
    setProperty(ONDBLCLICK_KEY, (ondblclick));

   * Gets an onmousedown Javascript handler.
   * @return  the new onmousedown value
  final public String getOnmousedown()
    return ComponentUtils.resolveString(getProperty(ONMOUSEDOWN_KEY));

   * Sets an onmousedown Javascript handler.
   * @param onmousedown  the new onmousedown value
  final public void setOnmousedown(String onmousedown)
    setProperty(ONMOUSEDOWN_KEY, (onmousedown));

   * Gets an onmouseup Javascript handler.
   * @return  the new onmouseup value
  final public String getOnmouseup()
    return ComponentUtils.resolveString(getProperty(ONMOUSEUP_KEY));

   * Sets an onmouseup Javascript handler.
   * @param onmouseup  the new onmouseup value
  final public void setOnmouseup(String onmouseup)
    setProperty(ONMOUSEUP_KEY, (onmouseup));

   * Gets an onmouseover Javascript handler.
   * @return  the new onmouseover value
  final public String getOnmouseover()
    return ComponentUtils.resolveString(getProperty(ONMOUSEOVER_KEY));

   * Sets an onmouseover Javascript handler.
   * @param onmouseover  the new onmouseover value
  final public void setOnmouseover(String onmouseover)
    setProperty(ONMOUSEOVER_KEY, (onmouseover));

   * Gets an onmousemove Javascript handler.
   * @return  the new onmousemove value
  final public String getOnmousemove()
    return ComponentUtils.resolveString(getProperty(ONMOUSEMOVE_KEY));

   * Sets an onmousemove Javascript handler.
   * @param onmousemove  the new onmousemove value
  final public void setOnmousemove(String onmousemove)
    setProperty(ONMOUSEMOVE_KEY, (onmousemove));

   * Gets an onmouseout Javascript handler.
   * @return  the new onmouseout value
  final public String getOnmouseout()
    return ComponentUtils.resolveString(getProperty(ONMOUSEOUT_KEY));

   * Sets an onmouseout Javascript handler.
   * @param onmouseout  the new onmouseout value
  final public void setOnmouseout(String onmouseout)
    setProperty(ONMOUSEOUT_KEY, (onmouseout));

   * Gets an onkeypress Javascript handler.
   * @return  the new onkeypress value
  final public String getOnkeypress()
    return ComponentUtils.resolveString(getProperty(ONKEYPRESS_KEY));

   * Sets an onkeypress Javascript handler.
   * @param onkeypress  the new onkeypress value
  final public void setOnkeypress(String onkeypress)
    setProperty(ONKEYPRESS_KEY, (onkeypress));

   * Gets an onkeydown Javascript handler.
   * @return  the new onkeydown value
  final public String getOnkeydown()
    return ComponentUtils.resolveString(getProperty(ONKEYDOWN_KEY));

   * Sets an onkeydown Javascript handler.
   * @param onkeydown  the new onkeydown value
  final public void setOnkeydown(String onkeydown)
    setProperty(ONKEYDOWN_KEY, (onkeydown));

   * Gets an onkeyup Javascript handler.
   * @return  the new onkeyup value
  final public String getOnkeyup()
    return ComponentUtils.resolveString(getProperty(ONKEYUP_KEY));

   * Sets an onkeyup Javascript handler.
   * @param onkeyup  the new onkeyup value
  final public void setOnkeyup(String onkeyup)
    setProperty(ONKEYUP_KEY, (onkeyup));

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   * Gets the CSS styles to use for this component.
   * @return  the new inlineStyle value
  final public String getInlineStyle()
    return ComponentUtils.resolveString(getProperty(INLINE_STYLE_KEY));

   * Sets the CSS styles to use for this component.
   * @param inlineStyle  the new inlineStyle value
  final public void setInlineStyle(String inlineStyle)
    setProperty(INLINE_STYLE_KEY, (inlineStyle));

   * Gets a CSS style class to use for this component.
   * @return  the new styleClass value
  final public String getStyleClass()
    return ComponentUtils.resolveString(getProperty(STYLE_CLASS_KEY));

   * Sets a CSS style class to use for this component.
   * @param styleClass  the new styleClass value
  final public void setStyleClass(String styleClass)
    setProperty(STYLE_CLASS_KEY, (styleClass));

   * Gets The short description of the component. This text is commonly used by user agents to display tooltip help text.
   * @return  the new shortDesc value
  final public String getShortDesc()
    return ComponentUtils.resolveString(getProperty(SHORT_DESC_KEY));

   * Sets The short description of the component. This text is commonly used by user agents to display tooltip help text.
   * @param shortDesc  the new shortDesc value
  final public void setShortDesc(String shortDesc)
    setProperty(SHORT_DESC_KEY, (shortDesc));

   * Gets the IDs of the components that should trigger a partial update.
   *         <p>
   *         This component will listen on the trigger components. If one of the
   *         trigger components receives an event that will cause it to update
   *         in some way, this component will request to be updated too.</p>
   *         <p>
   *         Separate multiple triggers with a space. e.g., partialTriggers="cmp1 cmp2"
   *         </p>
   *         <p>
   *         Identifiers must account for NamingContainers.  You can use a single colon to start the search from the root,
   *         or use multiple colons to move up through the NamingContainer. For example,
   *         "::" will pop out of this component's naming container (it pops out of itself if it is a naming container), 
   *         ":::" will pop out of two naming containers, etc. The search for
   *         the partialTrigger begins from there. e.g., partialTriggers=":::commandButton1" the search begins for the 
   *         component with id = commandButton1 after popping out of two naming containers relative to this component.
   *         To go into naming containers, you separate the naming containers with ':', e.g.,partialTriggers= "nc1:nc2:nc3:componentId".</p>
   * @return  the new partialTriggers value
  final public String[] getPartialTriggers()
    return (String[])getProperty(PARTIAL_TRIGGERS_KEY);

   * Sets the IDs of the components that should trigger a partial update.
   *         <p>
   *         This component will listen on the trigger components. If one of the
   *         trigger components receives an event that will cause it to update
   *         in some way, this component will request to be updated too.</p>
   *         <p>
   *         Separate multiple triggers with a space. e.g., partialTriggers="cmp1 cmp2"
   *         </p>
   *         <p>
   *         Identifiers must account for NamingContainers.  You can use a single colon to start the search from the root,
   *         or use multiple colons to move up through the NamingContainer. For example,
   *         "::" will pop out of this component's naming container (it pops out of itself if it is a naming container), 
   *         ":::" will pop out of two naming containers, etc. The search for
   *         the partialTrigger begins from there. e.g., partialTriggers=":::commandButton1" the search begins for the 
   *         component with id = commandButton1 after popping out of two naming containers relative to this component.
   *         To go into naming containers, you separate the naming containers with ':', e.g.,partialTriggers= "nc1:nc2:nc3:componentId".</p>
   * @param partialTriggers  the new partialTriggers value
  final public void setPartialTriggers(String[] partialTriggers)
    setProperty(PARTIAL_TRIGGERS_KEY, (partialTriggers));

   * Gets an onclick Javascript handler.
   * @return  the new onclick value
  final public String getOnclick()
    return ComponentUtils.resolveString(getProperty(ONCLICK_KEY));

   * Sets an onclick Javascript handler.
   * @param onclick  the new onclick value
  final public void setOnclick(String onclick)
    setProperty(ONCLICK_KEY, (onclick));

   * Gets an ondblclick Javascript handler.
   * @return  the new ondblclick value
  final public String getOndblclick()
    return ComponentUtils.resolveString(getProperty(ONDBLCLICK_KEY));

   * Sets an ondblclick Javascript handler.
   * @param ondblclick  the new ondblclick value
  final public void setOndblclick(String ondblclick)
    setProperty(ONDBLCLICK_KEY, (ondblclick));

   * Gets an onmousedown Javascript handler.
   * @return  the new onmousedown value
  final public String getOnmousedown()
    return ComponentUtils.resolveString(getProperty(ONMOUSEDOWN_KEY));

   * Sets an onmousedown Javascript handler.
   * @param onmousedown  the new onmousedown value
  final public void setOnmousedown(String onmousedown)
    setProperty(ONMOUSEDOWN_KEY, (onmousedown));

   * Gets an onmouseup Javascript handler.
   * @return  the new onmouseup value
  final public String getOnmouseup()
    return ComponentUtils.resolveString(getProperty(ONMOUSEUP_KEY));

   * Sets an onmouseup Javascript handler.
   * @param onmouseup  the new onmouseup value
  final public void setOnmouseup(String onmouseup)
    setProperty(ONMOUSEUP_KEY, (onmouseup));

   * Gets an onmouseover Javascript handler.
   * @return  the new onmouseover value
  final public String getOnmouseover()
    return ComponentUtils.resolveString(getProperty(ONMOUSEOVER_KEY));

   * Sets an onmouseover Javascript handler.
   * @param onmouseover  the new onmouseover value
  final public void setOnmouseover(String onmouseover)
    setProperty(ONMOUSEOVER_KEY, (onmouseover));

   * Gets an onmousemove Javascript handler.
   * @return  the new onmousemove value
  final public String getOnmousemove()
    return ComponentUtils.resolveString(getProperty(ONMOUSEMOVE_KEY));

   * Sets an onmousemove Javascript handler.
   * @param onmousemove  the new onmousemove value
  final public void setOnmousemove(String onmousemove)
    setProperty(ONMOUSEMOVE_KEY, (onmousemove));

   * Gets an onmouseout Javascript handler.
   * @return  the new onmouseout value
  final public String getOnmouseout()
    return ComponentUtils.resolveString(getProperty(ONMOUSEOUT_KEY));

   * Sets an onmouseout Javascript handler.
   * @param onmouseout  the new onmouseout value
  final public void setOnmouseout(String onmouseout)
    setProperty(ONMOUSEOUT_KEY, (onmouseout));

   * Gets an onkeypress Javascript handler.
   * @return  the new onkeypress value
  final public String getOnkeypress()
    return ComponentUtils.resolveString(getProperty(ONKEYPRESS_KEY));

   * Sets an onkeypress Javascript handler.
   * @param onkeypress  the new onkeypress value
  final public void setOnkeypress(String onkeypress)
    setProperty(ONKEYPRESS_KEY, (onkeypress));

   * Gets an onkeydown Javascript handler.
   * @return  the new onkeydown value
  final public String getOnkeydown()
    return ComponentUtils.resolveString(getProperty(ONKEYDOWN_KEY));

   * Sets an onkeydown Javascript handler.
   * @param onkeydown  the new onkeydown value
  final public void setOnkeydown(String onkeydown)
    setProperty(ONKEYDOWN_KEY, (onkeydown));

   * Gets an onkeyup Javascript handler.
   * @return  the new onkeyup value
  final public String getOnkeyup()
    return ComponentUtils.resolveString(getProperty(ONKEYUP_KEY));

   * Sets an onkeyup Javascript handler.
   * @param onkeyup  the new onkeyup value
  final public void setOnkeyup(String onkeyup)
    setProperty(ONKEYUP_KEY, (onkeyup));

   * Gets Indicates whether a minimum of one detail item must be
   * disclosed at a time.  Use "false" (the default) to keep a minimum of one
   * detail item disclosed at all times.  Use "true" to make it possible for
   * all items to be collapsed.
   * @return  the new discloseNone value
  final public boolean isDiscloseNone()

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    setProperty(INNER_RIGHT_WIDTH_KEY, (innerRightWidth));

   * Gets the CSS styles to use for this component.
   * @return  the new inlineStyle value
  final public String getInlineStyle()
    return ComponentUtils.resolveString(getProperty(INLINE_STYLE_KEY));

   * Sets the CSS styles to use for this component.
   * @param inlineStyle  the new inlineStyle value
  final public void setInlineStyle(String inlineStyle)
    setProperty(INLINE_STYLE_KEY, (inlineStyle));

   * Gets a CSS style class to use for this component.
   * @return  the new styleClass value
  final public String getStyleClass()
    return ComponentUtils.resolveString(getProperty(STYLE_CLASS_KEY));

   * Sets a CSS style class to use for this component.
   * @param styleClass  the new styleClass value
  final public void setStyleClass(String styleClass)
    setProperty(STYLE_CLASS_KEY, (styleClass));

   * Gets The short description of the component. This text is commonly used by user agents to display tooltip help text.
   * @return  the new shortDesc value
  final public String getShortDesc()
    return ComponentUtils.resolveString(getProperty(SHORT_DESC_KEY));

   * Sets The short description of the component. This text is commonly used by user agents to display tooltip help text.
   * @param shortDesc  the new shortDesc value
  final public void setShortDesc(String shortDesc)
    setProperty(SHORT_DESC_KEY, (shortDesc));

   * Gets the IDs of the components that should trigger a partial update.
   *         <p>
   *         This component will listen on the trigger components. If one of the
   *         trigger components receives an event that will cause it to update
   *         in some way, this component will request to be updated too.</p>
   *         <p>
   *         Separate multiple triggers with a space. e.g., partialTriggers="cmp1 cmp2"
   *         </p>
   *         <p>
   *         Identifiers must account for NamingContainers.  You can use a single colon to start the search from the root,
   *         or use multiple colons to move up through the NamingContainer. For example,
   *         "::" will pop out of this component's naming container (it pops out of itself if it is a naming container), 
   *         ":::" will pop out of two naming containers, etc. The search for
   *         the partialTrigger begins from there. e.g., partialTriggers=":::commandButton1" the search begins for the 
   *         component with id = commandButton1 after popping out of two naming containers relative to this component.
   *         To go into naming containers, you separate the naming containers with ':', e.g.,partialTriggers= "nc1:nc2:nc3:componentId".</p>
   * @return  the new partialTriggers value
  final public String[] getPartialTriggers()
    return (String[])getProperty(PARTIAL_TRIGGERS_KEY);

   * Sets the IDs of the components that should trigger a partial update.
   *         <p>
   *         This component will listen on the trigger components. If one of the
   *         trigger components receives an event that will cause it to update
   *         in some way, this component will request to be updated too.</p>
   *         <p>
   *         Separate multiple triggers with a space. e.g., partialTriggers="cmp1 cmp2"
   *         </p>
   *         <p>
   *         Identifiers must account for NamingContainers.  You can use a single colon to start the search from the root,
   *         or use multiple colons to move up through the NamingContainer. For example,
   *         "::" will pop out of this component's naming container (it pops out of itself if it is a naming container), 
   *         ":::" will pop out of two naming containers, etc. The search for
   *         the partialTrigger begins from there. e.g., partialTriggers=":::commandButton1" the search begins for the 
   *         component with id = commandButton1 after popping out of two naming containers relative to this component.
   *         To go into naming containers, you separate the naming containers with ':', e.g.,partialTriggers= "nc1:nc2:nc3:componentId".</p>
   * @param partialTriggers  the new partialTriggers value
  final public void setPartialTriggers(String[] partialTriggers)
    setProperty(PARTIAL_TRIGGERS_KEY, (partialTriggers));

   * Gets an onclick Javascript handler.
   * @return  the new onclick value
  final public String getOnclick()
    return ComponentUtils.resolveString(getProperty(ONCLICK_KEY));

   * Sets an onclick Javascript handler.
   * @param onclick  the new onclick value
  final public void setOnclick(String onclick)
    setProperty(ONCLICK_KEY, (onclick));

   * Gets an ondblclick Javascript handler.
   * @return  the new ondblclick value
  final public String getOndblclick()
    return ComponentUtils.resolveString(getProperty(ONDBLCLICK_KEY));

   * Sets an ondblclick Javascript handler.
   * @param ondblclick  the new ondblclick value
  final public void setOndblclick(String ondblclick)
    setProperty(ONDBLCLICK_KEY, (ondblclick));

   * Gets an onmousedown Javascript handler.
   * @return  the new onmousedown value
  final public String getOnmousedown()
    return ComponentUtils.resolveString(getProperty(ONMOUSEDOWN_KEY));

   * Sets an onmousedown Javascript handler.
   * @param onmousedown  the new onmousedown value
  final public void setOnmousedown(String onmousedown)
    setProperty(ONMOUSEDOWN_KEY, (onmousedown));

   * Gets an onmouseup Javascript handler.
   * @return  the new onmouseup value
  final public String getOnmouseup()
    return ComponentUtils.resolveString(getProperty(ONMOUSEUP_KEY));

   * Sets an onmouseup Javascript handler.
   * @param onmouseup  the new onmouseup value
  final public void setOnmouseup(String onmouseup)
    setProperty(ONMOUSEUP_KEY, (onmouseup));

   * Gets an onmouseover Javascript handler.
   * @return  the new onmouseover value
  final public String getOnmouseover()
    return ComponentUtils.resolveString(getProperty(ONMOUSEOVER_KEY));

   * Sets an onmouseover Javascript handler.
   * @param onmouseover  the new onmouseover value
  final public void setOnmouseover(String onmouseover)
    setProperty(ONMOUSEOVER_KEY, (onmouseover));

   * Gets an onmousemove Javascript handler.
   * @return  the new onmousemove value
  final public String getOnmousemove()
    return ComponentUtils.resolveString(getProperty(ONMOUSEMOVE_KEY));

   * Sets an onmousemove Javascript handler.
   * @param onmousemove  the new onmousemove value
  final public void setOnmousemove(String onmousemove)
    setProperty(ONMOUSEMOVE_KEY, (onmousemove));

   * Gets an onmouseout Javascript handler.
   * @return  the new onmouseout value
  final public String getOnmouseout()
    return ComponentUtils.resolveString(getProperty(ONMOUSEOUT_KEY));

   * Sets an onmouseout Javascript handler.
   * @param onmouseout  the new onmouseout value
  final public void setOnmouseout(String onmouseout)
    setProperty(ONMOUSEOUT_KEY, (onmouseout));

   * Gets an onkeypress Javascript handler.
   * @return  the new onkeypress value
  final public String getOnkeypress()
    return ComponentUtils.resolveString(getProperty(ONKEYPRESS_KEY));

   * Sets an onkeypress Javascript handler.
   * @param onkeypress  the new onkeypress value
  final public void setOnkeypress(String onkeypress)
    setProperty(ONKEYPRESS_KEY, (onkeypress));

   * Gets an onkeydown Javascript handler.
   * @return  the new onkeydown value
  final public String getOnkeydown()
    return ComponentUtils.resolveString(getProperty(ONKEYDOWN_KEY));

   * Sets an onkeydown Javascript handler.
   * @param onkeydown  the new onkeydown value
  final public void setOnkeydown(String onkeydown)
    setProperty(ONKEYDOWN_KEY, (onkeydown));

   * Gets an onkeyup Javascript handler.
   * @return  the new onkeyup value
  final public String getOnkeyup()
    return ComponentUtils.resolveString(getProperty(ONKEYUP_KEY));

   * Sets an onkeyup Javascript handler.
   * @param onkeyup  the new onkeyup value
  final public void setOnkeyup(String onkeyup)
    setProperty(ONKEYUP_KEY, (onkeyup));

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   * Gets the CSS styles to use for this component.
   * @return  the new inlineStyle value
  final public String getInlineStyle()
    return ComponentUtils.resolveString(getProperty(INLINE_STYLE_KEY));

   * Sets the CSS styles to use for this component.
   * @param inlineStyle  the new inlineStyle value
  final public void setInlineStyle(String inlineStyle)
    setProperty(INLINE_STYLE_KEY, (inlineStyle));

   * Gets a CSS style class to use for this component.
   * @return  the new styleClass value
  final public String getStyleClass()
    return ComponentUtils.resolveString(getProperty(STYLE_CLASS_KEY));

   * Sets a CSS style class to use for this component.
   * @param styleClass  the new styleClass value
  final public void setStyleClass(String styleClass)
    setProperty(STYLE_CLASS_KEY, (styleClass));

   * Gets The short description of the component. This text is commonly used by user agents to display tooltip help text.
   * @return  the new shortDesc value
  final public String getShortDesc()
    return ComponentUtils.resolveString(getProperty(SHORT_DESC_KEY));

   * Sets The short description of the component. This text is commonly used by user agents to display tooltip help text.
   * @param shortDesc  the new shortDesc value
  final public void setShortDesc(String shortDesc)
    setProperty(SHORT_DESC_KEY, (shortDesc));

   * Gets the IDs of the components that should trigger a partial update.
   *         <p>
   *         This component will listen on the trigger components. If one of the
   *         trigger components receives an event that will cause it to update
   *         in some way, this component will request to be updated too.</p>
   *         <p>
   *         Separate multiple triggers with a space. e.g., partialTriggers="cmp1 cmp2"
   *         </p>
   *         <p>
   *         Identifiers must account for NamingContainers.  You can use a single colon to start the search from the root,
   *         or use multiple colons to move up through the NamingContainer. For example,
   *         "::" will pop out of this component's naming container (it pops out of itself if it is a naming container), 
   *         ":::" will pop out of two naming containers, etc. The search for
   *         the partialTrigger begins from there. e.g., partialTriggers=":::commandButton1" the search begins for the 
   *         component with id = commandButton1 after popping out of two naming containers relative to this component.
   *         To go into naming containers, you separate the naming containers with ':', e.g.,partialTriggers= "nc1:nc2:nc3:componentId".</p>
   * @return  the new partialTriggers value
  final public String[] getPartialTriggers()
    return (String[])getProperty(PARTIAL_TRIGGERS_KEY);

   * Sets the IDs of the components that should trigger a partial update.
   *         <p>
   *         This component will listen on the trigger components. If one of the
   *         trigger components receives an event that will cause it to update
   *         in some way, this component will request to be updated too.</p>
   *         <p>
   *         Separate multiple triggers with a space. e.g., partialTriggers="cmp1 cmp2"
   *         </p>
   *         <p>
   *         Identifiers must account for NamingContainers.  You can use a single colon to start the search from the root,
   *         or use multiple colons to move up through the NamingContainer. For example,
   *         "::" will pop out of this component's naming container (it pops out of itself if it is a naming container), 
   *         ":::" will pop out of two naming containers, etc. The search for
   *         the partialTrigger begins from there. e.g., partialTriggers=":::commandButton1" the search begins for the 
   *         component with id = commandButton1 after popping out of two naming containers relative to this component.
   *         To go into naming containers, you separate the naming containers with ':', e.g.,partialTriggers= "nc1:nc2:nc3:componentId".</p>
   * @param partialTriggers  the new partialTriggers value
  final public void setPartialTriggers(String[] partialTriggers)
    setProperty(PARTIAL_TRIGGERS_KEY, (partialTriggers));

   * Gets an onclick Javascript handler.
   * @return  the new onclick value
  final public String getOnclick()
    return ComponentUtils.resolveString(getProperty(ONCLICK_KEY));

   * Sets an onclick Javascript handler.
   * @param onclick  the new onclick value
  final public void setOnclick(String onclick)
    setProperty(ONCLICK_KEY, (onclick));

   * Gets an ondblclick Javascript handler.
   * @return  the new ondblclick value
  final public String getOndblclick()
    return ComponentUtils.resolveString(getProperty(ONDBLCLICK_KEY));

   * Sets an ondblclick Javascript handler.
   * @param ondblclick  the new ondblclick value
  final public void setOndblclick(String ondblclick)
    setProperty(ONDBLCLICK_KEY, (ondblclick));

   * Gets an onmousedown Javascript handler.
   * @return  the new onmousedown value
  final public String getOnmousedown()
    return ComponentUtils.resolveString(getProperty(ONMOUSEDOWN_KEY));

   * Sets an onmousedown Javascript handler.
   * @param onmousedown  the new onmousedown value
  final public void setOnmousedown(String onmousedown)
    setProperty(ONMOUSEDOWN_KEY, (onmousedown));

   * Gets an onmouseup Javascript handler.
   * @return  the new onmouseup value
  final public String getOnmouseup()
    return ComponentUtils.resolveString(getProperty(ONMOUSEUP_KEY));

   * Sets an onmouseup Javascript handler.
   * @param onmouseup  the new onmouseup value
  final public void setOnmouseup(String onmouseup)
    setProperty(ONMOUSEUP_KEY, (onmouseup));

   * Gets an onmouseover Javascript handler.
   * @return  the new onmouseover value
  final public String getOnmouseover()
    return ComponentUtils.resolveString(getProperty(ONMOUSEOVER_KEY));

   * Sets an onmouseover Javascript handler.
   * @param onmouseover  the new onmouseover value
  final public void setOnmouseover(String onmouseover)
    setProperty(ONMOUSEOVER_KEY, (onmouseover));

   * Gets an onmousemove Javascript handler.
   * @return  the new onmousemove value
  final public String getOnmousemove()
    return ComponentUtils.resolveString(getProperty(ONMOUSEMOVE_KEY));

   * Sets an onmousemove Javascript handler.
   * @param onmousemove  the new onmousemove value
  final public void setOnmousemove(String onmousemove)
    setProperty(ONMOUSEMOVE_KEY, (onmousemove));

   * Gets an onmouseout Javascript handler.
   * @return  the new onmouseout value
  final public String getOnmouseout()
    return ComponentUtils.resolveString(getProperty(ONMOUSEOUT_KEY));

   * Sets an onmouseout Javascript handler.
   * @param onmouseout  the new onmouseout value
  final public void setOnmouseout(String onmouseout)
    setProperty(ONMOUSEOUT_KEY, (onmouseout));

   * Gets an onkeypress Javascript handler.
   * @return  the new onkeypress value
  final public String getOnkeypress()
    return ComponentUtils.resolveString(getProperty(ONKEYPRESS_KEY));

   * Sets an onkeypress Javascript handler.
   * @param onkeypress  the new onkeypress value
  final public void setOnkeypress(String onkeypress)
    setProperty(ONKEYPRESS_KEY, (onkeypress));

   * Gets an onkeydown Javascript handler.
   * @return  the new onkeydown value
  final public String getOnkeydown()
    return ComponentUtils.resolveString(getProperty(ONKEYDOWN_KEY));

   * Sets an onkeydown Javascript handler.
   * @param onkeydown  the new onkeydown value
  final public void setOnkeydown(String onkeydown)
    setProperty(ONKEYDOWN_KEY, (onkeydown));

   * Gets an onkeyup Javascript handler.
   * @return  the new onkeyup value
  final public String getOnkeyup()
    return ComponentUtils.resolveString(getProperty(ONKEYUP_KEY));

   * Sets an onkeyup Javascript handler.
   * @param onkeyup  the new onkeyup value
  final public void setOnkeyup(String onkeyup)
    setProperty(ONKEYUP_KEY, (onkeyup));

   * Gets Indicates whether a minimum of one detail item must be
   * disclosed at a time.  Use "false" (the default) to keep a minimum of one
   * detail item disclosed at all times.  Use "true" to make it possible for
   * all items to be collapsed.
   * @return  the new discloseNone value
  final public boolean isDiscloseNone()

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    setProperty(INNER_RIGHT_WIDTH_KEY, (innerRightWidth));

   * Gets the CSS styles to use for this component.
   * @return  the new inlineStyle value
  final public String getInlineStyle()
    return ComponentUtils.resolveString(getProperty(INLINE_STYLE_KEY));

   * Sets the CSS styles to use for this component.
   * @param inlineStyle  the new inlineStyle value
  final public void setInlineStyle(String inlineStyle)
    setProperty(INLINE_STYLE_KEY, (inlineStyle));

   * Gets a CSS style class to use for this component.
   * @return  the new styleClass value
  final public String getStyleClass()
    return ComponentUtils.resolveString(getProperty(STYLE_CLASS_KEY));

   * Sets a CSS style class to use for this component.
   * @param styleClass  the new styleClass value
  final public void setStyleClass(String styleClass)
    setProperty(STYLE_CLASS_KEY, (styleClass));

   * Gets The short description of the component. This text is commonly used by user agents to display tooltip help text.
   * @return  the new shortDesc value
  final public String getShortDesc()
    return ComponentUtils.resolveString(getProperty(SHORT_DESC_KEY));

   * Sets The short description of the component. This text is commonly used by user agents to display tooltip help text.
   * @param shortDesc  the new shortDesc value
  final public void setShortDesc(String shortDesc)
    setProperty(SHORT_DESC_KEY, (shortDesc));

   * Gets the IDs of the components that should trigger a partial update.
   *         <p>
   *         This component will listen on the trigger components. If one of the
   *         trigger components receives an event that will cause it to update
   *         in some way, this component will request to be updated too.</p>
   *         <p>
   *         Separate multiple triggers with a space. e.g., partialTriggers="cmp1 cmp2"
   *         </p>
   *         <p>
   *         Identifiers must account for NamingContainers.  You can use a single colon to start the search from the root,
   *         or use multiple colons to move up through the NamingContainer. For example,
   *         "::" will pop out of this component's naming container (it pops out of itself if it is a naming container), 
   *         ":::" will pop out of two naming containers, etc. The search for
   *         the partialTrigger begins from there. e.g., partialTriggers=":::commandButton1" the search begins for the 
   *         component with id = commandButton1 after popping out of two naming containers relative to this component.
   *         To go into naming containers, you separate the naming containers with ':', e.g.,partialTriggers= "nc1:nc2:nc3:componentId".</p>
   * @return  the new partialTriggers value
  final public String[] getPartialTriggers()
    return (String[])getProperty(PARTIAL_TRIGGERS_KEY);

   * Sets the IDs of the components that should trigger a partial update.
   *         <p>
   *         This component will listen on the trigger components. If one of the
   *         trigger components receives an event that will cause it to update
   *         in some way, this component will request to be updated too.</p>
   *         <p>
   *         Separate multiple triggers with a space. e.g., partialTriggers="cmp1 cmp2"
   *         </p>
   *         <p>
   *         Identifiers must account for NamingContainers.  You can use a single colon to start the search from the root,
   *         or use multiple colons to move up through the NamingContainer. For example,
   *         "::" will pop out of this component's naming container (it pops out of itself if it is a naming container), 
   *         ":::" will pop out of two naming containers, etc. The search for
   *         the partialTrigger begins from there. e.g., partialTriggers=":::commandButton1" the search begins for the 
   *         component with id = commandButton1 after popping out of two naming containers relative to this component.
   *         To go into naming containers, you separate the naming containers with ':', e.g.,partialTriggers= "nc1:nc2:nc3:componentId".</p>
   * @param partialTriggers  the new partialTriggers value
  final public void setPartialTriggers(String[] partialTriggers)
    setProperty(PARTIAL_TRIGGERS_KEY, (partialTriggers));

   * Gets an onclick Javascript handler.
   * @return  the new onclick value
  final public String getOnclick()
    return ComponentUtils.resolveString(getProperty(ONCLICK_KEY));

   * Sets an onclick Javascript handler.
   * @param onclick  the new onclick value
  final public void setOnclick(String onclick)
    setProperty(ONCLICK_KEY, (onclick));

   * Gets an ondblclick Javascript handler.
   * @return  the new ondblclick value
  final public String getOndblclick()
    return ComponentUtils.resolveString(getProperty(ONDBLCLICK_KEY));

   * Sets an ondblclick Javascript handler.
   * @param ondblclick  the new ondblclick value
  final public void setOndblclick(String ondblclick)
    setProperty(ONDBLCLICK_KEY, (ondblclick));

   * Gets an onmousedown Javascript handler.
   * @return  the new onmousedown value
  final public String getOnmousedown()
    return ComponentUtils.resolveString(getProperty(ONMOUSEDOWN_KEY));

   * Sets an onmousedown Javascript handler.
   * @param onmousedown  the new onmousedown value
  final public void setOnmousedown(String onmousedown)
    setProperty(ONMOUSEDOWN_KEY, (onmousedown));

   * Gets an onmouseup Javascript handler.
   * @return  the new onmouseup value
  final public String getOnmouseup()
    return ComponentUtils.resolveString(getProperty(ONMOUSEUP_KEY));

   * Sets an onmouseup Javascript handler.
   * @param onmouseup  the new onmouseup value
  final public void setOnmouseup(String onmouseup)
    setProperty(ONMOUSEUP_KEY, (onmouseup));

   * Gets an onmouseover Javascript handler.
   * @return  the new onmouseover value
  final public String getOnmouseover()
    return ComponentUtils.resolveString(getProperty(ONMOUSEOVER_KEY));

   * Sets an onmouseover Javascript handler.
   * @param onmouseover  the new onmouseover value
  final public void setOnmouseover(String onmouseover)
    setProperty(ONMOUSEOVER_KEY, (onmouseover));

   * Gets an onmousemove Javascript handler.
   * @return  the new onmousemove value
  final public String getOnmousemove()
    return ComponentUtils.resolveString(getProperty(ONMOUSEMOVE_KEY));

   * Sets an onmousemove Javascript handler.
   * @param onmousemove  the new onmousemove value
  final public void setOnmousemove(String onmousemove)
    setProperty(ONMOUSEMOVE_KEY, (onmousemove));

   * Gets an onmouseout Javascript handler.
   * @return  the new onmouseout value
  final public String getOnmouseout()
    return ComponentUtils.resolveString(getProperty(ONMOUSEOUT_KEY));

   * Sets an onmouseout Javascript handler.
   * @param onmouseout  the new onmouseout value
  final public void setOnmouseout(String onmouseout)
    setProperty(ONMOUSEOUT_KEY, (onmouseout));

   * Gets an onkeypress Javascript handler.
   * @return  the new onkeypress value
  final public String getOnkeypress()
    return ComponentUtils.resolveString(getProperty(ONKEYPRESS_KEY));

   * Sets an onkeypress Javascript handler.
   * @param onkeypress  the new onkeypress value
  final public void setOnkeypress(String onkeypress)
    setProperty(ONKEYPRESS_KEY, (onkeypress));

   * Gets an onkeydown Javascript handler.
   * @return  the new onkeydown value
  final public String getOnkeydown()
    return ComponentUtils.resolveString(getProperty(ONKEYDOWN_KEY));

   * Sets an onkeydown Javascript handler.
   * @param onkeydown  the new onkeydown value
  final public void setOnkeydown(String onkeydown)
    setProperty(ONKEYDOWN_KEY, (onkeydown));

   * Gets an onkeyup Javascript handler.
   * @return  the new onkeyup value
  final public String getOnkeyup()
    return ComponentUtils.resolveString(getProperty(ONKEYUP_KEY));

   * Sets an onkeyup Javascript handler.
   * @param onkeyup  the new onkeyup value
  final public void setOnkeyup(String onkeyup)
    setProperty(ONKEYUP_KEY, (onkeyup));

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   * Gets the CSS styles to use for this component.
   * @return  the new inlineStyle value
  final public String getInlineStyle()
    return ComponentUtils.resolveString(getProperty(INLINE_STYLE_KEY));

   * Sets the CSS styles to use for this component.
   * @param inlineStyle  the new inlineStyle value
  final public void setInlineStyle(String inlineStyle)
    setProperty(INLINE_STYLE_KEY, (inlineStyle));

   * Gets a CSS style class to use for this component.
   * @return  the new styleClass value
  final public String getStyleClass()
    return ComponentUtils.resolveString(getProperty(STYLE_CLASS_KEY));

   * Sets a CSS style class to use for this component.
   * @param styleClass  the new styleClass value
  final public void setStyleClass(String styleClass)
    setProperty(STYLE_CLASS_KEY, (styleClass));

   * Gets The short description of the component. This text is commonly used by user agents to display tooltip help text.
   * @return  the new shortDesc value
  final public String getShortDesc()
    return ComponentUtils.resolveString(getProperty(SHORT_DESC_KEY));

   * Sets The short description of the component. This text is commonly used by user agents to display tooltip help text.
   * @param shortDesc  the new shortDesc value
  final public void setShortDesc(String shortDesc)
    setProperty(SHORT_DESC_KEY, (shortDesc));

   * Gets the IDs of the components that should trigger a partial update.
   *         <p>
   *         This component will listen on the trigger components. If one of the
   *         trigger components receives an event that will cause it to update
   *         in some way, this component will request to be updated too.</p>
   *         <p>
   *         Separate multiple triggers with a space. e.g., partialTriggers="cmp1 cmp2"
   *         </p>
   *         <p>
   *         Identifiers must account for NamingContainers.  You can use a single colon to start the search from the root,
   *         or use multiple colons to move up through the NamingContainer. For example,
   *         "::" will pop out of this component's naming container (it pops out of itself if it is a naming container), 
   *         ":::" will pop out of two naming containers, etc. The search for
   *         the partialTrigger begins from there. e.g., partialTriggers=":::commandButton1" the search begins for the 
   *         component with id = commandButton1 after popping out of two naming containers relative to this component.
   *         To go into naming containers, you separate the naming containers with ':', e.g.,partialTriggers= "nc1:nc2:nc3:componentId".</p>
   * @return  the new partialTriggers value
  final public String[] getPartialTriggers()
    return (String[])getProperty(PARTIAL_TRIGGERS_KEY);

   * Sets the IDs of the components that should trigger a partial update.
   *         <p>
   *         This component will listen on the trigger components. If one of the
   *         trigger components receives an event that will cause it to update
   *         in some way, this component will request to be updated too.</p>
   *         <p>
   *         Separate multiple triggers with a space. e.g., partialTriggers="cmp1 cmp2"
   *         </p>
   *         <p>
   *         Identifiers must account for NamingContainers.  You can use a single colon to start the search from the root,
   *         or use multiple colons to move up through the NamingContainer. For example,
   *         "::" will pop out of this component's naming container (it pops out of itself if it is a naming container), 
   *         ":::" will pop out of two naming containers, etc. The search for
   *         the partialTrigger begins from there. e.g., partialTriggers=":::commandButton1" the search begins for the 
   *         component with id = commandButton1 after popping out of two naming containers relative to this component.
   *         To go into naming containers, you separate the naming containers with ':', e.g.,partialTriggers= "nc1:nc2:nc3:componentId".</p>
   * @param partialTriggers  the new partialTriggers value
  final public void setPartialTriggers(String[] partialTriggers)
    setProperty(PARTIAL_TRIGGERS_KEY, (partialTriggers));

   * Gets an onclick Javascript handler.
   * @return  the new onclick value
  final public String getOnclick()
    return ComponentUtils.resolveString(getProperty(ONCLICK_KEY));

   * Sets an onclick Javascript handler.
   * @param onclick  the new onclick value
  final public void setOnclick(String onclick)
    setProperty(ONCLICK_KEY, (onclick));

   * Gets an ondblclick Javascript handler.
   * @return  the new ondblclick value
  final public String getOndblclick()
    return ComponentUtils.resolveString(getProperty(ONDBLCLICK_KEY));

   * Sets an ondblclick Javascript handler.
   * @param ondblclick  the new ondblclick value
  final public void setOndblclick(String ondblclick)
    setProperty(ONDBLCLICK_KEY, (ondblclick));

   * Gets an onmousedown Javascript handler.
   * @return  the new onmousedown value
  final public String getOnmousedown()
    return ComponentUtils.resolveString(getProperty(ONMOUSEDOWN_KEY));

   * Sets an onmousedown Javascript handler.
   * @param onmousedown  the new onmousedown value
  final public void setOnmousedown(String onmousedown)
    setProperty(ONMOUSEDOWN_KEY, (onmousedown));

   * Gets an onmouseup Javascript handler.
   * @return  the new onmouseup value
  final public String getOnmouseup()
    return ComponentUtils.resolveString(getProperty(ONMOUSEUP_KEY));

   * Sets an onmouseup Javascript handler.
   * @param onmouseup  the new onmouseup value
  final public void setOnmouseup(String onmouseup)
    setProperty(ONMOUSEUP_KEY, (onmouseup));

   * Gets an onmouseover Javascript handler.
   * @return  the new onmouseover value
  final public String getOnmouseover()
    return ComponentUtils.resolveString(getProperty(ONMOUSEOVER_KEY));

   * Sets an onmouseover Javascript handler.
   * @param onmouseover  the new onmouseover value
  final public void setOnmouseover(String onmouseover)
    setProperty(ONMOUSEOVER_KEY, (onmouseover));

   * Gets an onmousemove Javascript handler.
   * @return  the new onmousemove value
  final public String getOnmousemove()
    return ComponentUtils.resolveString(getProperty(ONMOUSEMOVE_KEY));

   * Sets an onmousemove Javascript handler.
   * @param onmousemove  the new onmousemove value
  final public void setOnmousemove(String onmousemove)
    setProperty(ONMOUSEMOVE_KEY, (onmousemove));

   * Gets an onmouseout Javascript handler.
   * @return  the new onmouseout value
  final public String getOnmouseout()
    return ComponentUtils.resolveString(getProperty(ONMOUSEOUT_KEY));

   * Sets an onmouseout Javascript handler.
   * @param onmouseout  the new onmouseout value
  final public void setOnmouseout(String onmouseout)
    setProperty(ONMOUSEOUT_KEY, (onmouseout));

   * Gets an onkeypress Javascript handler.
   * @return  the new onkeypress value
  final public String getOnkeypress()
    return ComponentUtils.resolveString(getProperty(ONKEYPRESS_KEY));

   * Sets an onkeypress Javascript handler.
   * @param onkeypress  the new onkeypress value
  final public void setOnkeypress(String onkeypress)
    setProperty(ONKEYPRESS_KEY, (onkeypress));

   * Gets an onkeydown Javascript handler.
   * @return  the new onkeydown value
  final public String getOnkeydown()
    return ComponentUtils.resolveString(getProperty(ONKEYDOWN_KEY));

   * Sets an onkeydown Javascript handler.
   * @param onkeydown  the new onkeydown value
  final public void setOnkeydown(String onkeydown)
    setProperty(ONKEYDOWN_KEY, (onkeydown));

   * Gets an onkeyup Javascript handler.
   * @return  the new onkeyup value
  final public String getOnkeyup()
    return ComponentUtils.resolveString(getProperty(ONKEYUP_KEY));

   * Sets an onkeyup Javascript handler.
   * @param onkeyup  the new onkeyup value
  final public void setOnkeyup(String onkeyup)
    setProperty(ONKEYUP_KEY, (onkeyup));

   * Gets Indicates whether a minimum of one detail item must be
   * disclosed at a time.  Use "false" (the default) to keep a minimum of one
   * detail item disclosed at all times.  Use "true" to make it possible for
   * all items to be collapsed.
   * @return  the new discloseNone value
  final public boolean isDiscloseNone()

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    setProperty(ONCHANGE_KEY, (onchange));

   * Gets the CSS styles to use for this component.
   * @return  the new inlineStyle value
  final public String getInlineStyle()
    return ComponentUtils.resolveString(getProperty(INLINE_STYLE_KEY));

   * Sets the CSS styles to use for this component.
   * @param inlineStyle  the new inlineStyle value
  final public void setInlineStyle(String inlineStyle)
    setProperty(INLINE_STYLE_KEY, (inlineStyle));

   * Gets a CSS style class to use for this component.
   * @return  the new styleClass value
  final public String getStyleClass()
    return ComponentUtils.resolveString(getProperty(STYLE_CLASS_KEY));

   * Sets a CSS style class to use for this component.
   * @param styleClass  the new styleClass value
  final public void setStyleClass(String styleClass)
    setProperty(STYLE_CLASS_KEY, (styleClass));

   * Gets The short description of the component. This text is commonly used by user agents to display tooltip help text.
   * @return  the new shortDesc value
  final public String getShortDesc()
    return ComponentUtils.resolveString(getProperty(SHORT_DESC_KEY));

   * Sets The short description of the component. This text is commonly used by user agents to display tooltip help text.
   * @param shortDesc  the new shortDesc value
  final public void setShortDesc(String shortDesc)
    setProperty(SHORT_DESC_KEY, (shortDesc));

   * Gets the IDs of the components that should trigger a partial update.
   *         <p>
   *         This component will listen on the trigger components. If one of the
   *         trigger components receives an event that will cause it to update
   *         in some way, this component will request to be updated too.</p>
   *         <p>
   *         Separate multiple triggers with a space. e.g., partialTriggers="cmp1 cmp2"
   *         </p>
   *         <p>
   *         Identifiers must account for NamingContainers.  You can use a single colon to start the search from the root,
   *         or use multiple colons to move up through the NamingContainer. For example,
   *         "::" will pop out of this component's naming container (it pops out of itself if it is a naming container), 
   *         ":::" will pop out of two naming containers, etc. The search for
   *         the partialTrigger begins from there. e.g., partialTriggers=":::commandButton1" the search begins for the 
   *         component with id = commandButton1 after popping out of two naming containers relative to this component.
   *         To go into naming containers, you separate the naming containers with ':', e.g.,partialTriggers= "nc1:nc2:nc3:componentId".</p>
   * @return  the new partialTriggers value
  final public String[] getPartialTriggers()
    return (String[])getProperty(PARTIAL_TRIGGERS_KEY);

   * Sets the IDs of the components that should trigger a partial update.
   *         <p>
   *         This component will listen on the trigger components. If one of the
   *         trigger components receives an event that will cause it to update
   *         in some way, this component will request to be updated too.</p>
   *         <p>
   *         Separate multiple triggers with a space. e.g., partialTriggers="cmp1 cmp2"
   *         </p>
   *         <p>
   *         Identifiers must account for NamingContainers.  You can use a single colon to start the search from the root,
   *         or use multiple colons to move up through the NamingContainer. For example,
   *         "::" will pop out of this component's naming container (it pops out of itself if it is a naming container), 
   *         ":::" will pop out of two naming containers, etc. The search for
   *         the partialTrigger begins from there. e.g., partialTriggers=":::commandButton1" the search begins for the 
   *         component with id = commandButton1 after popping out of two naming containers relative to this component.
   *         To go into naming containers, you separate the naming containers with ':', e.g.,partialTriggers= "nc1:nc2:nc3:componentId".</p>
   * @param partialTriggers  the new partialTriggers value
  final public void setPartialTriggers(String[] partialTriggers)
    setProperty(PARTIAL_TRIGGERS_KEY, (partialTriggers));

   * Gets an onclick Javascript handler.
   * @return  the new onclick value
  final public String getOnclick()
    return ComponentUtils.resolveString(getProperty(ONCLICK_KEY));

   * Sets an onclick Javascript handler.
   * @param onclick  the new onclick value
  final public void setOnclick(String onclick)
    setProperty(ONCLICK_KEY, (onclick));

   * Gets an ondblclick Javascript handler.
   * @return  the new ondblclick value
  final public String getOndblclick()
    return ComponentUtils.resolveString(getProperty(ONDBLCLICK_KEY));

   * Sets an ondblclick Javascript handler.
   * @param ondblclick  the new ondblclick value
  final public void setOndblclick(String ondblclick)
    setProperty(ONDBLCLICK_KEY, (ondblclick));

   * Gets an onmousedown Javascript handler.
   * @return  the new onmousedown value
  final public String getOnmousedown()
    return ComponentUtils.resolveString(getProperty(ONMOUSEDOWN_KEY));

   * Sets an onmousedown Javascript handler.
   * @param onmousedown  the new onmousedown value
  final public void setOnmousedown(String onmousedown)
    setProperty(ONMOUSEDOWN_KEY, (onmousedown));

   * Gets an onmouseup Javascript handler.
   * @return  the new onmouseup value
  final public String getOnmouseup()
    return ComponentUtils.resolveString(getProperty(ONMOUSEUP_KEY));

   * Sets an onmouseup Javascript handler.
   * @param onmouseup  the new onmouseup value
  final public void setOnmouseup(String onmouseup)
    setProperty(ONMOUSEUP_KEY, (onmouseup));

   * Gets an onmouseover Javascript handler.
   * @return  the new onmouseover value
  final public String getOnmouseover()
    return ComponentUtils.resolveString(getProperty(ONMOUSEOVER_KEY));

   * Sets an onmouseover Javascript handler.
   * @param onmouseover  the new onmouseover value
  final public void setOnmouseover(String onmouseover)
    setProperty(ONMOUSEOVER_KEY, (onmouseover));

   * Gets an onmousemove Javascript handler.
   * @return  the new onmousemove value
  final public String getOnmousemove()
    return ComponentUtils.resolveString(getProperty(ONMOUSEMOVE_KEY));

   * Sets an onmousemove Javascript handler.
   * @param onmousemove  the new onmousemove value
  final public void setOnmousemove(String onmousemove)
    setProperty(ONMOUSEMOVE_KEY, (onmousemove));

   * Gets an onmouseout Javascript handler.
   * @return  the new onmouseout value
  final public String getOnmouseout()
    return ComponentUtils.resolveString(getProperty(ONMOUSEOUT_KEY));

   * Sets an onmouseout Javascript handler.
   * @param onmouseout  the new onmouseout value
  final public void setOnmouseout(String onmouseout)
    setProperty(ONMOUSEOUT_KEY, (onmouseout));

   * Gets an onkeypress Javascript handler.
   * @return  the new onkeypress value
  final public String getOnkeypress()
    return ComponentUtils.resolveString(getProperty(ONKEYPRESS_KEY));

   * Sets an onkeypress Javascript handler.
   * @param onkeypress  the new onkeypress value
  final public void setOnkeypress(String onkeypress)
    setProperty(ONKEYPRESS_KEY, (onkeypress));

   * Gets an onkeydown Javascript handler.
   * @return  the new onkeydown value
  final public String getOnkeydown()
    return ComponentUtils.resolveString(getProperty(ONKEYDOWN_KEY));

   * Sets an onkeydown Javascript handler.
   * @param onkeydown  the new onkeydown value
  final public void setOnkeydown(String onkeydown)
    setProperty(ONKEYDOWN_KEY, (onkeydown));

   * Gets an onkeyup Javascript handler.
   * @return  the new onkeyup value
  final public String getOnkeyup()
    return ComponentUtils.resolveString(getProperty(ONKEYUP_KEY));

   * Sets an onkeyup Javascript handler.
   * @param onkeyup  the new onkeyup value
  final public void setOnkeyup(String onkeyup)
    setProperty(ONKEYUP_KEY, (onkeyup));

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   * Gets the CSS styles to use for this component.
   * @return  the new inlineStyle value
  final public String getInlineStyle()
    return ComponentUtils.resolveString(getProperty(INLINE_STYLE_KEY));

   * Sets the CSS styles to use for this component.
   * @param inlineStyle  the new inlineStyle value
  final public void setInlineStyle(String inlineStyle)
    setProperty(INLINE_STYLE_KEY, (inlineStyle));

   * Gets a CSS style class to use for this component.
   * @return  the new styleClass value
  final public String getStyleClass()
    return ComponentUtils.resolveString(getProperty(STYLE_CLASS_KEY));

   * Sets a CSS style class to use for this component.
   * @param styleClass  the new styleClass value
  final public void setStyleClass(String styleClass)
    setProperty(STYLE_CLASS_KEY, (styleClass));

   * Gets The short description of the component. This text is commonly used by user agents to display tooltip help text.
   * @return  the new shortDesc value
  final public String getShortDesc()
    return ComponentUtils.resolveString(getProperty(SHORT_DESC_KEY));

   * Sets The short description of the component. This text is commonly used by user agents to display tooltip help text.
   * @param shortDesc  the new shortDesc value
  final public void setShortDesc(String shortDesc)
    setProperty(SHORT_DESC_KEY, (shortDesc));

   * Gets the IDs of the components that should trigger a partial update.
   *         <p>
   *         This component will listen on the trigger components. If one of the
   *         trigger components receives an event that will cause it to update
   *         in some way, this component will request to be updated too.</p>
   *         <p>
   *         Separate multiple triggers with a space. e.g., partialTriggers="cmp1 cmp2"
   *         </p>
   *         <p>
   *         Identifiers must account for NamingContainers.  You can use a single colon to start the search from the root,
   *         or use multiple colons to move up through the NamingContainer. For example,
   *         "::" will pop out of this component's naming container (it pops out of itself if it is a naming container), 
   *         ":::" will pop out of two naming containers, etc. The search for
   *         the partialTrigger begins from there. e.g., partialTriggers=":::commandButton1" the search begins for the 
   *         component with id = commandButton1 after popping out of two naming containers relative to this component.
   *         To go into naming containers, you separate the naming containers with ':', e.g.,partialTriggers= "nc1:nc2:nc3:componentId".</p>
   * @return  the new partialTriggers value
  final public String[] getPartialTriggers()
    return (String[])getProperty(PARTIAL_TRIGGERS_KEY);

   * Sets the IDs of the components that should trigger a partial update.
   *         <p>
   *         This component will listen on the trigger components. If one of the
   *         trigger components receives an event that will cause it to update
   *         in some way, this component will request to be updated too.</p>
   *         <p>
   *         Separate multiple triggers with a space. e.g., partialTriggers="cmp1 cmp2"
   *         </p>
   *         <p>
   *         Identifiers must account for NamingContainers.  You can use a single colon to start the search from the root,
   *         or use multiple colons to move up through the NamingContainer. For example,
   *         "::" will pop out of this component's naming container (it pops out of itself if it is a naming container), 
   *         ":::" will pop out of two naming containers, etc. The search for
   *         the partialTrigger begins from there. e.g., partialTriggers=":::commandButton1" the search begins for the 
   *         component with id = commandButton1 after popping out of two naming containers relative to this component.
   *         To go into naming containers, you separate the naming containers with ':', e.g.,partialTriggers= "nc1:nc2:nc3:componentId".</p>
   * @param partialTriggers  the new partialTriggers value
  final public void setPartialTriggers(String[] partialTriggers)
    setProperty(PARTIAL_TRIGGERS_KEY, (partialTriggers));

   * Gets an onclick Javascript handler.
   * @return  the new onclick value
  final public String getOnclick()
    return ComponentUtils.resolveString(getProperty(ONCLICK_KEY));

   * Sets an onclick Javascript handler.
   * @param onclick  the new onclick value
  final public void setOnclick(String onclick)
    setProperty(ONCLICK_KEY, (onclick));

   * Gets an ondblclick Javascript handler.
   * @return  the new ondblclick value
  final public String getOndblclick()
    return ComponentUtils.resolveString(getProperty(ONDBLCLICK_KEY));

   * Sets an ondblclick Javascript handler.
   * @param ondblclick  the new ondblclick value
  final public void setOndblclick(String ondblclick)
    setProperty(ONDBLCLICK_KEY, (ondblclick));

   * Gets an onmousedown Javascript handler.
   * @return  the new onmousedown value
  final public String getOnmousedown()
    return ComponentUtils.resolveString(getProperty(ONMOUSEDOWN_KEY));

   * Sets an onmousedown Javascript handler.
   * @param onmousedown  the new onmousedown value
  final public void setOnmousedown(String onmousedown)
    setProperty(ONMOUSEDOWN_KEY, (onmousedown));

   * Gets an onmouseup Javascript handler.
   * @return  the new onmouseup value
  final public String getOnmouseup()
    return ComponentUtils.resolveString(getProperty(ONMOUSEUP_KEY));

   * Sets an onmouseup Javascript handler.
   * @param onmouseup  the new onmouseup value
  final public void setOnmouseup(String onmouseup)
    setProperty(ONMOUSEUP_KEY, (onmouseup));

   * Gets an onmouseover Javascript handler.
   * @return  the new onmouseover value
  final public String getOnmouseover()
    return ComponentUtils.resolveString(getProperty(ONMOUSEOVER_KEY));

   * Sets an onmouseover Javascript handler.
   * @param onmouseover  the new onmouseover value
  final public void setOnmouseover(String onmouseover)
    setProperty(ONMOUSEOVER_KEY, (onmouseover));

   * Gets an onmousemove Javascript handler.
   * @return  the new onmousemove value
  final public String getOnmousemove()
    return ComponentUtils.resolveString(getProperty(ONMOUSEMOVE_KEY));

   * Sets an onmousemove Javascript handler.
   * @param onmousemove  the new onmousemove value
  final public void setOnmousemove(String onmousemove)
    setProperty(ONMOUSEMOVE_KEY, (onmousemove));

   * Gets an onmouseout Javascript handler.
   * @return  the new onmouseout value
  final public String getOnmouseout()
    return ComponentUtils.resolveString(getProperty(ONMOUSEOUT_KEY));

   * Sets an onmouseout Javascript handler.
   * @param onmouseout  the new onmouseout value
  final public void setOnmouseout(String onmouseout)
    setProperty(ONMOUSEOUT_KEY, (onmouseout));

   * Gets an onkeypress Javascript handler.
   * @return  the new onkeypress value
  final public String getOnkeypress()
    return ComponentUtils.resolveString(getProperty(ONKEYPRESS_KEY));

   * Sets an onkeypress Javascript handler.
   * @param onkeypress  the new onkeypress value
  final public void setOnkeypress(String onkeypress)
    setProperty(ONKEYPRESS_KEY, (onkeypress));

   * Gets an onkeydown Javascript handler.
   * @return  the new onkeydown value
  final public String getOnkeydown()
    return ComponentUtils.resolveString(getProperty(ONKEYDOWN_KEY));

   * Sets an onkeydown Javascript handler.
   * @param onkeydown  the new onkeydown value
  final public void setOnkeydown(String onkeydown)
    setProperty(ONKEYDOWN_KEY, (onkeydown));

   * Gets an onkeyup Javascript handler.
   * @return  the new onkeyup value
  final public String getOnkeyup()
    return ComponentUtils.resolveString(getProperty(ONKEYUP_KEY));

   * Sets an onkeyup Javascript handler.
   * @param onkeyup  the new onkeyup value
  final public void setOnkeyup(String onkeyup)
    setProperty(ONKEYUP_KEY, (onkeyup));

   * Gets Indicates whether a minimum of one detail item must be
   * disclosed at a time.  Use "false" (the default) to keep a minimum of one
   * detail item disclosed at all times.  Use "true" to make it possible for
   * all items to be collapsed.
   * @return  the new discloseNone value
  final public boolean isDiscloseNone()

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    setProperty(ACCESS_KEY_KEY, Character.valueOf(accessKey));

   * Gets the CSS styles to use for this component.
   * @return  the new inlineStyle value
  final public String getInlineStyle()
    return ComponentUtils.resolveString(getProperty(INLINE_STYLE_KEY));

   * Sets the CSS styles to use for this component.
   * @param inlineStyle  the new inlineStyle value
  final public void setInlineStyle(String inlineStyle)
    setProperty(INLINE_STYLE_KEY, (inlineStyle));

   * Gets a CSS style class to use for this component.
   * @return  the new styleClass value
  final public String getStyleClass()
    return ComponentUtils.resolveString(getProperty(STYLE_CLASS_KEY));

   * Sets a CSS style class to use for this component.
   * @param styleClass  the new styleClass value
  final public void setStyleClass(String styleClass)
    setProperty(STYLE_CLASS_KEY, (styleClass));

   * Gets The short description of the component. This text is commonly used by user agents to display tooltip help text.
   * @return  the new shortDesc value
  final public String getShortDesc()
    return ComponentUtils.resolveString(getProperty(SHORT_DESC_KEY));

   * Sets The short description of the component. This text is commonly used by user agents to display tooltip help text.
   * @param shortDesc  the new shortDesc value
  final public void setShortDesc(String shortDesc)
    setProperty(SHORT_DESC_KEY, (shortDesc));

   * Gets the IDs of the components that should trigger a partial update.
   *         <p>
   *         This component will listen on the trigger components. If one of the
   *         trigger components receives an event that will cause it to update
   *         in some way, this component will request to be updated too.</p>
   *         <p>
   *         Separate multiple triggers with a space. e.g., partialTriggers="cmp1 cmp2"
   *         </p>
   *         <p>
   *         Identifiers must account for NamingContainers.  You can use a single colon to start the search from the root,
   *         or use multiple colons to move up through the NamingContainer. For example,
   *         "::" will pop out of this component's naming container (it pops out of itself if it is a naming container), 
   *         ":::" will pop out of two naming containers, etc. The search for
   *         the partialTrigger begins from there. e.g., partialTriggers=":::commandButton1" the search begins for the 
   *         component with id = commandButton1 after popping out of two naming containers relative to this component.
   *         To go into naming containers, you separate the naming containers with ':', e.g.,partialTriggers= "nc1:nc2:nc3:componentId".</p>
   * @return  the new partialTriggers value
  final public String[] getPartialTriggers()
    return (String[])getProperty(PARTIAL_TRIGGERS_KEY);

   * Sets the IDs of the components that should trigger a partial update.
   *         <p>
   *         This component will listen on the trigger components. If one of the
   *         trigger components receives an event that will cause it to update
   *         in some way, this component will request to be updated too.</p>
   *         <p>
   *         Separate multiple triggers with a space. e.g., partialTriggers="cmp1 cmp2"
   *         </p>
   *         <p>
   *         Identifiers must account for NamingContainers.  You can use a single colon to start the search from the root,
   *         or use multiple colons to move up through the NamingContainer. For example,
   *         "::" will pop out of this component's naming container (it pops out of itself if it is a naming container), 
   *         ":::" will pop out of two naming containers, etc. The search for
   *         the partialTrigger begins from there. e.g., partialTriggers=":::commandButton1" the search begins for the 
   *         component with id = commandButton1 after popping out of two naming containers relative to this component.
   *         To go into naming containers, you separate the naming containers with ':', e.g.,partialTriggers= "nc1:nc2:nc3:componentId".</p>
   * @param partialTriggers  the new partialTriggers value
  final public void setPartialTriggers(String[] partialTriggers)
    setProperty(PARTIAL_TRIGGERS_KEY, (partialTriggers));

   * Gets an onclick Javascript handler.
   * @return  the new onclick value
  final public String getOnclick()
    return ComponentUtils.resolveString(getProperty(ONCLICK_KEY));

   * Sets an onclick Javascript handler.
   * @param onclick  the new onclick value
  final public void setOnclick(String onclick)
    setProperty(ONCLICK_KEY, (onclick));

   * Gets an ondblclick Javascript handler.
   * @return  the new ondblclick value
  final public String getOndblclick()
    return ComponentUtils.resolveString(getProperty(ONDBLCLICK_KEY));

   * Sets an ondblclick Javascript handler.
   * @param ondblclick  the new ondblclick value
  final public void setOndblclick(String ondblclick)
    setProperty(ONDBLCLICK_KEY, (ondblclick));

   * Gets an onmousedown Javascript handler.
   * @return  the new onmousedown value
  final public String getOnmousedown()
    return ComponentUtils.resolveString(getProperty(ONMOUSEDOWN_KEY));

   * Sets an onmousedown Javascript handler.
   * @param onmousedown  the new onmousedown value
  final public void setOnmousedown(String onmousedown)
    setProperty(ONMOUSEDOWN_KEY, (onmousedown));

   * Gets an onmouseup Javascript handler.
   * @return  the new onmouseup value
  final public String getOnmouseup()
    return ComponentUtils.resolveString(getProperty(ONMOUSEUP_KEY));

   * Sets an onmouseup Javascript handler.
   * @param onmouseup  the new onmouseup value
  final public void setOnmouseup(String onmouseup)
    setProperty(ONMOUSEUP_KEY, (onmouseup));

   * Gets an onmouseover Javascript handler.
   * @return  the new onmouseover value
  final public String getOnmouseover()
    return ComponentUtils.resolveString(getProperty(ONMOUSEOVER_KEY));

   * Sets an onmouseover Javascript handler.
   * @param onmouseover  the new onmouseover value
  final public void setOnmouseover(String onmouseover)
    setProperty(ONMOUSEOVER_KEY, (onmouseover));

   * Gets an onmousemove Javascript handler.
   * @return  the new onmousemove value
  final public String getOnmousemove()
    return ComponentUtils.resolveString(getProperty(ONMOUSEMOVE_KEY));

   * Sets an onmousemove Javascript handler.
   * @param onmousemove  the new onmousemove value
  final public void setOnmousemove(String onmousemove)
    setProperty(ONMOUSEMOVE_KEY, (onmousemove));

   * Gets an onmouseout Javascript handler.
   * @return  the new onmouseout value
  final public String getOnmouseout()
    return ComponentUtils.resolveString(getProperty(ONMOUSEOUT_KEY));

   * Sets an onmouseout Javascript handler.
   * @param onmouseout  the new onmouseout value
  final public void setOnmouseout(String onmouseout)
    setProperty(ONMOUSEOUT_KEY, (onmouseout));

   * Gets an onkeypress Javascript handler.
   * @return  the new onkeypress value
  final public String getOnkeypress()
    return ComponentUtils.resolveString(getProperty(ONKEYPRESS_KEY));

   * Sets an onkeypress Javascript handler.
   * @param onkeypress  the new onkeypress value
  final public void setOnkeypress(String onkeypress)
    setProperty(ONKEYPRESS_KEY, (onkeypress));

   * Gets an onkeydown Javascript handler.
   * @return  the new onkeydown value
  final public String getOnkeydown()
    return ComponentUtils.resolveString(getProperty(ONKEYDOWN_KEY));

   * Sets an onkeydown Javascript handler.
   * @param onkeydown  the new onkeydown value
  final public void setOnkeydown(String onkeydown)
    setProperty(ONKEYDOWN_KEY, (onkeydown));

   * Gets an onkeyup Javascript handler.
   * @return  the new onkeyup value
  final public String getOnkeyup()
    return ComponentUtils.resolveString(getProperty(ONKEYUP_KEY));

   * Sets an onkeyup Javascript handler.
   * @param onkeyup  the new onkeyup value
  final public void setOnkeyup(String onkeyup)
    setProperty(ONKEYUP_KEY, (onkeyup));

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   * Gets the CSS styles to use for this component.
   * @return  the new inlineStyle value
  final public String getInlineStyle()
    return ComponentUtils.resolveString(getProperty(INLINE_STYLE_KEY));

   * Sets the CSS styles to use for this component.
   * @param inlineStyle  the new inlineStyle value
  final public void setInlineStyle(String inlineStyle)
    setProperty(INLINE_STYLE_KEY, (inlineStyle));

   * Gets a CSS style class to use for this component.
   * @return  the new styleClass value
  final public String getStyleClass()
    return ComponentUtils.resolveString(getProperty(STYLE_CLASS_KEY));

   * Sets a CSS style class to use for this component.
   * @param styleClass  the new styleClass value
  final public void setStyleClass(String styleClass)
    setProperty(STYLE_CLASS_KEY, (styleClass));

   * Gets The short description of the component. This text is commonly used by user agents to display tooltip help text.
   * @return  the new shortDesc value
  final public String getShortDesc()
    return ComponentUtils.resolveString(getProperty(SHORT_DESC_KEY));

   * Sets The short description of the component. This text is commonly used by user agents to display tooltip help text.
   * @param shortDesc  the new shortDesc value
  final public void setShortDesc(String shortDesc)
    setProperty(SHORT_DESC_KEY, (shortDesc));

   * Gets the IDs of the components that should trigger a partial update.
   *         <p>
   *         This component will listen on the trigger components. If one of the
   *         trigger components receives an event that will cause it to update
   *         in some way, this component will request to be updated too.</p>
   *         <p>
   *         Separate multiple triggers with a space. e.g., partialTriggers="cmp1 cmp2"
   *         </p>
   *         <p>
   *         Identifiers must account for NamingContainers.  You can use a single colon to start the search from the root,
   *         or use multiple colons to move up through the NamingContainer. For example,
   *         "::" will pop out of this component's naming container (it pops out of itself if it is a naming container), 
   *         ":::" will pop out of two naming containers, etc. The search for
   *         the partialTrigger begins from there. e.g., partialTriggers=":::commandButton1" the search begins for the 
   *         component with id = commandButton1 after popping out of two naming containers relative to this component.
   *         To go into naming containers, you separate the naming containers with ':', e.g.,partialTriggers= "nc1:nc2:nc3:componentId".</p>
   * @return  the new partialTriggers value
  final public String[] getPartialTriggers()
    return (String[])getProperty(PARTIAL_TRIGGERS_KEY);

   * Sets the IDs of the components that should trigger a partial update.
   *         <p>
   *         This component will listen on the trigger components. If one of the
   *         trigger components receives an event that will cause it to update
   *         in some way, this component will request to be updated too.</p>
   *         <p>
   *         Separate multiple triggers with a space. e.g., partialTriggers="cmp1 cmp2"
   *         </p>
   *         <p>
   *         Identifiers must account for NamingContainers.  You can use a single colon to start the search from the root,
   *         or use multiple colons to move up through the NamingContainer. For example,
   *         "::" will pop out of this component's naming container (it pops out of itself if it is a naming container), 
   *         ":::" will pop out of two naming containers, etc. The search for
   *         the partialTrigger begins from there. e.g., partialTriggers=":::commandButton1" the search begins for the 
   *         component with id = commandButton1 after popping out of two naming containers relative to this component.
   *         To go into naming containers, you separate the naming containers with ':', e.g.,partialTriggers= "nc1:nc2:nc3:componentId".</p>
   * @param partialTriggers  the new partialTriggers value
  final public void setPartialTriggers(String[] partialTriggers)
    setProperty(PARTIAL_TRIGGERS_KEY, (partialTriggers));

   * Gets an onclick Javascript handler.
   * @return  the new onclick value
  final public String getOnclick()
    return ComponentUtils.resolveString(getProperty(ONCLICK_KEY));

   * Sets an onclick Javascript handler.
   * @param onclick  the new onclick value
  final public void setOnclick(String onclick)
    setProperty(ONCLICK_KEY, (onclick));

   * Gets an ondblclick Javascript handler.
   * @return  the new ondblclick value
  final public String getOndblclick()
    return ComponentUtils.resolveString(getProperty(ONDBLCLICK_KEY));

   * Sets an ondblclick Javascript handler.
   * @param ondblclick  the new ondblclick value
  final public void setOndblclick(String ondblclick)
    setProperty(ONDBLCLICK_KEY, (ondblclick));

   * Gets an onmousedown Javascript handler.
   * @return  the new onmousedown value
  final public String getOnmousedown()
    return ComponentUtils.resolveString(getProperty(ONMOUSEDOWN_KEY));

   * Sets an onmousedown Javascript handler.
   * @param onmousedown  the new onmousedown value
  final public void setOnmousedown(String onmousedown)
    setProperty(ONMOUSEDOWN_KEY, (onmousedown));

   * Gets an onmouseup Javascript handler.
   * @return  the new onmouseup value
  final public String getOnmouseup()
    return ComponentUtils.resolveString(getProperty(ONMOUSEUP_KEY));

   * Sets an onmouseup Javascript handler.
   * @param onmouseup  the new onmouseup value
  final public void setOnmouseup(String onmouseup)
    setProperty(ONMOUSEUP_KEY, (onmouseup));

   * Gets an onmouseover Javascript handler.
   * @return  the new onmouseover value
  final public String getOnmouseover()
    return ComponentUtils.resolveString(getProperty(ONMOUSEOVER_KEY));

   * Sets an onmouseover Javascript handler.
   * @param onmouseover  the new onmouseover value
  final public void setOnmouseover(String onmouseover)
    setProperty(ONMOUSEOVER_KEY, (onmouseover));

   * Gets an onmousemove Javascript handler.
   * @return  the new onmousemove value
  final public String getOnmousemove()
    return ComponentUtils.resolveString(getProperty(ONMOUSEMOVE_KEY));

   * Sets an onmousemove Javascript handler.
   * @param onmousemove  the new onmousemove value
  final public void setOnmousemove(String onmousemove)
    setProperty(ONMOUSEMOVE_KEY, (onmousemove));

   * Gets an onmouseout Javascript handler.
   * @return  the new onmouseout value
  final public String getOnmouseout()
    return ComponentUtils.resolveString(getProperty(ONMOUSEOUT_KEY));

   * Sets an onmouseout Javascript handler.
   * @param onmouseout  the new onmouseout value
  final public void setOnmouseout(String onmouseout)
    setProperty(ONMOUSEOUT_KEY, (onmouseout));

   * Gets an onkeypress Javascript handler.
   * @return  the new onkeypress value
  final public String getOnkeypress()
    return ComponentUtils.resolveString(getProperty(ONKEYPRESS_KEY));

   * Sets an onkeypress Javascript handler.
   * @param onkeypress  the new onkeypress value
  final public void setOnkeypress(String onkeypress)
    setProperty(ONKEYPRESS_KEY, (onkeypress));

   * Gets an onkeydown Javascript handler.
   * @return  the new onkeydown value
  final public String getOnkeydown()
    return ComponentUtils.resolveString(getProperty(ONKEYDOWN_KEY));

   * Sets an onkeydown Javascript handler.
   * @param onkeydown  the new onkeydown value
  final public void setOnkeydown(String onkeydown)
    setProperty(ONKEYDOWN_KEY, (onkeydown));

   * Gets an onkeyup Javascript handler.
   * @return  the new onkeyup value
  final public String getOnkeyup()
    return ComponentUtils.resolveString(getProperty(ONKEYUP_KEY));

   * Sets an onkeyup Javascript handler.
   * @param onkeyup  the new onkeyup value
  final public void setOnkeyup(String onkeyup)
    setProperty(ONKEYUP_KEY, (onkeyup));

   * Gets Indicates whether a minimum of one detail item must be
   * disclosed at a time.  Use "false" (the default) to keep a minimum of one
   * detail item disclosed at all times.  Use "true" to make it possible for
   * all items to be collapsed.
   * @return  the new discloseNone value
  final public boolean isDiscloseNone()

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    setProperty(ACCESS_KEY_KEY, Character.valueOf(accessKey));

   * Gets the CSS styles to use for this component.
   * @return  the new inlineStyle value
  final public String getInlineStyle()
    return ComponentUtils.resolveString(getProperty(INLINE_STYLE_KEY));

   * Sets the CSS styles to use for this component.
   * @param inlineStyle  the new inlineStyle value
  final public void setInlineStyle(String inlineStyle)
    setProperty(INLINE_STYLE_KEY, (inlineStyle));

   * Gets a CSS style class to use for this component.
   * @return  the new styleClass value
  final public String getStyleClass()
    return ComponentUtils.resolveString(getProperty(STYLE_CLASS_KEY));

   * Sets a CSS style class to use for this component.
   * @param styleClass  the new styleClass value
  final public void setStyleClass(String styleClass)
    setProperty(STYLE_CLASS_KEY, (styleClass));

   * Gets The short description of the component. This text is commonly used by user agents to display tooltip help text.
   * @return  the new shortDesc value
  final public String getShortDesc()
    return ComponentUtils.resolveString(getProperty(SHORT_DESC_KEY));

   * Sets The short description of the component. This text is commonly used by user agents to display tooltip help text.
   * @param shortDesc  the new shortDesc value
  final public void setShortDesc(String shortDesc)
    setProperty(SHORT_DESC_KEY, (shortDesc));

   * Gets the IDs of the components that should trigger a partial update.
   *         <p>
   *         This component will listen on the trigger components. If one of the
   *         trigger components receives an event that will cause it to update
   *         in some way, this component will request to be updated too.</p>
   *         <p>
   *         Separate multiple triggers with a space. e.g., partialTriggers="cmp1 cmp2"
   *         </p>
   *         <p>
   *         Identifiers must account for NamingContainers.  You can use a single colon to start the search from the root,
   *         or use multiple colons to move up through the NamingContainer. For example,
   *         "::" will pop out of this component's naming container (it pops out of itself if it is a naming container), 
   *         ":::" will pop out of two naming containers, etc. The search for
   *         the partialTrigger begins from there. e.g., partialTriggers=":::commandButton1" the search begins for the 
   *         component with id = commandButton1 after popping out of two naming containers relative to this component.
   *         To go into naming containers, you separate the naming containers with ':', e.g.,partialTriggers= "nc1:nc2:nc3:componentId".</p>
   * @return  the new partialTriggers value
  final public String[] getPartialTriggers()
    return (String[])getProperty(PARTIAL_TRIGGERS_KEY);

   * Sets the IDs of the components that should trigger a partial update.
   *         <p>
   *         This component will listen on the trigger components. If one of the
   *         trigger components receives an event that will cause it to update
   *         in some way, this component will request to be updated too.</p>
   *         <p>
   *         Separate multiple triggers with a space. e.g., partialTriggers="cmp1 cmp2"
   *         </p>
   *         <p>
   *         Identifiers must account for NamingContainers.  You can use a single colon to start the search from the root,
   *         or use multiple colons to move up through the NamingContainer. For example,
   *         "::" will pop out of this component's naming container (it pops out of itself if it is a naming container), 
   *         ":::" will pop out of two naming containers, etc. The search for
   *         the partialTrigger begins from there. e.g., partialTriggers=":::commandButton1" the search begins for the 
   *         component with id = commandButton1 after popping out of two naming containers relative to this component.
   *         To go into naming containers, you separate the naming containers with ':', e.g.,partialTriggers= "nc1:nc2:nc3:componentId".</p>
   * @param partialTriggers  the new partialTriggers value
  final public void setPartialTriggers(String[] partialTriggers)
    setProperty(PARTIAL_TRIGGERS_KEY, (partialTriggers));

   * Gets an onclick Javascript handler.
   * @return  the new onclick value
  final public String getOnclick()
    return ComponentUtils.resolveString(getProperty(ONCLICK_KEY));

   * Sets an onclick Javascript handler.
   * @param onclick  the new onclick value
  final public void setOnclick(String onclick)
    setProperty(ONCLICK_KEY, (onclick));

   * Gets an ondblclick Javascript handler.
   * @return  the new ondblclick value
  final public String getOndblclick()
    return ComponentUtils.resolveString(getProperty(ONDBLCLICK_KEY));

   * Sets an ondblclick Javascript handler.
   * @param ondblclick  the new ondblclick value
  final public void setOndblclick(String ondblclick)
    setProperty(ONDBLCLICK_KEY, (ondblclick));

   * Gets an onmousedown Javascript handler.
   * @return  the new onmousedown value
  final public String getOnmousedown()
    return ComponentUtils.resolveString(getProperty(ONMOUSEDOWN_KEY));

   * Sets an onmousedown Javascript handler.
   * @param onmousedown  the new onmousedown value
  final public void setOnmousedown(String onmousedown)
    setProperty(ONMOUSEDOWN_KEY, (onmousedown));

   * Gets an onmouseup Javascript handler.
   * @return  the new onmouseup value
  final public String getOnmouseup()
    return ComponentUtils.resolveString(getProperty(ONMOUSEUP_KEY));

   * Sets an onmouseup Javascript handler.
   * @param onmouseup  the new onmouseup value
  final public void setOnmouseup(String onmouseup)
    setProperty(ONMOUSEUP_KEY, (onmouseup));

   * Gets an onmouseover Javascript handler.
   * @return  the new onmouseover value
  final public String getOnmouseover()
    return ComponentUtils.resolveString(getProperty(ONMOUSEOVER_KEY));

   * Sets an onmouseover Javascript handler.
   * @param onmouseover  the new onmouseover value
  final public void setOnmouseover(String onmouseover)
    setProperty(ONMOUSEOVER_KEY, (onmouseover));

   * Gets an onmousemove Javascript handler.
   * @return  the new onmousemove value
  final public String getOnmousemove()
    return ComponentUtils.resolveString(getProperty(ONMOUSEMOVE_KEY));

   * Sets an onmousemove Javascript handler.
   * @param onmousemove  the new onmousemove value
  final public void setOnmousemove(String onmousemove)
    setProperty(ONMOUSEMOVE_KEY, (onmousemove));

   * Gets an onmouseout Javascript handler.
   * @return  the new onmouseout value
  final public String getOnmouseout()
    return ComponentUtils.resolveString(getProperty(ONMOUSEOUT_KEY));

   * Sets an onmouseout Javascript handler.
   * @param onmouseout  the new onmouseout value
  final public void setOnmouseout(String onmouseout)
    setProperty(ONMOUSEOUT_KEY, (onmouseout));

   * Gets an onkeypress Javascript handler.
   * @return  the new onkeypress value
  final public String getOnkeypress()
    return ComponentUtils.resolveString(getProperty(ONKEYPRESS_KEY));

   * Sets an onkeypress Javascript handler.
   * @param onkeypress  the new onkeypress value
  final public void setOnkeypress(String onkeypress)
    setProperty(ONKEYPRESS_KEY, (onkeypress));

   * Gets an onkeydown Javascript handler.
   * @return  the new onkeydown value
  final public String getOnkeydown()
    return ComponentUtils.resolveString(getProperty(ONKEYDOWN_KEY));

   * Sets an onkeydown Javascript handler.
   * @param onkeydown  the new onkeydown value
  final public void setOnkeydown(String onkeydown)
    setProperty(ONKEYDOWN_KEY, (onkeydown));

   * Gets an onkeyup Javascript handler.
   * @return  the new onkeyup value
  final public String getOnkeyup()
    return ComponentUtils.resolveString(getProperty(ONKEYUP_KEY));

   * Sets an onkeyup Javascript handler.
   * @param onkeyup  the new onkeyup value
  final public void setOnkeyup(String onkeyup)
    setProperty(ONKEYUP_KEY, (onkeyup));

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   * Gets the CSS styles to use for this component.
   * @return  the new inlineStyle value
  final public String getInlineStyle()
    return ComponentUtils.resolveString(getProperty(INLINE_STYLE_KEY));

   * Sets the CSS styles to use for this component.
   * @param inlineStyle  the new inlineStyle value
  final public void setInlineStyle(String inlineStyle)
    setProperty(INLINE_STYLE_KEY, (inlineStyle));

   * Gets a CSS style class to use for this component.
   * @return  the new styleClass value
  final public String getStyleClass()
    return ComponentUtils.resolveString(getProperty(STYLE_CLASS_KEY));

   * Sets a CSS style class to use for this component.
   * @param styleClass  the new styleClass value
  final public void setStyleClass(String styleClass)
    setProperty(STYLE_CLASS_KEY, (styleClass));

   * Gets The short description of the component. This text is commonly used by user agents to display tooltip help text.
   * @return  the new shortDesc value
  final public String getShortDesc()
    return ComponentUtils.resolveString(getProperty(SHORT_DESC_KEY));

   * Sets The short description of the component. This text is commonly used by user agents to display tooltip help text.
   * @param shortDesc  the new shortDesc value
  final public void setShortDesc(String shortDesc)
    setProperty(SHORT_DESC_KEY, (shortDesc));

   * Gets the IDs of the components that should trigger a partial update.
   *         <p>
   *         This component will listen on the trigger components. If one of the
   *         trigger components receives an event that will cause it to update
   *         in some way, this component will request to be updated too.</p>
   *         <p>
   *         Separate multiple triggers with a space. e.g., partialTriggers="cmp1 cmp2"
   *         </p>
   *         <p>
   *         Identifiers must account for NamingContainers.  You can use a single colon to start the search from the root,
   *         or use multiple colons to move up through the NamingContainer. For example,
   *         "::" will pop out of this component's naming container (it pops out of itself if it is a naming container), 
   *         ":::" will pop out of two naming containers, etc. The search for
   *         the partialTrigger begins from there. e.g., partialTriggers=":::commandButton1" the search begins for the 
   *         component with id = commandButton1 after popping out of two naming containers relative to this component.
   *         To go into naming containers, you separate the naming containers with ':', e.g.,partialTriggers= "nc1:nc2:nc3:componentId".</p>
   * @return  the new partialTriggers value
  final public String[] getPartialTriggers()
    return (String[])getProperty(PARTIAL_TRIGGERS_KEY);

   * Sets the IDs of the components that should trigger a partial update.
   *         <p>
   *         This component will listen on the trigger components. If one of the
   *         trigger components receives an event that will cause it to update
   *         in some way, this component will request to be updated too.</p>
   *         <p>
   *         Separate multiple triggers with a space. e.g., partialTriggers="cmp1 cmp2"
   *         </p>
   *         <p>
   *         Identifiers must account for NamingContainers.  You can use a single colon to start the search from the root,
   *         or use multiple colons to move up through the NamingContainer. For example,
   *         "::" will pop out of this component's naming container (it pops out of itself if it is a naming container), 
   *         ":::" will pop out of two naming containers, etc. The search for
   *         the partialTrigger begins from there. e.g., partialTriggers=":::commandButton1" the search begins for the 
   *         component with id = commandButton1 after popping out of two naming containers relative to this component.
   *         To go into naming containers, you separate the naming containers with ':', e.g.,partialTriggers= "nc1:nc2:nc3:componentId".</p>
   * @param partialTriggers  the new partialTriggers value
  final public void setPartialTriggers(String[] partialTriggers)
    setProperty(PARTIAL_TRIGGERS_KEY, (partialTriggers));

   * Gets an onclick Javascript handler.
   * @return  the new onclick value
  final public String getOnclick()
    return ComponentUtils.resolveString(getProperty(ONCLICK_KEY));

   * Sets an onclick Javascript handler.
   * @param onclick  the new onclick value
  final public void setOnclick(String onclick)
    setProperty(ONCLICK_KEY, (onclick));

