wlogstream Class Reference

Inherits logstream_base.

List of all members.

Detailed Description

An STL-like stream API for log4cxx using wchar_t as the character type.

. Instances of log4cxx::logstream are not designedfor use by multiple threads and in general should be short-lived function scoped objects. Using log4cxx::basic_logstream as a class member or static instance should be avoided in the same manner as you would avoid placing a std::ostringstream in those locations. Insertion operations are generally short-circuited if the level for the stream is not the same of higher that the level of the associated logger.

Public Member Functions

 wlogstream (const log4cxx::LoggerPtr &logger, const log4cxx::LevelPtr &level)
 wlogstream (const Ch *loggerName, const log4cxx::LevelPtr &level)
 wlogstream (const std::basic_string< Ch > &loggerName, const log4cxx::LevelPtr &level)
 ~wlogstream ()
wlogstreamoperator<< (std::ios_base &(*manip)(std::ios_base &))
 Insertion operator for std::fixed and similar manipulators.
wlogstreamoperator<< (logstream_manipulator manip)
 Insertion operator for logstream_base::endmsg.
wlogstreamoperator<< (const log4cxx::LevelPtr &level)
 Insertion operator for level.
wlogstreamoperator<< (const log4cxx::spi::LocationInfo &location)
 Insertion operator for location.
wlogstreamoperator>> (const log4cxx::spi::LocationInfo &location)
 Alias for insertion operator for location.
 operator std::basic_ostream ()
 Cast operator to provide access to embedded std::basic_ostream.
template<class V>
log4cxx::wlogstreamoperator<< (const V &val)
 Template to allow any class with an std::basic_ostream inserter to be applied to this class.

Protected Member Functions

virtual void log (LoggerPtr &logger, const LevelPtr &level, const log4cxx::spi::LocationInfo &location)
 Dispatches the pending log request.
virtual void erase ()
 Erase any content in the message construction buffer.
virtual void get_stream_state (std::ios_base &base, std::ios_base &mask, int &fill, bool &fillSet) const
 Copy state of embedded stream (if any) to value and mask instances of std::ios_base and return fill character value.
virtual void refresh_stream_state ()

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

wlogstream const log4cxx::LoggerPtr logger,
const log4cxx::LevelPtr level


wlogstream const Ch *  loggerName,
const log4cxx::LevelPtr level


wlogstream const std::basic_string< Ch > &  loggerName,
const log4cxx::LevelPtr level


~wlogstream  ) 

Member Function Documentation

virtual void erase  )  [protected, virtual]

Erase any content in the message construction buffer.

Implements logstream_base.

virtual void get_stream_state std::ios_base &  base,
std::ios_base &  mask,
int &  fill,
bool &  fillSet
const [protected, virtual]

Copy state of embedded stream (if any) to value and mask instances of std::ios_base and return fill character value.

Implements logstream_base.

virtual void log LoggerPtr logger,
const LevelPtr level,
const log4cxx::spi::LocationInfo location
[protected, virtual]

Dispatches the pending log request.

Implements logstream_base.

operator std::basic_ostream  ) 

Cast operator to provide access to embedded std::basic_ostream.

log4cxx::wlogstream& operator<< const V &  val  )  [inline]

Template to allow any class with an std::basic_ostream inserter to be applied to this class.

wlogstream& operator<< const log4cxx::spi::LocationInfo location  ) 

Insertion operator for location.

wlogstream& operator<< const log4cxx::LevelPtr level  ) 

Insertion operator for level.

wlogstream& operator<< logstream_manipulator  manip  ) 

Insertion operator for logstream_base::endmsg.

wlogstream& operator<< std::ios_base &(*)(std::ios_base &)  manip  ) 

Insertion operator for std::fixed and similar manipulators.

wlogstream& operator>> const log4cxx::spi::LocationInfo location  ) 

Alias for insertion operator for location.

Kludge to avoid inappropriate compiler ambiguity.

virtual void refresh_stream_state  )  [protected, virtual]

Implements logstream_base.

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