Apache Zeta Components - high quality PHP components

Apache Zeta Components Manual :: Docs For Class ezcPersistentSessionIdentityDecorator


Class ezcPersistentSessionIdentityDecorator

This class decorates ezcPersistentSession with facilities of the identity map pattern.

An instance of this class is used to decorate an ezcPersistentSession with the facilities of the identity map pattern (similar to {@see http://martinfowler.com/eaaCatalog/identityMap.html}).

The identity map pattern avoids inconsistencies in your application, by avoiding that the same database object exists in multiple different object instances. If your request the same object a second time, the already existing instance is returned instead of creating a new one. This can also save you some SQL queries and therefore database load, but this is not the primary target of the pattern.

In addition to the identity map pattern, this class caches sets of related objects (see getRelatedObjects()) and allows you to pre-fetch nested related objects, using SQL joins (loadWithRelatedObjects(), createFindQueryWithRelations()). This can reduce database load significantly.

An instance of this class can replace an ezcPersistentSession transparently, since it fulfills the same interface. To use it, you need the original session, an instance of ezcPersistentIdentityMap and potentially ezcPersistentSessionIdentityDecoratorOptions. The creation of the decorated session works as follows:

  1.  <?php
  2.      // $originalSession contains a valid instance of ezcPersistentSession
  3.      $identityMap = new ezcPersistentBasicIdentityMap(
  4.          $originalSession->definitionManager
  5.      );
  6.      $identitySession = new ezcPersistentSessionIdentityDecorator(
  7.          $originalSession,
  8.          $identityMap
  9.      );
  10.  ?>

You can now transparently replace $originalSession and $identitySession in most cases. Only the methods updateFromQuery() and deleteFromQuery() won't work properly, since the identity map cannot trace the changes produced by this method in the database. Attention: Calling these methods will result in a complete reset of the identity map!

Using the $options property, you can temporarely activate refetching of objects. Be careful with this option! While this is set to true, all object identities will be created from scratch and existing ones will be replaced. This is usually not desired! Use refresh() to update object values from database instead.

Source for this file: /PersistentObject/src/session_decorators/identity.php

Implements interfaces:

Version:   //autogen//


ezcPersistentIdentityMap read $identityMap
Identity map used by this session. You should usually not access this property directly.
ezcPersistentSessionIdentityDecoratorOptions read/write $options
Options to influence the behaviour of the session.

Member Variables

protected ezcPersistentSession $session
The persistent session this object wraps.

