Download the Source

Most users of the source code probably don't need to have day to day access to the source code as it changes. But if you want to look at the source code, you have come to the right place.

Access the Source Tree (AnonCVS)

So, you've decided that you need access to the source tree to see the latest and greatest code. There's two different forms of CVS access. The first is anonymous and anybody can use it. The second is not and you must have a login to the development server. If you don't know what this means, join the mailing list and find out.

Anyone can checkout source code from our anonymous CVS server. To do so, simply use the following commands (if you are using a GUI CVS client, configure it appropriatly):

cvs -d login
password: anoncvs
cvs -d checkout [module-name]

Modules available for access are (click the links to view the CVS tree via ViewCVS):

Modules for the Incubated Projects

Releated Modules / Projects

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