   * Gets an ondblclick Javascript handler.
   * @return  the new ondblclick value
  final public String getOndblclick()
    return ComponentUtils.resolveString(getProperty(ONDBLCLICK_KEY));

   * Sets an ondblclick Javascript handler.
   * @param ondblclick  the new ondblclick value
  final public void setOndblclick(String ondblclick)
    setProperty(ONDBLCLICK_KEY, (ondblclick));

   * Gets an onmousedown Javascript handler.
   * @return  the new onmousedown value
  final public String getOnmousedown()
    return ComponentUtils.resolveString(getProperty(ONMOUSEDOWN_KEY));

   * Sets an onmousedown Javascript handler.
   * @param onmousedown  the new onmousedown value
  final public void setOnmousedown(String onmousedown)
    setProperty(ONMOUSEDOWN_KEY, (onmousedown));

   * Gets an onmouseup Javascript handler.
   * @return  the new onmouseup value
  final public String getOnmouseup()
    return ComponentUtils.resolveString(getProperty(ONMOUSEUP_KEY));

   * Sets an onmouseup Javascript handler.
   * @param onmouseup  the new onmouseup value
  final public void setOnmouseup(String onmouseup)
    setProperty(ONMOUSEUP_KEY, (onmouseup));

   * Gets an onmouseover Javascript handler.
   * @return  the new onmouseover value
  final public String getOnmouseover()
    return ComponentUtils.resolveString(getProperty(ONMOUSEOVER_KEY));

   * Sets an onmouseover Javascript handler.
   * @param onmouseover  the new onmouseover value
  final public void setOnmouseover(String onmouseover)
    setProperty(ONMOUSEOVER_KEY, (onmouseover));

   * Gets an onmousemove Javascript handler.
   * @return  the new onmousemove value
  final public String getOnmousemove()
    return ComponentUtils.resolveString(getProperty(ONMOUSEMOVE_KEY));

   * Sets an onmousemove Javascript handler.
   * @param onmousemove  the new onmousemove value
  final public void setOnmousemove(String onmousemove)
    setProperty(ONMOUSEMOVE_KEY, (onmousemove));

   * Gets an onmouseout Javascript handler.
   * @return  the new onmouseout value
  final public String getOnmouseout()
    return ComponentUtils.resolveString(getProperty(ONMOUSEOUT_KEY));

   * Sets an onmouseout Javascript handler.
   * @param onmouseout  the new onmouseout value
  final public void setOnmouseout(String onmouseout)
    setProperty(ONMOUSEOUT_KEY, (onmouseout));

   * Gets an onkeypress Javascript handler.
   * @return  the new onkeypress value
  final public String getOnkeypress()
    return ComponentUtils.resolveString(getProperty(ONKEYPRESS_KEY));

   * Sets an onkeypress Javascript handler.
   * @param onkeypress  the new onkeypress value
  final public void setOnkeypress(String onkeypress)
    setProperty(ONKEYPRESS_KEY, (onkeypress));

   * Gets an onkeydown Javascript handler.
   * @return  the new onkeydown value
  final public String getOnkeydown()
    return ComponentUtils.resolveString(getProperty(ONKEYDOWN_KEY));

   * Sets an onkeydown Javascript handler.
   * @param onkeydown  the new onkeydown value
  final public void setOnkeydown(String onkeydown)
    setProperty(ONKEYDOWN_KEY, (onkeydown));

   * Gets an onkeyup Javascript handler.
   * @return  the new onkeyup value
  final public String getOnkeyup()
    return ComponentUtils.resolveString(getProperty(ONKEYUP_KEY));

   * Sets an onkeyup Javascript handler.
   * @param onkeyup  the new onkeyup value
  final public void setOnkeyup(String onkeyup)
    setProperty(ONKEYUP_KEY, (onkeyup));

   * Gets Indicates whether a minimum of one detail item must be
   * disclosed at a time.  Use "false" (the default) to keep a minimum of one
   * detail item disclosed at all times.  Use "true" to make it possible for
   * all items to be collapsed.
   * @return  the new discloseNone value
  final public boolean isDiscloseNone()

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    setProperty(ACCESS_KEY_KEY, Character.valueOf(accessKey));

   * Gets the CSS styles to use for this component.
   * @return  the new inlineStyle value
  final public String getInlineStyle()
    return ComponentUtils.resolveString(getProperty(INLINE_STYLE_KEY));

   * Sets the CSS styles to use for this component.
   * @param inlineStyle  the new inlineStyle value
  final public void setInlineStyle(String inlineStyle)
    setProperty(INLINE_STYLE_KEY, (inlineStyle));

   * Gets a CSS style class to use for this component.
   * @return  the new styleClass value
  final public String getStyleClass()
    return ComponentUtils.resolveString(getProperty(STYLE_CLASS_KEY));

   * Sets a CSS style class to use for this component.
   * @param styleClass  the new styleClass value
  final public void setStyleClass(String styleClass)
    setProperty(STYLE_CLASS_KEY, (styleClass));

   * Gets The short description of the component. This text is commonly used by user agents to display tooltip help text.
   * @return  the new shortDesc value
  final public String getShortDesc()
    return ComponentUtils.resolveString(getProperty(SHORT_DESC_KEY));

   * Sets The short description of the component. This text is commonly used by user agents to display tooltip help text.
   * @param shortDesc  the new shortDesc value
  final public void setShortDesc(String shortDesc)
    setProperty(SHORT_DESC_KEY, (shortDesc));

   * Gets the IDs of the components that should trigger a partial update.
   *         <p>
   *         This component will listen on the trigger components. If one of the
   *         trigger components receives an event that will cause it to update
   *         in some way, this component will request to be updated too.</p>
   *         <p>
   *         Separate multiple triggers with a space. e.g., partialTriggers="cmp1 cmp2"
   *         </p>
   *         <p>
   *         Identifiers must account for NamingContainers.  You can use a single colon to start the search from the root,
   *         or use multiple colons to move up through the NamingContainer. For example,
   *         "::" will pop out of this component's naming container (it pops out of itself if it is a naming container), 
   *         ":::" will pop out of two naming containers, etc. The search for
   *         the partialTrigger begins from there. e.g., partialTriggers=":::commandButton1" the search begins for the 
   *         component with id = commandButton1 after popping out of two naming containers relative to this component.
   *         To go into naming containers, you separate the naming containers with ':', e.g.,partialTriggers= "nc1:nc2:nc3:componentId".</p>
   * @return  the new partialTriggers value
  final public String[] getPartialTriggers()
    return (String[])getProperty(PARTIAL_TRIGGERS_KEY);

   * Sets the IDs of the components that should trigger a partial update.
   *         <p>
   *         This component will listen on the trigger components. If one of the
   *         trigger components receives an event that will cause it to update
   *         in some way, this component will request to be updated too.</p>
   *         <p>
   *         Separate multiple triggers with a space. e.g., partialTriggers="cmp1 cmp2"
   *         </p>
   *         <p>
   *         Identifiers must account for NamingContainers.  You can use a single colon to start the search from the root,
   *         or use multiple colons to move up through the NamingContainer. For example,
   *         "::" will pop out of this component's naming container (it pops out of itself if it is a naming container), 
   *         ":::" will pop out of two naming containers, etc. The search for
   *         the partialTrigger begins from there. e.g., partialTriggers=":::commandButton1" the search begins for the 
   *         component with id = commandButton1 after popping out of two naming containers relative to this component.
   *         To go into naming containers, you separate the naming containers with ':', e.g.,partialTriggers= "nc1:nc2:nc3:componentId".</p>
   * @param partialTriggers  the new partialTriggers value
  final public void setPartialTriggers(String[] partialTriggers)
    setProperty(PARTIAL_TRIGGERS_KEY, (partialTriggers));

   * Gets an onclick Javascript handler.
   * @return  the new onclick value
  final public String getOnclick()
    return ComponentUtils.resolveString(getProperty(ONCLICK_KEY));

   * Sets an onclick Javascript handler.
   * @param onclick  the new onclick value
  final public void setOnclick(String onclick)
    setProperty(ONCLICK_KEY, (onclick));

   * Gets an ondblclick Javascript handler.
   * @return  the new ondblclick value
  final public String getOndblclick()
    return ComponentUtils.resolveString(getProperty(ONDBLCLICK_KEY));

   * Sets an ondblclick Javascript handler.
   * @param ondblclick  the new ondblclick value
  final public void setOndblclick(String ondblclick)
    setProperty(ONDBLCLICK_KEY, (ondblclick));

   * Gets an onmousedown Javascript handler.
   * @return  the new onmousedown value
  final public String getOnmousedown()
    return ComponentUtils.resolveString(getProperty(ONMOUSEDOWN_KEY));

   * Sets an onmousedown Javascript handler.
   * @param onmousedown  the new onmousedown value
  final public void setOnmousedown(String onmousedown)
    setProperty(ONMOUSEDOWN_KEY, (onmousedown));

   * Gets an onmouseup Javascript handler.
   * @return  the new onmouseup value
  final public String getOnmouseup()
    return ComponentUtils.resolveString(getProperty(ONMOUSEUP_KEY));

   * Sets an onmouseup Javascript handler.
   * @param onmouseup  the new onmouseup value
  final public void setOnmouseup(String onmouseup)
    setProperty(ONMOUSEUP_KEY, (onmouseup));

   * Gets an onmouseover Javascript handler.
   * @return  the new onmouseover value
  final public String getOnmouseover()
    return ComponentUtils.resolveString(getProperty(ONMOUSEOVER_KEY));

   * Sets an onmouseover Javascript handler.
   * @param onmouseover  the new onmouseover value
  final public void setOnmouseover(String onmouseover)
    setProperty(ONMOUSEOVER_KEY, (onmouseover));

   * Gets an onmousemove Javascript handler.
   * @return  the new onmousemove value
  final public String getOnmousemove()
    return ComponentUtils.resolveString(getProperty(ONMOUSEMOVE_KEY));

   * Sets an onmousemove Javascript handler.
   * @param onmousemove  the new onmousemove value
  final public void setOnmousemove(String onmousemove)
    setProperty(ONMOUSEMOVE_KEY, (onmousemove));

   * Gets an onmouseout Javascript handler.
   * @return  the new onmouseout value
  final public String getOnmouseout()
    return ComponentUtils.resolveString(getProperty(ONMOUSEOUT_KEY));

   * Sets an onmouseout Javascript handler.
   * @param onmouseout  the new onmouseout value
  final public void setOnmouseout(String onmouseout)
    setProperty(ONMOUSEOUT_KEY, (onmouseout));

   * Gets an onkeypress Javascript handler.
   * @return  the new onkeypress value
  final public String getOnkeypress()
    return ComponentUtils.resolveString(getProperty(ONKEYPRESS_KEY));

   * Sets an onkeypress Javascript handler.
   * @param onkeypress  the new onkeypress value
  final public void setOnkeypress(String onkeypress)
    setProperty(ONKEYPRESS_KEY, (onkeypress));

   * Gets an onkeydown Javascript handler.
   * @return  the new onkeydown value
  final public String getOnkeydown()
    return ComponentUtils.resolveString(getProperty(ONKEYDOWN_KEY));

   * Sets an onkeydown Javascript handler.
   * @param onkeydown  the new onkeydown value
  final public void setOnkeydown(String onkeydown)
    setProperty(ONKEYDOWN_KEY, (onkeydown));

   * Gets an onkeyup Javascript handler.
   * @return  the new onkeyup value
  final public String getOnkeyup()
    return ComponentUtils.resolveString(getProperty(ONKEYUP_KEY));

   * Sets an onkeyup Javascript handler.
   * @param onkeyup  the new onkeyup value
  final public void setOnkeyup(String onkeyup)
    setProperty(ONKEYUP_KEY, (onkeyup));

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   * Gets the CSS styles to use for this component.
   * @return  the new inlineStyle value
  final public String getInlineStyle()
    return ComponentUtils.resolveString(getProperty(INLINE_STYLE_KEY));

   * Sets the CSS styles to use for this component.
   * @param inlineStyle  the new inlineStyle value
  final public void setInlineStyle(String inlineStyle)
    setProperty(INLINE_STYLE_KEY, (inlineStyle));

   * Gets a CSS style class to use for this component.
   * @return  the new styleClass value
  final public String getStyleClass()
    return ComponentUtils.resolveString(getProperty(STYLE_CLASS_KEY));

   * Sets a CSS style class to use for this component.
   * @param styleClass  the new styleClass value
  final public void setStyleClass(String styleClass)
    setProperty(STYLE_CLASS_KEY, (styleClass));

   * Gets The short description of the component. This text is commonly used by user agents to display tooltip help text.
   * @return  the new shortDesc value
  final public String getShortDesc()
    return ComponentUtils.resolveString(getProperty(SHORT_DESC_KEY));

   * Sets The short description of the component. This text is commonly used by user agents to display tooltip help text.
   * @param shortDesc  the new shortDesc value
  final public void setShortDesc(String shortDesc)
    setProperty(SHORT_DESC_KEY, (shortDesc));

   * Gets the IDs of the components that should trigger a partial update.
   *         <p>
   *         This component will listen on the trigger components. If one of the
   *         trigger components receives an event that will cause it to update
   *         in some way, this component will request to be updated too.</p>
   *         <p>
   *         Separate multiple triggers with a space. e.g., partialTriggers="cmp1 cmp2"
   *         </p>
   *         <p>
   *         Identifiers must account for NamingContainers.  You can use a single colon to start the search from the root,
   *         or use multiple colons to move up through the NamingContainer. For example,
   *         "::" will pop out of this component's naming container (it pops out of itself if it is a naming container), 
   *         ":::" will pop out of two naming containers, etc. The search for
   *         the partialTrigger begins from there. e.g., partialTriggers=":::commandButton1" the search begins for the 
   *         component with id = commandButton1 after popping out of two naming containers relative to this component.
   *         To go into naming containers, you separate the naming containers with ':', e.g.,partialTriggers= "nc1:nc2:nc3:componentId".</p>
   * @return  the new partialTriggers value
  final public String[] getPartialTriggers()
    return (String[])getProperty(PARTIAL_TRIGGERS_KEY);

   * Sets the IDs of the components that should trigger a partial update.
   *         <p>
   *         This component will listen on the trigger components. If one of the
   *         trigger components receives an event that will cause it to update
   *         in some way, this component will request to be updated too.</p>
   *         <p>
   *         Separate multiple triggers with a space. e.g., partialTriggers="cmp1 cmp2"
   *         </p>
   *         <p>
   *         Identifiers must account for NamingContainers.  You can use a single colon to start the search from the root,
   *         or use multiple colons to move up through the NamingContainer. For example,
   *         "::" will pop out of this component's naming container (it pops out of itself if it is a naming container), 
   *         ":::" will pop out of two naming containers, etc. The search for
   *         the partialTrigger begins from there. e.g., partialTriggers=":::commandButton1" the search begins for the 
   *         component with id = commandButton1 after popping out of two naming containers relative to this component.
   *         To go into naming containers, you separate the naming containers with ':', e.g.,partialTriggers= "nc1:nc2:nc3:componentId".</p>
   * @param partialTriggers  the new partialTriggers value
  final public void setPartialTriggers(String[] partialTriggers)
    setProperty(PARTIAL_TRIGGERS_KEY, (partialTriggers));

   * Gets an onclick Javascript handler.
   * @return  the new onclick value
  final public String getOnclick()
    return ComponentUtils.resolveString(getProperty(ONCLICK_KEY));

   * Sets an onclick Javascript handler.
   * @param onclick  the new onclick value
  final public void setOnclick(String onclick)
    setProperty(ONCLICK_KEY, (onclick));

   * Gets an ondblclick Javascript handler.
   * @return  the new ondblclick value
  final public String getOndblclick()
    return ComponentUtils.resolveString(getProperty(ONDBLCLICK_KEY));

   * Sets an ondblclick Javascript handler.
   * @param ondblclick  the new ondblclick value
  final public void setOndblclick(String ondblclick)
    setProperty(ONDBLCLICK_KEY, (ondblclick));

   * Gets an onmousedown Javascript handler.
   * @return  the new onmousedown value
  final public String getOnmousedown()
    return ComponentUtils.resolveString(getProperty(ONMOUSEDOWN_KEY));

   * Sets an onmousedown Javascript handler.
   * @param onmousedown  the new onmousedown value
  final public void setOnmousedown(String onmousedown)
    setProperty(ONMOUSEDOWN_KEY, (onmousedown));

   * Gets an onmouseup Javascript handler.
   * @return  the new onmouseup value
  final public String getOnmouseup()
    return ComponentUtils.resolveString(getProperty(ONMOUSEUP_KEY));

   * Sets an onmouseup Javascript handler.
   * @param onmouseup  the new onmouseup value
  final public void setOnmouseup(String onmouseup)
    setProperty(ONMOUSEUP_KEY, (onmouseup));

   * Gets an onmouseover Javascript handler.
   * @return  the new onmouseover value
  final public String getOnmouseover()
    return ComponentUtils.resolveString(getProperty(ONMOUSEOVER_KEY));

   * Sets an onmouseover Javascript handler.
   * @param onmouseover  the new onmouseover value
  final public void setOnmouseover(String onmouseover)
    setProperty(ONMOUSEOVER_KEY, (onmouseover));

   * Gets an onmousemove Javascript handler.
   * @return  the new onmousemove value
  final public String getOnmousemove()
    return ComponentUtils.resolveString(getProperty(ONMOUSEMOVE_KEY));

   * Sets an onmousemove Javascript handler.
   * @param onmousemove  the new onmousemove value
  final public void setOnmousemove(String onmousemove)
    setProperty(ONMOUSEMOVE_KEY, (onmousemove));

   * Gets an onmouseout Javascript handler.
   * @return  the new onmouseout value
  final public String getOnmouseout()
    return ComponentUtils.resolveString(getProperty(ONMOUSEOUT_KEY));

   * Sets an onmouseout Javascript handler.
   * @param onmouseout  the new onmouseout value
  final public void setOnmouseout(String onmouseout)
    setProperty(ONMOUSEOUT_KEY, (onmouseout));

   * Gets an onkeypress Javascript handler.
   * @return  the new onkeypress value
  final public String getOnkeypress()
    return ComponentUtils.resolveString(getProperty(ONKEYPRESS_KEY));

   * Sets an onkeypress Javascript handler.
   * @param onkeypress  the new onkeypress value
  final public void setOnkeypress(String onkeypress)
    setProperty(ONKEYPRESS_KEY, (onkeypress));

   * Gets an onkeydown Javascript handler.
   * @return  the new onkeydown value
  final public String getOnkeydown()
    return ComponentUtils.resolveString(getProperty(ONKEYDOWN_KEY));

   * Sets an onkeydown Javascript handler.
   * @param onkeydown  the new onkeydown value
  final public void setOnkeydown(String onkeydown)
    setProperty(ONKEYDOWN_KEY, (onkeydown));

   * Gets an onkeyup Javascript handler.
   * @return  the new onkeyup value
  final public String getOnkeyup()
    return ComponentUtils.resolveString(getProperty(ONKEYUP_KEY));

   * Sets an onkeyup Javascript handler.
   * @param onkeyup  the new onkeyup value
  final public void setOnkeyup(String onkeyup)
    setProperty(ONKEYUP_KEY, (onkeyup));

   * Gets Indicates whether a minimum of one detail item must be
   * disclosed at a time.  Use "false" (the default) to keep a minimum of one
   * detail item disclosed at all times.  Use "true" to make it possible for
   * all items to be collapsed.
   * @return  the new discloseNone value
  final public boolean isDiscloseNone()

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org/apache/myfaces/trinidad/component/core/output/ 205
    setProperty(WIDTH_KEY, Integer.valueOf(width));

   * Gets the CSS styles to use for this component.
   * @return  the new inlineStyle value
  final public String getInlineStyle()
    return ComponentUtils.resolveString(getProperty(INLINE_STYLE_KEY));

   * Sets the CSS styles to use for this component.
   * @param inlineStyle  the new inlineStyle value
  final public void setInlineStyle(String inlineStyle)
    setProperty(INLINE_STYLE_KEY, (inlineStyle));

   * Gets a CSS style class to use for this component.
   * @return  the new styleClass value
  final public String getStyleClass()
    return ComponentUtils.resolveString(getProperty(STYLE_CLASS_KEY));

   * Sets a CSS style class to use for this component.
   * @param styleClass  the new styleClass value
  final public void setStyleClass(String styleClass)
    setProperty(STYLE_CLASS_KEY, (styleClass));

   * Gets The short description of the component. This text is commonly used by user agents to display tooltip help text.
   * @return  the new shortDesc value
  final public String getShortDesc()
    return ComponentUtils.resolveString(getProperty(SHORT_DESC_KEY));

   * Sets The short description of the component. This text is commonly used by user agents to display tooltip help text.
   * @param shortDesc  the new shortDesc value
  final public void setShortDesc(String shortDesc)
    setProperty(SHORT_DESC_KEY, (shortDesc));

   * Gets the IDs of the components that should trigger a partial update.
   *         <p>
   *         This component will listen on the trigger components. If one of the
   *         trigger components receives an event that will cause it to update
   *         in some way, this component will request to be updated too.</p>
   *         <p>
   *         Separate multiple triggers with a space. e.g., partialTriggers="cmp1 cmp2"
   *         </p>
   *         <p>
   *         Identifiers must account for NamingContainers.  You can use a single colon to start the search from the root,
   *         or use multiple colons to move up through the NamingContainer. For example,
   *         "::" will pop out of this component's naming container (it pops out of itself if it is a naming container), 
   *         ":::" will pop out of two naming containers, etc. The search for
   *         the partialTrigger begins from there. e.g., partialTriggers=":::commandButton1" the search begins for the 
   *         component with id = commandButton1 after popping out of two naming containers relative to this component.
   *         To go into naming containers, you separate the naming containers with ':', e.g.,partialTriggers= "nc1:nc2:nc3:componentId".</p>
   * @return  the new partialTriggers value
  final public String[] getPartialTriggers()
    return (String[])getProperty(PARTIAL_TRIGGERS_KEY);

   * Sets the IDs of the components that should trigger a partial update.
   *         <p>
   *         This component will listen on the trigger components. If one of the
   *         trigger components receives an event that will cause it to update
   *         in some way, this component will request to be updated too.</p>
   *         <p>
   *         Separate multiple triggers with a space. e.g., partialTriggers="cmp1 cmp2"
   *         </p>
   *         <p>
   *         Identifiers must account for NamingContainers.  You can use a single colon to start the search from the root,
   *         or use multiple colons to move up through the NamingContainer. For example,
   *         "::" will pop out of this component's naming container (it pops out of itself if it is a naming container), 
   *         ":::" will pop out of two naming containers, etc. The search for
   *         the partialTrigger begins from there. e.g., partialTriggers=":::commandButton1" the search begins for the 
   *         component with id = commandButton1 after popping out of two naming containers relative to this component.
   *         To go into naming containers, you separate the naming containers with ':', e.g.,partialTriggers= "nc1:nc2:nc3:componentId".</p>
   * @param partialTriggers  the new partialTriggers value
  final public void setPartialTriggers(String[] partialTriggers)
    setProperty(PARTIAL_TRIGGERS_KEY, (partialTriggers));

   * Gets an onclick Javascript handler.
   * @return  the new onclick value
  final public String getOnclick()
    return ComponentUtils.resolveString(getProperty(ONCLICK_KEY));

   * Sets an onclick Javascript handler.
   * @param onclick  the new onclick value
  final public void setOnclick(String onclick)
    setProperty(ONCLICK_KEY, (onclick));

   * Gets an ondblclick Javascript handler.
   * @return  the new ondblclick value
  final public String getOndblclick()
    return ComponentUtils.resolveString(getProperty(ONDBLCLICK_KEY));

   * Sets an ondblclick Javascript handler.
   * @param ondblclick  the new ondblclick value
  final public void setOndblclick(String ondblclick)
    setProperty(ONDBLCLICK_KEY, (ondblclick));

   * Gets an onmousedown Javascript handler.
   * @return  the new onmousedown value
  final public String getOnmousedown()
    return ComponentUtils.resolveString(getProperty(ONMOUSEDOWN_KEY));

   * Sets an onmousedown Javascript handler.
   * @param onmousedown  the new onmousedown value
  final public void setOnmousedown(String onmousedown)
    setProperty(ONMOUSEDOWN_KEY, (onmousedown));

   * Gets an onmouseup Javascript handler.
   * @return  the new onmouseup value
  final public String getOnmouseup()
    return ComponentUtils.resolveString(getProperty(ONMOUSEUP_KEY));

   * Sets an onmouseup Javascript handler.
   * @param onmouseup  the new onmouseup value
  final public void setOnmouseup(String onmouseup)
    setProperty(ONMOUSEUP_KEY, (onmouseup));

   * Gets an onmouseover Javascript handler.
   * @return  the new onmouseover value
  final public String getOnmouseover()
    return ComponentUtils.resolveString(getProperty(ONMOUSEOVER_KEY));

   * Sets an onmouseover Javascript handler.
   * @param onmouseover  the new onmouseover value
  final public void setOnmouseover(String onmouseover)
    setProperty(ONMOUSEOVER_KEY, (onmouseover));

   * Gets an onmousemove Javascript handler.
   * @return  the new onmousemove value
  final public String getOnmousemove()
    return ComponentUtils.resolveString(getProperty(ONMOUSEMOVE_KEY));

   * Sets an onmousemove Javascript handler.
   * @param onmousemove  the new onmousemove value
  final public void setOnmousemove(String onmousemove)
    setProperty(ONMOUSEMOVE_KEY, (onmousemove));

   * Gets an onmouseout Javascript handler.
   * @return  the new onmouseout value
  final public String getOnmouseout()
    return ComponentUtils.resolveString(getProperty(ONMOUSEOUT_KEY));

   * Sets an onmouseout Javascript handler.
   * @param onmouseout  the new onmouseout value
  final public void setOnmouseout(String onmouseout)
    setProperty(ONMOUSEOUT_KEY, (onmouseout));

   * Gets an onkeypress Javascript handler.
   * @return  the new onkeypress value
  final public String getOnkeypress()
    return ComponentUtils.resolveString(getProperty(ONKEYPRESS_KEY));

   * Sets an onkeypress Javascript handler.
   * @param onkeypress  the new onkeypress value
  final public void setOnkeypress(String onkeypress)
    setProperty(ONKEYPRESS_KEY, (onkeypress));

   * Gets an onkeydown Javascript handler.
   * @return  the new onkeydown value
  final public String getOnkeydown()
    return ComponentUtils.resolveString(getProperty(ONKEYDOWN_KEY));

   * Sets an onkeydown Javascript handler.
   * @param onkeydown  the new onkeydown value
  final public void setOnkeydown(String onkeydown)
    setProperty(ONKEYDOWN_KEY, (onkeydown));

   * Gets an onkeyup Javascript handler.
   * @return  the new onkeyup value
  final public String getOnkeyup()
    return ComponentUtils.resolveString(getProperty(ONKEYUP_KEY));

   * Sets an onkeyup Javascript handler.
   * @param onkeyup  the new onkeyup value
  final public void setOnkeyup(String onkeyup)
    setProperty(ONKEYUP_KEY, (onkeyup));

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   * Gets the CSS styles to use for this component.
   * @return  the new inlineStyle value
  final public String getInlineStyle()
    return ComponentUtils.resolveString(getProperty(INLINE_STYLE_KEY));

   * Sets the CSS styles to use for this component.
   * @param inlineStyle  the new inlineStyle value
  final public void setInlineStyle(String inlineStyle)
    setProperty(INLINE_STYLE_KEY, (inlineStyle));

   * Gets a CSS style class to use for this component.
   * @return  the new styleClass value
  final public String getStyleClass()
    return ComponentUtils.resolveString(getProperty(STYLE_CLASS_KEY));

   * Sets a CSS style class to use for this component.
   * @param styleClass  the new styleClass value
  final public void setStyleClass(String styleClass)
    setProperty(STYLE_CLASS_KEY, (styleClass));

   * Gets The short description of the component. This text is commonly used by user agents to display tooltip help text.
   * @return  the new shortDesc value
  final public String getShortDesc()
    return ComponentUtils.resolveString(getProperty(SHORT_DESC_KEY));

   * Sets The short description of the component. This text is commonly used by user agents to display tooltip help text.
   * @param shortDesc  the new shortDesc value
  final public void setShortDesc(String shortDesc)
    setProperty(SHORT_DESC_KEY, (shortDesc));

   * Gets the IDs of the components that should trigger a partial update.
   *         <p>
   *         This component will listen on the trigger components. If one of the
   *         trigger components receives an event that will cause it to update
   *         in some way, this component will request to be updated too.</p>
   *         <p>
   *         Separate multiple triggers with a space. e.g., partialTriggers="cmp1 cmp2"
   *         </p>
   *         <p>
   *         Identifiers must account for NamingContainers.  You can use a single colon to start the search from the root,
   *         or use multiple colons to move up through the NamingContainer. For example,
   *         "::" will pop out of this component's naming container (it pops out of itself if it is a naming container), 
   *         ":::" will pop out of two naming containers, etc. The search for
   *         the partialTrigger begins from there. e.g., partialTriggers=":::commandButton1" the search begins for the 
   *         component with id = commandButton1 after popping out of two naming containers relative to this component.
   *         To go into naming containers, you separate the naming containers with ':', e.g.,partialTriggers= "nc1:nc2:nc3:componentId".</p>
   * @return  the new partialTriggers value
  final public String[] getPartialTriggers()
    return (String[])getProperty(PARTIAL_TRIGGERS_KEY);

   * Sets the IDs of the components that should trigger a partial update.
   *         <p>
   *         This component will listen on the trigger components. If one of the
   *         trigger components receives an event that will cause it to update
   *         in some way, this component will request to be updated too.</p>
   *         <p>
   *         Separate multiple triggers with a space. e.g., partialTriggers="cmp1 cmp2"
   *         </p>
   *         <p>
   *         Identifiers must account for NamingContainers.  You can use a single colon to start the search from the root,
   *         or use multiple colons to move up through the NamingContainer. For example,
   *         "::" will pop out of this component's naming container (it pops out of itself if it is a naming container), 
   *         ":::" will pop out of two naming containers, etc. The search for
   *         the partialTrigger begins from there. e.g., partialTriggers=":::commandButton1" the search begins for the 
   *         component with id = commandButton1 after popping out of two naming containers relative to this component.
   *         To go into naming containers, you separate the naming containers with ':', e.g.,partialTriggers= "nc1:nc2:nc3:componentId".</p>
   * @param partialTriggers  the new partialTriggers value
  final public void setPartialTriggers(String[] partialTriggers)
    setProperty(PARTIAL_TRIGGERS_KEY, (partialTriggers));

   * Gets an onclick Javascript handler.
   * @return  the new onclick value
  final public String getOnclick()
    return ComponentUtils.resolveString(getProperty(ONCLICK_KEY));

   * Sets an onclick Javascript handler.
   * @param onclick  the new onclick value
  final public void setOnclick(String onclick)
    setProperty(ONCLICK_KEY, (onclick));

   * Gets an ondblclick Javascript handler.
   * @return  the new ondblclick value
  final public String getOndblclick()
    return ComponentUtils.resolveString(getProperty(ONDBLCLICK_KEY));

   * Sets an ondblclick Javascript handler.
   * @param ondblclick  the new ondblclick value
  final public void setOndblclick(String ondblclick)
    setProperty(ONDBLCLICK_KEY, (ondblclick));

   * Gets an onmousedown Javascript handler.
   * @return  the new onmousedown value
  final public String getOnmousedown()
    return ComponentUtils.resolveString(getProperty(ONMOUSEDOWN_KEY));

   * Sets an onmousedown Javascript handler.
   * @param onmousedown  the new onmousedown value
  final public void setOnmousedown(String onmousedown)
    setProperty(ONMOUSEDOWN_KEY, (onmousedown));

   * Gets an onmouseup Javascript handler.
   * @return  the new onmouseup value
  final public String getOnmouseup()
    return ComponentUtils.resolveString(getProperty(ONMOUSEUP_KEY));

   * Sets an onmouseup Javascript handler.
   * @param onmouseup  the new onmouseup value
  final public void setOnmouseup(String onmouseup)
    setProperty(ONMOUSEUP_KEY, (onmouseup));

   * Gets an onmouseover Javascript handler.
   * @return  the new onmouseover value
  final public String getOnmouseover()
    return ComponentUtils.resolveString(getProperty(ONMOUSEOVER_KEY));

   * Sets an onmouseover Javascript handler.
   * @param onmouseover  the new onmouseover value
  final public void setOnmouseover(String onmouseover)
    setProperty(ONMOUSEOVER_KEY, (onmouseover));

   * Gets an onmousemove Javascript handler.
   * @return  the new onmousemove value
  final public String getOnmousemove()
    return ComponentUtils.resolveString(getProperty(ONMOUSEMOVE_KEY));

   * Sets an onmousemove Javascript handler.
   * @param onmousemove  the new onmousemove value
  final public void setOnmousemove(String onmousemove)
    setProperty(ONMOUSEMOVE_KEY, (onmousemove));

   * Gets an onmouseout Javascript handler.
   * @return  the new onmouseout value
  final public String getOnmouseout()
    return ComponentUtils.resolveString(getProperty(ONMOUSEOUT_KEY));

   * Sets an onmouseout Javascript handler.
   * @param onmouseout  the new onmouseout value
  final public void setOnmouseout(String onmouseout)
    setProperty(ONMOUSEOUT_KEY, (onmouseout));

   * Gets an onkeypress Javascript handler.
   * @return  the new onkeypress value
  final public String getOnkeypress()
    return ComponentUtils.resolveString(getProperty(ONKEYPRESS_KEY));

   * Sets an onkeypress Javascript handler.
   * @param onkeypress  the new onkeypress value
  final public void setOnkeypress(String onkeypress)
    setProperty(ONKEYPRESS_KEY, (onkeypress));

   * Gets an onkeydown Javascript handler.
   * @return  the new onkeydown value
  final public String getOnkeydown()
    return ComponentUtils.resolveString(getProperty(ONKEYDOWN_KEY));

   * Sets an onkeydown Javascript handler.
   * @param onkeydown  the new onkeydown value
  final public void setOnkeydown(String onkeydown)
    setProperty(ONKEYDOWN_KEY, (onkeydown));

   * Gets an onkeyup Javascript handler.
   * @return  the new onkeyup value
  final public String getOnkeyup()
    return ComponentUtils.resolveString(getProperty(ONKEYUP_KEY));

   * Sets an onkeyup Javascript handler.
   * @param onkeyup  the new onkeyup value
  final public void setOnkeyup(String onkeyup)
    setProperty(ONKEYUP_KEY, (onkeyup));

   * Gets Indicates whether a minimum of one detail item must be
   * disclosed at a time.  Use "false" (the default) to keep a minimum of one
   * detail item disclosed at all times.  Use "true" to make it possible for
   * all items to be collapsed.
   * @return  the new discloseNone value
  final public boolean isDiscloseNone()

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    setProperty(SUMMARY_KEY, (summary));

   * Gets the CSS styles to use for this component.
   * @return  the new inlineStyle value
  final public String getInlineStyle()
    return ComponentUtils.resolveString(getProperty(INLINE_STYLE_KEY));

   * Sets the CSS styles to use for this component.
   * @param inlineStyle  the new inlineStyle value
  final public void setInlineStyle(String inlineStyle)
    setProperty(INLINE_STYLE_KEY, (inlineStyle));

   * Gets a CSS style class to use for this component.
   * @return  the new styleClass value
  final public String getStyleClass()
    return ComponentUtils.resolveString(getProperty(STYLE_CLASS_KEY));

   * Sets a CSS style class to use for this component.
   * @param styleClass  the new styleClass value
  final public void setStyleClass(String styleClass)
    setProperty(STYLE_CLASS_KEY, (styleClass));

   * Gets The short description of the component. This text is commonly used by user agents to display tooltip help text.
   * @return  the new shortDesc value
  final public String getShortDesc()
    return ComponentUtils.resolveString(getProperty(SHORT_DESC_KEY));

   * Sets The short description of the component. This text is commonly used by user agents to display tooltip help text.
   * @param shortDesc  the new shortDesc value
  final public void setShortDesc(String shortDesc)
    setProperty(SHORT_DESC_KEY, (shortDesc));

   * Gets the IDs of the components that should trigger a partial update.
   *         <p>
   *         This component will listen on the trigger components. If one of the
   *         trigger components receives an event that will cause it to update
   *         in some way, this component will request to be updated too.</p>
   *         <p>
   *         Separate multiple triggers with a space. e.g., partialTriggers="cmp1 cmp2"
   *         </p>
   *         <p>
   *         Identifiers must account for NamingContainers.  You can use a single colon to start the search from the root,
   *         or use multiple colons to move up through the NamingContainer. For example,
   *         "::" will pop out of this component's naming container (it pops out of itself if it is a naming container), 
   *         ":::" will pop out of two naming containers, etc. The search for
   *         the partialTrigger begins from there. e.g., partialTriggers=":::commandButton1" the search begins for the 
   *         component with id = commandButton1 after popping out of two naming containers relative to this component.
   *         To go into naming containers, you separate the naming containers with ':', e.g.,partialTriggers= "nc1:nc2:nc3:componentId".</p>
   * @return  the new partialTriggers value
  final public String[] getPartialTriggers()
    return (String[])getProperty(PARTIAL_TRIGGERS_KEY);

   * Sets the IDs of the components that should trigger a partial update.
   *         <p>
   *         This component will listen on the trigger components. If one of the
   *         trigger components receives an event that will cause it to update
   *         in some way, this component will request to be updated too.</p>
   *         <p>
   *         Separate multiple triggers with a space. e.g., partialTriggers="cmp1 cmp2"
   *         </p>
   *         <p>
   *         Identifiers must account for NamingContainers.  You can use a single colon to start the search from the root,
   *         or use multiple colons to move up through the NamingContainer. For example,
   *         "::" will pop out of this component's naming container (it pops out of itself if it is a naming container), 
   *         ":::" will pop out of two naming containers, etc. The search for
   *         the partialTrigger begins from there. e.g., partialTriggers=":::commandButton1" the search begins for the 
   *         component with id = commandButton1 after popping out of two naming containers relative to this component.
   *         To go into naming containers, you separate the naming containers with ':', e.g.,partialTriggers= "nc1:nc2:nc3:componentId".</p>
   * @param partialTriggers  the new partialTriggers value
  final public void setPartialTriggers(String[] partialTriggers)
    setProperty(PARTIAL_TRIGGERS_KEY, (partialTriggers));

   * Gets an onclick Javascript handler.
   * @return  the new onclick value
  final public String getOnclick()
    return ComponentUtils.resolveString(getProperty(ONCLICK_KEY));

   * Sets an onclick Javascript handler.
   * @param onclick  the new onclick value
  final public void setOnclick(String onclick)
    setProperty(ONCLICK_KEY, (onclick));

   * Gets an ondblclick Javascript handler.
   * @return  the new ondblclick value
  final public String getOndblclick()
    return ComponentUtils.resolveString(getProperty(ONDBLCLICK_KEY));

   * Sets an ondblclick Javascript handler.
   * @param ondblclick  the new ondblclick value
  final public void setOndblclick(String ondblclick)
    setProperty(ONDBLCLICK_KEY, (ondblclick));

   * Gets an onmousedown Javascript handler.
   * @return  the new onmousedown value
  final public String getOnmousedown()
    return ComponentUtils.resolveString(getProperty(ONMOUSEDOWN_KEY));

   * Sets an onmousedown Javascript handler.
   * @param onmousedown  the new onmousedown value
  final public void setOnmousedown(String onmousedown)
    setProperty(ONMOUSEDOWN_KEY, (onmousedown));

   * Gets an onmouseup Javascript handler.
   * @return  the new onmouseup value
  final public String getOnmouseup()
    return ComponentUtils.resolveString(getProperty(ONMOUSEUP_KEY));

   * Sets an onmouseup Javascript handler.
   * @param onmouseup  the new onmouseup value
  final public void setOnmouseup(String onmouseup)
    setProperty(ONMOUSEUP_KEY, (onmouseup));

   * Gets an onmouseover Javascript handler.
   * @return  the new onmouseover value
  final public String getOnmouseover()
    return ComponentUtils.resolveString(getProperty(ONMOUSEOVER_KEY));

   * Sets an onmouseover Javascript handler.
   * @param onmouseover  the new onmouseover value
  final public void setOnmouseover(String onmouseover)
    setProperty(ONMOUSEOVER_KEY, (onmouseover));

   * Gets an onmousemove Javascript handler.
   * @return  the new onmousemove value
  final public String getOnmousemove()
    return ComponentUtils.resolveString(getProperty(ONMOUSEMOVE_KEY));

   * Sets an onmousemove Javascript handler.
   * @param onmousemove  the new onmousemove value
  final public void setOnmousemove(String onmousemove)
    setProperty(ONMOUSEMOVE_KEY, (onmousemove));

   * Gets an onmouseout Javascript handler.
   * @return  the new onmouseout value
  final public String getOnmouseout()
    return ComponentUtils.resolveString(getProperty(ONMOUSEOUT_KEY));

   * Sets an onmouseout Javascript handler.
   * @param onmouseout  the new onmouseout value
  final public void setOnmouseout(String onmouseout)
    setProperty(ONMOUSEOUT_KEY, (onmouseout));

   * Gets an onkeypress Javascript handler.
   * @return  the new onkeypress value
  final public String getOnkeypress()
    return ComponentUtils.resolveString(getProperty(ONKEYPRESS_KEY));

   * Sets an onkeypress Javascript handler.
   * @param onkeypress  the new onkeypress value
  final public void setOnkeypress(String onkeypress)
    setProperty(ONKEYPRESS_KEY, (onkeypress));

   * Gets an onkeydown Javascript handler.
   * @return  the new onkeydown value
  final public String getOnkeydown()
    return ComponentUtils.resolveString(getProperty(ONKEYDOWN_KEY));

   * Sets an onkeydown Javascript handler.
   * @param onkeydown  the new onkeydown value
  final public void setOnkeydown(String onkeydown)
    setProperty(ONKEYDOWN_KEY, (onkeydown));

   * Gets an onkeyup Javascript handler.
   * @return  the new onkeyup value
  final public String getOnkeyup()
    return ComponentUtils.resolveString(getProperty(ONKEYUP_KEY));

   * Sets an onkeyup Javascript handler.
   * @param onkeyup  the new onkeyup value
  final public void setOnkeyup(String onkeyup)
    setProperty(ONKEYUP_KEY, (onkeyup));

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   * Gets the CSS styles to use for this component.
   * @return  the new inlineStyle value
  final public String getInlineStyle()
    return ComponentUtils.resolveString(getProperty(INLINE_STYLE_KEY));

   * Sets the CSS styles to use for this component.
   * @param inlineStyle  the new inlineStyle value
  final public void setInlineStyle(String inlineStyle)
    setProperty(INLINE_STYLE_KEY, (inlineStyle));

   * Gets a CSS style class to use for this component.
   * @return  the new styleClass value
  final public String getStyleClass()
    return ComponentUtils.resolveString(getProperty(STYLE_CLASS_KEY));

   * Sets a CSS style class to use for this component.
   * @param styleClass  the new styleClass value
  final public void setStyleClass(String styleClass)
    setProperty(STYLE_CLASS_KEY, (styleClass));

   * Gets The short description of the component. This text is commonly used by user agents to display tooltip help text.
   * @return  the new shortDesc value
  final public String getShortDesc()
    return ComponentUtils.resolveString(getProperty(SHORT_DESC_KEY));

   * Sets The short description of the component. This text is commonly used by user agents to display tooltip help text.
   * @param shortDesc  the new shortDesc value
  final public void setShortDesc(String shortDesc)
    setProperty(SHORT_DESC_KEY, (shortDesc));

   * Gets the IDs of the components that should trigger a partial update.
   *         <p>
   *         This component will listen on the trigger components. If one of the
   *         trigger components receives an event that will cause it to update
   *         in some way, this component will request to be updated too.</p>
   *         <p>
   *         Separate multiple triggers with a space. e.g., partialTriggers="cmp1 cmp2"
   *         </p>
   *         <p>
   *         Identifiers must account for NamingContainers.  You can use a single colon to start the search from the root,
   *         or use multiple colons to move up through the NamingContainer. For example,
   *         "::" will pop out of this component's naming container (it pops out of itself if it is a naming container), 
   *         ":::" will pop out of two naming containers, etc. The search for
   *         the partialTrigger begins from there. e.g., partialTriggers=":::commandButton1" the search begins for the 
   *         component with id = commandButton1 after popping out of two naming containers relative to this component.
   *         To go into naming containers, you separate the naming containers with ':', e.g.,partialTriggers= "nc1:nc2:nc3:componentId".</p>
   * @return  the new partialTriggers value
  final public String[] getPartialTriggers()
    return (String[])getProperty(PARTIAL_TRIGGERS_KEY);

   * Sets the IDs of the components that should trigger a partial update.
   *         <p>
   *         This component will listen on the trigger components. If one of the
   *         trigger components receives an event that will cause it to update
   *         in some way, this component will request to be updated too.</p>
   *         <p>
   *         Separate multiple triggers with a space. e.g., partialTriggers="cmp1 cmp2"
   *         </p>
   *         <p>
   *         Identifiers must account for NamingContainers.  You can use a single colon to start the search from the root,
   *         or use multiple colons to move up through the NamingContainer. For example,
   *         "::" will pop out of this component's naming container (it pops out of itself if it is a naming container), 
   *         ":::" will pop out of two naming containers, etc. The search for
   *         the partialTrigger begins from there. e.g., partialTriggers=":::commandButton1" the search begins for the 
   *         component with id = commandButton1 after popping out of two naming containers relative to this component.
   *         To go into naming containers, you separate the naming containers with ':', e.g.,partialTriggers= "nc1:nc2:nc3:componentId".</p>
   * @param partialTriggers  the new partialTriggers value
  final public void setPartialTriggers(String[] partialTriggers)
    setProperty(PARTIAL_TRIGGERS_KEY, (partialTriggers));

   * Gets an onclick Javascript handler.
   * @return  the new onclick value
  final public String getOnclick()
    return ComponentUtils.resolveString(getProperty(ONCLICK_KEY));

   * Sets an onclick Javascript handler.
   * @param onclick  the new onclick value
  final public void setOnclick(String onclick)
    setProperty(ONCLICK_KEY, (onclick));

   * Gets an ondblclick Javascript handler.
   * @return  the new ondblclick value
  final public String getOndblclick()
    return ComponentUtils.resolveString(getProperty(ONDBLCLICK_KEY));

   * Sets an ondblclick Javascript handler.
   * @param ondblclick  the new ondblclick value
  final public void setOndblclick(String ondblclick)
    setProperty(ONDBLCLICK_KEY, (ondblclick));

   * Gets an onmousedown Javascript handler.
   * @return  the new onmousedown value
  final public String getOnmousedown()
    return ComponentUtils.resolveString(getProperty(ONMOUSEDOWN_KEY));

   * Sets an onmousedown Javascript handler.
   * @param onmousedown  the new onmousedown value
  final public void setOnmousedown(String onmousedown)
    setProperty(ONMOUSEDOWN_KEY, (onmousedown));

   * Gets an onmouseup Javascript handler.
   * @return  the new onmouseup value
  final public String getOnmouseup()
    return ComponentUtils.resolveString(getProperty(ONMOUSEUP_KEY));

   * Sets an onmouseup Javascript handler.
   * @param onmouseup  the new onmouseup value
  final public void setOnmouseup(String onmouseup)
    setProperty(ONMOUSEUP_KEY, (onmouseup));

   * Gets an onmouseover Javascript handler.
   * @return  the new onmouseover value
  final public String getOnmouseover()
    return ComponentUtils.resolveString(getProperty(ONMOUSEOVER_KEY));

   * Sets an onmouseover Javascript handler.
   * @param onmouseover  the new onmouseover value
  final public void setOnmouseover(String onmouseover)
    setProperty(ONMOUSEOVER_KEY, (onmouseover));

   * Gets an onmousemove Javascript handler.
   * @return  the new onmousemove value
  final public String getOnmousemove()
    return ComponentUtils.resolveString(getProperty(ONMOUSEMOVE_KEY));

   * Sets an onmousemove Javascript handler.
   * @param onmousemove  the new onmousemove value
  final public void setOnmousemove(String onmousemove)
    setProperty(ONMOUSEMOVE_KEY, (onmousemove));

   * Gets an onmouseout Javascript handler.
   * @return  the new onmouseout value
  final public String getOnmouseout()
    return ComponentUtils.resolveString(getProperty(ONMOUSEOUT_KEY));

   * Sets an onmouseout Javascript handler.
   * @param onmouseout  the new onmouseout value
  final public void setOnmouseout(String onmouseout)
    setProperty(ONMOUSEOUT_KEY, (onmouseout));

   * Gets an onkeypress Javascript handler.
   * @return  the new onkeypress value
  final public String getOnkeypress()
    return ComponentUtils.resolveString(getProperty(ONKEYPRESS_KEY));

   * Sets an onkeypress Javascript handler.
   * @param onkeypress  the new onkeypress value
  final public void setOnkeypress(String onkeypress)
    setProperty(ONKEYPRESS_KEY, (onkeypress));

   * Gets an onkeydown Javascript handler.
   * @return  the new onkeydown value
  final public String getOnkeydown()
    return ComponentUtils.resolveString(getProperty(ONKEYDOWN_KEY));

   * Sets an onkeydown Javascript handler.
   * @param onkeydown  the new onkeydown value
  final public void setOnkeydown(String onkeydown)
    setProperty(ONKEYDOWN_KEY, (onkeydown));

   * Gets an onkeyup Javascript handler.
   * @return  the new onkeyup value
  final public String getOnkeyup()
    return ComponentUtils.resolveString(getProperty(ONKEYUP_KEY));

   * Sets an onkeyup Javascript handler.
   * @param onkeyup  the new onkeyup value
  final public void setOnkeyup(String onkeyup)
    setProperty(ONKEYUP_KEY, (onkeyup));

   * Gets Indicates whether a minimum of one detail item must be
   * disclosed at a time.  Use "false" (the default) to keep a minimum of one
   * detail item disclosed at all times.  Use "true" to make it possible for
   * all items to be collapsed.
   * @return  the new discloseNone value
  final public boolean isDiscloseNone()

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    setProperty(ONSUBMIT_KEY, (onsubmit));

   * Gets the CSS styles to use for this component.
   * @return  the new inlineStyle value
  final public String getInlineStyle()
    return ComponentUtils.resolveString(getProperty(INLINE_STYLE_KEY));

   * Sets the CSS styles to use for this component.
   * @param inlineStyle  the new inlineStyle value
  final public void setInlineStyle(String inlineStyle)
    setProperty(INLINE_STYLE_KEY, (inlineStyle));

   * Gets a CSS style class to use for this component.
   * @return  the new styleClass value
  final public String getStyleClass()
    return ComponentUtils.resolveString(getProperty(STYLE_CLASS_KEY));

   * Sets a CSS style class to use for this component.
   * @param styleClass  the new styleClass value
  final public void setStyleClass(String styleClass)
    setProperty(STYLE_CLASS_KEY, (styleClass));

   * Gets The short description of the component. This text is commonly used by user agents to display tooltip help text.
   * @return  the new shortDesc value
  final public String getShortDesc()
    return ComponentUtils.resolveString(getProperty(SHORT_DESC_KEY));

   * Sets The short description of the component. This text is commonly used by user agents to display tooltip help text.
   * @param shortDesc  the new shortDesc value
  final public void setShortDesc(String shortDesc)
    setProperty(SHORT_DESC_KEY, (shortDesc));

   * Gets the IDs of the components that should trigger a partial update.
   *         <p>
   *         This component will listen on the trigger components. If one of the
   *         trigger components receives an event that will cause it to update
   *         in some way, this component will request to be updated too.</p>
   *         <p>
   *         Separate multiple triggers with a space. e.g., partialTriggers="cmp1 cmp2"
   *         </p>
   *         <p>
   *         Identifiers must account for NamingContainers.  You can use a single colon to start the search from the root,
   *         or use multiple colons to move up through the NamingContainer. For example,
   *         "::" will pop out of this component's naming container (it pops out of itself if it is a naming container), 
   *         ":::" will pop out of two naming containers, etc. The search for
   *         the partialTrigger begins from there. e.g., partialTriggers=":::commandButton1" the search begins for the 
   *         component with id = commandButton1 after popping out of two naming containers relative to this component.
   *         To go into naming containers, you separate the naming containers with ':', e.g.,partialTriggers= "nc1:nc2:nc3:componentId".</p>
   * @return  the new partialTriggers value
  final public String[] getPartialTriggers()
    return (String[])getProperty(PARTIAL_TRIGGERS_KEY);

   * Sets the IDs of the components that should trigger a partial update.
   *         <p>
   *         This component will listen on the trigger components. If one of the
   *         trigger components receives an event that will cause it to update
   *         in some way, this component will request to be updated too.</p>
   *         <p>
   *         Separate multiple triggers with a space. e.g., partialTriggers="cmp1 cmp2"
   *         </p>
   *         <p>
   *         Identifiers must account for NamingContainers.  You can use a single colon to start the search from the root,
   *         or use multiple colons to move up through the NamingContainer. For example,
   *         "::" will pop out of this component's naming container (it pops out of itself if it is a naming container), 
   *         ":::" will pop out of two naming containers, etc. The search for
   *         the partialTrigger begins from there. e.g., partialTriggers=":::commandButton1" the search begins for the 
   *         component with id = commandButton1 after popping out of two naming containers relative to this component.
   *         To go into naming containers, you separate the naming containers with ':', e.g.,partialTriggers= "nc1:nc2:nc3:componentId".</p>
   * @param partialTriggers  the new partialTriggers value
  final public void setPartialTriggers(String[] partialTriggers)
    setProperty(PARTIAL_TRIGGERS_KEY, (partialTriggers));

   * Gets an onclick Javascript handler.
   * @return  the new onclick value
  final public String getOnclick()
    return ComponentUtils.resolveString(getProperty(ONCLICK_KEY));

   * Sets an onclick Javascript handler.
   * @param onclick  the new onclick value
  final public void setOnclick(String onclick)
    setProperty(ONCLICK_KEY, (onclick));

   * Gets an ondblclick Javascript handler.
   * @return  the new ondblclick value
  final public String getOndblclick()
    return ComponentUtils.resolveString(getProperty(ONDBLCLICK_KEY));

   * Sets an ondblclick Javascript handler.
   * @param ondblclick  the new ondblclick value
  final public void setOndblclick(String ondblclick)
    setProperty(ONDBLCLICK_KEY, (ondblclick));

   * Gets an onmousedown Javascript handler.
   * @return  the new onmousedown value
  final public String getOnmousedown()
    return ComponentUtils.resolveString(getProperty(ONMOUSEDOWN_KEY));

   * Sets an onmousedown Javascript handler.
   * @param onmousedown  the new onmousedown value
  final public void setOnmousedown(String onmousedown)
    setProperty(ONMOUSEDOWN_KEY, (onmousedown));

   * Gets an onmouseup Javascript handler.
   * @return  the new onmouseup value
  final public String getOnmouseup()
    return ComponentUtils.resolveString(getProperty(ONMOUSEUP_KEY));

   * Sets an onmouseup Javascript handler.
   * @param onmouseup  the new onmouseup value
  final public void setOnmouseup(String onmouseup)
    setProperty(ONMOUSEUP_KEY, (onmouseup));

   * Gets an onmouseover Javascript handler.
   * @return  the new onmouseover value
  final public String getOnmouseover()
    return ComponentUtils.resolveString(getProperty(ONMOUSEOVER_KEY));

   * Sets an onmouseover Javascript handler.
   * @param onmouseover  the new onmouseover value
  final public void setOnmouseover(String onmouseover)
    setProperty(ONMOUSEOVER_KEY, (onmouseover));

   * Gets an onmousemove Javascript handler.
   * @return  the new onmousemove value
  final public String getOnmousemove()
    return ComponentUtils.resolveString(getProperty(ONMOUSEMOVE_KEY));

   * Sets an onmousemove Javascript handler.
   * @param onmousemove  the new onmousemove value
  final public void setOnmousemove(String onmousemove)
    setProperty(ONMOUSEMOVE_KEY, (onmousemove));

   * Gets an onmouseout Javascript handler.
   * @return  the new onmouseout value
  final public String getOnmouseout()
    return ComponentUtils.resolveString(getProperty(ONMOUSEOUT_KEY));

   * Sets an onmouseout Javascript handler.
   * @param onmouseout  the new onmouseout value
  final public void setOnmouseout(String onmouseout)
    setProperty(ONMOUSEOUT_KEY, (onmouseout));

   * Gets an onkeypress Javascript handler.
   * @return  the new onkeypress value
  final public String getOnkeypress()
    return ComponentUtils.resolveString(getProperty(ONKEYPRESS_KEY));

   * Sets an onkeypress Javascript handler.
   * @param onkeypress  the new onkeypress value
  final public void setOnkeypress(String onkeypress)
    setProperty(ONKEYPRESS_KEY, (onkeypress));

   * Gets an onkeydown Javascript handler.
   * @return  the new onkeydown value
  final public String getOnkeydown()
    return ComponentUtils.resolveString(getProperty(ONKEYDOWN_KEY));

   * Sets an onkeydown Javascript handler.
   * @param onkeydown  the new onkeydown value
  final public void setOnkeydown(String onkeydown)
    setProperty(ONKEYDOWN_KEY, (onkeydown));

   * Gets an onkeyup Javascript handler.
   * @return  the new onkeyup value
  final public String getOnkeyup()
    return ComponentUtils.resolveString(getProperty(ONKEYUP_KEY));

   * Sets an onkeyup Javascript handler.
   * @param onkeyup  the new onkeyup value
  final public void setOnkeyup(String onkeyup)
    setProperty(ONKEYUP_KEY, (onkeyup));

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    setProperty(WIDTH_KEY, (width));

   * Gets the short description of the bean.  This text
   *          is commonly used by user agents to display tooltip help text.
   * @return  the new shortDesc value
  final public String getShortDesc()
    return ComponentUtils.resolveString(getProperty(SHORT_DESC_KEY));

   * Sets the short description of the bean.  This text
   *          is commonly used by user agents to display tooltip help text.
   * @param shortDesc  the new shortDesc value
  final public void setShortDesc(String shortDesc)
    setProperty(SHORT_DESC_KEY, (shortDesc));

   * Gets the IDs of the components that should trigger a partial update.
   *          This component will listen on the trigger components. If one of the
   *          trigger components receives an event that will cause it to update
   *          in some way, this component will request to be updated too.
   * @return  the new partialTriggers value
  final public String[] getPartialTriggers()
    return (String[])getProperty(PARTIAL_TRIGGERS_KEY);

   * Sets the IDs of the components that should trigger a partial update.
   *          This component will listen on the trigger components. If one of the
   *          trigger components receives an event that will cause it to update
   *          in some way, this component will request to be updated too.
   * @param partialTriggers  the new partialTriggers value
  final public void setPartialTriggers(String[] partialTriggers)
    setProperty(PARTIAL_TRIGGERS_KEY, (partialTriggers));

   * Gets an onclick Javascript handler.
   * @return  the new onclick value
  final public String getOnclick()
    return ComponentUtils.resolveString(getProperty(ONCLICK_KEY));

   * Sets an onclick Javascript handler.
   * @param onclick  the new onclick value
  final public void setOnclick(String onclick)
    setProperty(ONCLICK_KEY, (onclick));

   * Gets an ondblclick Javascript handler.
   * @return  the new ondblclick value
  final public String getOndblclick()
    return ComponentUtils.resolveString(getProperty(ONDBLCLICK_KEY));

   * Sets an ondblclick Javascript handler.
   * @param ondblclick  the new ondblclick value
  final public void setOndblclick(String ondblclick)
    setProperty(ONDBLCLICK_KEY, (ondblclick));

   * Gets an onmousedown Javascript handler.
   * @return  the new onmousedown value
  final public String getOnmousedown()
    return ComponentUtils.resolveString(getProperty(ONMOUSEDOWN_KEY));

   * Sets an onmousedown Javascript handler.
   * @param onmousedown  the new onmousedown value
  final public void setOnmousedown(String onmousedown)
    setProperty(ONMOUSEDOWN_KEY, (onmousedown));

   * Gets an onmouseup Javascript handler.
   * @return  the new onmouseup value
  final public String getOnmouseup()
    return ComponentUtils.resolveString(getProperty(ONMOUSEUP_KEY));

   * Sets an onmouseup Javascript handler.
   * @param onmouseup  the new onmouseup value
  final public void setOnmouseup(String onmouseup)
    setProperty(ONMOUSEUP_KEY, (onmouseup));

   * Gets an onmouseover Javascript handler.
   * @return  the new onmouseover value
  final public String getOnmouseover()
    return ComponentUtils.resolveString(getProperty(ONMOUSEOVER_KEY));

   * Sets an onmouseover Javascript handler.
   * @param onmouseover  the new onmouseover value
  final public void setOnmouseover(String onmouseover)
    setProperty(ONMOUSEOVER_KEY, (onmouseover));

   * Gets an onmousemove Javascript handler.
   * @return  the new onmousemove value
  final public String getOnmousemove()
    return ComponentUtils.resolveString(getProperty(ONMOUSEMOVE_KEY));

   * Sets an onmousemove Javascript handler.
   * @param onmousemove  the new onmousemove value
  final public void setOnmousemove(String onmousemove)
    setProperty(ONMOUSEMOVE_KEY, (onmousemove));

   * Gets an onmouseout Javascript handler.
   * @return  the new onmouseout value
  final public String getOnmouseout()
    return ComponentUtils.resolveString(getProperty(ONMOUSEOUT_KEY));

   * Sets an onmouseout Javascript handler.
   * @param onmouseout  the new onmouseout value
  final public void setOnmouseout(String onmouseout)
    setProperty(ONMOUSEOUT_KEY, (onmouseout));

   * Gets an onkeypress Javascript handler.
   * @return  the new onkeypress value
  final public String getOnkeypress()
    return ComponentUtils.resolveString(getProperty(ONKEYPRESS_KEY));

   * Sets an onkeypress Javascript handler.
   * @param onkeypress  the new onkeypress value
  final public void setOnkeypress(String onkeypress)
    setProperty(ONKEYPRESS_KEY, (onkeypress));

   * Gets an onkeydown Javascript handler.
   * @return  the new onkeydown value
  final public String getOnkeydown()
    return ComponentUtils.resolveString(getProperty(ONKEYDOWN_KEY));

   * Sets an onkeydown Javascript handler.
   * @param onkeydown  the new onkeydown value
  final public void setOnkeydown(String onkeydown)
    setProperty(ONKEYDOWN_KEY, (onkeydown));

   * Gets an onkeyup Javascript handler.
   * @return  the new onkeyup value
  final public String getOnkeyup()
    return ComponentUtils.resolveString(getProperty(ONKEYUP_KEY));

   * Sets an onkeyup Javascript handler.
   * @param onkeyup  the new onkeyup value
  final public void setOnkeyup(String onkeyup)
    setProperty(ONKEYUP_KEY, (onkeyup));

   * Gets the CSS style class of the bean.
   * @return  the new styleClass value
  final public String getStyleClass()
    return ComponentUtils.resolveString(getProperty(STYLE_CLASS_KEY));

   * Sets the CSS style class of the bean.
   * @param styleClass  the new styleClass value
  final public void setStyleClass(String styleClass)
    setProperty(STYLE_CLASS_KEY, (styleClass));

   * Gets the inline CSS style for this element
   * @return  the new inlineStyle value
  final public String getInlineStyle()
    return ComponentUtils.resolveString(getProperty(INLINE_STYLE_KEY));

   * Sets the inline CSS style for this element
   * @param inlineStyle  the new inlineStyle value
  final public void setInlineStyle(String inlineStyle)
    setProperty(INLINE_STYLE_KEY, (inlineStyle));

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    getFacets().put(BUSY_FACET, busyFacet);

   * Gets the CSS styles to use for this component.
   * @return  the new inlineStyle value
  final public String getInlineStyle()
    return ComponentUtils.resolveString(getProperty(INLINE_STYLE_KEY));

   * Sets the CSS styles to use for this component.
   * @param inlineStyle  the new inlineStyle value
  final public void setInlineStyle(String inlineStyle)
    setProperty(INLINE_STYLE_KEY, (inlineStyle));

   * Gets a CSS style class to use for this component.
   * @return  the new styleClass value
  final public String getStyleClass()
    return ComponentUtils.resolveString(getProperty(STYLE_CLASS_KEY));

   * Sets a CSS style class to use for this component.
   * @param styleClass  the new styleClass value
  final public void setStyleClass(String styleClass)
    setProperty(STYLE_CLASS_KEY, (styleClass));

   * Gets The short description of the component. This text is commonly used by user agents to display tooltip help text.
   * @return  the new shortDesc value
  final public String getShortDesc()
    return ComponentUtils.resolveString(getProperty(SHORT_DESC_KEY));

   * Sets The short description of the component. This text is commonly used by user agents to display tooltip help text.
   * @param shortDesc  the new shortDesc value
  final public void setShortDesc(String shortDesc)
    setProperty(SHORT_DESC_KEY, (shortDesc));

   * Gets the IDs of the components that should trigger a partial update.
   *         <p>
   *         This component will listen on the trigger components. If one of the
   *         trigger components receives an event that will cause it to update
   *         in some way, this component will request to be updated too.</p>
   *         <p>
   *         Separate multiple triggers with a space. e.g., partialTriggers="cmp1 cmp2"
   *         </p>
   *         <p>
   *         Identifiers must account for NamingContainers.  You can use a single colon to start the search from the root,
   *         or use multiple colons to move up through the NamingContainer. For example,
   *         "::" will pop out of this component's naming container (it pops out of itself if it is a naming container), 
   *         ":::" will pop out of two naming containers, etc. The search for
   *         the partialTrigger begins from there. e.g., partialTriggers=":::commandButton1" the search begins for the 
   *         component with id = commandButton1 after popping out of two naming containers relative to this component.
   *         To go into naming containers, you separate the naming containers with ':', e.g.,partialTriggers= "nc1:nc2:nc3:componentId".</p>
   * @return  the new partialTriggers value
  final public String[] getPartialTriggers()
    return (String[])getProperty(PARTIAL_TRIGGERS_KEY);

   * Sets the IDs of the components that should trigger a partial update.
   *         <p>
   *         This component will listen on the trigger components. If one of the
   *         trigger components receives an event that will cause it to update
   *         in some way, this component will request to be updated too.</p>
   *         <p>
   *         Separate multiple triggers with a space. e.g., partialTriggers="cmp1 cmp2"
   *         </p>
   *         <p>
   *         Identifiers must account for NamingContainers.  You can use a single colon to start the search from the root,
   *         or use multiple colons to move up through the NamingContainer. For example,
   *         "::" will pop out of this component's naming container (it pops out of itself if it is a naming container), 
   *         ":::" will pop out of two naming containers, etc. The search for
   *         the partialTrigger begins from there. e.g., partialTriggers=":::commandButton1" the search begins for the 
   *         component with id = commandButton1 after popping out of two naming containers relative to this component.
   *         To go into naming containers, you separate the naming containers with ':', e.g.,partialTriggers= "nc1:nc2:nc3:componentId".</p>
   * @param partialTriggers  the new partialTriggers value
  final public void setPartialTriggers(String[] partialTriggers)
    setProperty(PARTIAL_TRIGGERS_KEY, (partialTriggers));

   * Gets an onclick Javascript handler.
   * @return  the new onclick value
  final public String getOnclick()
    return ComponentUtils.resolveString(getProperty(ONCLICK_KEY));

   * Sets an onclick Javascript handler.
   * @param onclick  the new onclick value
  final public void setOnclick(String onclick)
    setProperty(ONCLICK_KEY, (onclick));

   * Gets an ondblclick Javascript handler.
   * @return  the new ondblclick value
  final public String getOndblclick()
    return ComponentUtils.resolveString(getProperty(ONDBLCLICK_KEY));

   * Sets an ondblclick Javascript handler.
   * @param ondblclick  the new ondblclick value
  final public void setOndblclick(String ondblclick)
    setProperty(ONDBLCLICK_KEY, (ondblclick));

   * Gets an onmousedown Javascript handler.
   * @return  the new onmousedown value
  final public String getOnmousedown()
    return ComponentUtils.resolveString(getProperty(ONMOUSEDOWN_KEY));

   * Sets an onmousedown Javascript handler.
   * @param onmousedown  the new onmousedown value
  final public void setOnmousedown(String onmousedown)
    setProperty(ONMOUSEDOWN_KEY, (onmousedown));

   * Gets an onmouseup Javascript handler.
   * @return  the new onmouseup value
  final public String getOnmouseup()
    return ComponentUtils.resolveString(getProperty(ONMOUSEUP_KEY));

   * Sets an onmouseup Javascript handler.
   * @param onmouseup  the new onmouseup value
  final public void setOnmouseup(String onmouseup)
    setProperty(ONMOUSEUP_KEY, (onmouseup));

   * Gets an onmouseover Javascript handler.
   * @return  the new onmouseover value
  final public String getOnmouseover()
    return ComponentUtils.resolveString(getProperty(ONMOUSEOVER_KEY));

   * Sets an onmouseover Javascript handler.
   * @param onmouseover  the new onmouseover value
  final public void setOnmouseover(String onmouseover)
    setProperty(ONMOUSEOVER_KEY, (onmouseover));

   * Gets an onmousemove Javascript handler.
   * @return  the new onmousemove value
  final public String getOnmousemove()
    return ComponentUtils.resolveString(getProperty(ONMOUSEMOVE_KEY));

   * Sets an onmousemove Javascript handler.
   * @param onmousemove  the new onmousemove value
  final public void setOnmousemove(String onmousemove)
    setProperty(ONMOUSEMOVE_KEY, (onmousemove));

   * Gets an onmouseout Javascript handler.
   * @return  the new onmouseout value
  final public String getOnmouseout()
    return ComponentUtils.resolveString(getProperty(ONMOUSEOUT_KEY));

   * Sets an onmouseout Javascript handler.
   * @param onmouseout  the new onmouseout value
  final public void setOnmouseout(String onmouseout)
    setProperty(ONMOUSEOUT_KEY, (onmouseout));

   * Gets an onkeypress Javascript handler.
   * @return  the new onkeypress value
  final public String getOnkeypress()
    return ComponentUtils.resolveString(getProperty(ONKEYPRESS_KEY));

   * Sets an onkeypress Javascript handler.
   * @param onkeypress  the new onkeypress value
  final public void setOnkeypress(String onkeypress)
    setProperty(ONKEYPRESS_KEY, (onkeypress));

   * Gets an onkeydown Javascript handler.
   * @return  the new onkeydown value
  final public String getOnkeydown()
    return ComponentUtils.resolveString(getProperty(ONKEYDOWN_KEY));

   * Sets an onkeydown Javascript handler.
   * @param onkeydown  the new onkeydown value
  final public void setOnkeydown(String onkeydown)
    setProperty(ONKEYDOWN_KEY, (onkeydown));

   * Gets an onkeyup Javascript handler.
   * @return  the new onkeyup value
  final public String getOnkeyup()
    return ComponentUtils.resolveString(getProperty(ONKEYUP_KEY));

   * Sets an onkeyup Javascript handler.
   * @param onkeyup  the new onkeyup value
  final public void setOnkeyup(String onkeyup)
    setProperty(ONKEYUP_KEY, (onkeyup));

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org/apache/myfaces/trinidad/component/core/layout/ 249

   * Gets the CSS styles to use for this component.
   * @return  the new inlineStyle value
  final public String getInlineStyle()
    return ComponentUtils.resolveString(getProperty(INLINE_STYLE_KEY));

   * Sets the CSS styles to use for this component.
   * @param inlineStyle  the new inlineStyle value
  final public void setInlineStyle(String inlineStyle)
    setProperty(INLINE_STYLE_KEY, (inlineStyle));

   * Gets a CSS style class to use for this component.
   * @return  the new styleClass value
  final public String getStyleClass()
    return ComponentUtils.resolveString(getProperty(STYLE_CLASS_KEY));

   * Sets a CSS style class to use for this component.
   * @param styleClass  the new styleClass value
  final public void setStyleClass(String styleClass)
    setProperty(STYLE_CLASS_KEY, (styleClass));

   * Gets The short description of the component. This text is commonly used by user agents to display tooltip help text.
   * @return  the new shortDesc value
  final public String getShortDesc()
    return ComponentUtils.resolveString(getProperty(SHORT_DESC_KEY));

   * Sets The short description of the component. This text is commonly used by user agents to display tooltip help text.
   * @param shortDesc  the new shortDesc value
  final public void setShortDesc(String shortDesc)
    setProperty(SHORT_DESC_KEY, (shortDesc));

   * Gets the IDs of the components that should trigger a partial update.
   *         <p>
   *         This component will listen on the trigger components. If one of the
   *         trigger components receives an event that will cause it to update
   *         in some way, this component will request to be updated too.</p>
   *         <p>
   *         Separate multiple triggers with a space. e.g., partialTriggers="cmp1 cmp2"
   *         </p>
   *         <p>
   *         Identifiers must account for NamingContainers.  You can use a single colon to start the search from the root,
   *         or use multiple colons to move up through the NamingContainer. For example,
   *         "::" will pop out of this component's naming container (it pops out of itself if it is a naming container), 
   *         ":::" will pop out of two naming containers, etc. The search for
   *         the partialTrigger begins from there. e.g., partialTriggers=":::commandButton1" the search begins for the 
   *         component with id = commandButton1 after popping out of two naming containers relative to this component.
   *         To go into naming containers, you separate the naming containers with ':', e.g.,partialTriggers= "nc1:nc2:nc3:componentId".</p>
   * @return  the new partialTriggers value
  final public String[] getPartialTriggers()
    return (String[])getProperty(PARTIAL_TRIGGERS_KEY);

   * Sets the IDs of the components that should trigger a partial update.
   *         <p>
   *         This component will listen on the trigger components. If one of the
   *         trigger components receives an event that will cause it to update
   *         in some way, this component will request to be updated too.</p>
   *         <p>
   *         Separate multiple triggers with a space. e.g., partialTriggers="cmp1 cmp2"
   *         </p>
   *         <p>
   *         Identifiers must account for NamingContainers.  You can use a single colon to start the search from the root,
   *         or use multiple colons to move up through the NamingContainer. For example,
   *         "::" will pop out of this component's naming container (it pops out of itself if it is a naming container), 
   *         ":::" will pop out of two naming containers, etc. The search for
   *         the partialTrigger begins from there. e.g., partialTriggers=":::commandButton1" the search begins for the 
   *         component with id = commandButton1 after popping out of two naming containers relative to this component.
   *         To go into naming containers, you separate the naming containers with ':', e.g.,partialTriggers= "nc1:nc2:nc3:componentId".</p>
   * @param partialTriggers  the new partialTriggers value
  final public void setPartialTriggers(String[] partialTriggers)
    setProperty(PARTIAL_TRIGGERS_KEY, (partialTriggers));

   * Gets an onclick Javascript handler.
   * @return  the new onclick value
  final public String getOnclick()
    return ComponentUtils.resolveString(getProperty(ONCLICK_KEY));

   * Sets an onclick Javascript handler.
   * @param onclick  the new onclick value
  final public void setOnclick(String onclick)
    setProperty(ONCLICK_KEY, (onclick));

   * Gets an ondblclick Javascript handler.
   * @return  the new ondblclick value
  final public String getOndblclick()
    return ComponentUtils.resolveString(getProperty(ONDBLCLICK_KEY));

   * Sets an ondblclick Javascript handler.
   * @param ondblclick  the new ondblclick value
  final public void setOndblclick(String ondblclick)
    setProperty(ONDBLCLICK_KEY, (ondblclick));

   * Gets an onmousedown Javascript handler.
   * @return  the new onmousedown value
  final public String getOnmousedown()
    return ComponentUtils.resolveString(getProperty(ONMOUSEDOWN_KEY));

   * Sets an onmousedown Javascript handler.
   * @param onmousedown  the new onmousedown value
  final public void setOnmousedown(String onmousedown)
    setProperty(ONMOUSEDOWN_KEY, (onmousedown));

   * Gets an onmouseup Javascript handler.
   * @return  the new onmouseup value
  final public String getOnmouseup()
    return ComponentUtils.resolveString(getProperty(ONMOUSEUP_KEY));

   * Sets an onmouseup Javascript handler.
   * @param onmouseup  the new onmouseup value
  final public void setOnmouseup(String onmouseup)
    setProperty(ONMOUSEUP_KEY, (onmouseup));

   * Gets an onmouseover Javascript handler.
   * @return  the new onmouseover value
  final public String getOnmouseover()
    return ComponentUtils.resolveString(getProperty(ONMOUSEOVER_KEY));

   * Sets an onmouseover Javascript handler.
   * @param onmouseover  the new onmouseover value
  final public void setOnmouseover(String onmouseover)
    setProperty(ONMOUSEOVER_KEY, (onmouseover));

   * Gets an onmousemove Javascript handler.
   * @return  the new onmousemove value
  final public String getOnmousemove()
    return ComponentUtils.resolveString(getProperty(ONMOUSEMOVE_KEY));

   * Sets an onmousemove Javascript handler.
   * @param onmousemove  the new onmousemove value
  final public void setOnmousemove(String onmousemove)
    setProperty(ONMOUSEMOVE_KEY, (onmousemove));

   * Gets an onmouseout Javascript handler.
   * @return  the new onmouseout value
  final public String getOnmouseout()
    return ComponentUtils.resolveString(getProperty(ONMOUSEOUT_KEY));

   * Sets an onmouseout Javascript handler.
   * @param onmouseout  the new onmouseout value
  final public void setOnmouseout(String onmouseout)
    setProperty(ONMOUSEOUT_KEY, (onmouseout));

   * Gets an onkeypress Javascript handler.
   * @return  the new onkeypress value
  final public String getOnkeypress()
    return ComponentUtils.resolveString(getProperty(ONKEYPRESS_KEY));

   * Sets an onkeypress Javascript handler.
   * @param onkeypress  the new onkeypress value
  final public void setOnkeypress(String onkeypress)
    setProperty(ONKEYPRESS_KEY, (onkeypress));

   * Gets an onkeydown Javascript handler.
   * @return  the new onkeydown value
  final public String getOnkeydown()
    return ComponentUtils.resolveString(getProperty(ONKEYDOWN_KEY));

   * Sets an onkeydown Javascript handler.
   * @param onkeydown  the new onkeydown value
  final public void setOnkeydown(String onkeydown)
    setProperty(ONKEYDOWN_KEY, (onkeydown));

   * Gets an onkeyup Javascript handler.
   * @return  the new onkeyup value
  final public String getOnkeyup()
    return ComponentUtils.resolveString(getProperty(ONKEYUP_KEY));

   * Sets an onkeyup Javascript handler.
   * @param onkeyup  the new onkeyup value
  final public void setOnkeyup(String onkeyup)
    setProperty(ONKEYUP_KEY, (onkeyup));

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    TYPE.registerKey("reorderOnly", Boolean.class, Boolean.FALSE);
  static public final PropertyKey VALUE_PASS_THRU_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("valuePassThru", Boolean.class, Boolean.FALSE);
  static public final PropertyKey READ_ONLY_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("readOnly", Boolean.class, Boolean.FALSE);
  static public final PropertyKey DISABLED_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("disabled", Boolean.class, Boolean.FALSE);
  static public final PropertyKey ONCHANGE_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("onchange", String.class);
  static public final PropertyKey INLINE_STYLE_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("inlineStyle", String.class);
  static public final PropertyKey STYLE_CLASS_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("styleClass", String.class);
  static public final PropertyKey SHORT_DESC_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("shortDesc", String.class);
  static public final PropertyKey PARTIAL_TRIGGERS_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("partialTriggers", String[].class);
  static public final PropertyKey ONCLICK_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("onclick", String.class);
  static public final PropertyKey ONDBLCLICK_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("ondblclick", String.class);
  static public final PropertyKey ONMOUSEDOWN_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("onmousedown", String.class);
  static public final PropertyKey ONMOUSEUP_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("onmouseup", String.class);
  static public final PropertyKey ONMOUSEOVER_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("onmouseover", String.class);
  static public final PropertyKey ONMOUSEMOVE_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("onmousemove", String.class);
  static public final PropertyKey ONMOUSEOUT_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("onmouseout", String.class);
  static public final PropertyKey ONKEYPRESS_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("onkeypress", String.class);
  static public final PropertyKey ONKEYDOWN_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("onkeydown", String.class);
  static public final PropertyKey ONKEYUP_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("onkeyup", String.class);
  static public final PropertyKey ONBLUR_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("onblur", String.class);
  static public final PropertyKey ONFOCUS_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("onfocus", String.class);
  static public final PropertyKey SIZE_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("size", Integer.class);
  static public final PropertyKey LEADING_HEADER_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("leadingHeader", String.class);
  static public final PropertyKey TRAILING_HEADER_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("trailingHeader", String.class);
  static public final PropertyKey LEADING_DESC_SHOWN_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("leadingDescShown", Boolean.class, Boolean.FALSE);
  static public final PropertyKey TRAILING_DESC_SHOWN_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("trailingDescShown", Boolean.class, Boolean.FALSE);
  static public final PropertyKey LABEL_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("label", String.class);
  static public final String FILTER_FACET = "filter";
  static public final String LEADING_FOOTER_FACET = "leadingFooter";
  static public final String TRAILING_FOOTER_FACET = "trailingFooter";

  static public final String COMPONENT_FAMILY =

File Line
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org/apache/myfaces/trinidad/component/core/input/ 77
    TYPE.registerKey("unselectedLabel", String.class);
  static public final PropertyKey LAYOUT_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("layout", String.class, "vertical");
  static public final PropertyKey VALUE_PASS_THRU_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("valuePassThru", Boolean.class, Boolean.FALSE);
  static public final PropertyKey READ_ONLY_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("readOnly", Boolean.class, Boolean.FALSE);
  static public final PropertyKey DISABLED_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("disabled", Boolean.class, Boolean.FALSE);
  static public final PropertyKey LABEL_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("label", String.class);
  static public final PropertyKey SIMPLE_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("simple", Boolean.class, Boolean.FALSE);
  static public final PropertyKey ONCHANGE_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("onchange", String.class);
  static public final PropertyKey INLINE_STYLE_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("inlineStyle", String.class);
  static public final PropertyKey STYLE_CLASS_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("styleClass", String.class);
  static public final PropertyKey SHORT_DESC_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("shortDesc", String.class);
  static public final PropertyKey PARTIAL_TRIGGERS_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("partialTriggers", String[].class);
  static public final PropertyKey ONCLICK_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("onclick", String.class);
  static public final PropertyKey ONDBLCLICK_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("ondblclick", String.class);
  static public final PropertyKey ONMOUSEDOWN_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("onmousedown", String.class);
  static public final PropertyKey ONMOUSEUP_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("onmouseup", String.class);
  static public final PropertyKey ONMOUSEOVER_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("onmouseover", String.class);
  static public final PropertyKey ONMOUSEMOVE_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("onmousemove", String.class);
  static public final PropertyKey ONMOUSEOUT_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("onmouseout", String.class);
  static public final PropertyKey ONKEYPRESS_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("onkeypress", String.class);
  static public final PropertyKey ONKEYDOWN_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("onkeydown", String.class);
  static public final PropertyKey ONKEYUP_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("onkeyup", String.class);
  static public final PropertyKey ONBLUR_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("onblur", String.class);
  static public final PropertyKey ONFOCUS_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("onfocus", String.class);
  static public final PropertyKey SHOW_REQUIRED_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("showRequired", Boolean.class, Boolean.FALSE);
  static public final PropertyKey ACCESS_KEY_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("accessKey", Character.class);
  static public final PropertyKey AUTO_SUBMIT_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("autoSubmit", Boolean.class, Boolean.FALSE);
  static public final String HELP_FACET = "help";

  static public final String COMPONENT_FAMILY =

File Line
org/apache/myfaces/trinidad/menu/ 153
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  public final String getLabel()
    if (_bundleKey != null && _bundleName != null)
      // Load the resource bundle based on the locale of the
      // current request. If the locale has not changed, this
      // method just returns.
      MenuUtils.loadBundle(_bundleName, _bundleKey + getHandlerId());

    if (_label != null && ContainerUtils.isValueReference(_label))
      // do not set _label to the evaluated EL.
      // It may change at times in the EL.
      return _evalElStr(_label);
    if (_label == null && _labelAndAccessKey != null)
      int ampIdx = 0;
      String labelAndAccessKeyEval = null;
      String labelAndAccessKey = _labelAndAccessKey;
      String label;
      if (ContainerUtils.isValueReference(labelAndAccessKey))
        labelAndAccessKeyEval = _evalElStr(labelAndAccessKey);
      } else
        labelAndAccessKeyEval = labelAndAccessKey;