Method Summary

public ezcPersistentSessionIdentityDecorator __construct( $session , $identityMap , [ $options = null] )
Creates a new identity map decorator.
public void addRelatedObject( $object , $relatedObject , [ $relationName = null] )
Create a relation between $object and $relatedObject.
public ezcQueryDelete createDeleteQuery( $class )
Returns a delete query for the given persistent object $class.
public ezcPersistentFindQuery createFindQuery( $class )
Returns a select query for the given persistent object $class.
public ezcPersistentFindWithRelationsQuery createFindQueryWithRelations( $class , $relations )
Returns a select query for the given $class and its related objects as defined in $relations.
public ezcPersistentRelationFindQuery createRelationFindQuery( $object , $relatedClass , [ $relationName = null] , [ $setName = null] )
Returns the base query for retrieving related objects.
public ezcQuerySubSelect createSubQuery( $parentQuery , $class )
Returns a sub-select for the given $class to be used with $parentQuery.
public ezcQueryUpdate createUpdateQuery( $class )
Returns an update query for the given persistent object $class.
public void delete( $object )
Deletes the persistent $object.
public void deleteFromQuery( $query )
Deletes persistent objects using the given $query.
public array(object($class)) find( $query , [ $class = null] )
Returns the result of the $query as an array of objects.
public ezcPersistentIdentityFindIterator findIterator( $query , [ $class = null] )
Returns the result of $query for the $class as an iterator.
public array(string=>string) generateAliasMap( $def , [ $prefixTableName = true] )
Returns a hash map between property and column name for the given definition $def.
public array(int=>string) getColumnsFromDefinition( $def , [ $prefixTableName = true] )
Returns all the columns defined in the persistent object.
public object($relatedClass) getRelatedObject( $object , $relatedClass , [ $relationName = null] )
Returns the related object of a given $relatedClass for $object.
public array(int=>object($relatedClass)) getRelatedObjects( $object , $relatedClass , [ $relationName = null] )
Returns the related objects of a given $relatedClass for $object.
public array(ezcPersistentObject)|null getRelatedObjectSubset( $object , $setName )
Returns the named related object subset with $setName for $object.
public bool isRelated( $sourceObject , $relatedObject , [ $relationName = null] , $sourceObj , $relatedObj )
Returns if $relatedObject is related to $sourceObject.
public ezcPersistentObject load( $class , $id )
Returns the persistent object of class $class with id $id.
public ezcPersistentObject|null loadIfExists( $class , $id )
Returns the persistent object of class $class with id $id or null.
public void loadIntoObject( $object , $id )
Loads the persistent object of $class with $id into the given $object.
public ezcPersistentObject loadWithRelatedObjects( $class , $id , $relations )
Loads an object of $class with $id and related objects defined by $relations.
public void refresh( $object )
Syncronizes the contents of $object with the database.
public void removeRelatedObject( $object , $relatedObject , [ $relationName = null] )
Removes the relation between $object and $relatedObject.
public void save( $object )
Saves the new persistent object $object to the database using an INSERT INTO query.
public void saveOrUpdate( $object )
Saves or updates the persistent $object to the database.
public void update( $object )
Updates $object in the database using an UPDATE query.
public void updateFromQuery( $query )
Updates persistent objects using the query $query.



ezcPersistentSessionIdentityDecorator __construct( ezcPersistentSession $session , ezcPersistentIdentityMap $identityMap , [ezcPersistentSessionIdentityDecoratorOptions $options = null] )

Creates a new identity map decorator.

This identity map decorator wraps around $session and makes use of this to issue the actual database operations. Object identities are stored in the $identityMap. The $options influence the behavior of the identity session, like setting the $refetch option to force reloading of objects.

Name Type Description
$session ezcPersistentSession
$identityMap ezcPersistentIdentityMap
$options ezcPersistentSessionIdentityDecoratorOptions


void addRelatedObject( ezcPersistentObject $object , ezcPersistentObject $relatedObject , [string $relationName = null] )

Create a relation between $object and $relatedObject.

This method is used to create a relation between the given source $object and the desired $relatedObject. The related object is not stored in the database automatically, only the desired properties are set. An exception is {@ezcPersistentManyToManyRelation}s, where the relation record is stored automatically and there is no need to store $relatedObject explicitly after establishing the relation.

If there are multiple relations defined between the class of $object and $relatedObject (via ezcPersistentRelationCollection), the $relationName parameter becomes mandatory to determine, which exact relation should be used.

Newly added related objects are stored in the identity map and added to recorded relation sets. If not set of related object set is recorded, yet, the adding is ignored.

Note: All named related object sets (see ezcPersistentFindWithRelationsQuery) for $object are invalidated and removed from the identity map, to avoid inconsistencies.

Name Type Description
$object ezcPersistentObject
$relatedObject ezcPersistentObject
$relationName string
Type Description
ezcPersistentRelationNotFoundException if the deisred relation is not defined.
ezcPersistentRelationOperationNotSupportedException if a relation to create is marked as "reverse" ezcPersistentRelation->reverse.
Implementation of:
Method Description
ezcPersistentSessionFoundation::addRelatedObject() Create a relation between $object and $relatedObject.


ezcQueryDelete createDeleteQuery( string $class )

Returns a delete query for the given persistent object $class.

The query is initialized to delete from the correct table and it is only neccessary to set the where clause.


  1.  $q = $session->createDeleteQuery( 'Person' );
  2.  $q->where( $q->expr->gt( 'age', $q->bindValue( 15 ) ) );
  3.  $session->deleteFromQuery( $q );

Attention: If you use a query generated by this method to delete objects, the internal ezcPersistentIdentityMap will be completly reset. This is neccessary to avoid inconsistencies, because the session cannot trace which objects are deleted by the query.

