Package org.apache.maven.wagon

Interface Summary

Class Summary
AbstractWagon Implementation of common facilities for Wagon providers.
LazyFileOutputStream Variant of FileOutputStream which creates the file only when first portion of data is written.
PathUtils Various path (URL) manipulation routines
PermissionModeUtils Utility class for common operations for file/directory permissions.
StreamWagon Base class for wagon which provide stream based API.
WagonConstants This class contains constants used in Wagon API.
WagonUtils Deprecated.  

Exception Summary
CommandExecutionException Exception which should be thrown when a command fails to execute on the repository.
ConnectionException The exception is thrown when a connection to repository cannot be established or open connection cannot be closed.
TransferFailedException Exception which should be thrown when IO error occurred during a transfer from repository
UnsupportedProtocolException This exception is thrown when no Wagon provider is supporting protocol required by some repository
WagonException Root class for all exception in Wagon API

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