      String accessKey;
      if (labelAndAccessKeyEval == null ||
          (ampIdx = labelAndAccessKeyEval.indexOf('&')) == -1)
        // String is null or a label w/o an accesskey
        label = labelAndAccessKeyEval;
      } else if (ampIdx == (labelAndAccessKeyEval.length() - 1))
        // & is last character, strip it.
        label = labelAndAccessKeyEval.substring(0, ampIdx);
      } else
        // We have a string with an accessKey somewhere
        char[] keyArray = labelAndAccessKeyEval.toCharArray();
        int len = labelAndAccessKeyEval.length();
        char[] keyArray2 = new char[len];
        int i, j = 0;
        boolean accessKeyFound = false;

        for (i = 0, j = 0; i < len; i++, j++)
          if (keyArray[i] == '&')

            if (!accessKeyFound && keyArray[i] != '&')
              // We have our accessKey
              accessKey = labelAndAccessKeyEval.substring(i, i + 1);
              accessKeyFound = true;

          keyArray2[j] = keyArray[i];

        String label1 = new String(keyArray2, 0, j);
        label = label1;
      return label;

    return _label;

  public final String getIcon()
    return MenuUtils.evalString(_icon);

  public final List<MenuNode> getChildren()
    return _children;

  public void setChildren(List<MenuNode> children)
    _children = children;

  public final String getFocusViewId()
    return _focusViewId;

  public final boolean getRendered()
    boolean rendered = MenuUtils.evalBoolean(_renderedStr, true);
    return rendered;

  public final boolean getDisabled()
    boolean disabled = MenuUtils.evalBoolean(_disabledStr, false);
    return disabled;

  public final boolean getVisible()
    boolean visible = MenuUtils.evalBoolean(_visibleStr, true);
    return visible;

  public final boolean getReadOnly()
    boolean readOnly = MenuUtils.evalBoolean(_readOnlyStr, false);
    return readOnly;

  protected final String getHandlerId()
    return _handlerId;

  public final String getBundleKey()
    return _bundleKey;

  public final String getBundleName()
    return _bundleName;

  public void actionListener(ActionEvent event)

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    TYPE.registerKey("layout", String.class, "vertical");
  static public final PropertyKey VALUE_PASS_THRU_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("valuePassThru", Boolean.class, Boolean.FALSE);
  static public final PropertyKey READ_ONLY_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("readOnly", Boolean.class, Boolean.FALSE);
  static public final PropertyKey DISABLED_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("disabled", Boolean.class, Boolean.FALSE);
  static public final PropertyKey LABEL_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("label", String.class);
  static public final PropertyKey SIMPLE_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("simple", Boolean.class, Boolean.FALSE);
  static public final PropertyKey ONCHANGE_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("onchange", String.class);
  static public final PropertyKey INLINE_STYLE_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("inlineStyle", String.class);
  static public final PropertyKey STYLE_CLASS_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("styleClass", String.class);
  static public final PropertyKey SHORT_DESC_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("shortDesc", String.class);
  static public final PropertyKey PARTIAL_TRIGGERS_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("partialTriggers", String[].class);
  static public final PropertyKey ONCLICK_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("onclick", String.class);
  static public final PropertyKey ONDBLCLICK_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("ondblclick", String.class);
  static public final PropertyKey ONMOUSEDOWN_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("onmousedown", String.class);
  static public final PropertyKey ONMOUSEUP_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("onmouseup", String.class);
  static public final PropertyKey ONMOUSEOVER_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("onmouseover", String.class);
  static public final PropertyKey ONMOUSEMOVE_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("onmousemove", String.class);
  static public final PropertyKey ONMOUSEOUT_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("onmouseout", String.class);
  static public final PropertyKey ONKEYPRESS_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("onkeypress", String.class);
  static public final PropertyKey ONKEYDOWN_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("onkeydown", String.class);
  static public final PropertyKey ONKEYUP_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("onkeyup", String.class);
  static public final PropertyKey ONBLUR_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("onblur", String.class);
  static public final PropertyKey ONFOCUS_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("onfocus", String.class);
  static public final PropertyKey SHOW_REQUIRED_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("showRequired", Boolean.class, Boolean.FALSE);
  static public final PropertyKey ACCESS_KEY_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("accessKey", Character.class);
  static public final PropertyKey AUTO_SUBMIT_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("autoSubmit", Boolean.class, Boolean.FALSE);
  static public final String HELP_FACET = "help";

  static public final String COMPONENT_FAMILY =
  static public final String COMPONENT_TYPE =

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    TYPE.registerKey("size", Integer.class);
  static public final PropertyKey VALUE_PASS_THRU_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("valuePassThru", Boolean.class, Boolean.FALSE);
  static public final PropertyKey READ_ONLY_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("readOnly", Boolean.class, Boolean.FALSE);
  static public final PropertyKey DISABLED_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("disabled", Boolean.class, Boolean.FALSE);
  static public final PropertyKey LABEL_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("label", String.class);
  static public final PropertyKey SIMPLE_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("simple", Boolean.class, Boolean.FALSE);
  static public final PropertyKey ONCHANGE_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("onchange", String.class);
  static public final PropertyKey INLINE_STYLE_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("inlineStyle", String.class);
  static public final PropertyKey STYLE_CLASS_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("styleClass", String.class);
  static public final PropertyKey SHORT_DESC_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("shortDesc", String.class);
  static public final PropertyKey PARTIAL_TRIGGERS_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("partialTriggers", String[].class);
  static public final PropertyKey ONCLICK_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("onclick", String.class);
  static public final PropertyKey ONDBLCLICK_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("ondblclick", String.class);
  static public final PropertyKey ONMOUSEDOWN_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("onmousedown", String.class);
  static public final PropertyKey ONMOUSEUP_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("onmouseup", String.class);
  static public final PropertyKey ONMOUSEOVER_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("onmouseover", String.class);
  static public final PropertyKey ONMOUSEMOVE_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("onmousemove", String.class);
  static public final PropertyKey ONMOUSEOUT_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("onmouseout", String.class);
  static public final PropertyKey ONKEYPRESS_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("onkeypress", String.class);
  static public final PropertyKey ONKEYDOWN_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("onkeydown", String.class);
  static public final PropertyKey ONKEYUP_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("onkeyup", String.class);
  static public final PropertyKey ONBLUR_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("onblur", String.class);
  static public final PropertyKey ONFOCUS_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("onfocus", String.class);
  static public final PropertyKey SHOW_REQUIRED_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("showRequired", Boolean.class, Boolean.FALSE);
  static public final PropertyKey ACCESS_KEY_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("accessKey", Character.class);
  static public final PropertyKey AUTO_SUBMIT_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("autoSubmit", Boolean.class, Boolean.FALSE);
  static public final String HELP_FACET = "help";

  static public final String COMPONENT_FAMILY =
  static public final String COMPONENT_TYPE =

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    setProperty(WIDTH_KEY, (width));

   * Gets the short description of the bean.  This text
   *          is commonly used by user agents to display tooltip help text.
   * @return  the new shortDesc value
  final public String getShortDesc()
    return ComponentUtils.resolveString(getProperty(SHORT_DESC_KEY));

   * Sets the short description of the bean.  This text
   *          is commonly used by user agents to display tooltip help text.
   * @param shortDesc  the new shortDesc value
  final public void setShortDesc(String shortDesc)
    setProperty(SHORT_DESC_KEY, (shortDesc));

   * Gets the IDs of the components that should trigger a partial update.
   *          This component will listen on the trigger components. If one of the
   *          trigger components receives an event that will cause it to update
   *          in some way, this component will request to be updated too.
   * @return  the new partialTriggers value
  final public String[] getPartialTriggers()
    return (String[])getProperty(PARTIAL_TRIGGERS_KEY);

   * Sets the IDs of the components that should trigger a partial update.
   *          This component will listen on the trigger components. If one of the
   *          trigger components receives an event that will cause it to update
   *          in some way, this component will request to be updated too.
   * @param partialTriggers  the new partialTriggers value
  final public void setPartialTriggers(String[] partialTriggers)
    setProperty(PARTIAL_TRIGGERS_KEY, (partialTriggers));

   * Gets an onclick Javascript handler.
   * @return  the new onclick value
  final public String getOnclick()
    return ComponentUtils.resolveString(getProperty(ONCLICK_KEY));

   * Sets an onclick Javascript handler.
   * @param onclick  the new onclick value
  final public void setOnclick(String onclick)
    setProperty(ONCLICK_KEY, (onclick));

   * Gets an ondblclick Javascript handler.
   * @return  the new ondblclick value
  final public String getOndblclick()
    return ComponentUtils.resolveString(getProperty(ONDBLCLICK_KEY));

   * Sets an ondblclick Javascript handler.
   * @param ondblclick  the new ondblclick value
  final public void setOndblclick(String ondblclick)
    setProperty(ONDBLCLICK_KEY, (ondblclick));

   * Gets an onmousedown Javascript handler.
   * @return  the new onmousedown value
  final public String getOnmousedown()
    return ComponentUtils.resolveString(getProperty(ONMOUSEDOWN_KEY));

   * Sets an onmousedown Javascript handler.
   * @param onmousedown  the new onmousedown value
  final public void setOnmousedown(String onmousedown)
    setProperty(ONMOUSEDOWN_KEY, (onmousedown));

   * Gets an onmouseup Javascript handler.
   * @return  the new onmouseup value
  final public String getOnmouseup()
    return ComponentUtils.resolveString(getProperty(ONMOUSEUP_KEY));

   * Sets an onmouseup Javascript handler.
   * @param onmouseup  the new onmouseup value
  final public void setOnmouseup(String onmouseup)
    setProperty(ONMOUSEUP_KEY, (onmouseup));

   * Gets an onmouseover Javascript handler.
   * @return  the new onmouseover value
  final public String getOnmouseover()
    return ComponentUtils.resolveString(getProperty(ONMOUSEOVER_KEY));

   * Sets an onmouseover Javascript handler.
   * @param onmouseover  the new onmouseover value
  final public void setOnmouseover(String onmouseover)
    setProperty(ONMOUSEOVER_KEY, (onmouseover));

   * Gets an onmousemove Javascript handler.
   * @return  the new onmousemove value
  final public String getOnmousemove()
    return ComponentUtils.resolveString(getProperty(ONMOUSEMOVE_KEY));

   * Sets an onmousemove Javascript handler.
   * @param onmousemove  the new onmousemove value
  final public void setOnmousemove(String onmousemove)
    setProperty(ONMOUSEMOVE_KEY, (onmousemove));

   * Gets an onmouseout Javascript handler.
   * @return  the new onmouseout value
  final public String getOnmouseout()
    return ComponentUtils.resolveString(getProperty(ONMOUSEOUT_KEY));

   * Sets an onmouseout Javascript handler.
   * @param onmouseout  the new onmouseout value
  final public void setOnmouseout(String onmouseout)
    setProperty(ONMOUSEOUT_KEY, (onmouseout));

   * Gets an onkeypress Javascript handler.
   * @return  the new onkeypress value
  final public String getOnkeypress()
    return ComponentUtils.resolveString(getProperty(ONKEYPRESS_KEY));

   * Sets an onkeypress Javascript handler.
   * @param onkeypress  the new onkeypress value
  final public void setOnkeypress(String onkeypress)
    setProperty(ONKEYPRESS_KEY, (onkeypress));

   * Gets an onkeydown Javascript handler.
   * @return  the new onkeydown value
  final public String getOnkeydown()
    return ComponentUtils.resolveString(getProperty(ONKEYDOWN_KEY));

   * Sets an onkeydown Javascript handler.
   * @param onkeydown  the new onkeydown value
  final public void setOnkeydown(String onkeydown)
    setProperty(ONKEYDOWN_KEY, (onkeydown));

   * Gets an onkeyup Javascript handler.
   * @return  the new onkeyup value
  final public String getOnkeyup()
    return ComponentUtils.resolveString(getProperty(ONKEYUP_KEY));

   * Sets an onkeyup Javascript handler.
   * @param onkeyup  the new onkeyup value
  final public void setOnkeyup(String onkeyup)
    setProperty(ONKEYUP_KEY, (onkeyup));

   * Gets the CSS style class of the bean.
   * @return  the new styleClass value
  final public String getStyleClass()

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    TYPE.registerKey("unselectedLabel", String.class);
  static public final PropertyKey VALUE_PASS_THRU_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("valuePassThru", Boolean.class, Boolean.FALSE);
  static public final PropertyKey READ_ONLY_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("readOnly", Boolean.class, Boolean.FALSE);
  static public final PropertyKey DISABLED_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("disabled", Boolean.class, Boolean.FALSE);
  static public final PropertyKey LABEL_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("label", String.class);
  static public final PropertyKey SIMPLE_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("simple", Boolean.class, Boolean.FALSE);
  static public final PropertyKey ONCHANGE_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("onchange", String.class);
  static public final PropertyKey INLINE_STYLE_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("inlineStyle", String.class);
  static public final PropertyKey STYLE_CLASS_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("styleClass", String.class);
  static public final PropertyKey SHORT_DESC_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("shortDesc", String.class);
  static public final PropertyKey PARTIAL_TRIGGERS_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("partialTriggers", String[].class);
  static public final PropertyKey ONCLICK_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("onclick", String.class);
  static public final PropertyKey ONDBLCLICK_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("ondblclick", String.class);
  static public final PropertyKey ONMOUSEDOWN_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("onmousedown", String.class);
  static public final PropertyKey ONMOUSEUP_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("onmouseup", String.class);
  static public final PropertyKey ONMOUSEOVER_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("onmouseover", String.class);
  static public final PropertyKey ONMOUSEMOVE_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("onmousemove", String.class);
  static public final PropertyKey ONMOUSEOUT_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("onmouseout", String.class);
  static public final PropertyKey ONKEYPRESS_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("onkeypress", String.class);
  static public final PropertyKey ONKEYDOWN_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("onkeydown", String.class);
  static public final PropertyKey ONKEYUP_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("onkeyup", String.class);
  static public final PropertyKey ONBLUR_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("onblur", String.class);
  static public final PropertyKey ONFOCUS_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("onfocus", String.class);
  static public final PropertyKey SHOW_REQUIRED_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("showRequired", Boolean.class, Boolean.FALSE);
  static public final PropertyKey ACCESS_KEY_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("accessKey", Character.class);
  static public final PropertyKey AUTO_SUBMIT_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("autoSubmit", Boolean.class, Boolean.FALSE);
  static public final String HELP_FACET = "help";

  static public final String COMPONENT_FAMILY =

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    setProperty(WIDTH_KEY, (width));

   * Gets the short description of the bean.  This text
   *          is commonly used by user agents to display tooltip help text.
   * @return  the new shortDesc value
  final public String getShortDesc()
    return ComponentUtils.resolveString(getProperty(SHORT_DESC_KEY));

   * Sets the short description of the bean.  This text
   *          is commonly used by user agents to display tooltip help text.
   * @param shortDesc  the new shortDesc value
  final public void setShortDesc(String shortDesc)
    setProperty(SHORT_DESC_KEY, (shortDesc));

   * Gets the IDs of the components that should trigger a partial update.
   *          This component will listen on the trigger components. If one of the
   *          trigger components receives an event that will cause it to update
   *          in some way, this component will request to be updated too.
   * @return  the new partialTriggers value
  final public String[] getPartialTriggers()
    return (String[])getProperty(PARTIAL_TRIGGERS_KEY);

   * Sets the IDs of the components that should trigger a partial update.
   *          This component will listen on the trigger components. If one of the
   *          trigger components receives an event that will cause it to update
   *          in some way, this component will request to be updated too.
   * @param partialTriggers  the new partialTriggers value
  final public void setPartialTriggers(String[] partialTriggers)
    setProperty(PARTIAL_TRIGGERS_KEY, (partialTriggers));

   * Gets an onclick Javascript handler.
   * @return  the new onclick value
  final public String getOnclick()
    return ComponentUtils.resolveString(getProperty(ONCLICK_KEY));

   * Sets an onclick Javascript handler.
   * @param onclick  the new onclick value
  final public void setOnclick(String onclick)
    setProperty(ONCLICK_KEY, (onclick));

   * Gets an ondblclick Javascript handler.
   * @return  the new ondblclick value
  final public String getOndblclick()
    return ComponentUtils.resolveString(getProperty(ONDBLCLICK_KEY));

   * Sets an ondblclick Javascript handler.
   * @param ondblclick  the new ondblclick value
  final public void setOndblclick(String ondblclick)
    setProperty(ONDBLCLICK_KEY, (ondblclick));

   * Gets an onmousedown Javascript handler.
   * @return  the new onmousedown value
  final public String getOnmousedown()
    return ComponentUtils.resolveString(getProperty(ONMOUSEDOWN_KEY));

   * Sets an onmousedown Javascript handler.
   * @param onmousedown  the new onmousedown value
  final public void setOnmousedown(String onmousedown)
    setProperty(ONMOUSEDOWN_KEY, (onmousedown));

   * Gets an onmouseup Javascript handler.
   * @return  the new onmouseup value
  final public String getOnmouseup()
    return ComponentUtils.resolveString(getProperty(ONMOUSEUP_KEY));

   * Sets an onmouseup Javascript handler.
   * @param onmouseup  the new onmouseup value
  final public void setOnmouseup(String onmouseup)
    setProperty(ONMOUSEUP_KEY, (onmouseup));

   * Gets an onmouseover Javascript handler.
   * @return  the new onmouseover value
  final public String getOnmouseover()
    return ComponentUtils.resolveString(getProperty(ONMOUSEOVER_KEY));

   * Sets an onmouseover Javascript handler.
   * @param onmouseover  the new onmouseover value
  final public void setOnmouseover(String onmouseover)
    setProperty(ONMOUSEOVER_KEY, (onmouseover));

   * Gets an onmousemove Javascript handler.
   * @return  the new onmousemove value
  final public String getOnmousemove()
    return ComponentUtils.resolveString(getProperty(ONMOUSEMOVE_KEY));

   * Sets an onmousemove Javascript handler.
   * @param onmousemove  the new onmousemove value
  final public void setOnmousemove(String onmousemove)
    setProperty(ONMOUSEMOVE_KEY, (onmousemove));

   * Gets an onmouseout Javascript handler.
   * @return  the new onmouseout value
  final public String getOnmouseout()
    return ComponentUtils.resolveString(getProperty(ONMOUSEOUT_KEY));

   * Sets an onmouseout Javascript handler.
   * @param onmouseout  the new onmouseout value
  final public void setOnmouseout(String onmouseout)
    setProperty(ONMOUSEOUT_KEY, (onmouseout));

   * Gets an onkeypress Javascript handler.
   * @return  the new onkeypress value
  final public String getOnkeypress()
    return ComponentUtils.resolveString(getProperty(ONKEYPRESS_KEY));

   * Sets an onkeypress Javascript handler.
   * @param onkeypress  the new onkeypress value
  final public void setOnkeypress(String onkeypress)
    setProperty(ONKEYPRESS_KEY, (onkeypress));

   * Gets an onkeydown Javascript handler.
   * @return  the new onkeydown value
  final public String getOnkeydown()
    return ComponentUtils.resolveString(getProperty(ONKEYDOWN_KEY));

   * Sets an onkeydown Javascript handler.
   * @param onkeydown  the new onkeydown value
  final public void setOnkeydown(String onkeydown)
    setProperty(ONKEYDOWN_KEY, (onkeydown));

   * Gets an onkeyup Javascript handler.
   * @return  the new onkeyup value
  final public String getOnkeyup()
    return ComponentUtils.resolveString(getProperty(ONKEYUP_KEY));

   * Sets an onkeyup Javascript handler.
   * @param onkeyup  the new onkeyup value
  final public void setOnkeyup(String onkeyup)
    setProperty(ONKEYUP_KEY, (onkeyup));

   * Gets the CSS style class of the bean.
   * @return  the new styleClass value
  final public String getStyleClass()

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    setProperty(FIRST_CLICK_PASSED_KEY, firstClickPassed ? Boolean.TRUE : Boolean.FALSE);

   * Gets the short description of the bean.  This text
   *          is commonly used by user agents to display tooltip help text.
   * @return  the new shortDesc value
  final public String getShortDesc()
    return ComponentUtils.resolveString(getProperty(SHORT_DESC_KEY));

   * Sets the short description of the bean.  This text
   *          is commonly used by user agents to display tooltip help text.
   * @param shortDesc  the new shortDesc value
  final public void setShortDesc(String shortDesc)
    setProperty(SHORT_DESC_KEY, (shortDesc));

   * Gets the IDs of the components that should trigger a partial update.
   *          This component will listen on the trigger components. If one of the
   *          trigger components receives an event that will cause it to update
   *          in some way, this component will request to be updated too.
   * @return  the new partialTriggers value
  final public String[] getPartialTriggers()
    return (String[])getProperty(PARTIAL_TRIGGERS_KEY);

   * Sets the IDs of the components that should trigger a partial update.
   *          This component will listen on the trigger components. If one of the
   *          trigger components receives an event that will cause it to update
   *          in some way, this component will request to be updated too.
   * @param partialTriggers  the new partialTriggers value
  final public void setPartialTriggers(String[] partialTriggers)
    setProperty(PARTIAL_TRIGGERS_KEY, (partialTriggers));

   * Gets an onclick Javascript handler.
   * @return  the new onclick value
  final public String getOnclick()
    return ComponentUtils.resolveString(getProperty(ONCLICK_KEY));

   * Sets an onclick Javascript handler.
   * @param onclick  the new onclick value
  final public void setOnclick(String onclick)
    setProperty(ONCLICK_KEY, (onclick));

   * Gets an ondblclick Javascript handler.
   * @return  the new ondblclick value
  final public String getOndblclick()
    return ComponentUtils.resolveString(getProperty(ONDBLCLICK_KEY));

   * Sets an ondblclick Javascript handler.
   * @param ondblclick  the new ondblclick value
  final public void setOndblclick(String ondblclick)
    setProperty(ONDBLCLICK_KEY, (ondblclick));

   * Gets an onmousedown Javascript handler.
   * @return  the new onmousedown value
  final public String getOnmousedown()
    return ComponentUtils.resolveString(getProperty(ONMOUSEDOWN_KEY));

   * Sets an onmousedown Javascript handler.
   * @param onmousedown  the new onmousedown value
  final public void setOnmousedown(String onmousedown)
    setProperty(ONMOUSEDOWN_KEY, (onmousedown));

   * Gets an onmouseup Javascript handler.
   * @return  the new onmouseup value
  final public String getOnmouseup()
    return ComponentUtils.resolveString(getProperty(ONMOUSEUP_KEY));

   * Sets an onmouseup Javascript handler.
   * @param onmouseup  the new onmouseup value
  final public void setOnmouseup(String onmouseup)
    setProperty(ONMOUSEUP_KEY, (onmouseup));

   * Gets an onmouseover Javascript handler.
   * @return  the new onmouseover value
  final public String getOnmouseover()
    return ComponentUtils.resolveString(getProperty(ONMOUSEOVER_KEY));

   * Sets an onmouseover Javascript handler.
   * @param onmouseover  the new onmouseover value
  final public void setOnmouseover(String onmouseover)
    setProperty(ONMOUSEOVER_KEY, (onmouseover));

   * Gets an onmousemove Javascript handler.
   * @return  the new onmousemove value
  final public String getOnmousemove()
    return ComponentUtils.resolveString(getProperty(ONMOUSEMOVE_KEY));

   * Sets an onmousemove Javascript handler.
   * @param onmousemove  the new onmousemove value
  final public void setOnmousemove(String onmousemove)
    setProperty(ONMOUSEMOVE_KEY, (onmousemove));

   * Gets an onmouseout Javascript handler.
   * @return  the new onmouseout value
  final public String getOnmouseout()
    return ComponentUtils.resolveString(getProperty(ONMOUSEOUT_KEY));

   * Sets an onmouseout Javascript handler.
   * @param onmouseout  the new onmouseout value
  final public void setOnmouseout(String onmouseout)
    setProperty(ONMOUSEOUT_KEY, (onmouseout));

   * Gets an onkeypress Javascript handler.
   * @return  the new onkeypress value
  final public String getOnkeypress()
    return ComponentUtils.resolveString(getProperty(ONKEYPRESS_KEY));

   * Sets an onkeypress Javascript handler.
   * @param onkeypress  the new onkeypress value
  final public void setOnkeypress(String onkeypress)
    setProperty(ONKEYPRESS_KEY, (onkeypress));

   * Gets an onkeydown Javascript handler.
   * @return  the new onkeydown value
  final public String getOnkeydown()
    return ComponentUtils.resolveString(getProperty(ONKEYDOWN_KEY));

   * Sets an onkeydown Javascript handler.
   * @param onkeydown  the new onkeydown value
  final public void setOnkeydown(String onkeydown)
    setProperty(ONKEYDOWN_KEY, (onkeydown));

   * Gets an onkeyup Javascript handler.
   * @return  the new onkeyup value
  final public String getOnkeyup()
    return ComponentUtils.resolveString(getProperty(ONKEYUP_KEY));

   * Sets an onkeyup Javascript handler.
   * @param onkeyup  the new onkeyup value
  final public void setOnkeyup(String onkeyup)
    setProperty(ONKEYUP_KEY, (onkeyup));

   * Gets the CSS style class of the bean.
   * @return  the new styleClass value
  final public String getStyleClass()

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    setProperty(WIDTH_KEY, (width));

   * Gets the short description of the bean.  This text
   *          is commonly used by user agents to display tooltip help text.
   * @return  the new shortDesc value
  final public String getShortDesc()
    return ComponentUtils.resolveString(getProperty(SHORT_DESC_KEY));

   * Sets the short description of the bean.  This text
   *          is commonly used by user agents to display tooltip help text.
   * @param shortDesc  the new shortDesc value
  final public void setShortDesc(String shortDesc)
    setProperty(SHORT_DESC_KEY, (shortDesc));

   * Gets the IDs of the components that should trigger a partial update.
   *          This component will listen on the trigger components. If one of the
   *          trigger components receives an event that will cause it to update
   *          in some way, this component will request to be updated too.
   * @return  the new partialTriggers value
  final public String[] getPartialTriggers()
    return (String[])getProperty(PARTIAL_TRIGGERS_KEY);

   * Sets the IDs of the components that should trigger a partial update.
   *          This component will listen on the trigger components. If one of the
   *          trigger components receives an event that will cause it to update
   *          in some way, this component will request to be updated too.
   * @param partialTriggers  the new partialTriggers value
  final public void setPartialTriggers(String[] partialTriggers)
    setProperty(PARTIAL_TRIGGERS_KEY, (partialTriggers));

   * Gets an onclick Javascript handler.
   * @return  the new onclick value
  final public String getOnclick()
    return ComponentUtils.resolveString(getProperty(ONCLICK_KEY));

   * Sets an onclick Javascript handler.
   * @param onclick  the new onclick value
  final public void setOnclick(String onclick)
    setProperty(ONCLICK_KEY, (onclick));

   * Gets an ondblclick Javascript handler.
   * @return  the new ondblclick value
  final public String getOndblclick()
    return ComponentUtils.resolveString(getProperty(ONDBLCLICK_KEY));

   * Sets an ondblclick Javascript handler.
   * @param ondblclick  the new ondblclick value
  final public void setOndblclick(String ondblclick)
    setProperty(ONDBLCLICK_KEY, (ondblclick));

   * Gets an onmousedown Javascript handler.
   * @return  the new onmousedown value
  final public String getOnmousedown()
    return ComponentUtils.resolveString(getProperty(ONMOUSEDOWN_KEY));

   * Sets an onmousedown Javascript handler.
   * @param onmousedown  the new onmousedown value
  final public void setOnmousedown(String onmousedown)
    setProperty(ONMOUSEDOWN_KEY, (onmousedown));

   * Gets an onmouseup Javascript handler.
   * @return  the new onmouseup value
  final public String getOnmouseup()
    return ComponentUtils.resolveString(getProperty(ONMOUSEUP_KEY));

   * Sets an onmouseup Javascript handler.
   * @param onmouseup  the new onmouseup value
  final public void setOnmouseup(String onmouseup)
    setProperty(ONMOUSEUP_KEY, (onmouseup));

   * Gets an onmouseover Javascript handler.
   * @return  the new onmouseover value
  final public String getOnmouseover()
    return ComponentUtils.resolveString(getProperty(ONMOUSEOVER_KEY));

   * Sets an onmouseover Javascript handler.
   * @param onmouseover  the new onmouseover value
  final public void setOnmouseover(String onmouseover)
    setProperty(ONMOUSEOVER_KEY, (onmouseover));

   * Gets an onmousemove Javascript handler.
   * @return  the new onmousemove value
  final public String getOnmousemove()
    return ComponentUtils.resolveString(getProperty(ONMOUSEMOVE_KEY));

   * Sets an onmousemove Javascript handler.
   * @param onmousemove  the new onmousemove value
  final public void setOnmousemove(String onmousemove)
    setProperty(ONMOUSEMOVE_KEY, (onmousemove));

   * Gets an onmouseout Javascript handler.
   * @return  the new onmouseout value
  final public String getOnmouseout()
    return ComponentUtils.resolveString(getProperty(ONMOUSEOUT_KEY));

   * Sets an onmouseout Javascript handler.
   * @param onmouseout  the new onmouseout value
  final public void setOnmouseout(String onmouseout)
    setProperty(ONMOUSEOUT_KEY, (onmouseout));

   * Gets an onkeypress Javascript handler.
   * @return  the new onkeypress value
  final public String getOnkeypress()
    return ComponentUtils.resolveString(getProperty(ONKEYPRESS_KEY));

   * Sets an onkeypress Javascript handler.
   * @param onkeypress  the new onkeypress value
  final public void setOnkeypress(String onkeypress)
    setProperty(ONKEYPRESS_KEY, (onkeypress));

   * Gets an onkeydown Javascript handler.
   * @return  the new onkeydown value
  final public String getOnkeydown()
    return ComponentUtils.resolveString(getProperty(ONKEYDOWN_KEY));

   * Sets an onkeydown Javascript handler.
   * @param onkeydown  the new onkeydown value
  final public void setOnkeydown(String onkeydown)
    setProperty(ONKEYDOWN_KEY, (onkeydown));

   * Gets an onkeyup Javascript handler.
   * @return  the new onkeyup value
  final public String getOnkeyup()
    return ComponentUtils.resolveString(getProperty(ONKEYUP_KEY));

   * Sets an onkeyup Javascript handler.
   * @param onkeyup  the new onkeyup value
  final public void setOnkeyup(String onkeyup)
    setProperty(ONKEYUP_KEY, (onkeyup));

   * Gets the CSS style class of the bean.
   * @return  the new styleClass value
  final public String getStyleClass()

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    setProperty(FIRST_CLICK_PASSED_KEY, firstClickPassed ? Boolean.TRUE : Boolean.FALSE);

   * Gets the short description of the bean.  This text
   *          is commonly used by user agents to display tooltip help text.
   * @return  the new shortDesc value
  final public String getShortDesc()
    return ComponentUtils.resolveString(getProperty(SHORT_DESC_KEY));

   * Sets the short description of the bean.  This text
   *          is commonly used by user agents to display tooltip help text.
   * @param shortDesc  the new shortDesc value
  final public void setShortDesc(String shortDesc)
    setProperty(SHORT_DESC_KEY, (shortDesc));

   * Gets the IDs of the components that should trigger a partial update.
   *          This component will listen on the trigger components. If one of the
   *          trigger components receives an event that will cause it to update
   *          in some way, this component will request to be updated too.
   * @return  the new partialTriggers value
  final public String[] getPartialTriggers()
    return (String[])getProperty(PARTIAL_TRIGGERS_KEY);

   * Sets the IDs of the components that should trigger a partial update.
   *          This component will listen on the trigger components. If one of the
   *          trigger components receives an event that will cause it to update
   *          in some way, this component will request to be updated too.
   * @param partialTriggers  the new partialTriggers value
  final public void setPartialTriggers(String[] partialTriggers)
    setProperty(PARTIAL_TRIGGERS_KEY, (partialTriggers));

   * Gets an onclick Javascript handler.
   * @return  the new onclick value
  final public String getOnclick()
    return ComponentUtils.resolveString(getProperty(ONCLICK_KEY));

   * Sets an onclick Javascript handler.
   * @param onclick  the new onclick value
  final public void setOnclick(String onclick)
    setProperty(ONCLICK_KEY, (onclick));

   * Gets an ondblclick Javascript handler.
   * @return  the new ondblclick value
  final public String getOndblclick()
    return ComponentUtils.resolveString(getProperty(ONDBLCLICK_KEY));

   * Sets an ondblclick Javascript handler.
   * @param ondblclick  the new ondblclick value
  final public void setOndblclick(String ondblclick)
    setProperty(ONDBLCLICK_KEY, (ondblclick));

   * Gets an onmousedown Javascript handler.
   * @return  the new onmousedown value
  final public String getOnmousedown()
    return ComponentUtils.resolveString(getProperty(ONMOUSEDOWN_KEY));

   * Sets an onmousedown Javascript handler.
   * @param onmousedown  the new onmousedown value
  final public void setOnmousedown(String onmousedown)
    setProperty(ONMOUSEDOWN_KEY, (onmousedown));

   * Gets an onmouseup Javascript handler.
   * @return  the new onmouseup value
  final public String getOnmouseup()
    return ComponentUtils.resolveString(getProperty(ONMOUSEUP_KEY));

   * Sets an onmouseup Javascript handler.
   * @param onmouseup  the new onmouseup value
  final public void setOnmouseup(String onmouseup)
    setProperty(ONMOUSEUP_KEY, (onmouseup));

   * Gets an onmouseover Javascript handler.
   * @return  the new onmouseover value
  final public String getOnmouseover()
    return ComponentUtils.resolveString(getProperty(ONMOUSEOVER_KEY));

   * Sets an onmouseover Javascript handler.
   * @param onmouseover  the new onmouseover value
  final public void setOnmouseover(String onmouseover)
    setProperty(ONMOUSEOVER_KEY, (onmouseover));

   * Gets an onmousemove Javascript handler.
   * @return  the new onmousemove value
  final public String getOnmousemove()
    return ComponentUtils.resolveString(getProperty(ONMOUSEMOVE_KEY));

   * Sets an onmousemove Javascript handler.
   * @param onmousemove  the new onmousemove value
  final public void setOnmousemove(String onmousemove)
    setProperty(ONMOUSEMOVE_KEY, (onmousemove));

   * Gets an onmouseout Javascript handler.
   * @return  the new onmouseout value
  final public String getOnmouseout()
    return ComponentUtils.resolveString(getProperty(ONMOUSEOUT_KEY));

   * Sets an onmouseout Javascript handler.
   * @param onmouseout  the new onmouseout value
  final public void setOnmouseout(String onmouseout)
    setProperty(ONMOUSEOUT_KEY, (onmouseout));

   * Gets an onkeypress Javascript handler.
   * @return  the new onkeypress value
  final public String getOnkeypress()
    return ComponentUtils.resolveString(getProperty(ONKEYPRESS_KEY));

   * Sets an onkeypress Javascript handler.
   * @param onkeypress  the new onkeypress value
  final public void setOnkeypress(String onkeypress)
    setProperty(ONKEYPRESS_KEY, (onkeypress));

   * Gets an onkeydown Javascript handler.
   * @return  the new onkeydown value
  final public String getOnkeydown()
    return ComponentUtils.resolveString(getProperty(ONKEYDOWN_KEY));

   * Sets an onkeydown Javascript handler.
   * @param onkeydown  the new onkeydown value
  final public void setOnkeydown(String onkeydown)
    setProperty(ONKEYDOWN_KEY, (onkeydown));

   * Gets an onkeyup Javascript handler.
   * @return  the new onkeyup value
  final public String getOnkeyup()
    return ComponentUtils.resolveString(getProperty(ONKEYUP_KEY));

   * Sets an onkeyup Javascript handler.
   * @param onkeyup  the new onkeyup value
  final public void setOnkeyup(String onkeyup)
    setProperty(ONKEYUP_KEY, (onkeyup));

   * Gets the CSS style class of the bean.
   * @return  the new styleClass value
  final public String getStyleClass()

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    setProperty(WIDTH_KEY, (width));

   * Gets the short description of the bean.  This text
   *          is commonly used by user agents to display tooltip help text.
   * @return  the new shortDesc value
  final public String getShortDesc()
    return ComponentUtils.resolveString(getProperty(SHORT_DESC_KEY));

   * Sets the short description of the bean.  This text
   *          is commonly used by user agents to display tooltip help text.
   * @param shortDesc  the new shortDesc value
  final public void setShortDesc(String shortDesc)
    setProperty(SHORT_DESC_KEY, (shortDesc));

   * Gets the IDs of the components that should trigger a partial update.
   *          This component will listen on the trigger components. If one of the
   *          trigger components receives an event that will cause it to update
   *          in some way, this component will request to be updated too.
   * @return  the new partialTriggers value
  final public String[] getPartialTriggers()
    return (String[])getProperty(PARTIAL_TRIGGERS_KEY);

   * Sets the IDs of the components that should trigger a partial update.
   *          This component will listen on the trigger components. If one of the
   *          trigger components receives an event that will cause it to update
   *          in some way, this component will request to be updated too.
   * @param partialTriggers  the new partialTriggers value
  final public void setPartialTriggers(String[] partialTriggers)
    setProperty(PARTIAL_TRIGGERS_KEY, (partialTriggers));

   * Gets an onclick Javascript handler.
   * @return  the new onclick value
  final public String getOnclick()
    return ComponentUtils.resolveString(getProperty(ONCLICK_KEY));

   * Sets an onclick Javascript handler.
   * @param onclick  the new onclick value
  final public void setOnclick(String onclick)
    setProperty(ONCLICK_KEY, (onclick));

   * Gets an ondblclick Javascript handler.
   * @return  the new ondblclick value
  final public String getOndblclick()
    return ComponentUtils.resolveString(getProperty(ONDBLCLICK_KEY));

   * Sets an ondblclick Javascript handler.
   * @param ondblclick  the new ondblclick value
  final public void setOndblclick(String ondblclick)
    setProperty(ONDBLCLICK_KEY, (ondblclick));

   * Gets an onmousedown Javascript handler.
   * @return  the new onmousedown value
  final public String getOnmousedown()
    return ComponentUtils.resolveString(getProperty(ONMOUSEDOWN_KEY));

   * Sets an onmousedown Javascript handler.
   * @param onmousedown  the new onmousedown value
  final public void setOnmousedown(String onmousedown)
    setProperty(ONMOUSEDOWN_KEY, (onmousedown));

   * Gets an onmouseup Javascript handler.
   * @return  the new onmouseup value
  final public String getOnmouseup()
    return ComponentUtils.resolveString(getProperty(ONMOUSEUP_KEY));

   * Sets an onmouseup Javascript handler.
   * @param onmouseup  the new onmouseup value
  final public void setOnmouseup(String onmouseup)
    setProperty(ONMOUSEUP_KEY, (onmouseup));

   * Gets an onmouseover Javascript handler.
   * @return  the new onmouseover value
  final public String getOnmouseover()
    return ComponentUtils.resolveString(getProperty(ONMOUSEOVER_KEY));

   * Sets an onmouseover Javascript handler.
   * @param onmouseover  the new onmouseover value
  final public void setOnmouseover(String onmouseover)
    setProperty(ONMOUSEOVER_KEY, (onmouseover));

   * Gets an onmousemove Javascript handler.
   * @return  the new onmousemove value
  final public String getOnmousemove()
    return ComponentUtils.resolveString(getProperty(ONMOUSEMOVE_KEY));

   * Sets an onmousemove Javascript handler.
   * @param onmousemove  the new onmousemove value
  final public void setOnmousemove(String onmousemove)
    setProperty(ONMOUSEMOVE_KEY, (onmousemove));

   * Gets an onmouseout Javascript handler.
   * @return  the new onmouseout value
  final public String getOnmouseout()
    return ComponentUtils.resolveString(getProperty(ONMOUSEOUT_KEY));

   * Sets an onmouseout Javascript handler.
   * @param onmouseout  the new onmouseout value
  final public void setOnmouseout(String onmouseout)
    setProperty(ONMOUSEOUT_KEY, (onmouseout));

   * Gets an onkeypress Javascript handler.
   * @return  the new onkeypress value
  final public String getOnkeypress()
    return ComponentUtils.resolveString(getProperty(ONKEYPRESS_KEY));

   * Sets an onkeypress Javascript handler.
   * @param onkeypress  the new onkeypress value
  final public void setOnkeypress(String onkeypress)
    setProperty(ONKEYPRESS_KEY, (onkeypress));

   * Gets an onkeydown Javascript handler.
   * @return  the new onkeydown value
  final public String getOnkeydown()
    return ComponentUtils.resolveString(getProperty(ONKEYDOWN_KEY));

   * Sets an onkeydown Javascript handler.
   * @param onkeydown  the new onkeydown value
  final public void setOnkeydown(String onkeydown)
    setProperty(ONKEYDOWN_KEY, (onkeydown));

   * Gets an onkeyup Javascript handler.
   * @return  the new onkeyup value
  final public String getOnkeyup()
    return ComponentUtils.resolveString(getProperty(ONKEYUP_KEY));

   * Sets an onkeyup Javascript handler.
   * @param onkeyup  the new onkeyup value
  final public void setOnkeyup(String onkeyup)
    setProperty(ONKEYUP_KEY, (onkeyup));

   * Gets the CSS style class of the bean.
   * @return  the new styleClass value
  final public String getStyleClass()

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    setProperty(FIRST_CLICK_PASSED_KEY, firstClickPassed ? Boolean.TRUE : Boolean.FALSE);

   * Gets the short description of the bean.  This text
   *          is commonly used by user agents to display tooltip help text.
   * @return  the new shortDesc value
  final public String getShortDesc()
    return ComponentUtils.resolveString(getProperty(SHORT_DESC_KEY));

   * Sets the short description of the bean.  This text
   *          is commonly used by user agents to display tooltip help text.
   * @param shortDesc  the new shortDesc value
  final public void setShortDesc(String shortDesc)
    setProperty(SHORT_DESC_KEY, (shortDesc));

   * Gets the IDs of the components that should trigger a partial update.
   *          This component will listen on the trigger components. If one of the
   *          trigger components receives an event that will cause it to update
   *          in some way, this component will request to be updated too.
   * @return  the new partialTriggers value
  final public String[] getPartialTriggers()
    return (String[])getProperty(PARTIAL_TRIGGERS_KEY);

   * Sets the IDs of the components that should trigger a partial update.
   *          This component will listen on the trigger components. If one of the
   *          trigger components receives an event that will cause it to update
   *          in some way, this component will request to be updated too.
   * @param partialTriggers  the new partialTriggers value
  final public void setPartialTriggers(String[] partialTriggers)
    setProperty(PARTIAL_TRIGGERS_KEY, (partialTriggers));

   * Gets an onclick Javascript handler.
   * @return  the new onclick value
  final public String getOnclick()
    return ComponentUtils.resolveString(getProperty(ONCLICK_KEY));

   * Sets an onclick Javascript handler.
   * @param onclick  the new onclick value
  final public void setOnclick(String onclick)
    setProperty(ONCLICK_KEY, (onclick));

   * Gets an ondblclick Javascript handler.
   * @return  the new ondblclick value
  final public String getOndblclick()
    return ComponentUtils.resolveString(getProperty(ONDBLCLICK_KEY));

   * Sets an ondblclick Javascript handler.
   * @param ondblclick  the new ondblclick value
  final public void setOndblclick(String ondblclick)
    setProperty(ONDBLCLICK_KEY, (ondblclick));

   * Gets an onmousedown Javascript handler.
   * @return  the new onmousedown value
  final public String getOnmousedown()
    return ComponentUtils.resolveString(getProperty(ONMOUSEDOWN_KEY));

   * Sets an onmousedown Javascript handler.
   * @param onmousedown  the new onmousedown value
  final public void setOnmousedown(String onmousedown)
    setProperty(ONMOUSEDOWN_KEY, (onmousedown));

   * Gets an onmouseup Javascript handler.
   * @return  the new onmouseup value
  final public String getOnmouseup()
    return ComponentUtils.resolveString(getProperty(ONMOUSEUP_KEY));

   * Sets an onmouseup Javascript handler.
   * @param onmouseup  the new onmouseup value
  final public void setOnmouseup(String onmouseup)
    setProperty(ONMOUSEUP_KEY, (onmouseup));

   * Gets an onmouseover Javascript handler.
   * @return  the new onmouseover value
  final public String getOnmouseover()
    return ComponentUtils.resolveString(getProperty(ONMOUSEOVER_KEY));

   * Sets an onmouseover Javascript handler.
   * @param onmouseover  the new onmouseover value
  final public void setOnmouseover(String onmouseover)
    setProperty(ONMOUSEOVER_KEY, (onmouseover));

   * Gets an onmousemove Javascript handler.
   * @return  the new onmousemove value
  final public String getOnmousemove()
    return ComponentUtils.resolveString(getProperty(ONMOUSEMOVE_KEY));

   * Sets an onmousemove Javascript handler.
   * @param onmousemove  the new onmousemove value
  final public void setOnmousemove(String onmousemove)
    setProperty(ONMOUSEMOVE_KEY, (onmousemove));

   * Gets an onmouseout Javascript handler.
   * @return  the new onmouseout value
  final public String getOnmouseout()
    return ComponentUtils.resolveString(getProperty(ONMOUSEOUT_KEY));

   * Sets an onmouseout Javascript handler.
   * @param onmouseout  the new onmouseout value
  final public void setOnmouseout(String onmouseout)
    setProperty(ONMOUSEOUT_KEY, (onmouseout));

   * Gets an onkeypress Javascript handler.
   * @return  the new onkeypress value
  final public String getOnkeypress()
    return ComponentUtils.resolveString(getProperty(ONKEYPRESS_KEY));

   * Sets an onkeypress Javascript handler.
   * @param onkeypress  the new onkeypress value
  final public void setOnkeypress(String onkeypress)
    setProperty(ONKEYPRESS_KEY, (onkeypress));

   * Gets an onkeydown Javascript handler.
   * @return  the new onkeydown value
  final public String getOnkeydown()
    return ComponentUtils.resolveString(getProperty(ONKEYDOWN_KEY));

   * Sets an onkeydown Javascript handler.
   * @param onkeydown  the new onkeydown value
  final public void setOnkeydown(String onkeydown)
    setProperty(ONKEYDOWN_KEY, (onkeydown));

   * Gets an onkeyup Javascript handler.
   * @return  the new onkeyup value
  final public String getOnkeyup()
    return ComponentUtils.resolveString(getProperty(ONKEYUP_KEY));

   * Sets an onkeyup Javascript handler.
   * @param onkeyup  the new onkeyup value
  final public void setOnkeyup(String onkeyup)
    setProperty(ONKEYUP_KEY, (onkeyup));

   * Gets the CSS style class of the bean.
   * @return  the new styleClass value
  final public String getStyleClass()

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    setProperty(WIDTH_KEY, (width));

   * Gets the short description of the bean.  This text
   *          is commonly used by user agents to display tooltip help text.
   * @return  the new shortDesc value
  final public String getShortDesc()
    return ComponentUtils.resolveString(getProperty(SHORT_DESC_KEY));

   * Sets the short description of the bean.  This text
   *          is commonly used by user agents to display tooltip help text.
   * @param shortDesc  the new shortDesc value
  final public void setShortDesc(String shortDesc)
    setProperty(SHORT_DESC_KEY, (shortDesc));

   * Gets the IDs of the components that should trigger a partial update.
   *          This component will listen on the trigger components. If one of the
   *          trigger components receives an event that will cause it to update
   *          in some way, this component will request to be updated too.
   * @return  the new partialTriggers value
  final public String[] getPartialTriggers()
    return (String[])getProperty(PARTIAL_TRIGGERS_KEY);

   * Sets the IDs of the components that should trigger a partial update.
   *          This component will listen on the trigger components. If one of the
   *          trigger components receives an event that will cause it to update
   *          in some way, this component will request to be updated too.
   * @param partialTriggers  the new partialTriggers value
  final public void setPartialTriggers(String[] partialTriggers)
    setProperty(PARTIAL_TRIGGERS_KEY, (partialTriggers));

   * Gets an onclick Javascript handler.
   * @return  the new onclick value
  final public String getOnclick()
    return ComponentUtils.resolveString(getProperty(ONCLICK_KEY));

   * Sets an onclick Javascript handler.
   * @param onclick  the new onclick value
  final public void setOnclick(String onclick)
    setProperty(ONCLICK_KEY, (onclick));

   * Gets an ondblclick Javascript handler.
   * @return  the new ondblclick value
  final public String getOndblclick()
    return ComponentUtils.resolveString(getProperty(ONDBLCLICK_KEY));

   * Sets an ondblclick Javascript handler.
   * @param ondblclick  the new ondblclick value
  final public void setOndblclick(String ondblclick)
    setProperty(ONDBLCLICK_KEY, (ondblclick));

   * Gets an onmousedown Javascript handler.
   * @return  the new onmousedown value
  final public String getOnmousedown()
    return ComponentUtils.resolveString(getProperty(ONMOUSEDOWN_KEY));

   * Sets an onmousedown Javascript handler.
   * @param onmousedown  the new onmousedown value
  final public void setOnmousedown(String onmousedown)
    setProperty(ONMOUSEDOWN_KEY, (onmousedown));

   * Gets an onmouseup Javascript handler.
   * @return  the new onmouseup value
  final public String getOnmouseup()
    return ComponentUtils.resolveString(getProperty(ONMOUSEUP_KEY));

   * Sets an onmouseup Javascript handler.
   * @param onmouseup  the new onmouseup value
  final public void setOnmouseup(String onmouseup)
    setProperty(ONMOUSEUP_KEY, (onmouseup));

   * Gets an onmouseover Javascript handler.
   * @return  the new onmouseover value
  final public String getOnmouseover()
    return ComponentUtils.resolveString(getProperty(ONMOUSEOVER_KEY));

   * Sets an onmouseover Javascript handler.
   * @param onmouseover  the new onmouseover value
  final public void setOnmouseover(String onmouseover)
    setProperty(ONMOUSEOVER_KEY, (onmouseover));

   * Gets an onmousemove Javascript handler.
   * @return  the new onmousemove value
  final public String getOnmousemove()
    return ComponentUtils.resolveString(getProperty(ONMOUSEMOVE_KEY));

   * Sets an onmousemove Javascript handler.
   * @param onmousemove  the new onmousemove value
  final public void setOnmousemove(String onmousemove)
    setProperty(ONMOUSEMOVE_KEY, (onmousemove));

   * Gets an onmouseout Javascript handler.
   * @return  the new onmouseout value
  final public String getOnmouseout()
    return ComponentUtils.resolveString(getProperty(ONMOUSEOUT_KEY));

   * Sets an onmouseout Javascript handler.
   * @param onmouseout  the new onmouseout value
  final public void setOnmouseout(String onmouseout)
    setProperty(ONMOUSEOUT_KEY, (onmouseout));

   * Gets an onkeypress Javascript handler.
   * @return  the new onkeypress value
  final public String getOnkeypress()
    return ComponentUtils.resolveString(getProperty(ONKEYPRESS_KEY));

   * Sets an onkeypress Javascript handler.
   * @param onkeypress  the new onkeypress value
  final public void setOnkeypress(String onkeypress)
    setProperty(ONKEYPRESS_KEY, (onkeypress));

   * Gets an onkeydown Javascript handler.
   * @return  the new onkeydown value
  final public String getOnkeydown()
    return ComponentUtils.resolveString(getProperty(ONKEYDOWN_KEY));

   * Sets an onkeydown Javascript handler.
   * @param onkeydown  the new onkeydown value
  final public void setOnkeydown(String onkeydown)
    setProperty(ONKEYDOWN_KEY, (onkeydown));

   * Gets an onkeyup Javascript handler.
   * @return  the new onkeyup value
  final public String getOnkeyup()
    return ComponentUtils.resolveString(getProperty(ONKEYUP_KEY));

   * Sets an onkeyup Javascript handler.
   * @param onkeyup  the new onkeyup value
  final public void setOnkeyup(String onkeyup)
    setProperty(ONKEYUP_KEY, (onkeyup));

   * Gets the CSS style class of the bean.
   * @return  the new styleClass value
  final public String getStyleClass()

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    setProperty(FIRST_CLICK_PASSED_KEY, firstClickPassed ? Boolean.TRUE : Boolean.FALSE);

   * Gets the short description of the bean.  This text
   *          is commonly used by user agents to display tooltip help text.
   * @return  the new shortDesc value
  final public String getShortDesc()
    return ComponentUtils.resolveString(getProperty(SHORT_DESC_KEY));

   * Sets the short description of the bean.  This text
   *          is commonly used by user agents to display tooltip help text.
   * @param shortDesc  the new shortDesc value
  final public void setShortDesc(String shortDesc)
    setProperty(SHORT_DESC_KEY, (shortDesc));

   * Gets the IDs of the components that should trigger a partial update.
   *          This component will listen on the trigger components. If one of the
   *          trigger components receives an event that will cause it to update
   *          in some way, this component will request to be updated too.
   * @return  the new partialTriggers value
  final public String[] getPartialTriggers()
    return (String[])getProperty(PARTIAL_TRIGGERS_KEY);

   * Sets the IDs of the components that should trigger a partial update.
   *          This component will listen on the trigger components. If one of the
   *          trigger components receives an event that will cause it to update
   *          in some way, this component will request to be updated too.
   * @param partialTriggers  the new partialTriggers value
  final public void setPartialTriggers(String[] partialTriggers)
    setProperty(PARTIAL_TRIGGERS_KEY, (partialTriggers));

   * Gets an onclick Javascript handler.
   * @return  the new onclick value
  final public String getOnclick()
    return ComponentUtils.resolveString(getProperty(ONCLICK_KEY));

   * Sets an onclick Javascript handler.
   * @param onclick  the new onclick value
  final public void setOnclick(String onclick)
    setProperty(ONCLICK_KEY, (onclick));

   * Gets an ondblclick Javascript handler.
   * @return  the new ondblclick value
  final public String getOndblclick()
    return ComponentUtils.resolveString(getProperty(ONDBLCLICK_KEY));

   * Sets an ondblclick Javascript handler.
   * @param ondblclick  the new ondblclick value
  final public void setOndblclick(String ondblclick)
    setProperty(ONDBLCLICK_KEY, (ondblclick));

   * Gets an onmousedown Javascript handler.
   * @return  the new onmousedown value
  final public String getOnmousedown()
    return ComponentUtils.resolveString(getProperty(ONMOUSEDOWN_KEY));

   * Sets an onmousedown Javascript handler.
   * @param onmousedown  the new onmousedown value
  final public void setOnmousedown(String onmousedown)
    setProperty(ONMOUSEDOWN_KEY, (onmousedown));

   * Gets an onmouseup Javascript handler.
   * @return  the new onmouseup value
  final public String getOnmouseup()
    return ComponentUtils.resolveString(getProperty(ONMOUSEUP_KEY));

   * Sets an onmouseup Javascript handler.
   * @param onmouseup  the new onmouseup value
  final public void setOnmouseup(String onmouseup)
    setProperty(ONMOUSEUP_KEY, (onmouseup));

   * Gets an onmouseover Javascript handler.
   * @return  the new onmouseover value
  final public String getOnmouseover()
    return ComponentUtils.resolveString(getProperty(ONMOUSEOVER_KEY));

   * Sets an onmouseover Javascript handler.
   * @param onmouseover  the new onmouseover value
  final public void setOnmouseover(String onmouseover)
    setProperty(ONMOUSEOVER_KEY, (onmouseover));

   * Gets an onmousemove Javascript handler.
   * @return  the new onmousemove value
  final public String getOnmousemove()
    return ComponentUtils.resolveString(getProperty(ONMOUSEMOVE_KEY));

   * Sets an onmousemove Javascript handler.
   * @param onmousemove  the new onmousemove value
  final public void setOnmousemove(String onmousemove)
    setProperty(ONMOUSEMOVE_KEY, (onmousemove));

   * Gets an onmouseout Javascript handler.
   * @return  the new onmouseout value
  final public String getOnmouseout()
    return ComponentUtils.resolveString(getProperty(ONMOUSEOUT_KEY));

   * Sets an onmouseout Javascript handler.
   * @param onmouseout  the new onmouseout value
  final public void setOnmouseout(String onmouseout)
    setProperty(ONMOUSEOUT_KEY, (onmouseout));

   * Gets an onkeypress Javascript handler.
   * @return  the new onkeypress value
  final public String getOnkeypress()
    return ComponentUtils.resolveString(getProperty(ONKEYPRESS_KEY));

   * Sets an onkeypress Javascript handler.
   * @param onkeypress  the new onkeypress value
  final public void setOnkeypress(String onkeypress)
    setProperty(ONKEYPRESS_KEY, (onkeypress));

   * Gets an onkeydown Javascript handler.
   * @return  the new onkeydown value
  final public String getOnkeydown()
    return ComponentUtils.resolveString(getProperty(ONKEYDOWN_KEY));

   * Sets an onkeydown Javascript handler.
   * @param onkeydown  the new onkeydown value
  final public void setOnkeydown(String onkeydown)
    setProperty(ONKEYDOWN_KEY, (onkeydown));

   * Gets an onkeyup Javascript handler.
   * @return  the new onkeyup value
  final public String getOnkeyup()
    return ComponentUtils.resolveString(getProperty(ONKEYUP_KEY));

   * Sets an onkeyup Javascript handler.
   * @param onkeyup  the new onkeyup value
  final public void setOnkeyup(String onkeyup)
    setProperty(ONKEYUP_KEY, (onkeyup));

   * Gets the CSS style class of the bean.
   * @return  the new styleClass value
  final public String getStyleClass()

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    setProperty(WIDTH_KEY, (width));

   * Gets the short description of the bean.  This text
   *          is commonly used by user agents to display tooltip help text.
   * @return  the new shortDesc value
  final public String getShortDesc()
    return ComponentUtils.resolveString(getProperty(SHORT_DESC_KEY));

   * Sets the short description of the bean.  This text
   *          is commonly used by user agents to display tooltip help text.
   * @param shortDesc  the new shortDesc value
  final public void setShortDesc(String shortDesc)
    setProperty(SHORT_DESC_KEY, (shortDesc));

   * Gets the IDs of the components that should trigger a partial update.
   *          This component will listen on the trigger components. If one of the
   *          trigger components receives an event that will cause it to update
   *          in some way, this component will request to be updated too.
   * @return  the new partialTriggers value
  final public String[] getPartialTriggers()
    return (String[])getProperty(PARTIAL_TRIGGERS_KEY);

   * Sets the IDs of the components that should trigger a partial update.
   *          This component will listen on the trigger components. If one of the
   *          trigger components receives an event that will cause it to update
   *          in some way, this component will request to be updated too.
   * @param partialTriggers  the new partialTriggers value
  final public void setPartialTriggers(String[] partialTriggers)
    setProperty(PARTIAL_TRIGGERS_KEY, (partialTriggers));

   * Gets an onclick Javascript handler.
   * @return  the new onclick value
  final public String getOnclick()
    return ComponentUtils.resolveString(getProperty(ONCLICK_KEY));

   * Sets an onclick Javascript handler.
   * @param onclick  the new onclick value
  final public void setOnclick(String onclick)
    setProperty(ONCLICK_KEY, (onclick));

   * Gets an ondblclick Javascript handler.
   * @return  the new ondblclick value
  final public String getOndblclick()
    return ComponentUtils.resolveString(getProperty(ONDBLCLICK_KEY));

   * Sets an ondblclick Javascript handler.
   * @param ondblclick  the new ondblclick value
  final public void setOndblclick(String ondblclick)
    setProperty(ONDBLCLICK_KEY, (ondblclick));

   * Gets an onmousedown Javascript handler.
   * @return  the new onmousedown value
  final public String getOnmousedown()
    return ComponentUtils.resolveString(getProperty(ONMOUSEDOWN_KEY));

   * Sets an onmousedown Javascript handler.
   * @param onmousedown  the new onmousedown value
  final public void setOnmousedown(String onmousedown)
    setProperty(ONMOUSEDOWN_KEY, (onmousedown));

   * Gets an onmouseup Javascript handler.
   * @return  the new onmouseup value
  final public String getOnmouseup()
    return ComponentUtils.resolveString(getProperty(ONMOUSEUP_KEY));

   * Sets an onmouseup Javascript handler.
   * @param onmouseup  the new onmouseup value
  final public void setOnmouseup(String onmouseup)
    setProperty(ONMOUSEUP_KEY, (onmouseup));

   * Gets an onmouseover Javascript handler.
   * @return  the new onmouseover value
  final public String getOnmouseover()
    return ComponentUtils.resolveString(getProperty(ONMOUSEOVER_KEY));

   * Sets an onmouseover Javascript handler.
   * @param onmouseover  the new onmouseover value
  final public void setOnmouseover(String onmouseover)
    setProperty(ONMOUSEOVER_KEY, (onmouseover));

   * Gets an onmousemove Javascript handler.
   * @return  the new onmousemove value
  final public String getOnmousemove()
    return ComponentUtils.resolveString(getProperty(ONMOUSEMOVE_KEY));

   * Sets an onmousemove Javascript handler.
   * @param onmousemove  the new onmousemove value
  final public void setOnmousemove(String onmousemove)
    setProperty(ONMOUSEMOVE_KEY, (onmousemove));

   * Gets an onmouseout Javascript handler.
   * @return  the new onmouseout value
  final public String getOnmouseout()
    return ComponentUtils.resolveString(getProperty(ONMOUSEOUT_KEY));

   * Sets an onmouseout Javascript handler.
   * @param onmouseout  the new onmouseout value
  final public void setOnmouseout(String onmouseout)
    setProperty(ONMOUSEOUT_KEY, (onmouseout));

   * Gets an onkeypress Javascript handler.
   * @return  the new onkeypress value
  final public String getOnkeypress()
    return ComponentUtils.resolveString(getProperty(ONKEYPRESS_KEY));

   * Sets an onkeypress Javascript handler.
   * @param onkeypress  the new onkeypress value
  final public void setOnkeypress(String onkeypress)
    setProperty(ONKEYPRESS_KEY, (onkeypress));

   * Gets an onkeydown Javascript handler.
   * @return  the new onkeydown value
  final public String getOnkeydown()
    return ComponentUtils.resolveString(getProperty(ONKEYDOWN_KEY));

   * Sets an onkeydown Javascript handler.
   * @param onkeydown  the new onkeydown value
  final public void setOnkeydown(String onkeydown)
    setProperty(ONKEYDOWN_KEY, (onkeydown));

   * Gets an onkeyup Javascript handler.
   * @return  the new onkeyup value
  final public String getOnkeyup()
    return ComponentUtils.resolveString(getProperty(ONKEYUP_KEY));

   * Sets an onkeyup Javascript handler.
   * @param onkeyup  the new onkeyup value
  final public void setOnkeyup(String onkeyup)
    setProperty(ONKEYUP_KEY, (onkeyup));

   * Gets the CSS style class of the bean.
   * @return  the new styleClass value
  final public String getStyleClass()

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    setProperty(FIRST_CLICK_PASSED_KEY, firstClickPassed ? Boolean.TRUE : Boolean.FALSE);

   * Gets the short description of the bean.  This text
   *          is commonly used by user agents to display tooltip help text.
   * @return  the new shortDesc value
  final public String getShortDesc()
    return ComponentUtils.resolveString(getProperty(SHORT_DESC_KEY));

   * Sets the short description of the bean.  This text
   *          is commonly used by user agents to display tooltip help text.
   * @param shortDesc  the new shortDesc value
  final public void setShortDesc(String shortDesc)
    setProperty(SHORT_DESC_KEY, (shortDesc));

   * Gets the IDs of the components that should trigger a partial update.
   *          This component will listen on the trigger components. If one of the
   *          trigger components receives an event that will cause it to update
   *          in some way, this component will request to be updated too.
   * @return  the new partialTriggers value
  final public String[] getPartialTriggers()
    return (String[])getProperty(PARTIAL_TRIGGERS_KEY);

   * Sets the IDs of the components that should trigger a partial update.
   *          This component will listen on the trigger components. If one of the
   *          trigger components receives an event that will cause it to update
   *          in some way, this component will request to be updated too.
   * @param partialTriggers  the new partialTriggers value
  final public void setPartialTriggers(String[] partialTriggers)
    setProperty(PARTIAL_TRIGGERS_KEY, (partialTriggers));

   * Gets an onclick Javascript handler.
   * @return  the new onclick value
  final public String getOnclick()
    return ComponentUtils.resolveString(getProperty(ONCLICK_KEY));

   * Sets an onclick Javascript handler.
   * @param onclick  the new onclick value
  final public void setOnclick(String onclick)
    setProperty(ONCLICK_KEY, (onclick));

   * Gets an ondblclick Javascript handler.
   * @return  the new ondblclick value
  final public String getOndblclick()
    return ComponentUtils.resolveString(getProperty(ONDBLCLICK_KEY));

   * Sets an ondblclick Javascript handler.
   * @param ondblclick  the new ondblclick value
  final public void setOndblclick(String ondblclick)
    setProperty(ONDBLCLICK_KEY, (ondblclick));

   * Gets an onmousedown Javascript handler.
   * @return  the new onmousedown value
  final public String getOnmousedown()
    return ComponentUtils.resolveString(getProperty(ONMOUSEDOWN_KEY));

   * Sets an onmousedown Javascript handler.
   * @param onmousedown  the new onmousedown value
  final public void setOnmousedown(String onmousedown)
    setProperty(ONMOUSEDOWN_KEY, (onmousedown));

   * Gets an onmouseup Javascript handler.
   * @return  the new onmouseup value
  final public String getOnmouseup()
    return ComponentUtils.resolveString(getProperty(ONMOUSEUP_KEY));

   * Sets an onmouseup Javascript handler.
   * @param onmouseup  the new onmouseup value
  final public void setOnmouseup(String onmouseup)
    setProperty(ONMOUSEUP_KEY, (onmouseup));

   * Gets an onmouseover Javascript handler.
   * @return  the new onmouseover value
  final public String getOnmouseover()
    return ComponentUtils.resolveString(getProperty(ONMOUSEOVER_KEY));

   * Sets an onmouseover Javascript handler.
   * @param onmouseover  the new onmouseover value
  final public void setOnmouseover(String onmouseover)
    setProperty(ONMOUSEOVER_KEY, (onmouseover));

   * Gets an onmousemove Javascript handler.
   * @return  the new onmousemove value
  final public String getOnmousemove()
    return ComponentUtils.resolveString(getProperty(ONMOUSEMOVE_KEY));

   * Sets an onmousemove Javascript handler.
   * @param onmousemove  the new onmousemove value
  final public void setOnmousemove(String onmousemove)
    setProperty(ONMOUSEMOVE_KEY, (onmousemove));

   * Gets an onmouseout Javascript handler.
   * @return  the new onmouseout value
  final public String getOnmouseout()
    return ComponentUtils.resolveString(getProperty(ONMOUSEOUT_KEY));

   * Sets an onmouseout Javascript handler.
   * @param onmouseout  the new onmouseout value
  final public void setOnmouseout(String onmouseout)
    setProperty(ONMOUSEOUT_KEY, (onmouseout));

   * Gets an onkeypress Javascript handler.
   * @return  the new onkeypress value
  final public String getOnkeypress()
    return ComponentUtils.resolveString(getProperty(ONKEYPRESS_KEY));

   * Sets an onkeypress Javascript handler.
   * @param onkeypress  the new onkeypress value
  final public void setOnkeypress(String onkeypress)
    setProperty(ONKEYPRESS_KEY, (onkeypress));

   * Gets an onkeydown Javascript handler.
   * @return  the new onkeydown value
  final public String getOnkeydown()
    return ComponentUtils.resolveString(getProperty(ONKEYDOWN_KEY));

   * Sets an onkeydown Javascript handler.
   * @param onkeydown  the new onkeydown value
  final public void setOnkeydown(String onkeydown)
    setProperty(ONKEYDOWN_KEY, (onkeydown));

   * Gets an onkeyup Javascript handler.
   * @return  the new onkeyup value
  final public String getOnkeyup()
    return ComponentUtils.resolveString(getProperty(ONKEYUP_KEY));

   * Sets an onkeyup Javascript handler.
   * @param onkeyup  the new onkeyup value
  final public void setOnkeyup(String onkeyup)
    setProperty(ONKEYUP_KEY, (onkeyup));

   * Gets the CSS style class of the bean.
   * @return  the new styleClass value
  final public String getStyleClass()

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    setProperty(WIDTH_KEY, (width));

   * Gets the short description of the bean.  This text
   *          is commonly used by user agents to display tooltip help text.
   * @return  the new shortDesc value
  final public String getShortDesc()
    return ComponentUtils.resolveString(getProperty(SHORT_DESC_KEY));

   * Sets the short description of the bean.  This text
   *          is commonly used by user agents to display tooltip help text.
   * @param shortDesc  the new shortDesc value
  final public void setShortDesc(String shortDesc)
    setProperty(SHORT_DESC_KEY, (shortDesc));

   * Gets the IDs of the components that should trigger a partial update.
   *          This component will listen on the trigger components. If one of the
   *          trigger components receives an event that will cause it to update
   *          in some way, this component will request to be updated too.
   * @return  the new partialTriggers value
  final public String[] getPartialTriggers()
    return (String[])getProperty(PARTIAL_TRIGGERS_KEY);

   * Sets the IDs of the components that should trigger a partial update.
   *          This component will listen on the trigger components. If one of the
   *          trigger components receives an event that will cause it to update
   *          in some way, this component will request to be updated too.
   * @param partialTriggers  the new partialTriggers value
  final public void setPartialTriggers(String[] partialTriggers)
    setProperty(PARTIAL_TRIGGERS_KEY, (partialTriggers));

   * Gets an onclick Javascript handler.
   * @return  the new onclick value
  final public String getOnclick()
    return ComponentUtils.resolveString(getProperty(ONCLICK_KEY));

   * Sets an onclick Javascript handler.
   * @param onclick  the new onclick value
  final public void setOnclick(String onclick)
    setProperty(ONCLICK_KEY, (onclick));

   * Gets an ondblclick Javascript handler.
   * @return  the new ondblclick value
  final public String getOndblclick()
    return ComponentUtils.resolveString(getProperty(ONDBLCLICK_KEY));

   * Sets an ondblclick Javascript handler.
   * @param ondblclick  the new ondblclick value
  final public void setOndblclick(String ondblclick)
    setProperty(ONDBLCLICK_KEY, (ondblclick));

   * Gets an onmousedown Javascript handler.
   * @return  the new onmousedown value
  final public String getOnmousedown()
    return ComponentUtils.resolveString(getProperty(ONMOUSEDOWN_KEY));

   * Sets an onmousedown Javascript handler.
   * @param onmousedown  the new onmousedown value
  final public void setOnmousedown(String onmousedown)
    setProperty(ONMOUSEDOWN_KEY, (onmousedown));

   * Gets an onmouseup Javascript handler.
   * @return  the new onmouseup value
  final public String getOnmouseup()
    return ComponentUtils.resolveString(getProperty(ONMOUSEUP_KEY));

   * Sets an onmouseup Javascript handler.
   * @param onmouseup  the new onmouseup value
  final public void setOnmouseup(String onmouseup)
    setProperty(ONMOUSEUP_KEY, (onmouseup));

   * Gets an onmouseover Javascript handler.
   * @return  the new onmouseover value
  final public String getOnmouseover()
    return ComponentUtils.resolveString(getProperty(ONMOUSEOVER_KEY));

   * Sets an onmouseover Javascript handler.
   * @param onmouseover  the new onmouseover value
  final public void setOnmouseover(String onmouseover)
    setProperty(ONMOUSEOVER_KEY, (onmouseover));

   * Gets an onmousemove Javascript handler.
   * @return  the new onmousemove value
  final public String getOnmousemove()
    return ComponentUtils.resolveString(getProperty(ONMOUSEMOVE_KEY));

   * Sets an onmousemove Javascript handler.
   * @param onmousemove  the new onmousemove value
  final public void setOnmousemove(String onmousemove)
    setProperty(ONMOUSEMOVE_KEY, (onmousemove));

   * Gets an onmouseout Javascript handler.
   * @return  the new onmouseout value
  final public String getOnmouseout()
    return ComponentUtils.resolveString(getProperty(ONMOUSEOUT_KEY));

   * Sets an onmouseout Javascript handler.
   * @param onmouseout  the new onmouseout value
  final public void setOnmouseout(String onmouseout)
    setProperty(ONMOUSEOUT_KEY, (onmouseout));

   * Gets an onkeypress Javascript handler.
   * @return  the new onkeypress value
  final public String getOnkeypress()
    return ComponentUtils.resolveString(getProperty(ONKEYPRESS_KEY));

   * Sets an onkeypress Javascript handler.
   * @param onkeypress  the new onkeypress value
  final public void setOnkeypress(String onkeypress)
    setProperty(ONKEYPRESS_KEY, (onkeypress));

   * Gets an onkeydown Javascript handler.
   * @return  the new onkeydown value
  final public String getOnkeydown()
    return ComponentUtils.resolveString(getProperty(ONKEYDOWN_KEY));

   * Sets an onkeydown Javascript handler.
   * @param onkeydown  the new onkeydown value
  final public void setOnkeydown(String onkeydown)
    setProperty(ONKEYDOWN_KEY, (onkeydown));

   * Gets an onkeyup Javascript handler.
   * @return  the new onkeyup value
  final public String getOnkeyup()
    return ComponentUtils.resolveString(getProperty(ONKEYUP_KEY));

   * Sets an onkeyup Javascript handler.
   * @param onkeyup  the new onkeyup value
  final public void setOnkeyup(String onkeyup)
    setProperty(ONKEYUP_KEY, (onkeyup));

   * Gets the CSS style class of the bean.
   * @return  the new styleClass value
  final public String getStyleClass()

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    setProperty(FIRST_CLICK_PASSED_KEY, firstClickPassed ? Boolean.TRUE : Boolean.FALSE);

   * Gets the short description of the bean.  This text
   *          is commonly used by user agents to display tooltip help text.
   * @return  the new shortDesc value
  final public String getShortDesc()
    return ComponentUtils.resolveString(getProperty(SHORT_DESC_KEY));

   * Sets the short description of the bean.  This text
   *          is commonly used by user agents to display tooltip help text.
   * @param shortDesc  the new shortDesc value
  final public void setShortDesc(String shortDesc)
    setProperty(SHORT_DESC_KEY, (shortDesc));

   * Gets the IDs of the components that should trigger a partial update.
   *          This component will listen on the trigger components. If one of the
   *          trigger components receives an event that will cause it to update
   *          in some way, this component will request to be updated too.
   * @return  the new partialTriggers value
  final public String[] getPartialTriggers()
    return (String[])getProperty(PARTIAL_TRIGGERS_KEY);

   * Sets the IDs of the components that should trigger a partial update.
   *          This component will listen on the trigger components. If one of the
   *          trigger components receives an event that will cause it to update
   *          in some way, this component will request to be updated too.
   * @param partialTriggers  the new partialTriggers value
  final public void setPartialTriggers(String[] partialTriggers)
    setProperty(PARTIAL_TRIGGERS_KEY, (partialTriggers));

   * Gets an onclick Javascript handler.
   * @return  the new onclick value
  final public String getOnclick()
    return ComponentUtils.resolveString(getProperty(ONCLICK_KEY));

   * Sets an onclick Javascript handler.
   * @param onclick  the new onclick value
  final public void setOnclick(String onclick)
    setProperty(ONCLICK_KEY, (onclick));

   * Gets an ondblclick Javascript handler.
   * @return  the new ondblclick value
  final public String getOndblclick()
    return ComponentUtils.resolveString(getProperty(ONDBLCLICK_KEY));

   * Sets an ondblclick Javascript handler.
   * @param ondblclick  the new ondblclick value
  final public void setOndblclick(String ondblclick)
    setProperty(ONDBLCLICK_KEY, (ondblclick));

   * Gets an onmousedown Javascript handler.
   * @return  the new onmousedown value
  final public String getOnmousedown()
    return ComponentUtils.resolveString(getProperty(ONMOUSEDOWN_KEY));

   * Sets an onmousedown Javascript handler.
   * @param onmousedown  the new onmousedown value
  final public void setOnmousedown(String onmousedown)
    setProperty(ONMOUSEDOWN_KEY, (onmousedown));

   * Gets an onmouseup Javascript handler.
   * @return  the new onmouseup value
  final public String getOnmouseup()
    return ComponentUtils.resolveString(getProperty(ONMOUSEUP_KEY));

   * Sets an onmouseup Javascript handler.
   * @param onmouseup  the new onmouseup value
  final public void setOnmouseup(String onmouseup)
    setProperty(ONMOUSEUP_KEY, (onmouseup));

   * Gets an onmouseover Javascript handler.
   * @return  the new onmouseover value
  final public String getOnmouseover()
    return ComponentUtils.resolveString(getProperty(ONMOUSEOVER_KEY));

   * Sets an onmouseover Javascript handler.
   * @param onmouseover  the new onmouseover value
  final public void setOnmouseover(String onmouseover)
    setProperty(ONMOUSEOVER_KEY, (onmouseover));

   * Gets an onmousemove Javascript handler.
   * @return  the new onmousemove value
  final public String getOnmousemove()
    return ComponentUtils.resolveString(getProperty(ONMOUSEMOVE_KEY));

   * Sets an onmousemove Javascript handler.
   * @param onmousemove  the new onmousemove value
  final public void setOnmousemove(String onmousemove)
    setProperty(ONMOUSEMOVE_KEY, (onmousemove));

   * Gets an onmouseout Javascript handler.
   * @return  the new onmouseout value
  final public String getOnmouseout()
    return ComponentUtils.resolveString(getProperty(ONMOUSEOUT_KEY));

   * Sets an onmouseout Javascript handler.
   * @param onmouseout  the new onmouseout value
  final public void setOnmouseout(String onmouseout)
    setProperty(ONMOUSEOUT_KEY, (onmouseout));

   * Gets an onkeypress Javascript handler.
   * @return  the new onkeypress value
  final public String getOnkeypress()
    return ComponentUtils.resolveString(getProperty(ONKEYPRESS_KEY));

   * Sets an onkeypress Javascript handler.
   * @param onkeypress  the new onkeypress value
  final public void setOnkeypress(String onkeypress)
    setProperty(ONKEYPRESS_KEY, (onkeypress));

   * Gets an onkeydown Javascript handler.
   * @return  the new onkeydown value
  final public String getOnkeydown()
    return ComponentUtils.resolveString(getProperty(ONKEYDOWN_KEY));

   * Sets an onkeydown Javascript handler.
   * @param onkeydown  the new onkeydown value
  final public void setOnkeydown(String onkeydown)
    setProperty(ONKEYDOWN_KEY, (onkeydown));

   * Gets an onkeyup Javascript handler.
   * @return  the new onkeyup value
  final public String getOnkeyup()
    return ComponentUtils.resolveString(getProperty(ONKEYUP_KEY));

   * Sets an onkeyup Javascript handler.
   * @param onkeyup  the new onkeyup value
  final public void setOnkeyup(String onkeyup)
    setProperty(ONKEYUP_KEY, (onkeyup));

   * Gets the CSS style class of the bean.
   * @return  the new styleClass value
  final public String getStyleClass()

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    setProperty(FIRST_CLICK_PASSED_KEY, firstClickPassed ? Boolean.TRUE : Boolean.FALSE);

   * Gets the short description of the bean.  This text
   *          is commonly used by user agents to display tooltip help text.
   * @return  the new shortDesc value
  final public String getShortDesc()
    return ComponentUtils.resolveString(getProperty(SHORT_DESC_KEY));

   * Sets the short description of the bean.  This text
   *          is commonly used by user agents to display tooltip help text.
   * @param shortDesc  the new shortDesc value
  final public void setShortDesc(String shortDesc)
    setProperty(SHORT_DESC_KEY, (shortDesc));

   * Gets the IDs of the components that should trigger a partial update.
   *          This component will listen on the trigger components. If one of the
   *          trigger components receives an event that will cause it to update
   *          in some way, this component will request to be updated too.
   * @return  the new partialTriggers value
  final public String[] getPartialTriggers()
    return (String[])getProperty(PARTIAL_TRIGGERS_KEY);

   * Sets the IDs of the components that should trigger a partial update.
   *          This component will listen on the trigger components. If one of the
   *          trigger components receives an event that will cause it to update
   *          in some way, this component will request to be updated too.
   * @param partialTriggers  the new partialTriggers value
  final public void setPartialTriggers(String[] partialTriggers)
    setProperty(PARTIAL_TRIGGERS_KEY, (partialTriggers));

   * Gets an onclick Javascript handler.
   * @return  the new onclick value
  final public String getOnclick()
    return ComponentUtils.resolveString(getProperty(ONCLICK_KEY));

   * Sets an onclick Javascript handler.
   * @param onclick  the new onclick value
  final public void setOnclick(String onclick)
    setProperty(ONCLICK_KEY, (onclick));

   * Gets an ondblclick Javascript handler.
   * @return  the new ondblclick value
  final public String getOndblclick()
    return ComponentUtils.resolveString(getProperty(ONDBLCLICK_KEY));

   * Sets an ondblclick Javascript handler.
   * @param ondblclick  the new ondblclick value
  final public void setOndblclick(String ondblclick)
    setProperty(ONDBLCLICK_KEY, (ondblclick));

   * Gets an onmousedown Javascript handler.
   * @return  the new onmousedown value
  final public String getOnmousedown()
    return ComponentUtils.resolveString(getProperty(ONMOUSEDOWN_KEY));

   * Sets an onmousedown Javascript handler.
   * @param onmousedown  the new onmousedown value
  final public void setOnmousedown(String onmousedown)
    setProperty(ONMOUSEDOWN_KEY, (onmousedown));

   * Gets an onmouseup Javascript handler.
   * @return  the new onmouseup value
  final public String getOnmouseup()
    return ComponentUtils.resolveString(getProperty(ONMOUSEUP_KEY));

   * Sets an onmouseup Javascript handler.
   * @param onmouseup  the new onmouseup value
  final public void setOnmouseup(String onmouseup)
    setProperty(ONMOUSEUP_KEY, (onmouseup));

   * Gets an onmouseover Javascript handler.
   * @return  the new onmouseover value
  final public String getOnmouseover()
    return ComponentUtils.resolveString(getProperty(ONMOUSEOVER_KEY));

   * Sets an onmouseover Javascript handler.
   * @param onmouseover  the new onmouseover value
  final public void setOnmouseover(String onmouseover)
    setProperty(ONMOUSEOVER_KEY, (onmouseover));

   * Gets an onmousemove Javascript handler.
   * @return  the new onmousemove value
  final public String getOnmousemove()
    return ComponentUtils.resolveString(getProperty(ONMOUSEMOVE_KEY));

   * Sets an onmousemove Javascript handler.
   * @param onmousemove  the new onmousemove value
  final public void setOnmousemove(String onmousemove)
    setProperty(ONMOUSEMOVE_KEY, (onmousemove));

   * Gets an onmouseout Javascript handler.
   * @return  the new onmouseout value
  final public String getOnmouseout()
    return ComponentUtils.resolveString(getProperty(ONMOUSEOUT_KEY));

   * Sets an onmouseout Javascript handler.
   * @param onmouseout  the new onmouseout value
  final public void setOnmouseout(String onmouseout)
    setProperty(ONMOUSEOUT_KEY, (onmouseout));

   * Gets an onkeypress Javascript handler.
   * @return  the new onkeypress value
  final public String getOnkeypress()
    return ComponentUtils.resolveString(getProperty(ONKEYPRESS_KEY));

   * Sets an onkeypress Javascript handler.
   * @param onkeypress  the new onkeypress value
  final public void setOnkeypress(String onkeypress)
    setProperty(ONKEYPRESS_KEY, (onkeypress));