Name Type Description
$class string
Type Description
ezcPersistentObjectException if there is no such persistent class.
Implementation of:
Method Description
ezcPersistentSessionFoundation::createDeleteQuery() Returns a delete query for the given persistent object $class.


ezcPersistentFindQuery createFindQuery( string $class )

Returns a select query for the given persistent object $class.

The query is initialized to fetch all columns from the correct table and has correct alias mappings between columns and property names of the persistent $class. The alias mapping allows you to use property names in WHERE conditions, instead of column names. These aliases will automatically be resolved before querying the database.


  1.  <?php
  3.  $q = $session->createFindQuery( 'Person' );
  4.  $allPersons = $session->find( $q, 'Person' );
  6.  ?>

Example with aliases:

  1.  <?php
  2.  $q = $session->createFindQuery( 'Person' );
  3.  $q->where(
  4.      $q->expr->eq(
  5.          'zipCode',
  6.          $q->bindValue( 12345 )
  7.      )
  8.  );
  9.  $somePersons = $session->find( $q, 'Person' );
  11.  ?>
$zipCode is the property name in the Person class, while the corresponding database column is named zip_code.
Name Type Description
$class string
Type Description
ezcPersistentObjectException if there is no such persistent class.
Implementation of:
Method Description
ezcPersistentSessionFoundation::createFindQuery() Returns a select query for the given persistent object $class.


ezcPersistentFindWithRelationsQuery createFindQueryWithRelations( string $class , $relations )

Returns a select query for the given $class and its related objects as defined in $relations.

This method creates an instance of ezcPersistentFindWithRelationsQuery, which can basically be used like ezcPersistentFindQuery aka ezcQuerySelect. The query object is configured to load objects of $class and has JOIN statements to load related objects as defined in $relations, in addition. You can use the find() method to perform the actual find operation. This one will return the objects of $class. The related objects can simply be obtained using getRelatedObjects(), getRelatedObject() or getRelatedObjectSet() (see below). Calls to these methods the work without issuing a new database queries, since the desired objects are already stored in the ezcPersistentIdentityMap.

The $relations array has the following structure:

  1.  <?php
  2.   array(
  3.       'relationAlias_1' => new ezcPersistentRelationFindDefinition(
  4.           'relatedClass_1',
  5.           null,
  6.           array(
  7.               'deeperAlias_1' => new ezcPersistentRelationFindDefinition(
  8.                   'deeperRelatedClass_1'
  9.               )
  10.           )
  11.       ),
  12.       'relationAlias_2' => new ezcPersistentRelationFindDefinition(
  13.           'relatedClass_2'
  14.       )
  15.   );
  16.  ?>

The keys of the array define aliases for relations to be used in the local context. Each key has an object of ezcPersistentRelationFindDefinition assigned, that defines which relation is meant to be fetched. The first entry above assignes the alias 'relationAlias_1' to the related class 'relatedClass_1'. The second parameter to the constructor of {@linke ezcPersistentRelationFindDefinition} can be a relation name, if multiple relations to the same class exist. The third parameter defines deeper relations.

A call to this method with $class set to 'myClass' and $relations defined as seen above creates a find query that by default finds:

  • All objects of myClass
  • Foreach object of myClass, all related objects of relatedClass_1
  • Foreach object of myClass, all related objects of relatedClass_2
  • Foreach object of relatedClass_1, all related objects of deeperRelatedClass_1
The aliases defined as the keys of the $relations array can be used to add where() conditions to the created query. Properties of the objects of relatedClass_1 can be accessed by prefixing their name with 'relationAlias_1_' (for example 'relationAlias_1_id' to access the 'id' property).

NOTE: If you restrict the objects to be found by a WHERE condition, not the full set of related objects might be returned. To avoid inconsistencies in the identity map, the extracted sets of related objects will then not be registered as usual, but as named related sets. You can retrieve these using the getRelatedObjectSet() method (instead of using getRelatedObjects()), with the chosen relation alias as the set name.

