Uses of Class

Packages that use ProxyInfo

Uses of ProxyInfo in org.apache.maven.wagon

Fields in org.apache.maven.wagon declared as ProxyInfo
protected  ProxyInfo AbstractWagon.proxyInfo

Methods in org.apache.maven.wagon that return ProxyInfo
 ProxyInfo AbstractWagon.getProxyInfo()
protected  ProxyInfo AbstractWagon.getProxyInfo(String protocol, String host)

Methods in org.apache.maven.wagon with parameters of type ProxyInfo
 void Wagon.connect(Repository source, AuthenticationInfo authenticationInfo, ProxyInfo proxyInfo)
          Initiate the connection to the repository.
 void AbstractWagon.connect(Repository repository, AuthenticationInfo authenticationInfo, ProxyInfo proxyInfo)
 void Wagon.connect(Repository source, ProxyInfo proxyInfo)
          Initiate the connection to the repository.
 void AbstractWagon.connect(Repository repository, ProxyInfo proxyInfo)

Uses of ProxyInfo in org.apache.maven.wagon.proxy

Methods in org.apache.maven.wagon.proxy that return ProxyInfo
 ProxyInfo ProxyInfoProvider.getProxyInfo(String protocol)
          Returns the proxy settings for the given protocol.

Methods in org.apache.maven.wagon.proxy with parameters of type ProxyInfo
static boolean ProxyUtils.validateNonProxyHosts(ProxyInfo proxy, String targetHost)
          Check if the specified host is in the list of non proxy hosts.

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