   * Gets an onkeydown Javascript handler.
   * @return  the new onkeydown value
  final public String getOnkeydown()
    return ComponentUtils.resolveString(getProperty(ONKEYDOWN_KEY));

   * Sets an onkeydown Javascript handler.
   * @param onkeydown  the new onkeydown value
  final public void setOnkeydown(String onkeydown)
    setProperty(ONKEYDOWN_KEY, (onkeydown));

   * Gets an onkeyup Javascript handler.
   * @return  the new onkeyup value
  final public String getOnkeyup()
    return ComponentUtils.resolveString(getProperty(ONKEYUP_KEY));

   * Sets an onkeyup Javascript handler.
   * @param onkeyup  the new onkeyup value
  final public void setOnkeyup(String onkeyup)
    setProperty(ONKEYUP_KEY, (onkeyup));

   * Gets the CSS style class of the bean.
   * @return  the new styleClass value
  final public String getStyleClass()

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    TYPE.registerKey("unselectedLabel", String.class);
  static public final PropertyKey VALUE_PASS_THRU_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("valuePassThru", Boolean.class, Boolean.FALSE);
  static public final PropertyKey READ_ONLY_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("readOnly", Boolean.class, Boolean.FALSE);
  static public final PropertyKey DISABLED_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("disabled", Boolean.class, Boolean.FALSE);
  static public final PropertyKey LABEL_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("label", String.class);
  static public final PropertyKey SIMPLE_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("simple", Boolean.class, Boolean.FALSE);
  static public final PropertyKey ONCHANGE_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("onchange", String.class);
  static public final PropertyKey INLINE_STYLE_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("inlineStyle", String.class);
  static public final PropertyKey STYLE_CLASS_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("styleClass", String.class);
  static public final PropertyKey SHORT_DESC_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("shortDesc", String.class);
  static public final PropertyKey PARTIAL_TRIGGERS_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("partialTriggers", String[].class);
  static public final PropertyKey ONCLICK_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("onclick", String.class);
  static public final PropertyKey ONDBLCLICK_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("ondblclick", String.class);
  static public final PropertyKey ONMOUSEDOWN_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("onmousedown", String.class);
  static public final PropertyKey ONMOUSEUP_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("onmouseup", String.class);
  static public final PropertyKey ONMOUSEOVER_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("onmouseover", String.class);
  static public final PropertyKey ONMOUSEMOVE_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("onmousemove", String.class);
  static public final PropertyKey ONMOUSEOUT_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("onmouseout", String.class);
  static public final PropertyKey ONKEYPRESS_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("onkeypress", String.class);
  static public final PropertyKey ONKEYDOWN_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("onkeydown", String.class);
  static public final PropertyKey ONKEYUP_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("onkeyup", String.class);
  static public final PropertyKey ONBLUR_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("onblur", String.class);
  static public final PropertyKey ONFOCUS_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("onfocus", String.class);
  static public final PropertyKey SHOW_REQUIRED_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("showRequired", Boolean.class, Boolean.FALSE);
  static public final PropertyKey ACCESS_KEY_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("accessKey", Character.class);
  static public final PropertyKey AUTO_SUBMIT_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("autoSubmit", Boolean.class, Boolean.FALSE);
  static public final String HELP_FACET = "help";

  static public final String COMPONENT_FAMILY =

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    setProperty(FIRST_CLICK_PASSED_KEY, firstClickPassed ? Boolean.TRUE : Boolean.FALSE);

   * Gets the short description of the bean.  This text
   *          is commonly used by user agents to display tooltip help text.
   * @return  the new shortDesc value
  final public String getShortDesc()
    return ComponentUtils.resolveString(getProperty(SHORT_DESC_KEY));

   * Sets the short description of the bean.  This text
   *          is commonly used by user agents to display tooltip help text.
   * @param shortDesc  the new shortDesc value
  final public void setShortDesc(String shortDesc)
    setProperty(SHORT_DESC_KEY, (shortDesc));

   * Gets the IDs of the components that should trigger a partial update.
   *          This component will listen on the trigger components. If one of the
   *          trigger components receives an event that will cause it to update
   *          in some way, this component will request to be updated too.
   * @return  the new partialTriggers value
  final public String[] getPartialTriggers()
    return (String[])getProperty(PARTIAL_TRIGGERS_KEY);

   * Sets the IDs of the components that should trigger a partial update.
   *          This component will listen on the trigger components. If one of the
   *          trigger components receives an event that will cause it to update
   *          in some way, this component will request to be updated too.
   * @param partialTriggers  the new partialTriggers value
  final public void setPartialTriggers(String[] partialTriggers)
    setProperty(PARTIAL_TRIGGERS_KEY, (partialTriggers));

   * Gets an onclick Javascript handler.
   * @return  the new onclick value
  final public String getOnclick()
    return ComponentUtils.resolveString(getProperty(ONCLICK_KEY));

   * Sets an onclick Javascript handler.
   * @param onclick  the new onclick value
  final public void setOnclick(String onclick)
    setProperty(ONCLICK_KEY, (onclick));

   * Gets an ondblclick Javascript handler.
   * @return  the new ondblclick value
  final public String getOndblclick()
    return ComponentUtils.resolveString(getProperty(ONDBLCLICK_KEY));

   * Sets an ondblclick Javascript handler.
   * @param ondblclick  the new ondblclick value
  final public void setOndblclick(String ondblclick)
    setProperty(ONDBLCLICK_KEY, (ondblclick));

   * Gets an onmousedown Javascript handler.
   * @return  the new onmousedown value
  final public String getOnmousedown()
    return ComponentUtils.resolveString(getProperty(ONMOUSEDOWN_KEY));

   * Sets an onmousedown Javascript handler.
   * @param onmousedown  the new onmousedown value
  final public void setOnmousedown(String onmousedown)
    setProperty(ONMOUSEDOWN_KEY, (onmousedown));

   * Gets an onmouseup Javascript handler.
   * @return  the new onmouseup value
  final public String getOnmouseup()
    return ComponentUtils.resolveString(getProperty(ONMOUSEUP_KEY));

   * Sets an onmouseup Javascript handler.
   * @param onmouseup  the new onmouseup value
  final public void setOnmouseup(String onmouseup)
    setProperty(ONMOUSEUP_KEY, (onmouseup));

   * Gets an onmouseover Javascript handler.
   * @return  the new onmouseover value
  final public String getOnmouseover()
    return ComponentUtils.resolveString(getProperty(ONMOUSEOVER_KEY));

   * Sets an onmouseover Javascript handler.
   * @param onmouseover  the new onmouseover value
  final public void setOnmouseover(String onmouseover)
    setProperty(ONMOUSEOVER_KEY, (onmouseover));

   * Gets an onmousemove Javascript handler.
   * @return  the new onmousemove value
  final public String getOnmousemove()
    return ComponentUtils.resolveString(getProperty(ONMOUSEMOVE_KEY));

   * Sets an onmousemove Javascript handler.
   * @param onmousemove  the new onmousemove value
  final public void setOnmousemove(String onmousemove)
    setProperty(ONMOUSEMOVE_KEY, (onmousemove));

   * Gets an onmouseout Javascript handler.
   * @return  the new onmouseout value
  final public String getOnmouseout()
    return ComponentUtils.resolveString(getProperty(ONMOUSEOUT_KEY));

   * Sets an onmouseout Javascript handler.
   * @param onmouseout  the new onmouseout value
  final public void setOnmouseout(String onmouseout)
    setProperty(ONMOUSEOUT_KEY, (onmouseout));

   * Gets an onkeypress Javascript handler.
   * @return  the new onkeypress value
  final public String getOnkeypress()
    return ComponentUtils.resolveString(getProperty(ONKEYPRESS_KEY));

   * Sets an onkeypress Javascript handler.
   * @param onkeypress  the new onkeypress value
  final public void setOnkeypress(String onkeypress)
    setProperty(ONKEYPRESS_KEY, (onkeypress));

   * Gets an onkeydown Javascript handler.
   * @return  the new onkeydown value
  final public String getOnkeydown()
    return ComponentUtils.resolveString(getProperty(ONKEYDOWN_KEY));

   * Sets an onkeydown Javascript handler.
   * @param onkeydown  the new onkeydown value
  final public void setOnkeydown(String onkeydown)
    setProperty(ONKEYDOWN_KEY, (onkeydown));

   * Gets an onkeyup Javascript handler.
   * @return  the new onkeyup value
  final public String getOnkeyup()
    return ComponentUtils.resolveString(getProperty(ONKEYUP_KEY));

   * Sets an onkeyup Javascript handler.
   * @param onkeyup  the new onkeyup value
  final public void setOnkeyup(String onkeyup)
    setProperty(ONKEYUP_KEY, (onkeyup));

   * Gets the CSS style class of the bean.
   * @return  the new styleClass value
  final public String getStyleClass()

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    setProperty(WIDTH_KEY, (width));

   * Gets the short description of the bean.  This text
   *          is commonly used by user agents to display tooltip help text.
   * @return  the new shortDesc value
  final public String getShortDesc()
    return ComponentUtils.resolveString(getProperty(SHORT_DESC_KEY));

   * Sets the short description of the bean.  This text
   *          is commonly used by user agents to display tooltip help text.
   * @param shortDesc  the new shortDesc value
  final public void setShortDesc(String shortDesc)
    setProperty(SHORT_DESC_KEY, (shortDesc));

   * Gets the IDs of the components that should trigger a partial update.
   *          This component will listen on the trigger components. If one of the
   *          trigger components receives an event that will cause it to update
   *          in some way, this component will request to be updated too.
   * @return  the new partialTriggers value
  final public String[] getPartialTriggers()
    return (String[])getProperty(PARTIAL_TRIGGERS_KEY);

   * Sets the IDs of the components that should trigger a partial update.
   *          This component will listen on the trigger components. If one of the
   *          trigger components receives an event that will cause it to update
   *          in some way, this component will request to be updated too.
   * @param partialTriggers  the new partialTriggers value
  final public void setPartialTriggers(String[] partialTriggers)
    setProperty(PARTIAL_TRIGGERS_KEY, (partialTriggers));

   * Gets an onclick Javascript handler.
   * @return  the new onclick value
  final public String getOnclick()
    return ComponentUtils.resolveString(getProperty(ONCLICK_KEY));

   * Sets an onclick Javascript handler.
   * @param onclick  the new onclick value
  final public void setOnclick(String onclick)
    setProperty(ONCLICK_KEY, (onclick));

   * Gets an ondblclick Javascript handler.
   * @return  the new ondblclick value
  final public String getOndblclick()
    return ComponentUtils.resolveString(getProperty(ONDBLCLICK_KEY));

   * Sets an ondblclick Javascript handler.
   * @param ondblclick  the new ondblclick value
  final public void setOndblclick(String ondblclick)
    setProperty(ONDBLCLICK_KEY, (ondblclick));

   * Gets an onmousedown Javascript handler.
   * @return  the new onmousedown value
  final public String getOnmousedown()
    return ComponentUtils.resolveString(getProperty(ONMOUSEDOWN_KEY));

   * Sets an onmousedown Javascript handler.
   * @param onmousedown  the new onmousedown value
  final public void setOnmousedown(String onmousedown)
    setProperty(ONMOUSEDOWN_KEY, (onmousedown));

   * Gets an onmouseup Javascript handler.
   * @return  the new onmouseup value
  final public String getOnmouseup()
    return ComponentUtils.resolveString(getProperty(ONMOUSEUP_KEY));

   * Sets an onmouseup Javascript handler.
   * @param onmouseup  the new onmouseup value
  final public void setOnmouseup(String onmouseup)
    setProperty(ONMOUSEUP_KEY, (onmouseup));

   * Gets an onmouseover Javascript handler.
   * @return  the new onmouseover value
  final public String getOnmouseover()
    return ComponentUtils.resolveString(getProperty(ONMOUSEOVER_KEY));

   * Sets an onmouseover Javascript handler.
   * @param onmouseover  the new onmouseover value
  final public void setOnmouseover(String onmouseover)
    setProperty(ONMOUSEOVER_KEY, (onmouseover));

   * Gets an onmousemove Javascript handler.
   * @return  the new onmousemove value
  final public String getOnmousemove()
    return ComponentUtils.resolveString(getProperty(ONMOUSEMOVE_KEY));

   * Sets an onmousemove Javascript handler.
   * @param onmousemove  the new onmousemove value
  final public void setOnmousemove(String onmousemove)
    setProperty(ONMOUSEMOVE_KEY, (onmousemove));

   * Gets an onmouseout Javascript handler.
   * @return  the new onmouseout value
  final public String getOnmouseout()
    return ComponentUtils.resolveString(getProperty(ONMOUSEOUT_KEY));

   * Sets an onmouseout Javascript handler.
   * @param onmouseout  the new onmouseout value
  final public void setOnmouseout(String onmouseout)
    setProperty(ONMOUSEOUT_KEY, (onmouseout));

   * Gets an onkeypress Javascript handler.
   * @return  the new onkeypress value
  final public String getOnkeypress()
    return ComponentUtils.resolveString(getProperty(ONKEYPRESS_KEY));

   * Sets an onkeypress Javascript handler.
   * @param onkeypress  the new onkeypress value
  final public void setOnkeypress(String onkeypress)
    setProperty(ONKEYPRESS_KEY, (onkeypress));

   * Gets an onkeydown Javascript handler.
   * @return  the new onkeydown value
  final public String getOnkeydown()
    return ComponentUtils.resolveString(getProperty(ONKEYDOWN_KEY));

   * Sets an onkeydown Javascript handler.
   * @param onkeydown  the new onkeydown value
  final public void setOnkeydown(String onkeydown)
    setProperty(ONKEYDOWN_KEY, (onkeydown));

   * Gets an onkeyup Javascript handler.
   * @return  the new onkeyup value
  final public String getOnkeyup()
    return ComponentUtils.resolveString(getProperty(ONKEYUP_KEY));

   * Sets an onkeyup Javascript handler.
   * @param onkeyup  the new onkeyup value
  final public void setOnkeyup(String onkeyup)
    setProperty(ONKEYUP_KEY, (onkeyup));

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    setProperty(FIRST_CLICK_PASSED_KEY, firstClickPassed ? Boolean.TRUE : Boolean.FALSE);

   * Gets the short description of the bean.  This text
   *          is commonly used by user agents to display tooltip help text.
   * @return  the new shortDesc value
  final public String getShortDesc()
    return ComponentUtils.resolveString(getProperty(SHORT_DESC_KEY));

   * Sets the short description of the bean.  This text
   *          is commonly used by user agents to display tooltip help text.
   * @param shortDesc  the new shortDesc value
  final public void setShortDesc(String shortDesc)
    setProperty(SHORT_DESC_KEY, (shortDesc));

   * Gets the IDs of the components that should trigger a partial update.
   *          This component will listen on the trigger components. If one of the
   *          trigger components receives an event that will cause it to update
   *          in some way, this component will request to be updated too.
   * @return  the new partialTriggers value
  final public String[] getPartialTriggers()
    return (String[])getProperty(PARTIAL_TRIGGERS_KEY);

   * Sets the IDs of the components that should trigger a partial update.
   *          This component will listen on the trigger components. If one of the
   *          trigger components receives an event that will cause it to update
   *          in some way, this component will request to be updated too.
   * @param partialTriggers  the new partialTriggers value
  final public void setPartialTriggers(String[] partialTriggers)
    setProperty(PARTIAL_TRIGGERS_KEY, (partialTriggers));

   * Gets an onclick Javascript handler.
   * @return  the new onclick value
  final public String getOnclick()
    return ComponentUtils.resolveString(getProperty(ONCLICK_KEY));

   * Sets an onclick Javascript handler.
   * @param onclick  the new onclick value
  final public void setOnclick(String onclick)
    setProperty(ONCLICK_KEY, (onclick));

   * Gets an ondblclick Javascript handler.
   * @return  the new ondblclick value
  final public String getOndblclick()
    return ComponentUtils.resolveString(getProperty(ONDBLCLICK_KEY));

   * Sets an ondblclick Javascript handler.
   * @param ondblclick  the new ondblclick value
  final public void setOndblclick(String ondblclick)
    setProperty(ONDBLCLICK_KEY, (ondblclick));

   * Gets an onmousedown Javascript handler.
   * @return  the new onmousedown value
  final public String getOnmousedown()
    return ComponentUtils.resolveString(getProperty(ONMOUSEDOWN_KEY));

   * Sets an onmousedown Javascript handler.
   * @param onmousedown  the new onmousedown value
  final public void setOnmousedown(String onmousedown)
    setProperty(ONMOUSEDOWN_KEY, (onmousedown));

   * Gets an onmouseup Javascript handler.
   * @return  the new onmouseup value
  final public String getOnmouseup()
    return ComponentUtils.resolveString(getProperty(ONMOUSEUP_KEY));

   * Sets an onmouseup Javascript handler.
   * @param onmouseup  the new onmouseup value
  final public void setOnmouseup(String onmouseup)
    setProperty(ONMOUSEUP_KEY, (onmouseup));

   * Gets an onmouseover Javascript handler.
   * @return  the new onmouseover value
  final public String getOnmouseover()
    return ComponentUtils.resolveString(getProperty(ONMOUSEOVER_KEY));

   * Sets an onmouseover Javascript handler.
   * @param onmouseover  the new onmouseover value
  final public void setOnmouseover(String onmouseover)
    setProperty(ONMOUSEOVER_KEY, (onmouseover));

   * Gets an onmousemove Javascript handler.
   * @return  the new onmousemove value
  final public String getOnmousemove()
    return ComponentUtils.resolveString(getProperty(ONMOUSEMOVE_KEY));

   * Sets an onmousemove Javascript handler.
   * @param onmousemove  the new onmousemove value
  final public void setOnmousemove(String onmousemove)
    setProperty(ONMOUSEMOVE_KEY, (onmousemove));

   * Gets an onmouseout Javascript handler.
   * @return  the new onmouseout value
  final public String getOnmouseout()
    return ComponentUtils.resolveString(getProperty(ONMOUSEOUT_KEY));

   * Sets an onmouseout Javascript handler.
   * @param onmouseout  the new onmouseout value
  final public void setOnmouseout(String onmouseout)
    setProperty(ONMOUSEOUT_KEY, (onmouseout));

   * Gets an onkeypress Javascript handler.
   * @return  the new onkeypress value
  final public String getOnkeypress()
    return ComponentUtils.resolveString(getProperty(ONKEYPRESS_KEY));

   * Sets an onkeypress Javascript handler.
   * @param onkeypress  the new onkeypress value
  final public void setOnkeypress(String onkeypress)
    setProperty(ONKEYPRESS_KEY, (onkeypress));

   * Gets an onkeydown Javascript handler.
   * @return  the new onkeydown value
  final public String getOnkeydown()
    return ComponentUtils.resolveString(getProperty(ONKEYDOWN_KEY));

   * Sets an onkeydown Javascript handler.
   * @param onkeydown  the new onkeydown value
  final public void setOnkeydown(String onkeydown)
    setProperty(ONKEYDOWN_KEY, (onkeydown));

   * Gets an onkeyup Javascript handler.
   * @return  the new onkeyup value
  final public String getOnkeyup()
    return ComponentUtils.resolveString(getProperty(ONKEYUP_KEY));

   * Sets an onkeyup Javascript handler.
   * @param onkeyup  the new onkeyup value
  final public void setOnkeyup(String onkeyup)
    setProperty(ONKEYUP_KEY, (onkeyup));

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    setProperty(ONCHANGE_KEY, (onchange));

   * Gets an onclick Javascript handler.
   * @return  the new onclick value
  final public String getOnclick()
    return ComponentUtils.resolveString(getProperty(ONCLICK_KEY));

   * Sets an onclick Javascript handler.
   * @param onclick  the new onclick value
  final public void setOnclick(String onclick)
    setProperty(ONCLICK_KEY, (onclick));

   * Gets an ondblclick Javascript handler.
   * @return  the new ondblclick value
  final public String getOndblclick()
    return ComponentUtils.resolveString(getProperty(ONDBLCLICK_KEY));

   * Sets an ondblclick Javascript handler.
   * @param ondblclick  the new ondblclick value
  final public void setOndblclick(String ondblclick)
    setProperty(ONDBLCLICK_KEY, (ondblclick));

   * Gets an onmousedown Javascript handler.
   * @return  the new onmousedown value
  final public String getOnmousedown()
    return ComponentUtils.resolveString(getProperty(ONMOUSEDOWN_KEY));

   * Sets an onmousedown Javascript handler.
   * @param onmousedown  the new onmousedown value
  final public void setOnmousedown(String onmousedown)
    setProperty(ONMOUSEDOWN_KEY, (onmousedown));

   * Gets an onmouseup Javascript handler.
   * @return  the new onmouseup value
  final public String getOnmouseup()
    return ComponentUtils.resolveString(getProperty(ONMOUSEUP_KEY));

   * Sets an onmouseup Javascript handler.
   * @param onmouseup  the new onmouseup value
  final public void setOnmouseup(String onmouseup)
    setProperty(ONMOUSEUP_KEY, (onmouseup));

   * Gets an onmouseover Javascript handler.
   * @return  the new onmouseover value
  final public String getOnmouseover()
    return ComponentUtils.resolveString(getProperty(ONMOUSEOVER_KEY));

   * Sets an onmouseover Javascript handler.
   * @param onmouseover  the new onmouseover value
  final public void setOnmouseover(String onmouseover)
    setProperty(ONMOUSEOVER_KEY, (onmouseover));

   * Gets an onmousemove Javascript handler.
   * @return  the new onmousemove value
  final public String getOnmousemove()
    return ComponentUtils.resolveString(getProperty(ONMOUSEMOVE_KEY));

   * Sets an onmousemove Javascript handler.
   * @param onmousemove  the new onmousemove value
  final public void setOnmousemove(String onmousemove)
    setProperty(ONMOUSEMOVE_KEY, (onmousemove));

   * Gets an onmouseout Javascript handler.
   * @return  the new onmouseout value
  final public String getOnmouseout()
    return ComponentUtils.resolveString(getProperty(ONMOUSEOUT_KEY));

   * Sets an onmouseout Javascript handler.
   * @param onmouseout  the new onmouseout value
  final public void setOnmouseout(String onmouseout)
    setProperty(ONMOUSEOUT_KEY, (onmouseout));

   * Gets an onkeypress Javascript handler.
   * @return  the new onkeypress value
  final public String getOnkeypress()
    return ComponentUtils.resolveString(getProperty(ONKEYPRESS_KEY));

   * Sets an onkeypress Javascript handler.
   * @param onkeypress  the new onkeypress value
  final public void setOnkeypress(String onkeypress)
    setProperty(ONKEYPRESS_KEY, (onkeypress));

   * Gets an onkeydown Javascript handler.
   * @return  the new onkeydown value
  final public String getOnkeydown()
    return ComponentUtils.resolveString(getProperty(ONKEYDOWN_KEY));

   * Sets an onkeydown Javascript handler.
   * @param onkeydown  the new onkeydown value
  final public void setOnkeydown(String onkeydown)
    setProperty(ONKEYDOWN_KEY, (onkeydown));

   * Gets an onkeyup Javascript handler.
   * @return  the new onkeyup value
  final public String getOnkeyup()
    return ComponentUtils.resolveString(getProperty(ONKEYUP_KEY));

   * Sets an onkeyup Javascript handler.
   * @param onkeyup  the new onkeyup value
  final public void setOnkeyup(String onkeyup)
    setProperty(ONKEYUP_KEY, (onkeyup));

   * Gets the event handler for the component losing the focus.
   * @return  the new onblur value
  final public String getOnblur()
    return ComponentUtils.resolveString(getProperty(ONBLUR_KEY));

   * Sets the event handler for the component losing the focus.
   * @param onblur  the new onblur value
  final public void setOnblur(String onblur)
    setProperty(ONBLUR_KEY, (onblur));

   * Gets the event handler for the component gaining the focus.
   * @return  the new onfocus value
  final public String getOnfocus()
    return ComponentUtils.resolveString(getProperty(ONFOCUS_KEY));

   * Sets the event handler for the component gaining the focus.
   * @param onfocus  the new onfocus value
  final public void setOnfocus(String onfocus)
    setProperty(ONFOCUS_KEY, (onfocus));

   * Gets <html>a CSS style class to use for this component.
   *       The styleClass attribute value is rendered on the root dom element.
   *       We provide some public style classes you can use that will affect only the 'content' piece of the component:
   *       AFFieldTextMarker, AFFieldTextLTRMarker, AFFieldNumberMarker.
   *       </html>
   * @return  the new styleClass value
  final public String getStyleClass()

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    setProperty(FIRST_CLICK_PASSED_KEY, firstClickPassed ? Boolean.TRUE : Boolean.FALSE);

   * Gets the short description of the bean.  This text
   *          is commonly used by user agents to display tooltip help text.
   * @return  the new shortDesc value
  final public String getShortDesc()
    return ComponentUtils.resolveString(getProperty(SHORT_DESC_KEY));

   * Sets the short description of the bean.  This text
   *          is commonly used by user agents to display tooltip help text.
   * @param shortDesc  the new shortDesc value
  final public void setShortDesc(String shortDesc)
    setProperty(SHORT_DESC_KEY, (shortDesc));

   * Gets the IDs of the components that should trigger a partial update.
   *          This component will listen on the trigger components. If one of the
   *          trigger components receives an event that will cause it to update
   *          in some way, this component will request to be updated too.
   * @return  the new partialTriggers value
  final public String[] getPartialTriggers()
    return (String[])getProperty(PARTIAL_TRIGGERS_KEY);

   * Sets the IDs of the components that should trigger a partial update.
   *          This component will listen on the trigger components. If one of the
   *          trigger components receives an event that will cause it to update
   *          in some way, this component will request to be updated too.
   * @param partialTriggers  the new partialTriggers value
  final public void setPartialTriggers(String[] partialTriggers)
    setProperty(PARTIAL_TRIGGERS_KEY, (partialTriggers));

   * Gets an onclick Javascript handler.
   * @return  the new onclick value
  final public String getOnclick()
    return ComponentUtils.resolveString(getProperty(ONCLICK_KEY));

   * Sets an onclick Javascript handler.
   * @param onclick  the new onclick value
  final public void setOnclick(String onclick)
    setProperty(ONCLICK_KEY, (onclick));

   * Gets an ondblclick Javascript handler.
   * @return  the new ondblclick value
  final public String getOndblclick()
    return ComponentUtils.resolveString(getProperty(ONDBLCLICK_KEY));

   * Sets an ondblclick Javascript handler.
   * @param ondblclick  the new ondblclick value
  final public void setOndblclick(String ondblclick)
    setProperty(ONDBLCLICK_KEY, (ondblclick));

   * Gets an onmousedown Javascript handler.
   * @return  the new onmousedown value
  final public String getOnmousedown()
    return ComponentUtils.resolveString(getProperty(ONMOUSEDOWN_KEY));

   * Sets an onmousedown Javascript handler.
   * @param onmousedown  the new onmousedown value
  final public void setOnmousedown(String onmousedown)
    setProperty(ONMOUSEDOWN_KEY, (onmousedown));

   * Gets an onmouseup Javascript handler.
   * @return  the new onmouseup value
  final public String getOnmouseup()
    return ComponentUtils.resolveString(getProperty(ONMOUSEUP_KEY));

   * Sets an onmouseup Javascript handler.
   * @param onmouseup  the new onmouseup value
  final public void setOnmouseup(String onmouseup)
    setProperty(ONMOUSEUP_KEY, (onmouseup));

   * Gets an onmouseover Javascript handler.
   * @return  the new onmouseover value
  final public String getOnmouseover()
    return ComponentUtils.resolveString(getProperty(ONMOUSEOVER_KEY));

   * Sets an onmouseover Javascript handler.
   * @param onmouseover  the new onmouseover value
  final public void setOnmouseover(String onmouseover)
    setProperty(ONMOUSEOVER_KEY, (onmouseover));

   * Gets an onmousemove Javascript handler.
   * @return  the new onmousemove value
  final public String getOnmousemove()
    return ComponentUtils.resolveString(getProperty(ONMOUSEMOVE_KEY));

   * Sets an onmousemove Javascript handler.
   * @param onmousemove  the new onmousemove value
  final public void setOnmousemove(String onmousemove)
    setProperty(ONMOUSEMOVE_KEY, (onmousemove));

   * Gets an onmouseout Javascript handler.
   * @return  the new onmouseout value
  final public String getOnmouseout()
    return ComponentUtils.resolveString(getProperty(ONMOUSEOUT_KEY));

   * Sets an onmouseout Javascript handler.
   * @param onmouseout  the new onmouseout value
  final public void setOnmouseout(String onmouseout)
    setProperty(ONMOUSEOUT_KEY, (onmouseout));

   * Gets an onkeypress Javascript handler.
   * @return  the new onkeypress value
  final public String getOnkeypress()
    return ComponentUtils.resolveString(getProperty(ONKEYPRESS_KEY));

   * Sets an onkeypress Javascript handler.
   * @param onkeypress  the new onkeypress value
  final public void setOnkeypress(String onkeypress)
    setProperty(ONKEYPRESS_KEY, (onkeypress));

   * Gets an onkeydown Javascript handler.
   * @return  the new onkeydown value
  final public String getOnkeydown()
    return ComponentUtils.resolveString(getProperty(ONKEYDOWN_KEY));

   * Sets an onkeydown Javascript handler.
   * @param onkeydown  the new onkeydown value
  final public void setOnkeydown(String onkeydown)
    setProperty(ONKEYDOWN_KEY, (onkeydown));

   * Gets an onkeyup Javascript handler.
   * @return  the new onkeyup value
  final public String getOnkeyup()
    return ComponentUtils.resolveString(getProperty(ONKEYUP_KEY));

   * Sets an onkeyup Javascript handler.
   * @param onkeyup  the new onkeyup value
  final public void setOnkeyup(String onkeyup)
    setProperty(ONKEYUP_KEY, (onkeyup));

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    setProperty(ONCHANGE_KEY, (onchange));

   * Gets an onclick Javascript handler.
   * @return  the new onclick value
  final public String getOnclick()
    return ComponentUtils.resolveString(getProperty(ONCLICK_KEY));

   * Sets an onclick Javascript handler.
   * @param onclick  the new onclick value
  final public void setOnclick(String onclick)
    setProperty(ONCLICK_KEY, (onclick));

   * Gets an ondblclick Javascript handler.
   * @return  the new ondblclick value
  final public String getOndblclick()
    return ComponentUtils.resolveString(getProperty(ONDBLCLICK_KEY));

   * Sets an ondblclick Javascript handler.
   * @param ondblclick  the new ondblclick value
  final public void setOndblclick(String ondblclick)
    setProperty(ONDBLCLICK_KEY, (ondblclick));

   * Gets an onmousedown Javascript handler.
   * @return  the new onmousedown value
  final public String getOnmousedown()
    return ComponentUtils.resolveString(getProperty(ONMOUSEDOWN_KEY));

   * Sets an onmousedown Javascript handler.
   * @param onmousedown  the new onmousedown value
  final public void setOnmousedown(String onmousedown)
    setProperty(ONMOUSEDOWN_KEY, (onmousedown));

   * Gets an onmouseup Javascript handler.
   * @return  the new onmouseup value
  final public String getOnmouseup()
    return ComponentUtils.resolveString(getProperty(ONMOUSEUP_KEY));

   * Sets an onmouseup Javascript handler.
   * @param onmouseup  the new onmouseup value
  final public void setOnmouseup(String onmouseup)
    setProperty(ONMOUSEUP_KEY, (onmouseup));

   * Gets an onmouseover Javascript handler.
   * @return  the new onmouseover value
  final public String getOnmouseover()
    return ComponentUtils.resolveString(getProperty(ONMOUSEOVER_KEY));

   * Sets an onmouseover Javascript handler.
   * @param onmouseover  the new onmouseover value
  final public void setOnmouseover(String onmouseover)
    setProperty(ONMOUSEOVER_KEY, (onmouseover));

   * Gets an onmousemove Javascript handler.
   * @return  the new onmousemove value
  final public String getOnmousemove()
    return ComponentUtils.resolveString(getProperty(ONMOUSEMOVE_KEY));

   * Sets an onmousemove Javascript handler.
   * @param onmousemove  the new onmousemove value
  final public void setOnmousemove(String onmousemove)
    setProperty(ONMOUSEMOVE_KEY, (onmousemove));

   * Gets an onmouseout Javascript handler.
   * @return  the new onmouseout value
  final public String getOnmouseout()
    return ComponentUtils.resolveString(getProperty(ONMOUSEOUT_KEY));

   * Sets an onmouseout Javascript handler.
   * @param onmouseout  the new onmouseout value
  final public void setOnmouseout(String onmouseout)
    setProperty(ONMOUSEOUT_KEY, (onmouseout));

   * Gets an onkeypress Javascript handler.
   * @return  the new onkeypress value
  final public String getOnkeypress()
    return ComponentUtils.resolveString(getProperty(ONKEYPRESS_KEY));

   * Sets an onkeypress Javascript handler.
   * @param onkeypress  the new onkeypress value
  final public void setOnkeypress(String onkeypress)
    setProperty(ONKEYPRESS_KEY, (onkeypress));

   * Gets an onkeydown Javascript handler.
   * @return  the new onkeydown value
  final public String getOnkeydown()
    return ComponentUtils.resolveString(getProperty(ONKEYDOWN_KEY));

   * Sets an onkeydown Javascript handler.
   * @param onkeydown  the new onkeydown value
  final public void setOnkeydown(String onkeydown)
    setProperty(ONKEYDOWN_KEY, (onkeydown));

   * Gets an onkeyup Javascript handler.
   * @return  the new onkeyup value
  final public String getOnkeyup()
    return ComponentUtils.resolveString(getProperty(ONKEYUP_KEY));

   * Sets an onkeyup Javascript handler.
   * @param onkeyup  the new onkeyup value
  final public void setOnkeyup(String onkeyup)
    setProperty(ONKEYUP_KEY, (onkeyup));

   * Gets the event handler for the component losing the focus.
   * @return  the new onblur value
  final public String getOnblur()
    return ComponentUtils.resolveString(getProperty(ONBLUR_KEY));

   * Sets the event handler for the component losing the focus.
   * @param onblur  the new onblur value
  final public void setOnblur(String onblur)
    setProperty(ONBLUR_KEY, (onblur));

   * Gets the event handler for the component gaining the focus.
   * @return  the new onfocus value
  final public String getOnfocus()
    return ComponentUtils.resolveString(getProperty(ONFOCUS_KEY));

   * Sets the event handler for the component gaining the focus.
   * @param onfocus  the new onfocus value
  final public void setOnfocus(String onfocus)
    setProperty(ONFOCUS_KEY, (onfocus));

   * Gets <html>a CSS style class to use for this component.
   *       The styleClass attribute value is rendered on the root dom element.
   *       We provide some public style classes you can use that will affect only the 'content' piece of the component:
   *       AFFieldTextMarker, AFFieldTextLTRMarker, AFFieldNumberMarker.
   *       </html>
   * @return  the new styleClass value
  final public String getStyleClass()

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    setProperty(PARTIAL_TRIGGERS_KEY, (partialTriggers));

   * Gets an onclick Javascript handler.
   * @return  the new onclick value
  final public String getOnclick()
    return ComponentUtils.resolveString(getProperty(ONCLICK_KEY));

   * Sets an onclick Javascript handler.
   * @param onclick  the new onclick value
  final public void setOnclick(String onclick)
    setProperty(ONCLICK_KEY, (onclick));

   * Gets an ondblclick Javascript handler.
   * @return  the new ondblclick value
  final public String getOndblclick()
    return ComponentUtils.resolveString(getProperty(ONDBLCLICK_KEY));

   * Sets an ondblclick Javascript handler.
   * @param ondblclick  the new ondblclick value
  final public void setOndblclick(String ondblclick)
    setProperty(ONDBLCLICK_KEY, (ondblclick));

   * Gets an onmousedown Javascript handler.
   * @return  the new onmousedown value
  final public String getOnmousedown()
    return ComponentUtils.resolveString(getProperty(ONMOUSEDOWN_KEY));

   * Sets an onmousedown Javascript handler.
   * @param onmousedown  the new onmousedown value
  final public void setOnmousedown(String onmousedown)
    setProperty(ONMOUSEDOWN_KEY, (onmousedown));

   * Gets an onmouseup Javascript handler.
   * @return  the new onmouseup value
  final public String getOnmouseup()
    return ComponentUtils.resolveString(getProperty(ONMOUSEUP_KEY));

   * Sets an onmouseup Javascript handler.
   * @param onmouseup  the new onmouseup value
  final public void setOnmouseup(String onmouseup)
    setProperty(ONMOUSEUP_KEY, (onmouseup));

   * Gets an onmouseover Javascript handler.
   * @return  the new onmouseover value
  final public String getOnmouseover()
    return ComponentUtils.resolveString(getProperty(ONMOUSEOVER_KEY));

   * Sets an onmouseover Javascript handler.
   * @param onmouseover  the new onmouseover value
  final public void setOnmouseover(String onmouseover)
    setProperty(ONMOUSEOVER_KEY, (onmouseover));

   * Gets an onmousemove Javascript handler.
   * @return  the new onmousemove value
  final public String getOnmousemove()
    return ComponentUtils.resolveString(getProperty(ONMOUSEMOVE_KEY));

   * Sets an onmousemove Javascript handler.
   * @param onmousemove  the new onmousemove value
  final public void setOnmousemove(String onmousemove)
    setProperty(ONMOUSEMOVE_KEY, (onmousemove));

   * Gets an onmouseout Javascript handler.
   * @return  the new onmouseout value
  final public String getOnmouseout()
    return ComponentUtils.resolveString(getProperty(ONMOUSEOUT_KEY));

   * Sets an onmouseout Javascript handler.
   * @param onmouseout  the new onmouseout value
  final public void setOnmouseout(String onmouseout)
    setProperty(ONMOUSEOUT_KEY, (onmouseout));

   * Gets an onkeypress Javascript handler.
   * @return  the new onkeypress value
  final public String getOnkeypress()
    return ComponentUtils.resolveString(getProperty(ONKEYPRESS_KEY));

   * Sets an onkeypress Javascript handler.
   * @param onkeypress  the new onkeypress value
  final public void setOnkeypress(String onkeypress)
    setProperty(ONKEYPRESS_KEY, (onkeypress));

   * Gets an onkeydown Javascript handler.
   * @return  the new onkeydown value
  final public String getOnkeydown()
    return ComponentUtils.resolveString(getProperty(ONKEYDOWN_KEY));

   * Sets an onkeydown Javascript handler.
   * @param onkeydown  the new onkeydown value
  final public void setOnkeydown(String onkeydown)
    setProperty(ONKEYDOWN_KEY, (onkeydown));

   * Gets an onkeyup Javascript handler.
   * @return  the new onkeyup value
  final public String getOnkeyup()
    return ComponentUtils.resolveString(getProperty(ONKEYUP_KEY));

   * Sets an onkeyup Javascript handler.
   * @param onkeyup  the new onkeyup value
  final public void setOnkeyup(String onkeyup)
    setProperty(ONKEYUP_KEY, (onkeyup));

   * Gets the event handler for the component losing the focus.
   * @return  the new onblur value
  final public String getOnblur()
    return ComponentUtils.resolveString(getProperty(ONBLUR_KEY));

   * Sets the event handler for the component losing the focus.
   * @param onblur  the new onblur value
  final public void setOnblur(String onblur)
    setProperty(ONBLUR_KEY, (onblur));

   * Gets the event handler for the component gaining the focus.
   * @return  the new onfocus value
  final public String getOnfocus()
    return ComponentUtils.resolveString(getProperty(ONFOCUS_KEY));

   * Sets the event handler for the component gaining the focus.
   * @param onfocus  the new onfocus value
  final public void setOnfocus(String onfocus)
    setProperty(ONFOCUS_KEY, (onfocus));

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    TYPE.registerKey("unselectedLabel", String.class);
  static public final PropertyKey READ_ONLY_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("readOnly", Boolean.class, Boolean.FALSE);
  static public final PropertyKey DISABLED_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("disabled", Boolean.class, Boolean.FALSE);
  static public final PropertyKey LABEL_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("label", String.class);
  static public final PropertyKey SIMPLE_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("simple", Boolean.class, Boolean.FALSE);
  static public final PropertyKey ONCHANGE_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("onchange", String.class);
  static public final PropertyKey INLINE_STYLE_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("inlineStyle", String.class);
  static public final PropertyKey STYLE_CLASS_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("styleClass", String.class);
  static public final PropertyKey SHORT_DESC_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("shortDesc", String.class);
  static public final PropertyKey PARTIAL_TRIGGERS_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("partialTriggers", String[].class);
  static public final PropertyKey ONCLICK_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("onclick", String.class);
  static public final PropertyKey ONDBLCLICK_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("ondblclick", String.class);
  static public final PropertyKey ONMOUSEDOWN_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("onmousedown", String.class);
  static public final PropertyKey ONMOUSEUP_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("onmouseup", String.class);
  static public final PropertyKey ONMOUSEOVER_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("onmouseover", String.class);
  static public final PropertyKey ONMOUSEMOVE_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("onmousemove", String.class);
  static public final PropertyKey ONMOUSEOUT_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("onmouseout", String.class);
  static public final PropertyKey ONKEYPRESS_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("onkeypress", String.class);
  static public final PropertyKey ONKEYDOWN_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("onkeydown", String.class);
  static public final PropertyKey ONKEYUP_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("onkeyup", String.class);
  static public final PropertyKey ONBLUR_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("onblur", String.class);
  static public final PropertyKey ONFOCUS_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("onfocus", String.class);
  static public final PropertyKey SHOW_REQUIRED_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("showRequired", Boolean.class, Boolean.FALSE);
  static public final PropertyKey ACCESS_KEY_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("accessKey", Character.class);
  static public final PropertyKey AUTO_SUBMIT_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("autoSubmit", Boolean.class, Boolean.FALSE);
  static public final String HELP_FACET = "help";

  static public final String COMPONENT_FAMILY =
  static public final String COMPONENT_TYPE =

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    TYPE.registerKey("unselectedLabel", String.class);
  static public final PropertyKey READ_ONLY_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("readOnly", Boolean.class, Boolean.FALSE);
  static public final PropertyKey DISABLED_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("disabled", Boolean.class, Boolean.FALSE);
  static public final PropertyKey LABEL_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("label", String.class);
  static public final PropertyKey SIMPLE_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("simple", Boolean.class, Boolean.FALSE);
  static public final PropertyKey ONCHANGE_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("onchange", String.class);
  static public final PropertyKey INLINE_STYLE_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("inlineStyle", String.class);
  static public final PropertyKey STYLE_CLASS_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("styleClass", String.class);
  static public final PropertyKey SHORT_DESC_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("shortDesc", String.class);
  static public final PropertyKey PARTIAL_TRIGGERS_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("partialTriggers", String[].class);
  static public final PropertyKey ONCLICK_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("onclick", String.class);
  static public final PropertyKey ONDBLCLICK_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("ondblclick", String.class);
  static public final PropertyKey ONMOUSEDOWN_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("onmousedown", String.class);
  static public final PropertyKey ONMOUSEUP_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("onmouseup", String.class);
  static public final PropertyKey ONMOUSEOVER_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("onmouseover", String.class);
  static public final PropertyKey ONMOUSEMOVE_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("onmousemove", String.class);
  static public final PropertyKey ONMOUSEOUT_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("onmouseout", String.class);
  static public final PropertyKey ONKEYPRESS_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("onkeypress", String.class);
  static public final PropertyKey ONKEYDOWN_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("onkeydown", String.class);
  static public final PropertyKey ONKEYUP_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("onkeyup", String.class);
  static public final PropertyKey ONBLUR_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("onblur", String.class);
  static public final PropertyKey ONFOCUS_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("onfocus", String.class);
  static public final PropertyKey SHOW_REQUIRED_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("showRequired", Boolean.class, Boolean.FALSE);
  static public final PropertyKey ACCESS_KEY_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("accessKey", Character.class);
  static public final PropertyKey AUTO_SUBMIT_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("autoSubmit", Boolean.class, Boolean.FALSE);
  static public final String HELP_FACET = "help";

  static public final String COMPONENT_FAMILY =

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  static public final PropertyKey HORIZONTAL_GRID_VISIBLE_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("horizontalGridVisible", Boolean.class, Boolean.TRUE);
  static public final PropertyKey VERTICAL_GRID_VISIBLE_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("verticalGridVisible", Boolean.class, Boolean.TRUE);
  static public final PropertyKey EMPTY_TEXT_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("emptyText", String.class);
  static public final PropertyKey COLUMN_BANDING_INTERVAL_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("columnBandingInterval", Integer.class, Integer.valueOf(0));
  static public final PropertyKey ROW_BANDING_INTERVAL_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("rowBandingInterval", Integer.class, Integer.valueOf(0));
  static public final PropertyKey ROW_SELECTION_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("rowSelection", String.class, "none");
  static public final PropertyKey AUTO_SUBMIT_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("autoSubmit", Boolean.class, Boolean.FALSE);
  static public final PropertyKey WIDTH_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("width", String.class);
  static public final PropertyKey SUMMARY_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("summary", String.class);
  static public final PropertyKey INLINE_STYLE_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("inlineStyle", String.class);
  static public final PropertyKey STYLE_CLASS_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("styleClass", String.class);
  static public final PropertyKey SHORT_DESC_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("shortDesc", String.class);
  static public final PropertyKey PARTIAL_TRIGGERS_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("partialTriggers", String[].class);
  static public final PropertyKey ONCLICK_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("onclick", String.class);
  static public final PropertyKey ONDBLCLICK_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("ondblclick", String.class);
  static public final PropertyKey ONMOUSEDOWN_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("onmousedown", String.class);
  static public final PropertyKey ONMOUSEUP_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("onmouseup", String.class);
  static public final PropertyKey ONMOUSEOVER_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("onmouseover", String.class);
  static public final PropertyKey ONMOUSEMOVE_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("onmousemove", String.class);
  static public final PropertyKey ONMOUSEOUT_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("onmouseout", String.class);
  static public final PropertyKey ONKEYPRESS_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("onkeypress", String.class);
  static public final PropertyKey ONKEYDOWN_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("onkeydown", String.class);
  static public final PropertyKey ONKEYUP_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("onkeyup", String.class);
  static public final PropertyKey EXPAND_ALL_ENABLED_KEY =

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   * This facet should contain field level help.
  final public UIComponent getHelp()
    return getFacet(HELP_FACET);

   * This facet should contain field level help.
  final public void setHelp(UIComponent helpFacet)
    getFacets().put(HELP_FACET, helpFacet);

   * Gets the CSS styles to attach to the content of the component.  For example, you can set the width of that portion to 100 pixels by setting this attribute to "width: 100px".
   * @return  the new contentStyle value
  final public String getContentStyle()
    return ComponentUtils.resolveString(getProperty(CONTENT_STYLE_KEY));

   * Sets the CSS styles to attach to the content of the component.  For example, you can set the width of that portion to 100 pixels by setting this attribute to "width: 100px".
   * @param contentStyle  the new contentStyle value
  final public void setContentStyle(String contentStyle)
    setProperty(CONTENT_STYLE_KEY, (contentStyle));

   * Gets If set to TRUE on a form element, the component will automatically submit
   *      the enclosing form when an appropriate action takes place (a click, text
   *      change, etc.).
   * @return  the new autoSubmit value
  final public boolean isAutoSubmit()
    return ComponentUtils.resolveBoolean(getProperty(AUTO_SUBMIT_KEY), false);

   * Sets If set to TRUE on a form element, the component will automatically submit
   *      the enclosing form when an appropriate action takes place (a click, text
   *      change, etc.).
   * @param autoSubmit  the new autoSubmit value
  final public void setAutoSubmit(boolean autoSubmit)
    setProperty(AUTO_SUBMIT_KEY, autoSubmit ? Boolean.TRUE : Boolean.FALSE);

   * Gets whether the element is read-only.
   * @return  the new readOnly value
  final public boolean isReadOnly()
    return ComponentUtils.resolveBoolean(getProperty(READ_ONLY_KEY), false);

   * Sets whether the element is read-only.
   * @param readOnly  the new readOnly value
  final public void setReadOnly(boolean readOnly)
    setProperty(READ_ONLY_KEY, readOnly ? Boolean.TRUE : Boolean.FALSE);

   * Gets whether the element is disabled.
   * @return  the new disabled value
  final public boolean isDisabled()
    return ComponentUtils.resolveBoolean(getProperty(DISABLED_KEY), false);

   * Sets whether the element is disabled.
   * @param disabled  the new disabled value
  final public void setDisabled(boolean disabled)
    setProperty(DISABLED_KEY, disabled ? Boolean.TRUE : Boolean.FALSE);

   * Gets the label of the bean.
   * @return  the new label value
  final public String getLabel()
    return ComponentUtils.resolveString(getProperty(LABEL_KEY));

   * Sets the label of the bean.
   * @param label  the new label value
  final public void setLabel(String label)
    setProperty(LABEL_KEY, (label));

   * Gets a boolean value that controls whether the component
   * provides label and message support;  when set to "true", the component will
   * not display messaging support or the label (these attributes may be ignored: label,
   * labelAndAccessKey, accessKey, showRequired,
   * tip), and may use simpler layout primitives
   * @return  the new simple value
  final public boolean isSimple()
    return ComponentUtils.resolveBoolean(getProperty(SIMPLE_KEY), false);

   * Sets a boolean value that controls whether the component
   * provides label and message support;  when set to "true", the component will
   * not display messaging support or the label (these attributes may be ignored: label,
   * labelAndAccessKey, accessKey, showRequired,
   * tip), and may use simpler layout primitives
   * @param simple  the new simple value
  final public void setSimple(boolean simple)
    setProperty(SIMPLE_KEY, simple ? Boolean.TRUE : Boolean.FALSE);

   * Gets the text of the radio button.
   * @return  the new text value
  final public String getText()
    return ComponentUtils.resolveString(getProperty(TEXT_KEY));

   * Sets the text of the radio button.
   * @param text  the new text value
  final public void setText(String text)
    setProperty(TEXT_KEY, (text));

   * Gets <html>
   *  Character used to gain quick access to this radio button.
   *           For accessibility reasons, this functionality is not supported in
   *           screen reader mode.
   *           <p>
   *             If the same access key appears in multiple locations in the
   *             same page of output, the rendering user agent will cycle
   *             among the elements accessed by the similar keys.
   *           </p><p>
   *             This attribute is sometimes referred to as the "mnemonic".
   *           </p><p>
   *             The character specified by this attribute
   *             <strong>must</strong>exist in the
   *             <code>text</code>attribute of this CheckBox instance.
   *             If it does not, the user will receive no visual indication of
   *             the existence of the accessKey.
   *             </p></html>
   * @return  the new accessKey value
  final public char getAccessKey()
    return ComponentUtils.resolveCharacter((Character)getProperty(ACCESS_KEY_KEY));

   * Sets <html>
   *  Character used to gain quick access to this radio button.
   *           For accessibility reasons, this functionality is not supported in
   *           screen reader mode.
   *           <p>
   *             If the same access key appears in multiple locations in the
   *             same page of output, the rendering user agent will cycle
   *             among the elements accessed by the similar keys.
   *           </p><p>
   *             This attribute is sometimes referred to as the "mnemonic".
   *           </p><p>
   *             The character specified by this attribute
   *             <strong>must</strong>exist in the
   *             <code>text</code>attribute of this CheckBox instance.
   *             If it does not, the user will receive no visual indication of
   *             the existence of the accessKey.
   *             </p></html>
   * @param accessKey  the new accessKey value
  final public void setAccessKey(char accessKey)
    setProperty(ACCESS_KEY_KEY, Character.valueOf(accessKey));

   * @return  the new group value
  final public String getGroup()

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    setProperty(ONCHANGE_KEY, (onchange));

   * Gets an onclick Javascript handler.
   * @return  the new onclick value
  final public String getOnclick()
    return ComponentUtils.resolveString(getProperty(ONCLICK_KEY));

   * Sets an onclick Javascript handler.
   * @param onclick  the new onclick value
  final public void setOnclick(String onclick)
    setProperty(ONCLICK_KEY, (onclick));

   * Gets an ondblclick Javascript handler.
   * @return  the new ondblclick value
  final public String getOndblclick()
    return ComponentUtils.resolveString(getProperty(ONDBLCLICK_KEY));

   * Sets an ondblclick Javascript handler.
   * @param ondblclick  the new ondblclick value
  final public void setOndblclick(String ondblclick)
    setProperty(ONDBLCLICK_KEY, (ondblclick));

   * Gets an onmousedown Javascript handler.
   * @return  the new onmousedown value
  final public String getOnmousedown()
    return ComponentUtils.resolveString(getProperty(ONMOUSEDOWN_KEY));

   * Sets an onmousedown Javascript handler.
   * @param onmousedown  the new onmousedown value
  final public void setOnmousedown(String onmousedown)
    setProperty(ONMOUSEDOWN_KEY, (onmousedown));

   * Gets an onmouseup Javascript handler.
   * @return  the new onmouseup value
  final public String getOnmouseup()
    return ComponentUtils.resolveString(getProperty(ONMOUSEUP_KEY));

   * Sets an onmouseup Javascript handler.
   * @param onmouseup  the new onmouseup value
  final public void setOnmouseup(String onmouseup)
    setProperty(ONMOUSEUP_KEY, (onmouseup));

   * Gets an onmouseover Javascript handler.
   * @return  the new onmouseover value
  final public String getOnmouseover()
    return ComponentUtils.resolveString(getProperty(ONMOUSEOVER_KEY));

   * Sets an onmouseover Javascript handler.
   * @param onmouseover  the new onmouseover value
  final public void setOnmouseover(String onmouseover)
    setProperty(ONMOUSEOVER_KEY, (onmouseover));

   * Gets an onmousemove Javascript handler.
   * @return  the new onmousemove value
  final public String getOnmousemove()
    return ComponentUtils.resolveString(getProperty(ONMOUSEMOVE_KEY));

   * Sets an onmousemove Javascript handler.
   * @param onmousemove  the new onmousemove value
  final public void setOnmousemove(String onmousemove)
    setProperty(ONMOUSEMOVE_KEY, (onmousemove));

   * Gets an onmouseout Javascript handler.
   * @return  the new onmouseout value
  final public String getOnmouseout()
    return ComponentUtils.resolveString(getProperty(ONMOUSEOUT_KEY));

   * Sets an onmouseout Javascript handler.
   * @param onmouseout  the new onmouseout value
  final public void setOnmouseout(String onmouseout)
    setProperty(ONMOUSEOUT_KEY, (onmouseout));

   * Gets an onkeypress Javascript handler.
   * @return  the new onkeypress value
  final public String getOnkeypress()
    return ComponentUtils.resolveString(getProperty(ONKEYPRESS_KEY));

   * Sets an onkeypress Javascript handler.
   * @param onkeypress  the new onkeypress value
  final public void setOnkeypress(String onkeypress)
    setProperty(ONKEYPRESS_KEY, (onkeypress));

   * Gets an onkeydown Javascript handler.
   * @return  the new onkeydown value
  final public String getOnkeydown()
    return ComponentUtils.resolveString(getProperty(ONKEYDOWN_KEY));

   * Sets an onkeydown Javascript handler.
   * @param onkeydown  the new onkeydown value
  final public void setOnkeydown(String onkeydown)
    setProperty(ONKEYDOWN_KEY, (onkeydown));

   * Gets an onkeyup Javascript handler.
   * @return  the new onkeyup value
  final public String getOnkeyup()
    return ComponentUtils.resolveString(getProperty(ONKEYUP_KEY));

   * Sets an onkeyup Javascript handler.
   * @param onkeyup  the new onkeyup value
  final public void setOnkeyup(String onkeyup)
    setProperty(ONKEYUP_KEY, (onkeyup));

   * Gets the event handler for the component losing the focus.
   * @return  the new onblur value
  final public String getOnblur()

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    setProperty(WINDOW_WIDTH_KEY, Integer.valueOf(windowWidth));

   * Gets an onclick Javascript handler.
   * @return  the new onclick value
  final public String getOnclick()
    return ComponentUtils.resolveString(getProperty(ONCLICK_KEY));

   * Sets an onclick Javascript handler.
   * @param onclick  the new onclick value
  final public void setOnclick(String onclick)
    setProperty(ONCLICK_KEY, (onclick));

   * Gets an ondblclick Javascript handler.
   * @return  the new ondblclick value
  final public String getOndblclick()
    return ComponentUtils.resolveString(getProperty(ONDBLCLICK_KEY));

   * Sets an ondblclick Javascript handler.
   * @param ondblclick  the new ondblclick value
  final public void setOndblclick(String ondblclick)
    setProperty(ONDBLCLICK_KEY, (ondblclick));

   * Gets an onmousedown Javascript handler.
   * @return  the new onmousedown value
  final public String getOnmousedown()
    return ComponentUtils.resolveString(getProperty(ONMOUSEDOWN_KEY));

   * Sets an onmousedown Javascript handler.
   * @param onmousedown  the new onmousedown value
  final public void setOnmousedown(String onmousedown)
    setProperty(ONMOUSEDOWN_KEY, (onmousedown));

   * Gets an onmouseup Javascript handler.
   * @return  the new onmouseup value
  final public String getOnmouseup()
    return ComponentUtils.resolveString(getProperty(ONMOUSEUP_KEY));

   * Sets an onmouseup Javascript handler.
   * @param onmouseup  the new onmouseup value
  final public void setOnmouseup(String onmouseup)
    setProperty(ONMOUSEUP_KEY, (onmouseup));

   * Gets an onmouseover Javascript handler.
   * @return  the new onmouseover value
  final public String getOnmouseover()
    return ComponentUtils.resolveString(getProperty(ONMOUSEOVER_KEY));

   * Sets an onmouseover Javascript handler.
   * @param onmouseover  the new onmouseover value
  final public void setOnmouseover(String onmouseover)
    setProperty(ONMOUSEOVER_KEY, (onmouseover));

   * Gets an onmousemove Javascript handler.
   * @return  the new onmousemove value
  final public String getOnmousemove()
    return ComponentUtils.resolveString(getProperty(ONMOUSEMOVE_KEY));

   * Sets an onmousemove Javascript handler.
   * @param onmousemove  the new onmousemove value
  final public void setOnmousemove(String onmousemove)
    setProperty(ONMOUSEMOVE_KEY, (onmousemove));

   * Gets an onmouseout Javascript handler.
   * @return  the new onmouseout value
  final public String getOnmouseout()
    return ComponentUtils.resolveString(getProperty(ONMOUSEOUT_KEY));

   * Sets an onmouseout Javascript handler.
   * @param onmouseout  the new onmouseout value
  final public void setOnmouseout(String onmouseout)
    setProperty(ONMOUSEOUT_KEY, (onmouseout));

   * Gets an onkeypress Javascript handler.
   * @return  the new onkeypress value
  final public String getOnkeypress()
    return ComponentUtils.resolveString(getProperty(ONKEYPRESS_KEY));

   * Sets an onkeypress Javascript handler.
   * @param onkeypress  the new onkeypress value
  final public void setOnkeypress(String onkeypress)
    setProperty(ONKEYPRESS_KEY, (onkeypress));

   * Gets an onkeydown Javascript handler.
   * @return  the new onkeydown value
  final public String getOnkeydown()
    return ComponentUtils.resolveString(getProperty(ONKEYDOWN_KEY));

   * Sets an onkeydown Javascript handler.
   * @param onkeydown  the new onkeydown value
  final public void setOnkeydown(String onkeydown)
    setProperty(ONKEYDOWN_KEY, (onkeydown));

   * Gets an onkeyup Javascript handler.
   * @return  the new onkeyup value
  final public String getOnkeyup()
    return ComponentUtils.resolveString(getProperty(ONKEYUP_KEY));

   * Sets an onkeyup Javascript handler.
   * @param onkeyup  the new onkeyup value
  final public void setOnkeyup(String onkeyup)
    setProperty(ONKEYUP_KEY, (onkeyup));

   * Gets <html>
   *  Character used to gain quick access to this item.
   *               For accessibility reasons, this functionality is not supported
   *               in screen reader mode.
   *               <p>
   *                 If the same access key appears in multiple locations in the
   *               same page of output, the rendering user agent will cycle among
   *               the elements accessed by the similar keys.  Note that user agents
   *               are inconsistent about dealing with two links having same access
   *               key, and so the cycling behavior is dependent on what the user agent
   *               provides.
   *               </p><p>
   *                 This attribute is sometimes referred to as the "mnemonic".
   *               </p><p>
   *                 The character specified by this attribute
   *                 <strong>must</strong> exist in the
   *                 <code>text</code> attribute of this item instance.
   *                 If it does not, the user will receive no visual indication of
   *                 the existence of the accessKey.
   *                 The easiest, and most convenient
   *                 way to specify both the text and the mnemonic together is
   *                 to use textAndAccessKey.
   *                 </p></html>
   * @return  the new accessKey value
  final public char getAccessKey()

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    setProperty(ONCHANGE_KEY, (onchange));

   * Gets an onclick Javascript handler.
   * @return  the new onclick value
  final public String getOnclick()
    return ComponentUtils.resolveString(getProperty(ONCLICK_KEY));

   * Sets an onclick Javascript handler.
   * @param onclick  the new onclick value
  final public void setOnclick(String onclick)
    setProperty(ONCLICK_KEY, (onclick));

   * Gets an ondblclick Javascript handler.
   * @return  the new ondblclick value
  final public String getOndblclick()
    return ComponentUtils.resolveString(getProperty(ONDBLCLICK_KEY));

   * Sets an ondblclick Javascript handler.
   * @param ondblclick  the new ondblclick value
  final public void setOndblclick(String ondblclick)
    setProperty(ONDBLCLICK_KEY, (ondblclick));

   * Gets an onmousedown Javascript handler.
   * @return  the new onmousedown value
  final public String getOnmousedown()
    return ComponentUtils.resolveString(getProperty(ONMOUSEDOWN_KEY));

   * Sets an onmousedown Javascript handler.
   * @param onmousedown  the new onmousedown value
  final public void setOnmousedown(String onmousedown)
    setProperty(ONMOUSEDOWN_KEY, (onmousedown));

   * Gets an onmouseup Javascript handler.
   * @return  the new onmouseup value
  final public String getOnmouseup()
    return ComponentUtils.resolveString(getProperty(ONMOUSEUP_KEY));

   * Sets an onmouseup Javascript handler.
   * @param onmouseup  the new onmouseup value
  final public void setOnmouseup(String onmouseup)
    setProperty(ONMOUSEUP_KEY, (onmouseup));

   * Gets an onmouseover Javascript handler.
   * @return  the new onmouseover value
  final public String getOnmouseover()
    return ComponentUtils.resolveString(getProperty(ONMOUSEOVER_KEY));

   * Sets an onmouseover Javascript handler.
   * @param onmouseover  the new onmouseover value
  final public void setOnmouseover(String onmouseover)
    setProperty(ONMOUSEOVER_KEY, (onmouseover));

   * Gets an onmousemove Javascript handler.
   * @return  the new onmousemove value
  final public String getOnmousemove()
    return ComponentUtils.resolveString(getProperty(ONMOUSEMOVE_KEY));

   * Sets an onmousemove Javascript handler.
   * @param onmousemove  the new onmousemove value
  final public void setOnmousemove(String onmousemove)
    setProperty(ONMOUSEMOVE_KEY, (onmousemove));

   * Gets an onmouseout Javascript handler.
   * @return  the new onmouseout value
  final public String getOnmouseout()
    return ComponentUtils.resolveString(getProperty(ONMOUSEOUT_KEY));

   * Sets an onmouseout Javascript handler.
   * @param onmouseout  the new onmouseout value
  final public void setOnmouseout(String onmouseout)
    setProperty(ONMOUSEOUT_KEY, (onmouseout));

   * Gets an onkeypress Javascript handler.
   * @return  the new onkeypress value
  final public String getOnkeypress()
    return ComponentUtils.resolveString(getProperty(ONKEYPRESS_KEY));

   * Sets an onkeypress Javascript handler.
   * @param onkeypress  the new onkeypress value
  final public void setOnkeypress(String onkeypress)
    setProperty(ONKEYPRESS_KEY, (onkeypress));

   * Gets an onkeydown Javascript handler.
   * @return  the new onkeydown value
  final public String getOnkeydown()
    return ComponentUtils.resolveString(getProperty(ONKEYDOWN_KEY));

   * Sets an onkeydown Javascript handler.
   * @param onkeydown  the new onkeydown value
  final public void setOnkeydown(String onkeydown)
    setProperty(ONKEYDOWN_KEY, (onkeydown));

   * Gets an onkeyup Javascript handler.
   * @return  the new onkeyup value
  final public String getOnkeyup()
    return ComponentUtils.resolveString(getProperty(ONKEYUP_KEY));

   * Sets an onkeyup Javascript handler.
   * @param onkeyup  the new onkeyup value
  final public void setOnkeyup(String onkeyup)
    setProperty(ONKEYUP_KEY, (onkeyup));

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    TYPE.registerKey("maximumLength", Integer.class);
  static public final PropertyKey ONCHANGE_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("onchange", String.class);
  static public final PropertyKey INLINE_STYLE_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("inlineStyle", String.class);
  static public final PropertyKey STYLE_CLASS_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("styleClass", String.class);
  static public final PropertyKey SHORT_DESC_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("shortDesc", String.class);
  static public final PropertyKey PARTIAL_TRIGGERS_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("partialTriggers", String[].class);
  static public final PropertyKey ONCLICK_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("onclick", String.class);
  static public final PropertyKey ONDBLCLICK_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("ondblclick", String.class);
  static public final PropertyKey ONMOUSEDOWN_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("onmousedown", String.class);
  static public final PropertyKey ONMOUSEUP_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("onmouseup", String.class);
  static public final PropertyKey ONMOUSEOVER_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("onmouseover", String.class);
  static public final PropertyKey ONMOUSEMOVE_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("onmousemove", String.class);
  static public final PropertyKey ONMOUSEOUT_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("onmouseout", String.class);
  static public final PropertyKey ONKEYPRESS_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("onkeypress", String.class);
  static public final PropertyKey ONKEYDOWN_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("onkeydown", String.class);
  static public final PropertyKey ONKEYUP_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("onkeyup", String.class);
  static public final PropertyKey ONBLUR_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("onblur", String.class);
  static public final PropertyKey ONFOCUS_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("onfocus", String.class);
  static public final PropertyKey SHOW_REQUIRED_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("showRequired", Boolean.class, Boolean.FALSE);
  static public final PropertyKey ACCESS_KEY_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("accessKey", Character.class);
  static public final PropertyKey AUTO_SUBMIT_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("autoSubmit", Boolean.class, Boolean.FALSE);
  static public final String HELP_FACET = "help";

  static public final String COMPONENT_FAMILY =
  static public final String COMPONENT_TYPE =

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    return done;

  void __encodeBegin(FacesContext context) throws IOException
    HierarchyUtils.__handleEncodeBegin(this, getDisclosedRowKeys());

  void __init()
    if (getDisclosedRowKeys() == null)
      setDisclosedRowKeys(new RowKeySetTreeImpl());

  protected FacesBean createFacesBean(String rendererType)
    return new RowKeyFacesBeanWrapper(super.createFacesBean(rendererType));

  private class RowKeyFacesBeanWrapper
    extends FacesBeanWrapper
    private boolean _retrievingDisclosedRows = false;

    RowKeyFacesBeanWrapper(FacesBean bean)

    public Object getProperty(PropertyKey key)
      Object value = super.getProperty(key);

      if (key == DISCLOSED_ROW_KEYS_KEY && !_retrievingDisclosedRows && value instanceof RowKeySet)
        // Ensure that when we are retrieving and setting the collection model, this property
        // is not asked for which would create an infinite loop
        _retrievingDisclosedRows = true;

          RowKeySet rowKeys = (RowKeySet) value;
          // row key sets need the most recent collection model, but there is no one common entry
          // point to set this on the set besides when code asks for the value from the bean
          _retrievingDisclosedRows = false;

      return value;

    public Object saveState(FacesContext context)
      RowKeySet rowKeys = (RowKeySet)super.getProperty(DISCLOSED_ROW_KEYS_KEY);
      if (rowKeys != null)
        // make sure the set does not pin the model in memory
      return super.saveState(context);

   * the component to use to stamp each element in the
   *               menu. A CommandNavigationItem is expected.
  final public UIComponent getNodeStamp()
    return getFacet(NODE_STAMP_FACET);

   * the component to use to stamp each element in the
   *               menu. A CommandNavigationItem is expected.
  final public void setNodeStamp(UIComponent nodeStampFacet)
    getFacets().put(NODE_STAMP_FACET, nodeStampFacet);

   * Gets a method reference to an ExpansionListener
   * @return  the new rowDisclosureListener value
  final public MethodExpression getRowDisclosureListener()
    return (MethodExpression)getProperty(ROW_DISCLOSURE_LISTENER_KEY);

   * Sets a method reference to an ExpansionListener
   * @param rowDisclosureListener  the new rowDisclosureListener value
  final public void setRowDisclosureListener(MethodExpression rowDisclosureListener)
    setProperty(ROW_DISCLOSURE_LISTENER_KEY, (rowDisclosureListener));

   * Gets the set of disclosed rows for this component.
   * Each entry in the set is a rowKey.
   * @return  the new disclosedRowKeys value
  final public RowKeySet getDisclosedRowKeys()
    return (RowKeySet)getProperty(DISCLOSED_ROW_KEYS_KEY);

   * Sets the set of disclosed rows for this component.
   * Each entry in the set is a rowKey.
   * @param disclosedRowKeys  the new disclosedRowKeys value
  final public void setDisclosedRowKeys(RowKeySet disclosedRowKeys)
    setProperty(DISCLOSED_ROW_KEYS_KEY, (disclosedRowKeys));

   * Gets the hierarchy of menu data - must be of type 
   *             org.apache.myfaces.trinidad.model.MenuModel
   * @return  the new value value
  final public Object getValue()
    return getProperty(VALUE_KEY);

   * Sets the hierarchy of menu data - must be of type 
   *             org.apache.myfaces.trinidad.model.MenuModel
   * @param value  the new value value
  final public void setValue(Object value)
    setProperty(VALUE_KEY, (value));

   * Gets <html>
   *  Name of the EL variable used to reference the varStatus information.
   *           Once this component has completed rendering, this variable is
   *           removed (or reverted back to its previous value).
   *           The VarStatus provides contextual information about the state of the
   *           component to EL expressions. For components that iterate, varStatus
   *           also provides loop counter information.  Please see the this 
   *           component's documentation for the specific properties on the varStatus.
   *           The common properties on varStatus include:<ul><li>"model" - returns the CollectionModel for this component</li><li>"index" - returns the zero based row index</li></ul></html>
   * @return  the new varStatus value
  final public String getVarStatus()

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    TYPE.registerKey("disabled", Boolean.class, Boolean.FALSE);
  static public final PropertyKey LABEL_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("label", String.class);
  static public final PropertyKey SIMPLE_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("simple", Boolean.class, Boolean.FALSE);
  static public final PropertyKey ONCHANGE_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("onchange", String.class);
  static public final PropertyKey INLINE_STYLE_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("inlineStyle", String.class);
  static public final PropertyKey STYLE_CLASS_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("styleClass", String.class);
  static public final PropertyKey SHORT_DESC_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("shortDesc", String.class);
  static public final PropertyKey PARTIAL_TRIGGERS_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("partialTriggers", String[].class);
  static public final PropertyKey ONCLICK_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("onclick", String.class);
  static public final PropertyKey ONDBLCLICK_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("ondblclick", String.class);
  static public final PropertyKey ONMOUSEDOWN_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("onmousedown", String.class);
  static public final PropertyKey ONMOUSEUP_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("onmouseup", String.class);
  static public final PropertyKey ONMOUSEOVER_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("onmouseover", String.class);
  static public final PropertyKey ONMOUSEMOVE_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("onmousemove", String.class);
  static public final PropertyKey ONMOUSEOUT_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("onmouseout", String.class);
  static public final PropertyKey ONKEYPRESS_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("onkeypress", String.class);
  static public final PropertyKey ONKEYDOWN_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("onkeydown", String.class);
  static public final PropertyKey ONKEYUP_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("onkeyup", String.class);
  static public final PropertyKey ONBLUR_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("onblur", String.class);
  static public final PropertyKey ONFOCUS_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("onfocus", String.class);
  static public final PropertyKey SHOW_REQUIRED_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("showRequired", Boolean.class, Boolean.FALSE);
  static public final PropertyKey ACCESS_KEY_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("accessKey", Character.class);
  static public final PropertyKey AUTO_SUBMIT_KEY =

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    TYPE.registerKey("disabled", Boolean.class, Boolean.FALSE);
  static public final PropertyKey SHORT_DESC_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("shortDesc", String.class);
  static public final PropertyKey PARTIAL_TRIGGERS_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("partialTriggers", String[].class);
  static public final PropertyKey LABEL_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("label", String.class);
  static public final PropertyKey SIMPLE_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("simple", Boolean.class, Boolean.FALSE);
  static public final PropertyKey ONCHANGE_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("onchange", String.class);
  static public final PropertyKey ONCLICK_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("onclick", String.class);
  static public final PropertyKey ONDBLCLICK_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("ondblclick", String.class);
  static public final PropertyKey ONMOUSEDOWN_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("onmousedown", String.class);
  static public final PropertyKey ONMOUSEUP_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("onmouseup", String.class);
  static public final PropertyKey ONMOUSEOVER_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("onmouseover", String.class);
  static public final PropertyKey ONMOUSEMOVE_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("onmousemove", String.class);
  static public final PropertyKey ONMOUSEOUT_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("onmouseout", String.class);
  static public final PropertyKey ONKEYPRESS_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("onkeypress", String.class);
  static public final PropertyKey ONKEYDOWN_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("onkeydown", String.class);
  static public final PropertyKey ONKEYUP_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("onkeyup", String.class);
  static public final PropertyKey ONBLUR_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("onblur", String.class);
  static public final PropertyKey ONFOCUS_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("onfocus", String.class);
  static public final PropertyKey STYLE_CLASS_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("styleClass", String.class);
  static public final PropertyKey INLINE_STYLE_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("inlineStyle", String.class);
  static public final PropertyKey SHOW_REQUIRED_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("showRequired", Boolean.class, Boolean.FALSE);
  static public final PropertyKey COLUMNS_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("columns", Integer.class);

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    TYPE.registerKey("simple", Boolean.class, Boolean.FALSE);
  static public final PropertyKey ONCHANGE_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("onchange", String.class);
  static public final PropertyKey INLINE_STYLE_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("inlineStyle", String.class);
  static public final PropertyKey STYLE_CLASS_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("styleClass", String.class);
  static public final PropertyKey SHORT_DESC_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("shortDesc", String.class);
  static public final PropertyKey PARTIAL_TRIGGERS_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("partialTriggers", String[].class);
  static public final PropertyKey ONCLICK_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("onclick", String.class);
  static public final PropertyKey ONDBLCLICK_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("ondblclick", String.class);
  static public final PropertyKey ONMOUSEDOWN_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("onmousedown", String.class);
  static public final PropertyKey ONMOUSEUP_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("onmouseup", String.class);
  static public final PropertyKey ONMOUSEOVER_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("onmouseover", String.class);
  static public final PropertyKey ONMOUSEMOVE_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("onmousemove", String.class);
  static public final PropertyKey ONMOUSEOUT_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("onmouseout", String.class);
  static public final PropertyKey ONKEYPRESS_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("onkeypress", String.class);
  static public final PropertyKey ONKEYDOWN_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("onkeydown", String.class);
  static public final PropertyKey ONKEYUP_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("onkeyup", String.class);
  static public final PropertyKey ONBLUR_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("onblur", String.class);
  static public final PropertyKey ONFOCUS_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("onfocus", String.class);
  static public final PropertyKey SHOW_REQUIRED_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("showRequired", Boolean.class, Boolean.FALSE);
  static public final PropertyKey ACCESS_KEY_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("accessKey", Character.class);
  static public final PropertyKey AUTO_SUBMIT_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("autoSubmit", Boolean.class, Boolean.FALSE);
  static public final String HELP_FACET = "help";

  static public final String COMPONENT_FAMILY =

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    TYPE.registerKey("blocking", Boolean.class, Boolean.FALSE);
  static public final PropertyKey INLINE_STYLE_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("inlineStyle", String.class);
  static public final PropertyKey STYLE_CLASS_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("styleClass", String.class);
  static public final PropertyKey SHORT_DESC_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("shortDesc", String.class);
  static public final PropertyKey PARTIAL_TRIGGERS_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("partialTriggers", String[].class);
  static public final PropertyKey ONCLICK_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("onclick", String.class);
  static public final PropertyKey ONDBLCLICK_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("ondblclick", String.class);
  static public final PropertyKey ONMOUSEDOWN_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("onmousedown", String.class);
  static public final PropertyKey ONMOUSEUP_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("onmouseup", String.class);
  static public final PropertyKey ONMOUSEOVER_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("onmouseover", String.class);
  static public final PropertyKey ONMOUSEMOVE_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("onmousemove", String.class);
  static public final PropertyKey ONMOUSEOUT_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("onmouseout", String.class);
  static public final PropertyKey ONKEYPRESS_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("onkeypress", String.class);
  static public final PropertyKey ONKEYDOWN_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("onkeydown", String.class);
  static public final PropertyKey ONKEYUP_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("onkeyup", String.class);
  static public final PropertyKey ONBLUR_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("onblur", String.class);
  static public final PropertyKey ONFOCUS_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("onfocus", String.class);
  static public final PropertyKey USE_WINDOW_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("useWindow", Boolean.class, Boolean.FALSE);
  static public final PropertyKey WINDOW_HEIGHT_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("windowHeight", Integer.class);
  static public final PropertyKey WINDOW_WIDTH_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("windowWidth", Integer.class);

  static public final String COMPONENT_FAMILY =
  static public final String COMPONENT_TYPE =

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  public final boolean getDefaultFocusPath()
    boolean defaultFocusPath =
        MenuUtils.evalBoolean(_defaultFocusPathStr, false);
    return defaultFocusPath;

  public final String getRootModelKey()
    return _rootModelKey;

  public final int getRootId()
    return _rootId;

  private String _evalElStr(String str)
    if (str == null)
      return null;

    String keystr =
        MenuUtils.stringReplaceFirst(str.trim(), _bundleKey, _bundleKey +
    String elVal = MenuUtils.getBoundValue(keystr, String.class);
    return elVal;

  private String _joinLabelAndAccessKey(String label, String accessKey)
    char[] keyArray = label.toCharArray();
    int len = label.length();
    int lentimes2 = len * 2;
    char[] keyArray2 = new char[lentimes2];
    int i, j = 0;
    boolean accessKeyFound = false;

    // find the first occurrence of a single Ampersand
    for (i = 0, j = 0; i < len; i++, j++)
      // AccessKey
      if (keyArray[i] == accessKey.charAt(0) && !accessKeyFound)
        keyArray2[j] = '&';
        accessKeyFound = true;

      keyArray2[j] = keyArray[i];

      // Ampersand as regular character
      // double it up.
      if (keyArray[i] == '&')
        keyArray2[j] = keyArray[i];

    String combinedLabel = new String(keyArray2, 0, j);
    return combinedLabel;

  private final String _icon;
  private List<MenuNode> _children = null;
  private final String _focusViewId;
  private final String _renderedStr;
  private final String _disabledStr;
  private final String _visibleStr;
  private final String _readOnlyStr;
  private final String _handlerId;
  private final String _bundleKey;
  private final String _bundleName;
  private final String _accessKey;
  private final String _id;
  private final String _modelId;
  private final String _labelAndAccessKey;
  private final String _defaultFocusPathStr;
  private final String _uniqueId;

  // Root Menu model's Request Map Key
  private final String _rootModelKey;

  private final int _rootId;

  private final Map<String, String> _customPropList;

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    TYPE.registerKey("group", String.class);
  static public final PropertyKey ONCHANGE_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("onchange", String.class);
  static public final PropertyKey INLINE_STYLE_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("inlineStyle", String.class);
  static public final PropertyKey STYLE_CLASS_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("styleClass", String.class);
  static public final PropertyKey SHORT_DESC_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("shortDesc", String.class);
  static public final PropertyKey PARTIAL_TRIGGERS_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("partialTriggers", String[].class);
  static public final PropertyKey ONCLICK_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("onclick", String.class);
  static public final PropertyKey ONDBLCLICK_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("ondblclick", String.class);
  static public final PropertyKey ONMOUSEDOWN_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("onmousedown", String.class);
  static public final PropertyKey ONMOUSEUP_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("onmouseup", String.class);
  static public final PropertyKey ONMOUSEOVER_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("onmouseover", String.class);
  static public final PropertyKey ONMOUSEMOVE_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("onmousemove", String.class);
  static public final PropertyKey ONMOUSEOUT_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("onmouseout", String.class);
  static public final PropertyKey ONKEYPRESS_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("onkeypress", String.class);
  static public final PropertyKey ONKEYDOWN_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("onkeydown", String.class);
  static public final PropertyKey ONKEYUP_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("onkeyup", String.class);
  static public final PropertyKey ONBLUR_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("onblur", String.class);
  static public final PropertyKey ONFOCUS_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("onfocus", String.class);
  static public final PropertyKey SHOW_REQUIRED_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("showRequired", Boolean.class, Boolean.FALSE);
  static public final String HELP_FACET = "help";

  static public final String COMPONENT_FAMILY =
  static public final String COMPONENT_TYPE =

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    TYPE.registerKey("simple", Boolean.class, Boolean.FALSE);
  static public final PropertyKey ONCHANGE_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("onchange", String.class);
  static public final PropertyKey INLINE_STYLE_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("inlineStyle", String.class);
  static public final PropertyKey STYLE_CLASS_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("styleClass", String.class);
  static public final PropertyKey SHORT_DESC_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("shortDesc", String.class);
  static public final PropertyKey PARTIAL_TRIGGERS_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("partialTriggers", String[].class);
  static public final PropertyKey ONCLICK_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("onclick", String.class);
  static public final PropertyKey ONDBLCLICK_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("ondblclick", String.class);
  static public final PropertyKey ONMOUSEDOWN_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("onmousedown", String.class);
  static public final PropertyKey ONMOUSEUP_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("onmouseup", String.class);
  static public final PropertyKey ONMOUSEOVER_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("onmouseover", String.class);
  static public final PropertyKey ONMOUSEMOVE_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("onmousemove", String.class);
  static public final PropertyKey ONMOUSEOUT_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("onmouseout", String.class);
  static public final PropertyKey ONKEYPRESS_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("onkeypress", String.class);
  static public final PropertyKey ONKEYDOWN_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("onkeydown", String.class);
  static public final PropertyKey ONKEYUP_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("onkeyup", String.class);
  static public final PropertyKey ONBLUR_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("onblur", String.class);
  static public final PropertyKey ONFOCUS_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("onfocus", String.class);
  static public final PropertyKey SHOW_REQUIRED_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("showRequired", Boolean.class, Boolean.FALSE);
  static public final PropertyKey ACCESS_KEY_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("accessKey", Character.class);
  static public final PropertyKey ONSELECT_KEY =