Name Type Description
$class string
$relations array(ezcPersistentRelationFindDefinition)


ezcPersistentRelationFindQuery createRelationFindQuery( ezcPersistentObject $object , string $relatedClass , [string $relationName = null] , [string $setName = null] )

Returns the base query for retrieving related objects.

See getRelatedObject() and getRelatedObjects(). Can be modified by additional where conditions and simply be used with find() and the related class name, to retrieve a sub-set of related objects.

If multiple relations are defined for the $relatedClass (using ezcPersistentRelationCollection), the parameter $relationName becomes mandatory to determine which relation definition to use. For normal relations, this parameter is silently ignored.

If you provide a $setName, the resulting set of related objects fetched by find() is cached under the given name for $object. You can retrieve this set either through getRelatedObjectSubset() or by issueing the same query (or a query with the same $object and $setName) again. Overwriting a once created named set can be enfored using the 'refetch' option in ezcPersistentSessionIdentityDecoratorOptions.

Name Type Description
$object ezcPersistentObject
$relatedClass string
$relationName string
$setName string
Type Description
ezcPersistentRelationNotFoundException if the given $object does not have a relation to $relatedClass.
Implementation of:
Method Description
ezcPersistentSessionFoundation::createRelationFindQuery() Returns the base query for retrieving related objects.


ezcQuerySubSelect createSubQuery( ezcPersistentFindQuery $parentQuery , string $class )

Returns a sub-select for the given $class to be used with $parentQuery.

This method creates an ezcPersistentFindQuery as a ezcQuerySubSelect for the given $class. The returned query has already set aliases for the properties of $class, but (in contrast to the query returned by createFindQuery()) does not have the selection of all properties set. You need to do

  1.  <?php
  2.  $subSelect = $session->subSelect( $existingSelectQuery, 'MyClass' );
  3.  $subSelect->select( 'myField' );
  4.  ?>

manually to select the fields you desire.

Name Type Description
$parentQuery ezcPersistentFindQuery
$class string


ezcQueryUpdate createUpdateQuery( string $class )

Returns an update query for the given persistent object $class.

The query is initialized to update the correct table and it is only neccessary to set the correct values.

Attention: If you use a query generated by this method to update objects, the internal ezcPersistentIdentityMap will be completly reset. This is neccessary to avoid inconsistencies, because the session cannot trace which objects are updated by the query.

Name Type Description
$class string
Type Description
ezcPersistentDefinitionNotFoundException if there is no such persistent class.
Implementation of:
Method Description
ezcPersistentSessionFoundation::createUpdateQuery() Returns an update query for the given persistent object $class.


void delete( ezcPersistentObject $object )

Deletes the persistent $object.

This method will perform a DELETE query based on the identifier of the persistent $object. After delete() the ID property of $object will be reset to null. It is possible to save() $object afterwards. $object will then be stored with a new ID.

If you defined relations for the given object, these will be checked to be defined as cascading. If cascading is configured, the related objects with this relation will be deleted, too.

The object will also be removed from the identity map and all related object sets in it.

Relations that support cascading are:

  • ezcPersistenOneToManyRelation
  • ezcPersistenOneToOne
Name Type Description
$object ezcPersistentObject The persistent object to delete.
Type Description
ezcPersistentDefinitionNotFoundxception if $the object is not recognized as a persistent object.
ezcPersistentObjectNotPersistentException if the object is not persistent already.
ezcPersistentQueryException if the object could not be deleted.
Implementation of:
Method Description
ezcPersistentSessionFoundation::delete() Deletes the persistent object $object.


void deleteFromQuery( $query )

Deletes persistent objects using the given $query.

The $query should be created using createDeleteQuery().

Attention: Every call to this method will cause the internal ezcPersistentIdentityMap to be completly reset. This is neccessary to avoid inconsistencies, because the session cannot trace which objects are updated by the query.

Name Type Description
$query ezcQueryDelete
Type Description
ezcPersistentQueryException if the delete query failed.
Implementation of:
Method Description
ezcPersistentSessionFoundation::deleteFromQuery() Deletes persistent objects using the query $query.


array(object($class)) find( ezcPersistentFindQuery|ezcQuerySelect $query , [string $class = null] )

Returns the result of the $query as an array of objects.

