Implement this interface for your own strategies for printing log statements.
For a list of all members of this type, see IAppender Members.
Type | Description |
AdoNetAppender | Appender that logs to a database. |
AnsiColorTerminalAppender | Appends logging events to the terminal using ANSI color escape sequences. |
AppenderSkeleton | Abstract base class implementation of IAppender. |
AspNetTraceAppender |
Appends log events to the ASP.NET TraceContext system. |
BufferingAppenderSkeleton | Abstract base class implementation of IAppender that buffers events in a fixed size buffer. |
BufferingForwardingAppender | Buffers events and then forwards them to attached appenders. |
ColoredConsoleAppender | Appends logging events to the console. |
ConsoleAppender | Appends logging events to the console. |
DebugAppender | Appends log events to the Debug system. |
EventLogAppender | Writes events to the system event log. |
FileAppender | Appends logging events to a file. |
ForwardingAppender | This appender forwards logging events to attached appenders. |
LocalSyslogAppender | Logs events to a local syslog service. |
MemoryAppender | Stores logging events in an array. |
NetSendAppender | Logs entries by sending network messages using the NetMessageBufferSend native function. |
OutputDebugStringAppender | Appends log events to the OutputDebugString system. |
RemoteSyslogAppender | Logs events to a remote syslog daemon. |
RemotingAppender | Delivers logging events to a remote logging sink. |
RollingFileAppender | Appender that rolls log files based on size or date or both. |
SmtpAppender | Send an e-mail when a specific logging event occurs, typically on errors or fatal errors. |
SmtpPickupDirAppender | Send an email when a specific logging event occurs, typically on errors or fatal errors. Rather than sending via smtp it writes a file into the directory specified by PickupDir. This allows services such as the IIS SMTP agent to manage sending the messages. |
TelnetAppender | Appender that allows clients to connect via Telnet to receive log messages |
TextWriterAppender | Sends logging events to a TextWriter. |
TraceAppender | Appends log events to the Trace system. |
UdpAppender | Sends logging events as connectionless UDP datagrams to a remote host or a multicast group using an UdpClient. |
Implementors should consider extending the AppenderSkeleton class which provides a default implementation of this interface.
Appenders can also implement the IOptionHandler interface. Therefore they would require that the ActivateOptions method be called after the appenders properties have been configured.
Namespace: log4net.Appender
Assembly: log4net (in log4net.dll)
IAppender Members | log4net.Appender Namespace