File Line
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  static public final PropertyKey INLINE_STYLE_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("inlineStyle", String.class);
  static public final PropertyKey STYLE_CLASS_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("styleClass", String.class);
  static public final PropertyKey SHORT_DESC_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("shortDesc", String.class);
  static public final PropertyKey PARTIAL_TRIGGERS_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("partialTriggers", String[].class);
  static public final PropertyKey ONCLICK_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("onclick", String.class);
  static public final PropertyKey ONDBLCLICK_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("ondblclick", String.class);
  static public final PropertyKey ONMOUSEDOWN_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("onmousedown", String.class);
  static public final PropertyKey ONMOUSEUP_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("onmouseup", String.class);
  static public final PropertyKey ONMOUSEOVER_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("onmouseover", String.class);
  static public final PropertyKey ONMOUSEMOVE_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("onmousemove", String.class);
  static public final PropertyKey ONMOUSEOUT_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("onmouseout", String.class);
  static public final PropertyKey ONKEYPRESS_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("onkeypress", String.class);
  static public final PropertyKey ONKEYDOWN_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("onkeydown", String.class);
  static public final PropertyKey ONKEYUP_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("onkeyup", String.class);
  static public final PropertyKey TEXT_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("text", String.class);
  static public final PropertyKey ICON_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("icon", String.class);
  static public final PropertyKey MESSAGE_TYPE_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("messageType", String.class, "none");
  static public final PropertyKey SIZE_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("size", Integer.class, Integer.valueOf(-1));

  static public final String COMPONENT_FAMILY =

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org/apache/myfaces/trinidad/component/core/input/ 88
    TYPE.registerKey("accessKey", Character.class);
  static public final PropertyKey ONCHANGE_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("onchange", String.class);
  static public final PropertyKey INLINE_STYLE_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("inlineStyle", String.class);
  static public final PropertyKey STYLE_CLASS_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("styleClass", String.class);
  static public final PropertyKey SHORT_DESC_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("shortDesc", String.class);
  static public final PropertyKey PARTIAL_TRIGGERS_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("partialTriggers", String[].class);
  static public final PropertyKey ONCLICK_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("onclick", String.class);
  static public final PropertyKey ONDBLCLICK_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("ondblclick", String.class);
  static public final PropertyKey ONMOUSEDOWN_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("onmousedown", String.class);
  static public final PropertyKey ONMOUSEUP_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("onmouseup", String.class);
  static public final PropertyKey ONMOUSEOVER_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("onmouseover", String.class);
  static public final PropertyKey ONMOUSEMOVE_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("onmousemove", String.class);
  static public final PropertyKey ONMOUSEOUT_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("onmouseout", String.class);
  static public final PropertyKey ONKEYPRESS_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("onkeypress", String.class);
  static public final PropertyKey ONKEYDOWN_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("onkeydown", String.class);
  static public final PropertyKey ONKEYUP_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("onkeyup", String.class);
  static public final PropertyKey ONBLUR_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("onblur", String.class);
  static public final PropertyKey ONFOCUS_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("onfocus", String.class);
  static public final PropertyKey SHOW_REQUIRED_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("showRequired", Boolean.class, Boolean.FALSE);
  static public final String HELP_FACET = "help";

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org/apache/myfaces/trinidad/component/core/input/ 91
    TYPE.registerKey("accessKey", Character.class);
  static public final PropertyKey ONCHANGE_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("onchange", String.class);
  static public final PropertyKey INLINE_STYLE_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("inlineStyle", String.class);
  static public final PropertyKey STYLE_CLASS_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("styleClass", String.class);
  static public final PropertyKey SHORT_DESC_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("shortDesc", String.class);
  static public final PropertyKey PARTIAL_TRIGGERS_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("partialTriggers", String[].class);
  static public final PropertyKey ONCLICK_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("onclick", String.class);
  static public final PropertyKey ONDBLCLICK_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("ondblclick", String.class);
  static public final PropertyKey ONMOUSEDOWN_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("onmousedown", String.class);
  static public final PropertyKey ONMOUSEUP_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("onmouseup", String.class);
  static public final PropertyKey ONMOUSEOVER_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("onmouseover", String.class);
  static public final PropertyKey ONMOUSEMOVE_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("onmousemove", String.class);
  static public final PropertyKey ONMOUSEOUT_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("onmouseout", String.class);
  static public final PropertyKey ONKEYPRESS_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("onkeypress", String.class);
  static public final PropertyKey ONKEYDOWN_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("onkeydown", String.class);
  static public final PropertyKey ONKEYUP_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("onkeyup", String.class);
  static public final PropertyKey ONBLUR_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("onblur", String.class);
  static public final PropertyKey ONFOCUS_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("onfocus", String.class);
  static public final PropertyKey SHOW_REQUIRED_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("showRequired", Boolean.class, Boolean.FALSE);
  static public final String HELP_FACET = "help";

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    _facesBean.setProperty(_MINIMUM_KEY, Long.valueOf(minimum));

   * <p>Custom error message to be used, for creating detail part of the
   * {@link FacesMessage}, when input value exceeds the maximum value set.</p>
   * Overrides detail message identified by message id {@link #MAXIMUM_MESSAGE_ID}
   * @param maximumMessageDetail Custom error message.
  public void setMessageDetailMaximum(String maximumMessageDetail)
    _facesBean.setProperty(_MAXIMUM_MESSAGE_DETAIL_KEY, maximumMessageDetail);

   *  <p>Return custom detail error message that was set for creating {@link FacesMessage},
   *  for cases where input value exceeds the <code>maximum</code> value set.</p>
   * @return Custom error message.
   * @see #setMessageDetailMaximum(String)
  public String getMessageDetailMaximum()
    Object maxMsgDet = _facesBean.getProperty(_MAXIMUM_MESSAGE_DETAIL_KEY);
    return ComponentUtils.resolveString(maxMsgDet);

   * <p>Custom error message to be used, for creating detail part of the
   * {@link FacesMessage}, when input value is less the set
   * <code>minimum</code> value.</p>
   * Overrides detail message identified by message id {@link #MINIMUM_MESSAGE_ID}
   * @param minimumMessageDetail Custom error message.
  public void setMessageDetailMinimum(String minimumMessageDetail)
    _facesBean.setProperty(_MINIMUM_MESSAGE_DETAIL_KEY, minimumMessageDetail);

   * <p>Return custom detail error message that was set for creating {@link FacesMessage},
   * for cases where, input value is less than the <code>minimum</code> value set.</p>
   * @return Custom error message.
   * @see #setMessageDetailMinimum(String)
  public String getMessageDetailMinimum()
    Object minMsgDet = _facesBean.getProperty(_MINIMUM_MESSAGE_DETAIL_KEY);
    return ComponentUtils.resolveString(minMsgDet);

   * <p>Custom error message to be used, for creating detail part of the
   * {@link FacesMessage}, when input value is not with in the range,
   * when <code>minimum</code> and <code>maximum</code> is set.</p>
   * Overrides detail message identified by message id {@link #NOT_IN_RANGE_MESSAGE_ID}
   * @param notInRangeMessageDetail Custom error message.
  public void setMessageDetailNotInRange(String notInRangeMessageDetail)
    _facesBean.setProperty(_NOT_IN_RANGE_MESSAGE_DETAIL_KEY, notInRangeMessageDetail);

   * <p>Return custom detail error message that was set for creating {@link FacesMessage},
   * for cases where, input value exceeds the <code>maximum</code> value and is
   * less than the <code>minimum</code> value set.</p>
   * @return Custom error message.
   * @see #setMessageDetailNotInRange(String)
  public String getMessageDetailNotInRange()
    Object notInRngMsg = _facesBean.getProperty(_NOT_IN_RANGE_MESSAGE_DETAIL_KEY);
    return ComponentUtils.resolveString(notInRngMsg);

   * <p>Custom hint maximum message.</p>
   * Overrides default hint message
   * @param hintMaximum Custom hint message.
  public void setHintMaximum(String hintMaximum)
    _facesBean.setProperty(_HINT_MAXIMUM_KEY, hintMaximum);

   * <p>Return custom hint maximum message.</p>
   * @return Custom hint message.
   * @see  #setHintMaximum(String)
  public String getHintMaximum()
    Object obj = _facesBean.getProperty(_HINT_MAXIMUM_KEY);
    return ComponentUtils.resolveString(obj);

   * <p>Custom hint minimum message.</p>
   * Overrides default hint message
   * @param hintMinimum Custom hint message.
  public void setHintMinimum(String hintMinimum)
    _facesBean.setProperty(_HINT_MINIMUM_KEY, hintMinimum);

   * <p>Return custom hint minimum message.</p>
   * @return Custom hint message.
   * @see  #setHintMinimum(String)
  public String getHintMinimum()
    Object obj = _facesBean.getProperty(_HINT_MINIMUM_KEY);
    return ComponentUtils.resolveString(obj);

   * <p>Custom hint notInRange message.</p>
   * Overrides default hint message
   * @param hintNotInRange Custom hint message.
  public void setHintNotInRange(String hintNotInRange)
    _facesBean.setProperty(_HINT_NOT_IN_RANGE, hintNotInRange);

   * <p>Return custom hint notInRange message.</p>
   * @return Custom hint message.
   * @see  #setHintNotInRange
  public String getHintNotInRange()
    Object obj = _facesBean.getProperty(_HINT_NOT_IN_RANGE);
    return ComponentUtils.resolveString(obj);
  public void validate(
    FacesContext context,
    UIComponent component,
    Object value
    ) throws ValidatorException
    if ((context == null) || (component == null))
      throw new NullPointerException();

    if (value == null)


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  public final char getAccessKey()
    if (_accessKey == null && _labelAndAccessKey != null)
      int ampIdx = 0;
      String labelAndAccessKeyEval = null;
      String labelAndAccessKey = _labelAndAccessKey;
      String label;
      if (ContainerUtils.isValueReference(labelAndAccessKey))
        labelAndAccessKeyEval = _evalElStr(labelAndAccessKey);
        labelAndAccessKeyEval = labelAndAccessKey;

      String accessKey = null;
      if (labelAndAccessKeyEval == null ||
          (ampIdx = labelAndAccessKeyEval.indexOf('&')) == -1)
        // String is null or a label w/o an accesskey
        label = labelAndAccessKeyEval;
      } else if (ampIdx == (labelAndAccessKeyEval.length() - 1))
        // & is last character, strip it.
        label = labelAndAccessKeyEval.substring(0, ampIdx);
      } else
        // We have a string with an accessKey somewhere
        char[] keyArray = labelAndAccessKeyEval.toCharArray();
        int len = labelAndAccessKeyEval.length();
        char[] keyArray2 = new char[len];
        int i, j = 0;
        boolean accessKeyFound = false;

        for (i = 0, j = 0; i < len; i++, j++)
          if (keyArray[i] == '&')

            if (!accessKeyFound && keyArray[i] != '&')
              // We have our accessKey
              accessKey = labelAndAccessKeyEval.substring(i, i + 1);
              accessKeyFound = true;

          keyArray2[j] = keyArray[i];

        String label1 = new String(keyArray2, 0, j);
        label = label1;
      return (accessKey != null)? accessKey.charAt(0):'\0';

      String accessKeyStr = MenuUtils.evalString(_accessKey);
      if (accessKeyStr == null || accessKeyStr.length() > 1)
        return '\0';
      return accessKeyStr.charAt(0);

  public final String getId()

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    TYPE.registerKey("disabled", Boolean.class, Boolean.FALSE);
  static public final PropertyKey ONCHANGE_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("onchange", String.class);
  static public final PropertyKey INLINE_STYLE_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("inlineStyle", String.class);
  static public final PropertyKey STYLE_CLASS_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("styleClass", String.class);
  static public final PropertyKey SHORT_DESC_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("shortDesc", String.class);
  static public final PropertyKey PARTIAL_TRIGGERS_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("partialTriggers", String[].class);
  static public final PropertyKey ONCLICK_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("onclick", String.class);
  static public final PropertyKey ONDBLCLICK_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("ondblclick", String.class);
  static public final PropertyKey ONMOUSEDOWN_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("onmousedown", String.class);
  static public final PropertyKey ONMOUSEUP_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("onmouseup", String.class);
  static public final PropertyKey ONMOUSEOVER_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("onmouseover", String.class);
  static public final PropertyKey ONMOUSEMOVE_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("onmousemove", String.class);
  static public final PropertyKey ONMOUSEOUT_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("onmouseout", String.class);
  static public final PropertyKey ONKEYPRESS_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("onkeypress", String.class);
  static public final PropertyKey ONKEYDOWN_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("onkeydown", String.class);
  static public final PropertyKey ONKEYUP_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("onkeyup", String.class);
  static public final PropertyKey ONBLUR_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("onblur", String.class);
  static public final PropertyKey ONFOCUS_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("onfocus", String.class);
  static public final PropertyKey SIZE_KEY =

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    setProperty(CONTENT_STYLE_KEY, (contentStyle));

   * Gets The id of the chooseDate component which can be used to
   *               pick the Date value for this inputDate. Use the same syntax as partialTriggers
   *           if the components are separated by Naming Containers.
   * @return  the new chooseId value
  final public String getChooseId()
    return ComponentUtils.resolveString(getProperty(CHOOSE_ID_KEY));

   * Sets The id of the chooseDate component which can be used to
   *               pick the Date value for this inputDate. Use the same syntax as partialTriggers
   *           if the components are separated by Naming Containers.
   * @param chooseId  the new chooseId value
  final public void setChooseId(String chooseId)
    setProperty(CHOOSE_ID_KEY, (chooseId));

   * Gets whether the element is read-only.
   * @return  the new readOnly value
  final public boolean isReadOnly()
    return ComponentUtils.resolveBoolean(getProperty(READ_ONLY_KEY), false);

   * Sets whether the element is read-only.
   * @param readOnly  the new readOnly value
  final public void setReadOnly(boolean readOnly)
    setProperty(READ_ONLY_KEY, readOnly ? Boolean.TRUE : Boolean.FALSE);

   * Gets whether the element is disabled.
   * @return  the new disabled value
  final public boolean isDisabled()
    return ComponentUtils.resolveBoolean(getProperty(DISABLED_KEY), false);

   * Sets whether the element is disabled.
   * @param disabled  the new disabled value
  final public void setDisabled(boolean disabled)
    setProperty(DISABLED_KEY, disabled ? Boolean.TRUE : Boolean.FALSE);

   * Gets whether previous values of text fields in the form
   *           should be remembered and offered for auto completion.
   * @return  the new autoComplete value
  final public String getAutoComplete()
    return ComponentUtils.resolveString(getProperty(AUTO_COMPLETE_KEY), "on");

   * Sets whether previous values of text fields in the form
   *           should be remembered and offered for auto completion.
   * @param autoComplete  the new autoComplete value
  final public void setAutoComplete(String autoComplete)
    setProperty(AUTO_COMPLETE_KEY, (autoComplete));

   * Gets the label of the bean.
   * @return  the new label value
  final public String getLabel()
    return ComponentUtils.resolveString(getProperty(LABEL_KEY));

   * Sets the label of the bean.
   * @param label  the new label value
  final public void setLabel(String label)
    setProperty(LABEL_KEY, (label));

   * Gets a boolean value that controls whether the component
   * provides label and message support;  when set to "true", the component will
   * not display messaging support or the label (these attributes may be ignored: label,
   * labelAndAccessKey, accessKey, showRequired,
   * tip), and may use simpler layout primitives
   * @return  the new simple value
  final public boolean isSimple()
    return ComponentUtils.resolveBoolean(getProperty(SIMPLE_KEY), false);

   * Sets a boolean value that controls whether the component
   * provides label and message support;  when set to "true", the component will
   * not display messaging support or the label (these attributes may be ignored: label,
   * labelAndAccessKey, accessKey, showRequired,
   * tip), and may use simpler layout primitives
   * @param simple  the new simple value
  final public void setSimple(boolean simple)
    setProperty(SIMPLE_KEY, simple ? Boolean.TRUE : Boolean.FALSE);

   * Gets the number of columns to display in the text
   *           control. If no value is specified, a default
   *           value will be derived from the current converter, if one
   *    is attached.
   * @return  the new columns value
  final public int getColumns()
    return ComponentUtils.resolveInteger(getProperty(COLUMNS_KEY));

   * Sets the number of columns to display in the text
   *           control. If no value is specified, a default
   *           value will be derived from the current converter, if one
   *    is attached.
   * @param columns  the new columns value
  final public void setColumns(int columns)
    setProperty(COLUMNS_KEY, Integer.valueOf(columns));

   * Gets the maximum number of characters that
   *           can be entered into the text control. Note that
   *           this value is independent of the "columns" displayed.
   * @return  the new maximumLength value
  final public int getMaximumLength()

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org/apache/myfaces/trinidad/component/core/layout/ 66
  static public final String HALIGN_RIGHT = "right";
  static public final String HALIGN_START = "start";
  static public final String HALIGN_LEFT = "left";
  static public final String HALIGN_END = "end";
  static public final String HALIGN_CENTER = "center";
  static public final FacesBean.Type TYPE = new FacesBean.Type(
  static public final PropertyKey INLINE_STYLE_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("inlineStyle", String.class);
  static public final PropertyKey STYLE_CLASS_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("styleClass", String.class);
  static public final PropertyKey SHORT_DESC_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("shortDesc", String.class);
  static public final PropertyKey PARTIAL_TRIGGERS_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("partialTriggers", String[].class);
  static public final PropertyKey ONCLICK_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("onclick", String.class);
  static public final PropertyKey ONDBLCLICK_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("ondblclick", String.class);
  static public final PropertyKey ONMOUSEDOWN_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("onmousedown", String.class);
  static public final PropertyKey ONMOUSEUP_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("onmouseup", String.class);
  static public final PropertyKey ONMOUSEOVER_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("onmouseover", String.class);
  static public final PropertyKey ONMOUSEMOVE_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("onmousemove", String.class);
  static public final PropertyKey ONMOUSEOUT_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("onmouseout", String.class);
  static public final PropertyKey ONKEYPRESS_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("onkeypress", String.class);
  static public final PropertyKey ONKEYDOWN_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("onkeydown", String.class);
  static public final PropertyKey ONKEYUP_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("onkeyup", String.class);
  static public final PropertyKey VALIGN_KEY =

File Line
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org/apache/myfaces/trinidad/component/core/input/ 236
    TYPE.registerKey("disabled", Boolean.class, Boolean.FALSE);
  static public final PropertyKey ONCHANGE_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("onchange", String.class);
  static public final PropertyKey INLINE_STYLE_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("inlineStyle", String.class);
  static public final PropertyKey STYLE_CLASS_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("styleClass", String.class);
  static public final PropertyKey SHORT_DESC_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("shortDesc", String.class);
  static public final PropertyKey PARTIAL_TRIGGERS_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("partialTriggers", String[].class);
  static public final PropertyKey ONCLICK_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("onclick", String.class);
  static public final PropertyKey ONDBLCLICK_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("ondblclick", String.class);
  static public final PropertyKey ONMOUSEDOWN_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("onmousedown", String.class);
  static public final PropertyKey ONMOUSEUP_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("onmouseup", String.class);
  static public final PropertyKey ONMOUSEOVER_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("onmouseover", String.class);
  static public final PropertyKey ONMOUSEMOVE_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("onmousemove", String.class);
  static public final PropertyKey ONMOUSEOUT_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("onmouseout", String.class);
  static public final PropertyKey ONKEYPRESS_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("onkeypress", String.class);
  static public final PropertyKey ONKEYDOWN_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("onkeydown", String.class);
  static public final PropertyKey ONKEYUP_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("onkeyup", String.class);
  static public final PropertyKey ONBLUR_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("onblur", String.class);
  static public final PropertyKey ONFOCUS_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("onfocus", String.class);
  static public final PropertyKey SIZE_KEY =

File Line
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org/apache/myfaces/trinidad/component/core/nav/ 69
    TYPE.registerKey("targetFrame", String.class);
  static public final PropertyKey ICON_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("icon", String.class);
  static public final PropertyKey INLINE_STYLE_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("inlineStyle", String.class);
  static public final PropertyKey STYLE_CLASS_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("styleClass", String.class);
  static public final PropertyKey SHORT_DESC_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("shortDesc", String.class);
  static public final PropertyKey PARTIAL_TRIGGERS_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("partialTriggers", String[].class);
  static public final PropertyKey ONCLICK_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("onclick", String.class);
  static public final PropertyKey ONDBLCLICK_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("ondblclick", String.class);
  static public final PropertyKey ONMOUSEDOWN_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("onmousedown", String.class);
  static public final PropertyKey ONMOUSEUP_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("onmouseup", String.class);
  static public final PropertyKey ONMOUSEOVER_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("onmouseover", String.class);
  static public final PropertyKey ONMOUSEMOVE_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("onmousemove", String.class);
  static public final PropertyKey ONMOUSEOUT_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("onmouseout", String.class);
  static public final PropertyKey ONKEYPRESS_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("onkeypress", String.class);
  static public final PropertyKey ONKEYDOWN_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("onkeydown", String.class);
  static public final PropertyKey ONKEYUP_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("onkeyup", String.class);
  static public final PropertyKey ONBLUR_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("onblur", String.class);
  static public final PropertyKey ONFOCUS_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("onfocus", String.class);

  static public final String COMPONENT_FAMILY =

File Line
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org/apache/myfaces/trinidad/component/core/layout/ 71
    TYPE.registerKey("label", String.class);
  static public final PropertyKey INLINE_STYLE_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("inlineStyle", String.class);
  static public final PropertyKey STYLE_CLASS_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("styleClass", String.class);
  static public final PropertyKey SHORT_DESC_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("shortDesc", String.class);
  static public final PropertyKey PARTIAL_TRIGGERS_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("partialTriggers", String[].class);
  static public final PropertyKey ONCLICK_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("onclick", String.class);
  static public final PropertyKey ONDBLCLICK_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("ondblclick", String.class);
  static public final PropertyKey ONMOUSEDOWN_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("onmousedown", String.class);
  static public final PropertyKey ONMOUSEUP_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("onmouseup", String.class);
  static public final PropertyKey ONMOUSEOVER_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("onmouseover", String.class);
  static public final PropertyKey ONMOUSEMOVE_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("onmousemove", String.class);
  static public final PropertyKey ONMOUSEOUT_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("onmouseout", String.class);
  static public final PropertyKey ONKEYPRESS_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("onkeypress", String.class);
  static public final PropertyKey ONKEYDOWN_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("onkeydown", String.class);
  static public final PropertyKey ONKEYUP_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("onkeyup", String.class);
  static public final PropertyKey POSITION_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("position", String.class, "start");
  static public final PropertyKey ALIGNMENT_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("alignment", String.class, "center");

  static public final String COMPONENT_FAMILY =
  static public final String COMPONENT_TYPE =

File Line
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org/apache/myfaces/trinidad/component/core/nav/ 72
    TYPE.registerKey("targetFrame", String.class);
  static public final PropertyKey INLINE_STYLE_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("inlineStyle", String.class);
  static public final PropertyKey STYLE_CLASS_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("styleClass", String.class);
  static public final PropertyKey SHORT_DESC_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("shortDesc", String.class);
  static public final PropertyKey PARTIAL_TRIGGERS_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("partialTriggers", String[].class);
  static public final PropertyKey ONCLICK_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("onclick", String.class);
  static public final PropertyKey ONDBLCLICK_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("ondblclick", String.class);
  static public final PropertyKey ONMOUSEDOWN_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("onmousedown", String.class);
  static public final PropertyKey ONMOUSEUP_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("onmouseup", String.class);
  static public final PropertyKey ONMOUSEOVER_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("onmouseover", String.class);
  static public final PropertyKey ONMOUSEMOVE_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("onmousemove", String.class);
  static public final PropertyKey ONMOUSEOUT_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("onmouseout", String.class);
  static public final PropertyKey ONKEYPRESS_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("onkeypress", String.class);
  static public final PropertyKey ONKEYDOWN_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("onkeydown", String.class);
  static public final PropertyKey ONKEYUP_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("onkeyup", String.class);
  static public final PropertyKey ONBLUR_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("onblur", String.class);
  static public final PropertyKey ONFOCUS_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("onfocus", String.class);

  static public final String COMPONENT_FAMILY =
  static public final String COMPONENT_TYPE =

File Line
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org/apache/myfaces/trinidad/component/core/output/ 63
  static public final FacesBean.Type TYPE = new FacesBean.Type(
  static public final PropertyKey NAME_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("name", String.class);
  static public final PropertyKey INLINE_STYLE_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("inlineStyle", String.class);
  static public final PropertyKey STYLE_CLASS_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("styleClass", String.class);
  static public final PropertyKey SHORT_DESC_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("shortDesc", String.class);
  static public final PropertyKey PARTIAL_TRIGGERS_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("partialTriggers", String[].class);
  static public final PropertyKey ONCLICK_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("onclick", String.class);
  static public final PropertyKey ONDBLCLICK_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("ondblclick", String.class);
  static public final PropertyKey ONMOUSEDOWN_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("onmousedown", String.class);
  static public final PropertyKey ONMOUSEUP_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("onmouseup", String.class);
  static public final PropertyKey ONMOUSEOVER_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("onmouseover", String.class);
  static public final PropertyKey ONMOUSEMOVE_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("onmousemove", String.class);
  static public final PropertyKey ONMOUSEOUT_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("onmouseout", String.class);
  static public final PropertyKey ONKEYPRESS_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("onkeypress", String.class);
  static public final PropertyKey ONKEYDOWN_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("onkeydown", String.class);
  static public final PropertyKey ONKEYUP_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("onkeyup", String.class);

  static public final String COMPONENT_FAMILY =
  static public final String COMPONENT_TYPE =

File Line
org/apache/myfaces/trinidad/component/core/input/ 129
org/apache/myfaces/trinidad/component/core/input/ 89
    TYPE.registerKey("icon", String.class);
  static public final PropertyKey INLINE_STYLE_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("inlineStyle", String.class);
  static public final PropertyKey STYLE_CLASS_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("styleClass", String.class);
  static public final PropertyKey SHORT_DESC_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("shortDesc", String.class);
  static public final PropertyKey PARTIAL_TRIGGERS_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("partialTriggers", String[].class);
  static public final PropertyKey ONCLICK_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("onclick", String.class);
  static public final PropertyKey ONDBLCLICK_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("ondblclick", String.class);
  static public final PropertyKey ONMOUSEDOWN_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("onmousedown", String.class);
  static public final PropertyKey ONMOUSEUP_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("onmouseup", String.class);
  static public final PropertyKey ONMOUSEOVER_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("onmouseover", String.class);
  static public final PropertyKey ONMOUSEMOVE_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("onmousemove", String.class);
  static public final PropertyKey ONMOUSEOUT_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("onmouseout", String.class);
  static public final PropertyKey ONKEYPRESS_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("onkeypress", String.class);
  static public final PropertyKey ONKEYDOWN_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("onkeydown", String.class);
  static public final PropertyKey ONKEYUP_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("onkeyup", String.class);
  static public final PropertyKey ONBLUR_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("onblur", String.class);
  static public final PropertyKey ONFOCUS_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("onfocus", String.class);
  static public final PropertyKey USE_WINDOW_KEY =

File Line
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org/apache/myfaces/trinidad/component/core/nav/ 71
    TYPE.registerKey("targetFrame", String.class);
  static public final PropertyKey INLINE_STYLE_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("inlineStyle", String.class);
  static public final PropertyKey STYLE_CLASS_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("styleClass", String.class);
  static public final PropertyKey SHORT_DESC_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("shortDesc", String.class);
  static public final PropertyKey PARTIAL_TRIGGERS_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("partialTriggers", String[].class);
  static public final PropertyKey ONCLICK_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("onclick", String.class);
  static public final PropertyKey ONDBLCLICK_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("ondblclick", String.class);
  static public final PropertyKey ONMOUSEDOWN_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("onmousedown", String.class);
  static public final PropertyKey ONMOUSEUP_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("onmouseup", String.class);
  static public final PropertyKey ONMOUSEOVER_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("onmouseover", String.class);
  static public final PropertyKey ONMOUSEMOVE_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("onmousemove", String.class);
  static public final PropertyKey ONMOUSEOUT_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("onmouseout", String.class);
  static public final PropertyKey ONKEYPRESS_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("onkeypress", String.class);
  static public final PropertyKey ONKEYDOWN_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("onkeydown", String.class);
  static public final PropertyKey ONKEYUP_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("onkeyup", String.class);
  static public final PropertyKey ONBLUR_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("onblur", String.class);
  static public final PropertyKey ONFOCUS_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("onfocus", String.class);

  static public final String COMPONENT_FAMILY =

File Line
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  static public final FacesBean.Type TYPE = new FacesBean.Type(
  static public final PropertyKey INLINE_STYLE_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("inlineStyle", String.class);
  static public final PropertyKey STYLE_CLASS_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("styleClass", String.class);
  static public final PropertyKey SHORT_DESC_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("shortDesc", String.class);
  static public final PropertyKey PARTIAL_TRIGGERS_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("partialTriggers", String[].class);
  static public final PropertyKey ONCLICK_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("onclick", String.class);
  static public final PropertyKey ONDBLCLICK_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("ondblclick", String.class);
  static public final PropertyKey ONMOUSEDOWN_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("onmousedown", String.class);
  static public final PropertyKey ONMOUSEUP_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("onmouseup", String.class);
  static public final PropertyKey ONMOUSEOVER_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("onmouseover", String.class);
  static public final PropertyKey ONMOUSEMOVE_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("onmousemove", String.class);
  static public final PropertyKey ONMOUSEOUT_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("onmouseout", String.class);
  static public final PropertyKey ONKEYPRESS_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("onkeypress", String.class);
  static public final PropertyKey ONKEYDOWN_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("onkeydown", String.class);
  static public final PropertyKey ONKEYUP_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("onkeyup", String.class);
  static public final PropertyKey TEXT_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("text", String.class);
  static public final PropertyKey ICON_KEY =

File Line
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org/apache/myfaces/trinidad/component/core/nav/ 87
    TYPE.registerKey("blocking", Boolean.class, Boolean.FALSE);
  static public final PropertyKey INLINE_STYLE_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("inlineStyle", String.class);
  static public final PropertyKey STYLE_CLASS_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("styleClass", String.class);
  static public final PropertyKey SHORT_DESC_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("shortDesc", String.class);
  static public final PropertyKey PARTIAL_TRIGGERS_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("partialTriggers", String[].class);
  static public final PropertyKey ONCLICK_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("onclick", String.class);
  static public final PropertyKey ONDBLCLICK_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("ondblclick", String.class);
  static public final PropertyKey ONMOUSEDOWN_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("onmousedown", String.class);
  static public final PropertyKey ONMOUSEUP_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("onmouseup", String.class);
  static public final PropertyKey ONMOUSEOVER_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("onmouseover", String.class);
  static public final PropertyKey ONMOUSEMOVE_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("onmousemove", String.class);
  static public final PropertyKey ONMOUSEOUT_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("onmouseout", String.class);
  static public final PropertyKey ONKEYPRESS_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("onkeypress", String.class);
  static public final PropertyKey ONKEYDOWN_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("onkeydown", String.class);
  static public final PropertyKey ONKEYUP_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("onkeyup", String.class);
  static public final PropertyKey ONBLUR_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("onblur", String.class);
  static public final PropertyKey ONFOCUS_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("onfocus", String.class);
  static public final PropertyKey USE_WINDOW_KEY =

File Line
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org/apache/myfaces/trinidad/component/core/nav/ 71
    TYPE.registerKey("icon", String.class);
  static public final PropertyKey INLINE_STYLE_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("inlineStyle", String.class);
  static public final PropertyKey STYLE_CLASS_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("styleClass", String.class);
  static public final PropertyKey SHORT_DESC_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("shortDesc", String.class);
  static public final PropertyKey PARTIAL_TRIGGERS_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("partialTriggers", String[].class);
  static public final PropertyKey ONCLICK_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("onclick", String.class);
  static public final PropertyKey ONDBLCLICK_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("ondblclick", String.class);
  static public final PropertyKey ONMOUSEDOWN_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("onmousedown", String.class);
  static public final PropertyKey ONMOUSEUP_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("onmouseup", String.class);
  static public final PropertyKey ONMOUSEOVER_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("onmouseover", String.class);
  static public final PropertyKey ONMOUSEMOVE_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("onmousemove", String.class);
  static public final PropertyKey ONMOUSEOUT_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("onmouseout", String.class);
  static public final PropertyKey ONKEYPRESS_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("onkeypress", String.class);
  static public final PropertyKey ONKEYDOWN_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("onkeydown", String.class);
  static public final PropertyKey ONKEYUP_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("onkeyup", String.class);
  static public final PropertyKey ONBLUR_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("onblur", String.class);
  static public final PropertyKey ONFOCUS_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("onfocus", String.class);

  static public final String COMPONENT_FAMILY =

File Line
org/apache/myfaces/trinidad/validator/ 498
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      return Long.parseLong(value.toString());

  private FacesMessage _getNotInRangeMessage(
      FacesContext context,
      UIComponent component,
      Object value,
      Object min,
      Object max)
      Object msg   = _getRawNotInRangeMessageDetail();
      Object label = ValidatorUtils.getComponentLabel(component);

      Object[] params = {label, value, min, max};

      return MessageFactory.getMessage(context, NOT_IN_RANGE_MESSAGE_ID,
                                        msg, params, component);

    private Object _getRawNotInRangeMessageDetail()
      return _facesBean.getRawProperty(_NOT_IN_RANGE_MESSAGE_DETAIL_KEY);

    private FacesMessage _getMaximumMessage(
      FacesContext context,
      UIComponent component,
      Object value,
      Object max)

      Object msg   = _getRawMaximumMessageDetail();
      Object label = ValidatorUtils.getComponentLabel(component);

      Object[] params = {label, value, max};

      return MessageFactory.getMessage(context,

    private Object _getRawMaximumMessageDetail()
      return _facesBean.getRawProperty(_MAXIMUM_MESSAGE_DETAIL_KEY);

    private FacesMessage _getMinimumMessage(
      FacesContext context,
      UIComponent component,
      Object value,
      Object min)
      Object msg      = _getRawMinimumMessageDetail();
      Object label    = ValidatorUtils.getComponentLabel(component);

      Object[] params = {label, value, min};

      return MessageFactory.getMessage(context, MINIMUM_MESSAGE_ID,
                                       msg, params, component);

    private Object _getRawMinimumMessageDetail()
      return _facesBean.getRawProperty(_MINIMUM_MESSAGE_DETAIL_KEY);

  private static final FacesBean.Type _TYPE = new FacesBean.Type();

  private static final PropertyKey _MINIMUM_KEY =
    _TYPE.registerKey("minimum", Long.class,

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org/apache/myfaces/trinidad/component/core/nav/ 102
public class CoreTrain extends UIXProcess
                       implements ClientBehaviorHolder
  static public final FacesBean.Type TYPE = new FacesBean.Type(
  static public final PropertyKey INLINE_STYLE_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("inlineStyle", String.class);
  static public final PropertyKey STYLE_CLASS_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("styleClass", String.class);
  static public final PropertyKey SHORT_DESC_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("shortDesc", String.class);
  static public final PropertyKey PARTIAL_TRIGGERS_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("partialTriggers", String[].class);
  static public final PropertyKey ONCLICK_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("onclick", String.class);
  static public final PropertyKey ONDBLCLICK_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("ondblclick", String.class);
  static public final PropertyKey ONMOUSEDOWN_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("onmousedown", String.class);
  static public final PropertyKey ONMOUSEUP_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("onmouseup", String.class);
  static public final PropertyKey ONMOUSEOVER_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("onmouseover", String.class);
  static public final PropertyKey ONMOUSEMOVE_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("onmousemove", String.class);
  static public final PropertyKey ONMOUSEOUT_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("onmouseout", String.class);
  static public final PropertyKey ONKEYPRESS_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("onkeypress", String.class);
  static public final PropertyKey ONKEYDOWN_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("onkeydown", String.class);
  static public final PropertyKey ONKEYUP_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("onkeyup", String.class);

  static public final String COMPONENT_FAMILY =
  static public final String COMPONENT_TYPE =

File Line
org/apache/myfaces/trinidad/menu/ 364
org/apache/myfaces/trinidad/menu/ 462
    if (_labelAndAccessKey != null)
      int ampIdx = 0;
      String labelAndAccessKeyEval = null;
      String labelAndAccessKey = _labelAndAccessKey;
      String label;
      if (_bundleKey != null && _bundleName != null)
        // Load the resource bundle based on the locale of the
        // current request. If the locale has not changed, this
        // method just returns.
        MenuUtils.loadBundle(_bundleName, _bundleKey + getHandlerId());
      if (ContainerUtils.isValueReference(labelAndAccessKey))
        labelAndAccessKeyEval = _evalElStr(labelAndAccessKey);
      } else
        labelAndAccessKeyEval = labelAndAccessKey;

      String accessKey = null;
      if (labelAndAccessKeyEval == null ||
          (ampIdx = labelAndAccessKeyEval.indexOf('&')) == -1)
        // String is null or a label w/o an accesskey
        label = labelAndAccessKeyEval;
      } else if (ampIdx == (labelAndAccessKeyEval.length() - 1))
        // & is last character, strip it.
        label = labelAndAccessKeyEval.substring(0, ampIdx);
      } else
        // We have a string with an accessKey somewhere
        char[] keyArray = labelAndAccessKeyEval.toCharArray();
        int len = labelAndAccessKeyEval.length();
        char[] keyArray2 = new char[len];
        int i, j = 0;
        boolean accessKeyFound = false;

        for (i = 0, j = 0; i < len; i++, j++)
          if (keyArray[i] == '&')

            if (!accessKeyFound && keyArray[i] != '&')
              // We have our accessKey
              accessKey = labelAndAccessKeyEval.substring(i, i + 1);
              accessKeyFound = true;

          keyArray2[j] = keyArray[i];

        String label1 = new String(keyArray2, 0, j);
        label = label1;
      if (accessKey == null) {

File Line
org/apache/myfaces/trinidad/component/core/layout/ 77
org/apache/myfaces/trinidad/component/core/nav/ 82
  static public final PropertyKey INLINE_STYLE_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("inlineStyle", String.class);
  static public final PropertyKey STYLE_CLASS_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("styleClass", String.class);
  static public final PropertyKey SHORT_DESC_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("shortDesc", String.class);
  static public final PropertyKey PARTIAL_TRIGGERS_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("partialTriggers", String[].class);
  static public final PropertyKey ONCLICK_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("onclick", String.class);
  static public final PropertyKey ONDBLCLICK_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("ondblclick", String.class);
  static public final PropertyKey ONMOUSEDOWN_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("onmousedown", String.class);
  static public final PropertyKey ONMOUSEUP_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("onmouseup", String.class);
  static public final PropertyKey ONMOUSEOVER_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("onmouseover", String.class);
  static public final PropertyKey ONMOUSEMOVE_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("onmousemove", String.class);
  static public final PropertyKey ONMOUSEOUT_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("onmouseout", String.class);
  static public final PropertyKey ONKEYPRESS_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("onkeypress", String.class);
  static public final PropertyKey ONKEYDOWN_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("onkeydown", String.class);
  static public final PropertyKey ONKEYUP_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("onkeyup", String.class);
  static public final PropertyKey DISABLED_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("disabled", Boolean.class, Boolean.FALSE);
  static public final PropertyKey HINT_KEY =

File Line
org/apache/myfaces/trinidad/component/core/layout/ 123
org/apache/myfaces/trinidad/component/core/layout/ 73
public class CoreShowDetailItem extends UIXShowDetail
                                implements ClientBehaviorHolder
  static public final FacesBean.Type TYPE = new FacesBean.Type(
  static public final PropertyKey INLINE_STYLE_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("inlineStyle", String.class);
  static public final PropertyKey STYLE_CLASS_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("styleClass", String.class);
  static public final PropertyKey SHORT_DESC_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("shortDesc", String.class);
  static public final PropertyKey PARTIAL_TRIGGERS_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("partialTriggers", String[].class);
  static public final PropertyKey ONCLICK_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("onclick", String.class);
  static public final PropertyKey ONDBLCLICK_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("ondblclick", String.class);
  static public final PropertyKey ONMOUSEDOWN_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("onmousedown", String.class);
  static public final PropertyKey ONMOUSEUP_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("onmouseup", String.class);
  static public final PropertyKey ONMOUSEOVER_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("onmouseover", String.class);
  static public final PropertyKey ONMOUSEMOVE_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("onmousemove", String.class);
  static public final PropertyKey ONMOUSEOUT_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("onmouseout", String.class);
  static public final PropertyKey ONKEYPRESS_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("onkeypress", String.class);
  static public final PropertyKey ONKEYDOWN_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("onkeydown", String.class);
  static public final PropertyKey ONKEYUP_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("onkeyup", String.class);
  static public final PropertyKey DISABLED_KEY =

File Line
org/apache/myfaces/trinidad/component/core/layout/ 70
org/apache/myfaces/trinidad/component/core/layout/ 76
public class CorePanelPage extends UIXPanel
                           implements ClientBehaviorHolder
  static public final FacesBean.Type TYPE = new FacesBean.Type(
  static public final PropertyKey INLINE_STYLE_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("inlineStyle", String.class);
  static public final PropertyKey STYLE_CLASS_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("styleClass", String.class);
  static public final PropertyKey SHORT_DESC_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("shortDesc", String.class);
  static public final PropertyKey PARTIAL_TRIGGERS_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("partialTriggers", String[].class);
  static public final PropertyKey ONCLICK_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("onclick", String.class);
  static public final PropertyKey ONDBLCLICK_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("ondblclick", String.class);
  static public final PropertyKey ONMOUSEDOWN_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("onmousedown", String.class);
  static public final PropertyKey ONMOUSEUP_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("onmouseup", String.class);
  static public final PropertyKey ONMOUSEOVER_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("onmouseover", String.class);
  static public final PropertyKey ONMOUSEMOVE_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("onmousemove", String.class);
  static public final PropertyKey ONMOUSEOUT_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("onmouseout", String.class);
  static public final PropertyKey ONKEYPRESS_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("onkeypress", String.class);
  static public final PropertyKey ONKEYDOWN_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("onkeydown", String.class);
  static public final PropertyKey ONKEYUP_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("onkeyup", String.class);
  static public final PropertyKey AUXILIARY1SIZE_KEY =

File Line
org/apache/myfaces/trinidad/component/core/layout/ 61
org/apache/myfaces/trinidad/component/core/nav/ 67
  static public final PropertyKey CHROME_TYPE_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("chromeType", String.class, "compact");
  static public final PropertyKey INLINE_STYLE_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("inlineStyle", String.class);
  static public final PropertyKey STYLE_CLASS_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("styleClass", String.class);
  static public final PropertyKey SHORT_DESC_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("shortDesc", String.class);
  static public final PropertyKey PARTIAL_TRIGGERS_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("partialTriggers", String[].class);
  static public final PropertyKey ONCLICK_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("onclick", String.class);
  static public final PropertyKey ONDBLCLICK_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("ondblclick", String.class);
  static public final PropertyKey ONMOUSEDOWN_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("onmousedown", String.class);
  static public final PropertyKey ONMOUSEUP_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("onmouseup", String.class);
  static public final PropertyKey ONMOUSEOVER_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("onmouseover", String.class);
  static public final PropertyKey ONMOUSEMOVE_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("onmousemove", String.class);
  static public final PropertyKey ONMOUSEOUT_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("onmouseout", String.class);
  static public final PropertyKey ONKEYPRESS_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("onkeypress", String.class);
  static public final PropertyKey ONKEYDOWN_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("onkeydown", String.class);
  static public final PropertyKey ONKEYUP_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("onkeyup", String.class);
  static public final String MENU_SWITCH_FACET = "menuSwitch";

File Line
org/apache/myfaces/trinidad/component/core/layout/ 70
org/apache/myfaces/trinidad/component/core/layout/ 57
public class CorePanelTip extends UIXPanel
                          implements ClientBehaviorHolder
  static public final FacesBean.Type TYPE = new FacesBean.Type(
  static public final PropertyKey INLINE_STYLE_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("inlineStyle", String.class);
  static public final PropertyKey STYLE_CLASS_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("styleClass", String.class);
  static public final PropertyKey SHORT_DESC_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("shortDesc", String.class);
  static public final PropertyKey PARTIAL_TRIGGERS_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("partialTriggers", String[].class);
  static public final PropertyKey ONCLICK_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("onclick", String.class);
  static public final PropertyKey ONDBLCLICK_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("ondblclick", String.class);
  static public final PropertyKey ONMOUSEDOWN_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("onmousedown", String.class);
  static public final PropertyKey ONMOUSEUP_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("onmouseup", String.class);
  static public final PropertyKey ONMOUSEOVER_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("onmouseover", String.class);
  static public final PropertyKey ONMOUSEMOVE_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("onmousemove", String.class);
  static public final PropertyKey ONMOUSEOUT_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("onmouseout", String.class);
  static public final PropertyKey ONKEYPRESS_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("onkeypress", String.class);
  static public final PropertyKey ONKEYDOWN_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("onkeydown", String.class);
  static public final PropertyKey ONKEYUP_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("onkeyup", String.class);

  static public final String COMPONENT_FAMILY =

File Line
org/apache/myfaces/trinidad/component/core/output/ 70
org/apache/myfaces/trinidad/component/core/output/ 60
  static public final PropertyKey INLINE_STYLE_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("inlineStyle", String.class);
  static public final PropertyKey STYLE_CLASS_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("styleClass", String.class);
  static public final PropertyKey SHORT_DESC_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("shortDesc", String.class);
  static public final PropertyKey PARTIAL_TRIGGERS_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("partialTriggers", String[].class);
  static public final PropertyKey ONCLICK_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("onclick", String.class);
  static public final PropertyKey ONDBLCLICK_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("ondblclick", String.class);
  static public final PropertyKey ONMOUSEDOWN_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("onmousedown", String.class);
  static public final PropertyKey ONMOUSEUP_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("onmouseup", String.class);
  static public final PropertyKey ONMOUSEOVER_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("onmouseover", String.class);
  static public final PropertyKey ONMOUSEMOVE_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("onmousemove", String.class);
  static public final PropertyKey ONMOUSEOUT_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("onmouseout", String.class);
  static public final PropertyKey ONKEYPRESS_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("onkeypress", String.class);
  static public final PropertyKey ONKEYDOWN_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("onkeydown", String.class);
  static public final PropertyKey ONKEYUP_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("onkeyup", String.class);
  static public final PropertyKey MESSAGE_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("message", String.class);
  static public final PropertyKey TEXT_KEY =

File Line
org/apache/myfaces/trinidad/component/core/layout/ 99
org/apache/myfaces/trinidad/component/core/layout/ 92
  static public final PropertyKey INLINE_STYLE_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("inlineStyle", String.class);
  static public final PropertyKey STYLE_CLASS_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("styleClass", String.class);
  static public final PropertyKey SHORT_DESC_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("shortDesc", String.class);
  static public final PropertyKey PARTIAL_TRIGGERS_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("partialTriggers", String[].class);
  static public final PropertyKey ONCLICK_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("onclick", String.class);
  static public final PropertyKey ONDBLCLICK_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("ondblclick", String.class);
  static public final PropertyKey ONMOUSEDOWN_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("onmousedown", String.class);
  static public final PropertyKey ONMOUSEUP_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("onmouseup", String.class);
  static public final PropertyKey ONMOUSEOVER_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("onmouseover", String.class);
  static public final PropertyKey ONMOUSEMOVE_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("onmousemove", String.class);
  static public final PropertyKey ONMOUSEOUT_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("onmouseout", String.class);
  static public final PropertyKey ONKEYPRESS_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("onkeypress", String.class);
  static public final PropertyKey ONKEYDOWN_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("onkeydown", String.class);
  static public final PropertyKey ONKEYUP_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("onkeyup", String.class);
  static public final PropertyKey TEXT_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("text", String.class);
  static public final PropertyKey ICON_KEY =

File Line
org/apache/myfaces/trinidad/component/core/layout/ 126
org/apache/myfaces/trinidad/component/core/layout/ 91
  static public final FacesBean.Type TYPE = new FacesBean.Type(
  static public final PropertyKey INLINE_STYLE_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("inlineStyle", String.class);
  static public final PropertyKey STYLE_CLASS_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("styleClass", String.class);
  static public final PropertyKey SHORT_DESC_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("shortDesc", String.class);
  static public final PropertyKey PARTIAL_TRIGGERS_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("partialTriggers", String[].class);
  static public final PropertyKey ONCLICK_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("onclick", String.class);
  static public final PropertyKey ONDBLCLICK_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("ondblclick", String.class);
  static public final PropertyKey ONMOUSEDOWN_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("onmousedown", String.class);
  static public final PropertyKey ONMOUSEUP_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("onmouseup", String.class);
  static public final PropertyKey ONMOUSEOVER_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("onmouseover", String.class);
  static public final PropertyKey ONMOUSEMOVE_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("onmousemove", String.class);
  static public final PropertyKey ONMOUSEOUT_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("onmouseout", String.class);
  static public final PropertyKey ONKEYPRESS_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("onkeypress", String.class);
  static public final PropertyKey ONKEYDOWN_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("onkeydown", String.class);
  static public final PropertyKey ONKEYUP_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("onkeyup", String.class);
  static public final PropertyKey TEXT_KEY =

File Line
org/apache/myfaces/trinidad/component/core/layout/ 73
org/apache/myfaces/trinidad/component/core/layout/ 83
  static public final FacesBean.Type TYPE = new FacesBean.Type(
  static public final PropertyKey INLINE_STYLE_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("inlineStyle", String.class);
  static public final PropertyKey STYLE_CLASS_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("styleClass", String.class);
  static public final PropertyKey SHORT_DESC_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("shortDesc", String.class);
  static public final PropertyKey PARTIAL_TRIGGERS_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("partialTriggers", String[].class);
  static public final PropertyKey ONCLICK_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("onclick", String.class);
  static public final PropertyKey ONDBLCLICK_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("ondblclick", String.class);
  static public final PropertyKey ONMOUSEDOWN_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("onmousedown", String.class);
  static public final PropertyKey ONMOUSEUP_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("onmouseup", String.class);
  static public final PropertyKey ONMOUSEOVER_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("onmouseover", String.class);
  static public final PropertyKey ONMOUSEMOVE_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("onmousemove", String.class);
  static public final PropertyKey ONMOUSEOUT_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("onmouseout", String.class);
  static public final PropertyKey ONKEYPRESS_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("onkeypress", String.class);
  static public final PropertyKey ONKEYDOWN_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("onkeydown", String.class);
  static public final PropertyKey ONKEYUP_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("onkeyup", String.class);
  static public final PropertyKey TRIGGER_TYPE_KEY =

File Line
org/apache/myfaces/trinidad/component/core/output/ 66
org/apache/myfaces/trinidad/component/core/output/ 65
  static public final FacesBean.Type TYPE = new FacesBean.Type(
  static public final PropertyKey INLINE_STYLE_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("inlineStyle", String.class);
  static public final PropertyKey STYLE_CLASS_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("styleClass", String.class);
  static public final PropertyKey SHORT_DESC_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("shortDesc", String.class);
  static public final PropertyKey PARTIAL_TRIGGERS_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("partialTriggers", String[].class);
  static public final PropertyKey ONCLICK_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("onclick", String.class);
  static public final PropertyKey ONDBLCLICK_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("ondblclick", String.class);
  static public final PropertyKey ONMOUSEDOWN_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("onmousedown", String.class);
  static public final PropertyKey ONMOUSEUP_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("onmouseup", String.class);
  static public final PropertyKey ONMOUSEOVER_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("onmouseover", String.class);
  static public final PropertyKey ONMOUSEMOVE_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("onmousemove", String.class);
  static public final PropertyKey ONMOUSEOUT_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("onmouseout", String.class);
  static public final PropertyKey ONKEYPRESS_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("onkeypress", String.class);
  static public final PropertyKey ONKEYDOWN_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("onkeydown", String.class);
  static public final PropertyKey ONKEYUP_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("onkeyup", String.class);
  static public final String READY_FACET = "ready";

File Line
org/apache/myfaces/trinidad/component/core/layout/ 98
org/apache/myfaces/trinidad/component/core/layout/ 60
  static public final FacesBean.Type TYPE = new FacesBean.Type(
  static public final PropertyKey INLINE_STYLE_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("inlineStyle", String.class);
  static public final PropertyKey STYLE_CLASS_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("styleClass", String.class);
  static public final PropertyKey SHORT_DESC_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("shortDesc", String.class);
  static public final PropertyKey PARTIAL_TRIGGERS_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("partialTriggers", String[].class);
  static public final PropertyKey ONCLICK_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("onclick", String.class);
  static public final PropertyKey ONDBLCLICK_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("ondblclick", String.class);
  static public final PropertyKey ONMOUSEDOWN_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("onmousedown", String.class);
  static public final PropertyKey ONMOUSEUP_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("onmouseup", String.class);
  static public final PropertyKey ONMOUSEOVER_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("onmouseover", String.class);
  static public final PropertyKey ONMOUSEMOVE_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("onmousemove", String.class);
  static public final PropertyKey ONMOUSEOUT_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("onmouseout", String.class);
  static public final PropertyKey ONKEYPRESS_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("onkeypress", String.class);
  static public final PropertyKey ONKEYDOWN_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("onkeydown", String.class);
  static public final PropertyKey ONKEYUP_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("onkeyup", String.class);

  static public final String COMPONENT_FAMILY =

File Line
org/apache/myfaces/trinidad/component/core/input/ 65
org/apache/myfaces/trinidad/component/core/layout/ 71
    TYPE.registerKey("label", String.class);
  static public final PropertyKey ACCESS_KEY_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("accessKey", Character.class);
  static public final PropertyKey INLINE_STYLE_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("inlineStyle", String.class);
  static public final PropertyKey STYLE_CLASS_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("styleClass", String.class);
  static public final PropertyKey SHORT_DESC_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("shortDesc", String.class);
  static public final PropertyKey PARTIAL_TRIGGERS_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("partialTriggers", String[].class);
  static public final PropertyKey ONCLICK_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("onclick", String.class);
  static public final PropertyKey ONDBLCLICK_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("ondblclick", String.class);
  static public final PropertyKey ONMOUSEDOWN_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("onmousedown", String.class);
  static public final PropertyKey ONMOUSEUP_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("onmouseup", String.class);
  static public final PropertyKey ONMOUSEOVER_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("onmouseover", String.class);
  static public final PropertyKey ONMOUSEMOVE_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("onmousemove", String.class);
  static public final PropertyKey ONMOUSEOUT_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("onmouseout", String.class);
  static public final PropertyKey ONKEYPRESS_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("onkeypress", String.class);
  static public final PropertyKey ONKEYDOWN_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("onkeydown", String.class);
  static public final PropertyKey ONKEYUP_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("onkeyup", String.class);
  static public final PropertyKey POSITION_KEY =

File Line
org/apache/myfaces/trinidad/component/core/input/ 99
org/apache/myfaces/trinidad/component/core/input/ 87
    TYPE.registerKey("maxValue", Date.class);
  static public final PropertyKey INLINE_STYLE_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("inlineStyle", String.class);
  static public final PropertyKey STYLE_CLASS_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("styleClass", String.class);
  static public final PropertyKey SHORT_DESC_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("shortDesc", String.class);
  static public final PropertyKey PARTIAL_TRIGGERS_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("partialTriggers", String[].class);
  static public final PropertyKey ONCLICK_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("onclick", String.class);
  static public final PropertyKey ONDBLCLICK_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("ondblclick", String.class);
  static public final PropertyKey ONMOUSEDOWN_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("onmousedown", String.class);
  static public final PropertyKey ONMOUSEUP_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("onmouseup", String.class);
  static public final PropertyKey ONMOUSEOVER_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("onmouseover", String.class);
  static public final PropertyKey ONMOUSEMOVE_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("onmousemove", String.class);
  static public final PropertyKey ONMOUSEOUT_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("onmouseout", String.class);
  static public final PropertyKey ONKEYPRESS_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("onkeypress", String.class);
  static public final PropertyKey ONKEYDOWN_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("onkeydown", String.class);
  static public final PropertyKey ONKEYUP_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("onkeyup", String.class);

  static public final String COMPONENT_FAMILY =
  static public final String COMPONENT_TYPE =

File Line
org/apache/myfaces/trinidad/validator/ 200
org/apache/myfaces/trinidad/validator/ 168
    _facesBean.setProperty(_MINIMUM_KEY, Double.valueOf(minimum));

   * <p>Custom error message to be used, for creating detail part of the
   * {@link FacesMessage}, when input value exceeds the maximum value set.</p>
   * Overrides detail message identified by message id {@link #MAXIMUM_MESSAGE_ID}
   * @param maximumMessageDetail Custom error message.
  public void setMessageDetailMaximum(String maximumMessageDetail)
    _facesBean.setProperty(_MAXIMUM_MESSAGE_DETAIL_KEY, maximumMessageDetail);

   *  <p>Return custom detail error message that was set for creating {@link FacesMessage},
   *  for cases where input value exceeds the <code>maximum</code> value set.</p>
   * @return Custom error message.
   * @see #setMessageDetailMaximum(String)
  public String getMessageDetailMaximum()
    Object maxMsgDet = _facesBean.getProperty(_MAXIMUM_MESSAGE_DETAIL_KEY);
    return ComponentUtils.resolveString(maxMsgDet);

   * <p>Custom error message to be used, for creating detail part of the
   * {@link FacesMessage}, when input value is less the set
   * <code>minimum</code> value.</p>
   * Overrides detail message identified by message id {@link #MINIMUM_MESSAGE_ID}
   * @param minimumMessageDetail Custom error message.
  public void setMessageDetailMinimum(String minimumMessageDetail)
    _facesBean.setProperty(_MINIMUM_MESSAGE_DETAIL_KEY, minimumMessageDetail);

   * <p>Return custom detail error message that was set for creating {@link FacesMessage},
   * for cases where, input value is less than the <code>minimum</code> value set.</p>
   * @return Custom error message.
   * @see #setMessageDetailMinimum(String)
  public String getMessageDetailMinimum()
    Object minMsgDet = _facesBean.getProperty(_MINIMUM_MESSAGE_DETAIL_KEY);
    return ComponentUtils.resolveString(minMsgDet);

   * <p>Custom error message to be used, for creating detail part of the
   * {@link FacesMessage}, when input value is not with in the range,
   * when <code>minimum</code> and <code>maximum</code> is set.</p>
   * Overrides detail message identified by message id {@link #NOT_IN_RANGE_MESSAGE_ID}
   * @param notInRangeMessageDetail Custom error message.
  public void setMessageDetailNotInRange(String notInRangeMessageDetail)
    _facesBean.setProperty(_NOT_IN_RANGE_MESSAGE_DETAIL_KEY, notInRangeMessageDetail);

   * <p>Return custom detail error message that was set for creating {@link FacesMessage},
   * for cases where, input value exceeds the <code>maximum</code> value and is
   * less than the <code>minimum</code> value set.</p>
   * @return Custom error message.
   * @see #setMessageDetailNotInRange(String)
  public String getMessageDetailNotInRange()
    Object notInRngMsg = _facesBean.getProperty(_NOT_IN_RANGE_MESSAGE_DETAIL_KEY);
    return ComponentUtils.resolveString(notInRngMsg);

   * <p>Custom hint maximum message.</p>
   * Overrides default hint message
   * @param hintMaximum Custom hint message.
  public void setHintMaximum(String hintMaximum)
    _facesBean.setProperty(_HINT_MAXIMUM_KEY, hintMaximum);

   * <p>Return custom hint maximum message.</p>
   * @return Custom hint message.
   * @see  #setHintMaximum(String)
  public String getHintMaximum()
    Object obj = _facesBean.getProperty(_HINT_MAXIMUM_KEY);
    return ComponentUtils.resolveString(obj);

   * <p>Custom hint minimum message.</p>
   * Overrides default hint message
   * @param hintMinimum Custom hint message.
  public void setHintMinimum(String hintMinimum)
    _facesBean.setProperty(_HINT_MINIMUM_KEY, hintMinimum);

   * <p>Return custom hint minimum message.</p>
   * @return Custom hint message.
   * @see  #setHintMinimum(String)
  public String getHintMinimum()
    Object obj = _facesBean.getProperty(_HINT_MINIMUM_KEY);
    return ComponentUtils.resolveString(obj);

   * <p>Custom hint notInRange message.</p>
   * Overrides default hint message
   * @param hintNotInRange Custom hint message.
  public void setHintNotInRange(String hintNotInRange)
    _facesBean.setProperty(_HINT_NOT_IN_RANGE, hintNotInRange);

   * <p>Return custom hint notInRange message.</p>
   * @return Custom hint message.
   * @see  #setHintNotInRange
  public String getHintNotInRange()
    Object obj = _facesBean.getProperty(_HINT_NOT_IN_RANGE);
    return ComponentUtils.resolveString(obj);

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    TYPE.registerKey("escape", Boolean.class, Boolean.TRUE);
  static public final PropertyKey INLINE_STYLE_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("inlineStyle", String.class);
  static public final PropertyKey STYLE_CLASS_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("styleClass", String.class);
  static public final PropertyKey SHORT_DESC_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("shortDesc", String.class);
  static public final PropertyKey PARTIAL_TRIGGERS_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("partialTriggers", String[].class);
  static public final PropertyKey ONCLICK_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("onclick", String.class);
  static public final PropertyKey ONDBLCLICK_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("ondblclick", String.class);
  static public final PropertyKey ONMOUSEDOWN_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("onmousedown", String.class);
  static public final PropertyKey ONMOUSEUP_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("onmouseup", String.class);
  static public final PropertyKey ONMOUSEOVER_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("onmouseover", String.class);
  static public final PropertyKey ONMOUSEMOVE_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("onmousemove", String.class);
  static public final PropertyKey ONMOUSEOUT_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("onmouseout", String.class);
  static public final PropertyKey ONKEYPRESS_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("onkeypress", String.class);
  static public final PropertyKey ONKEYDOWN_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("onkeydown", String.class);
  static public final PropertyKey ONKEYUP_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("onkeyup", String.class);

  static public final String COMPONENT_FAMILY =
  static public final String COMPONENT_TYPE =

File Line
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org/apache/myfaces/trinidad/component/core/output/ 144
    TYPE.registerKey("controls", String.class, "typical");
  static public final PropertyKey INLINE_STYLE_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("inlineStyle", String.class);
  static public final PropertyKey STYLE_CLASS_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("styleClass", String.class);
  static public final PropertyKey SHORT_DESC_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("shortDesc", String.class);
  static public final PropertyKey PARTIAL_TRIGGERS_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("partialTriggers", String[].class);
  static public final PropertyKey ONCLICK_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("onclick", String.class);
  static public final PropertyKey ONDBLCLICK_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("ondblclick", String.class);
  static public final PropertyKey ONMOUSEDOWN_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("onmousedown", String.class);
  static public final PropertyKey ONMOUSEUP_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("onmouseup", String.class);
  static public final PropertyKey ONMOUSEOVER_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("onmouseover", String.class);
  static public final PropertyKey ONMOUSEMOVE_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("onmousemove", String.class);
  static public final PropertyKey ONMOUSEOUT_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("onmouseout", String.class);
  static public final PropertyKey ONKEYPRESS_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("onkeypress", String.class);
  static public final PropertyKey ONKEYDOWN_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("onkeydown", String.class);
  static public final PropertyKey ONKEYUP_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("onkeyup", String.class);

  static public final String COMPONENT_FAMILY =
  static public final String COMPONENT_TYPE =

File Line
org/apache/myfaces/trinidad/component/core/layout/ 86
org/apache/myfaces/trinidad/component/core/layout/ 61
  static public final PropertyKey INLINE_STYLE_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("inlineStyle", String.class);
  static public final PropertyKey STYLE_CLASS_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("styleClass", String.class);
  static public final PropertyKey SHORT_DESC_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("shortDesc", String.class);
  static public final PropertyKey PARTIAL_TRIGGERS_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("partialTriggers", String[].class);
  static public final PropertyKey ONCLICK_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("onclick", String.class);
  static public final PropertyKey ONDBLCLICK_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("ondblclick", String.class);
  static public final PropertyKey ONMOUSEDOWN_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("onmousedown", String.class);
  static public final PropertyKey ONMOUSEUP_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("onmouseup", String.class);
  static public final PropertyKey ONMOUSEOVER_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("onmouseover", String.class);
  static public final PropertyKey ONMOUSEMOVE_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("onmousemove", String.class);
  static public final PropertyKey ONMOUSEOUT_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("onmouseout", String.class);
  static public final PropertyKey ONKEYPRESS_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("onkeypress", String.class);
  static public final PropertyKey ONKEYDOWN_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("onkeydown", String.class);
  static public final PropertyKey ONKEYUP_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("onkeyup", String.class);

  static public final String COMPONENT_FAMILY =
  static public final String COMPONENT_TYPE =

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org/apache/myfaces/trinidad/component/core/output/ 68
    TYPE.registerKey("showRequired", Boolean.class, Boolean.FALSE);
  static public final PropertyKey INLINE_STYLE_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("inlineStyle", String.class);
  static public final PropertyKey STYLE_CLASS_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("styleClass", String.class);
  static public final PropertyKey SHORT_DESC_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("shortDesc", String.class);
  static public final PropertyKey PARTIAL_TRIGGERS_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("partialTriggers", String[].class);
  static public final PropertyKey ONCLICK_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("onclick", String.class);
  static public final PropertyKey ONDBLCLICK_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("ondblclick", String.class);
  static public final PropertyKey ONMOUSEDOWN_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("onmousedown", String.class);
  static public final PropertyKey ONMOUSEUP_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("onmouseup", String.class);
  static public final PropertyKey ONMOUSEOVER_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("onmouseover", String.class);
  static public final PropertyKey ONMOUSEMOVE_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("onmousemove", String.class);
  static public final PropertyKey ONMOUSEOUT_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("onmouseout", String.class);
  static public final PropertyKey ONKEYPRESS_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("onkeypress", String.class);
  static public final PropertyKey ONKEYDOWN_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("onkeydown", String.class);
  static public final PropertyKey ONKEYUP_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("onkeyup", String.class);
  static public final PropertyKey FOR_KEY =

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  public Object put(
    PropertyKey key,
    Object      value)
    Object retValue = super.put(key, value);
    if (_createDeltas())
      if (!_equals(value, retValue))
        _deltas.put(key, value);

    return retValue;

  public Object remove(
    Object key)
    if (_createDeltas())
      if (!super.containsKey(key))
        return null;

      // If this key is contained, it certainly must be a PropertyKey!
      assert(key instanceof PropertyKey);
      _deltas.put((PropertyKey) key, null);

    return super.remove(key);

  public void putAll(Map<? extends PropertyKey, ? extends Object> t)
    if (_createDeltas())


  public Object saveState(FacesContext context)
    if (_initialStateMarked)
      if (_deltas == null)
        return null;

      return StateUtils.saveState(_deltas, context, getUseStateHolder());
      return StateUtils.saveState(this, context, getUseStateHolder());

  public void restoreState(
    FacesContext context,
    FacesBean.Type type,
    Object state)
    StateUtils.restoreState(this, context, type, state, getUseStateHolder());

  protected PropertyMap createDeltaPropertyMap()

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    TYPE.registerKey("summary", String.class);
  static public final PropertyKey SHORT_DESC_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("shortDesc", String.class);
  static public final PropertyKey PARTIAL_TRIGGERS_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("partialTriggers", String[].class);
  static public final PropertyKey ONCLICK_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("onclick", String.class);
  static public final PropertyKey ONDBLCLICK_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("ondblclick", String.class);
  static public final PropertyKey ONMOUSEDOWN_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("onmousedown", String.class);
  static public final PropertyKey ONMOUSEUP_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("onmouseup", String.class);
  static public final PropertyKey ONMOUSEOVER_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("onmouseover", String.class);
  static public final PropertyKey ONMOUSEMOVE_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("onmousemove", String.class);
  static public final PropertyKey ONMOUSEOUT_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("onmouseout", String.class);
  static public final PropertyKey ONKEYPRESS_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("onkeypress", String.class);
  static public final PropertyKey ONKEYDOWN_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("onkeydown", String.class);
  static public final PropertyKey ONKEYUP_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("onkeyup", String.class);
  static public final PropertyKey STYLE_CLASS_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("styleClass", String.class);
  static public final PropertyKey INLINE_STYLE_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("inlineStyle", String.class);

  static public final String COMPONENT_FAMILY =

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org/apache/myfaces/trinidad/component/core/output/ 66
    TYPE.registerKey("styleUsage", String.class);
  static public final PropertyKey INLINE_STYLE_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("inlineStyle", String.class);
  static public final PropertyKey STYLE_CLASS_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("styleClass", String.class);
  static public final PropertyKey SHORT_DESC_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("shortDesc", String.class);
  static public final PropertyKey PARTIAL_TRIGGERS_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("partialTriggers", String[].class);
  static public final PropertyKey ONCLICK_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("onclick", String.class);
  static public final PropertyKey ONDBLCLICK_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("ondblclick", String.class);
  static public final PropertyKey ONMOUSEDOWN_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("onmousedown", String.class);
  static public final PropertyKey ONMOUSEUP_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("onmouseup", String.class);
  static public final PropertyKey ONMOUSEOVER_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("onmouseover", String.class);
  static public final PropertyKey ONMOUSEMOVE_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("onmousemove", String.class);
  static public final PropertyKey ONMOUSEOUT_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("onmouseout", String.class);
  static public final PropertyKey ONKEYPRESS_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("onkeypress", String.class);
  static public final PropertyKey ONKEYDOWN_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("onkeydown", String.class);
  static public final PropertyKey ONKEYUP_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("onkeyup", String.class);

  static public final String COMPONENT_FAMILY =

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org/apache/myfaces/trinidad/component/ 342
    setDisclosedRowKeys((RowKeySet) state[3]);

  protected FacesBean createFacesBean(String rendererType)
    return new RowKeyFacesBeanWrapper(super.createFacesBean(rendererType));

  private class RowKeyFacesBeanWrapper
    extends FacesBeanWrapper
    private boolean _retrievingDisclosedRows = false;
    private boolean _retrievingSelectedRows = false;

    RowKeyFacesBeanWrapper(FacesBean bean)

    public Object getProperty(PropertyKey key)
      Object value = super.getProperty(key);
      if (key == DISCLOSED_ROW_KEYS_KEY)
        if (!_retrievingDisclosedRows && value instanceof RowKeySet)
          // Ensure that when we are retrieving and setting the collection model, this property
          // is not asked for which would create an infinite loop
          _retrievingDisclosedRows = true;

            RowKeySet rowKeys = (RowKeySet) value;
            // row key sets need the most recent collection model, but there is no one common entry
            // point to set this on the set besides when code asks for the value from the bean
            _retrievingDisclosedRows = false;
      else if (key == SELECTED_ROW_KEYS_KEY)
        if (!_retrievingSelectedRows && value instanceof RowKeySet)
          // Ensure that when we are retrieving and setting the collection model, this property
          // is not asked for which would create an infinite loop
          _retrievingSelectedRows = true;

            RowKeySet rowKeys = (RowKeySet) value;
            // row key sets need the most recent collection model, but there is no one common entry
            // point to set this on the set besides when code asks for the value from the bean
            _retrievingSelectedRows = false;
      return value;

    public Object saveState(FacesContext context)
      RowKeySet rowKeys = (RowKeySet)super.getProperty(DISCLOSED_ROW_KEYS_KEY);
      if (rowKeys != null)
        // make sure the set does not pin the model in memory
      rowKeys = (RowKeySet)super.getProperty(SELECTED_ROW_KEYS_KEY);
      if (rowKeys != null)
        // make sure the set does not pin the model in memory
      return super.saveState(context);

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    TYPE.registerKey("width", String.class);
  static public final PropertyKey SHORT_DESC_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("shortDesc", String.class);
  static public final PropertyKey PARTIAL_TRIGGERS_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("partialTriggers", String[].class);
  static public final PropertyKey ONCLICK_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("onclick", String.class);
  static public final PropertyKey ONDBLCLICK_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("ondblclick", String.class);
  static public final PropertyKey ONMOUSEDOWN_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("onmousedown", String.class);
  static public final PropertyKey ONMOUSEUP_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("onmouseup", String.class);
  static public final PropertyKey ONMOUSEOVER_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("onmouseover", String.class);
  static public final PropertyKey ONMOUSEMOVE_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("onmousemove", String.class);
  static public final PropertyKey ONMOUSEOUT_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("onmouseout", String.class);
  static public final PropertyKey ONKEYPRESS_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("onkeypress", String.class);
  static public final PropertyKey ONKEYDOWN_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("onkeydown", String.class);
  static public final PropertyKey ONKEYUP_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("onkeyup", String.class);
  static public final PropertyKey STYLE_CLASS_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("styleClass", String.class);
  static public final PropertyKey INLINE_STYLE_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("inlineStyle", String.class);

  static public final String COMPONENT_FAMILY =

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    TYPE.registerKey("separatorClass", String.class);
  static public final PropertyKey INLINE_STYLE_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("inlineStyle", String.class);
  static public final PropertyKey STYLE_CLASS_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("styleClass", String.class);
  static public final PropertyKey SHORT_DESC_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("shortDesc", String.class);
  static public final PropertyKey PARTIAL_TRIGGERS_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("partialTriggers", String[].class);
  static public final PropertyKey ONCLICK_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("onclick", String.class);
  static public final PropertyKey ONDBLCLICK_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("ondblclick", String.class);
  static public final PropertyKey ONMOUSEDOWN_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("onmousedown", String.class);
  static public final PropertyKey ONMOUSEUP_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("onmouseup", String.class);
  static public final PropertyKey ONMOUSEOVER_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("onmouseover", String.class);
  static public final PropertyKey ONMOUSEMOVE_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("onmousemove", String.class);
  static public final PropertyKey ONMOUSEOUT_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("onmouseout", String.class);
  static public final PropertyKey ONKEYPRESS_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("onkeypress", String.class);
  static public final PropertyKey ONKEYDOWN_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("onkeydown", String.class);
  static public final PropertyKey ONKEYUP_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("onkeyup", String.class);
  static public final String TITLE_FACET = "title";

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  static public final PropertyKey INLINE_STYLE_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("inlineStyle", String.class);
  static public final PropertyKey STYLE_CLASS_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("styleClass", String.class);
  static public final PropertyKey SHORT_DESC_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("shortDesc", String.class);
  static public final PropertyKey PARTIAL_TRIGGERS_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("partialTriggers", String[].class);
  static public final PropertyKey ONCLICK_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("onclick", String.class);
  static public final PropertyKey ONDBLCLICK_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("ondblclick", String.class);
  static public final PropertyKey ONMOUSEDOWN_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("onmousedown", String.class);
  static public final PropertyKey ONMOUSEUP_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("onmouseup", String.class);
  static public final PropertyKey ONMOUSEOVER_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("onmouseover", String.class);
  static public final PropertyKey ONMOUSEMOVE_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("onmousemove", String.class);
  static public final PropertyKey ONMOUSEOUT_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("onmouseout", String.class);
  static public final PropertyKey ONKEYPRESS_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("onkeypress", String.class);
  static public final PropertyKey ONKEYDOWN_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("onkeydown", String.class);
  static public final PropertyKey ONKEYUP_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("onkeyup", String.class);

  static public final String COMPONENT_FAMILY =

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    TYPE.registerKey("separatorClass", String.class);
  static public final PropertyKey INLINE_STYLE_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("inlineStyle", String.class);
  static public final PropertyKey STYLE_CLASS_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("styleClass", String.class);
  static public final PropertyKey SHORT_DESC_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("shortDesc", String.class);
  static public final PropertyKey PARTIAL_TRIGGERS_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("partialTriggers", String[].class);
  static public final PropertyKey ONCLICK_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("onclick", String.class);
  static public final PropertyKey ONDBLCLICK_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("ondblclick", String.class);
  static public final PropertyKey ONMOUSEDOWN_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("onmousedown", String.class);
  static public final PropertyKey ONMOUSEUP_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("onmouseup", String.class);
  static public final PropertyKey ONMOUSEOVER_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("onmouseover", String.class);
  static public final PropertyKey ONMOUSEMOVE_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("onmousemove", String.class);
  static public final PropertyKey ONMOUSEOUT_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("onmouseout", String.class);
  static public final PropertyKey ONKEYPRESS_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("onkeypress", String.class);
  static public final PropertyKey ONKEYDOWN_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("onkeydown", String.class);
  static public final PropertyKey ONKEYUP_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("onkeyup", String.class);
  static public final String TITLE_FACET = "title";

File Line
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  static public final PropertyKey INLINE_STYLE_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("inlineStyle", String.class);
  static public final PropertyKey STYLE_CLASS_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("styleClass", String.class);
  static public final PropertyKey SHORT_DESC_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("shortDesc", String.class);
  static public final PropertyKey PARTIAL_TRIGGERS_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("partialTriggers", String[].class);
  static public final PropertyKey ONCLICK_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("onclick", String.class);
  static public final PropertyKey ONDBLCLICK_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("ondblclick", String.class);
  static public final PropertyKey ONMOUSEDOWN_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("onmousedown", String.class);
  static public final PropertyKey ONMOUSEUP_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("onmouseup", String.class);
  static public final PropertyKey ONMOUSEOVER_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("onmouseover", String.class);
  static public final PropertyKey ONMOUSEMOVE_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("onmousemove", String.class);
  static public final PropertyKey ONMOUSEOUT_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("onmouseout", String.class);
  static public final PropertyKey ONKEYPRESS_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("onkeypress", String.class);
  static public final PropertyKey ONKEYDOWN_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("onkeydown", String.class);
  static public final PropertyKey ONKEYUP_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("onkeyup", String.class);

  static public final String COMPONENT_FAMILY =

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    TYPE.registerKey("text", String.class);
  static public final PropertyKey INLINE_STYLE_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("inlineStyle", String.class);
  static public final PropertyKey STYLE_CLASS_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("styleClass", String.class);
  static public final PropertyKey SHORT_DESC_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("shortDesc", String.class);
  static public final PropertyKey PARTIAL_TRIGGERS_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("partialTriggers", String[].class);
  static public final PropertyKey ONCLICK_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("onclick", String.class);
  static public final PropertyKey ONDBLCLICK_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("ondblclick", String.class);
  static public final PropertyKey ONMOUSEDOWN_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("onmousedown", String.class);
  static public final PropertyKey ONMOUSEUP_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("onmouseup", String.class);
  static public final PropertyKey ONMOUSEOVER_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("onmouseover", String.class);
  static public final PropertyKey ONMOUSEMOVE_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("onmousemove", String.class);
  static public final PropertyKey ONMOUSEOUT_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("onmouseout", String.class);
  static public final PropertyKey ONKEYPRESS_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("onkeypress", String.class);
  static public final PropertyKey ONKEYDOWN_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("onkeydown", String.class);
  static public final PropertyKey ONKEYUP_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("onkeyup", String.class);

  static public final String COMPONENT_FAMILY =

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    TYPE.registerKey("label", String.class);
  static public final PropertyKey INLINE_STYLE_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("inlineStyle", String.class);
  static public final PropertyKey STYLE_CLASS_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("styleClass", String.class);
  static public final PropertyKey SHORT_DESC_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("shortDesc", String.class);
  static public final PropertyKey PARTIAL_TRIGGERS_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("partialTriggers", String[].class);
  static public final PropertyKey ONCLICK_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("onclick", String.class);
  static public final PropertyKey ONDBLCLICK_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("ondblclick", String.class);
  static public final PropertyKey ONMOUSEDOWN_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("onmousedown", String.class);
  static public final PropertyKey ONMOUSEUP_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("onmouseup", String.class);
  static public final PropertyKey ONMOUSEOVER_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("onmouseover", String.class);
  static public final PropertyKey ONMOUSEMOVE_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("onmousemove", String.class);
  static public final PropertyKey ONMOUSEOUT_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("onmouseout", String.class);
  static public final PropertyKey ONKEYPRESS_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("onkeypress", String.class);
  static public final PropertyKey ONKEYDOWN_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("onkeydown", String.class);
  static public final PropertyKey ONKEYUP_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("onkeyup", String.class);
  static public final PropertyKey POSITION_KEY =

File Line
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org/apache/myfaces/trinidad/component/core/output/ 123
    TYPE.registerKey("text", String.class);
  static public final PropertyKey INLINE_STYLE_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("inlineStyle", String.class);
  static public final PropertyKey STYLE_CLASS_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("styleClass", String.class);
  static public final PropertyKey SHORT_DESC_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("shortDesc", String.class);
  static public final PropertyKey PARTIAL_TRIGGERS_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("partialTriggers", String[].class);
  static public final PropertyKey ONCLICK_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("onclick", String.class);
  static public final PropertyKey ONDBLCLICK_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("ondblclick", String.class);
  static public final PropertyKey ONMOUSEDOWN_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("onmousedown", String.class);
  static public final PropertyKey ONMOUSEUP_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("onmouseup", String.class);
  static public final PropertyKey ONMOUSEOVER_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("onmouseover", String.class);
  static public final PropertyKey ONMOUSEMOVE_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("onmousemove", String.class);
  static public final PropertyKey ONMOUSEOUT_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("onmouseout", String.class);
  static public final PropertyKey ONKEYPRESS_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("onkeypress", String.class);
  static public final PropertyKey ONKEYDOWN_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("onkeydown", String.class);
  static public final PropertyKey ONKEYUP_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("onkeyup", String.class);

  static public final String COMPONENT_FAMILY =

File Line
org/apache/myfaces/trinidad/component/core/input/ 129
org/apache/myfaces/trinidad/component/core/layout/ 71
    TYPE.registerKey("label", String.class);
  static public final PropertyKey INLINE_STYLE_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("inlineStyle", String.class);
  static public final PropertyKey STYLE_CLASS_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("styleClass", String.class);
  static public final PropertyKey SHORT_DESC_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("shortDesc", String.class);
  static public final PropertyKey PARTIAL_TRIGGERS_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("partialTriggers", String[].class);
  static public final PropertyKey ONCLICK_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("onclick", String.class);
  static public final PropertyKey ONDBLCLICK_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("ondblclick", String.class);
  static public final PropertyKey ONMOUSEDOWN_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("onmousedown", String.class);
  static public final PropertyKey ONMOUSEUP_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("onmouseup", String.class);
  static public final PropertyKey ONMOUSEOVER_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("onmouseover", String.class);
  static public final PropertyKey ONMOUSEMOVE_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("onmousemove", String.class);
  static public final PropertyKey ONMOUSEOUT_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("onmouseout", String.class);
  static public final PropertyKey ONKEYPRESS_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("onkeypress", String.class);
  static public final PropertyKey ONKEYDOWN_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("onkeydown", String.class);
  static public final PropertyKey ONKEYUP_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("onkeyup", String.class);
  static public final PropertyKey POSITION_KEY =

File Line
org/apache/myfaces/trinidad/component/core/input/ 99
org/apache/myfaces/trinidad/component/core/output/ 123
    TYPE.registerKey("accessKey", Character.class);
  static public final PropertyKey INLINE_STYLE_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("inlineStyle", String.class);
  static public final PropertyKey STYLE_CLASS_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("styleClass", String.class);
  static public final PropertyKey SHORT_DESC_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("shortDesc", String.class);
  static public final PropertyKey PARTIAL_TRIGGERS_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("partialTriggers", String[].class);
  static public final PropertyKey ONCLICK_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("onclick", String.class);
  static public final PropertyKey ONDBLCLICK_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("ondblclick", String.class);
  static public final PropertyKey ONMOUSEDOWN_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("onmousedown", String.class);
  static public final PropertyKey ONMOUSEUP_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("onmouseup", String.class);
  static public final PropertyKey ONMOUSEOVER_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("onmouseover", String.class);
  static public final PropertyKey ONMOUSEMOVE_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("onmousemove", String.class);
  static public final PropertyKey ONMOUSEOUT_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("onmouseout", String.class);
  static public final PropertyKey ONKEYPRESS_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("onkeypress", String.class);
  static public final PropertyKey ONKEYDOWN_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("onkeydown", String.class);
  static public final PropertyKey ONKEYUP_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("onkeyup", String.class);

  static public final String COMPONENT_FAMILY =

File Line
org/apache/myfaces/trinidad/component/core/data/ 118
org/apache/myfaces/trinidad/component/core/input/ 86
    TYPE.registerKey("onchange", String.class);
  static public final PropertyKey INLINE_STYLE_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("inlineStyle", String.class);
  static public final PropertyKey STYLE_CLASS_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("styleClass", String.class);
  static public final PropertyKey SHORT_DESC_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("shortDesc", String.class);
  static public final PropertyKey PARTIAL_TRIGGERS_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("partialTriggers", String[].class);
  static public final PropertyKey ONCLICK_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("onclick", String.class);
  static public final PropertyKey ONDBLCLICK_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("ondblclick", String.class);
  static public final PropertyKey ONMOUSEDOWN_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("onmousedown", String.class);
  static public final PropertyKey ONMOUSEUP_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("onmouseup", String.class);
  static public final PropertyKey ONMOUSEOVER_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("onmouseover", String.class);
  static public final PropertyKey ONMOUSEMOVE_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("onmousemove", String.class);
  static public final PropertyKey ONMOUSEOUT_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("onmouseout", String.class);
  static public final PropertyKey ONKEYPRESS_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("onkeypress", String.class);
  static public final PropertyKey ONKEYDOWN_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("onkeydown", String.class);
  static public final PropertyKey ONKEYUP_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("onkeyup", String.class);
  static public final PropertyKey ONBLUR_KEY =