Returns the persistent objects found for $class using the submitted $query. $query should be created using createFindQuery() to ensure correct alias mappings and can be manipulated as needed. The $class parameter is optional, since ezcPersistentFindQuery now stores this information on creation using createFindQuery().

The array returned by this method is indexed by the IDs of the contained objects. The order of the array reflects the order in the database or as indicated by the ORDER BY clause of the query.

The results fetched will be checked for identities that have already been recorded before. If an existing identity is found for an object, this identity will be used in the result set. Note: This does not prevent the database query at all, but just ensures consistency.


  1.  <?php
  3.  $q = $session->createFindQuery( 'Person' );
  4.  $allPersons = $session->find( $q );
  6.  ?>

If you are retrieving large result set, consider using findIterator() instead.


  1.  <?php
  3.  $q = $session->createFindQuery( 'Person' );
  4.  $objects = $session->findIterator( $q, 'Person' );
  6.  foreach( $objects as $object )
  7.  {
  8.      // ...
  9.  }
  11.  ?>

Identity mapping comes into action in the following example:

  1.  <?php
  3.  $person = $session->load( 'Person', 23 );
  5.  $q = $session->createFindQuery( 'Person' );
  6.  $allPersons = $session->find( $q );
  8.  ?>
In $allPersons, the object with ID 23 will not be a new instance, but the existing instance, that was already fetched by the call to load().
Name Type Description
$query ezcPersistentFindQuery|ezcQuerySelect
$class string
Type Description
ezcPersistentDefinitionNotFoundException if there is no such persistent class.
ezcPersistentQueryException if the find query failed.
ezcBaseValueException if $query parameter is not an instance of ezcPersistentFindQuery or ezcQuerySelect. Or if $class is missing if you use ezcQuerySelect.
Implementation of:
Method Description
ezcPersistentSessionFoundation::find() Returns the result of the query $query as a list of objects.


ezcPersistentIdentityFindIterator findIterator( ezcPersistentFindQuery|ezcQuerySelect $query , [string $class = null] )

Returns the result of $query for the $class as an iterator.

This method is similar to find() but returns an ezcPersistentIdentityFindIterator instead of an array of objects. This is useful if you are going to loop over the objects and just need them one at the time. Because you only instantiate one object it is faster than find(). In addition, only 1 record is retrieved from the database in each iteration, which may reduce the data transfered between the database and PHP, if you iterate only through a small subset of the affected records.

Note that if you do not loop over the complete result set you must call ezcPersistentFindIterator::flush() before issuing another query.

The find interator will automatically look up result objects in the identity map and return existing identities, if they have already been recorded.

Name Type Description
$query ezcPersistentFindQuery|ezcQuerySelect
$class string
Type Description
ezcPersistentDefinitionNotFoundException if there is no such persistent class.
ezcPersistentQueryException if the find query failed.
ezcBaseValueException if $query parameter is not an instance of ezcPersistentFindQuery or ezcQuerySelect. Or if $class is missing if you use ezcQuerySelect.
Implementation of:
Method Description
ezcPersistentSessionFoundation::findIterator() Returns the result of $query for the $class as an iterator.


array(string=>string) generateAliasMap( ezcPersistentObjectDefinition $def , [bool $prefixTableName = true] )

Returns a hash map between property and column name for the given definition $def.

The alias map can be used with the query classes. If $prefixTableName is set to false, only the column names are used as alias targets.

Name Type Description
$def ezcPersistentObjectDefinition Definition.
$prefixTableName bool
Implementation of:
Method Description
ezcPersistentSessionFoundation::generateAliasMap() Returns a hash map between property and column name for the given definition $def.


array(int=>string) getColumnsFromDefinition( ezcPersistentObjectDefinition $def , [bool $prefixTableName = true] )

Returns all the columns defined in the persistent object.

If $prefixTableName is set to false, raw column names will be used, without prefixed table name.

