Apache Zeta Components - high quality PHP components

Apache Zeta Components Manual :: Docs For Class ezcWebdavPropertyStorage


Interface ezcWebdavPropertyStorage

Interface to define interaction with property storage classes.

This interface defines how a property storage should react. It allows you to implemenet your whole own way of property storages (possibly lazy-loading?) and integrate it. A more common way would be to extend the shipped ezcWebdavBasicPropertyStorage.

An instance of a class implementing this interface is used to manage WebDAV properties, namely instances of ezcWebdavProperty. Properties are usually structured by their name and the namespace they belong to. The WebDAV RFC requires that proprties keep their order in some cases, what is reflected in all shipped implementations.

Source for this file: /Webdav/src/interfaces/property_storage.php

Version:   //autogen//

Method Summary

public void attach( $property )
Attaches a property to the storage.
public bool contains( $name , [ $namespace = 'DAV:'] )
Returns if the given property exists in the storage.
public void detach( $name , [ $namespace = 'DAV:'] )
Detaches a property from the storage.
public ezcWebdavBasicPropertyStorage diff( $properties )
Diff two property storages.
public ezcWebdavProperty|null get( $name , [ $namespace = 'DAV:'] )
Returns a property from the storage.
public array(string=>array(string=>ezcWebdavProperty)) getAllProperties( )
Returns all properties contained in the storage.
public array(string=>ezcWebdavProperty) getProperties( [ $namespace = 'DAV:'] )
Returns all properties of a given namespace.
public ezcWebdavBasicPropertyStorage intersect( $properties )
Intersects between two property storages.



void attach( ezcWebdavProperty $property )

Attaches a property to the storage.

Adds the given $property to the storage. The property can later be accessed by its name in combination with the namespace through the get() method. Live properties (and only these) reside in the namespace DAV:, which is the default for all accessor methods.

If a property with the same namespace and name is already contained in the storage, it will be overwritten.

Name Type Description
$property ezcWebdavProperty


bool contains( string $name , [string $namespace = 'DAV:'] )

Returns if the given property exists in the storage.

Returns if the property with the given $name and $namespace is contained in the storage. If the $namespace parameter is omited, the default live property namespace ('DAV:') is used.

Name Type Description
$name string
$namespace string


void detach( string $name , [string $namespace = 'DAV:'] )

Detaches a property from the storage.

Removes the property with the given $name and $namespace from the storage. If the property does not exist in the storage, the call is silently ignored. If no $namespace is given, the default namespace for live properties ('DAV:') is used.

Name Type Description
$name string
$namespace string


Diff two property storages.

Returns a property storage, which does only contain properties that are not present in the $properties parameter.

Name Type Description
$properties ezcWebdavPropertyStorage


ezcWebdavProperty|null get( string $name , [string $namespace = 'DAV:'] )

Returns a property from the storage.

Returns the property with the given $name and $namespace. If the $namespace parameter is omitted, the default live property namespace ('DAV:') namespace is used. If the desired property is not contained in the storage, null is returned.

Name Type Description
$name string
$namespace string


array(string=>array(string=>ezcWebdavProperty)) getAllProperties( )

Returns all properties contained in the storage.

Returns the complete array stored in $properties.


array(string=>ezcWebdavProperty) getProperties( [string $namespace = 'DAV:'] )

Returns all properties of a given namespace.

The returned array is indexed by the property names. Live properties can be accessed by simply ommiting the $namespace parameter, since then the default namespace for live properties ('DAV:') is used.

Name Type Description
$namespace string


Intersects between two property storages.

Calculate and return an instance of ezcWebdavBasicPropertyStorage which contains the intersection of two property storages. This means a new property storage will be return which contains all values, which are present in the current and the given $properties property storage.

Name Type Description
$properties ezcWebdavPropertyStorage
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