Apache Zeta Components - high quality PHP components

Apache Zeta Components Manual :: Docs For Class ezcWebdavKonquerorCompatibleTransport


Class ezcWebdavKonquerorCompatibleTransport

Transport layer for the Konqueror web browser (KDE).

This transport class adjust the behavior of the Webdav component to work with the KDE browser Konqueror.

Tested with:

  • Konqueror 3.5.7
  • Konqueror 3.5.9 (does not perform PUT requests, bug in client)

Source for this file: /Webdav/src/transports/konqueror.php

Version:   //autogentag//

Inherited Constants

From ezcWebdavTransport:
ezcWebdavTransport::VERSION    Used for server software string in Server header.

Inherited Member Variables

From ezcWebdavTransport
public ezcWebdavTransport::$handlingMap
public ezcWebdavTransport::$parsingMap
protected ezcWebdavTransport::$properties

Method Summary

protected ezcWebdavXmlDisplayInformation|ezcWebdavEmptyDisplayInformation processErrorResponse( $response , [ $xml = false] )
Returns display information for a error response object.
protected ezcWebdavXmlDisplayInformation processPropFindResponse( $response )
Decodes the URLs in href attributes of PROPFIND responses.

Inherited Methods

From ezcWebdavTransport
protected ezcWebdavOutputResult ezcWebdavTransport::flattenResponse()
Flattens a processed response object to headers and body.
protected ezcWebdavErrorResponse ezcWebdavTransport::handleException()
Handle a thrown exception and generate an error response from it.
public void ezcWebdavTransport::handleResponse()
Handle a response and send it to the WebDAV client.
protected ezcWebdavCopyRequest ezcWebdavTransport::parseCopyRequest()
Parses the COPY request and returns a request object.
protected ezcWebdavDeleteRequest ezcWebdavTransport::parseDeleteRequest()
Parses the DELETE request and returns a request object.
protected ezcWebdavGetRequest ezcWebdavTransport::parseGetRequest()
Parses the GET request and returns a request object.
protected ezcWebdavHeadRequest ezcWebdavTransport::parseHeadRequest()
Parses the HEAD request and returns a request object.
protected ezcWebdavMakeCollectionRequest ezcWebdavTransport::parseMakeCollectionRequest()
Parses the MKCOL request and returns a request object.
protected ezcWebdavMoveRequest ezcWebdavTransport::parseMoveRequest()
Parses the MOVE request and returns a request object.
protected ezcWebdavOptionsRequest ezcWebdavTransport::parseOptionsRequest()
Parses the OPTIONS request and returns a request object.
protected ezcWebdavCopyRequest|ezcWebdavMoveRequest ezcWebdavTransport::parsePropertyBehaviourContent()
Parses the <propertybehavior /> XML element.
protected ezcWebdavPropFindRequest ezcWebdavTransport::parsePropFindRequest()
Parses the PROPFIND request and returns a request object.
protected ezcWebdavPropPatchRequest ezcWebdavTransport::parsePropPatchRequest()
Parses the PROPPATCH request and returns a request object.
protected ezcWebdavPutRequest ezcWebdavTransport::parsePutRequest()
Parses the PUT request and returns a request object.
public ezcWebdavRequest|ezcWebdavResponse ezcWebdavTransport::parseRequest()
Parses the incoming request into a fitting request abstraction object.
protected ezcWebdavEmptyDisplayInformation ezcWebdavTransport::processCopyResponse()
Returns display information for a copy response object.
protected ezcWebdavEmptyDisplayInformation ezcWebdavTransport::processDeleteResponse()
Returns display information for a delete response object.
protected ezcWebdavXmlDisplayInformation|ezcWebdavEmptyDisplayInformation ezcWebdavTransport::processErrorResponse()
Returns display information for a error response object.
protected ezcWebdavEmptyDisplayInformation ezcWebdavTransport::processGetCollectionResponse()
Returns display information for a get response for a collection.
protected ezcWebdavStringDisplayInformation ezcWebdavTransport::processGetResourceResponse()
Returns display information for a get response on a non-collection.
protected ezcWebdavEmptyDisplayInformation ezcWebdavTransport::processHeadResponse()
Returns display information for a head response object.
protected ezcWebdavEmptyDisplayInformation ezcWebdavTransport::processMakeCollectionResponse()
Returns display information for a make collection response object.
protected ezcWebdavEmptyDisplayInformation ezcWebdavTransport::processMoveResponse()
Returns display information for a move response object.
protected ezcWebdavXmlDisplayInformation ezcWebdavTransport::processMultiStatusResponse()
Returns display information for a multistatus response object.
protected ezcWebdavEmptyDisplayInformation ezcWebdavTransport::processOptionsResponse()
Returns display information for a options response object.
protected ezcWebdavXmlDisplayInformation ezcWebdavTransport::processPropFindResponse()
Returns display information for a prop find response object.
protected ezcWebdavEmptyDisplayInformation ezcWebdavTransport::processPropPatchResponse()
Returns display information for a prop patch response object.
protected ezcWebdavXmlDisplayInformation ezcWebdavTransport::processPropStatResponse()
Returns display information for a prop stat response object.
protected ezcWebdavEmptyDisplayInformation ezcWebdavTransport::processPutResponse()
Returns display information for a put response object.
protected string ezcWebdavTransport::retreiveBody()
Returns the body content of the request.
protected string ezcWebdavTransport::retrieveBody()
Returns the body content of the request.
protected string ezcWebdavTransport::retrievePath()
Returns the translated request path.
protected void ezcWebdavTransport::sendResponse()
Finally sends out the response.



ezcWebdavXmlDisplayInformation|ezcWebdavEmptyDisplayInformation processErrorResponse( ezcWebdavErrorResponse $response , [bool $xml = false] )

Returns display information for a error response object.

When receiving 'HTTP/1.1 404 Not Found', Konqueror (versions 3.5.8 and up) requires a body. Normally the processErrorResponse functions does not return a body for 404 messages, so this override method sets a body for Konqueror.

Name Type Description
$response ezcWebdavErrorResponse
$xml bool DOMDocument in result only generated of true.
Redefinition of:
Method Description
ezcWebdavTransport::processErrorResponse() Returns display information for a error response object.


ezcWebdavXmlDisplayInformation processPropFindResponse( ezcWebdavPropFindResponse $response )

Decodes the URLs in href attributes of PROPFIND responses.

Konqueror does not use the <displayname> property (which is also URL encoded), but the <href> tag of the response to determine the displayed resource names. It expects the content to be un-encoded.

This method calls the parent method and replaces the content of all <href> elements in the DOM tree.

Name Type Description
$response ezcWebdavPropFindResponse
Redefinition of:
Method Description
ezcWebdavTransport::processPropFindResponse() Returns display information for a prop find response object.
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