Name Type Description
$def ezcPersistentObjectDefinition Defintion.
$prefixTableName bool
Implementation of:
Method Description
ezcPersistentSessionFoundation::getColumnsFromDefinition() Returns all the columns defined in the persistent object.


object($relatedClass) getRelatedObject( object $object , string $relatedClass , [string $relationName = null] )

Returns the related object of a given $relatedClass for $object.

This method returns the related object of type $relatedClass for the object $object. This method (in contrast to getRelatedObjects()) always returns a single result object, no matter if more related objects could be found (e.g. ezcPersistentOneToManyRelation). If no related object is found, an exception is thrown, while getRelatedObjects() just returns an empty array in this case.

In case the related object has already been fetched earlier, the request to the database is not repeated, but the recorded object is returned. If the related object was not recorded, yet, it is fetched from the database and recorded afterwards.


  1.  $person = $session->load( "Person", 1 );
  2.  $relatedAddress = $session->getRelatedObject( $person, "Address" );
  3.  echo "Address of this person: " . $relatedAddress->__toString();

Relations that should preferably be used with this method are:

For other relation types getRelatedObjects() is recommended.

If multiple relations are defined for the $relatedClass (using ezcPersistentRelationCollection), the parameter $relationName becomes mandatory to determine which relation definition to use. For normal relations, this parameter is silently ignored.

Name Type Description
$object object
$relatedClass string
$relationName string
Type Description
ezcPersistentRelationNotFoundException if the given $object does not have a relation to $relatedClass.
Implementation of:
Method Description
ezcPersistentSessionFoundation::getRelatedObject() Returns the related object of a given $relatedClass for an $object.


array(int=>object($relatedClass)) getRelatedObjects( object $object , string $relatedClass , [string $relationName = null] )

Returns the related objects of a given $relatedClass for $object.

This method returns the related objects of type $relatedClass for the given $object. This method (in contrast to getRelatedObject()) always returns an array of found objects, no matter if only 1 object was found (e.g. ezcPersistentManyToOneRelation), none or several (ezcPersistentManyToManyRelation).

In case the set of related objects has already been fetched earlier, the request to the database is not repeated, but the recorded object set is returned. If the set of related objects was not recorded, yet, it is fetched from the database and recorded afterwards.


  1.  $person = $session->load( "Person", 1 );
  2.  $relatedAddresses = $session->getRelatedObjects( $person, "Address" );
  3.  echo "Number of addresses found: " . count( $relatedAddresses );

Relations that should preferably be used with this method are:

For other relation types getRelatedObject() is recommended.

If multiple relations are defined for the $relatedClass (using ezcPersistentRelationCollection), the parameter $relationName becomes mandatory to determine which relation definition to use. For normal relations, this parameter is silently ignored.

Name Type Description
$object object
$relatedClass string
$relationName string
Type Description
ezcPersistentRelationNotFoundException if the given $object does not have a relation to $relatedClass.
Implementation of:
Method Description
ezcPersistentSessionFoundation::getRelatedObjects() Returns the related objects of a given $relatedClass for an $object.


array(ezcPersistentObject)|null getRelatedObjectSubset( ezcPersistentObject $object , string $setName )

Returns the named related object subset with $setName for $object.

This method is used to retrieve named subsets of related objects created by using find() with a restricted ezcPersistentFindWithRelationsQuery created by createFindQueryWithRelations().

Name Type Description
$object ezcPersistentObject
$setName string


bool isRelated( $sourceObject , $relatedObject , [string $relationName = null] , ezcPersistentObject $sourceObj , ezcPersistentObject $relatedObj )

Returns if $relatedObject is related to $sourceObject.

Checks the relation conditions between $sourceObject and $relatedObject and returns true, if $relatedObject is related to $sourceObject, otherwise false. Relation state is determined through the identity map, in case the relation between $sourceObject and $relatedObject has been recorded there. Otherwise this method dispatches to ezcPersistentSession::isRelated().

In case multiple relations are defined between the classes of $sourceObject and $relatedObject, the $relationName parameter becomes mandatory. If it is not provided in this case, an ezcPersistentUndeterministicRelationException is thrown.

