log4net SDK Reference

log4net.Appender Namespace

Output appenders.

Namespace hierarchy


Class Description
AdoNetAppender Appender that logs to a database.
AdoNetAppenderParameter Parameter type used by the AdoNetAppender.
AnsiColorTerminalAppender Appends logging events to the terminal using ANSI color escape sequences.
AnsiColorTerminalAppender.LevelColors A class to act as a mapping between the level that a logging call is made at and the color it should be displayed as.
AppenderCollection A strongly-typed collection of IAppender objects.
AppenderSkeleton Abstract base class implementation of IAppender.

Appends log events to the ASP.NET TraceContext system.

BufferingAppenderSkeleton Abstract base class implementation of IAppender that buffers events in a fixed size buffer.
BufferingForwardingAppender Buffers events and then forwards them to attached appenders.
ColoredConsoleAppender Appends logging events to the console.
ColoredConsoleAppender.LevelColors A class to act as a mapping between the level that a logging call is made at and the color it should be displayed as.
ConsoleAppender Appends logging events to the console.
DebugAppender Appends log events to the Debug system.
EventLogAppender Writes events to the system event log.
EventLogAppender.Level2EventLogEntryType A class to act as a mapping between the level that a logging call is made at and the color it should be displayed as.
FileAppender Appends logging events to a file.
FileAppender.ExclusiveLock Hold an exclusive lock on the output file
FileAppender.LockingModelBase Locking model base class
FileAppender.MinimalLock Acquires the file lock for each write
ForwardingAppender This appender forwards logging events to attached appenders.
LocalSyslogAppender Logs events to a local syslog service.
LocalSyslogAppender.LevelSeverity A class to act as a mapping between the level that a logging call is made at and the syslog severity that is should be logged at.
MemoryAppender Stores logging events in an array.
NetSendAppender Logs entries by sending network messages using the NetMessageBufferSend native function.
OutputDebugStringAppender Appends log events to the OutputDebugString system.
RemoteSyslogAppender Logs events to a remote syslog daemon.
RemoteSyslogAppender.LevelSeverity A class to act as a mapping between the level that a logging call is made at and the syslog severity that is should be logged at.
RemotingAppender Delivers logging events to a remote logging sink.
RollingFileAppender Appender that rolls log files based on size or date or both.
SmtpAppender Send an e-mail when a specific logging event occurs, typically on errors or fatal errors.
SmtpPickupDirAppender Send an email when a specific logging event occurs, typically on errors or fatal errors. Rather than sending via smtp it writes a file into the directory specified by PickupDir. This allows services such as the IIS SMTP agent to manage sending the messages.
TelnetAppender Appender that allows clients to connect via Telnet to receive log messages
TelnetAppender.SocketHandler Helper class to manage connected clients
TelnetAppender.SocketHandler.SocketClient Class that represents a client connected to this handler
TextWriterAppender Sends logging events to a TextWriter.
TraceAppender Appends log events to the Trace system.
UdpAppender Sends logging events as connectionless UDP datagrams to a remote host or a multicast group using an UdpClient.


Interface Description
IAppender Implement this interface for your own strategies for printing log statements.
IBulkAppender Interface for appenders that support bulk logging.
RemotingAppender.IRemoteLoggingSink Interface used to deliver LoggingEvent objects to a remote sink.
RollingFileAppender.IDateTime This interface is used to supply Date/Time information to the RollingFileAppender.


Enumeration Description
AnsiColorTerminalAppender.AnsiAttributes The enum of possible display attributes
AnsiColorTerminalAppender.AnsiColor The enum of possible foreground or background color values for use with the color mapping method
ColoredConsoleAppender.Colors The enum of possible color values for use with the color mapping method
LocalSyslogAppender.SyslogFacility syslog facilities
LocalSyslogAppender.SyslogSeverity syslog severities
RemoteSyslogAppender.SyslogFacility syslog facilities
RemoteSyslogAppender.SyslogSeverity syslog severities
RollingFileAppender.RollingMode Style of rolling to use
RollingFileAppender.RollPoint The code assumes that the following 'time' constants are in a increasing sequence.
SmtpAppender.SmtpAuthentication Values for the Authentication property.