File Line
org/apache/myfaces/trinidad/component/core/data/ 90
org/apache/myfaces/trinidad/component/core/nav/ 76
  static public final PropertyKey INLINE_STYLE_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("inlineStyle", String.class);
  static public final PropertyKey STYLE_CLASS_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("styleClass", String.class);
  static public final PropertyKey SHORT_DESC_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("shortDesc", String.class);
  static public final PropertyKey PARTIAL_TRIGGERS_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("partialTriggers", String[].class);
  static public final PropertyKey ONCLICK_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("onclick", String.class);
  static public final PropertyKey ONDBLCLICK_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("ondblclick", String.class);
  static public final PropertyKey ONMOUSEDOWN_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("onmousedown", String.class);
  static public final PropertyKey ONMOUSEUP_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("onmouseup", String.class);
  static public final PropertyKey ONMOUSEOVER_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("onmouseover", String.class);
  static public final PropertyKey ONMOUSEMOVE_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("onmousemove", String.class);
  static public final PropertyKey ONMOUSEOUT_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("onmouseout", String.class);
  static public final PropertyKey ONKEYPRESS_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("onkeypress", String.class);
  static public final PropertyKey ONKEYDOWN_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("onkeydown", String.class);
  static public final PropertyKey ONKEYUP_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("onkeyup", String.class);

  static public final String COMPONENT_FAMILY =

File Line
org/apache/myfaces/trinidad/component/core/data/ 272
org/apache/myfaces/trinidad/component/core/input/ 129
    TYPE.registerKey("onchange", String.class);
  static public final PropertyKey INLINE_STYLE_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("inlineStyle", String.class);
  static public final PropertyKey STYLE_CLASS_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("styleClass", String.class);
  static public final PropertyKey SHORT_DESC_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("shortDesc", String.class);
  static public final PropertyKey PARTIAL_TRIGGERS_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("partialTriggers", String[].class);
  static public final PropertyKey ONCLICK_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("onclick", String.class);
  static public final PropertyKey ONDBLCLICK_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("ondblclick", String.class);
  static public final PropertyKey ONMOUSEDOWN_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("onmousedown", String.class);
  static public final PropertyKey ONMOUSEUP_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("onmouseup", String.class);
  static public final PropertyKey ONMOUSEOVER_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("onmouseover", String.class);
  static public final PropertyKey ONMOUSEMOVE_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("onmousemove", String.class);
  static public final PropertyKey ONMOUSEOUT_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("onmouseout", String.class);
  static public final PropertyKey ONKEYPRESS_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("onkeypress", String.class);
  static public final PropertyKey ONKEYDOWN_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("onkeydown", String.class);
  static public final PropertyKey ONKEYUP_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("onkeyup", String.class);
  static public final PropertyKey ONBLUR_KEY =

File Line
org/apache/myfaces/trinidad/component/core/ 70
org/apache/myfaces/trinidad/component/core/input/ 87
    TYPE.registerKey("width", Integer.class);
  static public final PropertyKey INLINE_STYLE_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("inlineStyle", String.class);
  static public final PropertyKey STYLE_CLASS_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("styleClass", String.class);
  static public final PropertyKey SHORT_DESC_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("shortDesc", String.class);
  static public final PropertyKey PARTIAL_TRIGGERS_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("partialTriggers", String[].class);
  static public final PropertyKey ONCLICK_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("onclick", String.class);
  static public final PropertyKey ONDBLCLICK_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("ondblclick", String.class);
  static public final PropertyKey ONMOUSEDOWN_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("onmousedown", String.class);
  static public final PropertyKey ONMOUSEUP_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("onmouseup", String.class);
  static public final PropertyKey ONMOUSEOVER_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("onmouseover", String.class);
  static public final PropertyKey ONMOUSEMOVE_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("onmousemove", String.class);
  static public final PropertyKey ONMOUSEOUT_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("onmouseout", String.class);
  static public final PropertyKey ONKEYPRESS_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("onkeypress", String.class);
  static public final PropertyKey ONKEYDOWN_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("onkeydown", String.class);
  static public final PropertyKey ONKEYUP_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("onkeyup", String.class);

  static public final String COMPONENT_FAMILY =

File Line
org/apache/myfaces/trinidad/component/core/ 70
org/apache/myfaces/trinidad/component/core/output/ 65
    TYPE.registerKey("width", String.class);
  static public final PropertyKey INLINE_STYLE_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("inlineStyle", String.class);
  static public final PropertyKey STYLE_CLASS_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("styleClass", String.class);
  static public final PropertyKey SHORT_DESC_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("shortDesc", String.class);
  static public final PropertyKey PARTIAL_TRIGGERS_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("partialTriggers", String[].class);
  static public final PropertyKey ONCLICK_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("onclick", String.class);
  static public final PropertyKey ONDBLCLICK_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("ondblclick", String.class);
  static public final PropertyKey ONMOUSEDOWN_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("onmousedown", String.class);
  static public final PropertyKey ONMOUSEUP_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("onmouseup", String.class);
  static public final PropertyKey ONMOUSEOVER_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("onmouseover", String.class);
  static public final PropertyKey ONMOUSEMOVE_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("onmousemove", String.class);
  static public final PropertyKey ONMOUSEOUT_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("onmouseout", String.class);
  static public final PropertyKey ONKEYPRESS_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("onkeypress", String.class);
  static public final PropertyKey ONKEYDOWN_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("onkeydown", String.class);
  static public final PropertyKey ONKEYUP_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("onkeyup", String.class);
  static public final String FILTER_FACET = "filter";

File Line
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org/apache/myfaces/trinidad/component/core/data/ 118
    TYPE.registerKey("summary", String.class);
  static public final PropertyKey INLINE_STYLE_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("inlineStyle", String.class);
  static public final PropertyKey STYLE_CLASS_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("styleClass", String.class);
  static public final PropertyKey SHORT_DESC_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("shortDesc", String.class);
  static public final PropertyKey PARTIAL_TRIGGERS_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("partialTriggers", String[].class);
  static public final PropertyKey ONCLICK_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("onclick", String.class);
  static public final PropertyKey ONDBLCLICK_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("ondblclick", String.class);
  static public final PropertyKey ONMOUSEDOWN_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("onmousedown", String.class);
  static public final PropertyKey ONMOUSEUP_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("onmouseup", String.class);
  static public final PropertyKey ONMOUSEOVER_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("onmouseover", String.class);
  static public final PropertyKey ONMOUSEMOVE_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("onmousemove", String.class);
  static public final PropertyKey ONMOUSEOUT_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("onmouseout", String.class);
  static public final PropertyKey ONKEYPRESS_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("onkeypress", String.class);
  static public final PropertyKey ONKEYDOWN_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("onkeydown", String.class);
  static public final PropertyKey ONKEYUP_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("onkeyup", String.class);
  static public final PropertyKey ALL_DETAILS_ENABLED_KEY =

File Line
org/apache/myfaces/trinidad/component/core/output/ 83
org/apache/myfaces/trinidad/component/core/output/ 66
  static public final PropertyKey INLINE_STYLE_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("inlineStyle", String.class);
  static public final PropertyKey STYLE_CLASS_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("styleClass", String.class);
  static public final PropertyKey SHORT_DESC_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("shortDesc", String.class);
  static public final PropertyKey PARTIAL_TRIGGERS_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("partialTriggers", String[].class);
  static public final PropertyKey ONCLICK_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("onclick", String.class);
  static public final PropertyKey ONDBLCLICK_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("ondblclick", String.class);
  static public final PropertyKey ONMOUSEDOWN_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("onmousedown", String.class);
  static public final PropertyKey ONMOUSEUP_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("onmouseup", String.class);
  static public final PropertyKey ONMOUSEOVER_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("onmouseover", String.class);
  static public final PropertyKey ONMOUSEMOVE_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("onmousemove", String.class);
  static public final PropertyKey ONMOUSEOUT_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("onmouseout", String.class);
  static public final PropertyKey ONKEYPRESS_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("onkeypress", String.class);
  static public final PropertyKey ONKEYDOWN_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("onkeydown", String.class);
  static public final PropertyKey ONKEYUP_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("onkeyup", String.class);
  static public final String READY_FACET = "ready";

File Line
org/apache/myfaces/trinidad/component/core/output/ 66
org/apache/myfaces/trinidad/component/core/output/ 66
  static public final PropertyKey INLINE_STYLE_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("inlineStyle", String.class);
  static public final PropertyKey STYLE_CLASS_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("styleClass", String.class);
  static public final PropertyKey SHORT_DESC_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("shortDesc", String.class);
  static public final PropertyKey PARTIAL_TRIGGERS_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("partialTriggers", String[].class);
  static public final PropertyKey ONCLICK_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("onclick", String.class);
  static public final PropertyKey ONDBLCLICK_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("ondblclick", String.class);
  static public final PropertyKey ONMOUSEDOWN_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("onmousedown", String.class);
  static public final PropertyKey ONMOUSEUP_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("onmouseup", String.class);
  static public final PropertyKey ONMOUSEOVER_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("onmouseover", String.class);
  static public final PropertyKey ONMOUSEMOVE_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("onmousemove", String.class);
  static public final PropertyKey ONMOUSEOUT_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("onmouseout", String.class);
  static public final PropertyKey ONKEYPRESS_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("onkeypress", String.class);
  static public final PropertyKey ONKEYDOWN_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("onkeydown", String.class);
  static public final PropertyKey ONKEYUP_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("onkeyup", String.class);

  static public final String COMPONENT_FAMILY =

File Line
org/apache/myfaces/trinidad/component/core/output/ 67
org/apache/myfaces/trinidad/component/core/output/ 70
  static public final PropertyKey INLINE_STYLE_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("inlineStyle", String.class);
  static public final PropertyKey STYLE_CLASS_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("styleClass", String.class);
  static public final PropertyKey SHORT_DESC_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("shortDesc", String.class);
  static public final PropertyKey PARTIAL_TRIGGERS_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("partialTriggers", String[].class);
  static public final PropertyKey ONCLICK_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("onclick", String.class);
  static public final PropertyKey ONDBLCLICK_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("ondblclick", String.class);
  static public final PropertyKey ONMOUSEDOWN_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("onmousedown", String.class);
  static public final PropertyKey ONMOUSEUP_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("onmouseup", String.class);
  static public final PropertyKey ONMOUSEOVER_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("onmouseover", String.class);
  static public final PropertyKey ONMOUSEMOVE_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("onmousemove", String.class);
  static public final PropertyKey ONMOUSEOUT_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("onmouseout", String.class);
  static public final PropertyKey ONKEYPRESS_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("onkeypress", String.class);
  static public final PropertyKey ONKEYDOWN_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("onkeydown", String.class);
  static public final PropertyKey ONKEYUP_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("onkeyup", String.class);
  static public final PropertyKey MESSAGE_KEY =

File Line
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org/apache/myfaces/trinidad/component/core/output/ 144
    TYPE.registerKey("name", String.class);
  static public final PropertyKey INLINE_STYLE_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("inlineStyle", String.class);
  static public final PropertyKey STYLE_CLASS_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("styleClass", String.class);
  static public final PropertyKey SHORT_DESC_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("shortDesc", String.class);
  static public final PropertyKey PARTIAL_TRIGGERS_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("partialTriggers", String[].class);
  static public final PropertyKey ONCLICK_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("onclick", String.class);
  static public final PropertyKey ONDBLCLICK_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("ondblclick", String.class);
  static public final PropertyKey ONMOUSEDOWN_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("onmousedown", String.class);
  static public final PropertyKey ONMOUSEUP_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("onmouseup", String.class);
  static public final PropertyKey ONMOUSEOVER_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("onmouseover", String.class);
  static public final PropertyKey ONMOUSEMOVE_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("onmousemove", String.class);
  static public final PropertyKey ONMOUSEOUT_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("onmouseout", String.class);
  static public final PropertyKey ONKEYPRESS_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("onkeypress", String.class);
  static public final PropertyKey ONKEYDOWN_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("onkeydown", String.class);
  static public final PropertyKey ONKEYUP_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("onkeyup", String.class);

  static public final String COMPONENT_FAMILY =

File Line
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org/apache/myfaces/trinidad/component/core/output/ 66
  static public final PropertyKey INLINE_STYLE_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("inlineStyle", String.class);
  static public final PropertyKey STYLE_CLASS_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("styleClass", String.class);
  static public final PropertyKey SHORT_DESC_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("shortDesc", String.class);
  static public final PropertyKey PARTIAL_TRIGGERS_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("partialTriggers", String[].class);
  static public final PropertyKey ONCLICK_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("onclick", String.class);
  static public final PropertyKey ONDBLCLICK_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("ondblclick", String.class);
  static public final PropertyKey ONMOUSEDOWN_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("onmousedown", String.class);
  static public final PropertyKey ONMOUSEUP_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("onmouseup", String.class);
  static public final PropertyKey ONMOUSEOVER_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("onmouseover", String.class);
  static public final PropertyKey ONMOUSEMOVE_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("onmousemove", String.class);
  static public final PropertyKey ONMOUSEOUT_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("onmouseout", String.class);
  static public final PropertyKey ONKEYPRESS_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("onkeypress", String.class);
  static public final PropertyKey ONKEYDOWN_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("onkeydown", String.class);
  static public final PropertyKey ONKEYUP_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("onkeyup", String.class);
  static public final String READY_FACET = "ready";

File Line
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org/apache/myfaces/trinidad/component/core/output/ 66
    TYPE.registerKey("text", String.class);
  static public final PropertyKey INLINE_STYLE_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("inlineStyle", String.class);
  static public final PropertyKey STYLE_CLASS_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("styleClass", String.class);
  static public final PropertyKey SHORT_DESC_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("shortDesc", String.class);
  static public final PropertyKey PARTIAL_TRIGGERS_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("partialTriggers", String[].class);
  static public final PropertyKey ONCLICK_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("onclick", String.class);
  static public final PropertyKey ONDBLCLICK_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("ondblclick", String.class);
  static public final PropertyKey ONMOUSEDOWN_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("onmousedown", String.class);
  static public final PropertyKey ONMOUSEUP_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("onmouseup", String.class);
  static public final PropertyKey ONMOUSEOVER_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("onmouseover", String.class);
  static public final PropertyKey ONMOUSEMOVE_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("onmousemove", String.class);
  static public final PropertyKey ONMOUSEOUT_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("onmouseout", String.class);
  static public final PropertyKey ONKEYPRESS_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("onkeypress", String.class);
  static public final PropertyKey ONKEYDOWN_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("onkeydown", String.class);
  static public final PropertyKey ONKEYUP_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("onkeyup", String.class);

  static public final String COMPONENT_FAMILY =

File Line
org/apache/myfaces/trinidad/component/core/nav/ 82
org/apache/myfaces/trinidad/component/core/output/ 66
  static public final PropertyKey INLINE_STYLE_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("inlineStyle", String.class);
  static public final PropertyKey STYLE_CLASS_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("styleClass", String.class);
  static public final PropertyKey SHORT_DESC_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("shortDesc", String.class);
  static public final PropertyKey PARTIAL_TRIGGERS_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("partialTriggers", String[].class);
  static public final PropertyKey ONCLICK_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("onclick", String.class);
  static public final PropertyKey ONDBLCLICK_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("ondblclick", String.class);
  static public final PropertyKey ONMOUSEDOWN_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("onmousedown", String.class);
  static public final PropertyKey ONMOUSEUP_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("onmouseup", String.class);
  static public final PropertyKey ONMOUSEOVER_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("onmouseover", String.class);
  static public final PropertyKey ONMOUSEMOVE_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("onmousemove", String.class);
  static public final PropertyKey ONMOUSEOUT_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("onmouseout", String.class);
  static public final PropertyKey ONKEYPRESS_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("onkeypress", String.class);
  static public final PropertyKey ONKEYDOWN_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("onkeydown", String.class);
  static public final PropertyKey ONKEYUP_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("onkeyup", String.class);
  static public final String READY_FACET = "ready";

File Line
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org/apache/myfaces/trinidad/component/core/output/ 123
    TYPE.registerKey("text", String.class);
  static public final PropertyKey INLINE_STYLE_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("inlineStyle", String.class);
  static public final PropertyKey STYLE_CLASS_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("styleClass", String.class);
  static public final PropertyKey SHORT_DESC_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("shortDesc", String.class);
  static public final PropertyKey PARTIAL_TRIGGERS_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("partialTriggers", String[].class);
  static public final PropertyKey ONCLICK_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("onclick", String.class);
  static public final PropertyKey ONDBLCLICK_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("ondblclick", String.class);
  static public final PropertyKey ONMOUSEDOWN_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("onmousedown", String.class);
  static public final PropertyKey ONMOUSEUP_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("onmouseup", String.class);
  static public final PropertyKey ONMOUSEOVER_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("onmouseover", String.class);
  static public final PropertyKey ONMOUSEMOVE_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("onmousemove", String.class);
  static public final PropertyKey ONMOUSEOUT_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("onmouseout", String.class);
  static public final PropertyKey ONKEYPRESS_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("onkeypress", String.class);
  static public final PropertyKey ONKEYDOWN_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("onkeydown", String.class);
  static public final PropertyKey ONKEYUP_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("onkeyup", String.class);

  static public final String COMPONENT_FAMILY =

File Line
org/apache/myfaces/trinidad/component/core/nav/ 76
org/apache/myfaces/trinidad/component/core/output/ 66
  static public final PropertyKey INLINE_STYLE_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("inlineStyle", String.class);
  static public final PropertyKey STYLE_CLASS_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("styleClass", String.class);
  static public final PropertyKey SHORT_DESC_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("shortDesc", String.class);
  static public final PropertyKey PARTIAL_TRIGGERS_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("partialTriggers", String[].class);
  static public final PropertyKey ONCLICK_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("onclick", String.class);
  static public final PropertyKey ONDBLCLICK_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("ondblclick", String.class);
  static public final PropertyKey ONMOUSEDOWN_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("onmousedown", String.class);
  static public final PropertyKey ONMOUSEUP_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("onmouseup", String.class);
  static public final PropertyKey ONMOUSEOVER_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("onmouseover", String.class);
  static public final PropertyKey ONMOUSEMOVE_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("onmousemove", String.class);
  static public final PropertyKey ONMOUSEOUT_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("onmouseout", String.class);
  static public final PropertyKey ONKEYPRESS_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("onkeypress", String.class);
  static public final PropertyKey ONKEYDOWN_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("onkeydown", String.class);
  static public final PropertyKey ONKEYUP_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("onkeyup", String.class);
  static public final String READY_FACET = "ready";

File Line
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org/apache/myfaces/trinidad/component/core/output/ 70
  static public final PropertyKey INLINE_STYLE_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("inlineStyle", String.class);
  static public final PropertyKey STYLE_CLASS_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("styleClass", String.class);
  static public final PropertyKey SHORT_DESC_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("shortDesc", String.class);
  static public final PropertyKey PARTIAL_TRIGGERS_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("partialTriggers", String[].class);
  static public final PropertyKey ONCLICK_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("onclick", String.class);
  static public final PropertyKey ONDBLCLICK_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("ondblclick", String.class);
  static public final PropertyKey ONMOUSEDOWN_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("onmousedown", String.class);
  static public final PropertyKey ONMOUSEUP_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("onmouseup", String.class);
  static public final PropertyKey ONMOUSEOVER_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("onmouseover", String.class);
  static public final PropertyKey ONMOUSEMOVE_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("onmousemove", String.class);
  static public final PropertyKey ONMOUSEOUT_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("onmouseout", String.class);
  static public final PropertyKey ONKEYPRESS_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("onkeypress", String.class);
  static public final PropertyKey ONKEYDOWN_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("onkeydown", String.class);
  static public final PropertyKey ONKEYUP_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("onkeyup", String.class);
  static public final PropertyKey SOURCE_KEY =

File Line
org/apache/myfaces/trinidad/component/core/layout/ 61
org/apache/myfaces/trinidad/component/core/output/ 65
    TYPE.registerKey("text", String.class);
  static public final PropertyKey INLINE_STYLE_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("inlineStyle", String.class);
  static public final PropertyKey STYLE_CLASS_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("styleClass", String.class);
  static public final PropertyKey SHORT_DESC_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("shortDesc", String.class);
  static public final PropertyKey PARTIAL_TRIGGERS_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("partialTriggers", String[].class);
  static public final PropertyKey ONCLICK_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("onclick", String.class);
  static public final PropertyKey ONDBLCLICK_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("ondblclick", String.class);
  static public final PropertyKey ONMOUSEDOWN_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("onmousedown", String.class);
  static public final PropertyKey ONMOUSEUP_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("onmouseup", String.class);
  static public final PropertyKey ONMOUSEOVER_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("onmouseover", String.class);
  static public final PropertyKey ONMOUSEMOVE_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("onmousemove", String.class);
  static public final PropertyKey ONMOUSEOUT_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("onmouseout", String.class);
  static public final PropertyKey ONKEYPRESS_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("onkeypress", String.class);
  static public final PropertyKey ONKEYDOWN_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("onkeydown", String.class);
  static public final PropertyKey ONKEYUP_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("onkeyup", String.class);

  static public final String COMPONENT_FAMILY =

File Line
org/apache/myfaces/trinidad/component/core/layout/ 61
org/apache/myfaces/trinidad/component/core/output/ 66
  static public final PropertyKey INLINE_STYLE_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("inlineStyle", String.class);
  static public final PropertyKey STYLE_CLASS_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("styleClass", String.class);
  static public final PropertyKey SHORT_DESC_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("shortDesc", String.class);
  static public final PropertyKey PARTIAL_TRIGGERS_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("partialTriggers", String[].class);
  static public final PropertyKey ONCLICK_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("onclick", String.class);
  static public final PropertyKey ONDBLCLICK_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("ondblclick", String.class);
  static public final PropertyKey ONMOUSEDOWN_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("onmousedown", String.class);
  static public final PropertyKey ONMOUSEUP_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("onmouseup", String.class);
  static public final PropertyKey ONMOUSEOVER_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("onmouseover", String.class);
  static public final PropertyKey ONMOUSEMOVE_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("onmousemove", String.class);
  static public final PropertyKey ONMOUSEOUT_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("onmouseout", String.class);
  static public final PropertyKey ONKEYPRESS_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("onkeypress", String.class);
  static public final PropertyKey ONKEYDOWN_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("onkeydown", String.class);
  static public final PropertyKey ONKEYUP_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("onkeyup", String.class);
  static public final String READY_FACET = "ready";

File Line
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org/apache/myfaces/trinidad/component/core/output/ 123
  static public final PropertyKey INLINE_STYLE_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("inlineStyle", String.class);
  static public final PropertyKey STYLE_CLASS_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("styleClass", String.class);
  static public final PropertyKey SHORT_DESC_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("shortDesc", String.class);
  static public final PropertyKey PARTIAL_TRIGGERS_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("partialTriggers", String[].class);
  static public final PropertyKey ONCLICK_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("onclick", String.class);
  static public final PropertyKey ONDBLCLICK_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("ondblclick", String.class);
  static public final PropertyKey ONMOUSEDOWN_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("onmousedown", String.class);
  static public final PropertyKey ONMOUSEUP_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("onmouseup", String.class);
  static public final PropertyKey ONMOUSEOVER_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("onmouseover", String.class);
  static public final PropertyKey ONMOUSEMOVE_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("onmousemove", String.class);
  static public final PropertyKey ONMOUSEOUT_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("onmouseout", String.class);
  static public final PropertyKey ONKEYPRESS_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("onkeypress", String.class);
  static public final PropertyKey ONKEYDOWN_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("onkeydown", String.class);
  static public final PropertyKey ONKEYUP_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("onkeyup", String.class);

  static public final String COMPONENT_FAMILY =

File Line
org/apache/myfaces/trinidad/component/core/layout/ 61
org/apache/myfaces/trinidad/component/core/layout/ 127
  static public final PropertyKey INLINE_STYLE_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("inlineStyle", String.class);
  static public final PropertyKey STYLE_CLASS_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("styleClass", String.class);
  static public final PropertyKey SHORT_DESC_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("shortDesc", String.class);
  static public final PropertyKey PARTIAL_TRIGGERS_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("partialTriggers", String[].class);
  static public final PropertyKey ONCLICK_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("onclick", String.class);
  static public final PropertyKey ONDBLCLICK_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("ondblclick", String.class);
  static public final PropertyKey ONMOUSEDOWN_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("onmousedown", String.class);
  static public final PropertyKey ONMOUSEUP_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("onmouseup", String.class);
  static public final PropertyKey ONMOUSEOVER_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("onmouseover", String.class);
  static public final PropertyKey ONMOUSEMOVE_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("onmousemove", String.class);
  static public final PropertyKey ONMOUSEOUT_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("onmouseout", String.class);
  static public final PropertyKey ONKEYPRESS_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("onkeypress", String.class);
  static public final PropertyKey ONKEYDOWN_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("onkeydown", String.class);
  static public final PropertyKey ONKEYUP_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("onkeyup", String.class);
  static public final PropertyKey DISCLOSED_TEXT_KEY =

File Line
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org/apache/myfaces/trinidad/component/core/nav/ 106
    TYPE.registerKey("position", String.class, "both");
  static public final PropertyKey INLINE_STYLE_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("inlineStyle", String.class);
  static public final PropertyKey STYLE_CLASS_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("styleClass", String.class);
  static public final PropertyKey SHORT_DESC_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("shortDesc", String.class);
  static public final PropertyKey PARTIAL_TRIGGERS_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("partialTriggers", String[].class);
  static public final PropertyKey ONCLICK_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("onclick", String.class);
  static public final PropertyKey ONDBLCLICK_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("ondblclick", String.class);
  static public final PropertyKey ONMOUSEDOWN_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("onmousedown", String.class);
  static public final PropertyKey ONMOUSEUP_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("onmouseup", String.class);
  static public final PropertyKey ONMOUSEOVER_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("onmouseover", String.class);
  static public final PropertyKey ONMOUSEMOVE_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("onmousemove", String.class);
  static public final PropertyKey ONMOUSEOUT_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("onmouseout", String.class);
  static public final PropertyKey ONKEYPRESS_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("onkeypress", String.class);
  static public final PropertyKey ONKEYDOWN_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("onkeydown", String.class);
  static public final PropertyKey ONKEYUP_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("onkeyup", String.class);

  static public final String COMPONENT_FAMILY =

File Line
org/apache/myfaces/trinidad/component/core/layout/ 105
org/apache/myfaces/trinidad/component/core/output/ 70
  static public final PropertyKey INLINE_STYLE_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("inlineStyle", String.class);
  static public final PropertyKey STYLE_CLASS_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("styleClass", String.class);
  static public final PropertyKey SHORT_DESC_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("shortDesc", String.class);
  static public final PropertyKey PARTIAL_TRIGGERS_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("partialTriggers", String[].class);
  static public final PropertyKey ONCLICK_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("onclick", String.class);
  static public final PropertyKey ONDBLCLICK_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("ondblclick", String.class);
  static public final PropertyKey ONMOUSEDOWN_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("onmousedown", String.class);
  static public final PropertyKey ONMOUSEUP_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("onmouseup", String.class);
  static public final PropertyKey ONMOUSEOVER_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("onmouseover", String.class);
  static public final PropertyKey ONMOUSEMOVE_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("onmousemove", String.class);
  static public final PropertyKey ONMOUSEOUT_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("onmouseout", String.class);
  static public final PropertyKey ONKEYPRESS_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("onkeypress", String.class);
  static public final PropertyKey ONKEYDOWN_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("onkeydown", String.class);
  static public final PropertyKey ONKEYUP_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("onkeyup", String.class);
  static public final PropertyKey DISCLOSED_TEXT_KEY =

File Line
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org/apache/myfaces/trinidad/component/core/nav/ 71
    TYPE.registerKey("icon", String.class);
  static public final PropertyKey INLINE_STYLE_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("inlineStyle", String.class);
  static public final PropertyKey STYLE_CLASS_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("styleClass", String.class);
  static public final PropertyKey SHORT_DESC_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("shortDesc", String.class);
  static public final PropertyKey PARTIAL_TRIGGERS_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("partialTriggers", String[].class);
  static public final PropertyKey ONCLICK_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("onclick", String.class);
  static public final PropertyKey ONDBLCLICK_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("ondblclick", String.class);
  static public final PropertyKey ONMOUSEDOWN_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("onmousedown", String.class);
  static public final PropertyKey ONMOUSEUP_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("onmouseup", String.class);
  static public final PropertyKey ONMOUSEOVER_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("onmouseover", String.class);
  static public final PropertyKey ONMOUSEMOVE_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("onmousemove", String.class);
  static public final PropertyKey ONMOUSEOUT_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("onmouseout", String.class);
  static public final PropertyKey ONKEYPRESS_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("onkeypress", String.class);
  static public final PropertyKey ONKEYDOWN_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("onkeydown", String.class);
  static public final PropertyKey ONKEYUP_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("onkeyup", String.class);
  static public final PropertyKey ONBLUR_KEY =

File Line
org/apache/myfaces/trinidad/component/core/layout/ 99
org/apache/myfaces/trinidad/component/core/output/ 67
  static public final PropertyKey INLINE_STYLE_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("inlineStyle", String.class);
  static public final PropertyKey STYLE_CLASS_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("styleClass", String.class);
  static public final PropertyKey SHORT_DESC_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("shortDesc", String.class);
  static public final PropertyKey PARTIAL_TRIGGERS_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("partialTriggers", String[].class);
  static public final PropertyKey ONCLICK_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("onclick", String.class);
  static public final PropertyKey ONDBLCLICK_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("ondblclick", String.class);
  static public final PropertyKey ONMOUSEDOWN_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("onmousedown", String.class);
  static public final PropertyKey ONMOUSEUP_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("onmouseup", String.class);
  static public final PropertyKey ONMOUSEOVER_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("onmouseover", String.class);
  static public final PropertyKey ONMOUSEMOVE_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("onmousemove", String.class);
  static public final PropertyKey ONMOUSEOUT_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("onmouseout", String.class);
  static public final PropertyKey ONKEYPRESS_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("onkeypress", String.class);
  static public final PropertyKey ONKEYDOWN_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("onkeydown", String.class);
  static public final PropertyKey ONKEYUP_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("onkeyup", String.class);
  static public final PropertyKey DISCLOSED_TEXT_KEY =

File Line
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org/apache/myfaces/trinidad/component/html/ 137
    getFacets().put(CENTER_FACET, centerFacet);

   * The frame to be rendered above the center frame.
   *                 This frame's height attribute is used to allocate
   *                 its height.
  final public UIComponent getTop()
    return getFacet(TOP_FACET);

   * The frame to be rendered above the center frame.
   *                 This frame's height attribute is used to allocate
   *                 its height.
  final public void setTop(UIComponent topFacet)
    getFacets().put(TOP_FACET, topFacet);

   * The frame to be rendered below the center frame.
   *                 This frame's height attribute is used to allocate
   *                 its height.
  final public UIComponent getBottom()
    return getFacet(BOTTOM_FACET);

   * The frame to be rendered below the center frame.
   *                 This frame's height attribute is used to allocate
   *                 its height.
  final public void setBottom(UIComponent bottomFacet)
    getFacets().put(BOTTOM_FACET, bottomFacet);

   * The frame to be rendered to the left of the center frame.
   *                 This frame's width attribute is used to allocate
   *                 its width.
  final public UIComponent getLeft()
    return getFacet(LEFT_FACET);

   * The frame to be rendered to the left of the center frame.
   *                 This frame's width attribute is used to allocate
   *                 its width.
  final public void setLeft(UIComponent leftFacet)
    getFacets().put(LEFT_FACET, leftFacet);

   * The frame to be rendered to the right of the center frame.
   *                 This frame's width attribute is used to allocate
   *                 its width.
  final public UIComponent getRight()
    return getFacet(RIGHT_FACET);

   * The frame to be rendered to the right of the center frame.
   *                 This frame's width attribute is used to allocate
   *                 its width.
  final public void setRight(UIComponent rightFacet)
    getFacets().put(RIGHT_FACET, rightFacet);

   * The frame to be rendered to the left of the center frame,
   *                 if the
   *                 reading direction is left-to-right, or right otherwise.
   *                 This frame's width attribute is used to allocate
   *                 its width.
  final public UIComponent getStart()
    return getFacet(START_FACET);

   * The frame to be rendered to the left of the center frame,
   *                 if the
   *                 reading direction is left-to-right, or right otherwise.
   *                 This frame's width attribute is used to allocate
   *                 its width.
  final public void setStart(UIComponent startFacet)
    getFacets().put(START_FACET, startFacet);

   * The frame to be rendered to the right of the center frame,
   *                 if the
   *                 reading direction is left-to-right, or left otherwise.
   *                 This frame's width attribute is used to allocate
   *                 its width.
  final public UIComponent getEnd()
    return getFacet(END_FACET);

   * The frame to be rendered to the right of the center frame,
   *                 if the
   *                 reading direction is left-to-right, or left otherwise.
   *                 This frame's width attribute is used to allocate
   *                 its width.
  final public void setEnd(UIComponent endFacet)
    getFacets().put(END_FACET, endFacet);

   * The frame to be rendered between the left frame and
   *                 the center frame.
   *                 This frame's width attribute is used to allocate
   *                 its width.
  final public UIComponent getInnerLeft()

File Line
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org/apache/myfaces/trinidad/component/core/layout/ 127
  static public final PropertyKey INLINE_STYLE_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("inlineStyle", String.class);
  static public final PropertyKey STYLE_CLASS_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("styleClass", String.class);
  static public final PropertyKey SHORT_DESC_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("shortDesc", String.class);
  static public final PropertyKey PARTIAL_TRIGGERS_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("partialTriggers", String[].class);
  static public final PropertyKey ONCLICK_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("onclick", String.class);
  static public final PropertyKey ONDBLCLICK_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("ondblclick", String.class);
  static public final PropertyKey ONMOUSEDOWN_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("onmousedown", String.class);
  static public final PropertyKey ONMOUSEUP_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("onmouseup", String.class);
  static public final PropertyKey ONMOUSEOVER_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("onmouseover", String.class);
  static public final PropertyKey ONMOUSEMOVE_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("onmousemove", String.class);
  static public final PropertyKey ONMOUSEOUT_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("onmouseout", String.class);
  static public final PropertyKey ONKEYPRESS_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("onkeypress", String.class);
  static public final PropertyKey ONKEYDOWN_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("onkeydown", String.class);
  static public final PropertyKey ONKEYUP_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("onkeyup", String.class);
  static public final PropertyKey DISCLOSED_TEXT_KEY =

File Line
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org/apache/myfaces/trinidad/component/core/layout/ 73
    TYPE.registerKey("accessKey", Character.class);
  static public final PropertyKey INLINE_STYLE_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("inlineStyle", String.class);
  static public final PropertyKey STYLE_CLASS_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("styleClass", String.class);
  static public final PropertyKey SHORT_DESC_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("shortDesc", String.class);
  static public final PropertyKey PARTIAL_TRIGGERS_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("partialTriggers", String[].class);
  static public final PropertyKey ONCLICK_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("onclick", String.class);
  static public final PropertyKey ONDBLCLICK_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("ondblclick", String.class);
  static public final PropertyKey ONMOUSEDOWN_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("onmousedown", String.class);
  static public final PropertyKey ONMOUSEUP_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("onmouseup", String.class);
  static public final PropertyKey ONMOUSEOVER_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("onmouseover", String.class);
  static public final PropertyKey ONMOUSEMOVE_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("onmousemove", String.class);
  static public final PropertyKey ONMOUSEOUT_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("onmouseout", String.class);
  static public final PropertyKey ONKEYPRESS_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("onkeypress", String.class);
  static public final PropertyKey ONKEYDOWN_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("onkeydown", String.class);
  static public final PropertyKey ONKEYUP_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("onkeyup", String.class);
  static public final PropertyKey POSITION_KEY =

File Line
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org/apache/myfaces/trinidad/component/core/nav/ 106
    TYPE.registerKey("maxColumns", Integer.class, Integer.valueOf(3));
  static public final PropertyKey INLINE_STYLE_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("inlineStyle", String.class);
  static public final PropertyKey STYLE_CLASS_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("styleClass", String.class);
  static public final PropertyKey SHORT_DESC_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("shortDesc", String.class);
  static public final PropertyKey PARTIAL_TRIGGERS_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("partialTriggers", String[].class);
  static public final PropertyKey ONCLICK_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("onclick", String.class);
  static public final PropertyKey ONDBLCLICK_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("ondblclick", String.class);
  static public final PropertyKey ONMOUSEDOWN_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("onmousedown", String.class);
  static public final PropertyKey ONMOUSEUP_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("onmouseup", String.class);
  static public final PropertyKey ONMOUSEOVER_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("onmouseover", String.class);
  static public final PropertyKey ONMOUSEMOVE_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("onmousemove", String.class);
  static public final PropertyKey ONMOUSEOUT_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("onmouseout", String.class);
  static public final PropertyKey ONKEYPRESS_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("onkeypress", String.class);
  static public final PropertyKey ONKEYDOWN_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("onkeydown", String.class);
  static public final PropertyKey ONKEYUP_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("onkeyup", String.class);

  static public final String COMPONENT_FAMILY =

File Line
org/apache/myfaces/trinidad/component/core/input/ 67
org/apache/myfaces/trinidad/component/core/output/ 65
    TYPE.registerKey("width", String.class);
  static public final PropertyKey INLINE_STYLE_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("inlineStyle", String.class);
  static public final PropertyKey STYLE_CLASS_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("styleClass", String.class);
  static public final PropertyKey SHORT_DESC_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("shortDesc", String.class);
  static public final PropertyKey PARTIAL_TRIGGERS_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("partialTriggers", String[].class);
  static public final PropertyKey ONCLICK_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("onclick", String.class);
  static public final PropertyKey ONDBLCLICK_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("ondblclick", String.class);
  static public final PropertyKey ONMOUSEDOWN_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("onmousedown", String.class);
  static public final PropertyKey ONMOUSEUP_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("onmouseup", String.class);
  static public final PropertyKey ONMOUSEOVER_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("onmouseover", String.class);
  static public final PropertyKey ONMOUSEMOVE_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("onmousemove", String.class);
  static public final PropertyKey ONMOUSEOUT_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("onmouseout", String.class);
  static public final PropertyKey ONKEYPRESS_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("onkeypress", String.class);
  static public final PropertyKey ONKEYDOWN_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("onkeydown", String.class);
  static public final PropertyKey ONKEYUP_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("onkeyup", String.class);
  static public final String FILTER_FACET = "filter";

File Line
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org/apache/myfaces/trinidad/component/core/layout/ 73
    TYPE.registerKey("accessKey", Character.class);
  static public final PropertyKey INLINE_STYLE_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("inlineStyle", String.class);
  static public final PropertyKey STYLE_CLASS_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("styleClass", String.class);
  static public final PropertyKey SHORT_DESC_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("shortDesc", String.class);
  static public final PropertyKey PARTIAL_TRIGGERS_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("partialTriggers", String[].class);
  static public final PropertyKey ONCLICK_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("onclick", String.class);
  static public final PropertyKey ONDBLCLICK_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("ondblclick", String.class);
  static public final PropertyKey ONMOUSEDOWN_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("onmousedown", String.class);
  static public final PropertyKey ONMOUSEUP_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("onmouseup", String.class);
  static public final PropertyKey ONMOUSEOVER_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("onmouseover", String.class);
  static public final PropertyKey ONMOUSEMOVE_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("onmousemove", String.class);
  static public final PropertyKey ONMOUSEOUT_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("onmouseout", String.class);
  static public final PropertyKey ONKEYPRESS_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("onkeypress", String.class);
  static public final PropertyKey ONKEYDOWN_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("onkeydown", String.class);
  static public final PropertyKey ONKEYUP_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("onkeyup", String.class);
  static public final PropertyKey POSITION_KEY =

File Line
org/apache/myfaces/trinidad/component/core/input/ 87
org/apache/myfaces/trinidad/component/core/layout/ 86
    TYPE.registerKey("maxColumns", Integer.class, Integer.valueOf(3));
  static public final PropertyKey INLINE_STYLE_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("inlineStyle", String.class);
  static public final PropertyKey STYLE_CLASS_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("styleClass", String.class);
  static public final PropertyKey SHORT_DESC_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("shortDesc", String.class);
  static public final PropertyKey PARTIAL_TRIGGERS_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("partialTriggers", String[].class);
  static public final PropertyKey ONCLICK_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("onclick", String.class);
  static public final PropertyKey ONDBLCLICK_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("ondblclick", String.class);
  static public final PropertyKey ONMOUSEDOWN_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("onmousedown", String.class);
  static public final PropertyKey ONMOUSEUP_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("onmouseup", String.class);
  static public final PropertyKey ONMOUSEOVER_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("onmouseover", String.class);
  static public final PropertyKey ONMOUSEMOVE_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("onmousemove", String.class);
  static public final PropertyKey ONMOUSEOUT_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("onmouseout", String.class);
  static public final PropertyKey ONKEYPRESS_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("onkeypress", String.class);
  static public final PropertyKey ONKEYDOWN_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("onkeydown", String.class);
  static public final PropertyKey ONKEYUP_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("onkeyup", String.class);

  static public final String COMPONENT_FAMILY =

File Line
org/apache/myfaces/trinidad/component/core/input/ 87
org/apache/myfaces/trinidad/component/core/layout/ 67
    TYPE.registerKey("width", String.class);
  static public final PropertyKey INLINE_STYLE_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("inlineStyle", String.class);
  static public final PropertyKey STYLE_CLASS_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("styleClass", String.class);
  static public final PropertyKey SHORT_DESC_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("shortDesc", String.class);
  static public final PropertyKey PARTIAL_TRIGGERS_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("partialTriggers", String[].class);
  static public final PropertyKey ONCLICK_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("onclick", String.class);
  static public final PropertyKey ONDBLCLICK_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("ondblclick", String.class);
  static public final PropertyKey ONMOUSEDOWN_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("onmousedown", String.class);
  static public final PropertyKey ONMOUSEUP_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("onmouseup", String.class);
  static public final PropertyKey ONMOUSEOVER_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("onmouseover", String.class);
  static public final PropertyKey ONMOUSEMOVE_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("onmousemove", String.class);
  static public final PropertyKey ONMOUSEOUT_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("onmouseout", String.class);
  static public final PropertyKey ONKEYPRESS_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("onkeypress", String.class);
  static public final PropertyKey ONKEYDOWN_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("onkeydown", String.class);
  static public final PropertyKey ONKEYUP_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("onkeyup", String.class);
  static public final String FILTER_FACET = "filter";

File Line
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org/apache/myfaces/trinidad/component/core/nav/ 82
    TYPE.registerKey("maxColumns", Integer.class, Integer.valueOf(3));
  static public final PropertyKey INLINE_STYLE_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("inlineStyle", String.class);
  static public final PropertyKey STYLE_CLASS_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("styleClass", String.class);
  static public final PropertyKey SHORT_DESC_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("shortDesc", String.class);
  static public final PropertyKey PARTIAL_TRIGGERS_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("partialTriggers", String[].class);
  static public final PropertyKey ONCLICK_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("onclick", String.class);
  static public final PropertyKey ONDBLCLICK_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("ondblclick", String.class);
  static public final PropertyKey ONMOUSEDOWN_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("onmousedown", String.class);
  static public final PropertyKey ONMOUSEUP_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("onmouseup", String.class);
  static public final PropertyKey ONMOUSEOVER_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("onmouseover", String.class);
  static public final PropertyKey ONMOUSEMOVE_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("onmousemove", String.class);
  static public final PropertyKey ONMOUSEOUT_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("onmouseout", String.class);
  static public final PropertyKey ONKEYPRESS_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("onkeypress", String.class);
  static public final PropertyKey ONKEYDOWN_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("onkeydown", String.class);
  static public final PropertyKey ONKEYUP_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("onkeyup", String.class);

  static public final String COMPONENT_FAMILY =

File Line
org/apache/myfaces/trinidad/component/core/input/ 99
org/apache/myfaces/trinidad/component/core/output/ 65
    TYPE.registerKey("width", String.class);
  static public final PropertyKey INLINE_STYLE_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("inlineStyle", String.class);
  static public final PropertyKey STYLE_CLASS_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("styleClass", String.class);
  static public final PropertyKey SHORT_DESC_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("shortDesc", String.class);
  static public final PropertyKey PARTIAL_TRIGGERS_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("partialTriggers", String[].class);
  static public final PropertyKey ONCLICK_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("onclick", String.class);
  static public final PropertyKey ONDBLCLICK_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("ondblclick", String.class);
  static public final PropertyKey ONMOUSEDOWN_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("onmousedown", String.class);
  static public final PropertyKey ONMOUSEUP_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("onmouseup", String.class);
  static public final PropertyKey ONMOUSEOVER_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("onmouseover", String.class);
  static public final PropertyKey ONMOUSEMOVE_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("onmousemove", String.class);
  static public final PropertyKey ONMOUSEOUT_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("onmouseout", String.class);
  static public final PropertyKey ONKEYPRESS_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("onkeypress", String.class);
  static public final PropertyKey ONKEYDOWN_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("onkeydown", String.class);
  static public final PropertyKey ONKEYUP_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("onkeyup", String.class);
  static public final String FILTER_FACET = "filter";

File Line
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org/apache/myfaces/trinidad/component/core/layout/ 73
    TYPE.registerKey("accessKey", Character.class);
  static public final PropertyKey INLINE_STYLE_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("inlineStyle", String.class);
  static public final PropertyKey STYLE_CLASS_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("styleClass", String.class);
  static public final PropertyKey SHORT_DESC_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("shortDesc", String.class);
  static public final PropertyKey PARTIAL_TRIGGERS_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("partialTriggers", String[].class);
  static public final PropertyKey ONCLICK_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("onclick", String.class);
  static public final PropertyKey ONDBLCLICK_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("ondblclick", String.class);
  static public final PropertyKey ONMOUSEDOWN_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("onmousedown", String.class);
  static public final PropertyKey ONMOUSEUP_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("onmouseup", String.class);
  static public final PropertyKey ONMOUSEOVER_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("onmouseover", String.class);
  static public final PropertyKey ONMOUSEMOVE_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("onmousemove", String.class);
  static public final PropertyKey ONMOUSEOUT_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("onmouseout", String.class);
  static public final PropertyKey ONKEYPRESS_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("onkeypress", String.class);
  static public final PropertyKey ONKEYDOWN_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("onkeydown", String.class);
  static public final PropertyKey ONKEYUP_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("onkeyup", String.class);
  static public final PropertyKey POSITION_KEY =

File Line
org/apache/myfaces/trinidad/component/core/data/ 90
org/apache/myfaces/trinidad/component/core/input/ 87
    TYPE.registerKey("width", Integer.class);
  static public final PropertyKey INLINE_STYLE_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("inlineStyle", String.class);
  static public final PropertyKey STYLE_CLASS_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("styleClass", String.class);
  static public final PropertyKey SHORT_DESC_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("shortDesc", String.class);
  static public final PropertyKey PARTIAL_TRIGGERS_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("partialTriggers", String[].class);
  static public final PropertyKey ONCLICK_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("onclick", String.class);
  static public final PropertyKey ONDBLCLICK_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("ondblclick", String.class);
  static public final PropertyKey ONMOUSEDOWN_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("onmousedown", String.class);
  static public final PropertyKey ONMOUSEUP_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("onmouseup", String.class);
  static public final PropertyKey ONMOUSEOVER_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("onmouseover", String.class);
  static public final PropertyKey ONMOUSEMOVE_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("onmousemove", String.class);
  static public final PropertyKey ONMOUSEOUT_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("onmouseout", String.class);
  static public final PropertyKey ONKEYPRESS_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("onkeypress", String.class);
  static public final PropertyKey ONKEYDOWN_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("onkeydown", String.class);
  static public final PropertyKey ONKEYUP_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("onkeyup", String.class);

  static public final String COMPONENT_FAMILY =

File Line
org/apache/myfaces/trinidad/component/core/data/ 90
org/apache/myfaces/trinidad/component/core/output/ 66
  static public final PropertyKey INLINE_STYLE_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("inlineStyle", String.class);
  static public final PropertyKey STYLE_CLASS_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("styleClass", String.class);
  static public final PropertyKey SHORT_DESC_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("shortDesc", String.class);
  static public final PropertyKey PARTIAL_TRIGGERS_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("partialTriggers", String[].class);
  static public final PropertyKey ONCLICK_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("onclick", String.class);
  static public final PropertyKey ONDBLCLICK_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("ondblclick", String.class);
  static public final PropertyKey ONMOUSEDOWN_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("onmousedown", String.class);
  static public final PropertyKey ONMOUSEUP_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("onmouseup", String.class);
  static public final PropertyKey ONMOUSEOVER_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("onmouseover", String.class);
  static public final PropertyKey ONMOUSEMOVE_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("onmousemove", String.class);
  static public final PropertyKey ONMOUSEOUT_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("onmouseout", String.class);
  static public final PropertyKey ONKEYPRESS_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("onkeypress", String.class);
  static public final PropertyKey ONKEYDOWN_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("onkeydown", String.class);
  static public final PropertyKey ONKEYUP_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("onkeyup", String.class);
  static public final String READY_FACET = "ready";

File Line
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org/apache/myfaces/trinidad/component/core/layout/ 73
    TYPE.registerKey("accessKey", Character.class);
  static public final PropertyKey INLINE_STYLE_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("inlineStyle", String.class);
  static public final PropertyKey STYLE_CLASS_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("styleClass", String.class);
  static public final PropertyKey SHORT_DESC_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("shortDesc", String.class);
  static public final PropertyKey PARTIAL_TRIGGERS_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("partialTriggers", String[].class);
  static public final PropertyKey ONCLICK_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("onclick", String.class);
  static public final PropertyKey ONDBLCLICK_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("ondblclick", String.class);
  static public final PropertyKey ONMOUSEDOWN_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("onmousedown", String.class);
  static public final PropertyKey ONMOUSEUP_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("onmouseup", String.class);
  static public final PropertyKey ONMOUSEOVER_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("onmouseover", String.class);
  static public final PropertyKey ONMOUSEMOVE_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("onmousemove", String.class);
  static public final PropertyKey ONMOUSEOUT_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("onmouseout", String.class);
  static public final PropertyKey ONKEYPRESS_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("onkeypress", String.class);
  static public final PropertyKey ONKEYDOWN_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("onkeydown", String.class);
  static public final PropertyKey ONKEYUP_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("onkeyup", String.class);
  static public final PropertyKey POSITION_KEY =

File Line
org/apache/myfaces/trinidad/component/core/data/ 193
org/apache/myfaces/trinidad/component/core/output/ 70
  static public final PropertyKey INLINE_STYLE_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("inlineStyle", String.class);
  static public final PropertyKey STYLE_CLASS_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("styleClass", String.class);
  static public final PropertyKey SHORT_DESC_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("shortDesc", String.class);
  static public final PropertyKey PARTIAL_TRIGGERS_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("partialTriggers", String[].class);
  static public final PropertyKey ONCLICK_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("onclick", String.class);
  static public final PropertyKey ONDBLCLICK_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("ondblclick", String.class);
  static public final PropertyKey ONMOUSEDOWN_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("onmousedown", String.class);
  static public final PropertyKey ONMOUSEUP_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("onmouseup", String.class);
  static public final PropertyKey ONMOUSEOVER_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("onmouseover", String.class);
  static public final PropertyKey ONMOUSEMOVE_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("onmousemove", String.class);
  static public final PropertyKey ONMOUSEOUT_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("onmouseout", String.class);
  static public final PropertyKey ONKEYPRESS_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("onkeypress", String.class);
  static public final PropertyKey ONKEYDOWN_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("onkeydown", String.class);
  static public final PropertyKey ONKEYUP_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("onkeyup", String.class);
  static public final PropertyKey DISCLOSE_NONE_KEY =

File Line
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org/apache/myfaces/trinidad/component/core/nav/ 106
  static public final PropertyKey INLINE_STYLE_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("inlineStyle", String.class);
  static public final PropertyKey STYLE_CLASS_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("styleClass", String.class);
  static public final PropertyKey SHORT_DESC_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("shortDesc", String.class);
  static public final PropertyKey PARTIAL_TRIGGERS_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("partialTriggers", String[].class);
  static public final PropertyKey ONCLICK_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("onclick", String.class);
  static public final PropertyKey ONDBLCLICK_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("ondblclick", String.class);
  static public final PropertyKey ONMOUSEDOWN_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("onmousedown", String.class);
  static public final PropertyKey ONMOUSEUP_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("onmouseup", String.class);
  static public final PropertyKey ONMOUSEOVER_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("onmouseover", String.class);
  static public final PropertyKey ONMOUSEMOVE_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("onmousemove", String.class);
  static public final PropertyKey ONMOUSEOUT_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("onmouseout", String.class);
  static public final PropertyKey ONKEYPRESS_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("onkeypress", String.class);
  static public final PropertyKey ONKEYDOWN_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("onkeydown", String.class);
  static public final PropertyKey ONKEYUP_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("onkeyup", String.class);

  static public final String COMPONENT_FAMILY =

File Line
org/apache/myfaces/trinidad/model/ 120
org/apache/myfaces/trinidad/model/ 121
  public ChildPropertyTreeModel()
    Node root = new Node(null);

   * Gets the rowKey of the current row.
  public Object getRowKey()
    final int sz = _path.size() - 1;
    Object lastRowkey = _getRowKey();
    if ((sz == 0) && (lastRowkey == null))
      return null;  // root collection
    // have to clone the path here. otherwise, we have to say that
    // this tree model cannot be mutated while accessing the path
    // returned by this method.
    List<Object> path = new ArrayList<Object>(sz+1);
    if (sz > 0)
      for(int i=0; i<sz; i++)
        Node node = _getNode(i);
    return path;

   * Selects a new current row. The row that matches the given rowKey
   * is made current.
   * @param rowKey use null to access the root collection 
  public void setRowKey(Object rowKey)
    Node root = _getNode(0);
    List<Object> path = (List<Object>) rowKey;
    if ((path == null) || (path.size() == 0))
    int lastIndex = path.size() - 1;
    for(int i=0; i<lastIndex; i++)
      Object pathKey = path.get(i);

File Line
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org/apache/myfaces/trinidad/component/core/nav/ 82
  static public final PropertyKey INLINE_STYLE_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("inlineStyle", String.class);
  static public final PropertyKey STYLE_CLASS_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("styleClass", String.class);
  static public final PropertyKey SHORT_DESC_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("shortDesc", String.class);
  static public final PropertyKey PARTIAL_TRIGGERS_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("partialTriggers", String[].class);
  static public final PropertyKey ONCLICK_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("onclick", String.class);
  static public final PropertyKey ONDBLCLICK_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("ondblclick", String.class);
  static public final PropertyKey ONMOUSEDOWN_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("onmousedown", String.class);
  static public final PropertyKey ONMOUSEUP_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("onmouseup", String.class);
  static public final PropertyKey ONMOUSEOVER_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("onmouseover", String.class);
  static public final PropertyKey ONMOUSEMOVE_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("onmousemove", String.class);
  static public final PropertyKey ONMOUSEOUT_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("onmouseout", String.class);
  static public final PropertyKey ONKEYPRESS_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("onkeypress", String.class);
  static public final PropertyKey ONKEYDOWN_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("onkeydown", String.class);
  static public final PropertyKey ONKEYUP_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("onkeyup", String.class);
  static public final String READY_FACET = "ready";

File Line
org/apache/myfaces/trinidad/component/core/layout/ 73
org/apache/myfaces/trinidad/component/core/layout/ 67
    TYPE.registerKey("width", String.class);
  static public final PropertyKey INLINE_STYLE_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("inlineStyle", String.class);
  static public final PropertyKey STYLE_CLASS_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("styleClass", String.class);
  static public final PropertyKey SHORT_DESC_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("shortDesc", String.class);
  static public final PropertyKey PARTIAL_TRIGGERS_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("partialTriggers", String[].class);
  static public final PropertyKey ONCLICK_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("onclick", String.class);
  static public final PropertyKey ONDBLCLICK_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("ondblclick", String.class);
  static public final PropertyKey ONMOUSEDOWN_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("onmousedown", String.class);
  static public final PropertyKey ONMOUSEUP_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("onmouseup", String.class);
  static public final PropertyKey ONMOUSEOVER_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("onmouseover", String.class);
  static public final PropertyKey ONMOUSEMOVE_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("onmousemove", String.class);
  static public final PropertyKey ONMOUSEOUT_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("onmouseout", String.class);
  static public final PropertyKey ONKEYPRESS_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("onkeypress", String.class);
  static public final PropertyKey ONKEYDOWN_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("onkeydown", String.class);
  static public final PropertyKey ONKEYUP_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("onkeyup", String.class);
  static public final String FILTER_FACET = "filter";

File Line
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org/apache/myfaces/trinidad/component/core/nav/ 82
  static public final PropertyKey INLINE_STYLE_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("inlineStyle", String.class);
  static public final PropertyKey STYLE_CLASS_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("styleClass", String.class);
  static public final PropertyKey SHORT_DESC_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("shortDesc", String.class);
  static public final PropertyKey PARTIAL_TRIGGERS_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("partialTriggers", String[].class);
  static public final PropertyKey ONCLICK_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("onclick", String.class);
  static public final PropertyKey ONDBLCLICK_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("ondblclick", String.class);
  static public final PropertyKey ONMOUSEDOWN_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("onmousedown", String.class);
  static public final PropertyKey ONMOUSEUP_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("onmouseup", String.class);
  static public final PropertyKey ONMOUSEOVER_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("onmouseover", String.class);
  static public final PropertyKey ONMOUSEMOVE_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("onmousemove", String.class);
  static public final PropertyKey ONMOUSEOUT_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("onmouseout", String.class);
  static public final PropertyKey ONKEYPRESS_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("onkeypress", String.class);
  static public final PropertyKey ONKEYDOWN_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("onkeydown", String.class);
  static public final PropertyKey ONKEYUP_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("onkeyup", String.class);

  static public final String COMPONENT_FAMILY =

File Line
org/apache/myfaces/trinidad/component/core/data/ 118
org/apache/myfaces/trinidad/component/core/input/ 87
    TYPE.registerKey("width", Integer.class);
  static public final PropertyKey INLINE_STYLE_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("inlineStyle", String.class);
  static public final PropertyKey STYLE_CLASS_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("styleClass", String.class);
  static public final PropertyKey SHORT_DESC_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("shortDesc", String.class);
  static public final PropertyKey PARTIAL_TRIGGERS_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("partialTriggers", String[].class);
  static public final PropertyKey ONCLICK_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("onclick", String.class);
  static public final PropertyKey ONDBLCLICK_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("ondblclick", String.class);
  static public final PropertyKey ONMOUSEDOWN_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("onmousedown", String.class);
  static public final PropertyKey ONMOUSEUP_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("onmouseup", String.class);
  static public final PropertyKey ONMOUSEOVER_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("onmouseover", String.class);
  static public final PropertyKey ONMOUSEMOVE_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("onmousemove", String.class);
  static public final PropertyKey ONMOUSEOUT_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("onmouseout", String.class);
  static public final PropertyKey ONKEYPRESS_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("onkeypress", String.class);
  static public final PropertyKey ONKEYDOWN_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("onkeydown", String.class);
  static public final PropertyKey ONKEYUP_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("onkeyup", String.class);

  static public final String COMPONENT_FAMILY =

File Line
org/apache/myfaces/trinidad/component/core/data/ 90
org/apache/myfaces/trinidad/component/core/layout/ 94
  static public final PropertyKey INLINE_STYLE_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("inlineStyle", String.class);
  static public final PropertyKey STYLE_CLASS_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("styleClass", String.class);
  static public final PropertyKey SHORT_DESC_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("shortDesc", String.class);
  static public final PropertyKey PARTIAL_TRIGGERS_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("partialTriggers", String[].class);
  static public final PropertyKey ONCLICK_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("onclick", String.class);
  static public final PropertyKey ONDBLCLICK_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("ondblclick", String.class);
  static public final PropertyKey ONMOUSEDOWN_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("onmousedown", String.class);
  static public final PropertyKey ONMOUSEUP_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("onmouseup", String.class);
  static public final PropertyKey ONMOUSEOVER_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("onmouseover", String.class);
  static public final PropertyKey ONMOUSEMOVE_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("onmousemove", String.class);
  static public final PropertyKey ONMOUSEOUT_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("onmouseout", String.class);
  static public final PropertyKey ONKEYPRESS_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("onkeypress", String.class);
  static public final PropertyKey ONKEYDOWN_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("onkeydown", String.class);
  static public final PropertyKey ONKEYUP_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("onkeyup", String.class);
  static public final PropertyKey DISCLOSE_NONE_KEY =

File Line
org/apache/myfaces/trinidad/component/core/data/ 272
org/apache/myfaces/trinidad/component/core/input/ 87
    TYPE.registerKey("width", Integer.class);
  static public final PropertyKey INLINE_STYLE_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("inlineStyle", String.class);
  static public final PropertyKey STYLE_CLASS_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("styleClass", String.class);
  static public final PropertyKey SHORT_DESC_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("shortDesc", String.class);
  static public final PropertyKey PARTIAL_TRIGGERS_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("partialTriggers", String[].class);
  static public final PropertyKey ONCLICK_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("onclick", String.class);
  static public final PropertyKey ONDBLCLICK_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("ondblclick", String.class);
  static public final PropertyKey ONMOUSEDOWN_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("onmousedown", String.class);
  static public final PropertyKey ONMOUSEUP_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("onmouseup", String.class);
  static public final PropertyKey ONMOUSEOVER_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("onmouseover", String.class);
  static public final PropertyKey ONMOUSEMOVE_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("onmousemove", String.class);
  static public final PropertyKey ONMOUSEOUT_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("onmouseout", String.class);
  static public final PropertyKey ONKEYPRESS_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("onkeypress", String.class);
  static public final PropertyKey ONKEYDOWN_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("onkeydown", String.class);
  static public final PropertyKey ONKEYUP_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("onkeyup", String.class);

  static public final String COMPONENT_FAMILY =

File Line
org/apache/myfaces/trinidad/component/core/data/ 193
org/apache/myfaces/trinidad/component/core/layout/ 61
  static public final PropertyKey INLINE_STYLE_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("inlineStyle", String.class);
  static public final PropertyKey STYLE_CLASS_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("styleClass", String.class);
  static public final PropertyKey SHORT_DESC_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("shortDesc", String.class);
  static public final PropertyKey PARTIAL_TRIGGERS_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("partialTriggers", String[].class);
  static public final PropertyKey ONCLICK_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("onclick", String.class);
  static public final PropertyKey ONDBLCLICK_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("ondblclick", String.class);
  static public final PropertyKey ONMOUSEDOWN_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("onmousedown", String.class);
  static public final PropertyKey ONMOUSEUP_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("onmouseup", String.class);
  static public final PropertyKey ONMOUSEOVER_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("onmouseover", String.class);
  static public final PropertyKey ONMOUSEMOVE_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("onmousemove", String.class);
  static public final PropertyKey ONMOUSEOUT_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("onmouseout", String.class);
  static public final PropertyKey ONKEYPRESS_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("onkeypress", String.class);
  static public final PropertyKey ONKEYDOWN_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("onkeydown", String.class);
  static public final PropertyKey ONKEYUP_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("onkeyup", String.class);

  static public final String COMPONENT_FAMILY =

File Line
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org/apache/myfaces/trinidad/component/core/layout/ 73
    TYPE.registerKey("accessKey", Character.class);
  static public final PropertyKey INLINE_STYLE_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("inlineStyle", String.class);
  static public final PropertyKey STYLE_CLASS_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("styleClass", String.class);
  static public final PropertyKey SHORT_DESC_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("shortDesc", String.class);
  static public final PropertyKey PARTIAL_TRIGGERS_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("partialTriggers", String[].class);
  static public final PropertyKey ONCLICK_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("onclick", String.class);
  static public final PropertyKey ONDBLCLICK_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("ondblclick", String.class);
  static public final PropertyKey ONMOUSEDOWN_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("onmousedown", String.class);
  static public final PropertyKey ONMOUSEUP_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("onmouseup", String.class);
  static public final PropertyKey ONMOUSEOVER_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("onmouseover", String.class);
  static public final PropertyKey ONMOUSEMOVE_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("onmousemove", String.class);
  static public final PropertyKey ONMOUSEOUT_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("onmouseout", String.class);
  static public final PropertyKey ONKEYPRESS_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("onkeypress", String.class);
  static public final PropertyKey ONKEYDOWN_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("onkeydown", String.class);
  static public final PropertyKey ONKEYUP_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("onkeyup", String.class);
  static public final PropertyKey POSITION_KEY =

File Line
org/apache/myfaces/trinidad/component/core/output/ 65
org/apache/myfaces/trinidad/component/core/output/ 66
  static public final PropertyKey INLINE_STYLE_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("inlineStyle", String.class);
  static public final PropertyKey STYLE_CLASS_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("styleClass", String.class);
  static public final PropertyKey SHORT_DESC_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("shortDesc", String.class);
  static public final PropertyKey PARTIAL_TRIGGERS_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("partialTriggers", String[].class);
  static public final PropertyKey ONCLICK_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("onclick", String.class);
  static public final PropertyKey ONDBLCLICK_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("ondblclick", String.class);
  static public final PropertyKey ONMOUSEDOWN_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("onmousedown", String.class);
  static public final PropertyKey ONMOUSEUP_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("onmouseup", String.class);
  static public final PropertyKey ONMOUSEOVER_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("onmouseover", String.class);
  static public final PropertyKey ONMOUSEMOVE_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("onmousemove", String.class);
  static public final PropertyKey ONMOUSEOUT_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("onmouseout", String.class);
  static public final PropertyKey ONKEYPRESS_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("onkeypress", String.class);
  static public final PropertyKey ONKEYDOWN_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("onkeydown", String.class);
  static public final PropertyKey ONKEYUP_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("onkeyup", String.class);
  static public final String READY_FACET = "ready";

File Line
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org/apache/myfaces/trinidad/component/core/output/ 68
    TYPE.registerKey("showRequired", Boolean.class, Boolean.FALSE);
  static public final PropertyKey INLINE_STYLE_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("inlineStyle", String.class);
  static public final PropertyKey STYLE_CLASS_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("styleClass", String.class);
  static public final PropertyKey SHORT_DESC_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("shortDesc", String.class);
  static public final PropertyKey PARTIAL_TRIGGERS_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("partialTriggers", String[].class);
  static public final PropertyKey ONCLICK_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("onclick", String.class);
  static public final PropertyKey ONDBLCLICK_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("ondblclick", String.class);
  static public final PropertyKey ONMOUSEDOWN_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("onmousedown", String.class);
  static public final PropertyKey ONMOUSEUP_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("onmouseup", String.class);
  static public final PropertyKey ONMOUSEOVER_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("onmouseover", String.class);
  static public final PropertyKey ONMOUSEMOVE_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("onmousemove", String.class);
  static public final PropertyKey ONMOUSEOUT_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("onmouseout", String.class);
  static public final PropertyKey ONKEYPRESS_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("onkeypress", String.class);
  static public final PropertyKey ONKEYDOWN_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("onkeydown", String.class);
  static public final PropertyKey ONKEYUP_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("onkeyup", String.class);
  static public final PropertyKey FOR_KEY =

File Line
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org/apache/myfaces/trinidad/component/core/output/ 66
  static public final PropertyKey INLINE_STYLE_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("inlineStyle", String.class);
  static public final PropertyKey STYLE_CLASS_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("styleClass", String.class);
  static public final PropertyKey SHORT_DESC_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("shortDesc", String.class);
  static public final PropertyKey PARTIAL_TRIGGERS_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("partialTriggers", String[].class);
  static public final PropertyKey ONCLICK_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("onclick", String.class);
  static public final PropertyKey ONDBLCLICK_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("ondblclick", String.class);
  static public final PropertyKey ONMOUSEDOWN_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("onmousedown", String.class);
  static public final PropertyKey ONMOUSEUP_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("onmouseup", String.class);
  static public final PropertyKey ONMOUSEOVER_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("onmouseover", String.class);
  static public final PropertyKey ONMOUSEMOVE_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("onmousemove", String.class);
  static public final PropertyKey ONMOUSEOUT_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("onmouseout", String.class);
  static public final PropertyKey ONKEYPRESS_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("onkeypress", String.class);
  static public final PropertyKey ONKEYDOWN_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("onkeydown", String.class);
  static public final PropertyKey ONKEYUP_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("onkeyup", String.class);
  static public final String READY_FACET = "ready";

File Line
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org/apache/myfaces/trinidad/component/core/output/ 68
    TYPE.registerKey("showRequired", Boolean.class, Boolean.FALSE);
  static public final PropertyKey INLINE_STYLE_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("inlineStyle", String.class);
  static public final PropertyKey STYLE_CLASS_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("styleClass", String.class);
  static public final PropertyKey SHORT_DESC_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("shortDesc", String.class);
  static public final PropertyKey PARTIAL_TRIGGERS_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("partialTriggers", String[].class);
  static public final PropertyKey ONCLICK_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("onclick", String.class);
  static public final PropertyKey ONDBLCLICK_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("ondblclick", String.class);
  static public final PropertyKey ONMOUSEDOWN_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("onmousedown", String.class);
  static public final PropertyKey ONMOUSEUP_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("onmouseup", String.class);
  static public final PropertyKey ONMOUSEOVER_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("onmouseover", String.class);
  static public final PropertyKey ONMOUSEMOVE_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("onmousemove", String.class);
  static public final PropertyKey ONMOUSEOUT_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("onmouseout", String.class);
  static public final PropertyKey ONKEYPRESS_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("onkeypress", String.class);
  static public final PropertyKey ONKEYDOWN_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("onkeydown", String.class);
  static public final PropertyKey ONKEYUP_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("onkeyup", String.class);
  static public final PropertyKey FOR_KEY =

File Line
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org/apache/myfaces/trinidad/component/core/output/ 65
    TYPE.registerKey("chromeType", String.class, "compact");
  static public final PropertyKey INLINE_STYLE_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("inlineStyle", String.class);
  static public final PropertyKey STYLE_CLASS_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("styleClass", String.class);
  static public final PropertyKey SHORT_DESC_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("shortDesc", String.class);
  static public final PropertyKey PARTIAL_TRIGGERS_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("partialTriggers", String[].class);
  static public final PropertyKey ONCLICK_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("onclick", String.class);
  static public final PropertyKey ONDBLCLICK_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("ondblclick", String.class);
  static public final PropertyKey ONMOUSEDOWN_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("onmousedown", String.class);
  static public final PropertyKey ONMOUSEUP_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("onmouseup", String.class);
  static public final PropertyKey ONMOUSEOVER_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("onmouseover", String.class);
  static public final PropertyKey ONMOUSEMOVE_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("onmousemove", String.class);
  static public final PropertyKey ONMOUSEOUT_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("onmouseout", String.class);
  static public final PropertyKey ONKEYPRESS_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("onkeypress", String.class);
  static public final PropertyKey ONKEYDOWN_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("onkeydown", String.class);
  static public final PropertyKey ONKEYUP_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("onkeyup", String.class);
  static public final String MENU_SWITCH_FACET = "menuSwitch";

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org/apache/myfaces/trinidad/component/core/nav/ 72
    TYPE.registerKey("icon", String.class);
  static public final PropertyKey INLINE_STYLE_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("inlineStyle", String.class);
  static public final PropertyKey STYLE_CLASS_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("styleClass", String.class);
  static public final PropertyKey SHORT_DESC_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("shortDesc", String.class);
  static public final PropertyKey PARTIAL_TRIGGERS_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("partialTriggers", String[].class);
  static public final PropertyKey ONCLICK_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("onclick", String.class);
  static public final PropertyKey ONDBLCLICK_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("ondblclick", String.class);
  static public final PropertyKey ONMOUSEDOWN_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("onmousedown", String.class);
  static public final PropertyKey ONMOUSEUP_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("onmouseup", String.class);
  static public final PropertyKey ONMOUSEOVER_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("onmouseover", String.class);
  static public final PropertyKey ONMOUSEMOVE_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("onmousemove", String.class);
  static public final PropertyKey ONMOUSEOUT_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("onmouseout", String.class);
  static public final PropertyKey ONKEYPRESS_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("onkeypress", String.class);
  static public final PropertyKey ONKEYDOWN_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("onkeydown", String.class);
  static public final PropertyKey ONKEYUP_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("onkeyup", String.class);
  static public final PropertyKey ONBLUR_KEY =

File Line
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org/apache/myfaces/trinidad/component/core/nav/ 106
    TYPE.registerKey("position", String.class, "both");
  static public final PropertyKey INLINE_STYLE_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("inlineStyle", String.class);
  static public final PropertyKey STYLE_CLASS_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("styleClass", String.class);
  static public final PropertyKey SHORT_DESC_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("shortDesc", String.class);
  static public final PropertyKey PARTIAL_TRIGGERS_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("partialTriggers", String[].class);
  static public final PropertyKey ONCLICK_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("onclick", String.class);
  static public final PropertyKey ONDBLCLICK_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("ondblclick", String.class);
  static public final PropertyKey ONMOUSEDOWN_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("onmousedown", String.class);
  static public final PropertyKey ONMOUSEUP_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("onmouseup", String.class);
  static public final PropertyKey ONMOUSEOVER_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("onmouseover", String.class);
  static public final PropertyKey ONMOUSEMOVE_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("onmousemove", String.class);
  static public final PropertyKey ONMOUSEOUT_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("onmouseout", String.class);
  static public final PropertyKey ONKEYPRESS_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("onkeypress", String.class);
  static public final PropertyKey ONKEYDOWN_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("onkeydown", String.class);
  static public final PropertyKey ONKEYUP_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("onkeyup", String.class);

  static public final String COMPONENT_FAMILY =

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org/apache/myfaces/trinidad/component/core/nav/ 87
    TYPE.registerKey("label", String.class);
  static public final PropertyKey INLINE_STYLE_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("inlineStyle", String.class);
  static public final PropertyKey STYLE_CLASS_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("styleClass", String.class);
  static public final PropertyKey SHORT_DESC_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("shortDesc", String.class);
  static public final PropertyKey PARTIAL_TRIGGERS_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("partialTriggers", String[].class);
  static public final PropertyKey ONCLICK_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("onclick", String.class);
  static public final PropertyKey ONDBLCLICK_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("ondblclick", String.class);
  static public final PropertyKey ONMOUSEDOWN_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("onmousedown", String.class);
  static public final PropertyKey ONMOUSEUP_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("onmouseup", String.class);
  static public final PropertyKey ONMOUSEOVER_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("onmouseover", String.class);
  static public final PropertyKey ONMOUSEMOVE_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("onmousemove", String.class);
  static public final PropertyKey ONMOUSEOUT_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("onmouseout", String.class);
  static public final PropertyKey ONKEYPRESS_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("onkeypress", String.class);
  static public final PropertyKey ONKEYDOWN_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("onkeydown", String.class);
  static public final PropertyKey ONKEYUP_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("onkeyup", String.class);
  static public final PropertyKey POSITION_KEY =

File Line
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org/apache/myfaces/trinidad/component/core/output/ 83
    TYPE.registerKey("width", String.class);
  static public final PropertyKey INLINE_STYLE_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("inlineStyle", String.class);
  static public final PropertyKey STYLE_CLASS_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("styleClass", String.class);
  static public final PropertyKey SHORT_DESC_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("shortDesc", String.class);
  static public final PropertyKey PARTIAL_TRIGGERS_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("partialTriggers", String[].class);
  static public final PropertyKey ONCLICK_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("onclick", String.class);
  static public final PropertyKey ONDBLCLICK_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("ondblclick", String.class);
  static public final PropertyKey ONMOUSEDOWN_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("onmousedown", String.class);
  static public final PropertyKey ONMOUSEUP_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("onmouseup", String.class);
  static public final PropertyKey ONMOUSEOVER_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("onmouseover", String.class);
  static public final PropertyKey ONMOUSEMOVE_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("onmousemove", String.class);
  static public final PropertyKey ONMOUSEOUT_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("onmouseout", String.class);
  static public final PropertyKey ONKEYPRESS_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("onkeypress", String.class);
  static public final PropertyKey ONKEYDOWN_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("onkeydown", String.class);
  static public final PropertyKey ONKEYUP_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("onkeyup", String.class);
  static public final String FILTER_FACET = "filter";

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org/apache/myfaces/trinidad/component/core/nav/ 87
    TYPE.registerKey("label", String.class);
  static public final PropertyKey INLINE_STYLE_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("inlineStyle", String.class);
  static public final PropertyKey STYLE_CLASS_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("styleClass", String.class);
  static public final PropertyKey SHORT_DESC_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("shortDesc", String.class);
  static public final PropertyKey PARTIAL_TRIGGERS_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("partialTriggers", String[].class);
  static public final PropertyKey ONCLICK_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("onclick", String.class);
  static public final PropertyKey ONDBLCLICK_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("ondblclick", String.class);
  static public final PropertyKey ONMOUSEDOWN_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("onmousedown", String.class);
  static public final PropertyKey ONMOUSEUP_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("onmouseup", String.class);
  static public final PropertyKey ONMOUSEOVER_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("onmouseover", String.class);
  static public final PropertyKey ONMOUSEMOVE_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("onmousemove", String.class);
  static public final PropertyKey ONMOUSEOUT_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("onmouseout", String.class);
  static public final PropertyKey ONKEYPRESS_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("onkeypress", String.class);
  static public final PropertyKey ONKEYDOWN_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("onkeydown", String.class);
  static public final PropertyKey ONKEYUP_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("onkeyup", String.class);
  static public final PropertyKey POSITION_KEY =

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org/apache/myfaces/trinidad/component/core/nav/ 69
    TYPE.registerKey("chromeType", String.class, "compact");
  static public final PropertyKey INLINE_STYLE_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("inlineStyle", String.class);
  static public final PropertyKey STYLE_CLASS_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("styleClass", String.class);
  static public final PropertyKey SHORT_DESC_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("shortDesc", String.class);
  static public final PropertyKey PARTIAL_TRIGGERS_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("partialTriggers", String[].class);
  static public final PropertyKey ONCLICK_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("onclick", String.class);
  static public final PropertyKey ONDBLCLICK_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("ondblclick", String.class);
  static public final PropertyKey ONMOUSEDOWN_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("onmousedown", String.class);
  static public final PropertyKey ONMOUSEUP_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("onmouseup", String.class);
  static public final PropertyKey ONMOUSEOVER_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("onmouseover", String.class);
  static public final PropertyKey ONMOUSEMOVE_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("onmousemove", String.class);
  static public final PropertyKey ONMOUSEOUT_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("onmouseout", String.class);
  static public final PropertyKey ONKEYPRESS_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("onkeypress", String.class);
  static public final PropertyKey ONKEYDOWN_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("onkeydown", String.class);
  static public final PropertyKey ONKEYUP_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("onkeyup", String.class);
  static public final String NAVIGATION1_FACET = "navigation1";

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org/apache/myfaces/trinidad/component/core/nav/ 87
    TYPE.registerKey("accessKey", Character.class);
  static public final PropertyKey INLINE_STYLE_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("inlineStyle", String.class);
  static public final PropertyKey STYLE_CLASS_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("styleClass", String.class);
  static public final PropertyKey SHORT_DESC_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("shortDesc", String.class);
  static public final PropertyKey PARTIAL_TRIGGERS_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("partialTriggers", String[].class);
  static public final PropertyKey ONCLICK_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("onclick", String.class);
  static public final PropertyKey ONDBLCLICK_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("ondblclick", String.class);
  static public final PropertyKey ONMOUSEDOWN_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("onmousedown", String.class);
  static public final PropertyKey ONMOUSEUP_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("onmouseup", String.class);
  static public final PropertyKey ONMOUSEOVER_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("onmouseover", String.class);
  static public final PropertyKey ONMOUSEMOVE_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("onmousemove", String.class);
  static public final PropertyKey ONMOUSEOUT_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("onmouseout", String.class);
  static public final PropertyKey ONKEYPRESS_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("onkeypress", String.class);
  static public final PropertyKey ONKEYDOWN_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("onkeydown", String.class);
  static public final PropertyKey ONKEYUP_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("onkeyup", String.class);
  static public final PropertyKey POSITION_KEY =

File Line
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org/apache/myfaces/trinidad/component/core/output/ 66
    TYPE.registerKey("maxColumns", Integer.class, Integer.valueOf(3));
  static public final PropertyKey INLINE_STYLE_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("inlineStyle", String.class);
  static public final PropertyKey STYLE_CLASS_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("styleClass", String.class);
  static public final PropertyKey SHORT_DESC_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("shortDesc", String.class);
  static public final PropertyKey PARTIAL_TRIGGERS_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("partialTriggers", String[].class);
  static public final PropertyKey ONCLICK_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("onclick", String.class);
  static public final PropertyKey ONDBLCLICK_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("ondblclick", String.class);
  static public final PropertyKey ONMOUSEDOWN_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("onmousedown", String.class);
  static public final PropertyKey ONMOUSEUP_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("onmouseup", String.class);
  static public final PropertyKey ONMOUSEOVER_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("onmouseover", String.class);
  static public final PropertyKey ONMOUSEMOVE_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("onmousemove", String.class);
  static public final PropertyKey ONMOUSEOUT_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("onmouseout", String.class);
  static public final PropertyKey ONKEYPRESS_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("onkeypress", String.class);
  static public final PropertyKey ONKEYDOWN_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("onkeydown", String.class);
  static public final PropertyKey ONKEYUP_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("onkeyup", String.class);

  static public final String COMPONENT_FAMILY =

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org/apache/myfaces/trinidad/component/core/layout/ 84
  static public final PropertyKey INLINE_STYLE_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("inlineStyle", String.class);
  static public final PropertyKey STYLE_CLASS_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("styleClass", String.class);
  static public final PropertyKey SHORT_DESC_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("shortDesc", String.class);
  static public final PropertyKey PARTIAL_TRIGGERS_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("partialTriggers", String[].class);
  static public final PropertyKey ONCLICK_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("onclick", String.class);
  static public final PropertyKey ONDBLCLICK_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("ondblclick", String.class);
  static public final PropertyKey ONMOUSEDOWN_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("onmousedown", String.class);
  static public final PropertyKey ONMOUSEUP_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("onmouseup", String.class);
  static public final PropertyKey ONMOUSEOVER_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("onmouseover", String.class);
  static public final PropertyKey ONMOUSEMOVE_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("onmousemove", String.class);
  static public final PropertyKey ONMOUSEOUT_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("onmouseout", String.class);
  static public final PropertyKey ONKEYPRESS_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("onkeypress", String.class);
  static public final PropertyKey ONKEYDOWN_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("onkeydown", String.class);
  static public final PropertyKey ONKEYUP_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("onkeyup", String.class);
  static public final PropertyKey DISCLOSE_NONE_KEY =

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org/apache/myfaces/trinidad/component/core/nav/ 69
    TYPE.registerKey("innerRightWidth", String.class, "25%");
  static public final PropertyKey INLINE_STYLE_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("inlineStyle", String.class);
  static public final PropertyKey STYLE_CLASS_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("styleClass", String.class);
  static public final PropertyKey SHORT_DESC_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("shortDesc", String.class);
  static public final PropertyKey PARTIAL_TRIGGERS_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("partialTriggers", String[].class);
  static public final PropertyKey ONCLICK_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("onclick", String.class);
  static public final PropertyKey ONDBLCLICK_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("ondblclick", String.class);
  static public final PropertyKey ONMOUSEDOWN_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("onmousedown", String.class);
  static public final PropertyKey ONMOUSEUP_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("onmouseup", String.class);
  static public final PropertyKey ONMOUSEOVER_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("onmouseover", String.class);
  static public final PropertyKey ONMOUSEMOVE_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("onmousemove", String.class);
  static public final PropertyKey ONMOUSEOUT_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("onmouseout", String.class);
  static public final PropertyKey ONKEYPRESS_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("onkeypress", String.class);
  static public final PropertyKey ONKEYDOWN_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("onkeydown", String.class);
  static public final PropertyKey ONKEYUP_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("onkeyup", String.class);
  static public final String TOP_FACET = "top";

