Apache Zeta Components - high quality PHP components

Apache Zeta Components Manual :: Docs For Class ezcWebdavPutRequest


Class ezcWebdavPutRequest

Abstract representation of a PUT request.

An instance of this class represents the WebDAV PUT request.

Source for this file: /Webdav/src/requests/put.php

Version:   //autogentag//

Inherited Constants

From ezcWebdavRequest:
ezcWebdavRequest::DEPTH_ZERO    Constants for the 'Depth' headers and property fields.


string read/write $body
The request body of a PUT request.

Inherited Member Variables

From ezcWebdavRequest
protected ezcWebdavRequest::$headers
protected ezcWebdavRequest::$properties

Method Summary

public void __construct( $requestUri , $body )
Creates a new PUT request object.
public void validateHeaders( )
Validates the headers set in this request.

Inherited Methods

From ezcWebdavRequest
public void ezcWebdavRequest::__construct()
Creates a new request object.
public mixed ezcWebdavRequest::getHeader()
Returns the contents of a specific header.
public void ezcWebdavRequest::setHeader()
Sets a header to a specified value.
public void ezcWebdavRequest::setHeaders()
Sets a header to a specified value.
public void ezcWebdavRequest::validateHeaders()
Validates the headers set in this request.



void __construct( string $requestUri , string $body )

Creates a new PUT request object.

The request object indicates, that the given $body should be stored in the resource identified by $requestUri.

Name Type Description
$requestUri string
$body string
Redefinition of:
Method Description
ezcWebdavRequest::__construct() Creates a new request object.


void validateHeaders( )

Validates the headers set in this request.

This method validates that all required headers are available and that all feasible headers for this request have valid values.

Type Description
ezcWebdavInvalidHeaderException if a header is present, but its content does not validate.
ezcWebdavMissingHeaderException if a required header is missing.
Redefinition of:
Method Description
ezcWebdavRequest::validateHeaders() Validates the headers set in this request.
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