Apache Zeta Components - high quality PHP components

Apache Zeta Components Manual :: Docs For Class ezcWebdavProperty


Class ezcWebdavProperty

Base class for WebDAV property representation classes.

Source for this file: /Webdav/src/interfaces/property.php

Version:   //autogen//


Child Class Description
ezcWebdavLiveProperty Abstract base class for live property objects.
ezcWebdavDeadProperty An object of this class represents a WebDAV dead property.


array read $errors
Validation errors for property
bool read $hasError
If the property has a property validation error.
string read/write $name
Name of property
string read/write $namespace
Namespace of property

Member Variables

protected array(string=>mixed) $properties

Inherited Member Variables

From ezcWebdavInfrastructureBase
protected ezcWebdavInfrastructureBase::$pluginData

Method Summary

public void __construct( $namespace , $name )
Creates a new property object.
public void clear( )
Remove all contents from a property.
protected void hasError( $property , $value , $expected )
Indicates that a property has a validation error.
public abstract bool hasNoContent( )
Check if property has no content.
public void __clone( )
Clones a property deeply.

Inherited Methods

From ezcWebdavInfrastructureBase
public mixed ezcWebdavInfrastructureBase::getPluginData()
Retrieves plugin data from the storage.
public bool ezcWebdavInfrastructureBase::hasPluginData()
Returns if plugin data is available in the storage.
public void ezcWebdavInfrastructureBase::removePluginData()
Removes plugin data from the storage.
public void ezcWebdavInfrastructureBase::setPluginData()
Sets plugin data in the storage.



void __construct( string $namespace , string $name )

Creates a new property object.

Creates a new property by namespace and name.

Name Type Description
$namespace string
$name string
Redefined in descendants as:
Method Description
ezcWebdavLiveProperty::__construct() Creates a new live property. 
ezcWebdavSourcePropertyLink::__construct() Creates a new ezcWebdavSourceProperty. 
ezcWebdavSourceProperty::__construct() Creates a new ezcWebdavSourceProperty. 
ezcWebdavGetEtagProperty::__construct() Creates a new ezcWebdavGetEtagProperty. 
ezcWebdavGetContentLanguageProperty::__construct() Creates a new ezcWebdavGetContentLanguageProperty. 
ezcWebdavCreationDateProperty::__construct() Creates a new ezcWebdavCreationDateProperty. 
ezcWebdavDisplayNameProperty::__construct() Creates a new ezcWebdavDisplayNameProperty. 
ezcWebdavGetLastModifiedProperty::__construct() Creates a new ezcWebdavGetLastModifiedProperty. 
ezcWebdavGetContentLengthProperty::__construct() Creates a new ezcWebdavGetContentLengthProperty. 
ezcWebdavResourceTypeProperty::__construct() Creates a new ezcWebdavResourceTypeProperty. 
ezcWebdavGetContentTypeProperty::__construct() Creates a new ezcWebdavGetContentTypeProperty. 
ezcWebdavDeadProperty::__construct() Creates a new dead property. 


void clear( )

Remove all contents from a property.

Clear a property, so that it will be recognized as empty later.

Redefined in descendants as:
Method Description
ezcWebdavSourceProperty::clear() Removes all contents from a property. 
ezcWebdavGetContentLanguageProperty::clear() Removes all contents from a property. 


void hasError( string $property , mixed $value , string $expected )

Indicates that a property has a validation error.

Method called, when a property validation error occurs. The error is stored and the property is set as errnous.

Name Type Description
$property string
$value mixed
$expected string


bool hasNoContent( )

Check if property has no content.

The implementation of this method must return true, if no content is stored in the property.

Redefined in descendants as:
Method Description
ezcWebdavSourcePropertyLink::hasNoContent() Returns if property has no content. 
ezcWebdavSourceProperty::hasNoContent() Remove all contents from a property. 
ezcWebdavGetEtagProperty::hasNoContent() Returns if property has no content. 
ezcWebdavGetContentLanguageProperty::hasNoContent() Returns if property has no content. 
ezcWebdavCreationDateProperty::hasNoContent() Returns if property has no content. 
ezcWebdavDisplayNameProperty::hasNoContent() Returns if property has no content. 
ezcWebdavGetLastModifiedProperty::hasNoContent() Returns if property has no content. 
ezcWebdavGetContentLengthProperty::hasNoContent() Returns if property has no content. 
ezcWebdavResourceTypeProperty::hasNoContent() Returns if property has no content. 
ezcWebdavGetContentTypeProperty::hasNoContent() Returns if property has no content. 
ezcWebdavDeadProperty::hasNoContent() Returns if property has no content. 


void __clone( )

Clones a property deeply.

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