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  static public final PropertyKey INLINE_STYLE_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("inlineStyle", String.class);
  static public final PropertyKey STYLE_CLASS_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("styleClass", String.class);
  static public final PropertyKey SHORT_DESC_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("shortDesc", String.class);
  static public final PropertyKey PARTIAL_TRIGGERS_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("partialTriggers", String[].class);
  static public final PropertyKey ONCLICK_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("onclick", String.class);
  static public final PropertyKey ONDBLCLICK_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("ondblclick", String.class);
  static public final PropertyKey ONMOUSEDOWN_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("onmousedown", String.class);
  static public final PropertyKey ONMOUSEUP_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("onmouseup", String.class);
  static public final PropertyKey ONMOUSEOVER_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("onmouseover", String.class);
  static public final PropertyKey ONMOUSEMOVE_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("onmousemove", String.class);
  static public final PropertyKey ONMOUSEOUT_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("onmouseout", String.class);
  static public final PropertyKey ONKEYPRESS_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("onkeypress", String.class);
  static public final PropertyKey ONKEYDOWN_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("onkeydown", String.class);
  static public final PropertyKey ONKEYUP_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("onkeyup", String.class);
  static public final PropertyKey DISCLOSE_NONE_KEY =

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org/apache/myfaces/trinidad/component/core/layout/ 63
    TYPE.registerKey("innerRightWidth", String.class, "25%");
  static public final PropertyKey INLINE_STYLE_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("inlineStyle", String.class);
  static public final PropertyKey STYLE_CLASS_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("styleClass", String.class);
  static public final PropertyKey SHORT_DESC_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("shortDesc", String.class);
  static public final PropertyKey PARTIAL_TRIGGERS_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("partialTriggers", String[].class);
  static public final PropertyKey ONCLICK_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("onclick", String.class);
  static public final PropertyKey ONDBLCLICK_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("ondblclick", String.class);
  static public final PropertyKey ONMOUSEDOWN_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("onmousedown", String.class);
  static public final PropertyKey ONMOUSEUP_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("onmouseup", String.class);
  static public final PropertyKey ONMOUSEOVER_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("onmouseover", String.class);
  static public final PropertyKey ONMOUSEMOVE_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("onmousemove", String.class);
  static public final PropertyKey ONMOUSEOUT_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("onmouseout", String.class);
  static public final PropertyKey ONKEYPRESS_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("onkeypress", String.class);
  static public final PropertyKey ONKEYDOWN_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("onkeydown", String.class);
  static public final PropertyKey ONKEYUP_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("onkeyup", String.class);
  static public final String TOP_FACET = "top";

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  static public final PropertyKey INLINE_STYLE_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("inlineStyle", String.class);
  static public final PropertyKey STYLE_CLASS_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("styleClass", String.class);
  static public final PropertyKey SHORT_DESC_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("shortDesc", String.class);
  static public final PropertyKey PARTIAL_TRIGGERS_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("partialTriggers", String[].class);
  static public final PropertyKey ONCLICK_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("onclick", String.class);
  static public final PropertyKey ONDBLCLICK_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("ondblclick", String.class);
  static public final PropertyKey ONMOUSEDOWN_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("onmousedown", String.class);
  static public final PropertyKey ONMOUSEUP_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("onmouseup", String.class);
  static public final PropertyKey ONMOUSEOVER_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("onmouseover", String.class);
  static public final PropertyKey ONMOUSEMOVE_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("onmousemove", String.class);
  static public final PropertyKey ONMOUSEOUT_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("onmouseout", String.class);
  static public final PropertyKey ONKEYPRESS_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("onkeypress", String.class);
  static public final PropertyKey ONKEYDOWN_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("onkeydown", String.class);
  static public final PropertyKey ONKEYUP_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("onkeyup", String.class);
  static public final PropertyKey DISCLOSE_NONE_KEY =

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org/apache/myfaces/trinidad/component/core/nav/ 69
    TYPE.registerKey("innerRightWidth", String.class, "25%");
  static public final PropertyKey INLINE_STYLE_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("inlineStyle", String.class);
  static public final PropertyKey STYLE_CLASS_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("styleClass", String.class);
  static public final PropertyKey SHORT_DESC_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("shortDesc", String.class);
  static public final PropertyKey PARTIAL_TRIGGERS_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("partialTriggers", String[].class);
  static public final PropertyKey ONCLICK_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("onclick", String.class);
  static public final PropertyKey ONDBLCLICK_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("ondblclick", String.class);
  static public final PropertyKey ONMOUSEDOWN_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("onmousedown", String.class);
  static public final PropertyKey ONMOUSEUP_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("onmouseup", String.class);
  static public final PropertyKey ONMOUSEOVER_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("onmouseover", String.class);
  static public final PropertyKey ONMOUSEMOVE_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("onmousemove", String.class);
  static public final PropertyKey ONMOUSEOUT_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("onmouseout", String.class);
  static public final PropertyKey ONKEYPRESS_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("onkeypress", String.class);
  static public final PropertyKey ONKEYDOWN_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("onkeydown", String.class);
  static public final PropertyKey ONKEYUP_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("onkeyup", String.class);
  static public final String TOP_FACET = "top";

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    TYPE.registerKey("summary", String.class);
  static public final PropertyKey INLINE_STYLE_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("inlineStyle", String.class);
  static public final PropertyKey STYLE_CLASS_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("styleClass", String.class);
  static public final PropertyKey SHORT_DESC_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("shortDesc", String.class);
  static public final PropertyKey PARTIAL_TRIGGERS_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("partialTriggers", String[].class);
  static public final PropertyKey ONCLICK_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("onclick", String.class);
  static public final PropertyKey ONDBLCLICK_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("ondblclick", String.class);
  static public final PropertyKey ONMOUSEDOWN_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("onmousedown", String.class);
  static public final PropertyKey ONMOUSEUP_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("onmouseup", String.class);
  static public final PropertyKey ONMOUSEOVER_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("onmouseover", String.class);
  static public final PropertyKey ONMOUSEMOVE_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("onmousemove", String.class);
  static public final PropertyKey ONMOUSEOUT_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("onmouseout", String.class);
  static public final PropertyKey ONKEYPRESS_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("onkeypress", String.class);
  static public final PropertyKey ONKEYDOWN_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("onkeydown", String.class);
  static public final PropertyKey ONKEYUP_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("onkeyup", String.class);
  static public final PropertyKey ALL_DETAILS_ENABLED_KEY =

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    TYPE.registerKey("innerRightWidth", String.class, "25%");
  static public final PropertyKey INLINE_STYLE_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("inlineStyle", String.class);
  static public final PropertyKey STYLE_CLASS_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("styleClass", String.class);
  static public final PropertyKey SHORT_DESC_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("shortDesc", String.class);
  static public final PropertyKey PARTIAL_TRIGGERS_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("partialTriggers", String[].class);
  static public final PropertyKey ONCLICK_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("onclick", String.class);
  static public final PropertyKey ONDBLCLICK_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("ondblclick", String.class);
  static public final PropertyKey ONMOUSEDOWN_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("onmousedown", String.class);
  static public final PropertyKey ONMOUSEUP_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("onmouseup", String.class);
  static public final PropertyKey ONMOUSEOVER_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("onmouseover", String.class);
  static public final PropertyKey ONMOUSEMOVE_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("onmousemove", String.class);
  static public final PropertyKey ONMOUSEOUT_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("onmouseout", String.class);
  static public final PropertyKey ONKEYPRESS_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("onkeypress", String.class);
  static public final PropertyKey ONKEYDOWN_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("onkeydown", String.class);
  static public final PropertyKey ONKEYUP_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("onkeyup", String.class);
  static public final String TOP_FACET = "top";

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  static public final PropertyKey INLINE_STYLE_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("inlineStyle", String.class);
  static public final PropertyKey STYLE_CLASS_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("styleClass", String.class);
  static public final PropertyKey SHORT_DESC_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("shortDesc", String.class);
  static public final PropertyKey PARTIAL_TRIGGERS_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("partialTriggers", String[].class);
  static public final PropertyKey ONCLICK_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("onclick", String.class);
  static public final PropertyKey ONDBLCLICK_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("ondblclick", String.class);
  static public final PropertyKey ONMOUSEDOWN_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("onmousedown", String.class);
  static public final PropertyKey ONMOUSEUP_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("onmouseup", String.class);
  static public final PropertyKey ONMOUSEOVER_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("onmouseover", String.class);
  static public final PropertyKey ONMOUSEMOVE_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("onmousemove", String.class);
  static public final PropertyKey ONMOUSEOUT_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("onmouseout", String.class);
  static public final PropertyKey ONKEYPRESS_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("onkeypress", String.class);
  static public final PropertyKey ONKEYDOWN_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("onkeydown", String.class);
  static public final PropertyKey ONKEYUP_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("onkeyup", String.class);
  static public final PropertyKey ALIGN_KEY =

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    TYPE.registerKey("header", Boolean.class);
  static public final PropertyKey SHORT_DESC_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("shortDesc", String.class);
  static public final PropertyKey PARTIAL_TRIGGERS_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("partialTriggers", String[].class);
  static public final PropertyKey ONCLICK_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("onclick", String.class);
  static public final PropertyKey ONDBLCLICK_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("ondblclick", String.class);
  static public final PropertyKey ONMOUSEDOWN_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("onmousedown", String.class);
  static public final PropertyKey ONMOUSEUP_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("onmouseup", String.class);
  static public final PropertyKey ONMOUSEOVER_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("onmouseover", String.class);
  static public final PropertyKey ONMOUSEMOVE_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("onmousemove", String.class);
  static public final PropertyKey ONMOUSEOUT_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("onmouseout", String.class);
  static public final PropertyKey ONKEYPRESS_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("onkeypress", String.class);
  static public final PropertyKey ONKEYDOWN_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("onkeydown", String.class);
  static public final PropertyKey ONKEYUP_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("onkeyup", String.class);
  static public final PropertyKey STYLE_CLASS_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("styleClass", String.class);
  static public final PropertyKey INLINE_STYLE_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("inlineStyle", String.class);

  static public final String COMPONENT_FAMILY =

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    TYPE.registerKey("onsubmit", String.class);
  static public final PropertyKey INLINE_STYLE_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("inlineStyle", String.class);
  static public final PropertyKey STYLE_CLASS_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("styleClass", String.class);
  static public final PropertyKey SHORT_DESC_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("shortDesc", String.class);
  static public final PropertyKey PARTIAL_TRIGGERS_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("partialTriggers", String[].class);
  static public final PropertyKey ONCLICK_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("onclick", String.class);
  static public final PropertyKey ONDBLCLICK_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("ondblclick", String.class);
  static public final PropertyKey ONMOUSEDOWN_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("onmousedown", String.class);
  static public final PropertyKey ONMOUSEUP_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("onmouseup", String.class);
  static public final PropertyKey ONMOUSEOVER_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("onmouseover", String.class);
  static public final PropertyKey ONMOUSEMOVE_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("onmousemove", String.class);
  static public final PropertyKey ONMOUSEOUT_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("onmouseout", String.class);
  static public final PropertyKey ONKEYPRESS_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("onkeypress", String.class);
  static public final PropertyKey ONKEYDOWN_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("onkeydown", String.class);
  static public final PropertyKey ONKEYUP_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("onkeyup", String.class);

  static public final String COMPONENT_FAMILY =

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org/apache/myfaces/trinidad/validator/ 352
org/apache/myfaces/trinidad/validator/ 355
              _getMinimumMessage(context, component, value, IntegerUtils.getString(min)));
    catch (NumberFormatException nfe)
      FacesMessage msg = _getNotCorrectType(context);
      throw new ValidatorException(msg);

  //  StateHolder Methods
  public Object saveState(FacesContext context)
    return _facesBean.saveState(context);

  public void restoreState(FacesContext context, Object state)
    _facesBean.restoreState(context, state);

   * <p>Set the {@link ValueExpression} used to calculate the value for the
   * specified attribute if any.</p>
   * @param name Name of the attribute for which to set a {@link ValueExpression}
   * @param expression The {@link ValueExpression} to set, or <code>null</code>
   *  to remove any currently set {@link ValueExpression}
   * @exception NullPointerException if <code>name</code>
   *  is <code>null</code>
   * @exception IllegalArgumentException if <code>name</code> is not a valid
   *            attribute of this converter
  public void setValueExpression(String name, ValueExpression expression)
    ValidatorUtils.setValueExpression(_facesBean, name, expression) ;

   * <p>Return the {@link ValueExpression} used to calculate the value for the
   * specified attribute name, if any.</p>
   * @param name Name of the attribute or property for which to retrieve a
   *  {@link ValueExpression}
   * @exception NullPointerException if <code>name</code>
   *  is <code>null</code>
   * @exception IllegalArgumentException if <code>name</code> is not a valid
   * attribute of this converter
  public ValueExpression getValueExpression(String name)
    return ValidatorUtils.getValueExpression(_facesBean, name);

   * <p>Set the {@link ValueBinding} used to calculate the value for the
   * specified attribute if any.</p>
   * @param name Name of the attribute for which to set a {@link ValueBinding}
   * @param binding The {@link ValueBinding} to set, or <code>null</code>
   *  to remove any currently set {@link ValueBinding}
   * @exception NullPointerException if <code>name</code>
   *  is <code>null</code>
   * @exception IllegalArgumentException if <code>name</code> is not a valid
   *            attribute of this validator
   * @deprecated
  public void setValueBinding(String name, ValueBinding binding)
    ValidatorUtils.setValueBinding(_facesBean, name, binding) ;

   * <p>Return the {@link ValueBinding} used to calculate the value for the
   * specified attribute name, if any.</p>
   * @param name Name of the attribute or property for which to retrieve a
   *  {@link ValueBinding}
   * @exception NullPointerException if <code>name</code>
   *  is <code>null</code>
   * @exception IllegalArgumentException if <code>name</code> is not a valid
   * attribute of this validator
   * @deprecated
  public ValueBinding getValueBinding(String name)
    return ValidatorUtils.getValueBinding(_facesBean, name);
  public boolean isTransient()
    return (_transientValue);

  public void setTransient(boolean transientValue)
    _transientValue = transientValue;

  protected boolean isMaximumSet()
    return _facesBean.getProperty(_MAXIMUM_KEY) != null;

  protected boolean isMinimumSet()
    return _facesBean.getProperty(_MINIMUM_KEY) != null;

  private FacesMessage _getNotCorrectType(
    FacesContext context)
    return MessageFactory.getMessage(context, CONVERT_MESSAGE_ID);
   * Try to call longValue() from java.lang.Number. Since not all
   * "number" implement java.lang.Number, we try to call string
   * and parse the String representation of the "number". If that fails
   * we aren't working with a number so we throw a NumberFormatException  
   * @param value the number value
   * @return parsed number value
   * @throws NumberFormatException if the value is not a number
  private long _convertValueToLong(Object value) throws NumberFormatException

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    setProperty(AUTO_COMPLETE_KEY, (autoComplete));

   * Gets event handler for when text becomes selected.
   * @return  the new onselect value
  final public String getOnselect()
    return ComponentUtils.resolveString(getProperty(ONSELECT_KEY));

   * Sets event handler for when text becomes selected.
   * @param onselect  the new onselect value
  final public void setOnselect(String onselect)
    setProperty(ONSELECT_KEY, (onselect));

   * Gets <html>
   *  Character used to gain quick access to
   *                the form element specified by the
   *          <code>for</code>, if set (or this component itself,
   *               if it is a "non-simple" form element).
   *               For accessibility reasons, this functionality is not supported
   *               in screen reader mode.
   *               If the same access key appears in multiple locations in the
   *               same page of output, the rendering user agent will cycle
   *               among the elements accessed by the similar keys.
   *               <p>
   *                 This attribute is sometimes referred to as the "mnemonic".
   *                 </p></html>
   * @return  the new accessKey value
  final public char getAccessKey()
    return ComponentUtils.resolveCharacter((Character)getProperty(ACCESS_KEY_KEY));

   * Sets <html>
   *  Character used to gain quick access to
   *                the form element specified by the
   *          <code>for</code>, if set (or this component itself,
   *               if it is a "non-simple" form element).
   *               For accessibility reasons, this functionality is not supported
   *               in screen reader mode.
   *               If the same access key appears in multiple locations in the
   *               same page of output, the rendering user agent will cycle
   *               among the elements accessed by the similar keys.
   *               <p>
   *                 This attribute is sometimes referred to as the "mnemonic".
   *                 </p></html>
   * @param accessKey  the new accessKey value
  final public void setAccessKey(char accessKey)
    setProperty(ACCESS_KEY_KEY, Character.valueOf(accessKey));

   * Gets If set to TRUE on a form element, the component will automatically submit
   *      the enclosing form when an appropriate action takes place (a click, text
   *      change, etc.).
   * @return  the new autoSubmit value
  final public boolean isAutoSubmit()
    return ComponentUtils.resolveBoolean(getProperty(AUTO_SUBMIT_KEY), false);

   * Sets If set to TRUE on a form element, the component will automatically submit
   *      the enclosing form when an appropriate action takes place (a click, text
   *      change, etc.).
   * @param autoSubmit  the new autoSubmit value
  final public void setAutoSubmit(boolean autoSubmit)
    setProperty(AUTO_SUBMIT_KEY, autoSubmit ? Boolean.TRUE : Boolean.FALSE);

  public String getDefaultEventName()
    return "change";

  public Collection<String> getEventNames()
    return _EVENT_NAMES;

  public Map<String, List<ClientBehavior>> getClientBehaviors()
    return super.getClientBehaviors();

  public void addClientBehavior(
    String         eventName,
    ClientBehavior behavior)
    super.addClientBehavior(eventName, behavior);

  public String getFamily()

  protected FacesBean.Type getBeanType()
    return TYPE;

   * Construct an instance of the CoreInputText.
  protected CoreInputText(

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    setProperty(INLINE_STYLE_KEY, (inlineStyle));

   * Gets an onload Javascript handler.
   * @return  the new onload value
  final public String getOnload()
    return ComponentUtils.resolveString(getProperty(ONLOAD_KEY));

   * Sets an onload Javascript handler.
   * @param onload  the new onload value
  final public void setOnload(String onload)
    setProperty(ONLOAD_KEY, (onload));

   * Gets an onunload Javascript handler.
   * @return  the new onunload value
  final public String getOnunload()
    return ComponentUtils.resolveString(getProperty(ONUNLOAD_KEY));

   * Sets an onunload Javascript handler.
   * @param onunload  the new onunload value
  final public void setOnunload(String onunload)
    setProperty(ONUNLOAD_KEY, (onunload));

   * Gets the id of the component to which you want the
   *         focus to be when the full page renders. The accessibility-mode
   *         must be set to "inaccessible" for this feature to be on.
   * @return  the new initialFocusId value
  final public String getInitialFocusId()
    return ComponentUtils.resolveString(getProperty(INITIAL_FOCUS_ID_KEY));

   * Sets the id of the component to which you want the
   *         focus to be when the full page renders. The accessibility-mode
   *         must be set to "inaccessible" for this feature to be on.
   * @param initialFocusId  the new initialFocusId value
  final public void setInitialFocusId(String initialFocusId)
    setProperty(INITIAL_FOCUS_ID_KEY, (initialFocusId));

  public String getDefaultEventName()
    return "load";

  public Collection<String> getEventNames()
    return _EVENT_NAMES;

  public Map<String, List<ClientBehavior>> getClientBehaviors()
    return super.getClientBehaviors();

  public void addClientBehavior(
    String         eventName,
    ClientBehavior behavior)
    super.addClientBehavior(eventName, behavior);

  public String getFamily()

  protected FacesBean.Type getBeanType()
    return TYPE;

   * Construct an instance of the HtmlBody.
  protected HtmlBody(

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      if (ContainerUtils.isValueReference(labelAndAccessKey))
        labelAndAccessKeyEval = _evalElStr(labelAndAccessKey);
      } else
        labelAndAccessKeyEval = labelAndAccessKey;

      String accessKey = null;
      if (labelAndAccessKeyEval == null ||
          (ampIdx = labelAndAccessKeyEval.indexOf('&')) == -1)
        // String is null or a label w/o an accesskey
        label = labelAndAccessKeyEval;
      } else if (ampIdx == (labelAndAccessKeyEval.length() - 1))
        // & is last character, strip it.
        label = labelAndAccessKeyEval.substring(0, ampIdx);
      } else
        // We have a string with an accessKey somewhere
        char[] keyArray = labelAndAccessKeyEval.toCharArray();
        int len = labelAndAccessKeyEval.length();
        char[] keyArray2 = new char[len];
        int i, j = 0;
        boolean accessKeyFound = false;

        for (i = 0, j = 0; i < len; i++, j++)
          if (keyArray[i] == '&')

            if (!accessKeyFound && keyArray[i] != '&')
              // We have our accessKey
              accessKey = labelAndAccessKeyEval.substring(i, i + 1);
              accessKeyFound = true;

          keyArray2[j] = keyArray[i];

        String label1 = new String(keyArray2, 0, j);
        label = label1;

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    TYPE.registerKey("width", String.class);
  static public final PropertyKey SHORT_DESC_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("shortDesc", String.class);
  static public final PropertyKey PARTIAL_TRIGGERS_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("partialTriggers", String[].class);
  static public final PropertyKey ONCLICK_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("onclick", String.class);
  static public final PropertyKey ONDBLCLICK_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("ondblclick", String.class);
  static public final PropertyKey ONMOUSEDOWN_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("onmousedown", String.class);
  static public final PropertyKey ONMOUSEUP_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("onmouseup", String.class);
  static public final PropertyKey ONMOUSEOVER_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("onmouseover", String.class);
  static public final PropertyKey ONMOUSEMOVE_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("onmousemove", String.class);
  static public final PropertyKey ONMOUSEOUT_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("onmouseout", String.class);
  static public final PropertyKey ONKEYPRESS_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("onkeypress", String.class);
  static public final PropertyKey ONKEYDOWN_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("onkeydown", String.class);
  static public final PropertyKey ONKEYUP_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("onkeyup", String.class);
  static public final PropertyKey STYLE_CLASS_KEY =

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    TYPE.registerKey("width", String.class);
  static public final PropertyKey SHORT_DESC_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("shortDesc", String.class);
  static public final PropertyKey PARTIAL_TRIGGERS_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("partialTriggers", String[].class);
  static public final PropertyKey ONCLICK_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("onclick", String.class);
  static public final PropertyKey ONDBLCLICK_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("ondblclick", String.class);
  static public final PropertyKey ONMOUSEDOWN_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("onmousedown", String.class);
  static public final PropertyKey ONMOUSEUP_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("onmouseup", String.class);
  static public final PropertyKey ONMOUSEOVER_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("onmouseover", String.class);
  static public final PropertyKey ONMOUSEMOVE_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("onmousemove", String.class);
  static public final PropertyKey ONMOUSEOUT_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("onmouseout", String.class);
  static public final PropertyKey ONKEYPRESS_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("onkeypress", String.class);
  static public final PropertyKey ONKEYDOWN_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("onkeydown", String.class);
  static public final PropertyKey ONKEYUP_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("onkeyup", String.class);
  static public final PropertyKey STYLE_CLASS_KEY =

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    TYPE.registerKey("header", Boolean.class);
  static public final PropertyKey SHORT_DESC_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("shortDesc", String.class);
  static public final PropertyKey PARTIAL_TRIGGERS_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("partialTriggers", String[].class);
  static public final PropertyKey ONCLICK_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("onclick", String.class);
  static public final PropertyKey ONDBLCLICK_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("ondblclick", String.class);
  static public final PropertyKey ONMOUSEDOWN_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("onmousedown", String.class);
  static public final PropertyKey ONMOUSEUP_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("onmouseup", String.class);
  static public final PropertyKey ONMOUSEOVER_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("onmouseover", String.class);
  static public final PropertyKey ONMOUSEMOVE_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("onmousemove", String.class);
  static public final PropertyKey ONMOUSEOUT_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("onmouseout", String.class);
  static public final PropertyKey ONKEYPRESS_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("onkeypress", String.class);
  static public final PropertyKey ONKEYDOWN_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("onkeydown", String.class);
  static public final PropertyKey ONKEYUP_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("onkeyup", String.class);
  static public final PropertyKey STYLE_CLASS_KEY =

File Line
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org/apache/myfaces/trinidad/component/html/ 89
    TYPE.registerKey("header", Boolean.class);
  static public final PropertyKey SHORT_DESC_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("shortDesc", String.class);
  static public final PropertyKey PARTIAL_TRIGGERS_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("partialTriggers", String[].class);
  static public final PropertyKey ONCLICK_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("onclick", String.class);
  static public final PropertyKey ONDBLCLICK_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("ondblclick", String.class);
  static public final PropertyKey ONMOUSEDOWN_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("onmousedown", String.class);
  static public final PropertyKey ONMOUSEUP_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("onmouseup", String.class);
  static public final PropertyKey ONMOUSEOVER_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("onmouseover", String.class);
  static public final PropertyKey ONMOUSEMOVE_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("onmousemove", String.class);
  static public final PropertyKey ONMOUSEOUT_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("onmouseout", String.class);
  static public final PropertyKey ONKEYPRESS_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("onkeypress", String.class);
  static public final PropertyKey ONKEYDOWN_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("onkeydown", String.class);
  static public final PropertyKey ONKEYUP_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("onkeyup", String.class);
  static public final PropertyKey STYLE_CLASS_KEY =

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    TYPE.registerKey("firstClickPassed", Boolean.class, Boolean.FALSE);
  static public final PropertyKey SHORT_DESC_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("shortDesc", String.class);
  static public final PropertyKey PARTIAL_TRIGGERS_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("partialTriggers", String[].class);
  static public final PropertyKey ONCLICK_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("onclick", String.class);
  static public final PropertyKey ONDBLCLICK_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("ondblclick", String.class);
  static public final PropertyKey ONMOUSEDOWN_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("onmousedown", String.class);
  static public final PropertyKey ONMOUSEUP_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("onmouseup", String.class);
  static public final PropertyKey ONMOUSEOVER_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("onmouseover", String.class);
  static public final PropertyKey ONMOUSEMOVE_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("onmousemove", String.class);
  static public final PropertyKey ONMOUSEOUT_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("onmouseout", String.class);
  static public final PropertyKey ONKEYPRESS_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("onkeypress", String.class);
  static public final PropertyKey ONKEYDOWN_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("onkeydown", String.class);
  static public final PropertyKey ONKEYUP_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("onkeyup", String.class);
  static public final PropertyKey STYLE_CLASS_KEY =

File Line
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org/apache/myfaces/trinidad/component/core/input/ 93
    TYPE.registerKey("onchange", String.class);
  static public final PropertyKey ONCLICK_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("onclick", String.class);
  static public final PropertyKey ONDBLCLICK_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("ondblclick", String.class);
  static public final PropertyKey ONMOUSEDOWN_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("onmousedown", String.class);
  static public final PropertyKey ONMOUSEUP_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("onmouseup", String.class);
  static public final PropertyKey ONMOUSEOVER_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("onmouseover", String.class);
  static public final PropertyKey ONMOUSEMOVE_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("onmousemove", String.class);
  static public final PropertyKey ONMOUSEOUT_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("onmouseout", String.class);
  static public final PropertyKey ONKEYPRESS_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("onkeypress", String.class);
  static public final PropertyKey ONKEYDOWN_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("onkeydown", String.class);
  static public final PropertyKey ONKEYUP_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("onkeyup", String.class);
  static public final PropertyKey ONBLUR_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("onblur", String.class);
  static public final PropertyKey ONFOCUS_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("onfocus", String.class);
  static public final PropertyKey STYLE_CLASS_KEY =

File Line
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    TYPE.registerKey("firstClickPassed", Boolean.class, Boolean.FALSE);
  static public final PropertyKey SHORT_DESC_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("shortDesc", String.class);
  static public final PropertyKey PARTIAL_TRIGGERS_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("partialTriggers", String[].class);
  static public final PropertyKey ONCLICK_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("onclick", String.class);
  static public final PropertyKey ONDBLCLICK_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("ondblclick", String.class);
  static public final PropertyKey ONMOUSEDOWN_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("onmousedown", String.class);
  static public final PropertyKey ONMOUSEUP_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("onmouseup", String.class);
  static public final PropertyKey ONMOUSEOVER_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("onmouseover", String.class);
  static public final PropertyKey ONMOUSEMOVE_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("onmousemove", String.class);
  static public final PropertyKey ONMOUSEOUT_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("onmouseout", String.class);
  static public final PropertyKey ONKEYPRESS_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("onkeypress", String.class);
  static public final PropertyKey ONKEYDOWN_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("onkeydown", String.class);
  static public final PropertyKey ONKEYUP_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("onkeyup", String.class);
  static public final PropertyKey STYLE_CLASS_KEY =

File Line
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org/apache/myfaces/trinidad/component/core/input/ 93
    TYPE.registerKey("onchange", String.class);
  static public final PropertyKey ONCLICK_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("onclick", String.class);
  static public final PropertyKey ONDBLCLICK_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("ondblclick", String.class);
  static public final PropertyKey ONMOUSEDOWN_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("onmousedown", String.class);
  static public final PropertyKey ONMOUSEUP_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("onmouseup", String.class);
  static public final PropertyKey ONMOUSEOVER_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("onmouseover", String.class);
  static public final PropertyKey ONMOUSEMOVE_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("onmousemove", String.class);
  static public final PropertyKey ONMOUSEOUT_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("onmouseout", String.class);
  static public final PropertyKey ONKEYPRESS_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("onkeypress", String.class);
  static public final PropertyKey ONKEYDOWN_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("onkeydown", String.class);
  static public final PropertyKey ONKEYUP_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("onkeyup", String.class);
  static public final PropertyKey ONBLUR_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("onblur", String.class);
  static public final PropertyKey ONFOCUS_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("onfocus", String.class);
  static public final PropertyKey STYLE_CLASS_KEY =

File Line
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    TYPE.registerKey("firstClickPassed", Boolean.class, Boolean.FALSE);
  static public final PropertyKey SHORT_DESC_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("shortDesc", String.class);
  static public final PropertyKey PARTIAL_TRIGGERS_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("partialTriggers", String[].class);
  static public final PropertyKey ONCLICK_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("onclick", String.class);
  static public final PropertyKey ONDBLCLICK_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("ondblclick", String.class);
  static public final PropertyKey ONMOUSEDOWN_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("onmousedown", String.class);
  static public final PropertyKey ONMOUSEUP_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("onmouseup", String.class);
  static public final PropertyKey ONMOUSEOVER_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("onmouseover", String.class);
  static public final PropertyKey ONMOUSEMOVE_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("onmousemove", String.class);
  static public final PropertyKey ONMOUSEOUT_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("onmouseout", String.class);
  static public final PropertyKey ONKEYPRESS_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("onkeypress", String.class);
  static public final PropertyKey ONKEYDOWN_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("onkeydown", String.class);
  static public final PropertyKey ONKEYUP_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("onkeyup", String.class);
  static public final PropertyKey STYLE_CLASS_KEY =

File Line
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org/apache/myfaces/trinidad/component/core/input/ 93
    TYPE.registerKey("onchange", String.class);
  static public final PropertyKey ONCLICK_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("onclick", String.class);
  static public final PropertyKey ONDBLCLICK_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("ondblclick", String.class);
  static public final PropertyKey ONMOUSEDOWN_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("onmousedown", String.class);
  static public final PropertyKey ONMOUSEUP_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("onmouseup", String.class);
  static public final PropertyKey ONMOUSEOVER_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("onmouseover", String.class);
  static public final PropertyKey ONMOUSEMOVE_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("onmousemove", String.class);
  static public final PropertyKey ONMOUSEOUT_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("onmouseout", String.class);
  static public final PropertyKey ONKEYPRESS_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("onkeypress", String.class);
  static public final PropertyKey ONKEYDOWN_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("onkeydown", String.class);
  static public final PropertyKey ONKEYUP_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("onkeyup", String.class);
  static public final PropertyKey ONBLUR_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("onblur", String.class);
  static public final PropertyKey ONFOCUS_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("onfocus", String.class);
  static public final PropertyKey STYLE_CLASS_KEY =

File Line
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    TYPE.registerKey("firstClickPassed", Boolean.class, Boolean.FALSE);
  static public final PropertyKey SHORT_DESC_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("shortDesc", String.class);
  static public final PropertyKey PARTIAL_TRIGGERS_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("partialTriggers", String[].class);
  static public final PropertyKey ONCLICK_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("onclick", String.class);
  static public final PropertyKey ONDBLCLICK_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("ondblclick", String.class);
  static public final PropertyKey ONMOUSEDOWN_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("onmousedown", String.class);
  static public final PropertyKey ONMOUSEUP_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("onmouseup", String.class);
  static public final PropertyKey ONMOUSEOVER_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("onmouseover", String.class);
  static public final PropertyKey ONMOUSEMOVE_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("onmousemove", String.class);
  static public final PropertyKey ONMOUSEOUT_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("onmouseout", String.class);
  static public final PropertyKey ONKEYPRESS_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("onkeypress", String.class);
  static public final PropertyKey ONKEYDOWN_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("onkeydown", String.class);
  static public final PropertyKey ONKEYUP_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("onkeyup", String.class);
  static public final PropertyKey STYLE_CLASS_KEY =

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    TYPE.registerKey("onchange", String.class);
  static public final PropertyKey ONCLICK_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("onclick", String.class);
  static public final PropertyKey ONDBLCLICK_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("ondblclick", String.class);
  static public final PropertyKey ONMOUSEDOWN_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("onmousedown", String.class);
  static public final PropertyKey ONMOUSEUP_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("onmouseup", String.class);
  static public final PropertyKey ONMOUSEOVER_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("onmouseover", String.class);
  static public final PropertyKey ONMOUSEMOVE_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("onmousemove", String.class);
  static public final PropertyKey ONMOUSEOUT_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("onmouseout", String.class);
  static public final PropertyKey ONKEYPRESS_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("onkeypress", String.class);
  static public final PropertyKey ONKEYDOWN_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("onkeydown", String.class);
  static public final PropertyKey ONKEYUP_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("onkeyup", String.class);
  static public final PropertyKey ONBLUR_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("onblur", String.class);
  static public final PropertyKey ONFOCUS_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("onfocus", String.class);
  static public final PropertyKey STYLE_CLASS_KEY =

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org/apache/myfaces/trinidad/component/html/ 65
    TYPE.registerKey("firstClickPassed", Boolean.class, Boolean.FALSE);
  static public final PropertyKey SHORT_DESC_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("shortDesc", String.class);
  static public final PropertyKey PARTIAL_TRIGGERS_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("partialTriggers", String[].class);
  static public final PropertyKey ONCLICK_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("onclick", String.class);
  static public final PropertyKey ONDBLCLICK_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("ondblclick", String.class);
  static public final PropertyKey ONMOUSEDOWN_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("onmousedown", String.class);
  static public final PropertyKey ONMOUSEUP_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("onmouseup", String.class);
  static public final PropertyKey ONMOUSEOVER_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("onmouseover", String.class);
  static public final PropertyKey ONMOUSEMOVE_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("onmousemove", String.class);
  static public final PropertyKey ONMOUSEOUT_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("onmouseout", String.class);
  static public final PropertyKey ONKEYPRESS_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("onkeypress", String.class);
  static public final PropertyKey ONKEYDOWN_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("onkeydown", String.class);
  static public final PropertyKey ONKEYUP_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("onkeyup", String.class);
  static public final PropertyKey STYLE_CLASS_KEY =

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    TYPE.registerKey("firstClickPassed", Boolean.class, Boolean.FALSE);
  static public final PropertyKey SHORT_DESC_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("shortDesc", String.class);
  static public final PropertyKey PARTIAL_TRIGGERS_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("partialTriggers", String[].class);
  static public final PropertyKey ONCLICK_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("onclick", String.class);
  static public final PropertyKey ONDBLCLICK_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("ondblclick", String.class);
  static public final PropertyKey ONMOUSEDOWN_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("onmousedown", String.class);
  static public final PropertyKey ONMOUSEUP_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("onmouseup", String.class);
  static public final PropertyKey ONMOUSEOVER_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("onmouseover", String.class);
  static public final PropertyKey ONMOUSEMOVE_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("onmousemove", String.class);
  static public final PropertyKey ONMOUSEOUT_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("onmouseout", String.class);
  static public final PropertyKey ONKEYPRESS_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("onkeypress", String.class);
  static public final PropertyKey ONKEYDOWN_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("onkeydown", String.class);
  static public final PropertyKey ONKEYUP_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("onkeyup", String.class);
  static public final PropertyKey STYLE_CLASS_KEY =

File Line
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    TYPE.registerKey("partialTriggers", String[].class);
  static public final PropertyKey ONCLICK_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("onclick", String.class);
  static public final PropertyKey ONDBLCLICK_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("ondblclick", String.class);
  static public final PropertyKey ONMOUSEDOWN_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("onmousedown", String.class);
  static public final PropertyKey ONMOUSEUP_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("onmouseup", String.class);
  static public final PropertyKey ONMOUSEOVER_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("onmouseover", String.class);
  static public final PropertyKey ONMOUSEMOVE_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("onmousemove", String.class);
  static public final PropertyKey ONMOUSEOUT_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("onmouseout", String.class);
  static public final PropertyKey ONKEYPRESS_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("onkeypress", String.class);
  static public final PropertyKey ONKEYDOWN_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("onkeydown", String.class);
  static public final PropertyKey ONKEYUP_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("onkeyup", String.class);
  static public final PropertyKey ONBLUR_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("onblur", String.class);
  static public final PropertyKey ONFOCUS_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("onfocus", String.class);

  static public final String COMPONENT_FAMILY =

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    TYPE.registerKey("firstClickPassed", Boolean.class, Boolean.FALSE);
  static public final PropertyKey SHORT_DESC_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("shortDesc", String.class);
  static public final PropertyKey PARTIAL_TRIGGERS_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("partialTriggers", String[].class);
  static public final PropertyKey ONCLICK_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("onclick", String.class);
  static public final PropertyKey ONDBLCLICK_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("ondblclick", String.class);
  static public final PropertyKey ONMOUSEDOWN_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("onmousedown", String.class);
  static public final PropertyKey ONMOUSEUP_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("onmouseup", String.class);
  static public final PropertyKey ONMOUSEOVER_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("onmouseover", String.class);
  static public final PropertyKey ONMOUSEMOVE_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("onmousemove", String.class);
  static public final PropertyKey ONMOUSEOUT_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("onmouseout", String.class);
  static public final PropertyKey ONKEYPRESS_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("onkeypress", String.class);
  static public final PropertyKey ONKEYDOWN_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("onkeydown", String.class);
  static public final PropertyKey ONKEYUP_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("onkeyup", String.class);
  static public final PropertyKey STYLE_CLASS_KEY =

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    setProperty(ONSELECT_KEY, (onselect));

   * Gets <html>
   *  Character used to gain quick access to
   *                the form element specified by the
   *          <code>for</code>, if set (or this component itself,
   *               if it is a "non-simple" form element).
   *               For accessibility reasons, this functionality is not supported
   *               in screen reader mode.
   *               If the same access key appears in multiple locations in the
   *               same page of output, the rendering user agent will cycle
   *               among the elements accessed by the similar keys.
   *               <p>
   *                 This attribute is sometimes referred to as the "mnemonic".
   *                 </p></html>
   * @return  the new accessKey value
  final public char getAccessKey()
    return ComponentUtils.resolveCharacter((Character)getProperty(ACCESS_KEY_KEY));

   * Sets <html>
   *  Character used to gain quick access to
   *                the form element specified by the
   *          <code>for</code>, if set (or this component itself,
   *               if it is a "non-simple" form element).
   *               For accessibility reasons, this functionality is not supported
   *               in screen reader mode.
   *               If the same access key appears in multiple locations in the
   *               same page of output, the rendering user agent will cycle
   *               among the elements accessed by the similar keys.
   *               <p>
   *                 This attribute is sometimes referred to as the "mnemonic".
   *                 </p></html>
   * @param accessKey  the new accessKey value
  final public void setAccessKey(char accessKey)
    setProperty(ACCESS_KEY_KEY, Character.valueOf(accessKey));

   * Gets If set to TRUE on a form element, the component will automatically submit
   *      the enclosing form when an appropriate action takes place (a click, text
   *      change, etc.).
   * @return  the new autoSubmit value
  final public boolean isAutoSubmit()
    return ComponentUtils.resolveBoolean(getProperty(AUTO_SUBMIT_KEY), false);

   * Sets If set to TRUE on a form element, the component will automatically submit
   *      the enclosing form when an appropriate action takes place (a click, text
   *      change, etc.).
   * @param autoSubmit  the new autoSubmit value
  final public void setAutoSubmit(boolean autoSubmit)
    setProperty(AUTO_SUBMIT_KEY, autoSubmit ? Boolean.TRUE : Boolean.FALSE);

  public String getDefaultEventName()
    return "change";

  public Collection<String> getEventNames()
    return _EVENT_NAMES;

  public Map<String, List<ClientBehavior>> getClientBehaviors()
    return super.getClientBehaviors();

  public void addClientBehavior(
    String         eventName,
    ClientBehavior behavior)
    super.addClientBehavior(eventName, behavior);

  public String getFamily()

  protected FacesBean.Type getBeanType()
    return TYPE;

   * Construct an instance of the CoreInputNumberSpinbox.
  protected CoreInputNumberSpinbox(

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  //  StateHolder Methods
  public Object saveState(FacesContext context)
    return _facesBean.saveState(context);

  public void restoreState(FacesContext context, Object state)
    _facesBean.restoreState(context, state);

   * <p>Set the {@link ValueExpression} used to calculate the value for the
   * specified attribute if any.</p>
   * @param name Name of the attribute for which to set a {@link ValueExpression}
   * @param expression The {@link ValueExpression} to set, or <code>null</code>
   *  to remove any currently set {@link ValueExpression}
   * @exception NullPointerException if <code>name</code>
   *  is <code>null</code>
   * @exception IllegalArgumentException if <code>name</code> is not a valid
   *            attribute of this converter
  public void setValueExpression(String name, ValueExpression expression)
    ValidatorUtils.setValueExpression(_facesBean, name, expression) ;

   * <p>Return the {@link ValueExpression} used to calculate the value for the
   * specified attribute name, if any.</p>
   * @param name Name of the attribute or property for which to retrieve a
   *  {@link ValueExpression}
   * @exception NullPointerException if <code>name</code>
   *  is <code>null</code>
   * @exception IllegalArgumentException if <code>name</code> is not a valid
   * attribute of this converter
  public ValueExpression getValueExpression(String name)
    return ValidatorUtils.getValueExpression(_facesBean, name);

   * <p>Set the {@link ValueBinding} used to calculate the value for the
   * specified attribute if any.</p>
   * @param name Name of the attribute for which to set a {@link ValueBinding}
   * @param binding The {@link ValueBinding} to set, or <code>null</code>
   *  to remove any currently set {@link ValueBinding}
   * @exception NullPointerException if <code>name</code>
   *  is <code>null</code>
   * @exception IllegalArgumentException if <code>name</code> is not a valid
   *            attribute of this validator
   * @deprecated
  public void setValueBinding(String name, ValueBinding binding)
    ValidatorUtils.setValueBinding(_facesBean, name, binding) ;

   * <p>Return the {@link ValueBinding} used to calculate the value for the
   * specified attribute name, if any.</p>
   * @param name Name of the attribute or property for which to retrieve a
   *  {@link ValueBinding}
   * @exception NullPointerException if <code>name</code>
   *  is <code>null</code>
   * @exception IllegalArgumentException if <code>name</code> is not a valid
   * attribute of this validator
   * @deprecated
  public ValueBinding getValueBinding(String name)
    return ValidatorUtils.getValueBinding(_facesBean, name);
  public boolean isTransient()
    return (_transientValue);

  public void setTransient(boolean transientValue)
    _transientValue = transientValue;

  protected boolean isMaximumSet()
    return _facesBean.getProperty(_MAXIMUM_KEY) != null;

  protected boolean isMinimumSet()
    return _facesBean.getProperty(_MINIMUM_KEY) != null;

  private FacesMessage _getNotInRangeMessage(

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      if (labelAndAccessKeyEval == null ||
          (ampIdx = labelAndAccessKeyEval.indexOf('&')) == -1)
        // String is null or a label w/o an accesskey
        label = labelAndAccessKeyEval;
      } else if (ampIdx == (labelAndAccessKeyEval.length() - 1))
        // & is last character, strip it.
        label = labelAndAccessKeyEval.substring(0, ampIdx);
      } else
        // We have a string with an accessKey somewhere
        char[] keyArray = labelAndAccessKeyEval.toCharArray();
        int len = labelAndAccessKeyEval.length();
        char[] keyArray2 = new char[len];
        int i, j = 0;
        boolean accessKeyFound = false;

        for (i = 0, j = 0; i < len; i++, j++)
          if (keyArray[i] == '&')

            if (!accessKeyFound && keyArray[i] != '&')
              // We have our accessKey
              accessKey = labelAndAccessKeyEval.substring(i, i + 1);
              accessKeyFound = true;

          keyArray2[j] = keyArray[i];

        String label1 = new String(keyArray2, 0, j);
        label = label1;
      return (accessKey != null)? accessKey.charAt(0):'\0';

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      if (labelAndAccessKeyEval == null ||
          (ampIdx = labelAndAccessKeyEval.indexOf('&')) == -1)
        // String is null or a label w/o an accesskey
        label = labelAndAccessKeyEval;
      } else if (ampIdx == (labelAndAccessKeyEval.length() - 1))
        // & is last character, strip it.
        label = labelAndAccessKeyEval.substring(0, ampIdx);
      } else
        // We have a string with an accessKey somewhere
        char[] keyArray = labelAndAccessKeyEval.toCharArray();
        int len = labelAndAccessKeyEval.length();
        char[] keyArray2 = new char[len];
        int i, j = 0;
        boolean accessKeyFound = false;

        for (i = 0, j = 0; i < len; i++, j++)
          if (keyArray[i] == '&')

            if (!accessKeyFound && keyArray[i] != '&')
              // We have our accessKey
              accessKey = labelAndAccessKeyEval.substring(i, i + 1);
              accessKeyFound = true;

          keyArray2[j] = keyArray[i];

        String label1 = new String(keyArray2, 0, j);
        label = label1;

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    return _facesBean.getRawProperty(_EXACT_MESSAGE_DETAIL_KEY);
  private FacesMessage _getMaximumMessage(
    FacesContext context,
    UIComponent component,
    Object value,
    Object max)
    Object msg   = _getRawMaximumMessageDetail();
    Object label = ValidatorUtils.getComponentLabel(component);
    Object[] params = {label, value, max};
    return MessageFactory.getMessage(context,
  private Object _getRawMaximumMessageDetail()
    return _facesBean.getRawProperty(_MAXIMUM_MESSAGE_DETAIL_KEY);
  private FacesMessage _getMinimumMessage(
    FacesContext context,
    UIComponent component,
    Object value,
    Object min)
    Object msg      = _getRawMinimumMessageDetail();
    Object label    = ValidatorUtils.getComponentLabel(component);
    Object[] params = {label, value, min};
    return MessageFactory.getMessage(context, MINIMUM_MESSAGE_ID,
                                     msg, params, component);
  private Object _getRawMinimumMessageDetail()
    return _facesBean.getRawProperty(_MINIMUM_MESSAGE_DETAIL_KEY);
  private static final FacesBean.Type _TYPE = new FacesBean.Type();
  // Default is zero, not MIN_VALUE
  private static final PropertyKey _MINIMUM_KEY =

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public class CoreSelectBooleanRadio extends UIXSelectBoolean
                                    implements ClientBehaviorHolder
  static public final FacesBean.Type TYPE = new FacesBean.Type(
  static public final PropertyKey CONTENT_STYLE_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("contentStyle", String.class);
  static public final PropertyKey AUTO_SUBMIT_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("autoSubmit", Boolean.class, Boolean.FALSE);
  static public final PropertyKey READ_ONLY_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("readOnly", Boolean.class, Boolean.FALSE);
  static public final PropertyKey DISABLED_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("disabled", Boolean.class, Boolean.FALSE);
  static public final PropertyKey LABEL_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("label", String.class);
  static public final PropertyKey SIMPLE_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("simple", Boolean.class, Boolean.FALSE);
  static public final PropertyKey TEXT_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("text", String.class);
  static public final PropertyKey ACCESS_KEY_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("accessKey", Character.class);
  static public final PropertyKey GROUP_KEY =

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    TYPE.registerKey("windowWidth", Integer.class);
  static public final PropertyKey ONCLICK_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("onclick", String.class);
  static public final PropertyKey ONDBLCLICK_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("ondblclick", String.class);
  static public final PropertyKey ONMOUSEDOWN_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("onmousedown", String.class);
  static public final PropertyKey ONMOUSEUP_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("onmouseup", String.class);
  static public final PropertyKey ONMOUSEOVER_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("onmouseover", String.class);
  static public final PropertyKey ONMOUSEMOVE_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("onmousemove", String.class);
  static public final PropertyKey ONMOUSEOUT_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("onmouseout", String.class);
  static public final PropertyKey ONKEYPRESS_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("onkeypress", String.class);
  static public final PropertyKey ONKEYDOWN_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("onkeydown", String.class);
  static public final PropertyKey ONKEYUP_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("onkeyup", String.class);
  static public final PropertyKey ACCESS_KEY_KEY =

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  public CoreSelectOneListbox()

   * This facet should contain field level help.
  final public UIComponent getHelp()
    return getFacet(HELP_FACET);

   * This facet should contain field level help.
  final public void setHelp(UIComponent helpFacet)
    getFacets().put(HELP_FACET, helpFacet);

   * Gets the CSS styles to attach to the content of the component.  For example, you can set the width of that portion to 100 pixels by setting this attribute to "width: 100px".
   * @return  the new contentStyle value
  final public String getContentStyle()
    return ComponentUtils.resolveString(getProperty(CONTENT_STYLE_KEY));

   * Sets the CSS styles to attach to the content of the component.  For example, you can set the width of that portion to 100 pixels by setting this attribute to "width: 100px".
   * @param contentStyle  the new contentStyle value
  final public void setContentStyle(String contentStyle)
    setProperty(CONTENT_STYLE_KEY, (contentStyle));

   * Gets The number of items that should be visible in the list. The renderer may constrain the maximum and minimum number of items shown.
   * @return  the new size value
  final public int getSize()
    return ComponentUtils.resolveInteger(getProperty(SIZE_KEY));

   * Sets The number of items that should be visible in the list. The renderer may constrain the maximum and minimum number of items shown.
   * @param size  the new size value
  final public void setSize(int size)
    setProperty(SIZE_KEY, Integer.valueOf(size));

   * Gets whether or not the values are passed through to
   *         the client. When valuePassThru is false
   *         the value and the options' values
   *         are converted to indexes before being sent to the client.
   *         Therefore, when valuePassThru is false,
   *         there is no need to write your own converter when you are using custom Objects
   *         as your values and/or options.
   *         If you need to know the actual values on the client-side, then you can set
   *         valuePassThru to true. This will pass the values through to the client,
   *         using your custom converter if it is available; a custom converter is
   *         needed if you are using custom objects. The default is false.
   * @return  the new valuePassThru value
  final public boolean isValuePassThru()
    return ComponentUtils.resolveBoolean(getProperty(VALUE_PASS_THRU_KEY), false);

   * Sets whether or not the values are passed through to
   *         the client. When valuePassThru is false
   *         the value and the options' values
   *         are converted to indexes before being sent to the client.
   *         Therefore, when valuePassThru is false,
   *         there is no need to write your own converter when you are using custom Objects
   *         as your values and/or options.
   *         If you need to know the actual values on the client-side, then you can set
   *         valuePassThru to true. This will pass the values through to the client,
   *         using your custom converter if it is available; a custom converter is
   *         needed if you are using custom objects. The default is false.
   * @param valuePassThru  the new valuePassThru value
  final public void setValuePassThru(boolean valuePassThru)
    setProperty(VALUE_PASS_THRU_KEY, valuePassThru ? Boolean.TRUE : Boolean.FALSE);

   * Gets the label for an additional item that indicates no selection has
   *    been made.  When the user selects this item, "required" validation will
   *    not pass, or a null value will be set if the component is not "required".
   * @return  the new unselectedLabel value
  final public String getUnselectedLabel()

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    TYPE.registerKey("windowWidth", Integer.class);
  static public final PropertyKey ONCLICK_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("onclick", String.class);
  static public final PropertyKey ONDBLCLICK_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("ondblclick", String.class);
  static public final PropertyKey ONMOUSEDOWN_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("onmousedown", String.class);
  static public final PropertyKey ONMOUSEUP_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("onmouseup", String.class);
  static public final PropertyKey ONMOUSEOVER_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("onmouseover", String.class);
  static public final PropertyKey ONMOUSEMOVE_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("onmousemove", String.class);
  static public final PropertyKey ONMOUSEOUT_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("onmouseout", String.class);
  static public final PropertyKey ONKEYPRESS_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("onkeypress", String.class);
  static public final PropertyKey ONKEYDOWN_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("onkeydown", String.class);
  static public final PropertyKey ONKEYUP_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("onkeyup", String.class);
  static public final PropertyKey ACCESS_KEY_KEY =

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    TYPE.registerKey("onchange", String.class);
  static public final PropertyKey ONCLICK_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("onclick", String.class);
  static public final PropertyKey ONDBLCLICK_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("ondblclick", String.class);
  static public final PropertyKey ONMOUSEDOWN_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("onmousedown", String.class);
  static public final PropertyKey ONMOUSEUP_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("onmouseup", String.class);
  static public final PropertyKey ONMOUSEOVER_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("onmouseover", String.class);
  static public final PropertyKey ONMOUSEMOVE_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("onmousemove", String.class);
  static public final PropertyKey ONMOUSEOUT_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("onmouseout", String.class);
  static public final PropertyKey ONKEYPRESS_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("onkeypress", String.class);
  static public final PropertyKey ONKEYDOWN_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("onkeydown", String.class);
  static public final PropertyKey ONKEYUP_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("onkeyup", String.class);
  static public final PropertyKey ONBLUR_KEY =

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  static FacesBean getFacesBean(final FacesBean.Type type)
    FacesBeanImpl bean = new FacesBeanImpl()
                             public FacesBean.Type getType()
                               return type;
    return bean;
  static void setValueExpression(FacesBean bean, String name, ValueExpression expression)
    PropertyKey key = _getPropertyKey(bean, name, true);
    bean.setValueExpression(key, expression);
  static ValueExpression getValueExpression(FacesBean bean, String name)
    PropertyKey key = _getPropertyKey(bean, name, true);
    return bean.getValueExpression(key);

  static void setValueBinding(FacesBean bean, String name, ValueBinding binding)
    PropertyKey key = _getPropertyKey(bean, name, true);
    bean.setValueBinding(key, binding);
  static ValueBinding getValueBinding(FacesBean bean, String name)
    PropertyKey key = _getPropertyKey(bean, name, true);
    return bean.getValueBinding(key);

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    List<MenuNode> children = getChildren();

    // Traverse the list. Do the following:
    //    o get Node from Model's hashMap of nodes and ids
    //    o check attributes (rendered, disabled, readOnly)
    //    o if they are ok, return the node
    for (int i=0; i < Array.getLength(idrefList); i++)
      Iterator<MenuNode> childIter = children.iterator();

      // All node "id" attribute values had the node's
      // system hashcode id appended to the id when
      // placed in the model's idNodeMap.
      // Each id in the idreflist of a group node does
      // NOT have this node sys id appended it to it
      // and needs to or we won't find the group's
      // ref node.
      // Since group nodes can only point to one of
      // its children, we iterate through them, get
      // their sys id and append it to idref until
      // we find a match (or not).
      while (childIter.hasNext())
        MenuNode childNode =;
        String modelId = childNode.getModelId();

        // Need to append mode's sys id here to create a
        // unique id.
        String refNodeId = idrefList[i] + modelId;

        refNode = (MenuNode) getRootModel().getNode(refNodeId);

        // if nothing found, move on to the next child
        if (refNode != null)

      if (refNode == null)

      // Check the attributes of the found node
      if (   !refNode.getRendered()
          ||  refNode.getDisabled()
          ||  refNode.getReadOnly()
          || !refNode.getVisible()
        refNode = null;

      // Ok, we have a valid RefNode

    // If no valid node is found,
    // log an error
    if (refNode == null)
        _LOG.severe("GroupNode " + getLabel() + " refers to no valid node.\n");
        return null;

    return refNode;

  public final String getLabel()

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    setProperty(VALUE_KEY, (value));

   * Gets <html>
   *  Name of the EL variable used to reference the varStatus information.
   *           Once this component has completed rendering, this variable is
   *           removed (or reverted back to its previous value).
   *           The VarStatus provides contextual information about the state of the
   *           component to EL expressions. For components that iterate, varStatus
   *           also provides loop counter information.  Please see the this 
   *           component's documentation for the specific properties on the varStatus.
   *           The common properties on varStatus include:<ul><li>"model" - returns the CollectionModel for this component</li><li>"index" - returns the zero based row index</li></ul></html>
   * @return  the new varStatus value
  final public String getVarStatus()
    return ComponentUtils.resolveString(getProperty(VAR_STATUS_KEY));

   * Sets <html>
   *  Name of the EL variable used to reference the varStatus information.
   *           Once this component has completed rendering, this variable is
   *           removed (or reverted back to its previous value).
   *           The VarStatus provides contextual information about the state of the
   *           component to EL expressions. For components that iterate, varStatus
   *           also provides loop counter information.  Please see the this 
   *           component's documentation for the specific properties on the varStatus.
   *           The common properties on varStatus include:<ul><li>"model" - returns the CollectionModel for this component</li><li>"index" - returns the zero based row index</li></ul></html>
   * @param varStatus  the new varStatus value
  final public void setVarStatus(String varStatus)
    setProperty(VAR_STATUS_KEY, (varStatus));

   * Gets whether data validation 
   *           should be skipped when row disclosure
   *           events are generated by this component.
   *           When immediate is false (the default), events will
   *           be delivered during the Invoke Application phase, which
   *           will trigger validation.  When set to true,  events
   *           will be executed during the Apply Request Values phase.
   * @return  the new immediate value
  final public boolean isImmediate()
    return ComponentUtils.resolveBoolean(getProperty(IMMEDIATE_KEY), false);

   * Sets whether data validation 
   *           should be skipped when row disclosure
   *           events are generated by this component.
   *           When immediate is false (the default), events will
   *           be delivered during the Invoke Application phase, which
   *           will trigger validation.  When set to true,  events
   *           will be executed during the Apply Request Values phase.
   * @param immediate  the new immediate value
  final public void setImmediate(boolean immediate)
    setProperty(IMMEDIATE_KEY, immediate ? Boolean.TRUE : Boolean.FALSE);

   * Adds a rowDisclosure listener.
   * @param listener  the rowDisclosure listener to add
  final public void addRowDisclosureListener(
    RowDisclosureListener listener)

   * Removes a rowDisclosure listener.
   * @param listener  the rowDisclosure listener to remove
  final public void removeRowDisclosureListener(
    RowDisclosureListener listener)

   * Returns an array of attached rowDisclosure listeners.
   * @return  an array of attached rowDisclosure listeners.
  final public RowDisclosureListener[] getRowDisclosureListeners()
    return (RowDisclosureListener[])getFacesListeners(RowDisclosureListener.class);

  public String getFamily()

  protected FacesBean.Type getBeanType()
    return TYPE;

   * Construct an instance of the UIXPage.
  protected UIXPage(

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    getFacets().put(MESSAGES_FACET, messagesFacet);

   * The corporate or organization branding region of the page.  This section typically
   *                 contains a medium size image of the logo of the organization
   *                 owning the page.
  final public UIComponent getBranding()
    return getFacet(BRANDING_FACET);

   * The corporate or organization branding region of the page.  This section typically
   *                 contains a medium size image of the logo of the organization
   *                 owning the page.
  final public void setBranding(UIComponent brandingFacet)
    getFacets().put(BRANDING_FACET, brandingFacet);

   * The application, module, or product branding region of the page.
   *                 This section typically contains a image of the application logo.
  final public UIComponent getBrandingApp()
    return getFacet(BRANDING_APP_FACET);

   * The application, module, or product branding region of the page.
   *                 This section typically contains a image of the application logo.
  final public void setBrandingApp(UIComponent brandingAppFacet)
    getFacets().put(BRANDING_APP_FACET, brandingAppFacet);

   * The application's contextual branding region of the page.
   *                 This section typically
   *                 contains formatted text indicating that ONE context exists
   *                 between the persistent tabs. The user selects the context
   *                 from a centralized aggregate home page of multiple contexts,
   *                 then navigates into a tabbed application pertaining to that
   *                 specific context.
  final public UIComponent getBrandingAppContextual()

   * The application's contextual branding region of the page.
   *                 This section typically
   *                 contains formatted text indicating that ONE context exists
   *                 between the persistent tabs. The user selects the context
   *                 from a centralized aggregate home page of multiple contexts,
   *                 then navigates into a tabbed application pertaining to that
   *                 specific context.
  final public void setBrandingAppContextual(UIComponent brandingAppContextualFacet)
    getFacets().put(BRANDING_APP_CONTEXTUAL_FACET, brandingAppContextualFacet);

   * The search region of the page.
  final public UIComponent getSearch()
    return getFacet(SEARCH_FACET);

   * The search region of the page.
  final public void setSearch(UIComponent searchFacet)
    getFacets().put(SEARCH_FACET, searchFacet);

   * The locator region of the page.  If present, this section
   *                 typically contains either a processTrain, indicating the user's
   *                 location in a multistep process, or navigationPath, containing
   *                 links that will bring the user back to each of the parent
   *                 pages of a tree of pages that he has navigated down into.
  final public UIComponent getLocation()

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    setProperty(FRAME_BORDER_WIDTH_KEY, Integer.valueOf(frameBorderWidth));

   * Gets the short description of the bean.  This text
   *          is commonly used by user agents to display tooltip help text.
   * @return  the new shortDesc value
  final public String getShortDesc()
    return ComponentUtils.resolveString(getProperty(SHORT_DESC_KEY));

   * Sets the short description of the bean.  This text
   *          is commonly used by user agents to display tooltip help text.
   * @param shortDesc  the new shortDesc value
  final public void setShortDesc(String shortDesc)
    setProperty(SHORT_DESC_KEY, (shortDesc));

   * Gets the IDs of the components that should trigger a partial update.
   *          This component will listen on the trigger components. If one of the
   *          trigger components receives an event that will cause it to update
   *          in some way, this component will request to be updated too.
   * @return  the new partialTriggers value
  final public String[] getPartialTriggers()
    return (String[])getProperty(PARTIAL_TRIGGERS_KEY);

   * Sets the IDs of the components that should trigger a partial update.
   *          This component will listen on the trigger components. If one of the
   *          trigger components receives an event that will cause it to update
   *          in some way, this component will request to be updated too.
   * @param partialTriggers  the new partialTriggers value
  final public void setPartialTriggers(String[] partialTriggers)
    setProperty(PARTIAL_TRIGGERS_KEY, (partialTriggers));

   * Gets the CSS style class of the bean.
   * @return  the new styleClass value
  final public String getStyleClass()
    return ComponentUtils.resolveString(getProperty(STYLE_CLASS_KEY));

   * Sets the CSS style class of the bean.
   * @param styleClass  the new styleClass value
  final public void setStyleClass(String styleClass)
    setProperty(STYLE_CLASS_KEY, (styleClass));

   * Gets the inline CSS style for this element
   * @return  the new inlineStyle value
  final public String getInlineStyle()
    return ComponentUtils.resolveString(getProperty(INLINE_STYLE_KEY));

   * Sets the inline CSS style for this element
   * @param inlineStyle  the new inlineStyle value
  final public void setInlineStyle(String inlineStyle)
    setProperty(INLINE_STYLE_KEY, (inlineStyle));

  public String getDefaultEventName()

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   * Gets the CSS styles to use for this component.
   * @return  the new inlineStyle value
  final public String getInlineStyle()
    return ComponentUtils.resolveString(getProperty(INLINE_STYLE_KEY));

   * Sets the CSS styles to use for this component.
   * @param inlineStyle  the new inlineStyle value
  final public void setInlineStyle(String inlineStyle)
    setProperty(INLINE_STYLE_KEY, (inlineStyle));

   * Gets a CSS style class to use for this component.
   * @return  the new styleClass value
  final public String getStyleClass()
    return ComponentUtils.resolveString(getProperty(STYLE_CLASS_KEY));

   * Sets a CSS style class to use for this component.
   * @param styleClass  the new styleClass value
  final public void setStyleClass(String styleClass)
    setProperty(STYLE_CLASS_KEY, (styleClass));

   * Gets The short description of the component. This text is commonly used by user agents to display tooltip help text.
   * @return  the new shortDesc value
  final public String getShortDesc()
    return ComponentUtils.resolveString(getProperty(SHORT_DESC_KEY));

   * Sets The short description of the component. This text is commonly used by user agents to display tooltip help text.
   * @param shortDesc  the new shortDesc value
  final public void setShortDesc(String shortDesc)
    setProperty(SHORT_DESC_KEY, (shortDesc));

   * Gets the IDs of the components that should trigger a partial update.
   *         <p>
   *         This component will listen on the trigger components. If one of the
   *         trigger components receives an event that will cause it to update
   *         in some way, this component will request to be updated too.</p>
   *         <p>
   *         Separate multiple triggers with a space. e.g., partialTriggers="cmp1 cmp2"
   *         </p>
   *         <p>
   *         Identifiers must account for NamingContainers.  You can use a single colon to start the search from the root,
   *         or use multiple colons to move up through the NamingContainer. For example,
   *         "::" will pop out of this component's naming container (it pops out of itself if it is a naming container), 
   *         ":::" will pop out of two naming containers, etc. The search for
   *         the partialTrigger begins from there. e.g., partialTriggers=":::commandButton1" the search begins for the 
   *         component with id = commandButton1 after popping out of two naming containers relative to this component.
   *         To go into naming containers, you separate the naming containers with ':', e.g.,partialTriggers= "nc1:nc2:nc3:componentId".</p>
   * @return  the new partialTriggers value
  final public String[] getPartialTriggers()
    return (String[])getProperty(PARTIAL_TRIGGERS_KEY);

   * Sets the IDs of the components that should trigger a partial update.
   *         <p>
   *         This component will listen on the trigger components. If one of the
   *         trigger components receives an event that will cause it to update
   *         in some way, this component will request to be updated too.</p>
   *         <p>
   *         Separate multiple triggers with a space. e.g., partialTriggers="cmp1 cmp2"
   *         </p>
   *         <p>
   *         Identifiers must account for NamingContainers.  You can use a single colon to start the search from the root,
   *         or use multiple colons to move up through the NamingContainer. For example,
   *         "::" will pop out of this component's naming container (it pops out of itself if it is a naming container), 
   *         ":::" will pop out of two naming containers, etc. The search for
   *         the partialTrigger begins from there. e.g., partialTriggers=":::commandButton1" the search begins for the 
   *         component with id = commandButton1 after popping out of two naming containers relative to this component.
   *         To go into naming containers, you separate the naming containers with ':', e.g.,partialTriggers= "nc1:nc2:nc3:componentId".</p>
   * @param partialTriggers  the new partialTriggers value
  final public void setPartialTriggers(String[] partialTriggers)
    setProperty(PARTIAL_TRIGGERS_KEY, (partialTriggers));

   * Gets The type of chart. Possible Values are: verticalBar horizontalBar stackedVerticalBar stackedHorizontalBar pie area stackedArea line barLine XYLine scatterPlot radar radarArea funnel circularGauge semiCircularGauge.
   * @return  the new type value
  final public String getType()

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   * _joinLabelAndAccessKey - takes a string label and string accessKey
   * and combines them into a single labelAndAccessKey string.
   * @param label - String with node's label.
   * @param accessKey - One character String which is the label's accessKey.
   * @return
  private String _joinLabelAndAccessKey(String label, String accessKey)
    char[] keyArray  = label.toCharArray();
    int len          = label.length();
    int lentimes2    = len*2;
    char[] keyArray2 = new char[lentimes2];
    int i, j = 0;
    boolean accessKeyFound = false;

    // find the first occurrence of a single Ampersand
    for (i=0, j=0; i < len; i++, j++)
      // AccessKey
      if (   keyArray[i] == accessKey.charAt(0)
          && !accessKeyFound
        keyArray2[j] = '&';
        accessKeyFound = true;

      keyArray2[j] = keyArray[i];

      // Ampersand as regular character
      // double it up.
      if (keyArray[i] == '&')
        keyArray2[j] = keyArray[i];

    String combinedLabel = new String(keyArray2, 0, j);
    return combinedLabel;

   * _splitLabelAndAccessKey - takes a string containing a label
   * and an accessKey and breaks separates it and sets the label
   * and the accessKey separately.
   * @param labelAndAccessKey - String holding both a label and
   * accessKey.
  private void _splitLabelAndAccessKey(String labelAndAccessKey)

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   * Gets the CSS styles to use for this component.
   * @return  the new inlineStyle value
  final public String getInlineStyle()
    return ComponentUtils.resolveString(getProperty(INLINE_STYLE_KEY));

   * Sets the CSS styles to use for this component.
   * @param inlineStyle  the new inlineStyle value
  final public void setInlineStyle(String inlineStyle)
    setProperty(INLINE_STYLE_KEY, (inlineStyle));

   * Gets a CSS style class to use for this component.
   * @return  the new styleClass value
  final public String getStyleClass()
    return ComponentUtils.resolveString(getProperty(STYLE_CLASS_KEY));

   * Sets a CSS style class to use for this component.
   * @param styleClass  the new styleClass value
  final public void setStyleClass(String styleClass)
    setProperty(STYLE_CLASS_KEY, (styleClass));

   * Gets The short description of the component. This text is commonly used by user agents to display tooltip help text.
   * @return  the new shortDesc value
  final public String getShortDesc()
    return ComponentUtils.resolveString(getProperty(SHORT_DESC_KEY));

   * Sets The short description of the component. This text is commonly used by user agents to display tooltip help text.
   * @param shortDesc  the new shortDesc value
  final public void setShortDesc(String shortDesc)
    setProperty(SHORT_DESC_KEY, (shortDesc));

   * Gets the IDs of the components that should trigger a partial update.
   *         <p>
   *         This component will listen on the trigger components. If one of the
   *         trigger components receives an event that will cause it to update
   *         in some way, this component will request to be updated too.</p>
   *         <p>
   *         Separate multiple triggers with a space. e.g., partialTriggers="cmp1 cmp2"
   *         </p>
   *         <p>
   *         Identifiers must account for NamingContainers.  You can use a single colon to start the search from the root,
   *         or use multiple colons to move up through the NamingContainer. For example,
   *         "::" will pop out of this component's naming container (it pops out of itself if it is a naming container), 
   *         ":::" will pop out of two naming containers, etc. The search for
   *         the partialTrigger begins from there. e.g., partialTriggers=":::commandButton1" the search begins for the 
   *         component with id = commandButton1 after popping out of two naming containers relative to this component.
   *         To go into naming containers, you separate the naming containers with ':', e.g.,partialTriggers= "nc1:nc2:nc3:componentId".</p>
   * @return  the new partialTriggers value
  final public String[] getPartialTriggers()
    return (String[])getProperty(PARTIAL_TRIGGERS_KEY);

   * Sets the IDs of the components that should trigger a partial update.
   *         <p>
   *         This component will listen on the trigger components. If one of the
   *         trigger components receives an event that will cause it to update
   *         in some way, this component will request to be updated too.</p>
   *         <p>
   *         Separate multiple triggers with a space. e.g., partialTriggers="cmp1 cmp2"
   *         </p>
   *         <p>
   *         Identifiers must account for NamingContainers.  You can use a single colon to start the search from the root,
   *         or use multiple colons to move up through the NamingContainer. For example,
   *         "::" will pop out of this component's naming container (it pops out of itself if it is a naming container), 
   *         ":::" will pop out of two naming containers, etc. The search for
   *         the partialTrigger begins from there. e.g., partialTriggers=":::commandButton1" the search begins for the 
   *         component with id = commandButton1 after popping out of two naming containers relative to this component.
   *         To go into naming containers, you separate the naming containers with ':', e.g.,partialTriggers= "nc1:nc2:nc3:componentId".</p>
   * @param partialTriggers  the new partialTriggers value
  final public void setPartialTriggers(String[] partialTriggers)
    setProperty(PARTIAL_TRIGGERS_KEY, (partialTriggers));

   * Gets Indicates whether processes launched by this command should be
   *         launched in a secondary dialog window. 'useWindow' requires that the "action"
   *         attribute start with "dialog:". Set useWindow to 'false' for the outcome of
   *         the action to be targeted to the existing window.
   * @return  the new useWindow value
  final public boolean isUseWindow()

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   * Gets the CSS styles to use for this component.
   * @return  the new inlineStyle value
  final public String getInlineStyle()
    return ComponentUtils.resolveString(getProperty(INLINE_STYLE_KEY));

   * Sets the CSS styles to use for this component.
   * @param inlineStyle  the new inlineStyle value
  final public void setInlineStyle(String inlineStyle)
    setProperty(INLINE_STYLE_KEY, (inlineStyle));

   * Gets a CSS style class to use for this component.
   * @return  the new styleClass value
  final public String getStyleClass()
    return ComponentUtils.resolveString(getProperty(STYLE_CLASS_KEY));

   * Sets a CSS style class to use for this component.
   * @param styleClass  the new styleClass value
  final public void setStyleClass(String styleClass)
    setProperty(STYLE_CLASS_KEY, (styleClass));

   * Gets The short description of the component. This text is commonly used by user agents to display tooltip help text.
   * @return  the new shortDesc value
  final public String getShortDesc()
    return ComponentUtils.resolveString(getProperty(SHORT_DESC_KEY));

   * Sets The short description of the component. This text is commonly used by user agents to display tooltip help text.
   * @param shortDesc  the new shortDesc value
  final public void setShortDesc(String shortDesc)
    setProperty(SHORT_DESC_KEY, (shortDesc));

   * Gets the IDs of the components that should trigger a partial update.
   *         <p>
   *         This component will listen on the trigger components. If one of the
   *         trigger components receives an event that will cause it to update
   *         in some way, this component will request to be updated too.</p>
   *         <p>
   *         Separate multiple triggers with a space. e.g., partialTriggers="cmp1 cmp2"
   *         </p>
   *         <p>
   *         Identifiers must account for NamingContainers.  You can use a single colon to start the search from the root,
   *         or use multiple colons to move up through the NamingContainer. For example,
   *         "::" will pop out of this component's naming container (it pops out of itself if it is a naming container), 
   *         ":::" will pop out of two naming containers, etc. The search for
   *         the partialTrigger begins from there. e.g., partialTriggers=":::commandButton1" the search begins for the 
   *         component with id = commandButton1 after popping out of two naming containers relative to this component.
   *         To go into naming containers, you separate the naming containers with ':', e.g.,partialTriggers= "nc1:nc2:nc3:componentId".</p>
   * @return  the new partialTriggers value
  final public String[] getPartialTriggers()
    return (String[])getProperty(PARTIAL_TRIGGERS_KEY);

   * Sets the IDs of the components that should trigger a partial update.
   *         <p>
   *         This component will listen on the trigger components. If one of the
   *         trigger components receives an event that will cause it to update
   *         in some way, this component will request to be updated too.</p>
   *         <p>
   *         Separate multiple triggers with a space. e.g., partialTriggers="cmp1 cmp2"
   *         </p>
   *         <p>
   *         Identifiers must account for NamingContainers.  You can use a single colon to start the search from the root,
   *         or use multiple colons to move up through the NamingContainer. For example,
   *         "::" will pop out of this component's naming container (it pops out of itself if it is a naming container), 
   *         ":::" will pop out of two naming containers, etc. The search for
   *         the partialTrigger begins from there. e.g., partialTriggers=":::commandButton1" the search begins for the 
   *         component with id = commandButton1 after popping out of two naming containers relative to this component.
   *         To go into naming containers, you separate the naming containers with ':', e.g.,partialTriggers= "nc1:nc2:nc3:componentId".</p>
   * @param partialTriggers  the new partialTriggers value
  final public void setPartialTriggers(String[] partialTriggers)
    setProperty(PARTIAL_TRIGGERS_KEY, (partialTriggers));

   * Gets an onclick Javascript handler.
   * @return  the new onclick value
  final public String getOnclick()

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   * Gets the CSS styles to use for this component.
   * @return  the new inlineStyle value
  final public String getInlineStyle()
    return ComponentUtils.resolveString(getProperty(INLINE_STYLE_KEY));

   * Sets the CSS styles to use for this component.
   * @param inlineStyle  the new inlineStyle value
  final public void setInlineStyle(String inlineStyle)
    setProperty(INLINE_STYLE_KEY, (inlineStyle));

   * Gets a CSS style class to use for this component.
   * @return  the new styleClass value
  final public String getStyleClass()
    return ComponentUtils.resolveString(getProperty(STYLE_CLASS_KEY));

   * Sets a CSS style class to use for this component.
   * @param styleClass  the new styleClass value
  final public void setStyleClass(String styleClass)
    setProperty(STYLE_CLASS_KEY, (styleClass));

   * Gets The short description of the component. This text is commonly used by user agents to display tooltip help text.
   * @return  the new shortDesc value
  final public String getShortDesc()
    return ComponentUtils.resolveString(getProperty(SHORT_DESC_KEY));

   * Sets The short description of the component. This text is commonly used by user agents to display tooltip help text.
   * @param shortDesc  the new shortDesc value
  final public void setShortDesc(String shortDesc)
    setProperty(SHORT_DESC_KEY, (shortDesc));

   * Gets the IDs of the components that should trigger a partial update.
   *         <p>
   *         This component will listen on the trigger components. If one of the
   *         trigger components receives an event that will cause it to update
   *         in some way, this component will request to be updated too.</p>
   *         <p>
   *         Separate multiple triggers with a space. e.g., partialTriggers="cmp1 cmp2"
   *         </p>
   *         <p>
   *         Identifiers must account for NamingContainers.  You can use a single colon to start the search from the root,
   *         or use multiple colons to move up through the NamingContainer. For example,
   *         "::" will pop out of this component's naming container (it pops out of itself if it is a naming container), 
   *         ":::" will pop out of two naming containers, etc. The search for
   *         the partialTrigger begins from there. e.g., partialTriggers=":::commandButton1" the search begins for the 
   *         component with id = commandButton1 after popping out of two naming containers relative to this component.
   *         To go into naming containers, you separate the naming containers with ':', e.g.,partialTriggers= "nc1:nc2:nc3:componentId".</p>
   * @return  the new partialTriggers value
  final public String[] getPartialTriggers()
    return (String[])getProperty(PARTIAL_TRIGGERS_KEY);

   * Sets the IDs of the components that should trigger a partial update.
   *         <p>
   *         This component will listen on the trigger components. If one of the
   *         trigger components receives an event that will cause it to update
   *         in some way, this component will request to be updated too.</p>
   *         <p>
   *         Separate multiple triggers with a space. e.g., partialTriggers="cmp1 cmp2"
   *         </p>
   *         <p>
   *         Identifiers must account for NamingContainers.  You can use a single colon to start the search from the root,
   *         or use multiple colons to move up through the NamingContainer. For example,
   *         "::" will pop out of this component's naming container (it pops out of itself if it is a naming container), 
   *         ":::" will pop out of two naming containers, etc. The search for
   *         the partialTrigger begins from there. e.g., partialTriggers=":::commandButton1" the search begins for the 
   *         component with id = commandButton1 after popping out of two naming containers relative to this component.
   *         To go into naming containers, you separate the naming containers with ':', e.g.,partialTriggers= "nc1:nc2:nc3:componentId".</p>
   * @param partialTriggers  the new partialTriggers value
  final public void setPartialTriggers(String[] partialTriggers)
    setProperty(PARTIAL_TRIGGERS_KEY, (partialTriggers));

   * Gets Indicates whether processes launched by this command should be
   *         launched in a secondary dialog window. 'useWindow' requires that the "action"
   *         attribute start with "dialog:". Set useWindow to 'false' for the outcome of
   *         the action to be targeted to the existing window.
   * @return  the new useWindow value
  final public boolean isUseWindow()

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   * Gets the CSS styles to use for this component.
   * @return  the new inlineStyle value
  final public String getInlineStyle()
    return ComponentUtils.resolveString(getProperty(INLINE_STYLE_KEY));

   * Sets the CSS styles to use for this component.
   * @param inlineStyle  the new inlineStyle value
  final public void setInlineStyle(String inlineStyle)
    setProperty(INLINE_STYLE_KEY, (inlineStyle));

   * Gets a CSS style class to use for this component.
   * @return  the new styleClass value
  final public String getStyleClass()
    return ComponentUtils.resolveString(getProperty(STYLE_CLASS_KEY));

   * Sets a CSS style class to use for this component.
   * @param styleClass  the new styleClass value
  final public void setStyleClass(String styleClass)
    setProperty(STYLE_CLASS_KEY, (styleClass));

   * Gets The short description of the component. This text is commonly used by user agents to display tooltip help text.
   * @return  the new shortDesc value
  final public String getShortDesc()
    return ComponentUtils.resolveString(getProperty(SHORT_DESC_KEY));

   * Sets The short description of the component. This text is commonly used by user agents to display tooltip help text.
   * @param shortDesc  the new shortDesc value
  final public void setShortDesc(String shortDesc)
    setProperty(SHORT_DESC_KEY, (shortDesc));

   * Gets the IDs of the components that should trigger a partial update.
   *         <p>
   *         This component will listen on the trigger components. If one of the
   *         trigger components receives an event that will cause it to update
   *         in some way, this component will request to be updated too.</p>
   *         <p>
   *         Separate multiple triggers with a space. e.g., partialTriggers="cmp1 cmp2"
   *         </p>
   *         <p>
   *         Identifiers must account for NamingContainers.  You can use a single colon to start the search from the root,
   *         or use multiple colons to move up through the NamingContainer. For example,
   *         "::" will pop out of this component's naming container (it pops out of itself if it is a naming container), 
   *         ":::" will pop out of two naming containers, etc. The search for
   *         the partialTrigger begins from there. e.g., partialTriggers=":::commandButton1" the search begins for the 
   *         component with id = commandButton1 after popping out of two naming containers relative to this component.
   *         To go into naming containers, you separate the naming containers with ':', e.g.,partialTriggers= "nc1:nc2:nc3:componentId".</p>
   * @return  the new partialTriggers value
  final public String[] getPartialTriggers()
    return (String[])getProperty(PARTIAL_TRIGGERS_KEY);

   * Sets the IDs of the components that should trigger a partial update.
   *         <p>
   *         This component will listen on the trigger components. If one of the
   *         trigger components receives an event that will cause it to update
   *         in some way, this component will request to be updated too.</p>
   *         <p>
   *         Separate multiple triggers with a space. e.g., partialTriggers="cmp1 cmp2"
   *         </p>
   *         <p>
   *         Identifiers must account for NamingContainers.  You can use a single colon to start the search from the root,
   *         or use multiple colons to move up through the NamingContainer. For example,
   *         "::" will pop out of this component's naming container (it pops out of itself if it is a naming container), 
   *         ":::" will pop out of two naming containers, etc. The search for
   *         the partialTrigger begins from there. e.g., partialTriggers=":::commandButton1" the search begins for the 
   *         component with id = commandButton1 after popping out of two naming containers relative to this component.
   *         To go into naming containers, you separate the naming containers with ':', e.g.,partialTriggers= "nc1:nc2:nc3:componentId".</p>
   * @param partialTriggers  the new partialTriggers value
  final public void setPartialTriggers(String[] partialTriggers)
    setProperty(PARTIAL_TRIGGERS_KEY, (partialTriggers));

   * Gets Indicates whether processes launched by this command should be
   *         launched in a secondary dialog window. 'useWindow' requires that the "action"
   *         attribute start with "dialog:". Set useWindow to 'false' for the outcome of
   *         the action to be targeted to the existing window.
   * @return  the new useWindow value
  final public boolean isUseWindow()

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   * Gets the CSS styles to use for this component.
   * @return  the new inlineStyle value
  final public String getInlineStyle()
    return ComponentUtils.resolveString(getProperty(INLINE_STYLE_KEY));

   * Sets the CSS styles to use for this component.
   * @param inlineStyle  the new inlineStyle value
  final public void setInlineStyle(String inlineStyle)
    setProperty(INLINE_STYLE_KEY, (inlineStyle));

