News & Status

29 August 2005 - log4j 1.2.12 released

We are happy to announce the availability of log4j version 1.2.12. log4j 1.2.12 has a number of bug fixes, the addition of the long awaited built-in TRACE level, and is once again compile and runtime compatible with earlier JDK's 1.1 and 1.2 (this compatibility was inadvertently broken in the 1.2.11 release).

11 January 2005 - log4cxx graduates from the incubator

The Incubator PMC has voted to graduate log4cxx. log4cxx is now a subproject of the Apache Logging Services Project.

22nd of January 2004 - Logging Services PMC has voted for the adoption of log4cxx, log4net and log4php

The Logging Services PMC has voted for the incubation of the log4cxx, log4net and log4php projects. These votes pave the vote for their migration into Apache Logging Services.

We heartily welcome the new projects.

17th December 2003 - Creation of the Logging Services Project

The Board of Directors of the Apache Software foundation voted unanimously for the creation of the Apache Logging Services project. The mailing list thread with the discussion preceding the creation of this project is available here.

Got News?

If you would like to submit an item for posting to this page, send an email with the subject [NEWS] to the general at logging dot apache dot org mailing list..

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