Apache Zeta Components - high quality PHP components

Apache Zeta Components Manual :: Docs For Class ezcWebdavPropPatchRequest


Class ezcWebdavPropPatchRequest

Abstract representation of a PROPPATCH request.

An instance of this class represents the WebDAV PROPPATCH request.

An object of this class may contain any number of ezcWebdavProperty objects in both properties: $set and {$remove}. Both properties represent the corresponding XML elements used inside the <propertyupdate /> XML element of the request body.

Source for this file: /Webdav/src/requests/proppatch.php

Version:   //autogen//


REMOVE = 2 Flagged ezcWebdavFlaggedPropertyStorage indicating this property should be removed.
SET = 1 Flagged ezcWebdavFlaggedPropertyStorage indicating this property should be set or updated.

Inherited Constants

From ezcWebdavRequest:
ezcWebdavRequest::DEPTH_ZERO    Constants for the 'Depth' headers and property fields.


ezcWebdavPropertyStorage read/write $remove
Represents the properties contained in <remove /> XML elements.
ezcWebdavPropertyStorage read/write $set
Represents the properties contained in <set /> XML elements.

Inherited Member Variables

From ezcWebdavRequest
protected ezcWebdavRequest::$headers
protected ezcWebdavRequest::$properties

Method Summary

public void __construct( $requestUri )
Creates a new PROPPATCH request object.

Inherited Methods

From ezcWebdavRequest
public void ezcWebdavRequest::__construct()
Creates a new request object.
public mixed ezcWebdavRequest::getHeader()
Returns the contents of a specific header.
public void ezcWebdavRequest::setHeader()
Sets a header to a specified value.
public void ezcWebdavRequest::setHeaders()
Sets a header to a specified value.
public void ezcWebdavRequest::validateHeaders()
Validates the headers set in this request.



void __construct( string $requestUri )

Creates a new PROPPATCH request object.

The $requestUri identifies the resources for which properties should be patched.

Name Type Description
$requestUri string
Redefinition of:
Method Description
ezcWebdavRequest::__construct() Creates a new request object.
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