   * Gets a CSS style class to use for this component.
   * @return  the new styleClass value
  final public String getStyleClass()
    return ComponentUtils.resolveString(getProperty(STYLE_CLASS_KEY));

   * Sets a CSS style class to use for this component.
   * @param styleClass  the new styleClass value
  final public void setStyleClass(String styleClass)
    setProperty(STYLE_CLASS_KEY, (styleClass));

   * Gets The short description of the component. This text is commonly used by user agents to display tooltip help text.
   * @return  the new shortDesc value
  final public String getShortDesc()
    return ComponentUtils.resolveString(getProperty(SHORT_DESC_KEY));

   * Sets The short description of the component. This text is commonly used by user agents to display tooltip help text.
   * @param shortDesc  the new shortDesc value
  final public void setShortDesc(String shortDesc)
    setProperty(SHORT_DESC_KEY, (shortDesc));

   * Gets the IDs of the components that should trigger a partial update.
   *         <p>
   *         This component will listen on the trigger components. If one of the
   *         trigger components receives an event that will cause it to update
   *         in some way, this component will request to be updated too.</p>
   *         <p>
   *         Separate multiple triggers with a space. e.g., partialTriggers="cmp1 cmp2"
   *         </p>
   *         <p>
   *         Identifiers must account for NamingContainers.  You can use a single colon to start the search from the root,
   *         or use multiple colons to move up through the NamingContainer. For example,
   *         "::" will pop out of this component's naming container (it pops out of itself if it is a naming container), 
   *         ":::" will pop out of two naming containers, etc. The search for
   *         the partialTrigger begins from there. e.g., partialTriggers=":::commandButton1" the search begins for the 
   *         component with id = commandButton1 after popping out of two naming containers relative to this component.
   *         To go into naming containers, you separate the naming containers with ':', e.g.,partialTriggers= "nc1:nc2:nc3:componentId".</p>
   * @return  the new partialTriggers value
  final public String[] getPartialTriggers()
    return (String[])getProperty(PARTIAL_TRIGGERS_KEY);

   * Sets the IDs of the components that should trigger a partial update.
   *         <p>
   *         This component will listen on the trigger components. If one of the
   *         trigger components receives an event that will cause it to update
   *         in some way, this component will request to be updated too.</p>
   *         <p>
   *         Separate multiple triggers with a space. e.g., partialTriggers="cmp1 cmp2"
   *         </p>
   *         <p>
   *         Identifiers must account for NamingContainers.  You can use a single colon to start the search from the root,
   *         or use multiple colons to move up through the NamingContainer. For example,
   *         "::" will pop out of this component's naming container (it pops out of itself if it is a naming container), 
   *         ":::" will pop out of two naming containers, etc. The search for
   *         the partialTrigger begins from there. e.g., partialTriggers=":::commandButton1" the search begins for the 
   *         component with id = commandButton1 after popping out of two naming containers relative to this component.
   *         To go into naming containers, you separate the naming containers with ':', e.g.,partialTriggers= "nc1:nc2:nc3:componentId".</p>
   * @param partialTriggers  the new partialTriggers value
  final public void setPartialTriggers(String[] partialTriggers)
    setProperty(PARTIAL_TRIGGERS_KEY, (partialTriggers));

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   * Gets the CSS styles to use for this component.
   * @return  the new inlineStyle value
  final public String getInlineStyle()
    return ComponentUtils.resolveString(getProperty(INLINE_STYLE_KEY));

   * Sets the CSS styles to use for this component.
   * @param inlineStyle  the new inlineStyle value
  final public void setInlineStyle(String inlineStyle)
    setProperty(INLINE_STYLE_KEY, (inlineStyle));

   * Gets a CSS style class to use for this component.
   * @return  the new styleClass value
  final public String getStyleClass()
    return ComponentUtils.resolveString(getProperty(STYLE_CLASS_KEY));

   * Sets a CSS style class to use for this component.
   * @param styleClass  the new styleClass value
  final public void setStyleClass(String styleClass)
    setProperty(STYLE_CLASS_KEY, (styleClass));

   * Gets The short description of the component. This text is commonly used by user agents to display tooltip help text.
   * @return  the new shortDesc value
  final public String getShortDesc()
    return ComponentUtils.resolveString(getProperty(SHORT_DESC_KEY));

   * Sets The short description of the component. This text is commonly used by user agents to display tooltip help text.
   * @param shortDesc  the new shortDesc value
  final public void setShortDesc(String shortDesc)
    setProperty(SHORT_DESC_KEY, (shortDesc));

   * Gets the IDs of the components that should trigger a partial update.
   *         <p>
   *         This component will listen on the trigger components. If one of the
   *         trigger components receives an event that will cause it to update
   *         in some way, this component will request to be updated too.</p>
   *         <p>
   *         Separate multiple triggers with a space. e.g., partialTriggers="cmp1 cmp2"
   *         </p>
   *         <p>
   *         Identifiers must account for NamingContainers.  You can use a single colon to start the search from the root,
   *         or use multiple colons to move up through the NamingContainer. For example,
   *         "::" will pop out of this component's naming container (it pops out of itself if it is a naming container), 
   *         ":::" will pop out of two naming containers, etc. The search for
   *         the partialTrigger begins from there. e.g., partialTriggers=":::commandButton1" the search begins for the 
   *         component with id = commandButton1 after popping out of two naming containers relative to this component.
   *         To go into naming containers, you separate the naming containers with ':', e.g.,partialTriggers= "nc1:nc2:nc3:componentId".</p>
   * @return  the new partialTriggers value
  final public String[] getPartialTriggers()
    return (String[])getProperty(PARTIAL_TRIGGERS_KEY);

   * Sets the IDs of the components that should trigger a partial update.
   *         <p>
   *         This component will listen on the trigger components. If one of the
   *         trigger components receives an event that will cause it to update
   *         in some way, this component will request to be updated too.</p>
   *         <p>
   *         Separate multiple triggers with a space. e.g., partialTriggers="cmp1 cmp2"
   *         </p>
   *         <p>
   *         Identifiers must account for NamingContainers.  You can use a single colon to start the search from the root,
   *         or use multiple colons to move up through the NamingContainer. For example,
   *         "::" will pop out of this component's naming container (it pops out of itself if it is a naming container), 
   *         ":::" will pop out of two naming containers, etc. The search for
   *         the partialTrigger begins from there. e.g., partialTriggers=":::commandButton1" the search begins for the 
   *         component with id = commandButton1 after popping out of two naming containers relative to this component.
   *         To go into naming containers, you separate the naming containers with ':', e.g.,partialTriggers= "nc1:nc2:nc3:componentId".</p>
   * @param partialTriggers  the new partialTriggers value
  final public void setPartialTriggers(String[] partialTriggers)
    setProperty(PARTIAL_TRIGGERS_KEY, (partialTriggers));

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    PropertyHashMap map = new PropertyHashMap(2);
    return map;

  public boolean getUseStateHolder()
    return _useStateHolder;

  public void setUseStateHolder(boolean useStateHolder)
    _useStateHolder = useStateHolder;

  // =-=AEW CLEAR?

  public void markInitialState()
    _initialStateMarked = true;

  public void clearInitialState()
    _initialStateMarked = false;
    _deltas = null;

  public boolean initialStateMarked()
    return _initialStateMarked;

  private boolean _createDeltas()
    if (_initialStateMarked)
      if (_deltas == null)
        _deltas = createDeltaPropertyMap();

      return true;

    return false;

  static private boolean _equals(Object a, Object b)
    if (a == b)
      return true;

    if (a == null)
      return false;

    return a.equals(b);

  private transient boolean _initialStateMarked;
  private transient PropertyMap _deltas;
  private boolean      _useStateHolder;

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    return getCollectionModel().isRowLocallyAvailable(rowKey);
  public int getEstimatedRowCount()
    return getCollectionModel().getEstimatedRowCount();
  public LocalRowKeyIndex.Confidence getEstimatedRowCountConfidence()
    return getCollectionModel().getEstimatedRowCountConfidence();

   * clear all rows from the local cache
  public void clearLocalCache()
   * Clear the requested range of rows from the local cache
   * @param startingIndex starting row index for the range to clear
   * @param rowsToClear number of rows to clear from the cache
  public void clearCachedRows(int startingIndex,  int rowsToClear)
    getCollectionModel().clearCachedRows(startingIndex, rowsToClear);
   * Clear the requested range of rows from the local cache
   * @param startingRowKey starting row key for the range to clear
   * @param rowsToClear number of rows to clear from the cache
  public void clearCachedRows(Object startingRowKey, int rowsToClear)
    getCollectionModel().clearCachedRows(startingRowKey, rowsToClear);
   * Clear a row from the local cache by row index
   * @param index row index for the row to clear from the cache
  public void clearCachedRow(int index)
   * Clear a row from the local cache by row key
   * @param rowKey row key for the row to clear from the cache
  public void clearCachedRow(Object rowKey)
   * Indicates the caching strategy supported by the model
   * @see LocalCachingStrategy
   * @return caching strategy supported by the model
  public LocalRowKeyIndex.LocalCachingStrategy getCachingStrategy()
    return getCollectionModel().getCachingStrategy();

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    getFacets().put(TRAILING_FOOTER_FACET, trailingFooterFacet);

   * Gets whether or not the values are passed through to
   *         the client. When valuePassThru is false
   *         the value and the options' values
   *         are converted to indexes before being sent to the client.
   *         Therefore, when valuePassThru is false,
   *         there is no need to write your own converter when you are using custom Objects
   *         as your values and/or options.
   *         If you need to know the actual values on the client-side, then you can set
   *         valuePassThru to true. This will pass the values through to the client,
   *         using your custom converter if it is available; a custom converter is
   *         needed if you are using custom objects. The default is false.
   * @return  the new valuePassThru value
  final public boolean isValuePassThru()
    return ComponentUtils.resolveBoolean(getProperty(VALUE_PASS_THRU_KEY), false);

   * Sets whether or not the values are passed through to
   *         the client. When valuePassThru is false
   *         the value and the options' values
   *         are converted to indexes before being sent to the client.
   *         Therefore, when valuePassThru is false,
   *         there is no need to write your own converter when you are using custom Objects
   *         as your values and/or options.
   *         If you need to know the actual values on the client-side, then you can set
   *         valuePassThru to true. This will pass the values through to the client,
   *         using your custom converter if it is available; a custom converter is
   *         needed if you are using custom objects. The default is false.
   * @param valuePassThru  the new valuePassThru value
  final public void setValuePassThru(boolean valuePassThru)
    setProperty(VALUE_PASS_THRU_KEY, valuePassThru ? Boolean.TRUE : Boolean.FALSE);

   * Gets whether the element is read-only.
   * @return  the new readOnly value
  final public boolean isReadOnly()
    return ComponentUtils.resolveBoolean(getProperty(READ_ONLY_KEY), false);

   * Sets whether the element is read-only.
   * @param readOnly  the new readOnly value
  final public void setReadOnly(boolean readOnly)
    setProperty(READ_ONLY_KEY, readOnly ? Boolean.TRUE : Boolean.FALSE);

   * Gets whether the element is disabled.
   * @return  the new disabled value
  final public boolean isDisabled()
    return ComponentUtils.resolveBoolean(getProperty(DISABLED_KEY), false);

   * Sets whether the element is disabled.
   * @param disabled  the new disabled value
  final public void setDisabled(boolean disabled)
    setProperty(DISABLED_KEY, disabled ? Boolean.TRUE : Boolean.FALSE);

   * Gets event handler for when the value is changed.
   * @return  the new onchange value
  final public String getOnchange()

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    setProperty(VALIGN_KEY, (valign));

   * Gets the horizontal alignment to one of start, end, left,
   * right, or center.
   * @return  the new halign value
  final public String getHalign()
    return ComponentUtils.resolveString(getProperty(HALIGN_KEY));

   * Sets the horizontal alignment to one of start, end, left,
   * right, or center.
   * @param halign  the new halign value
  final public void setHalign(String halign)
    setProperty(HALIGN_KEY, (halign));

  public String getDefaultEventName()
    return "click";

  public Collection<String> getEventNames()
    return _EVENT_NAMES;

  public Map<String, List<ClientBehavior>> getClientBehaviors()
    return super.getClientBehaviors();

  public void addClientBehavior(
    String         eventName,
    ClientBehavior behavior)
    super.addClientBehavior(eventName, behavior);

  public String getFamily()

  protected FacesBean.Type getBeanType()
    return TYPE;

   * Construct an instance of the CorePanelHorizontalLayout.
  protected CorePanelHorizontalLayout(

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    return done;

   * the component to use to stamp each element in the
   *               process. A CommandNavigationItem is expected.
  final public UIComponent getNodeStamp()
    return getFacet(NODE_STAMP_FACET);

   * the component to use to stamp each element in the
   *               process. A CommandNavigationItem is expected.
  final public void setNodeStamp(UIComponent nodeStampFacet)
    getFacets().put(NODE_STAMP_FACET, nodeStampFacet);

   * Gets the hierarchy of data - must be of type 
   *             org.apache.myfaces.trinidad.model.MenuModel
   * @return  the new value value
  final public Object getValue()
    return getProperty(VALUE_KEY);

   * Sets the hierarchy of data - must be of type 
   *             org.apache.myfaces.trinidad.model.MenuModel
   * @param value  the new value value
  final public void setValue(Object value)
    setProperty(VALUE_KEY, (value));

   * Gets <html>
   *  Name of the EL variable used to reference the varStatus information.
   *           Once this component has completed rendering, this variable is
   *           removed (or reverted back to its previous value).
   *           The VarStatus provides contextual information about the state of the
   *           component to EL expressions. For components that iterate, varStatus
   *           also provides loop counter information.  Please see the this 
   *           component's documentation for the specific properties on the varStatus.
   *           The common properties on varStatus include:<ul><li>"model" - returns the CollectionModel for this component</li><li>"index" - returns the zero based row index</li></ul></html>
   * @return  the new varStatus value
  final public String getVarStatus()
    return ComponentUtils.resolveString(getProperty(VAR_STATUS_KEY));

   * Sets <html>
   *  Name of the EL variable used to reference the varStatus information.
   *           Once this component has completed rendering, this variable is
   *           removed (or reverted back to its previous value).
   *           The VarStatus provides contextual information about the state of the
   *           component to EL expressions. For components that iterate, varStatus
   *           also provides loop counter information.  Please see the this 
   *           component's documentation for the specific properties on the varStatus.
   *           The common properties on varStatus include:<ul><li>"model" - returns the CollectionModel for this component</li><li>"index" - returns the zero based row index</li></ul></html>
   * @param varStatus  the new varStatus value
  final public void setVarStatus(String varStatus)
    setProperty(VAR_STATUS_KEY, (varStatus));

  public String getFamily()

  protected FacesBean.Type getBeanType()
    return TYPE;

   * Construct an instance of the UIXProcess.
  protected UIXProcess(

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  public CoreGoButton()

   * Gets the textual label of the go component.   Go components will
   *              also render children elements (including text nodes), though not
   *              all subclasses of the go component will necessarily support
   *              children.
   * @return  the new text value
  final public String getText()
    return ComponentUtils.resolveString(getProperty(TEXT_KEY));

   * Sets the textual label of the go component.   Go components will
   *              also render children elements (including text nodes), though not
   *              all subclasses of the go component will necessarily support
   *              children.
   * @param text  the new text value
  final public void setText(String text)
    setProperty(TEXT_KEY, (text));

   * Gets whether the go component should be considered disabled.
   *               This attribute only has meaning when go components are used in certain
   *               container types, such as global headers and tab bars.
   * @return  the new disabled value
  final public boolean isDisabled()
    return ComponentUtils.resolveBoolean(getProperty(DISABLED_KEY), false);

   * Sets whether the go component should be considered disabled.
   *               This attribute only has meaning when go components are used in certain
   *               container types, such as global headers and tab bars.
   * @param disabled  the new disabled value
  final public void setDisabled(boolean disabled)
    setProperty(DISABLED_KEY, disabled ? Boolean.TRUE : Boolean.FALSE);

   * Gets <html>
   *  Character used to gain quick access to this component.
   *               For accessibility reasons, this functionality is not supported
   *               in screen reader mode.
   *               <p>
   *               If the same access key appears in multiple input fields in the
   *               same page of output, the rendering user agent will cycle among
   *               the elements accessed by the similar keys. Note that user agents
   *               are inconsistent about dealing with two links having same access
   *               key, and so the cycling behavior is dependent on what the user agent
   *               provides.
   *               </p><p>
   *                 This attribute is sometimes referred to as the "mnemonic".
   *               </p><p>
   *                 The character specified by this attribute
   *                 <strong>must</strong> exist in the
   *                 <code>Text</code> attribute of this go component instance.
   *                 If it does not, the user will receive no visual indication of
   *                 the existence of the accessKey.
   *                 </p></html>
   * @return  the new accessKey value
  final public char getAccessKey()
    return ComponentUtils.resolveCharacter((Character)getProperty(ACCESS_KEY_KEY));

   * Sets <html>
   *  Character used to gain quick access to this component.
   *               For accessibility reasons, this functionality is not supported
   *               in screen reader mode.
   *               <p>
   *               If the same access key appears in multiple input fields in the
   *               same page of output, the rendering user agent will cycle among
   *               the elements accessed by the similar keys. Note that user agents
   *               are inconsistent about dealing with two links having same access
   *               key, and so the cycling behavior is dependent on what the user agent
   *               provides.
   *               </p><p>
   *                 This attribute is sometimes referred to as the "mnemonic".
   *               </p><p>
   *                 The character specified by this attribute
   *                 <strong>must</strong> exist in the
   *                 <code>Text</code> attribute of this go component instance.
   *                 If it does not, the user will receive no visual indication of
   *                 the existence of the accessKey.
   *                 </p></html>
   * @param accessKey  the new accessKey value
  final public void setAccessKey(char accessKey)
    setProperty(ACCESS_KEY_KEY, Character.valueOf(accessKey));

   * Gets the target frame for the go component.
   * @return  the new targetFrame value
  final public String getTargetFrame()

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  public CoreGoLink()

   * Gets the textual label of the go component.   Go components will
   *              also render children elements (including text nodes), though not
   *              all subclasses of the go component will necessarily support
   *              children.
   * @return  the new text value
  final public String getText()
    return ComponentUtils.resolveString(getProperty(TEXT_KEY));

   * Sets the textual label of the go component.   Go components will
   *              also render children elements (including text nodes), though not
   *              all subclasses of the go component will necessarily support
   *              children.
   * @param text  the new text value
  final public void setText(String text)
    setProperty(TEXT_KEY, (text));

   * Gets whether the go component should be considered disabled.
   *               This attribute only has meaning when go components are used in certain
   *               container types, such as global headers and tab bars.
   * @return  the new disabled value
  final public boolean isDisabled()
    return ComponentUtils.resolveBoolean(getProperty(DISABLED_KEY), false);

   * Sets whether the go component should be considered disabled.
   *               This attribute only has meaning when go components are used in certain
   *               container types, such as global headers and tab bars.
   * @param disabled  the new disabled value
  final public void setDisabled(boolean disabled)
    setProperty(DISABLED_KEY, disabled ? Boolean.TRUE : Boolean.FALSE);

   * Gets <html>
   *  Character used to gain quick access to this component.
   *               For accessibility reasons, this functionality is not supported
   *               in screen reader mode.
   *               <p>
   *               If the same access key appears in multiple input fields in the
   *               same page of output, the rendering user agent will cycle among
   *               the elements accessed by the similar keys. Note that user agents
   *               are inconsistent about dealing with two links having same access
   *               key, and so the cycling behavior is dependent on what the user agent
   *               provides.
   *               </p><p>
   *                 This attribute is sometimes referred to as the "mnemonic".
   *               </p><p>
   *                 The character specified by this attribute
   *                 <strong>must</strong> exist in the
   *                 <code>Text</code> attribute of this go component instance.
   *                 If it does not, the user will receive no visual indication of
   *                 the existence of the accessKey.
   *                 </p></html>
   * @return  the new accessKey value
  final public char getAccessKey()
    return ComponentUtils.resolveCharacter((Character)getProperty(ACCESS_KEY_KEY));

   * Sets <html>
   *  Character used to gain quick access to this component.
   *               For accessibility reasons, this functionality is not supported
   *               in screen reader mode.
   *               <p>
   *               If the same access key appears in multiple input fields in the
   *               same page of output, the rendering user agent will cycle among
   *               the elements accessed by the similar keys. Note that user agents
   *               are inconsistent about dealing with two links having same access
   *               key, and so the cycling behavior is dependent on what the user agent
   *               provides.
   *               </p><p>
   *                 This attribute is sometimes referred to as the "mnemonic".
   *               </p><p>
   *                 The character specified by this attribute
   *                 <strong>must</strong> exist in the
   *                 <code>Text</code> attribute of this go component instance.
   *                 If it does not, the user will receive no visual indication of
   *                 the existence of the accessKey.
   *                 </p></html>
   * @param accessKey  the new accessKey value
  final public void setAccessKey(char accessKey)
    setProperty(ACCESS_KEY_KEY, Character.valueOf(accessKey));

   * Gets the target frame for the go component.
   * @return  the new targetFrame value
  final public String getTargetFrame()

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  public CoreCommandButton()

   * Gets the textual label of the button.
   * @return  the new text value
  final public String getText()
    return ComponentUtils.resolveString(getProperty(TEXT_KEY));

   * Sets the textual label of the button.
   * @param text  the new text value
  final public void setText(String text)
    setProperty(TEXT_KEY, (text));

   * Gets whether the button should be disabled.
   * @return  the new disabled value
  final public boolean isDisabled()
    return ComponentUtils.resolveBoolean(getProperty(DISABLED_KEY), false);

   * Sets whether the button should be disabled.
   * @param disabled  the new disabled value
  final public void setDisabled(boolean disabled)
    setProperty(DISABLED_KEY, disabled ? Boolean.TRUE : Boolean.FALSE);

   * Gets <html>
   *  Character used to gain quick access to this button.
   *               For accessibility reasons, this functionality is not supported
   *               in screen reader mode.
   *               <p>
   *               If the same access key appears in multiple input fields in the
   *               same page of output, the rendering user agent will cycle among
   *               the elements accessed by the similar keys. Note that user agents
   *               are inconsistent about dealing with two links having same access
   *               key, and so the cycling behavior is dependent on what the user agent
   *               provides.
   *               </p><p>
   *                 This attribute is sometimes referred to as the "mnemonic".
   *               </p><p>
   *                 The character specified by this attribute
   *                 <strong>must</strong> exist in the
   *                 <code>Text</code> attribute of this button instance.
   *                 If it does not, the user will receive no visual indication of
   *                 the existence of the accessKey.
   *                 The easiest, and most convenient
   *                 way to specify both the text and the mnemonic together is
   *                 to use textAndAccessKey.
   *                 </p></html>
   * @return  the new accessKey value
  final public char getAccessKey()
    return ComponentUtils.resolveCharacter((Character)getProperty(ACCESS_KEY_KEY));

   * Sets <html>
   *  Character used to gain quick access to this button.
   *               For accessibility reasons, this functionality is not supported
   *               in screen reader mode.
   *               <p>
   *               If the same access key appears in multiple input fields in the
   *               same page of output, the rendering user agent will cycle among
   *               the elements accessed by the similar keys. Note that user agents
   *               are inconsistent about dealing with two links having same access
   *               key, and so the cycling behavior is dependent on what the user agent
   *               provides.
   *               </p><p>
   *                 This attribute is sometimes referred to as the "mnemonic".
   *               </p><p>
   *                 The character specified by this attribute
   *                 <strong>must</strong> exist in the
   *                 <code>Text</code> attribute of this button instance.
   *                 If it does not, the user will receive no visual indication of
   *                 the existence of the accessKey.
   *                 The easiest, and most convenient
   *                 way to specify both the text and the mnemonic together is
   *                 to use textAndAccessKey.
   *                 </p></html>
   * @param accessKey  the new accessKey value
  final public void setAccessKey(char accessKey)
    setProperty(ACCESS_KEY_KEY, Character.valueOf(accessKey));

   * Gets whether the action should be done through a partial page submit
   *             or not.
   *             Default is false: no partial page submit.
   * @return  the new partialSubmit value
  final public boolean isPartialSubmit()

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    setProperty(CONTENT_STYLE_KEY, (contentStyle));

   * Gets whether the element is read-only.
   * @return  the new readOnly value
  final public boolean isReadOnly()
    return ComponentUtils.resolveBoolean(getProperty(READ_ONLY_KEY), false);

   * Sets whether the element is read-only.
   * @param readOnly  the new readOnly value
  final public void setReadOnly(boolean readOnly)
    setProperty(READ_ONLY_KEY, readOnly ? Boolean.TRUE : Boolean.FALSE);

   * Gets whether the element is disabled.
   * @return  the new disabled value
  final public boolean isDisabled()
    return ComponentUtils.resolveBoolean(getProperty(DISABLED_KEY), false);

   * Sets whether the element is disabled.
   * @param disabled  the new disabled value
  final public void setDisabled(boolean disabled)
    setProperty(DISABLED_KEY, disabled ? Boolean.TRUE : Boolean.FALSE);

   * Gets whether previous values of text fields in the form
   *           should be remembered and offered for auto completion.
   * @return  the new autoComplete value
  final public String getAutoComplete()
    return ComponentUtils.resolveString(getProperty(AUTO_COMPLETE_KEY), "on");

   * Sets whether previous values of text fields in the form
   *           should be remembered and offered for auto completion.
   * @param autoComplete  the new autoComplete value
  final public void setAutoComplete(String autoComplete)
    setProperty(AUTO_COMPLETE_KEY, (autoComplete));

   * Gets the short description of the bean.  This text
   *          is commonly used by user agents to display tooltip help text.
   * @return  the new shortDesc value
  final public String getShortDesc()

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    TYPE.registerKey("contentStyle", String.class);
  static public final PropertyKey CHOOSE_ID_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("chooseId", String.class);
  static public final PropertyKey READ_ONLY_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("readOnly", Boolean.class, Boolean.FALSE);
  static public final PropertyKey DISABLED_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("disabled", Boolean.class, Boolean.FALSE);
  static public final PropertyKey AUTO_COMPLETE_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("autoComplete", String.class, "on");
  static public final PropertyKey LABEL_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("label", String.class);
  static public final PropertyKey SIMPLE_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("simple", Boolean.class, Boolean.FALSE);
  static public final PropertyKey COLUMNS_KEY =
    TYPE.registerKey("columns", Integer.class);
  static public final PropertyKey MAXIMUM_LENGTH_KEY =

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    ArrayList<String> list = new ArrayList<String>(5);

    int     length = stringValue.length();
    boolean inSpace = true;
    int     start = 0;
    for (int i = 0; i < length; i++)
      char ch = stringValue.charAt(i);

      // We're in whitespace;  if we've just departed
      // a run of non-whitespace, append a string.
      // Now, why do we use the supposedly deprecated "Character.isSpace()"
      // function instead of "isWhitespace"?  We're following XML rules
      // here for the meaning of whitespace, which specifically
      // EXCLUDES general Unicode spaces.
      if (Character.isWhitespace(ch))
        if (!inSpace)
          list.add(stringValue.substring(start, i));
          inSpace = true;
      // We're out of whitespace;  if we've just departed
      // a run of whitespace, start keeping track of this string
        if (inSpace)
          start = i;
          inSpace = false;

    if (!inSpace)

    if (list.isEmpty())
      return null;

    return list.toArray(new String[list.size()]);

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  private class PartialVisitContext
    extends VisitContextWrapper
      VisitContext wrapped)
      _wrapped = wrapped;

    public VisitContext getWrapped()
      return _wrapped;

    public VisitResult invokeVisitCallback(
      UIComponent   component,
      VisitCallback visitCallback)
      if (component instanceof UIXShowDetail)
        UIXShowDetail showDetail = (UIXShowDetail)component;
        if (_isShowDetailForCurrentComponent(showDetail))
          if (_foundItemToRender || !isChildSelected(showDetail))
            // We already visited the one to be shown
            return VisitResult.REJECT;
            _foundItemToRender = true;

      return super.invokeVisitCallback(component, visitCallback);

    private boolean _isShowDetailForCurrentComponent(
      UIXShowDetail showDetail)
      for (UIComponent parent = showDetail.getParent(); parent != null;
           parent = parent.getParent())
        if (parent == CorePanelAccordion.this)

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    _facesBean.setProperty(_MINIMUM_KEY, Integer.valueOf(minimum));

   * <p>Custom error message to be used, for creating detail part of the
   * {@link FacesMessage}, when input length exceeds the maximum length set.</p>
   * Overrides detail message identified by message id {@link #MAXIMUM_MESSAGE_ID}
   * @param maximumMessageDetail Custom error message.
  public void setMessageDetailMaximum(String maximumMessageDetail)
    _facesBean.setProperty(_MAXIMUM_MESSAGE_DETAIL_KEY, maximumMessageDetail);

   *  <p>Return custom detail error message that was set for creating {@link FacesMessage},
   *  for cases where input length exceeds the <code>maximum</code> length set.</p>
   * @return Custom error message.
   * @see #setMessageDetailMaximum(String)
  public String getMessageDetailMaximum()
    Object maxMsgDet = _facesBean.getProperty(_MAXIMUM_MESSAGE_DETAIL_KEY);
    return ComponentUtils.resolveString(maxMsgDet);

   * <p>Custom error message to be used, for creating detail part of the
   * {@link FacesMessage}, when input length is less the set
   * <code>minimum</code> length.</p>
   * Overrides detail message identified by message id {@link #MINIMUM_MESSAGE_ID}
   * @param minimumMessageDetail Custom error message.
  public void setMessageDetailMinimum(String minimumMessageDetail)
    _facesBean.setProperty(_MINIMUM_MESSAGE_DETAIL_KEY, minimumMessageDetail);

   * <p>Return custom detail error message that was set for creating {@link FacesMessage},
   * for cases where, input length is less than the <code>minimum</code> length set.</p>
   * @return Custom error message.
   * @see #setMessageDetailMinimum(String)
  public String getMessageDetailMinimum()
    Object minMsgDet = _facesBean.getProperty(_MINIMUM_MESSAGE_DETAIL_KEY);
    return ComponentUtils.resolveString(minMsgDet);

   * <p>Custom error message to be used, for creating detail part of the
   * {@link FacesMessage}, when input length is not with in the range,
   * when <code>minimum</code> and <code>maximum</code> is set.</p>
   * Overrides detail message identified by message id {@link #NOT_IN_RANGE_MESSAGE_ID}
   * @param notInRangeMessageDetail Custom error message.
  public void setMessageDetailNotInRange(String notInRangeMessageDetail)
    _facesBean.setProperty(_NOT_IN_RANGE_MESSAGE_DETAIL_KEY, notInRangeMessageDetail);

   * <p>Return custom detail error message that was set for creating {@link FacesMessage},
   * for cases where, input length exceeds the <code>maximum</code> length and is
   * less than the <code>minimum</code> length set.</p>
   * @return Custom error message.
   * @see #setMessageDetailNotInRange(String)
  public String getMessageDetailNotInRange()
    Object notInRngMsg = _facesBean.getProperty(_NOT_IN_RANGE_MESSAGE_DETAIL_KEY);
    return ComponentUtils.resolveString(notInRngMsg);

   * <p>Custom error message to be used, for creating detail part of the
   * {@link FacesMessage}, 
   * for cases where the maximum and minimum lengths are the same, and
   * the input length does not match.
   * Overrides detail message identified by message id {@link #EXACT_MESSAGE_ID}
   * @param exactMessageDetail Custom error message.
  public void setMessageDetailExact(String exactMessageDetail)

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   * Gets the textual label of the go component.   Go components will
   *              also render children elements (including text nodes), though not
   *              all subclasses of the go component will necessarily support
   *              children.
   * @return  the new text value
  final public String getText()
    return ComponentUtils.resolveString(getProperty(TEXT_KEY));

   * Sets the textual label of the go component.   Go components will
   *              also render children elements (including text nodes), though not
   *              all subclasses of the go component will necessarily support
   *              children.
   * @param text  the new text value
  final public void setText(String text)
    setProperty(TEXT_KEY, (text));

   * Gets whether the go component should be considered disabled.
   *               This attribute only has meaning when go components are used in certain
   *               container types, such as global headers and tab bars.
   * @return  the new disabled value
  final public boolean isDisabled()
    return ComponentUtils.resolveBoolean(getProperty(DISABLED_KEY), false);

   * Sets whether the go component should be considered disabled.
   *               This attribute only has meaning when go components are used in certain
   *               container types, such as global headers and tab bars.
   * @param disabled  the new disabled value
  final public void setDisabled(boolean disabled)
    setProperty(DISABLED_KEY, disabled ? Boolean.TRUE : Boolean.FALSE);

   * Gets <html>
   *  Character used to gain quick access to this component.
   *               For accessibility reasons, this functionality is not supported
   *               in screen reader mode.
   *               <p>
   *               If the same access key appears in multiple input fields in the
   *               same page of output, the rendering user agent will cycle among
   *               the elements accessed by the similar keys. Note that user agents
   *               are inconsistent about dealing with two links having same access
   *               key, and so the cycling behavior is dependent on what the user agent
   *               provides.
   *               </p><p>
   *                 This attribute is sometimes referred to as the "mnemonic".
   *               </p><p>
   *                 The character specified by this attribute
   *                 <strong>must</strong> exist in the
   *                 <code>Text</code> attribute of this go component instance.
   *                 If it does not, the user will receive no visual indication of
   *                 the existence of the accessKey.
   *                 </p></html>
   * @return  the new accessKey value
  final public char getAccessKey()
    return ComponentUtils.resolveCharacter((Character)getProperty(ACCESS_KEY_KEY));

   * Sets <html>
   *  Character used to gain quick access to this component.
   *               For accessibility reasons, this functionality is not supported
   *               in screen reader mode.
   *               <p>
   *               If the same access key appears in multiple input fields in the
   *               same page of output, the rendering user agent will cycle among
   *               the elements accessed by the similar keys. Note that user agents
   *               are inconsistent about dealing with two links having same access
   *               key, and so the cycling behavior is dependent on what the user agent
   *               provides.
   *               </p><p>
   *                 This attribute is sometimes referred to as the "mnemonic".
   *               </p><p>
   *                 The character specified by this attribute
   *                 <strong>must</strong> exist in the
   *                 <code>Text</code> attribute of this go component instance.
   *                 If it does not, the user will receive no visual indication of
   *                 the existence of the accessKey.
   *                 </p></html>
   * @param accessKey  the new accessKey value
  final public void setAccessKey(char accessKey)
    setProperty(ACCESS_KEY_KEY, Character.valueOf(accessKey));

   * Gets the target frame for the go component.
   * @return  the new targetFrame value
  final public String getTargetFrame()

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   * Gets the textual label of the link.
   * @return  the new text value
  final public String getText()
    return ComponentUtils.resolveString(getProperty(TEXT_KEY));

   * Sets the textual label of the link.
   * @param text  the new text value
  final public void setText(String text)
    setProperty(TEXT_KEY, (text));

   * Gets whether the link should be considered disabled.
   *               This attribute only has meaning when links are used in certain
   *               container types, such as global headers and tab bars.
   * @return  the new disabled value
  final public boolean isDisabled()
    return ComponentUtils.resolveBoolean(getProperty(DISABLED_KEY), false);

   * Sets whether the link should be considered disabled.
   *               This attribute only has meaning when links are used in certain
   *               container types, such as global headers and tab bars.
   * @param disabled  the new disabled value
  final public void setDisabled(boolean disabled)
    setProperty(DISABLED_KEY, disabled ? Boolean.TRUE : Boolean.FALSE);

   * Gets <html>
   *  Character used to gain quick access to this link.
   *               For accessibility reasons, this functionality is not
   *               supported in screen reader mode.
   *               <p>
   *               If the same access key appears in multiple input fields in the
   *               same page of output, the rendering user agent will cycle among
   *               the elements accessed by the similar keys. Note that user agents
   *               are inconsistent about dealing with two links having same access
   *               key, and so the cycling behavior is dependent on what the user agent
   *               provides.
   *               </p><p>
   *                 This attribute is sometimes referred to as the "mnemonic".
   *               </p><p>
   *                 The character specified by this attribute
   *                 <strong>must</strong> exist in the
   *                 <code>Text</code> attribute of this Link instance.
   *                 If it does not, the user will receive no visual indication of
   *                 the existence of the accessKey.
   *                 </p></html>
   * @return  the new accessKey value
  final public char getAccessKey()
    return ComponentUtils.resolveCharacter((Character)getProperty(ACCESS_KEY_KEY));

   * Sets <html>
   *  Character used to gain quick access to this link.
   *               For accessibility reasons, this functionality is not
   *               supported in screen reader mode.
   *               <p>
   *               If the same access key appears in multiple input fields in the
   *               same page of output, the rendering user agent will cycle among
   *               the elements accessed by the similar keys. Note that user agents
   *               are inconsistent about dealing with two links having same access
   *               key, and so the cycling behavior is dependent on what the user agent
   *               provides.
   *               </p><p>
   *                 This attribute is sometimes referred to as the "mnemonic".
   *               </p><p>
   *                 The character specified by this attribute
   *                 <strong>must</strong> exist in the
   *                 <code>Text</code> attribute of this Link instance.
   *                 If it does not, the user will receive no visual indication of
   *                 the existence of the accessKey.
   *                 </p></html>
   * @param accessKey  the new accessKey value
  final public void setAccessKey(char accessKey)
    setProperty(ACCESS_KEY_KEY, Character.valueOf(accessKey));

   * Gets whether the action should be done through a partial page submit
   *             or not.
   *             Default is false: no partial page submit.
   * @return  the new partialSubmit value
  final public boolean isPartialSubmit()

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    setProperty(READ_ONLY_KEY, readOnly ? Boolean.TRUE : Boolean.FALSE);

   * Gets whether the element is disabled.
   * @return  the new disabled value
  final public boolean isDisabled()
    return ComponentUtils.resolveBoolean(getProperty(DISABLED_KEY), false);

   * Sets whether the element is disabled.
   * @param disabled  the new disabled value
  final public void setDisabled(boolean disabled)
    setProperty(DISABLED_KEY, disabled ? Boolean.TRUE : Boolean.FALSE);

   * Gets the label of the bean.
   * @return  the new label value
  final public String getLabel()
    return ComponentUtils.resolveString(getProperty(LABEL_KEY));

   * Sets the label of the bean.
   * @param label  the new label value
  final public void setLabel(String label)
    setProperty(LABEL_KEY, (label));

   * Gets a boolean value that controls whether the component
   * provides label and message support;  when set to "true", the component will
   * not display messaging support or the label (these attributes may be ignored: label,
   * labelAndAccessKey, accessKey, showRequired,
   * tip), and may use simpler layout primitives
   * @return  the new simple value
  final public boolean isSimple()
    return ComponentUtils.resolveBoolean(getProperty(SIMPLE_KEY), false);

   * Sets a boolean value that controls whether the component
   * provides label and message support;  when set to "true", the component will
   * not display messaging support or the label (these attributes may be ignored: label,
   * labelAndAccessKey, accessKey, showRequired,
   * tip), and may use simpler layout primitives
   * @param simple  the new simple value
  final public void setSimple(boolean simple)
    setProperty(SIMPLE_KEY, simple ? Boolean.TRUE : Boolean.FALSE);

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  public CoreSelectOrderShuttle()

   * the filter above the leading list.
  final public UIComponent getFilter()
    return getFacet(FILTER_FACET);

   * the filter above the leading list.
  final public void setFilter(UIComponent filterFacet)
    getFacets().put(FILTER_FACET, filterFacet);

   * the footer of buttons/images under the leading list.
  final public UIComponent getLeadingFooter()
    return getFacet(LEADING_FOOTER_FACET);

   * the footer of buttons/images under the leading list.
  final public void setLeadingFooter(UIComponent leadingFooterFacet)
    getFacets().put(LEADING_FOOTER_FACET, leadingFooterFacet);

   * the footer of buttons/images under the trailing list.
  final public UIComponent getTrailingFooter()
    return getFacet(TRAILING_FOOTER_FACET);

   * the footer of buttons/images under the trailing list.
  final public void setTrailingFooter(UIComponent trailingFooterFacet)
    getFacets().put(TRAILING_FOOTER_FACET, trailingFooterFacet);

   * Gets whether the shuttle is in "reorder only" mode, where the user can reorder the list of values, but cannot add or remove them.
   * @return  the new reorderOnly value
  final public boolean isReorderOnly()

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  public Object saveState(FacesContext context)
    return _facesBean.saveState(context);

  public void restoreState(FacesContext context, Object state)
    _facesBean.restoreState(context, state);

   * <p>Set the {@link ValueExpression} used to calculate the value for the
   * specified attribute if any.</p>
   * @param name Name of the attribute for which to set a {@link ValueExpression}
   * @param expression The {@link ValueExpression} to set, or <code>null</code>
   *  to remove any currently set {@link ValueExpression}
   * @exception NullPointerException if <code>name</code>
   *  is <code>null</code>
   * @exception IllegalArgumentException if <code>name</code> is not a valid
   *            attribute of this converter
  public void setValueExpression(String name, ValueExpression expression)
    ValidatorUtils.setValueExpression(_facesBean, name, expression) ;

   * <p>Return the {@link ValueExpression} used to calculate the value for the
   * specified attribute name, if any.</p>
   * @param name Name of the attribute or property for which to retrieve a
   *  {@link ValueExpression}
   * @exception NullPointerException if <code>name</code>
   *  is <code>null</code>
   * @exception IllegalArgumentException if <code>name</code> is not a valid
   * attribute of this converter
  public ValueExpression getValueExpression(String name)
    return ValidatorUtils.getValueExpression(_facesBean, name);

   * <p>Set the {@link ValueBinding} used to calculate the value for the
   * specified attribute if any.</p>
   * @param name Name of the attribute for which to set a {@link ValueBinding}
   * @param binding The {@link ValueBinding} to set, or <code>null</code>
   *  to remove any currently set {@link ValueBinding}
   * @exception NullPointerException if <code>name</code>
   *  is <code>null</code>
   * @exception IllegalArgumentException if <code>name</code> is not a valid
   *            attribute of this validator
   * @deprecated
  public void setValueBinding(String name, ValueBinding binding)
    ValidatorUtils.setValueBinding(_facesBean, name, binding) ;

   * <p>Return the {@link ValueBinding} used to calculate the value for the
   * specified attribute name, if any.</p>
   * @param name Name of the attribute or property for which to retrieve a
   *  {@link ValueBinding}
   * @exception NullPointerException if <code>name</code>
   *  is <code>null</code>
   * @exception IllegalArgumentException if <code>name</code> is not a valid
   * attribute of this validator
   * @deprecated
  public ValueBinding getValueBinding(String name)
    return ValidatorUtils.getValueBinding(_facesBean, name);

   * <p>Compares this PatternValidator with the specified Object for
   * equality.</p>
   * @param object  Object to which this PatternValidator is to be compared.
   * @return true if and only if the specified Object is a PatternValidator
   * and if the values pattern and transient are equal.
  public boolean equals(Object object)

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    return ComponentUtils.resolveString(msg);

   * <p>Custom hint maximum message.</p>
   * Overrides default hint message
   * @param hintMaximum Custom hint message.
  public void setHintMaximum(String hintMaximum)
    _facesBean.setProperty(_HINT_MAXIMUM_KEY, hintMaximum);

   * <p>Return custom hint maximum message.</p>
   * @return Custom hint message.
   * @see  #setHintMaximum(String)
  public String getHintMaximum()
    Object obj = _facesBean.getProperty(_HINT_MAXIMUM_KEY);
    return ComponentUtils.resolveString(obj);

   * <p>Custom hint minimum message.</p>
   * Overrides default hint message
   * @param hintMinimum Custom hint message.
  public void setHintMinimum(String hintMinimum)
    _facesBean.setProperty(_HINT_MINIMUM_KEY, hintMinimum);

   * <p>Return custom hint minimum message.</p>
   * @return Custom hint message.
   * @see  #setHintMinimum(String)
  public String getHintMinimum()
    Object obj = _facesBean.getProperty(_HINT_MINIMUM_KEY);
    return ComponentUtils.resolveString(obj);

   * <p>Custom hint notInRange message.</p>
   * Overrides default hint message
   * @param hintNotInRange Custom hint message.
  public void setHintNotInRange(String hintNotInRange)
    _facesBean.setProperty(_HINT_NOT_IN_RANGE, hintNotInRange);

   * <p>Return custom hint notInRange message.</p>
   * @return Custom hint message.
   * @see  #setHintNotInRange
  public String getHintNotInRange()
    Object obj = _facesBean.getProperty(_HINT_NOT_IN_RANGE);
    return ComponentUtils.resolveString(obj);

   * <p>Custom hint exact message.</p>
   * Overrides default hint message
   * @param hintExact Custom hint message.
  public void setHintExact(String hintExact)

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    _facesBean.setProperty(_MINIMUM_KEY, Integer.valueOf(minimum));

   * <p>Custom error message to be used, for creating detail part of the
   * {@link FacesMessage}, when input length exceeds the maximum length set.</p>
   * Overrides detail message identified by message id {@link #MAXIMUM_MESSAGE_ID}
   * @param maximumMessageDetail Custom error message.
  public void setMessageDetailMaximum(String maximumMessageDetail)
    _facesBean.setProperty(_MAXIMUM_MESSAGE_DETAIL_KEY, maximumMessageDetail);

   *  <p>Return custom detail error message that was set for creating {@link FacesMessage},
   *  for cases where input length exceeds the <code>maximum</code> length set.</p>
   * @return Custom error message.
   * @see #setMessageDetailMaximum(String)
  public String getMessageDetailMaximum()
    Object maxMsgDet = _facesBean.getProperty(_MAXIMUM_MESSAGE_DETAIL_KEY);
    return ComponentUtils.resolveString(maxMsgDet);

   * <p>Custom error message to be used, for creating detail part of the
   * {@link FacesMessage}, when input length is less the set
   * <code>minimum</code> length.</p>
   * Overrides detail message identified by message id {@link #MINIMUM_MESSAGE_ID}
   * @param minimumMessageDetail Custom error message.
  public void setMessageDetailMinimum(String minimumMessageDetail)
    _facesBean.setProperty(_MINIMUM_MESSAGE_DETAIL_KEY, minimumMessageDetail);

   * <p>Return custom detail error message that was set for creating {@link FacesMessage},
   * for cases where, input length is less than the <code>minimum</code> length set.</p>
   * @return Custom error message.
   * @see #setMessageDetailMinimum(String)
  public String getMessageDetailMinimum()
    Object minMsgDet = _facesBean.getProperty(_MINIMUM_MESSAGE_DETAIL_KEY);
    return ComponentUtils.resolveString(minMsgDet);

   * <p>Custom error message to be used, for creating detail part of the
   * {@link FacesMessage}, when input length is not with in the range,
   * when <code>minimum</code> and <code>maximum</code> is set.</p>
   * Overrides detail message identified by message id {@link #NOT_IN_RANGE_MESSAGE_ID}
   * @param notInRangeMessageDetail Custom error message.
  public void setMessageDetailNotInRange(String notInRangeMessageDetail)
    _facesBean.setProperty(_NOT_IN_RANGE_MESSAGE_DETAIL_KEY, notInRangeMessageDetail);

   * <p>Return custom detail error message that was set for creating {@link FacesMessage},
   * for cases where, input length exceeds the <code>maximum</code> length and is
   * less than the <code>minimum</code> length set.</p>
   * @return Custom error message.
   * @see #setMessageDetailNotInRange(String)
  public String getMessageDetailNotInRange()
    Object notInRngMsg = _facesBean.getProperty(_NOT_IN_RANGE_MESSAGE_DETAIL_KEY);
    return ComponentUtils.resolveString(notInRngMsg);

   * <p>Custom error message to be used, for creating detail part of the
   * {@link FacesMessage}, 
   * for cases where the maximum and minimum lengths are the same, and
   * the input length does not match.
   * Overrides detail message identified by message id {@link #EXACT_MESSAGE_ID}
   * @param exactMessageDetail Custom error message.
  public void setMessageDetailExact(String exactMessageDetail)

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    setProperty(PARTIAL_TRIGGERS_KEY, (partialTriggers));

   * Gets the label of the bean.
   * @return  the new label value
  final public String getLabel()
    return ComponentUtils.resolveString(getProperty(LABEL_KEY));

   * Sets the label of the bean.
   * @param label  the new label value
  final public void setLabel(String label)
    setProperty(LABEL_KEY, (label));

   * Gets a boolean value that controls whether the component
   * provides label and message support;  when set to "true", the component will
   * not display messaging support or the label (these attributes may be ignored: label,
   * labelAndAccessKey, accessKey, showRequired,
   * tip), and may use simpler layout primitives
   * @return  the new simple value
  final public boolean isSimple()
    return ComponentUtils.resolveBoolean(getProperty(SIMPLE_KEY), false);

   * Sets a boolean value that controls whether the component
   * provides label and message support;  when set to "true", the component will
   * not display messaging support or the label (these attributes may be ignored: label,
   * labelAndAccessKey, accessKey, showRequired,
   * tip), and may use simpler layout primitives
   * @param simple  the new simple value
  final public void setSimple(boolean simple)
    setProperty(SIMPLE_KEY, simple ? Boolean.TRUE : Boolean.FALSE);

   * Gets event handler for when the value is changed.
   * @return  the new onchange value
  final public String getOnchange()
    return ComponentUtils.resolveString(getProperty(ONCHANGE_KEY));

   * Sets event handler for when the value is changed.
   * @param onchange  the new onchange value
  final public void setOnchange(String onchange)
    setProperty(ONCHANGE_KEY, (onchange));

   * Gets an onclick Javascript handler.
   * @return  the new onclick value
  final public String getOnclick()

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    return ComponentUtils.resolveString(msg);

   * <p>Custom hint maximum message.</p>
   * Overrides default hint message
   * @param hintMaximum Custom hint message.
  public void setHintMaximum(String hintMaximum)
    _facesBean.setProperty(_HINT_MAXIMUM_KEY, hintMaximum);

   * <p>Return custom hint maximum message.</p>
   * @return Custom hint message.
   * @see  #setHintMaximum(String)
  public String getHintMaximum()
    Object obj = _facesBean.getProperty(_HINT_MAXIMUM_KEY);
    return ComponentUtils.resolveString(obj);

   * <p>Custom hint minimum message.</p>
   * Overrides default hint message
   * @param hintMinimum Custom hint message.
  public void setHintMinimum(String hintMinimum)
    _facesBean.setProperty(_HINT_MINIMUM_KEY, hintMinimum);

   * <p>Return custom hint minimum message.</p>
   * @return Custom hint message.
   * @see  #setHintMinimum(String)
  public String getHintMinimum()
    Object obj = _facesBean.getProperty(_HINT_MINIMUM_KEY);
    return ComponentUtils.resolveString(obj);

   * <p>Custom hint notInRange message.</p>
   * Overrides default hint message
   * @param hintNotInRange Custom hint message.
  public void setHintNotInRange(String hintNotInRange)
    _facesBean.setProperty(_HINT_NOT_IN_RANGE, hintNotInRange);

   * <p>Return custom hint notInRange message.</p>
   * @return Custom hint message.
   * @see  #setHintNotInRange
  public String getHintNotInRange()
    Object obj = _facesBean.getProperty(_HINT_NOT_IN_RANGE);
    return ComponentUtils.resolveString(obj);

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  public ImmutableItemNode(ItemNode node)
    _icon = node.getIconProperty();
    _focusViewId = node.getFocusViewIdProperty();
    _renderedStr = node.getRenderedProperty();
    _disabledStr = node.getDisabledProperty();
    _visibleStr = node.getVisibleProperty();
    _readOnlyStr = node.getReadOnlyProperty();
    _handlerId = node.getHandlerIdProperty();
    _bundleKey = node.getBundleKeyProperty();
    _bundleName = node.getBundleNameProperty();
    _accessKey = node.getAccessKeyProperty();
    _id = node.getIdProperty();
    _modelId = node.getModelIdProperty();
    _uniqueId = node.getUniqueIdProperty();
    _labelAndAccessKey = node.getLabelAndAccessKeyProperty();
    _defaultFocusPathStr = node.getDefaultFocusPathProperty();

    // Root Menu model's Request Map Key
    _rootModelKey = node.getRootModelKeyProperty();

    _rootId = node.getRootIdProperty();

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    setProperty(DISABLED_KEY, disabled ? Boolean.TRUE : Boolean.FALSE);

   * Gets the label of the bean.
   * @return  the new label value
  final public String getLabel()
    return ComponentUtils.resolveString(getProperty(LABEL_KEY));

   * Sets the label of the bean.
   * @param label  the new label value
  final public void setLabel(String label)
    setProperty(LABEL_KEY, (label));

   * Gets a boolean value that controls whether the component
   * provides label and message support;  when set to "true", the component will
   * not display messaging support or the label (these attributes may be ignored: label,
   * labelAndAccessKey, accessKey, showRequired,
   * tip), and may use simpler layout primitives
   * @return  the new simple value
  final public boolean isSimple()
    return ComponentUtils.resolveBoolean(getProperty(SIMPLE_KEY), false);

   * Sets a boolean value that controls whether the component
   * provides label and message support;  when set to "true", the component will
   * not display messaging support or the label (these attributes may be ignored: label,
   * labelAndAccessKey, accessKey, showRequired,
   * tip), and may use simpler layout primitives
   * @param simple  the new simple value
  final public void setSimple(boolean simple)
    setProperty(SIMPLE_KEY, simple ? Boolean.TRUE : Boolean.FALSE);

   * Gets event handler for when the value is changed.
   * @return  the new onchange value
  final public String getOnchange()
    return ComponentUtils.resolveString(getProperty(ONCHANGE_KEY));

   * Sets event handler for when the value is changed.
   * @param onchange  the new onchange value
  final public void setOnchange(String onchange)
    setProperty(ONCHANGE_KEY, (onchange));

   * Gets the CSS styles to use for this component.
   * @return  the new inlineStyle value
  final public String getInlineStyle()

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    // process stamp for one level 
    HierarchyUtils.__processLevel(context, phaseId, this);        
    // process the children
    TableUtils.__processChildren(context, this, phaseId);

  protected boolean visitChildren(
    VisitContext  visitContext,
    VisitCallback callback)
    boolean done = visitData(visitContext, callback);
    if (!done)
      // process the children
      int childCount = getChildCount();
      if (childCount > 0)
        for (UIComponent child : getChildren())
          done = UIXComponent.visitTree(visitContext, child, callback);
          if (done)
    return done;
  protected boolean visitData(
    VisitContext  visitContext,
    VisitCallback callback)
    Object oldKey = getRowKey();

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   * Gets the width of the spacer item.
   * @return  the new width value
  final public String getWidth()
    return ComponentUtils.resolveString(getProperty(WIDTH_KEY));

   * Sets the width of the spacer item.
   * @param width  the new width value
  final public void setWidth(String width)
    setProperty(WIDTH_KEY, (width));

   * Sets the width of the spacer item.
   * @param width  the new width value
  final public void setWidth(int width)
    setProperty(WIDTH_KEY, Integer.valueOf(width));

   * Gets the height of the spacer item.
   * @return  the new height value
  final public String getHeight()
    return ComponentUtils.resolveString(getProperty(HEIGHT_KEY));

   * Sets the height of the spacer item.
   * @param height  the new height value
  final public void setHeight(String height)
    setProperty(HEIGHT_KEY, (height));

   * Sets the height of the spacer item.
   * @param height  the new height value
  final public void setHeight(int height)
    setProperty(HEIGHT_KEY, Integer.valueOf(height));

   * Gets the short description of the bean.  This text
   *          is commonly used by user agents to display tooltip help text.
   * @return  the new shortDesc value
  final public String getShortDesc()

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   * the component used to render the table footer.
  final public UIComponent getFooter()
    return getFacet(FOOTER_FACET);

   * the component used to render the table footer.
  final public void setFooter(UIComponent footerFacet)
    getFacets().put(FOOTER_FACET, footerFacet);

   * the component used to render the table header.
  final public UIComponent getHeader()
    return getFacet(HEADER_FACET);

   * the component used to render the table header.
  final public void setHeader(UIComponent headerFacet)
    getFacets().put(HEADER_FACET, headerFacet);

   * content to be rendered inline with the navigation bar.
  final public UIComponent getActions()
    return getFacet(ACTIONS_FACET);

   * content to be rendered inline with the navigation bar.
  final public void setActions(UIComponent actionsFacet)
    getFacets().put(ACTIONS_FACET, actionsFacet);

   * the component used to stamp each step of the focus path of this
   *                   treeTable.
  final public UIComponent getPathStamp()

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    setProperty(RANGE_CHANGE_LISTENER_KEY, (rangeChangeListener));

   * Gets <html> the data model being used by this component.
   * The specific model class is
   *         <code>org.apache.myfaces.trinidad.model.CollectionModel</code>.
   *         You may also use other model instances, e.g.,  
   *         <code>java.util.List</code>  ,
   *         array, and  <code>javax.faces.model.DataModel</code>.
   *         This component will automatically convert the instance
   *         into a <code>CollectionModel</code>.</html>
   * @return  the new value value
  final public Object getValue()
    return getProperty(VALUE_KEY);

   * Sets <html> the data model being used by this component.
   * The specific model class is
   *         <code>org.apache.myfaces.trinidad.model.CollectionModel</code>.
   *         You may also use other model instances, e.g.,  
   *         <code>java.util.List</code>  ,
   *         array, and  <code>javax.faces.model.DataModel</code>.
   *         This component will automatically convert the instance
   *         into a <code>CollectionModel</code>.</html>
   * @param value  the new value value
  final public void setValue(Object value)
    setProperty(VALUE_KEY, (value));

   * Gets the maximum number of rows to display in a single range of rows.
   * Some ranges might have fewer
   * than the number of rows specified by this attribute (eg: the last range
   * might have an insufficient number of rows).
   * To display all rows at once, set this attribute to 0.
   * @return  the new rows value
  final public int getRows()
    return ComponentUtils.resolveInteger(getProperty(ROWS_KEY), 25);

   * Sets the maximum number of rows to display in a single range of rows.
   * Some ranges might have fewer
   * than the number of rows specified by this attribute (eg: the last range
   * might have an insufficient number of rows).
   * To display all rows at once, set this attribute to 0.
   * @param rows  the new rows value
  final public void setRows(int rows)
    setProperty(ROWS_KEY, Integer.valueOf(rows));

   * Gets the index of the first row in the currently range of rows.
   * This index is zero-based. This attribute is used to control
   * which range of rows to display to the user.
   * @return  the new first value
  final public int getFirst()
    return ComponentUtils.resolveInteger(getProperty(FIRST_KEY), 0);

   * Sets the index of the first row in the currently range of rows.
   * This index is zero-based. This attribute is used to control
   * which range of rows to display to the user.
   * @param first  the new first value
  final public void setFirst(int first)
    setProperty(FIRST_KEY, Integer.valueOf(first));

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  private static final PropertyKey _MAXIMUM_MESSAGE_DETAIL_KEY =
    _TYPE.registerKey("messageDetailMaximum", String.class);

  private static final PropertyKey _MINIMUM_MESSAGE_DETAIL_KEY =
    _TYPE.registerKey("messageDetailMinimum", String.class);

  private static final PropertyKey _NOT_IN_RANGE_MESSAGE_DETAIL_KEY =
    _TYPE.registerKey("messageDetailNotInRange", String.class);

  private static final PropertyKey  _HINT_MAXIMUM_KEY =
    _TYPE.registerKey("hintMaximum", String.class);

  private static final PropertyKey  _HINT_MINIMUM_KEY =
    _TYPE.registerKey("hintMinimum", String.class);

  private static final PropertyKey  _HINT_NOT_IN_RANGE =
    _TYPE.registerKey("hintNotInRange", String.class);

  private FacesBean _facesBean = ValidatorUtils.getFacesBean(_TYPE);

  private boolean _transientValue = false;

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    return ( o1 == o2 || (o1 != null && o1.equals(o2)));
  private static PropertyKey _getPropertyKey(
    FacesBean bean, 
    String name,  
    boolean isStrict)
    _assertNotNull(name, "attribute cannot be null");
    FacesBean.Type type = bean.getType();
    PropertyKey key = type.findKey(name);
    if (isStrict && key == null)
     throw new IllegalArgumentException(_LOG.getMessage(
       "INVALID_ATTRIBUTE_NAME", name));
    return key;

  private static void _assertNotNull(Object object, String message)
    if (object == null)
       if (message == null)
         throw new NullPointerException();
         throw new NullPointerException(message);
  private static final TrinidadLogger _LOG = TrinidadLogger.createTrinidadLogger(

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   * This facet should contain field level help.
  final public UIComponent getHelp()
    return getFacet(HELP_FACET);

   * This facet should contain field level help.
  final public void setHelp(UIComponent helpFacet)
    getFacets().put(HELP_FACET, helpFacet);

   * Gets the CSS styles to attach to the content of the component.  For example, you can set the width of that portion to 100 pixels by setting this attribute to "width: 100px".
   * @return  the new contentStyle value
  final public String getContentStyle()
    return ComponentUtils.resolveString(getProperty(CONTENT_STYLE_KEY));

   * Sets the CSS styles to attach to the content of the component.  For example, you can set the width of that portion to 100 pixels by setting this attribute to "width: 100px".
   * @param contentStyle  the new contentStyle value
  final public void setContentStyle(String contentStyle)
    setProperty(CONTENT_STYLE_KEY, (contentStyle));

   * Gets the label for an additional item that indicates no selection has
   * been made.  When the user selects this item, "required" validation will
   * not pass, or a null value will be set if the component is not "required".
   * @return  the new unselectedLabel value
  final public String getUnselectedLabel()
    return ComponentUtils.resolveString(getProperty(UNSELECTED_LABEL_KEY));

   * Sets the label for an additional item that indicates no selection has
   * been made.  When the user selects this item, "required" validation will
   * not pass, or a null value will be set if the component is not "required".
   * @param unselectedLabel  the new unselectedLabel value
  final public void setUnselectedLabel(String unselectedLabel)
    setProperty(UNSELECTED_LABEL_KEY, (unselectedLabel));

   * Gets whether the control displays the buttons
   *               horizontally or vertically.The valid values are "horizontal" and
   *               "vertical", the default being "vertical".
   * @return  the new layout value
  final public String getLayout()

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   * {@inheritDoc}
  public void broadcast(FacesEvent event) throws AbortProcessingException
    if (event instanceof ActionEvent)
      RequestContext afContext = RequestContext.getCurrentInstance();

        // Perform standard superclass processing

        // Notify the specified action listener method (if any),
        // and the default action listener
        broadcastToMethodBinding(event, getActionListener());

        FacesContext context = getFacesContext();
        ActionListener defaultActionListener =
        if (defaultActionListener != null)
          defaultActionListener.processAction((ActionEvent) event);
    else if (event instanceof LaunchEvent)

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   * Gets the default horizontal alignment of cells in this row.
   *               The acceptable values are "center", "left", "right", "start", and "end".
   * @return  the new halign value
  final public String getHalign()
    return ComponentUtils.resolveString(getProperty(HALIGN_KEY));

   * Sets the default horizontal alignment of cells in this row.
   *               The acceptable values are "center", "left", "right", "start", and "end".
   * @param halign  the new halign value
  final public void setHalign(String halign)
    setProperty(HALIGN_KEY, (halign));

   * Gets the default vertical alignment of cells in this row.
   *               The acceptable values are "middle", "top", and "bottom".
   * @return  the new valign value
  final public String getValign()
    return ComponentUtils.resolveString(getProperty(VALIGN_KEY));

   * Sets the default vertical alignment of cells in this row.
   *               The acceptable values are "middle", "top", and "bottom".
   * @param valign  the new valign value
  final public void setValign(String valign)
    setProperty(VALIGN_KEY, (valign));

   * Gets the preferred total width of the layout.
   *               This attribute is ignored when the row layout is inside
   *               of a table layout.
   * @return  the new width value
  final public String getWidth()
    return ComponentUtils.resolveString(getProperty(WIDTH_KEY));

   * Sets the preferred total width of the layout.
   *               This attribute is ignored when the row layout is inside
   *               of a table layout.
   * @param width  the new width value
  final public void setWidth(String width)
    setProperty(WIDTH_KEY, (width));

   * Gets the short description of the bean.  This text
   *          is commonly used by user agents to display tooltip help text.
   * @return  the new shortDesc value
  final public String getShortDesc()

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    setProperty(INITIALLY_EXPANDED_KEY, initiallyExpanded ? Boolean.TRUE : Boolean.FALSE);

   * Adds a rowDisclosure listener.
   * @param listener  the rowDisclosure listener to add
  final public void addRowDisclosureListener(
    RowDisclosureListener listener)

   * Removes a rowDisclosure listener.
   * @param listener  the rowDisclosure listener to remove
  final public void removeRowDisclosureListener(
    RowDisclosureListener listener)

   * Returns an array of attached rowDisclosure listeners.
   * @return  an array of attached rowDisclosure listeners.
  final public RowDisclosureListener[] getRowDisclosureListeners()
    return (RowDisclosureListener[])getFacesListeners(RowDisclosureListener.class);

   * Adds a selection listener.
   * @param listener  the selection listener to add
  final public void addSelectionListener(
    SelectionListener listener)

   * Removes a selection listener.
   * @param listener  the selection listener to remove
  final public void removeSelectionListener(
    SelectionListener listener)

   * Returns an array of attached selection listeners.
   * @return  an array of attached selection listeners.
  final public SelectionListener[] getSelectionListeners()
    return (SelectionListener[])getFacesListeners(SelectionListener.class);

   * Adds a focus listener.
   * @param listener  the focus listener to add
  final public void addFocusListener(

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  public void setReturnListener(MethodBinding binding)

  public MethodBinding getAction()
    MethodExpression me = getActionExpression();
    if (me == null)
      return null;

    if (me instanceof MethodBindingMethodExpression)
      return ((MethodBindingMethodExpression) me).getMethodBinding();

    return new MethodExpressionMethodBinding(me);

  public void setAction(MethodBinding binding)
    if (binding instanceof MethodExpressionMethodBinding)
      setActionExpression(((MethodExpressionMethodBinding) binding).getMethodExpression());
      setActionExpression(new MethodBindingMethodExpression(binding));

   * <p>Intercept <code>queueEvent</code> and mark the phaseId for any
   * ActionEvents to be <code>PhaseId.APPLY_REQUEST_VALUES</code>.
  public void queueEvent(FacesEvent e)
    if (e instanceof ActionEvent)

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  private static final PropertyKey _MAXIMUM_MESSAGE_DETAIL_KEY =
    _TYPE.registerKey("messageDetailMaximum", String.class);

  private static final PropertyKey _MINIMUM_MESSAGE_DETAIL_KEY =
    _TYPE.registerKey("messageDetailMinimum", String.class);

  private static final PropertyKey _NOT_IN_RANGE_MESSAGE_DETAIL_KEY =
    _TYPE.registerKey("messageDetailNotInRange", String.class);

  private static final PropertyKey  _HINT_MAXIMUM_KEY =
    _TYPE.registerKey("hintMaximum", String.class);

  private static final PropertyKey  _HINT_MINIMUM_KEY =
    _TYPE.registerKey("hintMinimum", String.class);

  private static final PropertyKey  _HINT_NOT_IN_RANGE =
    _TYPE.registerKey("hintNotInRange", String.class);

  private FacesBean _facesBean = ValidatorUtils.getFacesBean(_TYPE);

  private boolean _transientValue = false;

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    setProperty(IMMEDIATE_KEY, immediate ? Boolean.TRUE : Boolean.FALSE);

   * Gets a method reference to an ExpansionListener
   * @return  the new rowDisclosureListener value
  final public MethodExpression getRowDisclosureListener()
    return (MethodExpression)getProperty(ROW_DISCLOSURE_LISTENER_KEY);

   * Sets a method reference to an ExpansionListener
   * @param rowDisclosureListener  the new rowDisclosureListener value
  final public void setRowDisclosureListener(MethodExpression rowDisclosureListener)
    setProperty(ROW_DISCLOSURE_LISTENER_KEY, (rowDisclosureListener));

   * Gets the set of disclosed rows for this component.
   * Each entry in the set is a rowKey.
   * @return  the new disclosedRowKeys value
  final public RowKeySet getDisclosedRowKeys()
    return (RowKeySet)getProperty(DISCLOSED_ROW_KEYS_KEY);

   * Sets the set of disclosed rows for this component.
   * Each entry in the set is a rowKey.
   * @param disclosedRowKeys  the new disclosedRowKeys value
  final public void setDisclosedRowKeys(RowKeySet disclosedRowKeys)
    setProperty(DISCLOSED_ROW_KEYS_KEY, (disclosedRowKeys));

   * Gets a method reference to a selection listener
   * @return  the new selectionListener value
  final public MethodExpression getSelectionListener()
    return (MethodExpression)getProperty(SELECTION_LISTENER_KEY);

   * Sets a method reference to a selection listener
   * @param selectionListener  the new selectionListener value
  final public void setSelectionListener(MethodExpression selectionListener)
    setProperty(SELECTION_LISTENER_KEY, (selectionListener));

   * Gets <html>
   *           Name of the EL variable used to reference the varStatus information.
   *           Once this component has completed rendering, this variable is
   *           removed (or reverted back to its previous value).
   *           The VarStatus provides contextual information about the state of the
   *           component to EL expressions. For components that iterate, varStatus
   *           also provides loop counter information.  Please see the this 
   *           component's documentation for the specific properties on the varStatus.
   *           The common properties on varStatus include:<ul><li>"model" - returns the CollectionModel for this component</li><li>"index" - returns the zero based row index</li></ul></html>
   * @return  the new varStatus value
  final public String getVarStatus()

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   * Gets a reference to an action method sent by the commandButton, or the static outcome of an action
   * @return  the new actionExpression value
  final public MethodExpression getActionExpression()
    return (MethodExpression)getProperty(ACTION_EXPRESSION_KEY);

   * Sets a reference to an action method sent by the commandButton, or the static outcome of an action
   * @param actionExpression  the new actionExpression value
  final public void setActionExpression(MethodExpression actionExpression)
    setProperty(ACTION_EXPRESSION_KEY, (actionExpression));

   * Gets a method reference to an action listener
   * @return  the new actionListener value
  final public MethodBinding getActionListener()
    return (MethodBinding)getProperty(ACTION_LISTENER_KEY);

   * Sets a method reference to an action listener
   * @param actionListener  the new actionListener value
  final public void setActionListener(MethodBinding actionListener)
    setProperty(ACTION_LISTENER_KEY, (actionListener));

   * Gets a method reference to an return listener
   * @return  the new returnListener value
  final public MethodExpression getReturnListener()
    return (MethodExpression)getProperty(RETURN_LISTENER_KEY);

   * Sets a method reference to an return listener
   * @param returnListener  the new returnListener value
  final public void setReturnListener(MethodExpression returnListener)
    setProperty(RETURN_LISTENER_KEY, (returnListener));

   * Adds a action listener.
   * @param listener  the action listener to add
  final public void addActionListener(

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    setProperty(GLOBAL_ONLY_KEY, globalOnly ? Boolean.TRUE : Boolean.FALSE);

  public String getDefaultEventName()
    return "click";

  public Collection<String> getEventNames()
    return _EVENT_NAMES;

  public Map<String, List<ClientBehavior>> getClientBehaviors()
    return super.getClientBehaviors();

  public void addClientBehavior(
    String         eventName,
    ClientBehavior behavior)
    super.addClientBehavior(eventName, behavior);

  public String getFamily()

  protected FacesBean.Type getBeanType()
    return TYPE;

   * Construct an instance of the CoreMessages.
  protected CoreMessages(

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    setProperty(SHOW_REQUIRED_KEY, showRequired ? Boolean.TRUE : Boolean.FALSE);

  public String getDefaultEventName()
    return "change";

  public Collection<String> getEventNames()
    return _EVENT_NAMES;

  public Map<String, List<ClientBehavior>> getClientBehaviors()
    return super.getClientBehaviors();

  public void addClientBehavior(
    String         eventName,
    ClientBehavior behavior)
    super.addClientBehavior(eventName, behavior);

  public String getFamily()

  protected FacesBean.Type getBeanType()
    return TYPE;

   * Construct an instance of the CoreSelectBooleanCheckbox.
  protected CoreSelectBooleanCheckbox(

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    setProperty(DISCLOSE_MANY_KEY, discloseMany ? Boolean.TRUE : Boolean.FALSE);

  public String getDefaultEventName()
    return "click";

  public Collection<String> getEventNames()
    return _EVENT_NAMES;

  public Map<String, List<ClientBehavior>> getClientBehaviors()
    return super.getClientBehaviors();

  public void addClientBehavior(
    String         eventName,
    ClientBehavior behavior)
    super.addClientBehavior(eventName, behavior);

  public String getFamily()

  protected FacesBean.Type getBeanType()
    return TYPE;

   * Construct an instance of the CorePanelAccordion.
  protected CorePanelAccordion(

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    setProperty(AUTO_SUBMIT_KEY, autoSubmit ? Boolean.TRUE : Boolean.FALSE);

  public String getDefaultEventName()
    return "change";

  public Collection<String> getEventNames()
    return _EVENT_NAMES;

  public Map<String, List<ClientBehavior>> getClientBehaviors()
    return super.getClientBehaviors();

  public void addClientBehavior(
    String         eventName,
    ClientBehavior behavior)
    super.addClientBehavior(eventName, behavior);

  public String getFamily()

  protected FacesBean.Type getBeanType()
    return TYPE;

   * Construct an instance of the CoreInputColor.
  protected CoreInputColor(

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    setProperty(ALL_DETAILS_ENABLED_KEY, allDetailsEnabled ? Boolean.TRUE : Boolean.FALSE);

  public String getDefaultEventName()
    return "click";

  public Collection<String> getEventNames()
    return _EVENT_NAMES;

  public Map<String, List<ClientBehavior>> getClientBehaviors()
    return super.getClientBehaviors();

  public void addClientBehavior(
    String         eventName,
    ClientBehavior behavior)
    super.addClientBehavior(eventName, behavior);

  public String getFamily()

  protected FacesBean.Type getBeanType()
    return TYPE;

   * Construct an instance of the CoreTable.
  protected CoreTable(

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    setProperty(HEIGHT_KEY, Integer.valueOf(height));

   * Gets the short description of the bean.  This text
   *          is commonly used by user agents to display tooltip help text.
   * @return  the new shortDesc value
  final public String getShortDesc()
    return ComponentUtils.resolveString(getProperty(SHORT_DESC_KEY));

   * Sets the short description of the bean.  This text
   *          is commonly used by user agents to display tooltip help text.
   * @param shortDesc  the new shortDesc value
  final public void setShortDesc(String shortDesc)
    setProperty(SHORT_DESC_KEY, (shortDesc));

   * Gets the IDs of the components that should trigger a partial update.
   *          This component will listen on the trigger components. If one of the
   *          trigger components receives an event that will cause it to update
   *          in some way, this component will request to be updated too.
   * @return  the new partialTriggers value
  final public String[] getPartialTriggers()
    return (String[])getProperty(PARTIAL_TRIGGERS_KEY);

   * Sets the IDs of the components that should trigger a partial update.
   *          This component will listen on the trigger components. If one of the
   *          trigger components receives an event that will cause it to update
   *          in some way, this component will request to be updated too.
   * @param partialTriggers  the new partialTriggers value
  final public void setPartialTriggers(String[] partialTriggers)
    setProperty(PARTIAL_TRIGGERS_KEY, (partialTriggers));

  public String getFamily()

  protected FacesBean.Type getBeanType()
    return TYPE;

   * Construct an instance of the CoreSpacer.
  protected CoreSpacer(

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  public void restoreState(FacesContext context, Object state)
    _facesBean.restoreState(context, state);

   * <p>Set the {@link ValueExpression} used to calculate the value for the
   * specified attribute if any.</p>
   * @param name Name of the attribute for which to set a {@link ValueExpression}
   * @param expression The {@link ValueExpression} to set, or <code>null</code>
   *  to remove any currently set {@link ValueExpression}
   * @exception NullPointerException if <code>name</code>
   *  is <code>null</code>
   * @exception IllegalArgumentException if <code>name</code> is not a valid
   *            attribute of this converter
  public void setValueExpression(String name, ValueExpression expression)
    ValidatorUtils.setValueExpression(_facesBean, name, expression) ;

   * <p>Return the {@link ValueExpression} used to calculate the value for the
   * specified attribute name, if any.</p>
   * @param name Name of the attribute or property for which to retrieve a
   *  {@link ValueExpression}
   * @exception NullPointerException if <code>name</code>
   *  is <code>null</code>
   * @exception IllegalArgumentException if <code>name</code> is not a valid
   * attribute of this converter
  public ValueExpression getValueExpression(String name)
    return ValidatorUtils.getValueExpression(_facesBean, name);

   * <p>Set the {@link ValueBinding} used to calculate the value for the
   * specified attribute if any.</p>
   * @param name Name of the attribute for which to set a {@link ValueBinding}
   * @param binding The {@link ValueBinding} to set, or <code>null</code>
   *  to remove any currently set {@link ValueBinding}
   * @exception NullPointerException if <code>name</code>
   *  is <code>null</code>
   * @exception IllegalArgumentException if <code>name</code> is not a valid
   *            attribute of this validator
   * @deprecated
  public void setValueBinding(String name, ValueBinding binding)
    ValidatorUtils.setValueBinding(_facesBean, name, binding) ;

   * <p>Return the {@link ValueBinding} used to calculate the value for the
   * specified attribute name, if any.</p>
   * @param name Name of the attribute or property for which to retrieve a
   *  {@link ValueBinding}
   * @exception NullPointerException if <code>name</code>
   *  is <code>null</code>
   * @exception IllegalArgumentException if <code>name</code> is not a valid
   * attribute of this validator
   * @deprecated
  public ValueBinding getValueBinding(String name)
    return ValidatorUtils.getValueBinding(_facesBean, name);
  public boolean isTransient()

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    // process the children
    TableUtils.__processChildren(context, this, phaseId);

  protected boolean visitChildren(
    VisitContext  visitContext,
    VisitCallback callback)
    boolean done = visitData(visitContext, callback);
    if (!done)
      // process the children
      int childCount = getChildCount();
      if (childCount > 0)
        for (UIComponent child : getChildren())
          done = UIXComponent.visitTree(visitContext, child, callback);
          if (done)
    return done;
  protected boolean visitData(
    VisitContext  visitContext,
    VisitCallback callback)
    Object focusPath = getFocusRowKey();

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   * <p>Set the {@link ValueExpression} used to calculate the value for the
   * specified attribute if any.</p>
   * @param name Name of the attribute for which to set a {@link ValueExpression}
   * @param expression The {@link ValueExpression} to set, or <code>null</code>
   *  to remove any currently set {@link ValueExpression}
   * @exception NullPointerException if <code>name</code>
   *  is <code>null</code>
   * @exception IllegalArgumentException if <code>name</code> is not a valid
   *            attribute of this converter
  public void setValueExpression(String name, ValueExpression expression)
    ValidatorUtils.setValueExpression(_facesBean, name, expression) ;

   * <p>Return the {@link ValueExpression} used to calculate the value for the
   * specified attribute name, if any.</p>
   * @param name Name of the attribute or property for which to retrieve a
   *  {@link ValueExpression}
   * @exception NullPointerException if <code>name</code>
   *  is <code>null</code>
   * @exception IllegalArgumentException if <code>name</code> is not a valid
   * attribute of this converter
  public ValueExpression getValueExpression(String name)
    return ValidatorUtils.getValueExpression(_facesBean, name);

   * <p>Set the {@link ValueBinding} used to calculate the value for the
   * specified attribute if any.</p>
   * @param name Name of the attribute for which to set a {@link ValueBinding}
   * @param binding The {@link ValueBinding} to set, or <code>null</code>
   *  to remove any currently set {@link ValueBinding}
   * @exception NullPointerException if <code>name</code>
   *  is <code>null</code>
   * @exception IllegalArgumentException if <code>name</code> is not a valid
   *            attribute of this validator
   * @deprecated
  public void setValueBinding(String name, ValueBinding binding)
    ValidatorUtils.setValueBinding(_facesBean, name, binding) ;

   * <p>Return the {@link ValueBinding} used to calculate the value for the
   * specified attribute name, if any.</p>
   * @param name Name of the attribute or property for which to retrieve a
   *  {@link ValueBinding}
   * @exception NullPointerException if <code>name</code>
   *  is <code>null</code>
   * @exception IllegalArgumentException if <code>name</code> is not a valid
   * attribute of this validator
   * @deprecated
  public ValueBinding getValueBinding(String name)
    return ValidatorUtils.getValueBinding(_facesBean, name);

   * <p>Compares this PatternValidator with the specified Object for
   * equality.</p>
   * @param object  Object to which this PatternValidator is to be compared.
   * @return true if and only if the specified Object is a PatternValidator
   * and if the values pattern and transient are equal.
  public boolean equals(Object object)
    if (this == object)
      return true;

    if ( object instanceof RegExpValidator )

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    setProperty(AUTO_SUBMIT_KEY, autoSubmit ? Boolean.TRUE : Boolean.FALSE);

   * Gets whether the element is read-only.
   * @return  the new readOnly value
  final public boolean isReadOnly()
    return ComponentUtils.resolveBoolean(getProperty(READ_ONLY_KEY), false);

   * Sets whether the element is read-only.
   * @param readOnly  the new readOnly value
  final public void setReadOnly(boolean readOnly)
    setProperty(READ_ONLY_KEY, readOnly ? Boolean.TRUE : Boolean.FALSE);

   * Gets whether the element is disabled.
   * @return  the new disabled value
  final public boolean isDisabled()
    return ComponentUtils.resolveBoolean(getProperty(DISABLED_KEY), false);

   * Sets whether the element is disabled.
   * @param disabled  the new disabled value
  final public void setDisabled(boolean disabled)
    setProperty(DISABLED_KEY, disabled ? Boolean.TRUE : Boolean.FALSE);

   * Gets the label of the bean.
   * @return  the new label value
  final public String getLabel()

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  public void restoreState(FacesContext context, Object state)
    _facesBean.restoreState(context, state);

   * <p>Set the {@link ValueExpression} used to calculate the value for the
   * specified attribute if any.</p>
   * @param name Name of the attribute for which to set a {@link ValueExpression}
   * @param expression The {@link ValueExpression} to set, or <code>null</code>
   *  to remove any currently set {@link ValueExpression}
   * @exception NullPointerException if <code>name</code>
   *  is <code>null</code>
   * @exception IllegalArgumentException if <code>name</code> is not a valid
   *            attribute of this converter
  public void setValueExpression(String name, ValueExpression expression)
    ConverterUtils.setValueExpression(_facesBean, name, expression) ;

   * <p>Return the {@link ValueExpression} used to calculate the value for the
   * specified attribute name, if any.</p>
   * @param name Name of the attribute or property for which to retrieve a
   *  {@link ValueExpression}
   * @exception NullPointerException if <code>name</code>
   *  is <code>null</code>
   * @exception IllegalArgumentException if <code>name</code> is not a valid
   * attribute of this converter
  public ValueExpression getValueExpression(String name)
    return ConverterUtils.getValueExpression(_facesBean, name);

   * <p>Set the {@link ValueBinding} used to calculate the value for the
   * specified attribute if any.</p>
   * @param name Name of the attribute for which to set a {@link ValueBinding}
   * @param binding The {@link ValueBinding} to set, or <code>null</code>
   *  to remove any currently set {@link ValueBinding}
   * @exception NullPointerException if <code>name</code>
   *  is <code>null</code>
   * @exception IllegalArgumentException if <code>name</code> is not a valid
   *            attribute of this converter
   * @deprecated
  public void setValueBinding(String name, ValueBinding binding)
    ConverterUtils.setValueBinding(_facesBean, name, binding) ;

   * <p>Return the {@link ValueBinding} used to calculate the value for the
   * specified attribute name, if any.</p>
   * @param name Name of the attribute or property for which to retrieve a
   *  {@link ValueBinding}
   * @exception NullPointerException if <code>name</code>
   *  is <code>null</code>
   * @exception IllegalArgumentException if <code>name</code> is not a valid
   * attribute of this converter
   * @deprecated
  public ValueBinding getValueBinding(String name)
    return ConverterUtils.getValueBinding(_facesBean, name);