Note that checking relations of type ezcPersistentManyToManyRelation will issue a database query, if the relation is not recorded in the identity map. Other relations will not perform this query at all.

Name Type Description
$sourceObj ezcPersistentObject
$relatedObj ezcPersistentObject
$relationName string


ezcPersistentObject load( string $class , mixed $id )

Returns the persistent object of class $class with id $id.

Checks if the object of $class with $id has already been loaded. If this is the case, the existing identity is returned. Otherwise the desired object is loaded from the database and its identity is recorded for later uses.

Name Type Description
$class string
$id mixed
Type Description
ezcPersistentObjectException if there is no such persistent $class.
ezcPersistentObjectException if the object is not available.
Implementation of:
Method Description
ezcPersistentSessionFoundation::load() Returns the persistent object of class $class with id $id.


ezcPersistentObject|null loadIfExists( string $class , int $id )

Returns the persistent object of class $class with id $id or null.

This method is equivalent to load() except that it returns null instead of throwing an exception, if the desired object does not exist. A null value will not be recorded in the identity map, so a second attempt to load the object of $class with $id will result in another database query.

Name Type Description
$class string
$id int
Implementation of:
Method Description
ezcPersistentSessionFoundation::loadIfExists() Returns the persistent object of class $class with id $id.


void loadIntoObject( ezcPersistentObject $object , mixed $id )

Loads the persistent object of $class with $id into the given $object.

The class of the persistent object to load is determined from $object. In case an identity for the given $id has already been recorded in the identity map and $object is not the same instance, an exception is thrown.

Name Type Description
$object ezcPersistentObject
$id mixed
Type Description
ezcPersistentObjectException if the object is not available.
ezcPersistentIdentityAlreadyExistsException if a different identity of the class of $object with $id already exists.
ezcPersistentDefinitionNotFoundException if $object is not of a valid persistent object type.
ezcPersistentQueryException if the find query failed.
Implementation of:
Method Description
ezcPersistentSessionFoundation::loadIntoObject() Loads the persistent object with the id $id into the object $object.


ezcPersistentObject loadWithRelatedObjects( string $class , string $id , $relations )

Loads an object of $class with $id and related objects defined by $relations.

This method loads and returns the object of $class with $id. In addition, all objects defined by $relations are loaded and fetched into the identity map. Those can then be retrieved using getRelatedObjects(), without issueing further database queries.

Example for the $relations parameter:

  1.  <?php
  2.   array(
  3.       'relationAlias_1' => new ezcPersistentRelationFindDefinition(
  4.           'relatedClass_1',
  5.           null,
  6.           array(
  7.               'deeperAlias_1' => new ezcPersistentRelationFindDefinition(
  8.                   'deeperRelatedClass_1'
  9.               )
  10.           )
  11.       ),
  12.       'relationAlias_2' => new ezcPersistentRelationFindDefinition(
  13.           'relatedClass_2'
  14.       )
  15.   );
  16.  ?>

Each relation is defined by an ezcPersistentRelationFindDefinition struct This defines the related class to load objects for, optionally a relation name (second parameter) and possibly an array of deeper relations. All array keys on all levels of the $relations parameter must be unique!

In the example, if $class is 'myClass' and $id is 23, the object of myClass with ID 23 is loaded and returned. In addition, all objects of relatedClass_1 and relatedClass_2, that related to the loaded object, are loaded and stored in the identity map. For each of these objects of class relatedClass_1, all related objects of class deeperRelatedClass_1 are loaded and also stored in the identity map.

Name Type Description
$class string
$id string
$relations array(string=>ezcPersistentRelationFindDefinition)


void refresh( ezcPersistentObject $object )

Syncronizes the contents of $object with the database.

Note that calling this method is equavalent with calling loadIntoObject() on $object with the ID of $object. Any changes made to $object prior to calling refresh() will be discarded.

The refreshing of an object will result in its identity being refreshed automatically.

