Apache Zeta Components - high quality PHP components

Apache Zeta Components Manual :: Docs For Class ezcPersistentManyToManyRelation


Class ezcPersistentManyToManyRelation

Relation class to reflect a many-to-many table relation (m:n).

Source for this file: /PersistentObject/src/relations/many_to_many.php

Version:   //autogen//

Inherited Member Variables

From ezcPersistentRelation
protected ezcPersistentRelation::$properties

Method Summary

public static void __set_state( $state )
Sets the state after importing an exported object.
public ezcPersistentManyToManyRelation __construct( $sourceTable , $destinationTable , $relationTable )
Constructs a new many to many relation from the table $sourceTable to the table $destinationTable via $relationTable
protected void validateColumnMap( $columnMap )
Validates an ezcPersistentRelation::$columnMap property.

Inherited Methods

From ezcPersistentRelation
public ezcPersistentRelation ezcPersistentRelation::__construct()
Create a new relation.
protected abstract void ezcPersistentRelation::validateColumnMap()
Validates an ezcPersistentRelation::$columnMap property.



static void __set_state( $state )

Sets the state after importing an exported object.

Name Type Description
$state array


ezcPersistentManyToManyRelation __construct( string $sourceTable , string $destinationTable , string $relationTable )

Constructs a new many to many relation from the table $sourceTable to the table $destinationTable via $relationTable

Name Type Description
$sourceTable string
$destinationTable string
$relationTable string
Redefinition of:
Method Description
ezcPersistentRelation::__construct() Create a new relation.


void validateColumnMap( $columnMap )

Validates an ezcPersistentRelation::$columnMap property.

Checks is the given array represents a valid $columnMap property. Column maps for this kind of relation may only contain instances of ezcPersistentDoubleTableMap and have to at least contain 1 instance.

Name Type Description
$columnMap array The column map to check.
Type Description
ezcBaseValueException On an invalid column map.
Redefinition of:
Method Description
ezcPersistentRelation::validateColumnMap() Validates an ezcPersistentRelation::$columnMap property.
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