Name Type Description
$object ezcPersistentObject
Type Description
ezcPersistentObjectException if $object is not of a valid persistent object type.
ezcPersistentObjectException if $object is not persistent already.
ezcPersistentObjectException if the select query failed.
Implementation of:
Method Description
ezcPersistentSessionFoundation::refresh() Syncronizes the contents of $object with those in the database.


void removeRelatedObject( ezcPersistentObject $object , ezcPersistentObject $relatedObject , [string $relationName = null] )

Removes the relation between $object and $relatedObject.

This method is used to delete an existing relation between 2 objects. Like addRelatedObject() this method does not store the related object after removing its relation properties (unset), except for ezcPersistentManyToManyRelation()s, for which the relation record is deleted from the database.

If between the classes of $object and $relatedObject multiple relations are defined using a ezcPersistentRelationCollection, the $relationName parameter becomes necessary. It defines which exact relation to affect here.

Removal of related objects is reflected in the identity map automatically and also in named related object sets.

Name Type Description
$object ezcPersistentObject Source object of the relation.
$relatedObject ezcPersistentObject Related object.
$relationName string
Type Description
ezcPersistentRelationNotFoundException if the deisred relation is not defined.
ezcPersistentRelationOperationNotSupportedException if a relation to create is marked as "reverse".
Implementation of:
Method Description
ezcPersistentSessionFoundation::removeRelatedObject() Removes the relation between $object and $relatedObject.


void save( ezcPersistentObject $object )

Saves the new persistent object $object to the database using an INSERT INTO query.

The correct ID is set to $object, if not using the ezcPersistentManualGenerator (then you need to define the ID yourself).

Newly saved objects are stored in the identity map.

Name Type Description
$object ezcPersistentObject
Type Description
ezcPersistentObjectException if $object is not of a valid persistent object type.
ezcPersistentObjectException if the insert query failed.
ezcPersistentObjectException if $object is already stored to the database.
ezcPersistentObjectException if it was not possible to generate a unique identifier for the new object.
Implementation of:
Method Description
ezcPersistentSessionFoundation::save() Saves the new persistent object $object to the database using an INSERT INTO query.


void saveOrUpdate( ezcPersistentObject $object )

Saves or updates the persistent $object to the database.

If the object is a new object an INSERT INTO query will be executed. If the object is persistent already it will be updated with an UPDATE query.

Newly saved objects are automatically recorded in the identity map. Updates to existing objects are reflected automatically, too.

Name Type Description
$object ezcPersistentObject
Type Description
ezcPersistentDefinitionNotFoundException if the definition of the persistent object could not be loaded.
ezcPersistentObjectException if the insert or update query failed.
ezcPersistentObjectException if $object is not of a valid persistent object type.
ezcPersistentObjectException if any of the definition requirements are not met.
Implementation of:
Method Description
ezcPersistentSessionFoundation::saveOrUpdate() Saves or updates the persistent object $object to the database.


void update( ezcPersistentObject $object )

Updates $object in the database using an UPDATE query.

Stores the changes made to $object into the database. Updates are automatically reflected in the identity map.

Name Type Description
$object ezcPersistentObject
Type Description
ezcPersistentDefinitionNotFoundException if $object is not of a valid persistent object type.
ezcPersistentObjectNotPersistentException if $object is not stored in the database already.
Implementation of:
Method Description
ezcPersistentSessionFoundation::update() Saves the new persistent object $object to the database using an UPDATE query.


void updateFromQuery( $query )

Updates persistent objects using the query $query.

The $query should be created using createUpdateQuery().

Currently this method only executes the provided query. Future releases PersistentSession may introduce caching of persistent objects. When caching is introduced it will be required to use this method to run cusom delete queries. To avoid being incompatible with future releases it is advisable to always use this method when running custom delete queries on persistent objects.

Attention: Every call to this method will cause the internal ezcPersistentIdentityMap to be completly reset. This is neccessary to avoid inconsistencies, because the session cannot trace which objects are updated by the query.

Name Type Description
$query ezcQueryUpdate
Type Description
ezcPersistentQueryException if the update query failed.
Implementation of:
Method Description
ezcPersistentSessionFoundation::updateFromQuery() Updates persistent objects using the query $query.
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